You drink water from a friend. You drink water sweeter than honey from a friend. If you take risks in the fast lane, you drink champagne for the rest of your life.


Drinking water from a friend is better than drinking honey from an enemy.

  • - without measure Wed. The conversation boils, never stopping, And the wine flows like a river, Equal to the great and the small; All the groups mixed up a long time ago, Zatsepin is on fire like water, he drinks Hungarian... Nekrasov. Contemporaries. Heroes of time. See in impact...
  • - Cm....
  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HEALTH -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - it’s not about the face. Don’t look at the face, but look at the custom. Wed. “What, madam, dear,” Sarenka’s wife objected. “You can’t drink water from your face, you can’t survive life, you can’t cross a field.” Leskov. In Moscow. 36, 2...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - How to drink water, monk. - without measure. Wed. The conversation boils, never stopping, And the wine flows like a river, Equal to the great and the small; All groups have mixed for a long time, Zatsepin is in shock, like water, drinking Hungarian... Nekrasov. Contemporaries...
  • - Drinking water from your face is not the point. Don't look at the face, but look at the custom. Wed. Why, dear madam, Sarenka’s wife objected! You can’t drink water from your face, you can’t cross a field to survive life. Leskov. In Moscow. 36, 2...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - to whom. Razg. Joking. Someone should be lenient towards the lack of attractiveness, beauty of the groom or bride...

    Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

  • - See FRIEND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FRIEND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Not ugly, but also handsome. See QUIRK And not okay, whatever. See ESSENCE - APPEARANCE Don't lick what's good, don't cut what's bad...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ENVY -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TOTALITY -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - to whom Volg., Kursk. ABOUT highest degree admiration for smb. Glukhov 1988, 26; BotSan, 90...
  • - to whom Volg. Joking-iron. To be overly protective of someone, to please someone. Glukhov 1988, 86, 113...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

“Drinking water from a friend is better than drinking honey from an enemy.” in books

How to drink water

From the book 100 recipes for diseases thyroid gland. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healing author Vecherskaya Irina

How to prepare and drink clay water?

From the book Secrets of people whose joints and bones do not hurt author Lamykin Oleg

How to prepare and drink clay water? Clay and water are always nearby in nature. Water cannot be retained by sand or pebbles. Clay partially dissolves in water, enriching it with its elements. And there are a great many of them in clay, and we need them all. Remember that we

3.7. Is it possible to drink sea water?

From the book Mysteries of Phenicia author Volkov Alexander Viktorovich

3.7. Is it possible to drink sea water? Almost all other cities of Phenicia were deprived of the opportunity to repeat Hiram's plans. Thus, Sidon lay on a flat ledge jutting into the sea. Beruta went down to the water along the mountainside. Tripoli is nestled at the tip of a small peninsula.

Which bucket should you drink water from?

From the book I Explore the World. Secrets of man author Sergeev B.F.

Which bucket should you drink water from? Many substances included in the composition human body, although they are found in it in insignificant quantities, they are nevertheless absolutely necessary for us. Not only their complete absence, but even a slight decrease in their number is fraught with serious

Are you ready to drink water from the pool?

From the book Business Cloning [Franchising and other models rapid growth] author Vatutin Sergey

Are you ready to drink water from the pool? This section is devoted to one of the most important conditions for the successful development of any franchise, which, despite its obviousness, is often underestimated and not fulfilled, and for some reason specifically by Russian franchisors. One of the authors

What kind of water to drink?

From the book Restoring Vision author Gavryuk Sergey Nikolaevich

What kind of water to drink? The main requirement for water is that it be clean and wet. Water can be filtered, boiled, settled, or frozen. It is important to be sure that there are no pathogens of intestinal infections and hepatitis in the water. If you don't like the taste of water, you can add


From the book Living water. Secrets of cellular rejuvenation and weight loss author Rudnitskaya Lyudmila

LEARN TO DRINK WATER Many doctors do not recommend drinking water during meals, but only half an hour before or 2 hours after, since water dilutes digestive juices and the stomach needs more time to digest food. But I am inclined to believe that you should drink water when

16. Why drink water if you have constipation?

From the book Constipation: small tragedies and big problems author Butorova Lyudmila Ivanovna

16. Why drink water if you have constipation? Feces are not only indigestible and undigested food mixed with intestinal microbes, but also water. The consistency and shape of stool is determined by its water content, which healthy people is approximately 70%. The less water in

How to drink water?

From the book Losing Weight Smartly! Doctor Kovalkov's technique author Kovalkov Alexey Vladimirovich

How to drink water? Not long ago, in 2008, a tragic incident occurred. A resident of the UK, 40-year-old Jacqueline Henson, who weighed 89 kg, adhered to the Lighter-Life diet. This diet instructed patients to reduce their calorie intake to 500 kcal per day and not drink daily.

Why drink water

From the book Water - the source of health, the elixir of youth author Nilova Daria Yurievna

Why drink water It is clear that drinking water is an affordable and simple method of treatment that takes into account the natural physiology of the human body. In addition to transporting necessary substances, water has many other functions: it provides the process of metabolism in all aspects

To drink or not to drink? What drinks are best to drink during pregnancy.

From the book My baby will be born happy author Takki Anastasia

To drink or not to drink? What drinks are best to drink during pregnancy. Many women go through the penultimate or last trimesters of pregnancy in the summer, when the heat is sweltering. I often feel thirsty, but doctors do not recommend it - this is fraught with swelling of the body, which

What kind of water to drink?

From the book Protect Your Body. Optimal methods of cleansing, strengthening and healing author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

What kind of water to drink? The chemical composition of tap water is constantly changing... Boiling, of course, disinfects the water, killing germs and bacteria, but does not get rid of other harmful substances, and sometimes even adds them. For example, when heated, chlorine compounds are converted

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone drinking water this he will thirst again, 14. But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water springing up into eternal life. Christ diverts the Samaritan woman’s thoughts from simple water to

What water is better to drink

From the book Relief press in 3 months author Tolkachev Alexey Ivanovich

What kind of water is best to drink? The composition of the ordinary water we consume differs from the composition of the water inside us, so the body has to do some work before assimilating it. I recommend using melt water. This is the purest water you can find. By

How should you drink water?

From the book Cleaning the Blood Vessels, Strengthening the Immunity. Therapeutic nutrition for body rejuvenation author Fadeeva Anastasia

How should you drink water? It would seem that there could be a simpler answer to this question? Pour it into a glass and drink it... Unless, of course, you are in the desert. But it turns out that you also need to drink water according to certain rules. Scientists say that in order to maintain normal physiological

Drinking water from a friend sweeter than honey.

  • - Do you drink wine? - I drink in public...
  • - Song in praise of tea; again - making fun of the tea party...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Honey is sweeter than sugar. Wed. Oh you, virgin of green mind! White sugar sweeter than honey; The husband is nicer sibling. N. Berg. Pisces and Virgo. Wed. If you return from Murom, be sure to come. Your conversation to me.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Honey is sweeter than sugar. Wed. Oh, you, virgin of green mind! White sugar is sweeter than honey; A husband is dearer than a brother. N. Berg. Pisces and Virgo. Wed. If you return from Murom, be sure to come. Your conversation is sweeter than honey to me.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See FRIEND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - You’re drinking the wrong beer, you’re mixing it...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FALSE -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See UGODA -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - You can swallow a chisel with honey...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ENVY -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See FRIEND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TOTALITY -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See MIND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

"You drink water sweeter than honey from a friend." in books

70. Sweetest of all

author Shestakov Dmitry Petrovich

70. Sweetest of all

From the book Stubborn Classic. Collected Poems (1889–1934) author Shestakov Dmitry Petrovich

70. Sweetest of all Sweetest of all, how, in the darkness, not seeing the road, He takes a deep sleep in oppressive anxiety; It’s sweetest when memory doesn’t haunt the past; It is sweetest when the heart does not look for the future; The sweetest thing is when thoughts are weak-willed, powerless, Wings are like a sail,


From the author's book

Chapter Five I'M WAITING FOR A FRIEND. THE STORY OF RODION SHCHEDRIN, COMPOSER AND FRIEND POET The left heel is turned wrong The story of the composer Rodion Shchedrin was recorded in November 2013 in the St. Petersburg Astoria Hotel. Supplemented with comments from the memoirs, an interview with his wife, ballerina Maya

Even sweeter

From the book Tea Book author Lucas Olga

D. If you don’t drink, you’ll harm your business!

From the book From the notes of the district opera author Kuzemko V

D. If you don’t drink, you’ll harm your business! ...Among the searchers, non-drinkers (if this is not some kind of combat comrade, but a comrade eaten by an ulcer) are not so much disliked, but... to be more precise... Well, they do not fit into the framework of the team, looking like a foreign body... Sooner or later it does harm

Horseradish is not sweeter than radish

From the book How to set Ukraine against Russia. The myth of "Stalin's Holodomor" author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes They can tell me that yes, that the crests are like that, that throughout their history the animals that led them either fled to hide from the Tatars or Poles in Russia, or fled to devour Russia, and at the first opportunity they betrayed it. And it’s a shame to be Ukrainian. But you are

If you take risks in the fast lane, you drink champagne for the rest of your life.

From the book Get Rich! A book for those who dare to earn a lot of money and buy themselves a Ferrari or Lamborghini author DeMarco MJ

If you take risks in the fast lane, you drink champagne all your life. The case of Bill Gates is a true miracle. He created one single company and made billions, hitting the bull's eye with the first shot. Some will say that I am also a miracle of accuracy. Great. In my opinion, get it right the first time

“What are you drinking, man?”

From the book Daily life Russian tavern from Ivan the Terrible to Boris Yeltsin author Kurukin Igor Vladimirovich

“What are you drinking, man?” It is unlikely that the instructions of local authorities, designed to ensure “observance of decorum,” could change the drinking situation. After all, the influx of masses of yesterday’s peasants into the cities into factories at a low cultural level the majority of the population and lack of rights

Sweeter than sugar

From the book Stevia - a step into immortality author Korodetsky Alexander

Sweeter than sugar As I already wrote at the very beginning, the main active ingredient of stevia, thanks to which it rightfully gained fame, is stevioside - a unique diterpene glycoside found only in the leaves of this plant and nowhere else. This substance is in

Sleep is sweeter than honey

From the book Losing weight in your sleep. Biorhythms of slimness author Klimova Veronica

A dream is sweeter than honey Step. One more step. There is almost no strength, but salvation is close... And finally here it is, the crown of aspirations, our bed. There are few things in the world that, at the end of a hard day, can compare with this little bed paradise. A soft pillow, a native blanket - and the eyelids are already

Tell me what you drink and I'll tell you who you are

From the book Psychological tips for every day author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Tell me what you drink, and I will tell you who you are. German scientists tried to establish a connection between a person’s character traits and his favorite drinks. Thus, psychologists have found that beer fans are characterized by boastfulness, know-it-all and selfishness, including in intimate

Whose gingerbread is sweeter?

From the book News from the Kremlin author Zenkovich Nikolay Alexandrovich

Whose gingerbread is sweeter? The Kremlin is luring apparatchiks from the White HouseConfrontation between two branches Russian authorities continues. All Monday, political parties and movements discussed what was proposed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Valentin Zorkin, like this:


From the book Reflections on the Psalms author Lewis Clive Staples

VI. SWEETER THAN HONEY In Racine's tragedy "Athaliah", a choir of girls sings about how the Lord gave the commandments to Moses; The chorus there is amazing: “Oh charmante loi!” (Act I, iv. IV). Of course, there is no way to translate this literally, it will come out in best case scenario stupidity. For us, “charming” is both a cutesy and


From the book Question Below the Belt. He author Tsilikin Dmitry

YOU ARE DRINKING THE MAGICAL POISON OF DESIRE... Sex and drugs and drugs “You will perish, honey; but first, in blinding hope, you call for dark bliss,” says Pushkin, turning to his Tatyana. However, if we ignore the specific circumstances of the heroes’ lives

Unsniffed - sweeter

From the book Inventions of Daedalus by David Jones

Unsniffed are sweeter The spring habits of frogs, notes Daedalus, require some explanation. When it's time for mating games, these funny creatures migrate tens of kilometers in search of water, accurately identifying right direction. Conventional wisdom

Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu.:

Click on a word:

VOD A, s, wine. water, plural waters, waters, waters and (obsolete) waters, w.

1. Transparent colorless liquid, which is chemical compound hydrogen and oxygen. River, spring c. Tap water in. Marine v. A glass of water. walk on water(for water; simple). Rinse (rinse) in three waters(three times). A lot (a lot) of water has passed under the bridge(a lot of time has passed; colloquial). Like (as if) I took water into my mouth(translated: stubbornly silent; colloquial). You can’t spill (not spill) someone with water. (translated: very friendly; colloquial). Like he looked into the water (foresaw, warned, as if he knew in advance; colloquial). Pound water in a mortar (translated: engage in empty talk, useless business; colloquial). To carry water in a sieve (translated: to do trifles, useless things; colloquial). No one will muddy the waters. (translated: outwardly very quiet, modest; colloquial irony). Get out of the water dry (translated: to remain unpunished or unsullied, not to suffer; colloquial disapproved). Carry water to someone. (translated: to take advantage of someone’s reliability in business, assignments; colloquial disapproved). Pouring water on the chyun. mill (translated: to give reasons or act in one's favor).

2. In certain combinations: drink or infusion. Lingonberry v. Carbonated c. Mineral v. Fruit v. Pink in. Dressing room in.

3. River, sea, lake space, as well as their surface or level. Traveling by water. High in.(rising high on the banks). Big v. (in high water). Malaya v. (its lowest level). Launch the boat or to the water. Go underwater or under water. Drive by water(by water).

4. pl. Seas, rivers, lakes, canals, straits related to a given state, region, territory. Inland waters (within a given state). Territorial waters(areas of maritime space that are part of a given state). Neutral waters.

5. pl. Streams, jets, waves, water mass. Spring waters. Waters of the Volga.

6. pl. Mineral springs, a resort with such springs. Treat yourself in the waters. Go to the water. Mineral waters.

7. transfer, units What about? meaningless and verbose (colloquial). Not a report, but a complete c. There is a lot of water in the message. pour water(about empty chatter).

8. pl. Nutrient fluid that fills the protective membrane of the fetus (special). Amniotic fluid.

Heavy water (special) is a type of water that contains deuterium instead of ordinary hydrogen.

Yellow water is an old name for glaucoma.

Dark water blindness due to optic nerve disease.

Clean water 1) o precious stones: best quality. A diamond of pure water; 2) the most real, authentic. A pure idealist.

On clean water withdraw whom (colloquial) reveal whose. dark affairs.

Don't drink water from your face(obsolete. simple.) It’s not about beauty, beauty in a person is not the main thing.

| diminutive-affectionate water, s, w. (to 1 value) and water, and, well. (to 1, 2 and 7 values).

| adj. water, aya, oe (to 1 and 3 meanings) and water, aya, oe (to 1 meaning). Aquatic animals (living in water). Water transport. Water stadium. Water vapor Water beetle.

A watermark is a design or mark on paper that is visible only to light.

FRIEND 1, a, plural. friends, zey, m.

1. A person who is connected with someone. friendship. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends(last). The old house is better than the new two(last). Tell me who your d. is and I will tell you who you are(last). D. at home (family friend). Green village (about trees, plants).

2. someone or something. Supporter, defender of someone. (high). D. children. D. freedom.

3. used as an appeal to to a loved one, and also (simple) as friendly treatment in general. D. mine! Help, d.

Be a friend (colloquial) is said in the meaning. : Do as I ask, I advise. Be a friend, don't tell anyone about this.

| caress. buddy, zhka, m. (to 1 and 3 digits) and buddy, chka, m. (to 1 and 3 digits).

| adj. friendly, oh, oh (to 1 meaning).

FRIEND 2 : each other, each other, each other mutually, one another or one another. Help each other out. Take care of each other. With each other. They cannot live without each other.

HONEY, a (y), about honey, in honey, plural. (when designating varieties) honeys, honeys, m.

1. A sweet, thick substance produced by bees from nectar. Linden, flower, buckwheat honey. Honey collection.

2. An ancient light intoxicating drink.

Not honey, someone (colloquial) not sugar, not a gift. Your son, you know, is no honey.

| adj. honey, oh, oh. m. taste. M. gingerbread(on honey).

The honeymoon is the first month of married life.

Honey speeches are the same as sugar speeches.

DRINK, drink, drink; drank, drank, drank; drink; pity (pit, pita and pita, pito); nesov.

1. what. Take, swallow some kind drink; consume as a drink. P. tea, water, milk. In the heat I want to...(about thirst). Someone doesn't drink milk. (does not like, does not use).

2. Take, swallow wine, alcoholic drink. P. for the health of friends. I don't want to drink!(about the abundance of wine; colloquial).

3. Constantly drink alcohol and get drunk. Doesn't drink or smoke. P. binge drinking. Drinking man (addicted to alcohol).

How to give a drink (colloquial) for sure.

| owls drink, drink, drink; total (to 1 and 2 values).

| noun drinking, me, wed. (to 1 and 2 meanings) and drinking, I, cf. (to 1 and 2 values; old).

| adj. drinking, aya, oe (to 1 meaning; special). Drinking gallery(at the hydropathic clinic). Drinking quality of water.

SL A DKIY, aya, oh; doc, dka, dko; sweeter; sweetest.

1. Having a pleasant taste, characteristic of sugar or honey. S. pie. Love sweets(noun). Too sweet (meaning a tale; about something oversweetened).

2. transfer Pleasant, giving pleasure. Sweet life. S. sleep. Sweet dreams. Sweet(adv.) someone lives

3. transfer Sugary-tender, touching (colloquial disapproval). Sweet smile. S. voice.

4. transfer Flattering, hypocritical. Sweet speeches.

5. sweet, wow, cf. Dessert, third course. For sweet ice cream.

| noun sweetness, and, g. (to 1, 2, 3 and 4 values).

U 1, [pron. drawn out], int. Expresses reproach or threat, as well as surprise, fear and other emotions. Ooh, you bastard!

U 2, preposition with gender. p.

1. someone or something. Near, very close. A house right on the shore. Stand at the gate. At the console(be, sit at the control panel).

2. whom (what). used when indicating persons in whose environment or within the scope of activity, possession, understanding of which, or within the scope of belonging to the Crimea. happens, exists. Sewing a coat from a tailor. Live with parents. Learn from a master. It's good to work with us. Look at me!(expression of threat; colloquial).

3. someone or something. used to denote a subject performing an action or experiencing a state. The foreman has a lot to do. The patient has a fever. The singer has a strong voice.

4. what. used when indicating objects to which the Crimea is characteristic or belongs to something, to which they have what. signs. The drawer at the table is retractable. The garage door.

5. whom (what). Indicates the source of receipt, the origin of something. Find out from a friend. Buy a book from a second-hand bookseller.

If the right word is from a proverb You drink water sweeter than honey from a friend. is missing from the list above, it can be found using this form:

Interpretation of the proverb “You drink water from a friend that is sweeter than honey.” according to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary

Dictionary of Dahl V.I., article by the word drink:

DRINK, beer A t that, swallow moisture, liquid; quench thirst, take liquid food sips, pour something into yourself, into your stomach. I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty. Without eating or drinking, who is a worker? I haven't drunk kumys in a long time. There is someone to drink, there is someone to eat, but there is no one to work! that's how family is. Drink tea - drink a lot!
|| To get drunk, to get drunk out of habit, to passionately love intoxicating, drunken drinks, to get drunk. He drinks, is prone to drunkenness, drinks now, gets drunk. Drink a dead, dead cup drunkenly, without remembering oneself. Drink a bitter cup endure grief, misfortune. Drink zap O eat, at times, losing time, painfully, memory and reason. Drink to whose health, After drinking wine, wish someone all the best. Drink with a glass, arch. moderately, abstinently. Drink one spirit, two spirits, in one spirit, in two spirits, leaving behind, arch. Not drinking, not eating, song without drinking or eating.
|| Absorb, absorb liquid, become saturated with it. The sponge drinks. And the plants drink. The grass drinks the dew. The earth drinks water. Drink tobacco, sniff. So that Russian people, and all sorts of foreigners, do not keep or drink tobacco anywhere, St. Al. Mich. Drink with your nose, sib. sniff tobacco; drink tobacco with mouth, sib. smoke; chew gum. Drinking mouth at old swore, swear, swear. Tatar's mouth at they drank according to their faith. I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t eat, I’d still look at my sweetheart! Drink to the bottom, no good in sight. It's not the throat that drinks, it's the pocket. And the chicken drinks! drunkard's excuse. Do you drink wine? When they bring it to you, I drink it. And Erofeich? Explain again! Wherever you live, there you drink. A century to live, a century to drink! Drink and walk, make good money! nice. To drink is to die don't drink - die: It’s better to drink and die! Peter was the first to order one to drink, about the Petrovsky ruble. And he drinks, and pours, and beats the timpani! great revelry. And I was there, drinking honey and beer, it was running down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth! tale I'll give you a drink, I'll do it, right, soon, no doubt. There was both pitot and beato. Don’t ask: does he drink, ask: what is the hop like? If he can sing, he can drink too. How much do you eat! But I drink a lot! You drink water from a friend, sweeter than honey. Drink wine together, and bread and salt in half. Eat salt, bald oil, drink sour, don’t pour too much - and in the next world you will remember us! I would drink and eat, but work wouldn’t come to my mind. A man doesn’t drink for a year, doesn’t drink for two, and if the demon breaks through, he drinks it all away. Titus had pitot, but Karp didn't have a drop.. They drank at Filya's, and they beat Filya. Drink before your ear, behind your ear, after your ear, and in memory of your ear! Our grandfathers lived and drank honey: but we live, neither eat nor drink. Drink, don't get drunk; love, but don’t fall in love: play, but don’t get even. The man is smart - he is free to drink; the guy is stupid - he'll drink and wear a sheepskin coat. They drink and sing for people(for friendship, in society), and eat and sleep on themselves. Whether you drank or not, and if two people say that you are drunk, go and go to bed! Drinks like old corned beef. He drinks on salt and sleeps on bread. Drink-drink, at the bottom there’s a penny, and if you drink more, you’ll find a penny(spoken: the friend is ransoming the bride and treats her). It’s not because we were naked because we drank and ate sweetly, but the dust fell on our money! P And there is, be pitu. In France they drink wine, in Germany they drink beer.. Whoever wants to drink, drink! who can or wants. Nowadays I don’t even drink tea, I drink it reluctantly. I would drink and eat, and lie on my side! Salt absorbs dampness. Drink to the bottom! Finish your glass. Z A drank and locked the hut. Drank myself to hell. I drank the cup of bitterness. Let's get drunk and fight. Drink a glass. He gets everyone drunk. We took a sip of tea. Drink, drink, but don't lose your mind! He's a little n O dpil. Everyone got drunk. All beer r O slept. Drank myself drunk. I got drunk on the spot. Petey e, drink Wed valid according to verb. drink . Choked while drinking. A drink, anything that you drink, that you can drink. My drink is water or kvass. Tea and coffee are whimsical drinks. Selling drinks alcoholic, intoxicated, drunk. The doctor prescribed him a drink, swill. You can’t live without drinking, and you can’t live without drinking. What A food and drink e, such is O and live e, and vice versa. Pete e yny, distorted. nutritious, related to drinking. Drinkable honey, boiled, bottled, fermented. Drinking utensils, barrels, valleys, glass. Drinking fee, drinking fee. Drinking house, tavern, tavern. Pete at good a person drinking, reveling. Drinking, convenient for drinking. Where it’s drinkable and caustic, the soul burns there. Drinking, collect the essence, order and very composition of the drinking part, farming and management. Pete e box m. belonging to the drinking part. P And tera and. arch.-schnk. drink, drink, swill. St. Petersburg about. chickens glutton? Pete e play around, make a living by selling intoxicated and drunken drinks. Pete O To m. Pete at x, pete at n hard Pete at Nya and. beer O To m. arch. drunkard, intoxicated drinker. Pete at shka and. Kaluga ladle, crust, drinking scoop. Pete at Ha and. Vyat. n And Tukha Psk. a drinking party, a walk, a party where they drink wine, mash. Pete at snitch, revel, walk, drink wildly, feast. Beer A lk and. hard n And Vitsa Sib. n And Galitsa Vologda pi I Vitsa, pi I vka, a genus of aquatic worm that attaches itself to animals; medical leech, Hirudo medicinalis.
|| *Leech, miser, selfish, unmerciful person, brainiac. Piyavitsyn proboscis. Piyavichiy klek, caviar. Leech blood . P And vka and. north rocks And nka, a sack, a hastily rolled birch bark ladle, for drinking in the field, in the forest. P And in Wed pivts O , beer O; peek O , novg.-skull. mash, brew, intoxicating drink, which is brewed from malt and hops. There is a distinction between white and black beer, and half-beer or mash. Korchazhnoe beer, home brew. For guests and beer (or: and mash). You can't drive a shameless guest out of a hut with beer. It's no wonder that the rich have a lot of beer. Not a rich man brews beer, he's a bit too plump. In autumn the sparrow has beer too. Brew beer and invite guests. Come visit me: Shabra has some great beer! Looking at the beer is good and dancing. So many beers, so many songs(or vice versa). Spare beer and drink. Honor beer is better(about the invitation). Drink more beer, your belly will be fatter. Where to feast, here to pour beer. When it comes out, there will be beer; but if it doesn’t work out, it’s kvass. Beer is beer, business is business, but the joke goes to someone else's village! Taking someone else's beer for a hangover. Bad beer makes people run. You're drinking the wrong beer, you're mixing it up(getting drunk). Grumbles like thin beer from a keg. Eremeev's tears are flowing for someone else's beer. Without you, the beer won't be brewed.. TO at don't hit me - and don't drink beer, on the world. Good word beer is more expensive. World on beer - with belching(put wine). Beer that is not drunk is a sin; beer that is drunk is worse than that; and if there is no beer, it is worse than anything else. Bread and water are different foods, but we drink beer and wine at the same time. It’s no wonder that the beer was brewed, but it’s surprising that it wasn’t drunk! Goes to beer, but says words. I drink kvass too; and where I see beer, I won’t pass it by. Science is not beer - you can’t pour it into your mouth. I would say a word, but the beer has already been drunk.
|| Beer, church generally drink, drink, swill. Pivn A I cup, one and a half glasses. The beer festival is a big one, one of those when beer is brewed in peace, especially the patronal one. Pivn A I'm a barrel, assigned for beer, or taken from it. Beer vinegar, anti-pol. wine or Rhine. Crazy head - beer cauldron(or hummock, basket, shebala). Pivn And tsa and. zap. beer cellar Pavov A flaunt, brew beer. Pavov A r, beer A rka, who knows how to brew beer, deals with it, makes a living out of it. Beer A rowa hat Beer A drawn supplies. Brewery boiler Brewery. Brewer e nie, beer A rstvo Wed the ability to brew beer, and this is the main activity. Beer A Rnya and. brewery factory Beer A renowned, related to a brewery, brewery. Germans are famous beer drinkers.