Written copybooks for children 6 years old. How to teach a preschool child to write letters and numbers correctly: copybooks, tips and learning tricks. Copybooks - mathematical


In the “Copybooks” section, you can download free teaching materials for developing writing skills, intended for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Yu. Astapova

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for writing in notebooks. The tasks will help develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, and develop the child’s graphic skills and imagination. Copybooks will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper using a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception and logical thinking. You can study according to these recipes either individually or in a group.

N.V., Masberg

Here are the recipes, by practicing which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve correct coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the copybooks is presented in the form of exciting tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The child must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to lift the pencil from the paper. By completing such tasks, he will learn to carefully trace along a dotted line, easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, and gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The exercises in the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children remember the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to fit the shape of a letter into a working line, observing its proportions, write letters at equal distances from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use hygienic rules of writing.

Publishing house "Dragonfly"

Coloring books designed to help develop small hand muscles and proper finger coordination when writing in young children. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and will also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.

The ability to write is one of the most important skills, along with reading, that any person should master (see also:). Many parents unreasonably believe that they need to start teaching their child as early as possible, that this skill is the highest indicator of the level of development. Is this true? Many experts agree that you should not start teaching your child to write until he is 5-6 years old. Teaching a preschooler to write beautifully is not an easy task; it requires composure, perseverance and attentiveness.

All parents want to be proud of their child and try to teach him to write at an early age. But this approach can only do harm if you don’t know how to deal with your child correctly.

Children aged 3-4 years, for the most part, are fidgety. They want to run, jump, play, but not write out some letters and numbers in boring copybooks. If you nevertheless decide to teach your child to write, then remember: now you will need to practice penmanship with your child regularly, otherwise after a while he may forget everything you taught him!

Not everyone may like these activities, so he may begin to write letters and numbers quickly and sloppily, wanting to finish with them as quickly as possible and eventually move on to some more interesting things. All this can lead to the development of ugly handwriting, which will not be so easy to correct later. Let's figure out what experts are talking about: is it worth starting to teach children to write in preschool age, how effective will such classes be and their consequences?

Should parents teach a child under 5 to write?

Teaching children to write at 3-4 years old is not worth it for a number of reasons:

  • Children lose the sense of novelty inherent in learning at school. When a student realizes that all they start learning in class is writing numbers and letters, he loses all interest in learning. The child becomes bored and lazy to complete the task. We are no longer talking about any incentive and joy to learn new things every day.
  • Writing skills turn out to be incorrect. Two experts in the field of child development (physiologist Maryana Bezrukikh and early development specialist Lena Danilova) are convinced that the development of writing skills, including penmanship and speed writing, does not occur in one year, but gradually. This takes years. You shouldn’t throw all your energy into teaching your child to write beautifully. All this may negatively affect his entire style of writing in the future.

Correct posture must be developed from a very early age, as soon as the baby takes his first pencil and sits down to draw at the table. This will help avoid many spinal problems in the future.

At first, a preparatory base will be sufficient for training. Teach your baby to sit at the table in the correct position, and also teach how to grasp a pencil or pen. Over time, you can begin the learning process, but remember that it is important to be consistent in your teaching techniques. Each number and each letter should be explained separately, explaining and comparing. A child is only able to fully evaluate the technique of writing a particular letter when he or she is closer to 5-6 years of age.

Haste in learning always only causes harm; it is especially important not to rush at first. By pushing your child, you will provoke him to make mistakes in writing individual elements.

Increasingly, irregularities in height and width and slope will occur. It will become almost impossible for your baby to connect letters into words. Then, upon entering first grade, the child will fall into the hands of a teacher who will be forced to correct many of your mistakes.

When should you start?

Usually, it is at school that we learn to write letters and numbers beautifully. Learning to write there takes place in several stages: first, children are shown how to sit at a school desk correctly, then how to hold a pen or pencil. Teachers give the child the first ideas about letters and numbers, talk about what height and width the lines and slopes in them should be, and show how to correctly connect them together.

Early mastery of accurate writing of numbers and letters does not guarantee the preservation of this skill in the future. It is important to place the hand so that the child gets minimally tired during the work. This skill, as well as the skill of beautiful handwriting, comes from regular practice. A baby who loves to run and jump can hardly be forced to sit at a notebook. When the parents succeed, their only goal is to finish everything quickly so that everyone falls behind, and then run off to play. Such an incorrect approach risks ruining children's handwriting for a long time.

The child himself must want to learn to write, and until this time, classes can be carried out in a playful way

Let us conclude: it is advisable to engage with your child in a playful way. Any learning activity should be presented easily and naturally. Don’t rush to put a 3-4 year old child on a line with copybooks and notebooks. Wait a couple of years, then your successes with him will be more tangible and less painful. Until this time, you should only prepare your little hands for future writing.

Preparing a preschooler to master writing skills

All of the above does not mean that a 5-6 year old child does not need to be prepared for school, because before he begins to learn to write, it is necessary to master a wide variety of skills. This is where the help of parents will come in handy. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Thanks to full development, the child will be able to write beautifully in the future, so that both his and your eyes will be happy. Teach your baby to do everything carefully, to show diligence and attentiveness. These are the skills that should be developed in children during the preschool period. We are talking about ages from 2 to 5 years. The following activities will help you do this.

Exercises to develop fine motor function

You can develop fine motor skills in different ways, for example, by modeling from plasticine
  • finger gymnastics: a great option to stretch naughty fingers is to play together a game called “Twister”, only with your fingers;
  • make a shadow theater using your hands;
  • make applications from all kinds of materials (colored paper, felt, autumn leaves, grains, etc.);
  • learning to cut out (first simple shapes, then more complex pictures);
  • make drawings on semolina, sand (we recommend reading:);
  • folding, paper modeling, origami;
  • design;
  • weaving bracelets and figures from rubber bands;
  • activities with loose and small objects (cereals, legumes, pebbles): repeating a pattern, making a mosaic, stringing pasta on a string, etc.;
  • modeling from clay, dough, plasticine;
  • copybooks, coloring, drawing.

Remind them of the importance of posture. Pay close attention to your position at the table. In the future, while concentrating on the writing process, posture control will be carried out at a subconscious level.

It is very important to teach your baby to hold a pencil from an early age. Today, there are comfortable triangular pencils with a thick diameter on sale. Thanks to them, it will be easier for the child to master this skill. There are also special pencil attachments on sale that teach correct grip.

Don't do the same activity for too long. Alternate activities, and also do not forget about minutes of rest, when it is important to give your fingers and arms the opportunity to rest and relieve tension.

There are many colorful and interesting copybooks for younger children, where the child will learn to trace, shade and much more.

The method of teaching writing developed by M.T. has proven itself quite well. Strizhakova. It's called "From Drawing to Letter." All children love to color and shade drawings. The shading method can also be used in copybooks with wide or narrow rulers.

Copybooks for kids may be interesting. In such teaching aids, tasks are given to trace contours, drawings, figures, and numbers using dots. Remember, we are all learning, which means everything needs time and no rush.

What do you need to know when learning to write?

If a preschooler asks you to teach him to write, then during teaching, adhere to the following rules:

  • Be sure to praise your child during classes for any of his successes and do not scold him if something suddenly doesn’t work out for him;
  • start learning with simple tasks, first draw along the dots, then along the dotted lines;
  • Only after the baby understands how to write printed letters and numbers can you move on to writing capital letters.

There is no need to spend a lot of time on classes; 20 minutes a day is enough. There will be enough of them so that the child can learn something, but at the same time he will not get bored and will always be interested.

Writing numbers should be meaningful, so you should, first of all, learn to count to 10. You can start memorizing numbers by the age of 4-5, and when you start writing them with your child, be sure to tell him the names so that he remembers.

So where to start:

  1. Teach your baby to navigate the arrangement of cage elements. He must be able to determine its sides, upper and lower boundaries, divide the cell into 4 identical parts, find its center and corners.
  2. An important step is teaching the child to maintain the angle of inclination while writing numbers. You can determine the slope as follows: draw a segment that will connect the upper right corner of your cell with a point placed in the middle of the lower edge.
  3. Before moving directly to writing numbers, the child should practice drawing dashes, checkmarks, circles, and semi-ovals. It is from these elements that all numbers are made.

Important! The height of the number is always equal to the size of the cell in the copybook or notebook, so it occupies almost the entire part of the cell. The right edge of the number always touches the right side of the cell, without going beyond its edges.

Let's look at the example of writing the numbers 0 and 1. By analogy, you can independently teach your child how to write correctly:

Buy or download mathematical copybooks. First, the fidget must circle the numbers using dots, then dotted lines. On one line, examples should be repeated 2-3 times so that you can focus on them all the time. You can also buy a stencil for your baby; he will definitely like to trace various signs on it. To prevent loss of interest and boredom while practicing with copybooks, give your child the opportunity to draw circles, suns or hearts next to the numbers. With such entertainment we learn and absorb new material faster.

Learning numbers by dots

Copybook coloring pages with numbers


Before starting to write letters, the child must master the alphabet and understand what a particular sign looks like. Copybooks with block letters will definitely help him with this. Pay your child's attention to the boundaries of the lines, explain to him that the letters must be written so that they do not go beyond these boundaries. Conduct handwriting lessons with him in the form of a game, compare letters with various objects. For example, you can compare “O” to an inflatable ring, “C” to a month, and “U” to a slingshot. This will make your classes more fun and exciting, and it will be easier to remember the names and appearance.

Start learning how to write capital letters only after your child has mastered printed letters well. First, show several times how to correctly write a new sign. Comment on your actions, tell us how and where you draw the lines, what elements the letter consists of. Then write this letter together, help the preschooler in his first experiences with writing. For better understanding, you can show with your fingers in the air how to do it, and then ask your baby to repeat after you. Once he succeeds, you can give him time to write on his own.

Engage with your child, develop his fantasy and imagination, train fine motor skills and coordination of movements, praise his every achievement. Then you will definitely be able to teach your child to write without spending a lot of time and nerves!

You are in the category of coloring pages Copy numbers. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download coloring pages Copy numbers and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic of writing numbers develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps you learn more about the world around you, and introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog, compiled by category, will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring books will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Today's school places quite serious demands on 6-7 year old children entering first grade. It is no longer possible to count on the fact that, as once in the past, children will come to school and be taught everything there. One of the most important signs of a child’s readiness for school is the development of fine motor skills and initial writing skills.

It is to solve this problem that experts have developed recipes. These simple squiggles, lines, pictures help him get used to the pen, develop his hand, and develop the skill of writing future parts of letters and numbers. To help preschoolers prepare for school, thanks to the Internet, parents can print out copybooks for children 6-7 years old for free.

But you need to start preparing in advance. The first prescriptions can be given to children as early as three years old. For this purpose, special educational funny pictures and patterns are being developed for children 3-4 years old, by tracing which they begin their first acquaintance with pencils and pens.

To print, click on the picture, it will open in a special window, then right-click on the picture and select “Print”

Coloring books with pictures and the simplest lines and shapes become the first stage of learning for children. The baby gets used to holding a pencil or brush in his hands, coloring his favorite characters. Some coloring pages also include a copybook element, when the silhouette of the drawing is made in the form of a thin dotted line. The young artist traces it to make the drawing bright and clear, learning to draw smooth lines this way.

Copybooks for children 3-4 years old do not include either letters or numbers. Preschoolers learn to trace simple geometric shapes, large drawings and lines. Sticks and hooks are built into the coloring pattern. The child can first color the drawing and then trace these elements.

Adults make sure that the line the baby leads is not interrupted and does not go far beyond the contour.

Even if your children have passed the age of 3-4 years, it is worth checking how easily they work with coloring pages and the simplest copybooks before moving on to the next stage. The more a preschooler draws in coloring books (any kind), the more fine motor skills of his hands develop, the easier it will be for him to write.

Copybooks for children - learning to write in a playful way

Letters and numbers

At the age of 5-6 years, children begin to be introduced to letters and numbers and master their writing. First, they learn to write the elements of letters correctly - hooks and squiggles, sticks and lines. Printed letters are necessarily included in the copybooks for children aged 5-6 years, which they trace along the dotted lines.

When teaching children to write letters, one should not forget about numbers. Learning to write them is no less difficult for kids. At this age, the preschooler also begins by mastering the correct spelling of numbers.

Initially, at the first stage of working with letters and numbers, parents hold the baby’s hand in theirs. This way he can feel the correct order of hand movement. This is very important for the subsequent beauty and correctness of writing. After the preschooler understands how to act, he will trace the lines himself.

Alphabet for schoolchildren

At the age of 6-7 years, children come to school and begin to learn the Russian language. The correct order of writing letters determines the speed of writing in the future, the beauty and clarity of handwriting. The teacher at school does not have enough time to work on this. Here parents and copybooks come to the aid of the student. At 6-7 years old, children should already be able to master capital letters. In the copybooks, arrows indicate the direction of hand movement. Parents must ensure that the beginning student follows these instructions.

Copybooks - mathematical

In order for children 6-7 years old to have success in mathematics, parents should use mathematical copybooks. They include examples of writing numbers and their elements, simple examples, and geometric shapes. If a little student practices writing numbers at home until it becomes automatic, without confusing, for example, 6 and 9, this will give him more time in mathematics at school to understand the essence of the examples, problems and rules that the teacher explains.

Copybooks - English language

Often, children aged 6-7 years already begin to learn English. Writing the English alphabet has its own specifics. It includes both letters corresponding to the Russian alphabet and those completely unfamiliar to children before. Even letters similar to Russian are written slightly differently, and completely new ones are especially difficult to master. Here, copybooks with English letters will also come to the aid of students. All these necessary and educational copybooks can be downloaded and printed completely free of charge.

Capital letters for children, learn to write Russian capital letters

By introducing a child to mathematics in preschool age, parents try to instill a love for this science. Copying numbers will help your child learn to write numbers beautifully and correctly. Writing numbers in words is not at all easy. A restless first-grader often does not have enough time and energy to master this skill at school, so by the fifth grade his math notebooks look very sad. How to teach a child to write numbers by studying with him at home, so that the lessons are fun and beneficial?

From this article you will learn

When to start

At what age it is better to teach a child to write numbers in words depends not only on the wishes of the parents. Many people want to teach their child early how to write numbers correctly. But if the child has not yet developed fine motor skills, he does not know how to count, and he does not really want to study, it is too early to buy copybooks with numbers. Experienced teachers do not recommend offering numbers for children aged three to four years old for several reasons:

  • incorrect writing skills are formed, since the child is not yet able to appreciate the technique of writing numbers;
  • the child loses interest in learning new material at school if the teacher explains what he has known for a long time and has become bored with;
  • the child must receive an initial preparatory basis, which includes the ability to hold a pen, sit straight at a desk, be neat and attentive;

When the child himself reveals a desire to study by filling out the numbers, you can download the learning material from the Internet for free. You can download and print out a variety of copybooks for preschoolers: with pictures, coloring pages, with patterns of various elements, a sample that needs to be traced by dots. The first lessons should be in a playful way and not tire the child.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills

A printable digital pattern to trace is a good fine motor activity. But at two or three years old it is still too early to give a child prescriptions. You need to start with simple applique classes, modeling from plasticine or salt dough.

You can make it yourself or buy sensory boxes in toy stores with bulk materials, animal figures made of plastic or rubber, and pebbles of different shapes and sizes. Constructing various scenes from game elements will contribute to the development of fine motor skills in a child’s hands from one year onwards.

With an older child, you can practice stringing beads on a string. Large buttons, plastic bottle caps, and wooden spools of thread can serve as beads.

You need to do finger exercises with your baby, telling funny poems about the magpie-crow who cooked porridge and fed the children, about bunnies and squirrels, about boys and girls.

You can create a shadow theater with your hands, fold origami, weave macrame, make figures and bracelets from rubber bands, cut out New Year's snowflakes, weave figures from large beads. Assembling a small construction set also perfectly develops fine motor skills of the fingers, but try not to give small parts to children under three years old so that they do not accidentally swallow them.

It is important to teach your child how to hold a pencil and pen correctly. It will take a long time to practice so that the pencil lies on the middle finger of the hand, being held between the thumb and forefinger. Do not scold your child if he holds the pencil incorrectly when coloring pictures. Explain that if he wants to learn to draw and write, he needs to hold a pencil, just like mom or dad does. Praise your child for his efforts and the slightest successes, trying not to notice mistakes and mistakes.

How to conduct classes

We learn to write numbers by playing. A writing lesson should not be a dry memorization of writing rules one by one, but a creative activity that develops the imagination. It is desirable that the child understands what he writes. You can learn the meaning of numbers from the age of two.

At the age of five, you can begin to learn how to write numbers in copybooks. First you need to explain to your child what parts the cell in the notebook consists of. Where is the top side, where is the bottom side, right and left. The baby must find the center of the cage himself. Writing numbers correctly is my mother's pride. But you can’t rush the baby.

The skill of writing is formed according to the observations of psychologists over several years of life. The habit of completing a task hastily and carelessly in order to finish the lesson faster and move on to more interesting things is an undesirable behavior that needs to be corrected immediately. You can introduce an element of play into the preschool period in a variety of ways.

Filling out the copybook

When filling out copybooks with your child, we write the numbers correctly so that you don’t have to relearn them at school. The rules for writing in cells from 1 to 10 are shown to the baby in the form of small cards with arrows, so he will better understand the movement of the pen while writing and remember.

Option for number 1

The letter of the number 1 starts almost from the middle of the cell. Draw a short stick to the corner of the cell. Then down from the right corner a long stick, which falls to the side of the base of the cell.

Option for number 2

Start writing the number 2 above the center of the cell. Draw a smooth semicircle that touches the middle of the right side of the top of the cell and the middle of the top of the right side of the cell. Smoothly rounding in the form of an even stick, the semicircle of the number two descends onto the base line of the cell slightly to the left of the middle. Now draw a tail, which rests in a beautiful wave on the right side of the cell not far from the base. This completes the letter for number 2.

Option for number 3

The number three consists of two semicircles. They begin to write from a point that is slightly below the middle of the upper edge of the cell. Rounding, they draw a semi-oval, which comes into contact with the top edge and the right one, closer to the corner. The upper semi-oval ends just above and to the right of the center of the cell. Behind it, a second semi-oval is drawn, which rests on one side on the right side of the cell and, reaching the base, ends slightly to the left of its middle.

Option for number 4

The number four, just like one, does not have nice roundness and smooth lines. It consists of straight lines and angles. The writing of the number 4 begins from a point lying in the middle of the right side of the upper edge. Draw a line to a point that is slightly below the center of the cell. Draw an angle with a side parallel to the base. They stop before reaching the right side. From a point slightly above the middle of the right side, draw a line at an angle to the base of the cell.

Option for number 5

For the number five, draw an even stick downwards, towards the center, from a point slightly to the right of the middle of the upper edge of the cell. A beautiful semicircle extending from the stick touches the right side of the cell in the middle and descends to the side of the base of the cell. At the end, from the starting point, draw a tail in the form of a semicircle, which rests on the corner of the cell.

Option for number 6

The number six is ​​similar to nine, which was placed on the head. Start writing a six from a dot on the right side of the cell, not far from the upper corner. Lead the semicircular tail to the underside of the cage. Counterclockwise, draw an oval, which occupies a little more than one-fourth of the space.

Option for number 7

The number seven is written almost the same as one. They just begin to draw not a straight line, but a smooth one, like a wave, from a point slightly below the middle of the upper edge of the cell. Then, from the right corner of the cell, draw an even leg to the base, slightly to the right of the middle. Cross out the leg of the number in the middle with a short straight line from left to right.

Option for number 8

Writing the number 8 couldn't be easier. Draw a semicircle, as for the number two, starting from a point slightly above the center of the cell. The line is rounded off at the base and a second larger semicircle is drawn, returning the pen to the original point of writing the number eight.

Option for number 9

You need to write the number 9 from a point that is located in the middle of the upper right side of the cell. Having drawn a small oval, which almost fits in one fourth of the cell, return to the original point and draw a semicircular leg near the oval. The leg of the oval, reaching the middle of the base of the cell, curves slightly upward.

Option for number 0

A zero, similar to a round donut, begins to be drawn from a point that lies on the upper edge of the cell, not far from the right corner. The movement goes counterclockwise, through the center of the cage, drops to its base in the middle and returns to the starting point, touching the right side of the cage at the top.

Having mastered how to write the first ten numbers beautifully, do not forget to repeat the simple rules of addition and subtraction with your child. Then the beautifully written numbers in the 1st grade math notebook will appear in correctly solved problems.