Based on the painting by I. Popov “The First Snow” (School essays). Essay based on Popov’s painting “First Snow”


The work of this Russian painter, according to many historians and critics, is characterized by this kind of landscapes. Like many of his other paintings, Popov dedicated the painting “First Snow” to his life provincial town. According to critics, this picture is psychological and laconic.

If you pay attention, the picture is painted in shades of gray, yellow and white, but even the grayness of the colors does not overshadow the feeling of not only joy, but also fun. The colors seemed transparent and delicate to me, and in the combination that the artist used them, they give us the opportunity to feel the beginning of winter with its frosty and clean air. Looking at the picture, it seemed to me that I was in a house, and I was looking out the window from the second or third floor, and maybe even higher. It was as if I had a view of a snow-covered street with low houses, which the artist depicted in yellow color, most likely to show us their antiquity and old age. Also, the narrow balconies and protruding windows also indicate the old age of these houses. Clean, white snow, hides the dirt in the fall, and you can even see the reflections of the sun on the snow. On foreground The painting depicts three figures of girls; for some reason the artist depicted them dancing. We can only guess that their dance is nothing more than a manifestation of joy about the first snow that has fallen. With their playful round dance they seem to draw us into their atmosphere of joy and fun. The background of the work is occupied by tall buildings, and you can even see the silhouettes of factories. There are trees on the right and some of them have not yet lost all their foliage.

Despite the fact that the artist painted a cloudy sky in his landscape, its white snow gives joy and a feeling of celebration that the gray and dirty autumn is left behind, there are many winter joys ahead, and then the beginning of a new life, the onset of spring.

I. Popov’s painting “First Snow” depicts a city street. The artist painted her from above. I think at the time of painting he was on the balcony of the house located on the left. There are old yellow houses on both sides of the street. Shoe marks can be seen in the recently fallen snow. Snowflakes swirling in slow dance, still falling to the ground. The three girlfriends, whom we see in the center of the canvas, sincerely rejoice at the first snow. They have been waiting for it for so long that now they rejoice at every snowflake that falls from the sky. A small dog is running not far from them, it looks like it is a puppy who has seen snow for the first time. For him this is something special, extraordinary, he does not know what to expect from such an unknown miracle.

The weather is cloudy, the sky is gloomy and heavy. It can be seen that the snow will continue to fall for a long time. Between the two houses located on the canvas on the right, a large tree grows. It has not yet had time to shed its leaves, because winter has not yet fully come into its own. If you look closely, you will notice that in some places the foliage is even a little green. Very soon there will be no trace of autumn left. Winter will begin, which will bring with it not only snowstorms and cold, but also a lot of entertainment. Children will sled, ski and skate, sculpt snowmen and snowwomen out of snow, play snowballs and simply roll around in the soft fluffy snow.

Adjacent to the house on the right is a telephone booth in which we see a man. Presumably this is a man, I think that now he is sharing the news about the first snow with his family. A little higher we see a balcony on which a man is also standing, he looks out the window and admires the incredible beauty that has reigned in the city.

When painting the picture, Popov used rather muted tones; mainly white, yellow and gray. Most of all in the picture white, it is a symbol of purity. The houses in the picture are yellow-gray. Bright colors can only be seen in some elements of the guys’ clothes; this emphasizes their youth, liveliness and emotionality.

When I first saw Popov’s painting “First Snow,” it immediately evoked positive emotions in me. I remembered that I once also felt the most happy man in the world when the first snow fell. I ran outside and tried to sculpt something out of the freshly fallen snow. The boys and I played outside until late, rejoicing at the first snow and the onset of winter. This picture made me remember my early childhood and gave me the kindest and warmest feelings.

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Popov - talented artist, who preferred to devote his works to the bustle of provincial towns, while tenderly conveying the beauty of nature and its magic. With special talent, the painter sketched scenes from life, making his works so dear and close to every person. Let’s take Popov’s painting, The First Snow, which we are looking at, which we use in 7th grade.

It is difficult to meet a person who would not experience amazing and sublime feelings at the sight of the first snow. Even an adult sometimes wants to spin around like falling snowflakes. I want to stretch my arms to the sky and catch snow in my palms, rejoicing and enjoying their beauty like a child. It is these feelings that are conveyed by Popov’s painting The First Snow, on which we are making a description. Each viewer has the opportunity to spy on what is happening on the street when the first snow falls. It seems as if we are watching what is happening from our windows. And if before that the street was damp, dirty and wet, now everything has changed. A real miracle happened. Until recently, such inconspicuous streets were immediately transformed and wrapped in a white blanket. It’s impossible to resist describing the picture you saw or jumping out into the yard.

Description of the painting

This is exactly what the three girlfriends did. While the townspeople are watching the first snow falling from their windows, some are just getting dressed to go outside, three girls are already enjoying the beauty and such a seemingly familiar phenomenon as the first snow. But despite this, the joy of the first snow does not diminish. This happiness is not hidden by the heroines of the painting, whom the artist depicts in the central part of the canvas. They dance around, laugh and have fun. Their joy is sincere, and fully conveys the feelings that each of us experiences when we see the first fluffy snowflakes.

In the picture, the first snow managed to cover the entire street and houses. It continues to fall, which means that soon there will be a lot of snow and the kids will be able to enjoy sledding and snowball fights to their heart's content.

A dog ran out to the girls. She happily wags her tail, slightly wary. After all, she noticed a passerby in a telephone booth. He's calling someone. Perhaps he is calling his friends, or maybe he is telling his family how wonderful it is that the first snow has fallen.

The overall picture is calm. It lacks bright color tones. These are mainly white, blue and gray-lilac shades. Only the houses stand out with their yellowness, which is emphasized by the snow-white canvas. Between the houses we see a tree with sparse leaves left on it. The sky has become overcast, and we understand that it is about to snow. If we talk about the time of day, then most likely the painting First Snow depicts morning. It is already light, but people have not yet left their houses, and there are very few footprints on the snow blanket. Apart from the laughter of the girls, nothing breaks the silence yet. Maybe today is a day off, or maybe people haven’t had time to go out yet. But it won't last long. Another moment, and everyone will go out into the yard to see the first snow.

Igor Popov is an artist and painter. He loved to paint Russian nature. One of his paintings is "First Snow".

The painting depicts a city street welcoming the first snow. Everything is covered with snow - the road and sidewalks, roofs of houses and tree branches. A it's snowing! The houses are yellow-gray. The street is long. Against the background of yellow houses, the snow is especially white as milk.

Three girls are sincerely happy about the first snow in the city. They ran out into the middle of the street and were having fun, jumping, catching snowflakes in their hands.

There is a man standing in a telephone booth. It’s as if he was hiding from the snowfall and is in no hurry to leave his temporary shelter. There are almost no passers-by, only a lone figure in the distance, following the narrow beaten path to the right.

On the snow blanket we see narrow trodden paths along the houses: to the left and to the right. Short paths from houses and numerous traces of joyful girls. They could not sit at home, unlike adults who watch the snow from the windows and snow clouds, it is cloudy outside, the children are happy about the first snow. This is not the end, continued below.

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  • The first snow (story based on the painting by I. Popov “The First Snow”)

White, fluffy, clean snow. The first snow is always a joyful event! Winter seems to be hinting that a little more and it will come into its own.

I also love when the city is covered with the first snow. You walk on a blanket of snow like a pioneer. And the slightly sticky, snow-white first snow creaks loudly underfoot!

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Popov - First snow, 7th grade

This picture is very joyful. Here in the foreground girls are jumping in a round dance. I think these are schoolgirls. One of them has such a funny tail fluttering! It is clear that the girls are very happy about the first snow.

Behind them is a dog, who carefully looks at the ground, that is, at the snow. Maybe this is still a puppy who has never seen snow in his life.

And yet the snow-covered street is still grey-yellow. The houses are yellowish, old, and not very tall. The street is not very wide. In general, it is clear that this is some kind of small town, not the capital. If the capital, then its distant region. All around you can see rooftops, no forest or park. There is only one old tree here, in the yard - behind the fence.

Even the girls' clothes are quite gray. This is probably why they jump so much, catch snowflakes, that at least something is now so bright and clean. The snow will sparkle in the sun with all its colors. (It’s clear that their coats are not very warm yet. They don’t have hats on their heads, but scarves, and not all of them do. Maybe no one has ever expected such snow... Surprise!)

There are no sun rays in the picture, but it is daylight. Grayish clouds covered the entire sky.

There are still yellow (brown) leaves on the tree. There are almost no tracks in the snow. Only traces of girls and another path on the side.

There we see another man in a telephone booth. Surely, he will tell his interlocutor that snow has fallen, which is beautiful. No one looks out of the windows anymore, no one jumps out into the street. But I don't think anyone cares. It’s just that everyone could be at work... So the street is deserted - windows and fences.

It's still snowing. In the foreground (against the background of the yellow wall) large flakes of snow are very clearly visible. If only he could cover up these ugly walls! But no, the picture is just very joyful and very beautiful. It makes you think about the miracle of nature... It’s just that the first snow is such a miracle! Children know this for sure.

In the picture there is a contrast between the city and nature, between everyday life and a holiday.

Essay describing Popov's painting The First Snow

Popov Igor Alexandrovich is a talented Russian painter. His landscapes are dedicated to the bustle of provincial towns. He tenderly conveys all the magical charm of Russian nature.

An example of his work is the painting “First Snow”. The painting depicts a city street going deep into the painting. Along the street you can see two and three-story houses with balconies from where people can be seen. Maybe they are enjoying the freshness of the first snow that has fallen. Snow lies everywhere on the sidewalk, on the road and on the roofs of houses, hiding the autumn mess. It covered the entire boring city like a huge blanket. And in the telephone booth there is a person who can share news about the onset of winter.

In the foreground, three girls attract attention. They are happy and having fun. Their delight is associated with the long-awaited first snow. They miss fluffy and soft snow so much, because in winter they can play snowballs and go sledding and skiing. Even the dog behind the girls wags its tail playfully. A boy can be seen in the distance. He stands and looks into the sky, watching the light snowflakes swirling over the city. There are practically no footprints in the snow, only girlish ones. It's surprising that there is no traffic on the roadway. Everything is quiet and serene.

The picture does not attract attention with its rich colors. The sky is gray, the houses are a dirty brick color. In the picture there is only one lonely, dejected tree, which also emanates sadness. It still sheds old, ugly foliage. But the white snow transformed the entire gloomy appearance of the street, since white is the color of purity and celebration.

Everyone can feel their participation in the picture, because the author paints the view from the window from the second floor and it seems that we are looking out of the window and seeing everything with our own eyes.

Popov’s idea is built on contrast: on the one hand, a deserted city and dull autumn, and on the other, a snowy winter and the first snow. The first snow symbolizes something new, different emotions. People are so tired of sad, rainy and ordinary autumn days. They are hungry for change, to shake things up a little.

Essay on the painting First Snow by Popov

I admire amazing picture famous painter Igor Aleksandrovich Popov “First Snow”. Exquisite creativity awakens many wonderful feelings in me. The canvas is incredibly beautiful and true! It seems to me that I looked out of the window and saw a real street courtyard.

Sad autumn colors reign in the mysterious nature; winter is just beginning. The sky is heavy and dark, unfallen snow drags the clouds to the ground. If you look carefully, you can see that the snow is not completely white, but with bluish and slightly yellowish hues. It can be seen that snow fell all night while people slept. And now fluffy snowflakes are quietly falling to the ground.

The first snow changed the city fabulously. In white clothes, houses look elegant and festive. The sidewalks were covered with a white blanket of snow and are now completely invisible.

Wagging tracks are slightly noticeable on the surface of the first snow. This is a puppy frolicking on a snowy path. And here is a chain of human traces. They are left from three girls who are enjoying the first snow. But it’s not just the girls who are excited about the snow. Here is a young man standing with a receiver in a telephone booth, perhaps right now he is sharing his joy about the long-awaited first snow. But behind one of the windows, a young girl looks thoughtfully and tenderly at the slowly circling snowflakes. What was she thinking about? This is difficult to know, since the first snow awakens in any person his thoughts, images, feelings and emotions.

For me personally, the first snow is a fabulous gift from Mother Winter. It gives a feeling of joy, fun and celebration. After all, there is ahead New Year, Christmas, holidays, snowball fights, exciting sledding, skiing and skating. Fun snowy days are ahead. And it all begins with the first snow that covered the quiet, cozy courtyard in Igor Popov’s canvas.

    The action of the picture takes place in the summer, since there is green grass in the background and the sun's rays are brightly depicted; if you look closely at the girl's feet, you will notice that there are no socks under the sandals.

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