For what reason is it better not to sleep in front of a mirror and what is the mysticism of the looking glass? Why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror: three points of view


Despite the fact that this is the 21st century, atheists are still quite rare today. We are talking not only about those who do not believe in God, but also about those who deny everything mysterious and mystical. And at the same time, it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a mirror is one of the most mysterious objects, since many beliefs are associated with it. Among the most common is that breaking a mirror promises 7 years of misfortune, and also that if you look into a broken mirror, trouble awaits you. However, there is another superstition associated with the mirror, which many have probably heard of, but only a few know what its dangers are - it is impossible for a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror. In this article we will try to find out where this belief came from and provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what this threatens.

Why you shouldn't sleep near a mirror

Today it is not known for certain where and when the belief began that a person should not be reflected in a mirror while sleeping. Perhaps it appeared when the first mirrors appeared (this happened at the beginning of the 13th century), since already during the Middle Ages, sorcerers and healers believed that a mirror in the bedroom concentrated vampire powers. That is why if a person falls asleep in front of a mirror, then in the morning he will experience weakness, because all his strength was sucked out by creatures from the world through the looking glass.

Old Russian signs also gave their explanation for why it is impossible for a sleeping person to be reflected in a mirror. According to the latter, a double of the sleeping person lives in the mirror at night, which can steal a person’s soul.

According to northern shamans, a pair of eyes are watching the sleeping person from the mirror.. As a result of this, people may complain of poor sleep; there may also be quarrels in the family for trivial reasons and irritability.

An explanation for why it is extremely undesirable to be reflected in a mirror while sleeping is also provided by the currently popular Feng Shui movement. According to Chinese theory, a person reflected in a mirror while sleeping will experience in the future problems in his marriage, it is possible that he will not be able to say goodbye to his bachelor life for a long time. If the marriage bed is reflected in the mirror, then there is a risk that soon one of the spouses will go to the left. The reflection in the mirror of the entrance door to the bedroom or bed can also double your failures.

Mirrors, among other things, can not only take away strength and sleep from people, but also make a person grow old. That is why it is not recommended to look in the mirror for a long time, especially for children and women who are in an interesting position, because the protective functions of their body are quite weak.

However the most common version, why one should not sleep in front of a mirror, is the opinion that during sleep the soul leaves the human body and at the moment when it returns, it can see itself in the mirror, get scared and leave its astral body forever, as a result of which the person may not wake up.

No less widespread is the opinion that an astral spirit flying out of the body of a sleeping person can be pulled into a looking glass, and sometimes it is not possible for it to get out of it.

And finally, if you wake up in the middle of the night and see your reflection, then it can be frightening, since chiaroscuro does its insidious work, they paint not the most pleasant pictures. Yes, and by the way, it is extremely undesirable to look in the mirror after midnight. There is an ancient belief that at night a door opens in a mirror image to a parallel dimension where evil spirits live. A person can get into this world, but he will not be able to get out of there.

If you believe signs, it is undesirable not only for a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror, but also for placing a mirror in the bedroom. It is believed that in this way the intimate atmosphere and atmosphere of solitude in the room is disrupted, which can bring disagreements and quarrels into the family.

AND If you can at least somehow fight with one mirror in a room, then with two mirrors the situation is more difficult. A particularly bad sign is the placement of two mirror surfaces opposite each other, since in magic this is called a corridor for evil spirits. It is believed that in this way you can open the door to beings from the outside world, who often do not have good intentions. They will not only bring troubles into your life, but can take you with them through the looking glass. In any case, no matter where the mirror is located, it is capable of absorbing the energy of the room, therefore all past quarrels and family conflicts will hang heavily over your family. To make your life calm, do not forget to periodically clean the mirrors in your house from negativity. To do this, light a church candle and say the words “In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. Amen." cross the mirror.

What to do if you cannot take the mirror out of the bedroom, and it seems impossible to rearrange the bedroom so that you are not reflected in it while you sleep? Don't worry, just simply You should cover the mirror before going to bed. Then your sleep will be comfortable, you will be able to fully rest at night and gain strength.

Of course, someone may consider everything said above to be truly absurd, besides, despite existing superstitions, there are many people who sleep in front of mirrors and do not experience any discomfort - their personal lives are in perfect order, and they do not experience any health problems . Therefore, it’s up to you, dear visitors of our women’s portal site, to believe that you can’t sleep in front of a mirror or not. We will be grateful if you share your opinion about this with us in the comments. We will be especially grateful to those who tell us the mysterious events that take place in your bedroom in which the mirror is located, and also if you tell us that despite the fact that there is a mirror in your bedroom, you do not have any negative influence from it feel it.

History of the mirror

The origin of the mirror dates back to the Bronze Age, when people learned to make reflective surfaces from copper, bronze, and silver. In the first mirrors, details were poorly visible, and in general they poorly conveyed the surrounding reality. But, subsequently, people improved this invention. When the mirror was covered with a layer of lead, it began to show the image better.

After some time, mass production of mirrors began in Venice, but only noble people could use these products. And only when mirror factories began to open one after another in Europe, all people began to buy and use them.

As you can see, there is nothing special in the history of the origin of the mirror, but why are so many people afraid of this object and why can’t you sleep in front of the mirror? Let's try to figure this out.

Mirror in modern life

Every person needs a mirror in order to understand whether he looks neat or not. Therefore, now it is in every apartment, and all people actively use them in their daily lives.

But people often place mirrors on wardrobes, which are placed opposite the bed. This is due to the fact that our apartments suffer from a lack of space. In one bedroom we try to place several things - a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table and other items.

In addition, designers advise us to have as many mirrors as possible in a small room, because they visually expand the space. Therefore, we place them wherever our soul desires - on the ceiling, on the walls, in other places.

But are we doing the right thing by placing mirrors in front of the bed? After all, our ancestors had a different opinion on this. They never put mirrors in front of where they slept, they were simply afraid to do so. After all, the mirror surface has always been surrounded by a cloud of mysticism. There were numerous signs that explained why you should not sleep in front of a mirror.

And now many people argue that you can’t do that. But we, people living in the era of high technology, more often consider all this a relic of the past. And if the beliefs of our ancestors are not law for us, then it is worth turning to the opinion of other specialists - psychologists, who claim that sleeping in front of a mirror is harmful to health. Let's consider different points of view.

What do folk signs tell us?

According to popular beliefs, the mirror was a mystical object through which the spirits of the other world penetrated and took away human energy. This belief appeared in the Bronze Age, when people were afraid of everything unknown and believed in the other world. And magicians, wizards, and sorcerers skillfully used this. They made people believe that there was another plane where only evil spirits lived. And they can only get to a person through a mirror.

But our biofield is capable of protecting us from evil spirits, however, when we sleep, our biofield does not work. So it turns out that all these invisible demons take over our soul and body. It was especially not recommended for lonely people to sleep in front of a mirror; it was believed that this way he would remain lonely forever and would never meet his soulmate. And a broken mirror is doubly dangerous. If you look into it, then fate will also be broken, as our ancestors believed.

And the Christian faith also has its own prejudices against mirrors. When a person dies, his soul in the first days is still able to be reflected in the mirror. But the soul of the deceased can harm a person through the mirror and try to take him with him. That is why in the first days after a person’s death, all mirrors in his house are covered. Magicians still use mirrors in their magical rituals; with the help of them they communicate with the other world.

Folk signs in European countries

In Europe there were also folk superstitions; Europeans were also afraid to place mirrors in front of a sleeping person. There it was believed that when we sleep, the soul separates from the body and begins to travel around. When she needs to return to her body, she may see herself and be afraid. In this case, the sleeping person will die. Sounds scary, doesn't it? After this, you no longer want to take risks.

Several centuries ago, people in Europe believed that a mirror would take away all the good things from a person if he slept in front of it. Naturally, after sleep he will not feel healthy, and weakness will most likely appear.

After all, evil spirits will draw all the positive energy from him during sleep. And although many fears are made up, you still shouldn’t do this. After all, no one has yet fully understood the magical aspects and it is impossible to say that all this is not true. Some scary stories that happened in the past during sleep are based on real events.

We can see the negative impact of the mirror without even resorting to magic. Why do you think women age faster than men? And the answer may be simple - they spend too much time in front of the mirror. How often do we not like our reflection in the mirror and we do not know that by doing so we are sending negativity to it. And it accumulates it and then gives it to us when we are reflected in the mirror again and again.

What scientists say

If you are skeptical about folk superstitions and quietly laugh at folk beliefs, then listen to what modern people have to say about this. The opinion of modern psychologists should convince you. Psychology is a serious science, however, in this matter, psychologists support the opinion of magicians and wizards. In their opinion, it is better not to sleep in front of a mirror, as this will contribute to the deterioration of the psychological state. The person may be scared when they wake up, this will cause panic and stress.

At night we sometimes wake up, our brain usually wakes up faster than our body. And in the dark everything looks different than in reality. Seeing unclear outlines in the mirror, you can get a negative reaction and get very scared. It is possible that stuttering will occur against the background of fear. All this affects a person’s well-being subsequently. He will feel tired and overwhelmed, and there is a high likelihood of depressive thoughts.

Some overly sensitive people even develop mental illness when sleeping in front of a mirror. They begin to be afraid of mirrors and their reflection in it. In psychology, this disease is called spectrophobia. Getting rid of it is not so easy; you need to constantly visit specialists.

What does Feng Shui say?

In the ancient science of Feng Shui, there is also a negative attitude towards sleeping near a mirror. It is believed that reflective surfaces attract negative energies that spread to a person during his sleep. It is better not to place a mirror in the bedroom at all, but if there is nowhere else to put it, then you should not place it in front of the bed. It is desirable that the mirror has a round shape, this will reduce its negative impact.

Feng Shui rules regarding the placement of mirrors in the bedroom

  • The further away the mirror is from the bed, the better;
  • The entrance door to the room should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise this may lead to betrayal in married life;
  • The mirror should reflect the entire human body, and not part of it, but it should not be large;
  • The bed where the spouses sleep should not be reflected in the mirror surface, otherwise there will be many problems in married life;
  • You should not install too large a mirror in the bedroom, as it has a bad effect on the energy of the room.

As you can see, many peoples have a prejudice against mirrors. Therefore, if you still want to have a mirror in the bedroom, then try to reduce its negative impact. It must be completely new so that no one has used it before you. You can take mirrors from relatives only if only they and no one else used it, and they are people close to you.

The mirror also needs to be looked after, cleaned of dirt and dust. A dirty mirror attracts more negative energy. It distorts the surrounding reality and has a bad effect on human destiny.

Just a few days ago I rented an apartment, and good friends enlightened me on why you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror. And there the bed is located in such a way that whether you like it or not, you are reflected in one of the closets. By the way, I had never heard that you can’t put a mirror in front of the bed, and for me it was a discovery. I’ll tell you right away about everything I’ve learned - I think it will be interesting to many of you.

Mirror in culture

Throughout human history, mirrors have been surrounded by a mystical flair - they are considered a portal to another world, they are used for various magical rituals and are even used in psychological practices. Mirrors attract and frighten at the same time. Of course, there is little scary in the mirrors themselves, but there are special cases where it is better to play it safe, and sleeping near a mirror is just such a case.

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror? There is no consensus on this matter, and if we talk about this from the point of view of official sources, then even doctors could not come to any specific opinion. Let's look at how different cultural traditions relate to sleeping near reflective surfaces, and you can decide for yourself what you should do.

Why mirrors?

By the way, my friends and mother were surprised that I didn’t know why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror - it turns out that even in small Khrushchev-era buildings our parents tried to arrange the furniture in such a way that a sleeping person would not be reflected in the mirror. I didn’t attach any importance to it, it seemed to me that mirrors were everywhere, but in fact it was not quite like that:
  • children are not put to sleep in front of their own reflection to avoid fright;
  • in narrow and cramped rooms, do not place mirrors near the bed to avoid injury;
  • Adults with restless sleep try to place it away from the bed so as not to disturb their evening retreat to the kingdom of Morpheus.
Each culture has its own considerations in this regard, and now I will tell you about them.

Folk signs

To the question of why you can’t sleep near a mirror, folk superstitions provide the most answers. However, most of the signs are associated with reflections in principle, and if reflected in a dream, then the matter, according to the ancestors, worsened. So, mirrors and reflections are dangerous for the following reasons:
  • you can “overlook” your fate and “sleep through” your happiness;
  • the soul may get lost between the mirror and the real world and not return;
  • Demons and other evil spirits can come from the mirror.
I can say that our great-grandmothers were very, very jealous of mirrors, each girl had her own mirror for fortune-telling, and they never placed them near the bed, but kept them mostly closed.


To be honest, Christians have a rather complicated relationship with the mirror - either it correlates with the Virgin Mary, who is sometimes called the Righteous Mirror, or they declare the mirror one of the main weapons of the devil, citing the fact that narcissism is contrary to Christian principles.

Be that as it may, from the point of view of Christianity, there should be no unnecessary things in the bedroom, and of course a mirror belongs to such things - its essence is either utilitarian (make sure that everything is in order with the appearance) or sinful (again, sin narcissism).

Churched Christians can ask their confessor what to do, but in general it is better not to keep such items in the bedroom.


Muslim traditions are more strict compared to other religious movements. However, here, too, reflective objects are not mentioned so often in the sacred books. On the one hand, the Koran says that superstitions should have no place in the hearts of believers. On the other hand, many Muslim traditions developed in pre-Islamic times on the basis of fairy tales and myths.

One of these myths is the presence of genies in the world, who choose reflective surfaces as one of their favorite places to live. According to legends, jinn are not visible during the day, but at night they can hide under any glass, so it is not advisable to look into reflective surfaces.

There is also an opinion that mirrors should not be placed where prayer is performed. There are no prohibitions in this regard - a mirror can be present, the main thing is that it does not interfere with the process or distract.

Esoteric practices

Many esoteric practices have an ambiguous attitude towards reflections - it is generally accepted that this is a portal to another world, the world of spirits and astral energy. In general, there is nothing wrong with this, and getting to know another world will not harm a waking person, but the sleeping person is too defenseless, so you should not place the dressing table in direct line of sight from the sleeping place.

To be fair, I will say that there is another version - for a person who is well developed and at the same time fairly balanced, the world of reflection can become a useful tool. Mirrors are often considered to be energy vacuum cleaners. And if a person wants to clear his mind while sleeping, then he can hang a small mirror opposite the bed, but so as not to meet his reflection with his eyes - it is generally believed that unnecessary thoughts will “flow” into another world through the mirror opening.

Feng Shui

What does the mirror carry? This ancient Chinese tradition has the answer to literally everything related to the interior.

In general, according to Feng Shui, mirrors are a complex thing, and they can only be in the bedroom under certain conditions. So when does feng shui allow this?
  1. When the sleeper does not see his reflection;
  2. When the person on the bed is not reflected in the mirror at all;
  3. The mirror should not divide a person into segments;
  4. The shape should be oval or round.
If you follow these rules, a mirror in the bedroom will not disturb its inhabitants at all.

What to do and what to do

How to place a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not cause harm? There is an opinion that you need to paint over the part where, purely theoretically, you can be reflected at night. In principle, this is not a bad idea, but how aesthetically pleasing it will be depends only on you. How else can you protect yourself from mirror reflections at night?
  1. Do not place a mirror in front of the bed.
  2. Curtain it with white tulle (according to Islam and Christian traditions, dark fabrics are used only to curtain mirrors for the deceased in the house).
  3. Hang the mirror quite high so as not to be reflected.
  4. Listen to the opinions of scientists and Feng Shui experts who advise not to place anything in the bedroom except the bed.
  5. Place the mirror hidden - for example, on the inside door of a closet, where it cannot reflect the bed.
  6. Place a screen near the bed.
Any of these methods will help you move your furniture so as not to create problems for yourself, since you can’t hang reflective surfaces near your bed.

But what if the bedroom has, for example, a wardrobe? Naturally, not everyone will like painted glass. Consider a Roman shade and matte film (at least for the part in which you can theoretically see your reflection).


If you ask psychologists why you can’t sleep in front of mirrors, you will be surprised by the answer - the fact is that they fully support this superstition, but explain it from their point of view. So, why shouldn’t you sleep in front of a mirror, according to psychologists?

The mirror very often leads us to unstable behavior, there is a feeling that someone is watching, and neurosis can develop.

There is also another, more rational reason why you should not sleep in front of a mirror - it turns out that we wake up up to two hundred times a night, and open our eyes for short periods of time. If at this moment you see your reflection, or movement in the reflection, you can get scared. In the morning you will not remember what happened, but the feeling of anxiety will remain.

When I tormented everyone with questions about whether it’s possible to sleep with your feet facing the mirror and what its location should be (after all, there’s always a sign just in case!), I found what I thought was a great solution.

In the apartment I rented there is a huge closet with a mirrored door, and I sleep next to it. I talked to the owner, and I simply We swapped the doors - now there is a regular one on top of the mirrored door, and you can slide one on top of the other. Therefore, every time I go to bed, I tell myself - close the door to the looking glass.

If you are forced to spend the night next to a mirror image, then, as already mentioned, you need to either find a comfortable position so that you do not meet your eyes with yourself, or hang something that will dispel the image. Before going to bed, tell yourself that sleeping in this place will only be beneficial, and in the dream you will find answers to all the questions that are important to you, and then you will be able to fall asleep, and the looking glass will not harm you.

Mirrors are an integral part of the interior of any home. However, many people firmly believe that it has no place in the bedroom. This is due to signs inherited from ancestors. We have collected some of the most common opinions explaining why you should not sleep in front of a mirror. Whether to believe them or not - everyone will decide for themselves.

  • Mirrors can accumulate negativity. For years, various events pass before them, including misfortunes and deaths. The mirror accumulates all this negative energy and one day can transfer it to the one who looks into it. Based on this, if you really want to install a mirror near the bed, then it is better that it be completely new. In this case, it has not yet been saturated with negativity and is completely safe.
  • In a dream, a person’s soul in some incomprehensible way leaves the material body and can accidentally end up in the other world hidden behind the mirror surface. She is no longer able to return - and the sleeper simply dies.
  • A mirror can make people look old. It is especially dangerous in this regard for pregnant women and young children.
  • Large mirrors cause insomnia, make people irritable, which leads to disagreements in the family.
  • If the bed is reflected in the mirror surface, then the failures are doubled. If a married couple is reflected, then betrayal occurs.

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror? Signs in different cultures

Medieval dream interpreters assured that the mirror surface is essentially a vampire, sucking all the strength from the sleeping people. According to northern shamans, someone’s mysterious eyes watch the sleeping people from behind the looking glass. Because of this, unpleasant things happen, such as poor sleep and quarrels over trifles. According to ancient Russian superstitions, a person’s double lives in the mirror, capable of stealing his soul during sleep. An ancient Chinese legend says that previously there were no barriers between our world and the world of mirrors. Then the inhabitants of the mirror world tried to take over our reality, but failed. Because of this, they are doomed to forever remain behind the mirror and repeat the movements of people looking in the mirror. Therefore, there is a great danger that these unfortunate conquerors may try to enter the real world again and take over it. According to Feng Shui, it is strictly not recommended to place the bed near a mirror, since the corners will be reflected in it, and they supposedly bring evil. Also, you cannot install two mirrors opposite each other, so as not to create a mirror corridor for harmful spirits.

Other signs associated with mirrors

  • Mirrors can crack themselves if they accumulate too many negative emotions.
  • Mirrors should not be given as gifts, as this may lead to separation. Together with watches, they are a forbidden gift for couples in love. It is also believed that if the donor is an unkind person, then gradually all his negativity will begin to transfer to the person to whom he gave the mirror.
  • You cannot hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the house. It is believed that good luck comes through the front door. Seeing her reflection, she may supposedly think that another Luck already lives in this house, and go in search of another home.
  • The mirror must be cleaned of dust and stains. It is believed that dirt distorts the image, and this can negatively affect the fate of the one who looks at the mirror surface.
  • If the mirror breaks, then a period of failure will begin. This belief originated relatively recently, but simultaneously in several countries. Perhaps this is due to the fact that during wars and disasters, mirrors are the first to break.

As we can see, since ancient times the mirror surface has caused concern among representatives of completely different peoples and cultures. It was invariably associated with some kind of window into another world - unknown and frightening. The mystery of the mirror fascinated our ancestors, forcing them to look more closely at themselves.

But even if we put aside medieval prejudices, we cannot say that sleeping near a mirror is absolutely harmless.

The real danger is the possibility of scaring yourself

Mirror reflections are so realistic that in low light they are quite capable of creating frightening illusions. Doctors once used mirrors during hypnosis sessions. Of course, going into a trance has little in common with normal healthy sleep.

We perceive our own reflection in a half-asleep state as a phantom. In the first moments after waking up, the brain is not able to normally analyze reality. The presence of mirrors at such moments leads to a person’s perception of space and coordination deteriorating. At night, a person wakes up for short periods of time (less than one minute) and does not remember this. If during such an awakening someone looks at his reflection, he may become very frightened. He'll likely have nightmares for the rest of the night and wake up completely exhausted. But if an elderly person, a heart patient, or a very impressionable child is afraid of his reflection, the consequences may be even more unpleasant. In addition, some people have a really hard time falling asleep in the presence of a mirror “double.” On a subconscious level, they feel as if someone is watching them, and therefore cannot relax. That is, the transition to sleep is accompanied not by peace, but by constant stress. Finally, if the mirror is large and hangs precariously, then it is quite capable of falling. If a heavy mirror falls on a person while sleeping, he may not only get scared, but also get injured or even die. Perhaps this is the most prosaic and reasonable explanation of why you should not sleep near a mirror.

In any case, trust your intuition. If she tells you that your bedroom would be better without a mirror, then listen to her. Is there any way to move the mirror to another room? Just hang it up while you sleep. If it doesn’t bother you at all, then don’t worry about signs - after all, this is your bedroom, your world, and only you can decide how to arrange it.

Remember from the classics - “my light, mirror, tell me...”?! Since ancient times, people have turned to mirrors not just as a simple household or idle object. Our ancestors took mirrors very seriously, because through them they tried to look into the future or find answers to questions that lie much higher than simple human essence. There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors, about which the site " Out of town“said. Unmarried girls use mirrors for Christmas fortune-telling, wanting to recognize and see their betrothed in a mirror reflection. Mirrors are almost the main attribute for sorcerers, sorcerers and witches. People have told many terrible stories about mirrors that capture a person’s soul.

According to ancient mythology, mirrors were considered the receptacle of souls. For this reason, mirrors could not be used recklessly. Chinese legend says that once the world of mirrors and people had no boundaries and their inhabitants could easily move from one space to another and also back. However, the creatures of the world of mirrors wanted power over people and tried to capture mortals. Fortunately, the unclean entities were driven away and forever imprisoned in the Looking Glass. Now they are forever deprived of their faces and are doomed to repeat everything after people. But one day these inhabitants of the world of mirrors may break out and take revenge...

All this says only one thing: mirrors are not entertainment or an aesthetic decoration item. Rather, it is some kind of entity, a portal that opens gates to parallel worlds. This marked the beginning of the cautionary custom of covering all mirrors in the house where the deceased is located, and in no case should anyone look into them alive and well.
There are plenty of arguments... And therefore, you need to handle such a mystical thing as a mirror very delicately and carefully. So as not to harm, first of all, yourself. Knowing the traditions of the ancients, our contemporaries never fend off mirrors. On the contrary, they stay away from them. Meanwhile, fashion trends in interior design offer their own techniques for playing with the space of rooms, relying on the use of reflective textures of mirrors, different configurations and shapes. Most of all, such mirror details are usually used in bedrooms. Some even surround their bed on all sides with mirrors, and then sincerely do not understand where energy exhaustion, nightmares in sleep, and lethargy after waking up come from. But all this has its own explanations, no matter how incredible they may seem at first glance. So, there are several reasons why mirrors have no place in bedrooms and next to the furniture on which a person rests. Conventionally, these judgments are divided into energetic, esoteric and superstitious.

From an energy point of view

It is possible to understand the energetic essence of the influence of mirrors very simply. To do this, you need to watch your pets - especially dogs. Smaller brothers have a much more developed instinct of self-preservation than humans. So, an animal will never go to sleep in front of a mirror. It's taboo. Why do these same dogs avoid contact with mirrors, especially at night? The answer is simple. It has already been proven that animals are able to see the world differently than humans. In other words, dogs and cats discover those very parallel worlds and entities that inhabit them, and which are unknown to human vision.

The energy-sucking essence of mirrors is a fact that cannot be explained from the point of view of official science. But if you take a closer look at the most advanced ancient philosophy of home improvement in Feng Shui, it becomes obvious that the masters of this movement avoid using mirrors. But they know better than anyone how to properly set up the energy channels of a home and make it a happy family nest.

Rule number one in Feng Shui is no mirrors in the bedroom! Moreover, mirrors cannot be installed opposite the bed on which people sleep. It is believed that a mirror is capable of transmitting negative energy to a sleeping person, increasing the essence of those whom it reflects. In other words, if there is only one person in the bedroom, the mirror will “double” his loneliness - with all the ensuing consequences. If this is a young couple, then four will be reflected in the mirror, etc. Such metamorphoses lead to energy disruptions, which affects not only people’s well-being, but also their relationships. There is no need to talk about any harmony in this case!

From an esoteric point of view

There are many traditions associated with mirrors. For example, the ancient Slavs were convinced that the Lady of the Mirror is a Mirror that a person cannot see, because she takes on his appearance. Modern esotericists explain this by saying that the mirror has its own memory and forever records the appearance of people, their actions, dreams and even thoughts. Moreover, esotericists are sure that all this energy “compote” continues to cook in the mirror, and new impressions, images and symbols are layered on top of it.
For this reason, mirrors are hung from the deceased, in order to prevent him from permanently settling in the mirror. As the masters say, coldness then emanates from such mirrors and the candles go out in front of them.
Do women ever wonder why they age faster than men?! Everything is obvious. After all, every day women constantly hang around mirrors. At the same time, each has its own looking-glass appearance, which is often not liked. Because of this, the negative energy sent by the woman herself, reflected from the mirror and increasing in it, is repelled and returned, destroying the woman’s biofield and aura.
Bioenergy specialists do not advise looking in the mirror when you are sick or in a bad mood. From an esoteric point of view, the habit of making faces in front of the mirror can end badly. This is how a certain program for the life of a particular person is laid.

All this explains why mirrors should not be in the bedroom. Firstly, they reflect the sharp corners of the furniture, which is energetically transmitted to the sleeper, who receives information from the subtle worlds of mirrors into the subconscious. Secondly, all the bad dreams and nightmares that fall into the mirror field destroy the energy of the sleeping person, who is very vulnerable in such a state. As a result, people receive serious illnesses as a “reward”.

From the point of view of superstitions

Our ancestors did not like mirrors, not to say that they were afraid of them. In the Middle Ages, people associated mirrors with evil spirits and magic. They were sure that the devilish entities inhabiting the mirrors were a real threat to living people. That’s why they practically didn’t use mirrors, much less place them near their beds.
Superstitious people still believe that when a person sleeps, his soul separates and rises above him. While traveling, she may accidentally be drawn into the Looking Glass or, frightened by what she sees in the mirror, fly away. Then the soul will never return to the sleeper.

Whatever argument you choose, you need to remember one thing - mirrors are energy storage devices for information, both positive and negative, and therefore, when you are alone with your reflection, think positively. After all, it is unknown who is looking at you from the other side of the mirror.