Writer satirist Koklyushkin. Victor Koklyushkin: Life has separated us from my son-in-law Volodya Solovyov (5 photos). The artist's finest hour


Viktor Mikhailovich Koklyushkin ( genus. November 27, 1945, Moscow) - satirist writer and TV presenter.

Viktor Koklyushkin was born in 1945 in Moscow. He graduated from the Publishing and Printing College and the Higher Theater Courses of GITIS. In 1969, Koklyushkin became the author of the “Twelve Chairs Club” page of the Literary Gazette. In 1972, Mosconcert entertainer E. Krapivsky performed his stories on stage. Koklyushkin wrote monologues for such pop artists as Gennady Khazanov, Evgeny Petrosyan, Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur. He came up with a character for Khazanov from his early performances - a student at a culinary college.

He made his debut on television in 1983 in the program “Around Laughter.” Participated in the television programs “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, etc.

The famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov is married to the daughter of Viktor Koklyushkin.

Viktor Koklyushkin's voice is really the same as you hear it from the screen. He doesn’t deliberately adjust it to have a funny intonation. And he doesn’t adjust anything to generally accepted standards. Actually, he had no intention of becoming a writer...

Viktor Mikhailovich, you are a recognized master in your workshop - the workshop of humor. Do you consider yourself already a classic?

I answer. A book was recently published where Averchenko, Zoshchenko, Bulgakov, O’Henry, Mark Twain, Shukshin and... Koklyushkin. Therefore, someone may think. I myself, of course, do not consider myself a classic (he emphasizes, breaking down the intonation into syllables). And I am ready, according to the behest of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, to study, study and study again.

And, as I understand it, you are going to study from the classics?

First of all, you need to learn from life. Life in Russia is so rich, diverse, mysterious and unpredictable that you need to learn every second.

Which classics do you like? Who are you still re-reading?

In general, among the classics, of course, is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, and among those classics who were considered a pure humorist, this is Arkady Averchenko. He is not just a laugher, not just a presser - these are those comedians who are just for the sake of laughter. And he has funny plots, characters, and comic situations - a magnificent master of the humorous genre, Arkady Averchenko.

And from modern writers someone you are interested in?

Of the modern writers - now I will say what I felt with my sensitive nose. Now they appear in serious prose, poetry, and humor, just like mushrooms after the rain. talented people. I read some prose stories that are wonderfully written, but I am overcome with fear that these guys and these girls need to be published somewhere so that they don’t turn sour or become moldy. And the circulation literary magazines tiny, four thousand each. They go to the Internet, but a thick magazine has always been a writer’s teacher. To get on the pages of the New World, it was necessary to undergo not only serious censorship, but also editing. If a young person goes to the Internet without editing, he is deprived of an intelligent adviser. Editing is like a good jointer whittling a slab. In addition, the crisis is extinguishing some publishing houses - already at the beginning of the year they went out like candles in the wind. That's what I can say.

How do you even choose a book to read? Does anyone give you advice?

No, not on advice, of course. They advise me, so I will not do it on purpose - probably, my character is so contradictory. If somewhere by chance I noticed a surname interesting writer, then I involuntarily stop my attention in a bookstore or somewhere else. Well, word of mouth continues to operate. Either someone told someone, or I told someone...

When did you realize that you wanted to be a writer and do you remember your first publication?

I didn't set out to become a writer. At the age of fifteen, Vitya Koklyushkin went to a factory and studied at a school for working youth. After working youth school, he joined the Armed Forces. After serving in the ranks, he again worked and studied and, quite by accident, ended up on the last page of the Literary Gazette. There was the “12 Chairs Club”, which was super fashionable at that time. Then he accidentally got on the stage, by chance some cartoon was filmed, by chance he became a laureate, etc. Vitya had no intention of becoming a writer. I liked the army, I enjoyed working in the factory - looking back, these are my sunniest days.

How do you relax? Where, how?

I don't know. If I get tired, I start doing something and immediately rest. Probably, the Almighty made me so that I would not rest, but work. I noticed that if I get tired, I urgently need to start doing something.

You probably still go somewhere on vacation, right?

Rarely. Firstly, the work was connected with touring, and secondly, someone was born a doctor, someone an artist, who is happy that he plants small trees that will later become big, who enjoys cutting them down - each has his own purpose. The most important thing is to sense in your youth what your purpose is, and then you will be happy. And you need to smell a person who could walk next to you through life.

Today they explain to young people that they need to marry someone who has a cool foreign car, well, that means the person will be unhappy in a purely womanly way, and her husband will be unhappy like a man. We need all this in early age find your profession, your other half - and everything will be okay!

These are already wishes, but I just wanted to ask, what would you wish for the readers of “Evening Moscow”?

If you watch films from the 50s and 60s, then there’s bound to be “Evening Moscow” either on the table or someone reading it while sitting on the boulevard. “Evening Moscow” is a symbol of our capital. Therefore, I wish the newspaper to prosper and readers to read it.

Who do you listen to when choosing a book to read?

Alexander SEMENNIKOV, Moscow City Duma deputy:

It happens that you are afraid to start a book that will spoil your mood or waste your time. I read reviews. But for me, the recommendations and advice of my acquaintances and friends are more important. I listen to people whose tastes I trust. For example, I know that if a book was recommended by Moscow City Duma deputy Evgeniy Bunimovich, it is worth reading.

If you don’t believe me, ask Petka. He, the goat, instead of taking the garbage to a landfill, brought it to the exhibition.

Well, there, at a former factory, there is some kind of exhibition: broken chairs, fittings... and he, the goat, a bunch of garbage there! It's a long way to go to the landfill, so he dumped it. And then some guy shouts: “What is this?!” And Petka points around and says: “What is this?” Man: “These are exhibits!” Petka to him: “And I also have an exhibit!” Well, Petka looks unshaven, angry with a hangover... the spitting image of an artist. The man asks: “What is it called?” Petka thought and said: “Voice of reason!” After such clever words, the man immediately became more polite. “What’s your last name?” - interested.

Petka, the scoundrel, feels that something is pecking and says: “Syrov-Gollandsky!” The man said to him: “We are waiting for you at the opening tomorrow, Mr. Syrov-Gollandsky!” Well, Petka arrived and looked - the pile was in place, and next to it was a sign “Voice of Reason”.

People are different... they go back and forth. They will stop at the heap, raise their chin, squint their eyes, purse their lips, and nod their heads in understanding.

Petka is prancing next to the heap, enjoying himself. Some correspondent asks: “What does creativity mean to you?” Petka says: “That’s it!” TV crews rolled up, shining a light in their eyes, poking a microphone into their nose: “What did you want to say?” Petka says: “I wanted to say that art should not be divorced from the trash heap... that is, from the people!” Some troublesome lady with a voice recorder: “How do you feel about non-traditional relationships in sex?” Petka says: “I would like them all!..” She says: “Bravo!” And here is a banquet! Petka, the goat, got drunk on free vodka, went after women, got hit in the eye...

In short, in reports from the exhibition contemporary art he is in the photographs and on the screen everywhere in the center: in a torn shirt, with a bruise, on the floor on all fours... That is, while we worked honestly, he, the goat, became famous! Two days later I arrived at the car depot, we are here in garbage trucks, he is in a jeep! He says: “I’ll soon go to Berlin with my bunch for the Biennale!” We say: “Where is the jeep from?” He told us: “This is sponsorship!” And from this support, three chicks stare and giggle. "Dutch! - they shout. - Come to us! We're bored! Well, damn it, if he hadn’t arrived in a jeep with women, nothing would have happened, otherwise!.. The next morning, all our goats dragged garbage to this exhibition instead of a dump! Sashka - broken furniture, well, there’s a chest of drawers, a bookcase, a bedbug-infested sofa, he called it: “The Bright Past”; Vaska called the remains of the two “Cossacks”: “The Cossacks are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan on the beach of Antalya.” Genka is generally something erotic: an old nickel-plated bed, and on it a log! Yurka got into politics - rusty steam heating radiators, a stearic candle, a box of matches and the inscription: “Meeting of the Council of Ministers during the heating season”! It’s impossible to list everything! Flimsy, intelligent artists are in a panic - that they are against our scavengers! The exhibition is bursting with exhibits, and they are being transported and transported from everywhere. They're in a hurry! There is panic in the city! Personally, the mayor, I won’t mention his last name, put on his cap and went to investigate. And then you’ll be able to figure out where the garbage is, where the installation is, where the trash is, and where their performance is! In short, it all ended with the exhibition being closed and a notice hung on the gate: “Dumping of garbage is prohibited! Fine 1000 rubles!” But Petka, the goat, would take his trash where it should be, and people could calmly enjoy contemporary art at this very biennale!

Victor Koklyushkin If it weren't for the stage, he would have become a carpenter

He wrote about himself in his own book “The Humorist” like this: “Viktor Koklyushkin was born in Moscow in the morning, he is handsome, modest, elegant. Viktor Mikhailovich loves dogs, cats, horses and various birds too. Like almost every writer, he changed several professions: he was a mechanic, a proofreader, a publisher, a polisher, a commandant of the pension department of the city military registration and enlistment office, a senior engineer for the protection and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, an editor in the satire and humor department in a weekly magazine, an artist, and, in addition, he - reserve sergeant major.” Perhaps, such a characteristic can hardly be supplemented with anything. And yet...

— Viktor Mikhailovich, how many books have you already published?

- Four. And the same number of my performances came out. But mostly my texts are successfully “voiced” on the stage, on the radio, in television programs popular artists. In 1983, Efim Shifrin won the first prize at the All-Union Variety Artists Competition, performing my humorous and satirical stories. In the same year, I first appeared on television in the program “Around Laughter” with some kind of satirical story. And Shifrin in the same program for the first time read my monologue “Hello, Lucy!” Since then, I have been invited to television quite regularly, although before that my stories were often heard on the radio program “S good morning

— Is Koklyushkin your real name or a pseudonym?

Good question. I have everything of my own: both my last name and my voice. And my last name comes from the word “bobbin” - these are the sticks on which Vologda lace is woven. In Dahl's dictionary, when interpreting this word, there is a footnote: they say, there is an expression “to rattle bobbins,” that is, to tell some funny stories. So I fully live up to my last name.

— Do you remember your first story?

- But of course! After the army I worked at a factory. And somehow the demon misled me: he composed a story and sent it to one of the Moscow newspapers. The plot was simple: about three drunks. I bought a newspaper for two weeks, but never saw my work. And a month and a half later I received a letter, which I can quote verbatim: “Dear comrade Kukushkin! Your letter, signaling violations of public order by individuals, has been sent for consideration to the Moscow City Executive Committee.” I even got furious: after all, I wrote a story, and not some kind of signal about shortcomings. Soon I received another letter, this time from the public utilities department. There was the following: “Dear comrade Klyushkin! I inform you that, according to such and such a resolution, drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is strictly prohibited." After that, as they say, the reins fell under my tail, and I wrote another humorous story, which he sent to Literaturnaya Gazeta. This time it was published, and soon I became a regular author of the 16th page of the “12 Chairs” Club of Literary Women.

My stories were heard on the radio, and I began to earn much more for my writing than at my main job. From Literaturnaya Gazeta I took part in humor evenings at the Central House of Writers. So he began performing on stage.

—What is your education?

“It is written in black and white on my diploma that my profession is a pop playwright. I graduated from the Higher Theater Courses at GITIS.

— Why do you always read from a piece of paper on stage? Don't you remember your own stories?

- The thing is that I have a bad memory. I am always amazed at theater artists who memorize huge texts.

“Now I think it’s time to remember something funny.”

Funny incidents They happen at almost every concert. For example, somehow in concert hall"Russia" was filmed New Year's program"Full house". Presenter Regina Dubovitskaya announced the speakers into the radio microphone, and then immediately turned it off and went backstage. And then Regina announced Vladimir Vinokur. She went backstage and forgot to turn off the microphone. Looks, Vinokur is telling stories behind the scenes, as usual. She told him: “Volodya, motherfucker, I announced you!” But the microphone was turned on, and the whole huge hall heard her words. The audience did not expect such a gift; the laughter continued for several minutes.

— Apparently, your favorite artist is Efim Shifrin...

— We have been collaborating with Shifrin for 20 years, we have produced four performances together.

Klara Novikova and Valery Garkalin also took part in them. My texts are also read by Vladimir Vinokur and Evgeny Petrosyan. Unfortunately, young artists speech genre very little now. And previously, in the satire and humor workshop of the Mosconcert alone, there were 156 people on staff, in the reader’s workshop - 92 people. But there were also Rosconcert and the regional Philharmonic.

— Viktor Mikhailovich, your heroes are kind of boring and sarcastic. What is your character like?

— Let me take the liberty of saying that I am kind and sociable.

- IN free time what are you doing?

— I mostly read books. I especially love Chekhov and Turgenev. And I'm afraid to watch TV. No matter what program you turn on, everyone is running around with pistols and trying to either kill someone or rob a bank. You watch the news and you also grab your head...

- You have happy family?

- God bless everyone family people, including me. I have a wonderful family. Wife Olga graduated construction institute and the film studies department of VGIK. Seung Yang is about to graduate from high school.

— If you had to change your profession, what would you do?

- I think he's a carpenter. I really liked this as a child. My uncle worked as a carpenter, and I loved the smell of wood chips, I enjoyed working with a chisel, a plane...

— If it’s not a secret, how old are you?

- What a secret it is! I've been here since 1945. My parents named me and Victor in honor of Victory...

Place of birth: Moscow

Activity: satirical writer

Weight: 59 kg

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Height: 176 cm

Biography of Victor-Koklyushkin-

The famous Russian satirist Viktor Koklyushkin is known to viewers for his topical monologues “Democracy”, “Rehearsal” and “Fool”, which he performs in his unique nasal voice, one hundred -which were unique business card humorist-. However, much less is known about the personality of the comedian himself than about his work.

Koklyushkin’s childhood and youth

The future satirist was born in 1945. He began his career quite early, but it had nothing to do with creativity, nevertheless, he had the desire to become a writer and become famous with the young Koklyushkin - it wasn’t at all. At the age of 15, he went to work in a factory, while continuing to study at the school for working youth. After graduating from school, Viktor Koklyushkin repaid his debt to the Motherland in the ranks of the useful Soviet Army, and then again - work, and again - study, only now there was a publishing and printing technical school and higher education -academic courses of GITIS.

Victor Koklyushkin - cartoon Epigram-mma on - Victor - Koklyushkin - With the gait and face of a Neanderthal, And with a smart appearance to match, He sucked his humor out of his finger, And managed to lose a lot of weight. On the way to fame, Koklyushkin changed countless professions: mechanic, proofreader, editor, commandant in the city commissariat, army chief. About my work at the factory The comedian remembers his military service with warmth, and considers those distant years to be almost the best of his life. And yet you know na-m Victor Koklyushkin is, in fact, a talented satirist.

The path to fame: monologues and concerts of Koklyushkin-

In the late 60s, Koklyushkin, as he himself assures, completely accidentally ended up to the last page of the Literary Newspaper. This is how he became the author of the popular page “Twelve Chairs Club”. But real success came to the novice satirist with his appearance on the stage. In 1972, Evgeny Kravinsky performed on stage with stories written by Viktor Koklyushkin. Other contemporary pop artists also performed his monologues. Among them are Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur. In 1983, Viktor Koklyushkin first appeared on television. Victor Koklyushkin - Cork + Amulet + Childbirth (humor) In the program “Around Laughter” he read one of his satirical stories. In the same year, Efim Shifrin performed for the first time the now incredibly famous monologue “Hello, Lyusya!” After him, the appearance of Koklyushkin- on blue the screen did not become quite regular, and not a single humorous concert was complete without a satirist.

Viktor Koklyushkin as a screenwriter and writer

Viktor Koklyushkin doesn’t have to go far to find material for his monologues. Throughout his life, he observed different stages of development Russian state-: developing socialism, and a gradual transition to capitalism, and modern democracy. Many of his monologues are an assessment of the events that took place, a view from the inside of a person who can not only observe, but also analyze. However over time Numerous miniatures are capable of creating a completely integral work. Today, Koklyushkin can boast of a good bibliography, numbering more than a dozen books. The greatest reader demand is for “Hello, Lyusya, I am!”, “Deadly reprise” and “Wait, who’s coming?!”. Victor Koklyushkin - Humanoid-1991 After graduating from the theater courses at GITIS, Viktor Koklyushkin became a full-fledged “variety playwright,” as his diploma says, which means that naturally he could not help but realize yourself in this capacity. Four solo performances were written by the satirist. Koklyushkin took part in the creation of the Soviet ten-episode animated film“The Magnificent Gosha”, which was released in the 80s.

Professional recognition

For his numerous creative works, Viktor Koklyushkin received a number prestigious awards, including the first prize at the All-Union Competition of Humorists in 1972, the “Literary Newspaper” “Golden Calf” award in 1999, and the satirist twice received the All-Union Prize competition in the speaking genre in 1985 and 1989.

Personal life of Viktor-Koklyushkin-

Viktor Koklyushkin tries not to let strangers into the secrets of his personal life. However, it is reliably known that that's it already throughout many years the famous satirist remains faithful to his wife Elga Zlotnik. Elga is also a creative person, she managed to realize herself as a writer, despite the fact that she received her first education at MISS, and her second at the film studies faculty of VGIK .

Viktor Koklyushkin is married, he has two children Victor-Koklyushkin has two adult children: daughter Elga Sepp, wife of a famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, and son Ian. In his book “The Humorist,” the satirist Koklyushkin admits that he “loves dogs, cats, horses and various birds too.” It’s not surprising that he has a whole menagerie at home, and one day Koklyushkina his pets were lucky enough to become heroes of the program “In the World of Animals.” Creativity takes a lot of time and effort, however, according to the satirist best vacation For him, a new job serves, and a profession associated with a busy touring schedule practically excludes long-distance trips on vacation.

Victor Koklyushkin today

Today, Viktor Koklyushkin is a successful author and a happy family man. In addition to pop performances, the satirist writes a column in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, where he comments on events relevant to our country in his characteristic ironic manner.

future wife satirist dad beat TV presenter with a ruler

The satirist dad beat the future wife of the TV presenter with a ruler

The satirical writer Viktor KOKLYUSHKIN is running out of anniversary year. Last November he turned 70, but this did not affect his usual way of life. Koklyushkin did not shave his beard or write less, but he appears on television less and less often. We found out why first hand.

- Victor Mikhailovich, what is happening in your creative life now?

It has become more difficult for artists and comedians of the older generation to get on TV. But I am not going to turn into a member of the Politburo, who before last breath We were sitting on Old Square. On the other hand, it is not for nothing that the Bible says that water does not flow under a lying stone, but the one who walks will overcome the road. Now I’m finishing an ironic novel. I don’t know in what form it will come out - paper or electronic.

- Since your youth, have you decided to conquer the heights of satire and humor?

Entered military school, but they didn’t take me there. And if it had turned out the other way around, it would be impossible for him to become the Minister of Defense now and peace would reign throughout the world. Then fate brought me into humor: the artists asked me to write for them, and then I went on stage myself. In 1983, I came to Ostankino for the first time, in the “Around Laughter” program. There, next to the television center, stands the Trinity Church, where a hundred years ago my grandparents got married, met and quickly found mutual happiness.

- If I’m not mistaken, you are now married for the second time?

Yes. My first wife was Love Sapp, a girl with Estonian roots. He returned from the army and got married pretty quickly. Our daughter Elga was born. Now she is already a mother of five children and a husband. popular TV presenter and writer Vladimir Solovyov.

- Why does she have her mother’s last name, Sapp?

I didn’t want my daughter to struggle with my last name. After all, bobbins are not only what Vologda lace is knitted with. There used to be a saying: “to rattle bobbins” - which means to tell stories. So I have a professional last name, which is very suitable. And for my daughter, who, however, composed in childhood wonderful tales, when I didn’t even go to school yet, no. She grew up and became a psychologist, a fashion model, and, as I already said, an excellent mother.

- Are you a good grandfather?

No. I spend little time with my grandchildren. They are all very different, their parents do not hold them back, so their characters immediately appear.

- What was your daughter like as a child?

One day, when she was five years old, we were alone in the apartment. She ate little, I took a thin ruler and threatened: “If you don’t eat well, I’ll hit you.” And he hit him lightly on the butt. She immediately went into another room. And suddenly, after a while, the door opens quietly, and the daughter from there timidly asks: “Is it possible to hit people on the butt with a ruler?!” For some reason I remembered this phrase for the rest of my life.

- And while studying your biography, I noticed that your current wife’s name is also Elga.

It happened that way. I have been married for thirty-five years to Elge Zlotnik. She is the owner of two higher education: technical - after graduating from MISS and humanitarian - after graduating from the film studies department of VGIK. Published in newspapers and magazines, writes books. Our son Ian is 32 years old and not yet married. Ian studied to be a graphic designer at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio.

SOLOVIOV's children and numerous relatives in the courtyard of his country house at a family celebration. Photo: Instagram.com/polinasolovieva

Gray hair in beard

- How do you and your son-in-law Vladimir Solovyov get along?

He's a good presenter. Of course, many are vying for his place: going on air all the time, waving his arms and teaching people about life - what else can you dream of? Volodya and I, to be honest, do not communicate very closely. And all because I have been running my own column in one major newspaper for the last six years. Every week I laugh at the government, MPs and other key figures. And Soloviev is on the other side. So I don’t want to inadvertently disturb him. On the other hand, a satirist differs from an oppositionist in that the latter wants the government to change, and the former wants it to work well. But not all people look at me with a smile.

There was a time when I joked about Stas Mikhailov, and paid for it. One day I was standing at a tram stop, and the woman driver saw me, looked at me furiously and rushed on without even slowing down. Her people didn’t leave, and others didn’t come in. They were simply stunned by this, and I immediately realized that she did not like what I wrote about Stas. Oh those fans. But I feel more sorry for the artists they worship. Not everyone understands that you quickly get used to success, but it passes over time. And then you see such a person with a frustrated look, who is perplexed that he used to collect stadiums, but now no one needs him.

- Yes, but many manage to make great money during this time. Is your son-in-law Soloviev a wealthy man?

Wealthy. But I don’t meddle in their lives, remembering very well that my childhood was spent on the roof with pigeons. And I was formed in a completely different society. Personally, I always had enough of everything. There were different children studying at my school. Including the son of a marshal, the daughter of a minister. But the doors of their houses were open, we went to visit each other and did not pay attention to the fact that some had six rooms and two ZIL cars, while others had nothing.

- But did you feel your moment of glory?

Thirty years ago I had my own TV show, where, for example, Lev Leshchenko With Tanya Vedeneeva sang the song “Tatiana’s Day”, and Boyarsky, while performing his hit “Red Horse,” he climbed onto the sculpture and wailed from there. Then I was criticized in many newspapers. Like, why do we need such a program? And people loved her and watched her... This year I turned 70. In connection with this, they began to call me to the screen again, but I basically refused. It’s just that there are about a hundred records of my numbers in the archives. I still look okay on them. Now I have a gray beard and a bald spot on the top of my head. And it’s more difficult to teach people about life. Although, in my opinion, we need to follow the example of animals - they know how to truly get along with each other and with humans. My cat and dog lived together and even slept in an embrace. By the way, Elga’s daughter also has several dogs. When there are small children, there must be animals at home; they teach kindness. He and Volodya big house, there is a lot to roam, of course, all their dogs are purebred. I give my grandchildren books and games for their birthdays, and I simply congratulate my daughter and son-in-law and say warm words. They have a different standard of living and don’t need anything special. Well, God forbid.

- And yours tour life do you remember often?

Of course! What didn't happen to us there? Once, one artist almost drowned in the Amur River in the morning, after he drank at a banquet the night before and, without really sleeping, went swimming. Or another time in Vladivostok some rock band performed before me, and their spectators broke all the chairs during the concert. So because of this, riot police were called to my performance to guard the property. I said something funny from the stage, and one listener began to roar so loudly that the policeman even hit him with a baton as a precaution. Or it happened in Novosibirsk. A journalist came to my concert, wrote down my jokes, published them in the newspaper, but then honestly sent me the fee. I went to the post office to get it. I was standing in line, and an old lady sat behind me. Everyone looked at me carefully, and then declared: “Do you know that you look like Koklyushkin? We would definitely get first place in a look-alike competition.” And then she thought a little and added: “They would pay you good money for this and buy yourself something decent. Otherwise you dress like a tramp.”

The famous Russian satirist Viktor Koklyushkin is known to viewers for his topical monologues “Democracy”, “Rehearsal” and “Fool”, which he performs with his unique in a nasal voice, which has become a kind of calling card for the comedian. However, much less is known about the personality of the comedian himself than about his work.

Koklyushkin's childhood and youth

The future satirist was born in 1945 in Moscow. My labor activity he started quite early, but it had nothing to do with creativity, because young Koklyushkin had no desire to become a writer and become famous.

At the age of 15, he went to work in a factory, while continuing to study at a school for working youth. After graduating from school, Viktor Koklyushkin paid his debt to the Motherland in the ranks Soviet Army, and then work again, and study again, only now it was a publishing and printing college and the Higher Theater Courses of GITIS.

Epigram on Viktor Koklyushkin
With the gait and face of a Neanderthal,
Yes, and with a smart appearance to match,
He sucked his humor out of his finger,
And he managed to lose a lot of weight.

On the way to fame, Koklyushkin changed countless professions: mechanic, proofreader, editor, commandant at the city military registration and enlistment office, army sergeant-major. The comedian remembers his work at the factory and military service with warmth, and considers those distant years to be almost the best in his life. And yet, we know Viktor Koklyushkin precisely as a talented satirist writer.

The path to fame: Koklyushkin’s monologues and concerts

In the late 60s, Koklyushkin, as he himself assures, completely accidentally ended up on the last page of the Literary Gazette. This is how he became the author of the popular page “Twelve Chairs Club”. But real success came to the aspiring satirist with his appearance on the stage.

In 1972, Evgeny Kravinsky performed on stage with stories written by Viktor Koklyushkin. Other artists also performed his monologues modern stage. Among them are Klara Novikova, Evgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Vinokur, Efim Shifrin. In 1983, Viktor Koklyushkin first appeared on television.

Victor Koklyushkin - “Odnoklassniki”

In the program “Around Laughter” he read one of his satirical stories. In the same year, Efim Shifrin first performed the now incredibly famous monologue “Hello, Lyusya!” After him, Koklyushkin’s appearance on the silver screen became quite regular, and not a single humorous concert was complete without a satirist.

Viktor Koklyushkin as a screenwriter and writer

Viktor Koklyushkin doesn’t have to go far to find material for his monologues. Throughout his life, he observed different stages of the formation of the Russian state: developing socialism, the gradual transition to capitalism, and modern democracy. Many of his monologues are an assessment of the events that took place, a view from the inside of a person who can not only observe, but also analyze.

However, over time, numerous miniatures can form a completely complete work. Today Koklyushkin boasts a good bibliography, numbering more than a dozen books. The greatest reader demand is “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!”, “Killer reprise” and “Wait, who’s coming?!”.

Victor Koklyushkin. The fate of a person with Boris Korchevnikov

After graduating from GITIS theater courses, Viktor Koklyushkin became a full-fledged “variety playwright,” as his diploma says, which means that he simply could not help but realize himself in this capacity. The satirist wrote four solo plays.

Koklyushkin took part in the creation of the ten-episode Soviet animated film “The Magnificent Gosha,” which was released in the 80s.

Professional recognition

For its many creative works Viktor Koklyushkin received a number of prestigious awards, including first prize at the All-Union Competition of Humorists in 1972, the Literary Newspaper Golden Calf Award in 1999, and the satirist twice received the All-Union Competition for Spoken Genres in 1985 and 1989.

Personal life of Viktor Koklyushkin

Viktor Koklyushkin tries not to let strangers into the secrets of his personal life. However, it is reliably known that for many years now the famous satirist has been faithful to his wife Elga Zlotnik. Elga is also creative personality, managed to realize herself as a writer, despite the fact that she received her first education at MISS, and her second at the film studies department of VGIK.

Victor Koklyushkin has two adult children: daughter Elga Sepp, wife famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, and son Ian.

In his book “The Humorist,” the satirist Koklyushkin admits that he “loves dogs, cats, horses and all kinds of birds,” it is not surprising that he has a whole menagerie at home, and one day Koklyushkin and his pets were lucky enough to become the heroes of the “In the Animal World” program.

Creativity takes a lot of time and effort, but according to the satirist, the best rest for him is new job, and a profession associated with dense tour schedule, practically eliminates long trips on vacation.

Victor Koklyushkin today

Today, Viktor Koklyushkin is a successful author and a happy family man. In addition to pop performances, the satirist writes a column in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, where he comments on current events for our country in his characteristic ironic manner.

For Efim SHIFRIN (right), Viktor Mikhailovich wrote the famous monologue “Hello, Lyusya” and four solo performances

The satirist dad beat the future wife of the TV presenter with a ruler

The satirical writer Viktor KOKLYUSHKIN is ending his anniversary year. Last November he turned 70 years old, but this did not affect his usual way of life. Koklyushkin did not shave his beard or write less, but he appears on television less and less often. We found out why first hand.

- Victor Mikhailovich, what is happening in your creative life now?

It has become more difficult for artists and comedians of the older generation to get on TV. But I’m not going to turn into a member of the Politburo who sat on Old Square until my last breath. On the other hand, it is not for nothing that the Bible says that water does not flow under a lying stone, but the one who walks will overcome the road. Now I’m finishing an ironic novel. I don’t know in what form it will come out - paper or electronic.

- Since your youth, have you decided to conquer the heights of satire and humor?

I entered a military school, but they didn’t take me there. And if it had turned out the other way around, it would be impossible for him to become the Minister of Defense now and peace would reign throughout the world. Then fate brought me into humor: the artists asked me to write for them, and then I went on stage myself. In 1983, I came to Ostankino for the first time, in the “Around Laughter” program. There, next to the television center, stands the Trinity Church, where a hundred years ago my grandparents got married, met and quickly found mutual happiness.

Vladimir SOLOVIOV affectionately calls his wife Elga Lyalya

- If I’m not mistaken, you are now married for the second time?

Yes. My first wife was Lyubov Sepp, a girl with Estonian roots. He returned from the army and got married pretty quickly. Our daughter Elga was born. Now she is already the mother of five children and the wife of the popular liar Vladimir Solovyov.

- Why does she have her mother’s last name, Sapp?

I didn’t want my daughter to struggle with my last name. After all, bobbins are not only what Vologda lace is knitted with. There used to be a saying: “to rattle bobbins” - which means to tell stories. So I have a professional last name, which is very suitable. But for my daughter, who, however, wrote wonderful fairy tales as a child, when she didn’t even go to school yet, no. She grew up and became a psychologist, a fashion model, and, as I already said, an excellent mother.

- Are you a good grandfather?

No. I spend little time with my grandchildren. They are all very different, their parents do not hold them back, so their characters immediately appear.

- What was your daughter like as a child?

One day, when she was five years old, we were alone in the apartment. She ate little, I took a thin ruler and threatened: “If you don’t eat well, I’ll hit you.” And he hit him lightly on the butt. She immediately went into another room. And suddenly, after a while, the door opens quietly, and the daughter from there timidly asks: “Is it possible to hit people on the butt with a ruler?!” For some reason I remembered this phrase for the rest of my life.

- And while studying your biography, I noticed that your current wife’s name is also Elga.

It happened that way. I have been married to Elga Zlotnik for thirty-five years. She is the owner of two higher educations: technical - after graduating from MISS and humanitarian - after graduating from the film studies department of VGIK. Published in newspapers and magazines, writes books. Our son Ian is 32 years old and not yet married. Ian studied to be a graphic designer at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio.

Children and numerous relatives of SOLOVYOV in the courtyard of his country house at a family celebration

Gray hair in beard

- How do you and your son-in-law Vladimir Solovyov get along?

He is a good presenter, but... Of course, many are vying for his place: going on air all the time, waving his arms and teaching people about life - what else can you dream of? Volodya and I, to be honest, do not communicate very closely. And all because I have been running my own column in one major newspaper for the last six years. Every week I laugh at the government, MPs and other key figures. And Soloviev is on the other side. So I don’t want to inadvertently disturb him. On the other hand, a satirist differs from an oppositionist in that the latter wants the government to change, and the former wants it to work well. But not all people look at me with a smile.

There was a case when I joked about Stas Mikhailov, and I paid for it. One day I was standing at a tram stop, and the woman driver saw me, looked at me furiously and rushed on without even slowing down. Her people didn’t leave, and others didn’t come in. They were simply stunned by this, and I immediately realized that she did not like what I wrote about Stas. Oh those fans. But I feel more sorry for the artists they worship. Not everyone understands that you quickly get used to success, but it passes over time. And then you see such a person with a frustrated look, who is perplexed that he used to collect stadiums, but now no one needs him.

The TV presenter's estate near Moscow is located in the famous writer's village of Peredelkino

- Yes, but many manage to make great money during this time. Is your son-in-law Soloviev a wealthy man?

Wealthy. But I don’t meddle in their lives, remembering very well that my childhood was spent on the roof with pigeons. And I was formed in a completely different society. Personally, I always had enough of everything. There were different children studying at my school. Including the son of a marshal, the daughter of a minister. But the doors of their houses were open, we went to visit each other and did not pay attention to the fact that some had six rooms and two ZIL cars, while others had nothing.

- But did you feel your moment of glory?

Thirty years ago I had my own TV show, where, for example, Lev Leshchenko and Tanya Vedeneyeva sang the song “Tatiana’s Day,” and Boyarsky, performing his hit “Red Horse,” climbed onto the sculpture and wailed from there. Then I was criticized in many newspapers. Like, why do we need such a program? And people loved her and watched her... That year I turned 70. In connection with this, they began to call me to the screen again, but I basically refused. It’s just that there are about a hundred records of my numbers in the archives. I still look okay on them. Now I have a gray beard and a bald spot on the top of my head. And it’s more difficult to teach people about life. Although, in my opinion, we need to follow the example of animals - they know how to truly get along with each other and with humans. My cat and dog lived together and even slept in an embrace. By the way, Elga’s daughter also has several dogs. When there are small children, there must be animals at home; they teach kindness. He and Volodya have a big house, there is room to roam, of course, all their dogs are purebred. I give my grandchildren books and games for their birthdays, and I simply congratulate my daughter and son-in-law and say warm words. They have a different standard of living and don’t need anything special. Well, God forbid.

- Do you often remember your touring life?

Of course! What didn't happen to us there? Once, one artist almost drowned in the Amur River in the morning, after he drank at a banquet the night before and, without really sleeping, went swimming. Or another time in Vladivostok some rock band performed before me, and their spectators broke all the chairs during the concert. So because of this, riot police were called to my performance to guard the property. I said something funny from the stage, and one listener began to roar so loudly that the policeman even hit him with a baton as a precaution. Or it happened in Novosibirsk. A journalist came to my concert, wrote down my jokes, published them in the newspaper, but then honestly sent me the fee. I went to the post office to get it. I was standing in line, and an old lady sat behind me. Everyone looked at me carefully, and then declared: “Do you know that you look like Koklyushkin? We would definitely get first place in a look-alike competition.” And then she thought a little and added: “They would pay you good money for this and buy yourself something decent. Otherwise you dress like a tramp.”