It is written with 2 letters n. A13. Н-НН in suffixes of words of different parts of speech


Н/НН in participles and verbal adjectives

Spelling Н or НН in passive participles is one of those rules that are regularly encountered in dictations, essays and tests.

First of all, remember the rule: In the suffixes of full passive participles, two letters N are written, for example, CUTTED TREES. In the suffixes of short passive participles, one letter N is written, for example, TREES ARE CUTTED.

But since full passive participles are sometimes very similar to adjectives, to avoid mistakes, it is useful to remember the four conditions under which two letters N are written:

1) the participle has a prefix (except NOT-), for example, DRIED MUSHROOMS;

2) the participle was formed from a perfective verb, for example, SOLVED PROBLEM - from the verb DECIDE (what to do? – perfect form);

3) the participle has dependent words, for example, MUSHROOMS DRIED (where?) IN THE OVEN;

4) The participle is formed from the verb using the suffixes –OVA- or -EVA-, for example, EXCITED FACE.

If a word does not have any of these characteristics, then it is written with one N.

In addition, there are several words with two letters N, the spelling of which must be learned in the same way as we memorize exception words: UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNEXPECTED, UNGUESSED, ACCIDENTAL, DESIRED, CHEERING, SACRED, CHANDED.

Samples of reasoning

(1) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase DELETED GARDEN? First of all, you need to see if the participle has a prefix. In our case, there is a prefix, which means that this word must be written with two N: DENIED GARDEN.

(2) How many Ns should be written in the participle from the phrase BROSHEY LOOK? First of all, let's see if the participle has a prefix. In our example, the participle does not have a prefix, therefore, we need to take the next step: determine the type of verb from which this participle was formed. BROSHE__Y was formed from the verb THROW (what to do?) This verb is of the perfect form, which means that in the participle you need to write two letters N: Abandoned LOOK.

(3) How many Ns should be written in the participle from the phrase FISH FRIED IN THE OVEN? The participle in this phrase has dependent words: ROASTING (where?) IN THE OVEN. Therefore, in the participle you need to write two letters N: OVEN FRIED FISH.

(4) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase ASPHALTED_OE HIGHWAY? Since this participle has the suffix -OVA-, it must contain two letters H: PAVED HIGHWAY.

(5) How many N should be written in the word WEAVE_AYA from the phrase WEAVE_AYA BASKET? Since it has no prefix, no dependent words, no suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, and also because it was formed from the imperfective verb WEAVE (what to do?), you need to write one letter N: WICER BASKET.


“How can I not love him?” she said to herself, delving into his frightened and at the same time joyful gaze.

Levin immediately thought about this, but, despite this, he decided that such views of him from Sviyazhsky were only his unfounded assumption...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Well, the guest is uninvited,
Perhaps Father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love!

They wove scarlet ribbons for her
In two light brown braids,
They brought flowers and clothes
Unseen beauty.

Whoever wants to come to us is welcome;
The door is unlocked for invited and uninvited...
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Parsley, you are always with new clothes,
With a torn elbow.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

...Information was requested from the hostile ministry about the measures that had been applied in the last decade...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

And that consumptive one, your relatives, the enemy of books,
The academic committee that settled...
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

And then she thinks -
God knows why -
That the starry sky is sand
Sprinkled leaf,
Constantly day and night on the road
A wonderfully well-coordinated cart...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

Levin always came to Moscow excited, hurried, a little constrained and irritated by this constraint, and for the most part with a completely new, unexpected view of things.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

No, to this deforested forest
I won't be lured in
Where were the oak trees up to the sky?
And now the stumps are sticking out!
(Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

He drove to the serf ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Stepan Arkadyevich had already gone downstairs, undressed, washed again, put on a ruffled nightgown and lay down... (Leo Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina”)

You will come to Nerchinsk if you
The road won't kill you.
Hardly four miles per hour
The chained one is coming...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

With a face disfigured by passion, pale and with a shaking lower jaw, Vronsky hit her in the stomach with his heel and again began to pull on the reins...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Daria Alexandrovna's eyes widened at this elegant carriage she had never seen before...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Finally married his daughter,
He took a dowry - shish, for his service - nothing.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

She remembered how she told almost a confession that her husband’s young subordinate made to her in St. Petersburg...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

At lunchtime they arrived: Alexey Alexandrovich’s old cousin... ...and one young man recommended to Alexey Alexandrovich for the service.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

To pen from cards? and to cards from the pen?
And what is the proper time for the tides to ebb and flow?
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for someone who is offended!..
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Stepan Arkadyevich... in this comic courtship... and accidentally went so far that he no longer knew how to get back...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

What are these people called politely?
More tender? - he is a secular man,
A notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Because he softened the angry guest,
I wanted to praise.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

You sit silently for an hour,
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Meanwhile it works...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

Н-НН in adverbs, adjectives and participles, full and short

1. With one letter n are written:

1. Adjectives with a non-derivative base: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in such adjectives. Letter n is part of the root.

2. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n: winter n th(from: winter), years n th(from: summer).

3. Denominate adjectives with suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. meaning “name of material, substance”), and -in: mouse, passerine (adj. meaning “accessories”).


wooden, tin, glass write with two letters nn.

4. Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: heat fresh meat .


Write with two letters nn words from the list:
given, arrogant, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesied, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unforeseen

Don't be confused:

The list of exceptions does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest,sworn brother.

5. Short adjectives in the masculine singular form: advice is valuable - (m.r.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

6. Adverbs on -O And -e formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. With two letters nn are written:

1. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n, if the root of the noun ends in a letter n:autumn, spring, sleepy.

2. Denominate adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: letter, portion.


flighty man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,leeward side.

3. Verbal adjectives with suffix -nn : korcheva nn y plot, Brakova nnth thing.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + nn .
Suffix -nn write in verbal adjectives formed from a generating stem with suffixes: - Eve//-ova,-Eve
: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

It’s easier to remember this way: adjectives on Eve+nn + th,ova +nn +y, eva +nn+ y.

4. Adjectives-exceptions from clauses:

1.3.Exception: wooden, tin, glass write with two letters - nn .
1.4.Exception: given, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, embossed, damned, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected.

5. Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list words to remember in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6. Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters nn(except for the form m.r. singular, in which there is always one letter n): night without moon n a, adviсe prices.

7. Adverbs on -O And -e, formed from adjectives with two letters nn: sincerely, thoughtfully, calmly.

So, in order not to make mistakes in the exam, you need to know all the points. Be sure to include examples, because examples are samples that help you act by analogy.
Do not forget about the exceptions in paragraphs: 1.3., 1.4., 2.2.


To expand your language experience, you can refer to the section.
This is a constructor dictionary. Set the parameters you are interested in and get the necessary lists of words.
It is now useful for you to turn to the Correct Dictionary, as well as to the Grammar Dictionary. Don’t forget, you can connect the following parameters: “New”, “Easy”, “Difficult”, “Important”. You can add or, on the contrary, exclude words for grades 5-8. Create your own dictionary configuration on the topic tasks 14.

Spelling: Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, participles, adverbs).

1. Two letters H written: 1) in adjectives formed using the suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n(sleep - sleepy); 2) in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -onn-, -enn-(station). Exception: windy.

2. One letter N written: 1) in the suffix -in-(goose); 2) in the suffix -en- (-yang-) adjectives formed from nouns (leather). Exceptions: tin, wood, glass.

3. B short adjectives the same number of letters is written n, so much in full. Tumanna (foggy).

4. Two letters N are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs: 1) if they contain a prefix, except Not-; 2) if they include dependent words; 3) if the word has a suffix -ova-(-Eve-); 4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed perfective verb, except wounded. Dried, galvanized, stripped (from deprived - verb. Sov. v.), measured with a ruler

5. One letter N written in suffixes: 1) short passive participles; 2) prefixless adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, and also without a dependent word (confused answer). Exceptions; slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unseen, unheard, unexpected.

6. In adverbs on -O (-e) is written the same amount n, how many are in the adjectives from which they are derived. Ordinary (ordinary).

Table “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech”

Lesson summary “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech.”

First you need to understand in what form worth the adjective:

Then you need to find out from what part of speech word formed: from noun or from verb.

Full form
I. Adjectives from nouns II. Adjectives from verbs (participles)
-N- -NN- -N- -NN-
-an, -yan, -in

lion - leonine
salt - salty
leather - leather

! Glass

1. -onn, -enn

revolution - revolutionary
foliage - deciduous

! Windy
But - windless

2. N+N = sleepy+sleepy

young, rosy,
pork, spicy,
drunk, filthy,
green, blue.

The words also include primitives: single, pheasant, crow, ram, carp, seal, peacock, crimson, zealous, dun.

3. MY = enn

temporary (time)

1. without prefix

frozen catfish (from freezing)

Not frozen
semi frozen

1. with attachment

for frozen catfish

2. dependent word

ice cream mom som

3. suf. ova, eva, irova


! forged, chewed, pecked

! desired, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected

Short form
1. The meaning of the action (what was done?) - "N"
raised by father, stirred by the storm
2. The meaning of the sign (what are they?) - see the full form: as many “n” in the full form as in the short form.
They brought up nn s and education nn s (well-mannered and educated).

Tasks and tests on the topic “Spelling “n” and “nn” in adjectives and participles”

  • Spelling participles - Communion 7th grade

    Lessons: 3 Assignments: 12 Tests: 1

  • Spelling of participles, participial phrase

    Lessons: 4 Assignments: 11 Tests: 2

  • Spelling adjectives - Adjective 6th grade

    Lessons: 5 Assignments: 10 Tests: 1

  • Adjective as part of speech - Morphology. Independent parts of speech grade 10

1. With one letter n are written:

1). Adjectives with a non-derivative base: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in such adjectives. The letter n is part of the root.

2). Denominate adjectives with the suffix -n: winter (from: winter), summer (from: summer).

3). Denominate adjectives with the suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. meaning “name of material, substance”), and -in: mouse, sparrow (adj. meaning “accessories”).


wooden, tin, glass write with two letters nn.

4). Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: fried meat.


Write with two letters nn words from the list:
given, arrogant, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesied, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unforeseen

Don't be confused!

The list of exceptions does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest,sworn brother.

5). Short adjectives in the masculine singular form: advice is valuable - (m.r.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

7). Adverbs ending in -o and -e, formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. With two letters nn are written:

1). Denominate adjectives with the suffix -n if the noun root ends in a letter n: autumn, spring, sleepy.

2). Denominate adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: alphabetic, portioned.


flighty man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,leeward side.

3). Verbal adjectives with the suffix -nn: uprooted area, defective item.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + nn.
Write the suffix -NN in verbal adjectives formed from a generating stem with suffixes: -eva//-ova, -eva: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

It’s easier to remember this way: adjectives ending in eva+nn+y, ova+nn+y, eva+nn+y.

4). Exceptional adjectives:

Exception: wooden, tin, glass write with two letters - nn .
Exception: given, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, embossed, damned, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected(see point 5).

5). Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list of words for memorization in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6). Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters nn(except for the form m.r. singular, in which there is always one letter n): the night is moonless, advice is valuable.

7). Adverbs ending in -o and -e, formed from adjectives with two letters nn: sincerely, thoughtfully, calmly.