Singer Ian Marty: “I define women by their energy! Ian Marty: “The main thing is to love women


- My grandfather, an Italian by nationality, emigrated to Russia and married a Russian girl. They had a son - my dad, who proposed his hand and heart to a girl with gypsy roots, that is, my mother. I think it’s thanks to my multi-ethnic family that I have this appearance. As for the voice, in addition to the fact that my family is multinational, it is also musical. My grandfather was talented musician, my dad is a great accordionist, my mom is a wonderful singer. I often went on tour with my parents and became immersed in the life of artists; music fascinated me since childhood. I really wanted to sing, I always performed for the school in various music competitions. Therefore in once again I am grateful to my family that they instilled in me a love of creativity, and I became an artist.

- Tell us about your first performance, which started your music career.

My musical career probably began when I became a laureate of the competition pop art Yalta-transit-Moscow. This was in 1991. For a boy from the provinces who lived in a village near Cherepovets, this was a test and happiness at the same time. At that time I was engaged in martial arts, I had to give up the sport, since I had to finish my studies at a music school (accordion class - Author's note). Later I took vocal lessons from Margarita Iosifovna Landa - a teacher from God, outstanding personality. I remember when I came to her for the first time to audition and after I sang, she sternly told me: “Get out of here and don’t take my place.” free time, you already sing, you can do everything.” But I stayed. I needed vocal aesthetics, it is important to have a voice, but you also need to be able to control it, and Margarita Iosifovna taught me this. Then I met the poet and producer Alexander Korneev, who is my friend and co-author of many of my songs. I move to Moscow, create my own musical group, that’s how it all started and started.

Ian, you lived in Italy for several years, then, to the delight of your many fans, you returned to Russia. Do you regret it?

- I don't regret it. At that time in my life, God was testing me. Not everything is as easy as it seems at first glance. Every person has failures and falls in life. I have never lost faith that the Almighty will give me a chance, and I will again go on the big stage to people and sing for them. Then I realized that I liked composing music and singing. But I can truly create only in Russia.

- All your songs are addressed to the fair sex. What kind of women do you like?

- All kinds (laughs)! I have no gradation, I look at women deeper than some men. Some people like long legs, to others - beautiful breasts. I'm trying to look at it and understand female soul. First of all, communication with a woman is dear to me. A woman is a cosmos; to know her, you must always look into her eyes. And the eyes, as we know, are the mirror of the soul. No matter what kind of figure she has, etc., she can be so great in communication that she will outshine any beauty. But the most important thing is that women must be loved!

- The most memorable gift from your fans is this?

- The most valuable gift for me is the warmth that comes from the audience when I perform on stage, their caring look, positive emotions, smiles, applause. The artist feels and sees all this, that is, there is an exchange of positive energy between us - a kind of contact, and this, believe me, is an incomparable sensation. In general, my fans very often give me teddy bears, which I also really like (laughs).

- What do you do in your free time?

- I remain a child at heart. Sometimes my mother even reminds me that I am an adult. This summer I had a dream of learning to roller skate. Once I came to one of the Moscow parks, put on roller skates for the first time and started trying to skate. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to do. I was constantly falling, so loudly that people, mostly women, of course (laughs) came up to me and asked if I had hurt myself. I was very ashamed, in the end I still learned to roller skate, and now I’m racing like that, you can’t catch up. I also go in for sports, I run every day and train in the gym. I like to fantasize, maybe in the future I will write a book, compose music, write poetry.

- This is your second time coming to Taraz and taking part in charity events. Why?

I really liked the people in Taraz, I fell in love with them, and they became family to me. I even got the impression that I had known them for a hundred years. I feel reciprocal love for myself, which is very important for every artist. Taraz has become my favorite city and I am pleased to return here.

- Ian, they say that every man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. Do you have such a list? life priorities, and which of them have you completed?

If you focus on these points, then I planted a tree right here in Taraz, even two trees. He didn’t raise his son because he raised his daughter. She is already 20 years old, now it’s not difficult to calculate how old I am (laughs). I haven’t earned enough money for the house yet, since I almost always performed for free, I didn’t get paid a lot of money, and I don’t regret it. Money is not the most important thing in life. I am happy today, because they sincerely love me in Taraz, and this love is mutual! I’ll earn money for the house, everything is still ahead!


IN 1991

IN 1992

IN 1997

Music has been a part of his life for a very long time. This, first of all, was facilitated by Yan’s relatives: his grandfather is an Italian musician who moved to Russia, his father is already a Russian accordion player, and his mother is a gypsy singer.

I spent my childhood with my parents on endless tours. The artistic trailer became a second home for the boy. He couldn't miss a single performance of his parents. Music fascinated Ian, and at the age of 10 he mastered his first musical instrument - a guitar, then there was an accordion, button accordion, drums and piano.

He began his career as an artist in Cherepovets, performing at city venues and simultaneously recording his songs in the studio. WITH 1988 years he begins to write songs on his own.

IN 1991 year becomes known to the general public thanks to the composition “Lenochka”, the video for which was shot by Vlad Opelyants. At the same time, he signed a contract with Moscow producers from RMG-records, who invited Ian to Moscow. He meets the poet and producer Alexander Korneev, who becomes a co-author of many of his songs. In the same year he became a laureate of the Yalta-Transit-Moscow competition.

IN 1992 will create his own musical group “Option”. At the same time, he took vocal lessons from Margarita Iosifovna Landa.

IN 1997 year records his first solo album, “Wind of Love,” at the Mosfilm Tone Studio.

WITH 2000 years worked with the poet and composer Konstantin Arsenev and arranger Andrei Mikhailov, recording the songs “Arabs”, “Since then”, “Heart on the line” and “Dance with me”.

At the end 2001 The singer moves to Italy, where his relatives live. To 2010 Jan has been engaged in entrepreneurial activities for years.

In the middle 2010 In 2009, Jan Marty resumed his collaboration with producer Alexander Korneev. At the end 2010 In 2010, Jan Marty returned to Moscow, recorded the album “You Wounded the Beast,” and began writing the album “Visa to the Land of Love,” which is scheduled for release in the fall. 2012 year.

I met him at the First Moscow Region Chanson Festival at the Euroclub. It turns out that in Mytishchi there is not only tea drinking, but also a soulful song!

Yang is a bright man on the outside and reserved on the inside. But when he goes on stage, a sparkling charge of energy flows into the hall, which the artist splashes out, the audience experiences a real storm of emotions! This is what Ian is like, with his own unique, charismatic style.

His appearance is somewhat reminiscent of Valery Leontyev. But this is not an imitation, the singer is very individual - he has a high baritone and a romantic image.

Ian was born in the city of Cherepovets Vologda region. Since childhood, music has fascinated him - since the age of ten he has been playing various musical instruments.

At one time, his grandfather, an Italian musician, came to Russia. Ian's father was a Russian accordion player, and his mother was a gypsy singer. The boy began to tour early, and the artistic trailer turned into a second home for him. Life's trials have developed a strong, patient character. Having graduated from Cherepovets music school, department folk art accordion class, Ian began to study vocals in Russian Academy music named after Gnesins from the outstanding teacher Margarita Iosifovna Landa, who taught Philip Kirkorov, Sergei Zakharov to sing...

Marty is a laureate of the Yalta-Transit-Moscow competition. He plays drums, bass guitar, keyboards, button accordion, accordion, saxophone and even exotic instruments. His favorite musician is Paco de Lucia. Solo album Yana Marti is called “Visa to the Land of Love.”

Ian Marty

- Ian, do you perform songs not only in the “chanson” style?

Many people consider me a chanson performer, although I have a wider range... It would be more correct to say that I am a pop performer.

-You have a very bright and attractive image. Although outwardly you are a calm person. Do passions boil only on stage?

My origins are to blame for my exotic image - I am 60% Italian, my main roots come from Italy. But Russian blood also flows in my veins, there is a little gypsy blood. So the result is such an explosive mixture!

Ian Marty

During your performance, your special energy envelops everything around and gives an extraordinary charge! Already in childhood, did you feel how this sultry blood leaped within you, how heterogeneous roots were intertwined?

Yes, as soon as I began to realize myself in this life, I immediately felt lyricism in myself, a special craving for various musical instruments. I played guitar, piano, accordion. My teacher was the great Margarita Iosifovna Landa. Now I own almost all the instruments.

-What is your favorite instrument?

It's difficult for me to answer this question. Which instrument am I in? at the moment pulls, depends on the mood. When it's not very good, I play classical and lyrical works, and when it’s fun - flamenco music on the guitar. When I want my soul to unfold, I play the accordion or other folk instruments. Russian songs are very close to my spirit!

Ian Marty

- Ian, judging by your style, do you dress in Italy? Is this the call of the ancestors?

You guessed it! I try to keep my style. It seems to me that any particular brand is not so important for an artist. The most important thing is to be individual and unique. This, in my opinion, is the style of a creative person.

- Your hairstyle suits your overall appearance very well. Did you come up with it yourself?

This hairstyle just suits me. I searched for my image for a long time. Used to go with the loose ones long hair, but I think that the “a la marquise” style suits me better. This style is quite eclectic.

Ian Marty

- Yours original jewelry do they help against the evil eye or are they worn just for beauty?

This is jewelry from a branded Italian jeweler. When my producer went to Italy, he and his wife saw them, bought them and gave them to me. These are very expensive “trinkets”!

- What do admirers of creativity give you?

Fans know that I love toys, so they give them to me at concerts. And, of course, flowers. This standard set for the artist!

Ian Marty

-U popular singer There are always a lot of fans. Is it possible to choose one and only chosen one?

I feel women, I identify them by their energy! Everyone knows that every person emits a certain energy - positive or, conversely, negative. There are people whose energy is incompatible with ours. Personally, it is important for me to feel the warmth and positivity that comes from a woman. Of course, the visuals are also important - stylish look, which appeals to me and corresponds to my inner perception. After all, first the face of the chosen one, whom you want to see next to you, appears in your dreams... And that’s when you meet similar woman in reality, you will definitely meet her, enjoy meeting her and happily communicate with her.

Jan Marty and Anastasia Makeeva

Jan, please advise how a woman should look and behave better to attract attention? After all, men are by nature hunters who hunt down attractive “prey.”

Paradoxically, it seems to me that a woman should pay the least attention to the man she wants to attract. Thus, she will intrigue him, and he himself will start running after her! I hope that men will not be offended by me for this advice to women... The stronger sex really does not like it when at a certain stage they simply begin to not be noticed. Then the knight will try to conquer the lady of his heart himself!

Photo from the archive of Jan Marty

Ian Marty – Russian singer, composer, laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award, regular participant in the “Eh, take a walk!” festival.

Childhood and family

Yan Dmitrievich Martynov ( real name Yana Marti) was born on May 3, 1970 in the northern port city of Arkhangelsk, in musical family. Ian’s paternal grandfather is an Italian musician who moved to the USSR, not wanting to support the fascist regime of Mussolini. Here he met a Russian girl, they had a son, Dmitry, Yan's father, an accordionist and leader musical group. Yana’s mother is a gypsy who studied vocals professionally. Ian calls himself “an Italian with Russian and Gypsy blood.”

When Martynov was about three years old, his family moved from Arkhangelsk to the village of Botovo, Vologda region. TO school years Ian managed to visit many parts of our country - his parents toured a lot and took their son with them.

When Ian was 6 years old, his father gave him a guitar and taught him how to play. Soon Martynov mastered other musical instruments– piano, accordion, bass guitar, drums. After graduating from school, he entered the Cherepovets Music College at popular branch according to the accordion class. During his studies, the young man additionally took vocal lessons.


In 1990, Yan Martynov entered into an agreement with the Vologda State Philharmonic and began to act as solo artist. He attracted spectators and listeners not only with the pleasant “muffled” timbre of his voice, but also with his stormy temperament, charisma and courageous appearance.

Thousands of people learned about Martynov when he won the famous competition in 1992 pop song"Yalta-Moscow-Transit". In 1997, Ian released the album “Wind of Love” and a video for the song “Lenochka”, which instantly became a hit and for several years - business card artist. The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" included the composition in the top 5 most striking songs of the year.

Ian Marty - Helen

In the same year, Ian moved to Moscow, where he continued to improve his skills at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins with the honored teacher Margarita Iosifovna Landa.

In 2000, Ian released his second album, “Heart on the Line,” under his “historical” surname Marty. One of the compositions in the collection, “Ever since,” was heard by Alla Pugacheva. The prima donna supported Marty and personally put the song in rotation on the Radio Alla radio station.

However resounding success was interrupted by an unfortunate set of circumstances. One of the album's tracks, "Arabs", was recorded shortly before the September 11 tragedy, when the Twin Towers were blown up in New York. Music editors, one after another, refused to broadcast the “visionary” composition, although there was nothing politically incorrect in the song, and then Yang himself disappeared from the media space.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, but the artist decided to live with his relatives in Italy for some time. Having “rebooted” in his second homeland, Marty returned to Russia and in 2005 opened his own music school, where he personally conducted master classes on vocals. Simultaneously with pedagogical activity Ian gave solo concerts.

In 2010, the performer again declared himself: in September he presented the album “You Wounded the Beast” with 20 new songs. In December of the following year, Ian delighted listeners concert program“Visa to the Country of Love” in Moscow’s Crocus City Hall – the concert was incredible success. Soon, speaking at the family celebration of Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina in London, Marty received a truly royal gift - a Bentley car.

2012 was no less successful for the artist: Ian became a laureate of the “Moscow Chanson” award, took part in a large-scale anniversary concert in honor of Mikhail Krug, performed his songs at the festival “Eh, take a walk!” at the Moscow Olympic Sports Complex and the Ledovy Sports Complex in St. Petersburg, and also shot his second video for the song “I Love You.”

Ian Marty - I Love You

In 2013, the artist became a laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award, again successfully performed at “Eh, take a walk!”, and released new album“15 Facets of Love” and a video for the composition “She is Beautiful”, and also recorded a joint song with Elena Vaenga and a composition with the Yuri Bashmet Orchestra. In 2014, Marty performed at the Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year with his hit “She’s Beautiful.”

Jan Marty - She's beautiful

In 2015, the artist released his fifth studio album“At the Crossroads of Happiness”, shot a video clip for the song “Geyser of Passion”, traditionally performed this song at the festival “Eh, take a walk!” in St. Petersburg, and also gave solo concert in the Kremlin.

In 2016, Marty pleased his fans with a high-quality video clip for the song “Woman with angelic name”, with which the artist again appeared before the audience at “Eh, take a walk!” at the Olimpiyskiy.

Personal life of Jan Marti

In 1997, Jan Marti married Lyubov, and the couple had a daughter, Alena. 4 years later they broke up but are still on good terms friendly relations. Ian is currently single.

In July 2015, Ian’s personality attracted attention after the musician and his director Natalya Sazonova were caught on camera by activists of the StopHam movement, who asked to remove the artist’s SUV from the sidewalk. The singer behaved correctly, but his director attacked the activists with obscene language, demanding to turn off the camera.