Channel One vote for the new year. Channel One invited viewers to choose their own stars for the upcoming New Year's lights. Voting results and invitation of stars


Viewers will choose participants in the New Year's broadcast on Channel One by voting in social network"Classmates". Using the “Your Stars on First” application, users will be able to select from a shortlist of up to three artists whom they want to see on air on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018.

The function is also available to enter the name of another artist who was not on the list.

The shortlist of performers was compiled based on the popularity rating of the performers in Odnoklassniki, reports the Rosregistr portal. As writes, the preliminary top 60 has already included such popular groups, like “Mushrooms”, “Time and Glass”, IOWA, as well as Polina Gagarina, Ani Lorak, Irina Dubtsova, Mot and many others.

Some users expressed hope to see TV presenter Olga Buzova on the New Year's light stage, and others - the notorious heroine of the show “Let Them Talk” Diana Shurygina.

Channel One took a creative approach to preparing for the New Year and, in collaboration with the social network Odnoklassniki, launched a new application “Your Stars on Channel One”. This application can be found in official group Channel One on OK. Users are offered a list of stars, potential participants in the New Year's light.

You can only choose three performers. Well, after summing up the results, the leaders will be invited to the First.

The experiment was originally an idea general director channel - Konstantin Ernst, which he shared earlier this year, answering questions from viewers about the dominance of “the same people” on the screens in live"Odnoklassniki"

Whether viewers will see the desired stars on their screens or not is an open question.

For example, on his Instagram account Maxim Fadeev comments on the news about the proposed vote:

“...I would like to immediately say about two of my artists presented on this list - SEREBRO @serebro_officia and Nargiz @nargizzakirova_official. ….. we, of course, even if we get to the top of the vote, will not participate in the filming. Because they will dress us up as clowns again and force us to sing a duet with the host of the Test Purchase..."

The public is also not sure that the idea is good.

“Viewers have been outraged by the quality of the New Year’s program on First for many years. It really is simply impossible to watch. That’s why the channel’s management decided to “kill two birds with one stone” - and try to improve the quality of the content, and shift the responsibility for this quality to the viewers. At the same time, it is “correct” to refuse those performers who have already really “fed up” everyone, again referring to the choice of the audience.

Moreover, the choice was entrusted to those who are registered on the Odnoklassniki social network, i.e. those, in my opinion, who are not particularly different good taste(not about all “classmates”, this can, of course, be said, but still intellectually developed people with good musical and non-musical taste rarely register in Odnoklassniki, unless they register specifically for this vote).

Moreover, you must choose from a ready-made list, in which interesting performers I got it wrong, that is, there is simply no real choice as such, in my opinion,” users write on the Internet

New Year's Eve on the First

Channel One and the social network Odnoklassniki conducted a survey to find out which artists should be invited to the New Year's "Blue Light". The leaders of the voting were Grigory Leps, Ani Lorak and “The Voice” finalist Nargiz. Producer Joseph Prigozhin believes that the opinion of viewers will help the channel in drawing up the New Year's broadcast schedule, and artist Yuri Loza believes that the artists for voting were selected biasedly.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Melnikov

Users of the Odnoklassniki social network from October 11 to October 30 could vote in the “Your Stars on First” application and choose artists who will take part in “ blue light"on Channel One. The voting list included 60 of the most popular artists on Odnoklassniki, each user could choose three of them. In a separate field you could add your own artist, thus adding ten more names to the list.

The top three according to the voting results included Grigory Leps, Ani Lorak and finalist of the show “The Voice” Nargiz Zakirova. Also in the top ten were Polina Gagarina, Ukrainian artists Alekseev, Svetlana Loboda and the pop group Artik & Asti, the groups “Leningrad” and “Hands Up”. The top 10 is completed by the diva Alla Pugacheva.

Sergei Zhukov from the group “Hands Up” told “360” that he was very glad that he was among the top ten voting leaders in Odnoklassniki.

If the people chose, the people are probably not mistaken

Sergey Zhukov.

The artist said that on next week he succeeds new clip and preparations for the New Year are in full swing.

Last year, an online petition that collected 174 thousand signatures demanded that viewers be given the opportunity to choose artists for the New Year’s show on Channel One. Blue Light received a lot of criticism in 2017 due to the fact that the same faces are shown on screen every year.

They decided to conduct voting for the participants of the “blue light” on Odnoklassniki, because this social network is used by people of the older generation, who are targeted at the New Year’s broadcast of Channel One, he said general producer Konstantin Ernst.

We understand that system viewers New Year's shows are people 45+. People 45+ have their own passions and those people whom they consider their New Year's Eve heroes

Konstantin Ernst.

He believes that young people don’t watch New Year’s programs not because it sucks, but because they celebrate the holiday in a different way - and there is no point in making a radical youth show for Channel One. Judging by the data in official community Channel One in Odnoklassniki, 1.3 million people registered in the voting application.

Voting on the Internet may have a small error, but in general the audiences of Channel One and Odnoklassniki overlap, says producer Joseph Prigozhin. He was not surprised that the rating of artists was topped by Grigory Leps.

It certainly remains relevant. Why shouldn't it be relevant? Some songs that [he] created are masterpieces

Joseph Prigogine.

Prigozhin recalled last year’s scandal, when Channel One was accused of showing the same artists on the screens on New Year’s Eve year after year. Such dissatisfaction is understandable, but it is important for the channel to get ratings, explains the producer. Voting in Odnoklassniki will enable Channel One to decide who to invite to the “blue light”.

I don't think they will strictly adhere to the list. But the fact remains that people want to look for some other forms so that there are no reproaches in the next New Year

Joseph Prigogine.

Channel One’s publications do not indicate how many artists from the list will participate in the New Year’s program. There is also no mention of the channel’s ability to invite other artists.

Half of our people watch only Channel One, and accordingly, they know those who are shown by Channel One. Therefore, all these ratings are formed by television itself.

Yuri Loza.

People cannot find out about the existence of other artists because they are not shown on TV, Loza believes. Yuri himself would be happy to perform at the “blue light”. “I’ve had a New Year’s song for 13 years that doesn’t make it into any of the New Year’s broadcasts,” the artist complains.

We don’t have such platforms where you could show what you came up with, composed or did. Nowhere can you see how much New Year's songs written. We don’t know, maybe a hundred of them are now walking around Russia, but no one hears them, because they will never let them break through to the same First Channel

Yuri Loza.

One of the main anti-heroes of last year’s petition, which, according to the results of voting in Odnoklassniki, entered the top ten. Then the singer herself told her fans that she did not need to be protected from spiteful critics, and producer Joseph Prigozhin advised them not to pay attention to “armchair critics.”

Finally, people were asked who they would like to see on New Year's Eve at a concert on Channel One. It’s strange that they chose Leps and Allegrova. They are not much younger than Pugacheva. But the Leningrad group, in my opinion, has a place elsewhere (forgive the tautology), their style is not for everyone. Although the majority’s opinion does not coincide with mine, I am glad for such democracy. You can find out who will be speaking here.

The list of artists (with the number of votes for each) is already ready. I don’t see anything good for myself there and I won’t watch New Year’s Light, I’m not interested in Leps, Creed, Lorak, Gagarin, and especially Pugacheva and Loboda. And what about the inclusion of Natalie, Stas Mikhailov, and Valeria in this list? Channel One just wanted to say with this vote that it shows those whom the majority of people are not burdened with aesthetic and musical ear, want to see and hear.

The choice of audience for voting is strange - people who have an account in Odnoklassniki. Are these the most musically competent people? I would look at 2-3 performers from the entire list, but I can watch them separately on the Internet.

Which artists will perform on Channel One in the New Year 2018? List of artists?

Today, the pop stars who will perform at the New Year's program on Channel One have become known. The first ten performers chosen by popular vote:

  • Leps Grigory
  • Ani Lorak
  • Nargiz
  • Gagarina Polina
  • Artik pres Asti
  • Leningrad
  • Alekseev
  • Hands up
  • Loboda Svetlana
  • Pugacheva Alla.

In total, about fifty performers should perform at the New Year's Ogonyok. Although Channel One's list includes 70 star performers.

The top ten leaders who received the most votes include Grigory Leps, Nargiz, Ani Lorak, Leningrad, Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, Ruki Vverkh, Svetlana Loboda.

So we will see these stars on the New Year's light.

Which stars will perform on Channel One in 2018?

In these new year holidays the organizers of Ogonyok from Channel One decided to play democracy by giving users and viewers the opportunity to choose performers. But the funny thing is that after audience voting the composition of the participants did not have to be changed) But it’s indicative, look, we have a whole voting set up on Odnoklassniki.

Naturally, the results were expected and planned, otherwise there would have been no voting.

But the rating itself can be found below. All performers are famous and are traditional participants in New Year's shows, with a few exceptions. On this moment The survey has ended and you will no longer be able to vote.

New Year's Eve on the First, which will begin after 10 pm on December 31, promises to be interesting, because the people participated in choosing the stars. Voting took place on the social network Odnoklassniki and in just over 2 weeks people made their choice of who they wanted to see on the country’s main TV channel on the holiday night. Here you can see the entire list of candidates who were chosen.

In the first 10 positions are Leps, Pugacheva, Hands up, Gagarina, Leningrad, Ani Lorak and others. A little less votes Kirkorov scored - he entered the third ten. Stas Mikhailov, the favorite of women, will also be there. At all New Year's program that it’s festive, that it’s big before the holiday, and that we’ll see a lot of stars in the New Year, that it’s December 31st. I hope there will really be something interesting, and I voted for the candidates, because I’m tired of the same faces year after year.

1.3 million people from Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad, took part in the voting. The project covered a variety of audience segments, including young users: for example, 10% of the votes for their favorite artists were given by people under 18 years of age, while about 50% of the users who voted were under 35 years of age. The most active region in terms of the number of votes was Moscow: 15% of the votes were cast by residents of the capital. Also, the artists received the greatest support from Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.

Voting started on October 11 in the Channel One group on the social network. Users could choose their three favorite artists from a shortlist based on musical preferences OK audience, and also offer another performer from those who were not included in the top 60. After two weeks of voting, the top 10 artists most frequently suggested by users were included in the main list.

Yuri Aksyuta

Chief producer of music and entertainment programs Channel One

For us, this was an interesting and unexpected experiment, born impromptu: Odnoklassniki, live on their show, proposed holding such a vote and we accepted this proposal. This is a good opportunity to “synchronize watches”, to understand how much we feel and understand the audience’s request. We were also prepared for completely unexpected results - the list that was initially proposed for voting was not compiled by Channel One. These are the artists whose music is most often listened to by Odnoklassniki users. As it turned out, the audience and I understand each other quite well. The leader of the voting, Grigory Leps, regularly takes part in the broadcasts of Channel One and was the mentor of “The Voice” for two seasons, as was Polina Gagarina, who took fourth place. Nargiz was completely discovered by “The Voice”. In a sense, this project introduced Basta to a wide audience far from rap culture. Alla Pugacheva, around whose name spears were broken according to the results of the last New Year's project, entered the top 10 most popular stars - we take off our hats, we hope, along with those who doubted it. In a word, we coincided in many ways, and somewhere we received interesting tips and will be happy to invite artists who have not previously been involved in our broadcast to participate in our New Year’s project. Invitations to participate in the New Year's show will be received by 30 performers - the leaders of the audience vote. Thank you for your participation and attention to our project. Let's meet on the evening of December 31st on Channel One!

Anton Fedchin

It was important for us to give different people the opportunity to choose their favorite artists. The shortlist included musicians popular with various segments of the audience: very young stars and already famous participants New Year's shows, rappers, rock musicians, pop music performers. Thanks to this, all active groups of the Odnoklassniki audience took part in the voting: children, teenagers, young people under 35, and older users. As a result, the top 30 turned out to meet the interests of different people: Watching the New Year's broadcast will now be much more interesting for OK users.