Singer L’One: biography, personal life, photo. Wives of famous Russian rappers L one biography


What are we all about? Hollywood! We also have a lot beautiful girls. Moreover, with equally handsome and famous husbands. Today we decided to tell you about the main wives Russian rappers. This is exactly who you need to follow as an example! After all, living with a male musician, and even more so a rapper, is not so easy, but such a life, without a doubt, has many advantages.

Oksana Samoilova

Another ideal mommy - the rapper's wife A (30). Oksana(27) is an excellent example that after the birth of two children (girls Ariels And Lei) you can look better than any Hollywood star. The girl not only takes care of children, but is also the head of the project, which motivates people to acquire the same chic body as Oksana.

Aiza Dolmatova

Aise(30) managed to achieve incredible success! Not only does she constantly delight her fans with new projects (most recently, for example, she recorded her first song), but she also inspires them. And let them Guf(35) no longer together, but ex-spouses managed to save a good relationship. Now Isa happy with her new lover and raising her son Sam.

Vitalia Gospodarik

Vladi(36) and Vitaliy met on the set of a video clip "Caste""Meeting", that’s when everything started to spin. The rapper and model could not live a day without each other, and six months later they got married. Mostly Vitaliy now takes care of his son, but periodically participates in creative projects. For example, in 2010 they, together with Izoy promoted a jewelry brand Loona Shop.

Anna Gorozia

Anna And L'One(29) together for a very long time - from the very first year of college, and to this day they are inseparable. The charming wife supports the rapper in all his endeavors, takes care of the house and raises his son Misha(2).

Marina Kuzminykh

Marina, better known as Mishanya Mishina, - rapper's wife Dino MC 47(36). The young people decided to get married in 2012, and a year ago their son was born Tamerlane(3). Today Marina runs his own brand Mishanya and surprises everyone with its beauty! A girl once said that she had had her breasts enlarged as a gift to her beloved husband.

Elena Pinskaya

To the rapper Baste(35) lucky with women. It's not only beautiful Elena, with whom they married in 2009, but also two daughters - Masha And Vasilisa. According to himself Basty, Lenaperfect wife: she can cook dinner perfectly, has time to look after the children, and helps her beloved husband organize various interesting projects. In general, not a girl, but a find!


Rap, Hip-Hop


L’One, Lev Valeryanovich, L1

Teams Cooperation

L'One(real name - Levan Gorozia; genus. October 9 ( 19851009 ) , Krasnoyarsk, USSR) - Russian rapper Georgian origin, former member association Phlatline, who founded the project WDKTZ (weedkatz) together with DJ Pill.One. Founder and member of the group Marcelle. Started in 2012 solo work on the Black Star label. Owner of his own clothing line “Cosmokot”, produced under the brand Black Star Wear. There is a son whose name is Mikhail.


L’One, was born in Krasnoyarsk in 1985, from where he soon moved to Yakutsk, where he began his career. As a child, Levan was part of the basketball team of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), but a knee injury did not allow him to continue his sports path, but Levan did not break down internally, but only completely switched all his attention to creativity.

In Yakutsk, L’One was a media personality, played in KVN, and later throughout three years was the host of the KVN student league in the city of Yakutsk. At the same time he worked on radio and TV. After recording and releasing his first solo album in 2005, Levan moved to Moscow and, together with his colleague Nel, created the group Marselle.

With the release of the song “Moscow” and their debut album, Marselle made a name for themselves throughout the country and traveled to many cities in Russia, earning the recognition and love of their fans and admirers. The track “Moscow” took first place in the Next FM hit parade for 32 weeks.

The debut album “MARS” was called best app to the new Air Force 1.

In 2008, L’One took part in the TV show “BiTVa for Respect” on the Muz-TV channel, the first mixtape “Mars FM” was released, as well as a reality show on the Internet, where viewers could familiarize themselves with the process of recording tracks. In the same 2008, the full-length album “Mars” was released, in the recording of which such artists as Teona Dolnikova, Dza-Dze, Sasha Legend, Knara and Basta took part.

In 2009, the compilation “Phlatline in da building” was released, dedicated to the label’s fifth anniversary. This disc presented new works by “Marselle” and ST. In support of the compilation, a video clip was shot for the track “Marselle and ST” - “In Your House”.

I received an offer to work together with the BlackStar team, we met, discussed work issues and decided to do one thing together. I believe that BlackStar is a team of professionals, in collaboration with whom we will be able to show new level Hip-Hop in Russia.

In 2014, the artist launched his own showcase of RBT content.

Released in September 2016 new album“Gravity”, which Afisha magazine called the best in the performer’s discography and rated 7.5/10.

Personal life

  • Married to Anna Gorozia, whom he met long before solo career. Son Mikhail Gorozia (date of birth 09/25/2013)
  • There is a younger brother, Mer, who currently lives in Moscow and travels around cities to concerts with Levan.



As a solo artist
Year Name of the song Album
2012 "#All will be" T.B.A.
"Give me your word"
"Ae Ae"
"Monday" "Satellite"
2013 "All dancing elbows"
"Cosmic love" T.B.A.
"I'll be young" "Satellite"
2014 "Mr. Heisenberg" T.B.A.
"Take yours"
"Ocean" (feat. Fidel) "Lonely Universe"
2015 "All or nothing"
“I bless you for the rave” (feat. DJ Philchansky) T.B.A.
2016 "Hey bro!"
"From the very bottom" "From the very bottom"
“Yakutyanochka” (feat. Varvara Vizbor) T.B.A.
“Grandchildren won’t understand”
“Dream” (feat. MONATIK) "Gravity"


  • 2015 - “Car enthusiast” - plays himself/director


  • 2012 - “The scariest 3D movie” - Dazzle Darlington
  • 2014 - “District 13: Brick Mansions” - K2


  • 2011 - “Phantom” - Song “Moscow” (as part of Marselle)
  • 2013 - “” - Song “Everyone is dancing with their elbows”
  • 2013 - “Love in the City 3” - Songs “Everyone is dancing with their elbows”, “#Let's go on dates”
  • 2014 - “Fizruk” - Song “Everyone is dancing with their elbows”
  • 2015 - “Is it easy to be young?” - Song “I’ll be young”
  • 2015 - “Bartender” - Song “I’ll be young”
  • 2015 - “Betrayal” - Song “I’ll be young”
  • 2016 - “Box” - Song “Take Yours”
  • 2016 - “Fizruk” - Song “I’ll be young”

As an actor

  • 2011 - “Pregnant” - Episodic role in a promotional video
  • 2016 - “CHOP” - season 2, episode 15. Song "Everyone is dancing with their elbows"

Awards and nominations

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Excerpt characterizing L’One

- What a brute! - Denisov said. - I need to ask...
“Yes, I asked him,” said Tikhon. - He says: I don’t know him well. There are many of ours, he says, but they are all bad; only, he says, one name. “If you’re fine,” he says, “you’ll take everyone,” Tikhon concluded, looking cheerfully and decisively into Denisov’s eyes.
“Here, I’ll pour in a hundred gogs, and you’ll be the one to claw,” Denisov said sternly.
“Why be angry,” said Tikhon, “well, I haven’t seen your French?” Just let it get dark, I’ll bring whatever you want, at least three.
“Well, let’s go,” Denisov said, and he rode all the way to the guardhouse, frowning angrily and silently.
Tikhon came from behind, and Petya heard the Cossacks laughing with him and at him about some boots that he had thrown into a bush.
When the laughter that had taken over him at Tikhon’s words and smile passed, and Petya realized for a moment that this Tikhon had killed a man, he felt embarrassed. He looked back at the captive drummer, and something pierced his heart. But this awkwardness lasted only for a moment. He felt the need to raise his head higher, cheer up and ask the esaul with a significant look about tomorrow's enterprise, so as not to be unworthy of the society in which he was.
The sent officer met Denisov on the road with the news that Dolokhov himself would arrive now and that everything was fine on his part.
Denisov suddenly became cheerful and called Petya over to him.
“Well, tell me about yourself,” he said.

When Petya left Moscow, leaving his relatives, he joined his regiment and soon after that he was taken as an orderly to the general who commanded a large detachment. From the time of his promotion to officer, and especially from his entry into the active army, where he participated in the Battle of Vyazemsky, Petya was in a constantly happily excited state of joy at the fact that he was great, and in a constantly enthusiastic haste not to miss any case of real heroism . He was very happy with what he saw and experienced in the army, but at the same time it seemed to him that where he was not, that was where the most real, heroic things were now happening. And he was in a hurry to get to where he was not.
When on October 21 his general expressed a desire to send someone to Denisov’s detachment, Petya asked so pitifully to send him that the general could not refuse. But, sending him, the general, remembering Petya’s crazy act in the battle of Vyazemsky, where Petya, instead of going along the road to where he was sent, galloped in a chain under the fire of the French and shot there twice from his pistol - sending him, the general namely, he forbade Petya to participate in any of Denisov’s actions. This made Petya blush and became confused when Denisov asked if he could stay. Before leaving for the edge of the forest, Petya believed that he needed to strictly fulfill his duty and return immediately. But when he saw the French, saw Tikhon, learned that they would certainly attack that night, he, with the speed of transitions of young people from one glance to another, decided with himself that his general, whom he had hitherto greatly respected, was rubbish, the German that Denisov is a hero, and Esaul is a hero, and that Tikhon is a hero, and that he would be ashamed to leave them in difficult times.
It was already getting dark when Denisov, Petya and the esaul drove up to the guardhouse. In the semi-darkness one could see horses in saddles, Cossacks, hussars setting up huts in the clearing and (so that the French would not see the smoke) building a reddening fire in a forest ravine. In the entryway of a small hut, a Cossack, rolling up his sleeves, was chopping lamb. In the hut itself there were three officers from Denisov’s party, who had set up a table out of the door. Petya took off his wet dress, letting it dry, and immediately began helping the officers set up the dinner table.
Ten minutes later the table was ready, covered with a napkin. There was vodka on the table, rum in a flask, White bread and fried lamb with salt.
Sitting at the table with the officers and tearing apart the fatty fragrant lamb with his hands, through which the lard flowed, Petya was in raptures. childhood condition tender love for all people and, as a result, confidence in the same love for other people.
“So what do you think, Vasily Fedorovich,” he turned to Denisov, “is it okay that I stay with you for a day?” - And, without waiting for an answer, he answered himself: - After all, I was ordered to find out, well, I’ll find out... Only you will let me into the very... main one. I don’t need awards... But I want... - Petya clenched his teeth and looked around, jerking his head up and waving his hand.
“To the most important thing...” Denisov repeated, smiling.
“Just please, give me a complete command, so that I can command,” continued Petya, “what do you need?” Oh, would you like a knife? - he turned to the officer who wanted to cut off the lamb. And he handed over his penknife.
The officer praised the knife.
- Please take it for yourself. I have a lot of these...” Petya said, blushing. - Fathers! “I completely forgot,” he suddenly cried out. “I have wonderful raisins, you know, the kind without seeds.” We have a new sutler - and such wonderful things. I bought ten pounds. I'm used to something sweet. Do you want?.. - And Petya ran into the hallway to his Cossack and brought bags containing five pounds of raisins. - Eat, gentlemen, eat.
– Don’t you need a coffee pot? – he turned to Esaul. “I bought it from our sutler, it’s wonderful!” He has wonderful things. And he is very honest. This is the main thing. I will definitely send it to you. Or maybe flints have come out and become abundant - because this happens. I took with me, I have here... - he pointed to the bags, - a hundred flints. I bought it very cheap. Please take as much as you need, or that’s all... - And suddenly, afraid that he had lied, Petya stopped and blushed.
He began to remember if he had done anything else stupid. And, going through the memories of this day, the memory of the French drummer appeared to him. “That’s great for us, but what about him? Where did they take him? Was he fed? Did you offend me?" - he thought. But having noticed that he had lied about the flints, he was now afraid.
“You could ask,” he thought, “and they’ll say: the boy himself felt sorry for the boy. I'll show them tomorrow what a boy I am! Would you be embarrassed if I asked? - thought Petya. “Well, it doesn’t matter!” - and immediately, blushing and looking fearfully at the officers, to see if there would be mockery in their faces, he said:
– Can I call this boy who was captured? give him something to eat... maybe...
“Yes, pathetic boy,” Denisov said, apparently not finding anything shameful in this reminder. - Call him here. His name is Vincent Bosse. Call.
“I’ll call you,” said Petya.
- Call, call. “Pitiful boy,” Denisov repeated.
Petya was standing at the door when Denisov said this. Petya crawled between the officers and came close to Denisov.
“Let me kiss you, my dear,” he said. - Oh, how great! how good! - And, having kissed Denisov, he ran into the yard.
- Bosse! Vincent! – Petya shouted, stopping at the door.
- Who do you want, sir? - said a voice from the darkness. Petya answered that the boy was French, who was taken today.
- A! Spring? - said the Cossack.
His name Vincent has already been changed: the Cossacks - into Vesenny, and the men and soldiers - into Visenya. In both adaptations, this reminder of spring coincided with the idea of ​​a young boy.
“He was warming himself by the fire there.” Hey Visenya! Visenya! Spring! – voices and laughter were heard in the darkness.
“And the boy is smart,” said the hussar standing next to Petya. “We fed him just now.” Passion was hungry!
Footsteps were heard in the darkness and, bare feet splashing in the mud, the drummer approached the door.
“Ah, c"est vous!" said Petya. “Voulez vous manger? N"ayez pas peur, on ne vous fera pas de mal,” he added, timidly and affectionately touching his hand. - Entrez, entrez. [Oh, it's you! Are you hungry? Don't be afraid, they won't do anything to you. Enter, enter.]

29-year-old L’One, performer of the hit “Everyone is dancing with their elbows,” at one time tossed for a long time between the “serious” profession that his parents wanted for him and his favorite thing - music. The result speaks for itself: L’One now has a big concert tour by city of Russia

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov

Rap artist L'One became famous several years ago when he worked as part of the group Marselle with his partner Nel. Two years ago he went on a solo voyage and began collaborating with Timati’s Black Star production center. In the near future, L’One will give concerts in 29 cities of Russia. Contrary to stereotypes about rappers, Levan (that’s the musician’s real name, and he introduces himself as Leva) is an educated and well-mannered person. In addition, he is an exemplary family man: everyone who was present at the shooting for OK! noted how kindly he treats his one-year-old son Misha.

Leva, it looks like you are a wonderful dad. How do you assess this role of yours?

To be honest, I’m not a very good dad, because I don’t communicate with my son as often as I would like - I’m rarely at home. But if I’m with my family, I switch completely, and let the whole world wait. The son is still small, so he doesn’t understand anything yet, educate him or not. And when he grows up, we will search with him mutual language. My character is quite complex, I am quick-tempered, I hope my son will be different.

Are you afraid of conflicts in advance?

It’s just that I myself am a copy of my father, and it was difficult for us to communicate. Now that I have grown older, and my father has accumulated worldly wisdom, we have learned to find a common language, and when I was young and ardent - especially in adolescence - we often butted heads. I want to avoid the same mistakes with my son.

Did your father raise you strictly?

Yes, we had many stories - for example, when I misbehaved or tried adult drinks. And my mother, in turn, tried to protect me and hid me “under her skirt.” (Laughs.) Probably, it was due to the fact that my father is Georgian and my mother is Russian. On the one side, hard hand father, on the other - maternal democracy. But all this is good, because I grew up to be a fairly intelligent kid who respects people, and especially elders. In my dad’s homeland, Georgia, it’s customary: if an adult comes in, you need to stand up, if he speaks, listen to the end and not insert your weighty “I”.

Did you choose what to do yourself, or was your father’s opinion decisive?

The main thing is that nothing was forbidden to me, which is why I am sitting here with you now. (Smiles.) I wanted to play sports - I worked out, I wanted to play KVN - I played. My parents needed me to focus on my studies; this is a normal desire.

In Wikipedia it is rather mysteriously written about you that in your native Yakutsk you were a “media personality”. What would that mean?

Let's just say that there I achieved everything that a young man at the age of about twenty can achieve, I captured all the areas where I can express myself in one way or another. He worked on radio, television, and was even the director of the creative department of a media holding, which included two radio stations and two television channels.

And you had all this already at twenty years old?

(Smiles.) Yes. But still, the basis of my development was sports: in the sixth grade I started playing basketball. In tenth year I got into radio, and after school I entered the philology department, but later dropped out. In local media I purchased great experience, so when I entered television and radio journalism in Moscow, I yawned in the back row for the first two courses and eventually transferred to correspondence classes. The advantage of this decision was that I had time for music, the disadvantage was that the profession sank into oblivion, because I studied abroad important role self-study plays a role, and let’s just say I didn’t do that.

So are you my certified colleague?

Ungraded. The fact is that music completely took over my consciousness. So I passed the state exam, but didn’t have enough time for the diploma. The funny thing is that at the same time I went to my institute with master classes on the topic “The difference between an indie artist and an artist on a label.” The rector then said: “Well, if so, go to study leave" True, it ended a long time ago.

So we come to the question of music...

(Smiles.) My passion for hip-hop began back in 1998. Basketball, wide pants, music - this culture was close to me. As my father said, we dressed “strange and funny.” At the same time, the Internet appeared in Yakutsk, and it became easier to search for information. I started with computer programs for mixing music. I started writing my first lines, rhymes, and then I plunged into it headlong and released my first solo album. Thanks to his contacts on radio and television, he even held a presentation in Yakutsk with posters and all that. Then he left for Moscow. True, I still went with the goal of developing in the musical field, and not to study...

That is, the journalism department has become official excuse for family?

Yes, I told my parents that I would study and become a journalist in Moscow. My father, however, more wanted me to study to become a lawyer, and my mother supported my journalistic inclinations. Until recently, both of them did not understand why I needed music, believed that it did not bring money, and did not even imagine that their son would be able to achieve something in this. In principle, they can be understood: a Georgian from Yakutsk who raps... (Laughs.)

I like your self-irony.

If it weren’t for hard work and a certain coincidence of circumstances, then perhaps I really wouldn’t have succeeded. I don’t consider myself talented, but through daily work I have what I have. Although, perhaps, on a subconscious level, I am trying to realize the dreams of my father, who played in the theater in his youth. I have great respect for him - he is a very hardworking person. He has always held leadership positions in the forestry sector. He and his mother, who still works as an accountant, are representatives of, let’s say, the middle section of the intelligentsia. Together they graduated from college in Krasnoyarsk and moved to work in Yakutia. Not only our family, but also our loved ones in Georgia rested on my father. I recently received from him highest degree praise - though not personally, but through mother. In one interview, I expressed my point of view regarding Russia and Ukraine. My father read it and said that it turns out that there is something in my head, he managed to plant some kind of seed of intelligence in me. (Laughs.)

Now he's probably very proud of you.

I think he understands that I chose the right path. My father’s colleagues sometimes ask him to help with tickets to my concert or with an album for their children. But he hides his emotions, so I don’t know.

You only child in family?

I have a brother, he is five years younger. He also plays KVN and hosts events. Now that I’m on tour in Russia, I took it to help me. Before concerts there is usually an introductory part, when you need someone to come out and speak something to the audience, so he does this. Let's just say that I signed up for my freelancing brother. Good to have around loved one, on whom you can completely rely. He has a bright head.

Has there ever been any rivalry between you?

No, we were next to each other throughout our childhood. I even think that sometimes he too zealously sets me as an example to himself. Now he is gaining experience and in the future he also wants to move to Moscow. In this regard, it will be easier for him than for me: he already knows where everything is happening, sees how each cog works in the mechanism of formation.

How did you develop? How did you live in Moscow at first?

Filmed one-room apartment together with a friend with whom we created the group Marcelle. Nobody was waiting for me in Moscow, I ran to castings and tried to get a job on television. I thought that since I already had experience, I would come now and it would become clear to everyone how good I was, but for some reason they didn’t take me anywhere. (Smiles.) The first year I studied - my friend and I put our songs on the table - then I got a job at the Radio Next radio station, the only one at that time that played rap. I was desperately short of money, so at the same time I worked in creative agencies - I came up with scripts for holidays, then became a presenter in clubs and parties. And of course, taking advantage of his official position, he periodically brought songs to the radio with the words: “Hey, hey, look what!” The music director said: “Cool, well done!” - and put them aside. The songs probably weren't very good. (Laughs.) This continued until I brought our composition “Moscow”, which opened the Marselle group for listeners and occupied one of the lines of the Radio Next hit parade for thirty weeks. This was a significant milestone in my life: from that moment changes began, we released an album, and began to go on tour. And in 2011 we took a creative break.

And you started working alone?

Over the next year, I was at a crossroads because I had a wife, and I, like a normal man, had to earn money, and music at that time did not bring in a penny, plus my self-realization and self-esteem were somewhere at the bottom. Friends offered me a job, and I was ready to take it when I received advice from my father, which I listened to, probably for the first time in my life. He said I needed to focus on one thing instead of trying to sit on three chairs. So I didn’t go anywhere, but continued to make music and signed a contract with Black Star. But I didn’t close the door to journalism, epistolary genre I'm very impressed. I want to return to this when my process of becoming an artist is over. At 35 years old, I’ll probably be able to say something from the height of my experience.

What did Anya, your wife, say when your mental turmoil began?

She is like the wife of a Decembrist to me. She didn't care what I did. I feel like my back is covered with her, it helped me then and helps me now. The fact is that Anya appeared in my life when I still had nothing.

How did you two meet?

Anya is my college love. I took it from someone else young man. This Georgian came from Yakutsk on a white horse and invited her to the cinema to see “Revolver”. (Smiles.) I remember that after we walked, I covered her with a jacket because it was cool... Since then we started a relationship. Next year it will be ten years that we have been together, five of which we have been married. She's a great mother, a great friend and lover, and she knows perfectly well that if I'm out until the early hours of the morning, it means I'm in the studio. We know each other like crazy.

Tell me, did the birth of your son change your worldview in any way?

I was in the maternity hospital when Anya gave birth, although not during the process itself, because I think that this is something secret that a man should not see. They immediately gave me my son in my arms. And I suddenly realized that now it was really time adulthood. Later, I came to realize why everything is done in this world. If earlier I was involved in stage diving - jumping from the stage into the crowd, then with the birth of my son I began to be afraid, not even for myself, but for the young people who are trying to catch me - they are also someone’s children! I began to take more care of myself, although by nature I am a crazy person: I ride a snowboard, I once flew into the stratosphere...

To the stratosphere? On what?

On a fighter plane. They let me steer.


(Laughs.) The pilot asked me over the intercom: “See what I’m doing?” I say: “Well, yes...” And he: “That’s it, take the lever.” And I was like, “What do you mean?!” In general, he controlled the MiG-29 fighter at an altitude of 14 thousand meters and at a speed of 1.5 thousand kilometers per hour. Of course, I was sweating then, but now I remember with a smile, it was a great event in my life. My son had just been born... (Smiles and thinks.) What else has he changed about me? Forced me to find strength even in moments when I was physically and mentally devastated. He doesn’t care what’s going on with me, he’s growing, he needs to dress and eat. And this realization that my son needs me moves me forward. I want him to have a brother soon. Or little sister.

Participant name: Levan Gorozia

Age (birthday): 09.10.1985

City: Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, Moscow

Education: GITR

Job: rapper

Family: married

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Levan Gorozia, aka famous rapper L’ONE, was born on October 9, 1985 in the city of Krasnoyarsk in the family of the chairman of the forestry committee in the region. Levan was brought up in strictness. Father is Georgian by nationality. He instilled in his son a manner of being reserved and serious.

Sometimes dad didn’t show his emotions even among his loved ones. The same cannot be said about my mother. She had the talent to charm everyone in the area with her friendly attitude and openness to communication even with unfamiliar people.

When Levan was a young man, he moved to Yakutsk with his parents. There he actively attended a sports club and played basketball. Only the guy received a serious knee injury, and therefore had to forget about sports. At the age of 13, Levan became interested in hip-hop. He wrote his debut lyrics and became interested in creating music using special programs.

At the age of 20, the guy got a job on radio channels and participated in two projects at once. He did not want to remain a radio host, because he believed that he deserved better. He applied to the university and moved to Moscow with his friend, who later became known as the rapper Nel.

For 2 years, Levan studied full-time at the Faculty of Journalism, but then transferred to the correspondence department, wanting to focus his energy on development in hip-hop culture. He was looking for work, but in the capital this task was not an easy one. Subsequently, he was entrusted with the position of presenter at the Next radio station. Wage was scanty, and therefore he worked part-time at an agency, where he wrote scripts for various holidays.

Together with Nel, Levan created the team “Marseille”. The guy wrote the lyrics when his friend selected the music. In 2007, Marcelle began working with the German music label Phlatline. Since then they have become famous.

The guys took part in the show “Battle for Respect”, which was shown on MUZ-TV. In 2008, the group’s first album, called “Mars,” with the song “Moscow” was released.

In 2011, the group announced that it would no longer work with the German label, and a year later it announced its collapse. The reason for this, according to L’One, was creative differences.

In 2011, L’One began working with the label. Together they released debut album artist "Sputnik". Soon everyone was singing his songs “Everyone is dancing with their elbows.” In 2013, a video for this hit appeared on YouTube, which collected more than 11,000,000 views. Together with other artists of the label, L'ONE also worked.

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In 2013, he released a song for GQ magazine, and S. Mazaev and Timati took part in it. In 2015, the rapper’s fans heard his second album, “Lonely Universe.” It included the track “Mars”. A year later, the rapper took part in “ Evening Urgant", where he presented the song "Hey, bro!". In the same year, he released the single “Yakutyanochka” in a duet with Varvara Vizborg.

At the same time, L’ONE was in open conflict with Dead Dynasty when the rapper Pharaoh sent the artist. He simply could not close his eyes to this fact, and therefore obtained an apology from his colleague.

In 2015, the album “Avtolyubitel” was released, and a year later there were 2 collections “Gravity” and “From the Bottoms”. L'One collaborated with Quest Pistols Show, "Mummy Troll". In 2017, I pleased with new songs and videos for them.

Among these singles were: “Time of the First”, “Medal for a Medal”, “Chance”, “Fire and Water”.

Plus, he could be seen in an advertisement for the Coca-Cola company in the “Try... Feel!” video. Levan took part in the “Improvisation” show on TNT, performed in the same year at the VK Fest festival, which was held in St. Petersburg, and gave concerts in Moscow, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Gelendzhik, and in Belarus - in Braslav. It is also worth noting Levan’s participation in the YouTube show: L’ONE was one of Yuri Dud’s first guests.

On November 19, 2017 took place solo concert artist under Symphony Orchestra. Now L’One continues to delight fans with new hits and is working on another album. In the fall of 2018, the artist takes an ambitious step - L’ONE plans to assemble the Olympic

While still studying at the university, Gorozia met his wife Anna. It was 2005, when the public did not yet know about the rapper. In 2010, they also played a wedding. In 2013, the family was replenished with their first child; Levan and Anna had a son, Misha.

In 2017, Anna gave birth to a daughter, Sofiko. Levan admitted that after this he became vulnerable and sentimental. He feels happy with his children. He often takes Misha to his concerts in Moscow. Often he and his dad sing the track “Tiger” from the stage.

Levan Photos

L "One (or Levan Gorozia) is a popular rap artist, founder of the group "Marselle" and former artist label "Phlatline", which in 2012 became a member of the group and the label of the same name "BlackStar inc".

Childhood L'One

Levan Gorozia was born on October 9, 1985. in the city of Krasnoyarsk. His father is Georgian, his mother is Russian. They graduated from the same university together in Krasnoyarsk, then their father occupied leadership positions in forestry, and my mother worked as an accountant.

According to the artist himself, his father was very strict with him as a child, trying to instill Georgian values, and his mother always supported and treated his hobbies with understanding. Although his dad participated in theatrical productions, perhaps these genes were passed on to Levan.

During his son’s youth, his family moved to the city of Yakutsk, where the future rapper began to actively play basketball, becoming a player on the local team. However, his sports career was not destined to happen and Levan retired from the sport after a knee injury that he received during one of the games.

The future artist began to show interest in hip-hop culture quite early. In one of his interviews, he admitted that he began writing rap lyrics at the age of 13, and with the advent of the Internet, he began to master programs for creating music.

The beginning of L'One's career

His journey into the media industry began with student team KVN, in which he initially acted as a participant, and quite soon became its host.

By the age of 20, the artist hosted 2 programs on Yakut radio channels, wrote scripts for corporate events and even hosted television program. Despite the fact that in its activities L’One has achieved great success– he decided to try his hand at Moscow, since the confines of the city’s small media sphere had already begun to squeeze him.

Study and move to Moscow L`One

Under the pretext that he was going to Moscow to study journalism, but in fact setting out to develop his creativity, L"One, together with his friend Igor Pustelnik (Nel), moved to the capital, where the two of them began renting an apartment.

“My father hoped that I would become a lawyer, and my mother supported my journalistic inclinations,” the rapper admits.

Levan Gorozia nevertheless entered the journalism department, but after two years of full-time study, he transferred to part-time study in order to concentrate on his creativity. After the state exams, the artist went on study leave.

After numerous attempts to get a job in Moscow, L "One received a position as a presenter at the Next radio station - the only channel at that time that did not neglect songs in the Rap genre.

“I took advantage of my official position, bringing songs to the radio with the words: “Look at this!” The music director said: “Well done!” - and put them off,” said L`One in one of his interviews.

Salaries, to a young performer there wasn’t enough, so he simultaneously worked at a creative agency, writing scripts for corporate events.

L`One's musical career

The artist began his path to rap music, as noted above, in his youth. Together with his friend Nel, he founded the group Marcelle. Levan was mainly involved in writing lyrics, and his comrade was busy putting beats on them.

In 2007 the group signed a contract with the representative office of a large German music label “Phlatline”. At the same time, the group’s first mixtape was released: “I’am the Russian dream vol.1”.

The first wave of popularity came after both musicians participated in the TV show “Battle for Respect,” which aired on the Muz-TV channel. There, L "One lost in the semifinals to his groupmate Nel, who later became a finalist in the second season of the program.

However, the group began to be recognized. In 2008, the album “Mars” was released with their most famous single “Moscow”, which stayed at the top of the charts for many weeks. Such artists as Sasha Legend, Basta, Teona Dolnikova and others took part in the recording of the album.

L "One - Everyone Dances with Elbows

On March 31, 2011, the group announced the termination of cooperation with the Phlatline label, and a year later L’One announced on its Twitter page that the group had broken up due to creative differences.

Personal life of L`One

Levan (L’One) is married to Anna Gorozia, whom he met while still a journalism student in 2004. After 5 years, the couple officially legalized their relationship.

The artist has a brother, Merabi, who is 5 years younger than him. He is an active participant in KVN and accompanies Levan on tour: he leads introductory part concert before L'One performances.

Since 2014, the rapper has been the owner of the RBT content store - a showcase of melodies that replace the usual waiting tone.

L'One now

On May 18, 2011, L "One signed a contract with the label "BlackStar", under which his solo album "Sputnik" was released. The single "Everyone is dancing with their elbows" from the album quickly became an all-Russian hit and the first song in the "trap" genre to achieve cult status in Russia.

L"ONE - Tour “All or Nothing!” (Episode 1. Yakutsk)

On February 13, 2013, the BlackStar channel posted a video for this song on YouTube, which was collected in total over 10 million views. A week after its release, the album “Sputnik” took fourth place in the iTunes Store rating.

L’One actively collaborates with other musicians on the label.