Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group. Plan-program for theatrical and aesthetic activities “Theater and children


MDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type" in the village of Kajerom

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Ryzhenko E.G.

Children preschool age will know the world around us more with the heart, emotions, feelings than with the mind. That is why the main activity of children is play. Preschoolers are happy to try on different roles, drawing on their little life experience.

Children can imitate the characters of their favorite cartoons, fairy tales, and repeat the behavior of adults, for example, transform into a doctor, a store clerk, or a teacher. In order for games to bring educational and educational benefits, kindergartens provide planning for such work. A card file of theatrical games in the second junior group will help the teacher effectively organize the activities of four-year-old pupils. How to make one methodological manual How to use it is in our article.

Theatrical games for children in the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Why do children need theatrical games? Such activities solve a whole range of tasks set by the program and the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • social adaptation is formed (children learn to communicate with peers, listen to others, argue own opinion etc.);
  • knowledge of the surrounding world (preschoolers get acquainted with the most different areas knowledge);
  • speech development (kids learn to form sentences, control voice strength and intonation, etc.);
  • development creative possibilities and aesthetic taste.

It should be clarified that theatrical games are not only performances. Contents include different shapes and types of work with children. These could be the following games:

  • articulatory;
  • fingered;
  • pantomimes;
  • recitation of small literary forms;
  • puppet shows;
  • mini-productions.

Planning theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions

The educational process, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, provides for all of the games listed above to be carried out in a group of children of the specified age. Therefore, the teacher will have to think through a plan for organizing such activities. A card index of theatrical games in the second junior group with goals will help with this. This manual should be structured, choosing the most interesting activities. Below we offer several effective entertaining theatrical games.

Articulation gymnastics

This type of activity promotes the development of articulation and strengthens facial muscles.

Card index of theatrical games for children in preschool educational institutions

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group may contain the following types of work aimed at:

Development of the speech apparatus

"Hamster." When the teacher says the words: “Eat up, hamster, a freshly picked pod,” the children puff out their cheeks and roll the air from one side to the other.

"Dog". Children are asked to stick out their tongue “like a dog.”

“The cat drinks milk” - an imitation of lapping milk with the tongue.

Finger games

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills are widely used in kindergarten. Interesting view Finger theater will be such an activity for four-year-olds. With the help of small dolls, you can play out fairy tales familiar to kids, such as “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Goat Tree” and others.

Shadow theater also promotes speech development and creativity. It will still be difficult for children in their fourth year of life to demonstrate a whole fairy tale like this. But you can invite kids to repeat certain elements, for example, to depict the flight of a bird, a dog, a deer.


Gestures and facial expressions promote development emotional sphere child, communication abilities, adaptation in a group of peers. The organization of such activities can take place either in game room, on music lessons, and on a walk.

We offer a theatrical pantomime game: “What we ate (did, sculpted, where we were) - we won’t say, it’s better we’ll show you as soon as possible!” The rules of the game are simple: the teacher asks the children to choose a card with an image at random. Then, in turn, each child demonstrates, using facial expressions and gestures, what is drawn on his card. The rest of the participants guess.

Recitation of nursery rhymes, jokes, poems

The catalog of theatrical games in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard necessarily includes such forms of work as playing out nursery rhymes and jokes. Children take part in such fun games with pleasure. For children three to four years old, the following works are recommended: “The White-sided Magpie”, “Our Chickens in the Morning...”, “The Little Gray Cat”, “Lada-Lada-Okay” and others.

Theatrical performances

The catalog of theatrical games in the second junior group includes puppet and staged performances. But such activities require lengthy preparation and proper organization. In addition, certain material and technical equipment is required.

An effective way to develop the creative potential of four-year-old children and consolidate their communication and speech skills is to use in pedagogical practice such activities as theatrical games in the second junior group. The card index helps the teacher structure planned activities with children and organize work correctly and effectively.

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Goals and objectives

Material and equipment



"A Tale on the Table"

"Let's go out into the garden"

Arouse interest in theatrical activities; develop the emotionally sensitive sphere of children; encourage them to express their feelings and communicate; teach to listen attentively poetic text and correlate its meaning with expressive movements to music.

Learn to express emotions through movements and facial expressions; introduce the fairy tale “Teremok”; encourage active perception of the tale; learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale to the end and follow the development of the plot.

Promote the development of memory, encourage people to speak out about the performance they liked; teach expressive intonation; give an example of elementary puppeteering.

Learn to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; teach to feel muscle freedom, relaxation, encourage onomatopoeia.

Getting to know each other.

Game "Say Your Name".

Game "Say hello"

Dressing up in the costumes of the main characters of the fairy tale.

Production of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Round dance game “Mice in Minks”.

Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

Listening to calm autumn music.

Game exercise “Expressive movement”.

Improvisation game “Leaves in the Garden”.

Musical and rhythmic composition “Autumn”.

Ball, music center. Autumn meadow decoration (trees, flowers).

Costumes – mouse, hare, frog, fox, wolf, bear, scenery for a fairy tale (teremok, backdrop with the landscape “Forest Clearing”).

Dolls and decorations for the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Musical accompaniment.

Autumn garden scenery, recorded bird music, autumn leaves, musical accompaniment.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"In the footsteps of a fairy tale"

"Vegetables in the garden"

"There's a bunny in the garden"

Give an idea of ​​the grain harvest; introduce the fairy tale “Spikelet” »; evaluate the moral actions and behavior of the characters (the cockerel loves to work, the little mice are lazy and disobedient); introduce tabletop theater; activate speech.

Learn to remember a familiar fairy tale and answer questions

according to its plot, characterize the characters; Together with the teacher, retell the fairy tale, showing the character of the hero using intonation.

Give an idea of ​​the vegetable harvest; encourage children to express images of heroes in movement, facial expressions, and emotions; learn to improvise to music; teach coordination of movements; give a charge of positive emotions.

Involve children in game situation, create a positive emotional mood, give an example of dialogue with the hero; teach children to navigate in space by performing simple movements.

Acquaintance with the content of the fairy tale “Spikelet”.

Show tabletop theater.

Examination of illustrations for a fairy tale with discussion characteristic features characters.

Conversation on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

The children, together with the teacher, retell the fairy tale “Spikelet” and occasionally play with the dolls.

Game "Mice in the Pantry".

A conversation about what ripens in the fields and gardens.

Round dance game “Our vegetable garden is good.”

Etude – improvisation “Vegetable Story”.

Final conversation about the ability to be friends.

Conversation about autumn.

Visit the hare.

Game "There is a bunny in the garden."

Surprise moment.

Tabletop theater.

Illustrations for a fairy tale.

Decorations for a fairy tale.

Puppet theater (heroes of the fairy tale “Spikelet”).

Caps of vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, peppers, onions)

for outdoor play.

Bunny costume; dummies of cabbage; gifts for children - peeled fresh carrots.

"Visiting grandma"

"Lucky, lucky horse"

"It's getting cold"

"Goats and Wolves"

Involve children in the game plot; activate auditory perception; encourage motor and intonation imitation; learn to act improvisationally, within a given situation; learn to act with imaginary objects.

Expand the range of actions with objects; encourage onomatopoeia; practice imitation; learn to switch from one action to another; give the opportunity to express oneself individually general games

Give an idea of ​​the “cold” mood in music and encourage an emotional response to it; practice onomatopoeia; teach expressive articulation; encourage participation in dramatization games.

To teach the perception of the plot of the game; encourage participation in the game plot; practice onomatopoeia; teach children to interact with each other in play; learn to move expressively in outdoor play.

Visiting grandma.

Conversation with grandmother about goat and dog.

Game "Friend".

Sketch “Hen, chicks and cockerel”.

The children are on the train home.

Reading a poem

A. Barto “Horse”.

Musical and rhythmic movements “Horses are galloping.”

Conversation about autumn.

Warm-up game “Chill”.

Etude-exercise “How the wind howls.”

Dramatization game “A little white snow was falling.”

Children dance to the Russian folk melody “Polyanka” using familiar dance movements.

Grandfather Matvey comes to visit, conversation.

Warm-up game “Goat, oh!”

Game "Drive away the evil wolf."

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Scenery of rural life: house, grandmothers, chicken coop, and its inhabitants (toys: cockerel, hen, chickens); vegetable garden (beds with herbs and vegetables); goat toy, puppy toy.

Toy horse; instruments of a children's noise orchestra.

Musical accompaniment.

Sleigh toy; hat for the heroes of the dramatization game Vanya and Tanya.

Snowy forest scenery; costumes of the heroes (grandfather Matvey, goat Mila); goat bell; caps of kids and wolves for outdoor games.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

"Puppet theater"

"Winter has come"

« New Year's adventure»

Teach carefully, listen to the teacher’s story and answer questions about its plot.

Teach rules of behavior in the theater; teach to tune in to the perception of a fairy tale from the first sounds of the musical introduction, listen carefully to the fairy tale; learn to talk about your first impressions immediately after the end of the performance.

Develop imagination and associative thinking children; learn to speak out; learn to move expressively to music, feeling its rhythm or smoothness of sound.

Please children, create fabulous atmosphere classes; expand the range of perceived musical and dramatic images; encourage to motor activity.

Reading the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.”

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Conversation about the theater.

Puppet show “Kids and the Wolf”. (goat, wolf, leader - adults; kids - children).

Conversation about winter.

To the music of “Sleigh”, the motor improvisation “Sleigh is flying” is performed.

We came to visit the gnomes.

Game "Who's behind the Christmas tree?"

Motor improvisation “Sledding”, “Snowball fight”.

Conversation about the New Year holiday.

The children go to visit the Snow Maiden.

Game "Squirrel Round Dance".

Gifts from the Snow Maiden.

"Dance around the Christmas tree."

Book with the fairy tale “Kids and the Wolf” (processed

A. Tolstoy).

Screen; dolls (goat, seven kids, wolf); decorations (backdrop “Forest and Village”, goat’s house, bush) and attributes (basket for the goat).

Musical recordings (for the compositions “Sleighs are flying”, “Who’s behind the Christmas tree?”, “Sleigh rides”, “Snowball fight”); artificial Christmas trees decorations.

Snow Maiden costume; magic ball; squirrel hats for outdoor play.


"Forest Cleaning"

"Hares in the clearing"

"Frost - Red Nose"

Give an idea of ​​bird life in winter; develop a sympathetic attitude towards wintering birds; teach to embody a role and role behavior; use onomatopoeia in role-playing behavior.

Make children happy; involve in fun game; learn to switch from movement to singing and back; coordinate action and word; learn to move in accordance with the rhythmic features of music; learn to pronounce words clearly.

Encourage imaginative embodiment of the role; learn to move expressively; give an intonation-figurative idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”; teach expressive facial expressions and movements in sketch games.

Make children happy; evoke an emotional response to the game; involve in the performance of a song; enter into magical world theater; introduce the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”; learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

Inviting children for a “winter walk”.

Children dance to the music of birds.

Sparrows come to visit.

There is a puppet theater on a stick.

Musical and rhythmic movements “Birds are flying.”

Visiting Lesovich.

Warm-up game “Forest cleaning”.

Treats on a self-assembled tablecloth.

Children wearing bunny hats go to the “snow clearing.”

Game "Bunny's Paws".

Reading the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Sketches “Hares having fun”, “Hares saw hunters”.

Children ride through the “winter forest” to the music.

Father Frost enters to the accompaniment of menacing music.

Game "I'll freeze."

Song-game "We'll play a little."

Puppet show "The Fox and the Hare".

At the end it sounds Russian. melody "Zainka for the little ones."

Snowy lawn scenery; sparrow hats; feeders; corn.

Musical recordings (for compositions (“Cleaning the Forest”); shovel, self-assembled tablecloth; Lesovichka costume; broom; tea setting.

Scenery of a snowy meadow; rabbit hats for outdoor play; book with fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

Musical recordings (for songs " Winter forest", "Santa Claus", to the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"); scenery for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”

“It’s blowing outside, it’s hot by the stove.”

"The winds blow in February"

"Familiar Tales"

"Nimble Mouse"

Introduce children to Russian and Komi national tradition; teach dramatization; learn to interact with each other in the game plot.

Talk about the army; show soldiers as protectors; involve in role play; learn to move rhythmically in accordance with the rhythm of poetry and music; practice onomatopoeia; learn to follow the rules.

Induce a positive attitude towards theatrical play; activate children's imagination; encourage an emotional response to the proposed role.

Give an applied concept of a lullaby; introduce children to lullaby song; awaken children's imagination; introduce S. Marshak’s fairy tale, teach how to answer questions about the content; involve in the game plot; learn to act independently in the game.

On a visit to the upper room.

Dramatization “In the bright room” (teacher, children).

Round dance "Meadow duck".

Scene "Two Crows".

Conversation about soldiers.

Children walk to the music "March" wooden soldiers" (P.I. Tchaikovsky).

Game "Pilots".

Game "Travel through Fairy Tales".

Scene “Mama Goat Comes Home.”

A dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

A scene from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”.

A mouse comes to visit.

A song for a mouse.

Telling a tale

S. Marshak “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”

Game "Mice in Minks".

Gifts for children.

Decoration of a Russian hut (mats, broom, stove, grip, table, samovar, cups, benches); folk costumes; tea setting; gifts for children (modeled horses, soft toys, bunnies and chickens).

Toy soldiers; costumes (sailors, tank crews, pilots); music recordings

(March of the Wooden Soldiers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, recordings for the exit of a sailor, tankman, pilot).

Game disc, spinning top; hats for fairy tale heroes; flannelograph and pictures for a fairy tale; Cockerel doll.

A book with a fairy tale by S. Marshak “The Tale of a Smart Mouse” ; mouse caps; cradle for a mouse.

“It’s Katya’s doll’s birthday.”

"Hen with Chicks"

"Mama's Children"

"Travel by Bus"

Give an idea of ​​how to behave at a birthday party; encourage children to be active and proactive; evoke positive emotions; promote improvisation; learn to engage in dialogue in the game.

Introduce the fairy tale "Hen and Chicks" and the theater on flannelgraph; develop empathy; teach carefully, listen to a fairy tale; learn to answer questions based on its content.

Develop empathy, a sensitive attitude towards others; learn to show a fairy tale on a flannelgraph; learn to retell the content of a familiar fairy tale; give a charge of positive emotions in sketches and games; encourage them to be embodied in a game image.

Teach children to interact in role-playing games and distribute roles; develop motor activity of children; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, follow the plot; give an idea of ​​the toy theater on the carpet.

Visiting the doll Katya.

Children show a concert for a doll.

Game "Hostess and Guests".

Dance with dolls.

Fairy tale on flannelgraph « Hen with chicks ».

Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Singing "Chicks"

Song "Cat" for a cat.

Children tell the fairy tale “Cat and Kittens” on a flannelgraph.

Sketches “Kittens are waking up”, “Kittens are frolicking”, “Kittens are hunting for a mouse”.

Round dance-game “How the cats danced.”

Travel by bus to the village.

"The Tale of a Smart Mouse." (toy theater).

Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

Let's go home.

Dolls; set toy table; gifts for dancing (gnomes, snowflakes).

Flannelograph; pictures for the theater.

Soft toy cat; flannelograph and pictures for the fairy tale “Cat and Kittens”; cat hats for outdoor play.

Attributes for a role-playing game (a counter with goods, strollers with dolls and bears); equipment for the toy theater.

"Basket with snowdrops"

"Jokes and Nursery Rhymes"


"Spring on the street"

Please children and involve them in the game plot; encourage children to motor improvisation; activate their auditory attention and perception; teach independence in role behavior; instill aesthetic taste.

Introduce children to Russian folk tradition; show the capabilities of a molded whistle; introduce a fairy tale at the molded toy theater; encourage children to role-play; learn to speak jokes and nursery rhymes clearly and emotionally.

Introduce children to the Russian national tradition; practice in finger gymnastics; learn to clearly pronounce words in nursery rhymes; include children in the game plot; evoke a positive emotional response to works of folklore; please the children.

Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children: teach them to respond to sounds and intonations in music, listen to contrasting intonations in speech; encourage physical activity; demonstrate independence in choosing and playing a role; practice onomatopoeia.

Children go to a “snowy clearing”.

Improvisation game"Snowflakes".

Round dance game under a pine tree.

Dance with snowdrops.

Reading to children “I love my horse”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki”.

Conversations about what you read.

Musical and rhythmic movements “Horses are galloping.”

Reading the nursery rhyme “Ladushka”.

Finger gymnastics “The little foxes walked along the path.”

Song-game “Ladushki”.

Russian folk joke “A fox walked through the forest.”

Conversation about spring.

Listening to a soundtrack of birds singing.

Round dance “The sun is warmer.”

Snowy meadow decorations, white capes for snowflakes; animal caps for outdoor play; Forest Fairy costume.

Toy horse, meadow decoration.

Fox hat (for an adult); soft toy little fox; children's toy stove, saucepan, frying pan; bast shoes.

Spring lawn scenery; vase with flowers; hats of flowers for outdoor play; phonogram “Sounds of the forest”; musical recordings for sketches and dances of birds and flowers.

“Such different rains”

"Remember the Fairy Tale"

"Hedgehog Puff"

"Come out onto the green meadow"

Develop emotional responsiveness to music: auditory representations, rhythmic and modal-intonation sense of children; practice finger gymnastics; teach role-playing; teach distinct and expressive speech; please the children.

Arouse children's imagination; develop memory; evoke associations; teach to retell a fairy tale using objects (toys); learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale; develop the emotional side of children’s speech; create an emotionally positive mood for a fairy tale.

Make children happy; create an emotionally positive attitude towards works of small folklore forms; teach children to speak in front of their peers; develop aesthetic taste; encourage improvisation; introduce the fairy tale “Pykh”.

Make children happy; involve in the game; learn to act in the game in groups and individually; learn to move expressively to music in accordance with the text; awaken children's imagination; encourage physical activity.

Finger game-gymnastics “Fingers walk.”

Conversation about rain.

The rains come to visit (mischievous, sloth).

Game "Rainy and Sunny".

A trip to the toy store.

A scene based on a fairy tale

(at the teacher's choice)

Pykh comes to visit the children.

Questions about the fairy tale.

Reading “Puff” by L. Gribova.

Game “Help the hedgehog collect mushrooms”

To the music, children collect mushrooms and berries for the hedgehog).

Walk along the “green meadow”.

Song-game “Across the meadow”. Song-sketch “Streams

Musical recordings for games and sketches; sultanas for playing in the rain; umbrellas.

Soft toys (cats, foxes); molded toys (horse whistle, lamb whistle, bird whistle); mother cat hat (for an adult); mouse hat (for a child).

Stuffed toy hedgehog; theater dolls, models of mushrooms and berries.

Musical recordings (folk melodies, forest sounds); baskets; plumes, capes for streams.

Game-activity for children 3-5 years old. "Cat and her kittens"

Goals: introduce the fairy tale “Cat and Kittens” and theater on flannelgraph; develop empathy; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale; learn to answer questions based on its content.

Material and equipment: flannelograph; pictures for the theater (kittens, cat, dog, booth, tree, bowl of milk).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher sits the children in a semicircle near the flannelgraph and tells a fairy tale about a cat and kittens.

Fairy tale on flannelograph “Cat and kittens”

Once upon a time there was a cat, and she had five kittens. The kittens ran around the yard all day and played. The mother cat came into the yard and called her kittens: “Meow! Meow! It's time to go home, kittens! The kittens ran up to their mother, purred affectionately and asked for milk. Mom gave her babies milk, and the kittens fell asleep.
One day, the mother cat, as always, sent all five kittens into the yard to play. The kittens came out and immediately noticed a large booth. She had never been in the yard before. A huge head was sticking out of the booth - it was the dog Rex. Rex saw the kittens and growled angrily: “Rrrr...” The kittens knew everyone in the yard, but they saw Rex for the first time. They decided to meet. But as soon as they came closer, the dog rushed at them. The kittens ran in all directions. Rex didn't know who to run after - the kittens scattered in different directions. And finally he managed to drive all the kittens into a large tree.

At this time, the mother cat, as always, went out into the yard to call the kittens for lunch. Suddenly she sees that the yard is empty. The cat called the kittens in vain - no one responded. The cat went to look for her kittens. I walked around the entire yard - there were no kittens anywhere. Then she saw a large booth and was surprised: just yesterday this booth was not there. And suddenly the mother cat heard an angry growl: “R-rr...” A huge dog’s head was very close to her. And from somewhere above came a frightened meow. The cat saw her kittens on the tree and understood everything: that’s who offended her children.
The angry cat scratched Rex on the nose with all her might, the dog howled and rushed to his booth. And the kittens climbed down from the tree and approached their mother. They realized that their mother would always be able to protect them from danger. The mother cat watched the kittens drink milk and thought:
“What beautiful children I have.”

And Rex realized that in his yard he had to live peacefully with everyone.

After the fairy tale, the teacher asks the children questions: did they like the fairy tale, who were its heroes, what happened in the yard, how did the cat take care of the kittens, how did she protect them?

At the end of the lesson, the children sing the song “Cat” (music by A. Alexandrov).

The pussy came to the children,
She asked for milk
She told the children:
Meow, meow, meow.

Treated with milk
Kitty ate
Sang a song:
Moo-ur, moo-ur, moo-ur.

Game "Mice in holes"

Game description: An active game develops reaction, attention, memory, and is well suited for use on walks in kindergarten.

Rules of the game:

1. Circles (“holes”) are laid out one less than the number of children participating in the game.

2. The leader gathers the children in a chain and leads them away from the “holes,” saying the following words:

“Little mice are going for a walk,

We went out into the clearing to sing and dance - Ira the mouse, Petya the mouse, Lena the mouse(all children are listed) .

They danced and danced, their paws were all trampled!

It suddenly became completely dark, evening knocked on the window.

We should run home and occupy our holes!”

3. C the last word leader, each child must take his own circle “hole”. One circle - one child.

4. The one who did not have time to occupy his “mink” becomes the leader or drops out of the game.

Improvisation game “Leaves in the Garden”

(Children repeat the movements after the teacher)

Leaves, leaves are spinning in the garden,

(Leaf children dance and spin.)

I’ll go to the autumn kindergarten to see the leaves.

Leaves, leaves, fly boldly,

(Leaves are flying.)

And let the autumn wind blow stronger.

Leaves, leaves, the breeze has fallen silent,

(The leaves sat in a circle.)

He collected the leaves in a cheerful circle,

The leaves are quiet, rustling softly

(They sit and flap their wings.)

And they are in no hurry to fly into the gray sky.

Suddenly the wind blew alarmingly, hummed,

(They rise and fly.)

He ordered the leaves to fly from the paths,

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind,

They take off from the paths, rustle, rustle.

Staging “In the Brightroom”


We have a bright hut, a new gorenka,
Come on in, come on in, don't trip over the threshold.
In our house there is someone to do housekeeping:
Two women are lying on benches, two girls are sitting by the stove,
Yes, I myself, Ulyana, am dexterous and rosy.

Child 1.

Our mother stove is exactly warm.

Child 2.

Heated the whole house.

Child 3.

I baked it, boiled it and fried it.

Child 4.

Here are pies with cottage cheese.

Child 5.

Here's tea with milk.


Let's start a dance - for you!

The Russian folk melody “Utushka Meadow” sounds. Children walk in a round dance. Children act out prepared skits. The texts of the skits are Russian folk nursery rhymes.


1. “Nenila Pig”

N e n i la.

Pig Nenila praised her son:

(Nenila points to her son.)

That's pretty good
That's so pretty -
Walks sideways

(The son walks awkwardly.)

Ears upright
Crochet ponytail,
Pig nose!

(Puts a finger to his nose - “piglet.”)

2. "Two Crows"

Roles and performers: reader - a child of the older group; two crows - children junior group.

Note. Children of the younger group, playing the roles of crows, sit astride a bench, as if on a roof, turning away from each other.


On the edge, on the barn
Two crows are sitting, both looking apart:
They quarreled over a dead beetle!

Hostess Ulyana shows the children what gifts she bought at the fair.

U ulya na.

I bought different goods at the fair, find out which ones. I'll tell you riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle gets a gift.


Soft lumps, fluffy guys,
Yellow ones run out onto the path... (chickens).

Clack-clack, who runs along the smooth road?
This fleet-footed one clicks... (horse).

Well, who is this, find out
He plays the drum... (bunny).

Hostess Ulyana gives toys to children who solved the riddles. Ulyana invites the children to the table for tea. After this, the hostess and guests say goodbye.

Dramatization "Guests say goodbye"

U ulya na.

We sang and danced and never tired of having fun.
Only a while passed, it became dark in the upper room.
Come, guests, the day after tomorrow.
Let's bake cheesecakes, butter pancakes,
Come visit us to taste delicious pies.
In the meantime, we say goodbye, we will part on the threshold.
Stay healthy.

(Ulyana goes into the house.)

The teacher ends the lesson, summing up: where the children were, what they saw, what they did.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Spikelet” in kindergarten



Mouse Cool.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there were two mice, Twirl and Twirl, and a cockerel, Vocal Throat. All the little mice knew was that they sang and danced, twirled and twirled. And the cockerel rose as soon as it was light, first woke everyone up with a song, and then got to work.

One day the cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spike of wheat on the ground.

Cockerel: Spin, Spin, look what I found!

Storyteller: The little mice came running.

Little mice: It needs to be threshed.

Cockerel: And who will thresh?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll thresh it.

Storyteller: And he got to work. And the little mice began to play rounders.

The cockerel has finished threshing.

Cockerel: Hey, Cool, hey, Turn, look how much grain I threshed!

Storyteller: The little mice came running and squealed in one voice.

Little mice: Now we need to take the grain to the mill and grind the flour!

Cockerel: And who will bear it?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take the grain to the mill.

Storyteller: He put the bag on his shoulders and went. Meanwhile, the little mice started leapfrog. They jump over each other and have fun.

The cockerel has returned from the mill and is calling for the little mice again.

Cockerel: Here, Spin, here, Spin! I brought flour.

Storyteller: The little mice came running, they looked, they couldn’t boast enough.

Little mice: Oh yes cockerel! Well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Cockerel: Who will knead?

Storyteller: And the little mice are theirs again.

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Apparently, I'll have to.

Storyteller: He kneaded the dough, hauled in the wood, and lit the stove. And when the oven burned out, I planted pies in it. The little mice don’t waste time either: they sing songs and dance. The pies were baked, the cockerel took them out and laid them out on the table, and the little mice were right there. And there was no need to call them.

1st mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

2nd mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

Storyteller: And they sat down at the table.

Cockerel: Wait, wait! First tell me who found the spikelet.

Little mice: You found it!

Cockerel: Who threshed the spikelet?

Little mice(quietly): You threshed!

Cockerel: Who carried the grain to the mill?

Little mice: You too.

Cockerel: Who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?

Little mice: It's all you. It's all you.

Cockerel: What did you do?

Storyteller: What should I say in response? And there's nothing to say. Twirl and Twirl began to crawl out from behind the table, but the cockerel could not hold them back. There is no reason to treat such lazy people and lazy people with pies.

Round dance game “Our vegetable garden is good”

V o s p i t a t e l.

You, little carrot, come out and look at the people.

(The carrots go in a circle.)

We'll sing a sonorous song and start a round dance.

All. One-two, heel, dance with me, my friend.

(Children get up and dance in a circle.)

(The carrots are dancing.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

Early in the morning I get up and go out to the garden beds.

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

I'll wait and see if everything is okay here.

(Children are sitting on the garden bed.)

You, cabbage, come on, come out bolder,

(Cabbage and beets go in a circle.)

And bring the beets with you as soon as possible.


(Children lead a round dance.)

Three-four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Cabbage and beets dance.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

Our garden is good, you won’t find anything like it,

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

There are a lot of peppers and young onions growing.

(Children are sitting on the garden bed.)

You, little onion, come out, pepper will follow you.

(Onions and peppers go in a circle.)

Put your hands on your side, there are two of you in the salad.

All. One-two, heel, dance with me, my friend.

(Children get up and dance in a circle.)

Three-four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Onions and peppers dance.)

The teacher praises the good harvest. Children sit on chairs.

The teacher takes a basket of vegetables and invites them to listen to a vegetable story.

Game “A Bunny in the Garden” (Russian folk song)

There's a little bunny in the garden, there's a little bunny in the garden,

(Children place their hands in a shelf and make a spring.)

He gnaws a carrot, he takes cabbage.

Skok, skok, skok - he ran into the woods.

(They turn after each other and jump in a circle like bunnies.)

Jump, jump, bunny, jump, jump, little one,

In the green forest and sit under a bush,

Leap, hop, hop, under a bush - and silence.

(They sit down with a jump and put a finger to their lips.)

Game "Pilots".

Tell me where the planes fly? (High in the sky.)

You will be an airplane pilot.

Spread your wings

start the “engine”: “f - f - f”, we’re flying...

The plane is flying

The plane hums:

“Oooh – ooh – ooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commander - pilot

The plane leads:


I'm flying to Moscow!

Game "Bunny's Paws"

V o s p i t a t e l.

The bunnies came out to the meadow,
The bunnies stood in a circle.

(The bunnies make a spring.)

White bunnies,
Friendly, brave.

(They bow and spin.)

The bunnies sat down by the tree stump,
At the damp hemp,

(Hares squat down.)

White bunnies,
Friendly, brave.

(They wave their paw.)

The bunnies are knocking their feet,
They don't want to freeze.

(They get up and stamp their feet.)

White bunnies,
Friendly, brave.

(They bow and spin.)

The bunnies hit their paw with their paw,
The song is merrily sung,

(Make plates.)

White bunnies,
Friendly, brave.

(They bow and spin.)

Game "Buddy"

I have a puppy, a black little puppy,

(Children jump like puppies.)

I'll play with the puppy, I'll throw the ball,

(They jump in place.)

Yap-yap, yap-yap, I’ll throw the ball.

He will run as fast as he can, he will run as fast as he can,

(They run in all directions.)

I shout to him: “Dude,” the puppy responds,

(They jump up and bark.)

Yelp, yap, yap, yap, the puppy responds.

Sketch “Hen, chicks and cockerel”

V o s p i t a t e l. The mother hens went out for a walk, walking around the yard, flapping their wings, worrying. (Teacher and children They run slowly, waving their arms, cackling.) The chickens came running after the hens. (Children pretending to be chickens, finely fingering kicking, running fast, squeaking.) A cockerel came out into the yard. He strides importantly, slaps his sides, and crows. (Some children-cockerels make appropriate movements, crow.)

Suddenly the wind blew, the chickens got scared and began calling loudly for their mother. (The chickens are restlessly flapping their wings, running around yard, squeaking.) The hens run to their chickens, want to save them from the wind, and cover the chickens with their wings. (Chicken children take under wing of their chickens.) Now the wind has stopped, the hens and chicks have calmed down.

The cockerel strides importantly around the yard. Hens and chicks follow him. (Children make appropriate movements.)

Grandmother. Our journey has now ended. It's time to catch the train, it will take you home. Goodbye!

The children board the train and go home. The teacher, on his own behalf, asks whether they liked visiting their grandmother, who they saw in their grandmother’s yard.

Game "Hostess and Guests"


Here are the guests on the doorstep:

(The hostess greets the guests.)

Better dry your feet
I'm glad to see you, come in,
What do you want to tell me?


Congratulations, congratulations

(Guests give gifts.)

And we wish you good health!


Thank you, that's nice

(Sit on chairs.)

I set the table for you too.


Congratulations, congratulations

(Clap their hands.)

And we wish you good health!


Now let's go dance

(The guests come out in a circle.)

We need to turn on the music!

The teacher invites the children to dance with dolls.

Dance with dolls

V o p i t a t e l (sings).

We are at a holiday on our

(Children hold the dolls by both hands, the dolls “dance.”)

Let's dance together with the dolls,
The dolls are spinning merrily

(Children spin around with dolls, raising them above their heads.)

They have fun with us.
Let's run down the path

(Children hold dolls in front of them and run in a circle.)

Run more merrily, little legs,
Let's run one lap,
And then one more time.
The dolls are spinning merrily

(The dolls are dancing.)

They have fun with us.

At the end of the lesson, the Katya doll thanks the children for teaching her and the guests how to behave correctly at a birthday party.

Sketches “Kittens”

1. “Kittens are waking up”

Calm music sounds. Children sit on the rug with their eyes closed and their paws folded (the kittens are sleeping). Then they stretch slowly, rub their eyes and stretch again.

2. “Kittens frolicking”

Moving music sounds. Kittens jump in circles; they stop, open their “scratches”, and scratch in the air with their paws.

3. “Kittens are hunting for a mouse”

Disturbing music sounds. The kittens sneak carefully and slowly, on tiptoe; then they run quietly; stop; “smell” prey; they sneak further in dashes.
The teacher puts cat hats on the children and invites them to start the round dance game “How the cats danced.”

Round dance game “How the cats danced”

V o s p i t a t e l.

This is how the cats had fun

(Cats run in all directions, claws spread.)

Forgot about the danger
Having fun by the river
The shoes were scattered.

K osh k i.

Meow, meow, purr-purr-purr,

Made the chickens laugh, the chickens.

V o s p i t a t e l.

The cats were jumping and frolicking,

(Cats jump.)

Immediately we found ourselves in the river,

(They squat down with a jump.)

The Murki shouted:
Oops, the skin is wet!

(The words of the text are shouted.)

K osh k i.

Meow, meow, purr-purr-purr,

(They sing pitifully, sticking out their claws.)

They made the chickens laugh, the chickens.

V o s p i t a t e l.

Clothes dried out

(They run in all directions.)

The cats are having fun again.
Having fun by the river
The shoes were scattered.

K osh k i.

Meow, meow, purr-purr-purr,

(They stop, scratch in the air, spin around.)

They made the chickens laugh, the chickens.

Improvisation game “Snowflakes”

V o s p i t a t e l.

Snowflakes, snowflakes are flying to the ground,

(Snowflakes are flying.)

Their beautiful white outfit sparkles.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly boldly,

(They spin around and sit down.)

And quickly lie down quietly on the ground.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, it's time for you again

(They flap their wings.)

Spin over the field and fly into the sky.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, flying in the wind

(Snowflakes are flying.)

And they fall right on the boys’ cheeks.

Round dance game “Under the Pine Tree”

Forest Fairy.

In a clearing under a pine tree,

(The animals dance in a circle, using familiar movements.)

The forest people danced:
Hares, bears and foxes,
Wolves in gray mittens.

Z v e r i a t a.

Here's a round dance

(Clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Forest Fairy.

The hedgehogs came running here:

(Hedgehogs go to the center of the circle.)

E f i.

Our fur coats are good

(They become pairs and spin around.)

We'll curl up into a ball,

We don't give in to anyone's hands.

Z v e r i a t a.

Here's a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Forest Fairy.

A big bear came out into the circle:

(The bear comes out and sings.)


I can sing songs.
And behind him sleepy

(The little bear runs out.)

The bear cub is rushing.


Here's a round dance

(The little bear sings.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Forest Fairy.

Had fun until the morning

(The animals walk in a round dance.)

All the forest kids.
Jumped, danced,
Songs were sung.

Z v e r i a t a.

Here's a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

(Children sit down.)

Forest Fairy.

You children have pleased me so much with your game that I want to give you a whole basket of snowdrops. Snowdrops are the very first spring flowers. There is still snow in the forest, but the snowdrops are already blooming. They are not afraid of the cold, they are very beautiful.

The Forest Fairy gives the children a basket of snowdrops. The teacher thanks the Forest Fairy and invites the children to dance with snowdrops.
Children take snowdrops and dance with them.

Game “The Sun Is Warmer”

Hold hands and stand in a circle so that the kids are opposite each other. Sing a children's song while performing the movement, encourage children to imitate. Standing still, spring your legs:

The sun is warmer,

The house became more fun.

We're in a circle, we're in a circle

Let's get up quickly.

Stomp your feet quickly:

We'll stomp a little

Dance more joyfully, little legs,

And like this, and like this,

Dance your feet!

Do not be stingy with praise, rejoice with your children.

Finger gymnastics game “Fingers are walking”

Once the fingers walked,

(Children rhythmically clench and unclench their fingers.)

Fingers, fingers.
Fingers along the ravine,

(Spread your palms and swing them rhythmically from side to side.)

Fingers, fingers.
The sun is in a cloud, fingers,

(Children clasp their fingers in front of them.)

Fingers, fingers.
It's going to rain soon, fingers,
Fingers, fingers.
The rain started dripping: tra-ta-ta,

(Children shake their hands.)

Leave the yard.
Fingers ran
Fingers under the bridge.
They hid and sat.

(Put your palms behind your back.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

You guys know that there are different types of rain.
Sometimes the rain is mischievous. That's what he is like. (Fast music sounds.) Hey, mischievous rain, run out!
(The teacher takes the child out and gives him rain plumes.)

R O R N I K.

I can run fast
I'll water the grass in the garden.

(Under fast music The rain child runs and waves his plumes.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

There are also other rains. It happens to be lazy rain. Its droplets drip so slowly that they seem too lazy to drip onto the ground. This rain will not run away, will not hurry. Do you hear what he is like? (Slow rain music sounds.) Hey lazy rain, show yourself!
(A child comes out pretending to be a sloth rain.)

R o w d e n i v e c.

Drip-drip, and I am silent.
I don't want to drip anymore.

(To the music of rare rain, the rain child rhythmically shakes his plumes.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

Here are the different types of rain. In our clearing, sometimes the rain drips, sometimes the sun shines. Let's guess when the sun shines and when it rains. We will listen to music, it will tell us what the weather is like outside. We will go for a walk in sunny weather. On a rainy day, we will listen to what kind of rain it is outside: a mischievous person or a lazy one.

Game "Rainy and Sunny"

Children listen to music. They walk in pairs holding hands to calm music. When they hear the music of rain, they run away to their chairs and continue listening to the music. The teacher helps the children determine what kind of rain it is. If it is mischievous rain, then the children quickly hit their knees with their palms. If it's sloth rain, they knock slowly. The game is repeated several times. Rain children run out in different rains: sometimes mischievous rain,
it's lazy rain.

Game "Walk in the Rain"

The teacher invites the children to choose umbrellas and go for a walk in the warm spring rain. Children walk to the calm music of rain. Under the rhythmic part, they squat lightly.

“Help the hedgehog collect mushrooms”

Look at the hedgehog

Well, the fur coat is good!

And it sits so beautifully.

What a sight for sore eyes, what a marvel!

From the looks of it, you can’t tell right away

What needles, very sharp.

The only problem is, friends,

Don't pet the hedgehog!

Let us help the hedgehog, tell him everything we know about mushrooms.

Guys, what do you know? edible mushrooms? (Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom).

Now name the poisonous mushrooms (fly agaric, white toadstool, false mushrooms).

Now we will play the game “Guess the Mushroom”.

I will ask riddles about mushrooms, and you will guess and say whether they are edible or poisonous.

Slide show "Mushrooms".

  1. I'm growing up in a red cap,

Among the aspen roots,

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... (Boletus, edible)

  1. But someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita, poisonous)

  1. I don’t argue - not white,

I, brothers, am simpler,

I usually grow

In a birch grove. (Boletus, edible)

  1. What kind of yellow sisters are they?

Hidden in the thick grass?

I see them all perfectly,

I'll take it home soon.

Very clean, tasty mushroom -

Both the cook and the mushroom picker are happy.

These yellow sisters

They are called...(chanterelles, edible)

  1. She stands pale

She looks edible.

If you bring it home, it’s a disaster,

That food will be poison.

Know that this mushroom is a deception,

Our enemy is pale... (Grebe, poisonous)

  1. He stood on a strong leg,

Now it's in a basket. ( White mushroom, edible).

Well done, you guessed all the mushrooms! I think the hedgehog remembered everything, and now he will be happy to pick mushrooms!

Guys, where do mushrooms mostly grow? (In the forest). Imagine you are tall beautiful trees that grow in the forest.

Song-game “Across the meadow”

Children (walk in pairs).

And we are walking through the meadow,
We carry baskets
We carry baskets
Let's collect strawberries.

(The couples stop.)

Galya (sings and dances).

I'm walking through the meadow
I'm hurrying along the green
I see the berry is growing,
I see the ripe one growing.

Children (walking in pairs again).

We'll pick berries
We'll start a round dance.
You are my little basket
You are intact.


Now let's dance
In our clearing!

(At Galya’s call, the children dance in a free dance. The Russian folk melody “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” sounds.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

I invite you guys to listen to the streams ringing. (The music of running streams sounds.) Brooks, run to us.

(Children run out in shiny capes with plumes in their hands. The sketch song “Streams” is performed.)\

Song-sketch “Streams”

V o s p i t a t e l.

Here's a stream running

(Children stand and take turns gently shaking their arms.)

He has a long way to go.
It murmurs, it shines,
And trembles in the sun.


Zhur-zhur-zhur, we are running,

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we're running
And we shine in the sun.

V o s p i t a t e l.

Where are you going, streams?


Let's get to the river
Let's mutter and then
We'll turn home.


Zhur-zhur-zhur, we are running,

(Children run, waving their arms.)

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we're running
And we shine in the sun.

V o s p i t a t e l (with a horse in his hands).

The horse screamed...

Children (together with the teacher).

V o s p i t a t e l.

She screamed in the clearing...

Children. Eeyore!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Who can hear me now?

Children. Eeyore!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Who will ride me?

Children. Eeyore!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Tanya and Vanya heard...

Children. Eeyore!

V o s p i t a t e l.

And they rode off on a horse

Children. Eeyore!

Scene “Mother Goat Comes Home”


Little goats, guys!
Open up, open up,
Your mother came and brought milk,
Milk flows down the groove,
From the soil into the cheese.

Goats (do imaginary actions - unlock the door).

Mom, mom!


Do you little goats recognize me?





Show me how you sang.

Goats (imitating mom, subtly).

Little goats, little kids...


And you didn’t open it to the wolf?




Show me how he sang.

Goats (imitate a wolf, rudely).

Little goats, kids...


You are obedient little goats, go into the house, play, and don’t open the door for the wolf.

Warm-up game “Goat, oh!”

V o s p i t a t e l.

Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: “Ay!”

Children. Aw! Aw!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Children, children, I call you:

Helen, where are you? Aw!

Lena. Aw!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: “Ay!”

Children. Aw! Aw!

V o s p i t a t e l.

Children, children, I call you:

Sasha, where are you? Aw!

Sasha. Aw!

Note. In the game, children call the goat: “Mila, hey!”, and call out to each other: “Lena, hey, where are you?”, “Katya, hey, I’m here.”

Children walk “through the forest” to disturbing music. While searching for the goat, the howl of a wolf is periodically heard. The teacher offers the game “Drive away the evil wolf.” Children begin to clap their hands loudly, stomp their feet and shout: “The hunters are coming, the hunters are coming!”

The children finally find Mila the goat, entangled in a thicket. They help Mila out of trouble. The goat (child of the older group) is happy.

Kozochka Mila.

I love wandering in the forest

Sticking out your legs

I can deceive a fox

I have horns.

I'm not afraid of anyone

I can even fight an evil wolf.

Hey you, wolf and fox,

Go into the woods.

V o s p i t a t e l. Goat Mila, how brave and formidable you are.

D e d M a t v e y. Why didn't you listen to me? You went so far that we couldn't find you. Your bell is lost. Say “thank you” to our guys for finding your bell and helping you out of trouble.

Kozochka Mila.

Thanks to all the guys

I will say it from the heart.

I'm very glad to see you,

You are all so good.

I invite you to dance

And sing songs together!

The teacher invites the children to play the game “Goats and Wolves”.

Game "Goats and Wolves"


In a clearing, in a forest

(The goats dance, sticking out their horns.)

Under the green pine

The goats danced the polka:

Step, step, just that much more.

(The goats are jumping.)

We danced and had fun

They forgot about the danger.

At this time the evil wolves

(Evil wolves walk in a circle.)

We walked through a dense forest.

Trembling, teeth clicking -

(The wolves move their paws in the air.)

Don't get caught by the toothy one!

Well, the goats were all playing

(The goats dance in a circle.)

And they didn’t notice the wolves.

We've already walked a hundred circles

(The wolves walk in a circle.)

One hundred hungry evil wolves.

On last lap- got angry,

(They catch goats.)

Together we caught the goats!

Mila the goat thanks the children for playing. Grandfather Matvey thanks the children and the teacher for helping him find his beloved goat.

Drama games based on the fairy tale “Spikelet”

The Cockerel appears on the screen. The teacher brings the child to Cockerel, who reads poetry to him.


Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?


I am a cockerel
golden comb,
I get up early and early
I sing loudly
I'm calling everyone to work.
Do you guys know who lives with me?


Yes! These are little mice.


What are their names?


Twist and Vert.


Did they help me work?



Will you help?



Help me around the house, please. Let's do everything together: chop wood, sweep with a broom, shake out rugs.

Finger gymnastics “The little foxes walked along the path”

Fox cubs walked along the path,

(Bend your fingers at the same time.)

In patent leather boots,
Up the hill - top-top,

(Clap their hands forcefully.)

And down the hill - top, top, top!

Squatted while exercising,

(They rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

They squatted in order.
Top-top for charging,

(Clap their hands forcefully.)

And from charging - top, top, top!

(Lightly shake hands.)

V o s p i t a t e l.

Did you like playing with us, little fox? (The little fox nods his head: I liked it.) Guys, while we were playing, pancakes ripened on my stove. (The teacher goes to the children's toy stove and takes a toy pot and pan and begins to bake pancakes.) These are what I have - pancakes. (The teacher approaches the children and begins to sing the song “Ladushki”, the children get up and dance.)

Song-game “Ladushki”

Okay, okay,

(Children “bake pancakes” (place their palms in cotton from one side to the other))

Where were you?
- At my grandmother's.
Grandma baked for us
Sweet pancakes,
I poured oil on it,

(Children offer open palms.)

Gave the children:

(The teacher places imaginary pancakes on his palms.)

Ole - two, Kolya - two,
Tanya - two, Vanya - two.
I gave it to everyone!

(The teacher approaches the little fox and also places pancakes in his paws).

V o s p i t a t e l.

Soon, little fox, your mother will come. She went into the forest, the fox tore off the birch bark, and began to weave bast shoes.
The teacher takes a bunch of bast shoes from the wall and shows them to the children, then puts the little fox on the paws. Then he puts on a fox cap and plays with the children, singing a joke.

Russian folk joke “The fox walked through the forest”

The fox walked through the forest,

(The children are sitting. The fox walks near the children.)

The songs were calling out.
The fox was tearing his stripes.

(The fox and the children “tear” the bast (make imitative movements))

The fox was weaving bast shoes.
The fox weaved bast shoes,

(They tap their palms on their knees.)

She said:

(The fox lays out imaginary sandals.)

Two for yourself
My husband has three
And the kids - bast shoes.

Olga Nikolaevna Shchemeleva
Planning theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions

“Planning theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”


Theater- one of the types of art that helps solve many problems in kindergarten:

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Moral education;

Development communication skills personalities;

Development of speech, memory, imagination;

Creating a positive emotional mood.

By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, and sounds. At the same time, the child’s vocabulary is activated and improved. sound culture his speech, its intonation structure.

Theatrical games make it possible to move from wordless sketches to sketches with words, to improvise with elements of mummery on a given topic. By playing and participating in performances, children willingly develop their speech and activate their vocabulary. At the same time, children learn to express themselves in movement, to move freely without being embarrassed.

The problem of mastery of words is relevant today for all ages. Frequent rehearsals give children the opportunity to communicate, understand the feeling of partnership, mutual assistance, relieves stiffness, and speeds up the process of mastering public speaking skills.

To solve this problem, we have developed a work plan for two months. Working according to plan, the children and I will enter the world of theater, get acquainted with it, and prepare to perform in front of other children in the future.

Work plan.


February 1 – 15

1. The fascinating world of theater.

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the fascinating world of theater and theatrical puppets.

2. “Let’s play some theater.”

Goal: - to introduce children to theatrical professions;

To consolidate knowledge about the means of expression in conveying the character of the hero and his emotional state.

Develop the ability to improvise.

3. Decoration of theater corners in groups, mummers’ corner.

February 16 – 28

1. "Let's play with dolls"

(bibabo, finger, table, etc.)

Goal: - consolidate the ability to come up with a simple plot and play it out (meeting, acquaintance, game, quarrel, reconciliation, friendship);

Develop fantasy and imagination.

2. Russian folk tales. Let's play a fairy tale.

Purpose: - to introduce the characters of the fairy tale;

Improve communication skills;

Develop fine motor skills hands;

Experience the joy of communication.

3. Making characters for a puppet theater with your own hands.

March 1 – 15.

1. Preparing for a fairy tale.

Purpose: - to introduce children to the theater screen and scenery;

Create a desire to make decorations with your own hands, work collectively, and maintain friendly relations.

2. Watching a puppet show staged by adults.

Goal: - to consolidate the ability to carefully watch and listen to a puppet show;

Carefully observe what is happening on the screen;

After watching the performance, participate in the discussion.

3. Writing fairy tales.

Goal: - teach to invent a fairy tale and tell it;

Develop puppeteering skills;

Expand children's theatrical experience.

March 15 – 30.

1. Let's show each other a fairy tale.

Goal: - learn roles;

Teach partnership interaction;

Learn to distinguish and depict emotions using facial expressions, gestures, movements;

Cultivate a sustainable interest in theatrical and play activities.

Purpose: summing up the work on a given topic.


N. F. Gubanova “Theatrical activities of preschool children.”

T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina “Development of speech.”

M. D. Makhaneva, E. G. Churilova “Theatrical games in kindergarten.”

M. A. Chistyakova “Psycho-gymnastics”.

Publications on the topic:

Planning educational activities on environmental education in preschool educational institutions"Planning educational activities By environmental education at the preschool educational institution." The basis of any activity is planning, which...

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in organizing theatrical activities City professional methodological association preschool teachers By speech development Municipal budget preschool educational.

Activity centers in preschool educational institutions. Center for theatrical activities "Theatricum" Organization of an activity center - “Theatricum” Theatrical activities allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills thanks to.

“It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and for the longest time - people. Of these, parents and teachers come first.” Makarenko A. S.

Purpose: to present experience in developing the creative abilities of older preschoolers in theatrical activities. Tasks: 1.

Olga Aseeva
Long-term plan for theatrical activities

Long-term planning for organizing theatrical events games in accordance with the complex thematic planning

Older age topic Reading, conversation Work on the expressiveness of speech and gestures Making attributes, costumes Show theater

"Me and my health" Reading a fairy tale by V. Kataev "Seven-flowered flower"

Conversation « Kind word heals, but bad things cripple" Learn to use intonations that express the feelings of a sick boy and a healthy girl

Study for expression "Sick Girl"

Etude "Cold" Making a seven-flowered flower Dramatizing an excerpt from a fairy tale (meeting of a boy and a girl; girl at the North Pole)

"My Family" Reading a Nanai fairy tale "Ayoga"

Conversation "My mommy" Develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (contempt, arrogance of a capricious girl)

Etude "Naughty girl", "Stubborn Donkey" Sewing a mitten Dramatization of a passage (dialogue between mother and daughter)

Younger age "Me and my health" Reading a fairy tale by Chukovsky K.I. "Doctor Aibolit"

Reading nursery rhymes "Oh pain-pain-pain" Voice imitation game using a finger theater"Doctor Aibolit"

Game "Say plaintively"

Learn to express feelings of pain and compassion in facial expressions and pantomime. Etude "Oh it hurts", "Have pity on the sick man" Making a desktop theater from kinders Desktop display theater"Doctor Aibolit"

"My Family" Reading "Tales of the Stupid Mouse" S. Ya. Marshak

Finger play "Friendly family" Working with fingers. Etude « Loving daughter» , "Give a flower to mom"

Learn to combine movement and speech; cultivate respect and love for the family, for the mother through sketches, encourage children to participate in theatrical play, encourage creative initiative. "Squeak like a mouse" exercise to develop intonation expressiveness

"Say it kindly and roughly", "Say it loud and quiet". Game with movements and pronunciation "Mom is sleeping" Coloring, drawing animals based on a fairy tale.

Selection of masks. re-enactment "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" S. Ya. Marshak

Publications on the topic:

Long-term plan for a circle of theatrical activities in the senior group “Petrushka” Explanatory note Children's creativity is one of current problems preschool pedagogy and child psychology. Theater activities.

Long-term plan for educational activities “Water” (part three) March 1. Speech development. Socialization. Topic: “Save water” (Article 21 by L.P. Molodova, “Environmental play activities with children”) Objectives: teach children.

Long-term plan for fine art activities in the preparatory group under the program “From birth to school” author T. S. Kamorova SEPTEMBER No. 1 “Summer” Teach children to reflect their impressions of summer in a drawing, placing images on a wide strip:.

Self-education plan “Speech development of preschool children in theatrical activities” Self-education plan for the teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten KV No. 42” Victoria Aleksandrovna Strukova for 2015 – 2016 academic year. Relevance.

Plan-program for theatrical activities (continued) February 18 “We are athletes” Talking about your family’s sports hobbies using presentations created by parents. Plastic.

One of the points of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education speaks of the need to involve children in activities that promote the development of creative potential, speech, thinking and social-communication skills, and artistic and aesthetic education of children. One of these types is theatrical activities in preparatory group kindergarten.

The importance of theatrical activities in the development of a preschooler

Theatrical games are especially popular among children in the preparatory group. This is the age when a child begins to realize his role in society and strives to understand how to behave in society, learns to take responsibility for actions, and fulfill responsibilities.

Important! One of the teacher’s tasks when organizing activities is to provide a scientifically based and systematic approach.

For this purpose, thematic planning is drawn up theatrical activities. To plan lesson topics, the teacher must consider:

  • requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education;
  • age characteristics of children;
  • educational and developmental opportunities for this type of activity;
  • features of the introduction of theatrical games into the educational process.

Functions of theatrical activities

The possibilities of theatricalization in a child’s development are quite wide:

  • acquaintance with the surrounding reality through sound, color, artistic images;
  • development of analytical and logical thinking;
  • improving speech skills;
  • replenishment of vocabulary;
  • development of the child’s emotional sphere;
  • development of acting skills.

Features of organizing theatrical activities in the preparatory group

Preschoolers in the older group are interested in theater not only as a game, but also as an art form. Thematic planning of theatrical activities for this group should be done taking into account the following features:

  1. Children of the preparatory group are already familiar with the rules of conduct in public places, so they can be freely taken on excursions to the theater and stage performances.
  2. Children are interested in theory theatrical arts. Lessons can include stories about the history of theater, famous actors, about theatrical traditions and professions.
  3. Preschoolers will cope not only with acting role, but also with the responsibilities of a production director. In this case, the actors will be the dolls. Moreover, dolls can be made together with children in the classroom, as shown in this video: Theatrical activities in kindergarten
  4. It will not always be interesting for children to work on ready-made plots, which means we need to help them master the profession of screenwriter. Preschoolers will be happy to come up with their own stories and give their dolls roles and characters.

Important! The main character of theatricalization in the preparatory group should be aimed at giving children more freedom, the opportunity to show initiative and creative imagination.

Features of planning theatrical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Theatricalization as creativity can be included in:

  • educational activities;
  • in the content of the variable and optional part of education;
  • in independent and joint activities with parents.

Based on the educational and developmental potential of theatrical activities, the following goals are identified in working with children:

  • development of creative thinking;
  • activation of cognitive interest;
  • development general knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • developing the ability to role-play and act out skits;
  • involving parents in theatrical performances.

Program content in thematic planning lessons should roughly correspond to the following example:

DeadlinesSubjectsProgram content
SeptemberIntroductory lessonIntroduction to theater as an art form
Theater professionsAcquaintance with theatrical professions, replenishment of vocabulary.
Role-playing gamesAcquaintance with the culture of behavior in the theater.
Dramatization of familiar fairy tales (to the teacher’s choice)Development of cognitive interest, acting skills.
OctoberTypes of theaterReplenishing your vocabulary, getting to know the types of theater
RhythmicsDeveloping the ability to stay on stage and move around the stage.
Reading fairy tales by role (to the choice of the teacher)Development of speech skills, diction, and the ability to imitate animals.
Preparing for the performancePreparing children's details, expanding their vocabulary.
DecemberSpeech techniqueWork on speech and diction.
Work on facial expressions, gestures, conveying the character of the hero.
Fairy tale dramatization (teacher's choice)
New Year's re-enactmentAwakening a keen interest in theatrical performance
JanuaryChristmas dramatizationGetting to know the holiday, developing creative skills through playing on stage.
EmotionsWork on expressing different emotions. Broadcast emotional state character in the scene.
PetsIntroduction to fairy tales about animals. Work on conveying the image and character of the hero of the fairy tale.
FebruaryForest animals
FriendshipWork on the concepts of “friendship”, “mutual support”, development of the emotional sphere.
Staged according to planParticipation in the staging of the work. Demonstration of acting and declamation abilities,
MarchMarch 8Participation in a concert for mothers. Demonstration of skills to perform on stage, play, read expressively.
Puppet theaterGetting to know puppet theater. Working with the ability to control puppets.
Puppet charactersGiving each doll a name and character. Work on vocabulary, emotional background and diction.
Preparing for the productionLearning words, working on speech, intonation, diction.
April-MayPuppet showDemonstration performance with dolls acting as actors.
Fairy tale dramatizationsDemonstration of acquired skills throughout the year, development of cognitive interest and creative potential.

Long-term planning of theatrical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard should be carried out taking into account the didactic and developmental capabilities of this type of activity. Details about the preparation of educational documents can be obtained from the employees of the Arbor Prime company, which is engaged in the development of such projects.

Evsina Elena Nikolaevna
Planning for theatrical activities in senior group


Talk about the variety of theatrical activities


Showing illustrations with various types theaters, their structure, actions with various puppets, group theater, curtain

Puppets: table theater, puppet.

Showing scenes with various dolls.

Reasoning game “Who is the boss in the theater?”

Week 2 “Tales on the table”

Tell us about the features of the tabletop theater

Demonstration of methods of acting with tabletop theater puppets.

Introducing tabletop theater puppets: Pinocchio, Alice the fox, Basilio the cat, Artemon the dog, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina

Children's choice of roles in a fairy tale

3. Reading the fairy tale “Pinocchio”

Develop attention, observation, imagination. Consolidating knowledge about methods of acting with a tabletop theater puppet.

Table theater puppets.

Game “Where we were, we won’t tell.”

4. Reading a fairy tale


Introduce children to the art of theater, cultivate interest in theatrical performances, teach them to interact with a dialogue partner. Consolidating knowledge about methods of acting with a tabletop theater puppet.

Table theater puppets.

Showing an excerpt from the fairy tale “Pinocchio”.

Game improvisations based on a fairy tale.

1. Dramatization of Ukrainian. adv. fairy tales "Spikelet"

Develop acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech Reading the fairy tale “Spikelet” Masks-pictures of fairy tale characters; ear of wheat (natural)

2. First reading of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Telephone” with elements of dramatization - excerpts of characters most familiar to children (elephant, bunnies, monkeys)

Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone” (excerpts best known to children)

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Telephone”, attributes for dramatization: two telephones, masks, pictures of selected characters.

3.Second reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

Bring to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text

Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone”

Improvising other fragments of the poem, inventing your own characters,

who call the hero of the work.

4. Third reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Telephone”, attributes for dramatization: two telephones, hats, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone”;

Game: “Sinking Hippopotamus”

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1.Improvisation, dramatization using puppets(bibao, glove puppets, character toys, etc.)

Playing out the nursery rhyme “The little gray bunny is sitting”

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 9/28

Introduce children to nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems,

which will be dramatized by them in the process of theatrical activity.

Game: “Cold - Hot”

Reading nursery rhyme: “The gray bunny is sitting”

Playing out nursery rhymes with children

Dolls - characters famous fairy tales: bunny, wolf, bear, fox, etc. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

2. Improvisation, dramatization of poetic texts

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 10/28

Teach children to evaluate their own actions and the actions of their comrades, comparing them with the actions of the characters literary heroes works; Encourage children to get rid of bad habits and imitate goodies

Reading of the poem “New Girl” by N. Naydenova

Playing out a poem with children

Game for the development of expressive plastic movements “Shadow-shadow-shade”

Cultivate interest in theatrical activities, instill a love for the theater. Making houses for fox and hare,

Dolls - fairy tale heroes: rooster, dog, bear, fox, hare); scenery - a house of a fox and a hare; text of the work – Russian folk tale"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"

Game: "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

4. Improvisation, dramatization using puppets (bibao, glove puppets, character toys, etc.)

Game: "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play.

Develop communication skills and independence.

Cultivate interest in theatrical activities, instill a love for the theater. Games

1. “Show how good children behave in the theater”

2. “Show how the actors would feel if”

3. Game: “Fox, Hare and Rooster”

Dolls - fairy tale heroes: rooster, dog, bear, fox, hare); scenery - a house of a fox and a hare. Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

5. Dramatization of poetic works

L. V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers,” p. 11/28

Teach children to evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades, comparing them with the actions of characters in literary works; encourage children's desire to get rid of bad habits and imitate positive heroes 1. Reading and dramatization of a poem

M. Evensen “Who will help?”

2. Game: “Chair of pleasant wishes to each other”

Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Christmas holidays

2. Finger Theater: fairy tale by V. Oseeva “Who is stupider?”

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 27

Develop the ability to play finger theater; fine motor skills of hands; communication skills and independence

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play.

1. Game "Palms"

2. Game "Magic Flower"

3. “Fairytale task”

4. Finger play

"My Family"

5. Dramatization of V. Oseeva’s fairy tale “Who is stupider?”

Staging a fairy tale using finger puppets.

2. Game “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”

To promote the development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in conveying the image of your hero.

Improve the ability to dramatize with the help of bibabo dolls.

1. Exercise for the development of expressive plastic movements “Shadow-shadow-shade”

2. Staged fairy tales

Dolls are the heroes of the fairy tale: Snow Maiden, grandfather, woman, bear, wolf and fox.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities, expressive, emotional narration of the words of the chosen character in the fairy tale.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”

3. Getting to know emotions. Joy.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 40

Introducing children to some basic emotions.

1. Game "Palms"

2. “Fairytale task”

3. Finger game “Rain”

4. Watching a cartoon episode

“It’s just like that.” Discussion.

5. Looking at pictures of people experiencing different feelings.

6. Drawing “Emotions” TV, cartoon

“Just like that” on a flash drive, pictures with images of people experiencing different feelings: joy, resentment, interest, anger, shame, fear.

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Behavior correction. Traffic light.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 53

Use a fairy-tale situation to reinforce traffic rules

Development of creative thinking and imagination

Game "Palms"

Finger game

"To the garden for plums"

Game "Sparks"

Reading a fairy tale in verse “Advice from Nikitochkin and Vvverkhtormashkin.” Discussion of the behavior of fairy tale characters.

Game "Traffic Light" Circles different colors for each child (5 flowers,

a picture with several color placement options;

photo “Traffic light”, “City street”.

1. Overcoming shyness by children at the stage of the “Palms” game, strengthening friendly relationships between children in the group.

2. Reinforcement of traffic rules by children.

Week 2 Getting to know emotions. Joy.

O. F. Vaskova, A. A. Politykina “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschool children.” p. 41

Continue to introduce children to some basic emotions (joy)

1. Game "Palms"

2. “Fairytale task”

3. Finger game “Family”

4. D/i “Joy”

5. Game “Tender name”

6. Drawing “Joy” Pictures with images of people experiencing this feeling: joy,

Pencils and sheets of paper for each child. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 3 First reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization

(K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”)

O. A. Skorolupova, L. V. Loginova ARE WE PLAYING? LET'S PLAY! Pedagogical guidance of games for preschool children,” p. 78

Develop play actions in an imaginary way, developing creativity when creating a play environment.

Bring to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text

Text of K. Chukovsky’s work “Doctor Aibolit”, attributes for dramatization: two phones, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Improvising other fragments of the poem, inventing your own characters,

who call the hero of the work.

Week 4 Second reading of a fairy tale with elements of dramatization of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

To convey to the child the humor of Chukovsky’s poems, the desire to read them expressively, without deviating from the text.

Develop acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech.

Week 5 Reading the entire work of K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”;

Game: “The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes”

V. M. Bukatova, p. 100

Text of the work, attributes for dramatization: two phones, hats, masks, pictures of selected characters.

Collective dramatization of the work

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1 week Show of sketches:

“What you can ride”;

"Tearing an imaginary thread from a spool"

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 53, 133

Promote comprehensive training of imagination, attention, speed of attention, skill of coordinated work.

Activation of the emotional, mental, and communicative mood of children. 1. Game “Stand up on your fingers”

“What you can ride”;

"Tearing an imaginary thread from a spool."

3. Game “Transformed by myself” Background music.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 2 Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

(creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”) development of skills of intonation, speech and emotional expressiveness

1. Breathing exercise:

"Let's warm our hands"

2. Exercise “Snowflake”

3. Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

4. Sketch “Snowball fight”.

5. Outdoor game “Bear”.

TV, classical music

A. Vivaldi “Winter”, pieces of cotton wool for games. exercises.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Playing out the nursery rhyme “We are walking through snowdrifts”

Week 3 Games and game exercises on the development of expressive facial expressions on the topic of emotions.

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 104,151, 171

Introducing children to some basic emotions

1. Exercise to develop expressive facial expressions


2. Game for coordination of memory and movements “Arms and feet”

3. Choir. game "Zainka"

Rus. adv. song (at the teacher's choice, TV Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Week 4 Games and gaming exercises to develop the expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures and articulation.

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures, attribution.

1. Game to develop articulation

"Silent Dialogue"

2. A game to develop the expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures “Riddles without words”

Attributes for the role of “mother” (handbag, scarf, dress, etc. at the request of the children);

illustrations for riddles without words.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Voice-over of illustrations, pictures, frames from cartoons

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 128

Develop expressive speech, imagination, fantasy, ability to work in a group (team)

1. Children watch an episode of the cartoon “Mother for a Baby Mammoth” with sound.

2. Discussion of the characters’ phrases, intonation.

3. Voice-over of an episode by children from a cartoon (with the sound turned off).

TV, episode of the cartoon “Mother for Baby Mammoth.” Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

Voice-over of an episode by children from a cartoon.

2. Finger Theater: fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

Develop the ability to play finger theater; fine motor skills of hands; communication skills and independence.

Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play

1. Watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

2. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

3. Finger Theater: fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

3. Pantomime game “The hare had a garden” (V. Stepanov.)

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop pantomimic skills, facial expressions and plastic abilities of children;

Creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.

1. Pantomime game “The hare had a garden”

2. “Game with a handkerchief”

Shawl, text of a work for a pantomime game.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities

4. Games to develop plastic expressiveness

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 104

Game “We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you”

Game "Who's in the picture?"

Pictures depicting various living creatures (insects, fish, animals, birds) To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills

Acting out the situation

“I don’t want semolina porridge!”

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Learn to pronounce phrases with intonation and expressiveness

Acting out the situation “I don’t want semolina!”

Attributes for dramatization: the role of “mom”, the role of “dad”: scarves, handbags, hats, caps Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Planning for theatrical activities in the senior group

1. Transformation suit

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 117

To develop children’s ability to independently select attributes for dressing up to play a role. Develop creative thinking and imagination; bring up careful attitude to things for the dressing up corner Looking at things in the dressing up corner.

Conversation “What things would you choose for the heroes?”

Request from parents of children regarding the enrichment of the dressing up corner with new attributes. Dressing corner, things for dressing corner. Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Movement imitation game

“How the soup was made”

2. Game to develop a sense of rhyme - “Pick a rhyme”

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop imagination and pantomime skills;

sense of rhyme

Tape recorder or TV, audio recording of “Russian folk dance” Active participation of children in theatrical activities

“How the soup was made”;

Game "Pick a Rhyme".

Children's poems by role

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 102

3. Acting out the poem by B. Zakhoder “The pussy is crying...”

Develop pantomimic abilities, love for animals

Reading a work with some changes: changing the ending of the work, adding characters in the work.

Text of the work, Acting out the poem

B. Zakhodera “The pussy is crying...”

"Cheerful Old Man - Lesovichok"

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Learn to use different intonations

Develop pantomime skills, facial expressions and plastic abilities of children. 1. The teacher reads a poem, Old Lesovichok pronounces his words according to the text with different intonations, the children repeat.

2. Pantomime game “Bear Cubs”

Text of the work, background music “Sounds of the Forest”, tape recorder or TV Active participation of children in theatrical activities

Game "Jolly Old Man - Lesovichok"

1Voice over illustrations.

Fairy tale " Scarlet flower» Aksakova

“Games for kindergarten. Development of a child’s talents through play” / ed.

V. M. Bukatova, p. 128 Develop expressive speech, imagination, fantasy, ability to work in a group (team);

improve figurative performing skills.

Develop creative independence in conveying images.

1. Pre-reading of Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”.

2. Discussion.

3. Vocalization of photo illustrations by children.

4. Transformation game

“Flower” Photo illustrations for Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”

Voice-over of illustrations. Fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” by Aksakov.

To form an idea of ​​the significance of the Victory Parade for all Russians; develop interest in the history of Russia, its past; cultivate patriotic feelings: pride, love for one’s country. To show that military bands play an important role in the parade. 1. View episodes of the parade.

2. Conversation about the parade.

3. Conversation about the military band,

4. D/game “Musical Instruments”

TV, Internet resources “Victory Parade 2018”

To evoke an emotional response in children from what they saw, a desire to do good for their country in the future.

3.Game - transformation, a game for the development of expressiveness and imagination; game - poetry

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Teach children to control their body, to freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs.

Form the simplest figurative and expressive skills; teach children to play literary text, support the desire to independently search means of expression to create an image using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.

1. Transformation game

“Shake the water off the tissues”

2. Game to develop expressiveness and imagination “After the Rain”

3. Game - poems “We wash ourselves”

Background music “The Sound of Water”: ocean, sea, stream.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

4. Playing with an imaginary object

Creative folder “Theatrical games in the senior group”

Develop skills in working with imaginary objects; bring up friendly attitude to all living things, including the smallest - young children.

Playing with an imaginary object.

Games for muscle tension and relaxation

"Wooden and rag dolls"

Evoke an emotional response, a desire to care for small children.

Active participation of children in theatrical activities.

Role-playing a poem

“Grasshopper” by A. Apukhtin.

Encourage active participation in the dramatization,

teach expressive speech.

1. Articulation game “Gymnastics for the tongue”

2. Role-playing a poem

“Grasshopper” by A. Apukhtin