Inverted book titles The host invites guests to guess the “inverted” names of famous books. Literary quiz Changelings Decipher literary shiftings Monday


    A pot of soup (a pot of porridge)

    Radish (Turnip)

    Hen - iron beak (Cockerel - golden comb)

    Cute Swan (The Ugly Duckling)

    Blue baseball cap or Orange handkerchief (Red Riding Hood)

    Square (Kolobok)

    Mouse in Sandals (Puss in Boots)

    Homebody Tadpole (Traveller Frog)

    Dog Hotel (Cat House)

    Rainy King (Snow Queen)

    Black Rain and 2 Giants (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)

    Straight-backed Lamb (Humpbacked Horse)

    The Cowardly Seamstress (The Brave Little Tailor)

    Toad Slave (Frog Princess)

    At the crawfish's request (at the pike's command)

    Silly Erosinya (Elena the Wise)

    Zharilko (Morozko)

    Prince in a Pumpkin (Princess and the Pea)

    Copper master key (Golden key)

    The Waking Beast (Sleeping Beauty)

    Giant-ears (Dwarf-nose)

    Sazhechka (Cinderella)

    Dressed Citizen (Naked King)

    Gray blade of grass (Scarlet flower)

    Fat Man Vulnerable (Koschei the Immortal)

    Kilometer (Thumbelina)

    Jimmy Short Sock (Pippi Long Stocking)

    Thomson, who works in the basement (Carlson, who lives on the roof)

    One-color cockerel (Hen Ryaba)

    Palace (Teremok)

    Patient Oyzdorov (Doctor Aibolit)

    Pyotr Krestyanich and the white hare (Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf)

    The Tale of a Found Clock (The Tale of Lost Time)

    Prince Laughing (Princess Nesmeyana)

    Irinushka the smart girl (Ivanushka the fool)

    London Dancers (Bremen Town Musicians)

    A story about a living peasant woman with 14 weaklings (The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes)

    Znayka under the Earth (Dunno on the Moon)

    Directly by shadow in 10 nights (Around the world in 80 days)

    Lettuce garden (Cherry orchard)

    Trinket Continent (Treasure Island)

    Brought by the calm (Gone with the wind)

    Happiness is in stupidity (Woe from Wit)

    Law and encouragement (Crime and punishment)

    Purple sideburns (Bluebeard)

    Pedestrian with legs (Headless Horseman)

    Mothers and parents (Fathers and children)

    Living bodies (Dead souls)

    Loud Volga (Quiet Don)

    Cat's liver (Dog's heart)

    Grandmother and the Desert (The Old Man and the Sea)

    Two million kilometers above the earth (Twenty thousand leagues under the sea)

Reversals of lines from famous poems

Try to guess which poetic lines are encrypted below. And if you also manage to remember their authors and even the titles of the works, then you can confidently say that your memory is in excellent condition!

    Your Tolya laughs quietly (Our Tanya cries loudly)

    You hate my dog ​​(I love my horse)

    Louder, cats, dog in the basement! (Hush, mice, cat on the roof!)

    You read to us, why so little? (I’m writing to you, what else?)

    The prose writer, the master of meanness, has risen (the poet, the slave of honor, has died)

    The crowded mast turns black over the transparency of the green earth (the sail turns white alone in the blue fog of the sea)

    Your niece of ordinary lying exceptions (My uncle of the most honest rules)

    There will be idleness in the morning, everyone will be idle (It was in the evening, there was nothing to do)

    You forgot the ugly eternity (I remember a wonderful moment)

    Four young men at the door were forging early in the morning (Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening)

    Summer!.. Landowner, dejected... (Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant)

    Shut up, aunt, it’s all in vain... (Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing...)

    Hello, clean China... (Goodbye, unwashed Russia...)

    The gentleman accepted for the station: a folding bed, a backpack, a cosmetic bag... (The lady checked in luggage: a sofa, a suitcase, a travel bag...)

    A bug is crawling, vibrating (Goby is walking and swaying)

    One day the devil brought a loaf of sausage to a cow here... (God sent a piece of cheese to the crow somewhere...)

    I hear a cabman riding a hay cart quickly descending from the pit (I see a horse slowly ascending the mountain, carrying a cart of brushwood)

    You left me without saying goodbye (I came to you with greetings)

    A butterfly flew away from the soup (a fly landed on the jam)

    The big daughter ran away from her mother, but the big one remained silent (Little son came to his father and asked Tiny)

    I’m standing at the window in a dry hotel (I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon)

    The smart ostrich brazenly takes the skinny thoughts out of the cave (The stupid penguin timidly hides the fat body in the rocks)

    Heat without a moon; terrible night! I am still awake, ugly enemy (Frost and sun; wonderful day! You are still dozing, lovely friend)

    They lifted the dog to the ceiling, Attached the dog's ears (Dropped the bear on the floor, Ripped off the bear's paw)

Literary quiz


The inverted title of the work is read out, the team’s task is to give the correct answer and name the author of the work.

What was the name of the tavern where Pinocchio, the fox, the cat and Karabas dined? "Three Minnows"

Favorite drink of pirates? Rum

Where did Pushkin's duel with Dantes take place? In St. Petersburg on the Black River.

Horse blitz.

The winged horse of Zeus? Pegasus

Taras Bulba's horse? Crap

Kazbich's horse, my brother sold Bela for this horse. Karagöz

A fairytale horse that stood in front of Ivan like a leaf in front of the grass. Sivka-burka.


Beyond the distance of centuries.

How many years did Ilya Muromets lie motionless? 33

Thunderer among other Slavs? Perun

The prince who accepted death from his horse. Oleg

Nickname Prince of Kyiv Vladimir, grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. Monomakh.

What happened in Rus' in 988? Baptism, Christianity accepted.

What was the name of the first printed book, name the first Russian printer. Apostle. Ivan Fedorov


Find out the hero work of art according to the description. State the name of the hero, the author and the title of the work.

1. “Everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were expected - and they appeared. I was modest - I was accused of deceit, I became secretive...” Pechorin

2. But alien to childish pleasures,

At first he ran away from everyone,

Wandered silently, alone,

I looked, sighing, to the east,

We are tormented by vague melancholy

On my own side. Mtsyri

3. Quiet, sad, silent,

Like a forest deer, timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger... Tatyana Larina.


They have been around for many years, they have raised thousands of generations of children, and helped millions of adults. Many people believe in them, others believe that they are just lying...

They can be everyday, magical or about animals...

Red maiden, good fellow, pure little pole, sugar lips... - how general term Can you name everything that is listed?

(constant epithets)

What is the name of the instructive conclusion, the wise thought contained in the fable?

Find the odd one out: novel, story, poem, short story

(poem is a poetic genre)

What are the names of words that are pronounced and written the same, but have different lexical meanings?

/move on to the “Literary Homonym” competition/

Quiz “Literary homonyms”

1. Not only the confusing and predicament, but also the cover made of cardboard, leather and other materials that encloses the book.


2. Not only the result of multiplication, but also the fruit of the labor of a writer or poet.


3. Not only a geometric curve, but also a strong exaggeration to create an artistic image.


4. Not only a difficult event, an experience that causes moral suffering, but also a type of literary work.

5. Not only the book unit of the collected works of an author, but also the name young hero Mark Twain.

6. Not only a specialist in solving criminal offenses, but also literary work, depicting the solving of intricate crimes.


7. Not only a brand of domestic car, but also a goddess of beauty, love, and marriage in Russian mythology.

8. Not only the hero of Alexandre Dumas, who became a fabulously rich count, but also a French monarchist who killed in a duel.

(Dantes. Edmond Dantes became the Count of Monte Cristo.

Literary game

"Shifters" - a game in which the source material is taken famous quote, riddle, proverb, saying, etc., and all words in them are replaced by contextual antonyms. Solving such “reversals” allows you to check the knowledge of texts, the erudition of the players, associative thinking and ability to logical reasoning. The “reversals” below are created based on Russian riddles and proverbs.

1. The black man was released, but left his bald head in prison. - The red maiden sits in prison, and the scythe is on the street.

2. One shoe - and one with buttons. - A hundred clothes - all without fasteners.

3. With laziness, you get the bird from the tree. “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”

4. A long-awaited owner is better than a Russian one. Uninvited Guest worse than a Tatar.

5. The earth stops on standing iron. – Water does not flow under a lying stone.

6. A man on a cart is heavier on a horse. – A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.

7. Rest - the lamb will come running from the field. – Work is not a wolf - it won’t run away into the forest.

8. There is a head of cheese under grandfather’s palace. “There’s a piece of bread hanging over grandma’s hut.

9. U honest man boots get wet. – The thief's hat is on fire.

10. Started having fun - work timidly. – Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

11. Let there be one penny and not one enemy. – Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

12. They look into the ears of the selected bird. – Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

13. Strange animals - we won’t get along. – Our people – we’ll be numbered.

14. The dog has a continuous fast. – Not everything is for the cat Maslenitsa.

15. Meows, licks, kicks out. – Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house.

Fables-reversals are songs or poems in which everything is turned upside down. Piglets fly in them, a hare sits on a birch tree, and flies eat a rooster. Such pictures evoke joyful children's laughter and strengthen the child's understanding of genuine, real connections between things and phenomena.

At the center of the fable is a obviously impossible situation, behind which, however, the correct state of affairs is easily guessed, because the shapeshifter plays up the simplest, well-known phenomena. Chukovsky introduced the term “shifter” and thoroughly explored this genre.

Researchers usually call this type of folklore amusing, including sections, tongue twisters, upside-down fables, and sometimes silences and voices.

Fables - shapeshifters for children

African crocodile
He swam into the White Sea,
He began to live at the bottom of the sea,
He built himself a house there!

Two caring lamas -
Llama-dad, Llama-mama,
Leaving the kids in the morning,
They hid in a hole with the mouse!

Spring has come to us again
With sleds and skates!
Spruce brought from the forest
Candles with lights!

The horse rode with horns,
A goat swam along the pavement,
By leaps and bounds
The worm came with a beard!

Look, look!
Vanya is riding on a trough!
And behind him are the boys
On a leaky tub!
And behind them is a hedgehog with a cat
They drive everyone with a whip!

Tell you an interest?
An elephant climbed a tree
Made a nest of twigs,
Cradling the babies!

The cook was preparing dinner
And then the lights were turned off.
Chef bream beret
And puts it in compote.
Throws logs into the cauldron,
He puts jam in the oven.
Stirs the soup with a poker,
Ugli hits with a ladle.
Sugar pours into the broth,
And he is very pleased.
That was the vinaigrette,
When the light was fixed.

Timoshka on a spoon
I was driving along the path,
Met Egor
Took me to the fence!
Thanks Timoshka,
The spoon has a good motor!

What kind of geese ran by?
Ears and tails between your legs?
Who is chasing them?
Maybe horses in a car?
No! They run from fear
What will catch up with the turtle!

Fables shifters for children of 2nd grade

There is a sweet word - rocket,
There's a quick word - candy.
There is a sour word - carriage,
There is a word with a window - lemon.
There is a prickly word - rain,
There is a word for wet - hedgehog.
There is a stubborn word - spruce,
There is a green word - goal.
There is a book word - tit,
There is a forest word - page.
There is a funny word - snow,
There is a fluffy word - laughter.
Stop! Stop! Sorry guys.
It's my car's fault.
A mistake in poetry is not a trifle,
You need to print like this:

The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ga-ha-ha!" - the nightingale sang.
Quickly give me the answer -
Is this true or not?

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into a swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.
Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him the poodle started skipping like an axe.
Ivan fell through a log into a swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.
Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped onto the axe.

The traffic light melts in the sun,
The shepherd barks at the cat
The snowman is meowing in the corner,
The dump truck teaches lessons,
The chess player burns without smoke,
The spider caught the burbot,
The fisherman climbed onto the sheaf,
The red cat wrinkled his brow.
The student brought sand,
Fox Terrier blows a horn...
We need it soon
Put everything in its place!

Cucumbers play hide and seek
Kids grow in the garden
Musketeers sleep in a ravine,
The pigs sharpen their swords
Crayfish run to the circus in droves,
Children are dozing under a snag,
Wolves swim along the bottom,
The pikes howl at the moon.
What kind of mess is this?
Sharpen your pencil!
I order you
Put everything in its place!

Fables, shifters for children of the preparatory group

The angry cat barks loudly
The master's house is guarded by:
Stop, she won't let you in!
If you don't listen, he'll bite!

The hedgehog flapped its wings
And he fluttered like a butterfly.
Hare sitting on the fence
Laughed loudly and loudly!

It's snowing! It's so hot!
Birds are flying from the south!
Everything around is white and white -
Red summer has arrived!

Once upon a time
Once upon a time
Grandfather and grandmother
With a little granddaughter,
Your red cat
They called it Bug.
And they are crested
The foal's name was
And they also had
chicken Buryonka.
And they also had
Murka the dog,
And two more goats:
Sivka da Burka!

The dog sits down to play the accordion,
Red cats dive into the aquarium,
Canaries begin to knit socks,
Children's flowers are watered from a watering can.

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens croak subtly.
The onion crawled like a snake
It turned out to be a mess

It was in January
April 1st.
It was hot in the yard
We're numb.
Over the iron bridge
Made from boards
Shel tall man
Short in stature.
There was a curly man with no hair,
Thin as a barrel.
He didn't have children
Only son and daughter

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Yegor is coming.
Himself on a filly,
Wife on a cow
Children on calves
Grandchildren on baby goats.
We came down from the mountains,
They lit a fire
They eat porridge
Listening to a fairy tale

Folk tales

Listen guys
I will sing awkwardly:
A bull is flying on an eraplane,
A man plows a pig
A crow sits on the fence,
Blue berries are pecked,
A cow lies on a ditch
Belted with a horse.

A village was driving
Past the man
And from under the dog
The gates are barking:
"Guard, village,
The men are on fire!
Women in a sundress
They want to fill it up.”

A village was driving
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Snatched the cart
He's from under the whip
And let's bludgeon
Her gate.
The rooftops got scared
We sat on the raven,
The horse is racing
A man with a whip.

A village was driving
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
A club ran out
With a boy in my arms,
And behind him is a sheepskin coat
With a woman on his shoulders.
Whip grabbed the dog
Soar a man
And the man with fear -
Bam under the gate.
The village shouted:
“The men are on fire!
Sundresses with women
They're rushing to the fire."

We have horses in galoshes,
And the cows are in boots.
We plow on carts,
And they harrow on a sleigh.

Timoshka in a basket
I drove along the path.
The dog on the strip hums,
The bear on the chain breaks.
Agathon is putting on his shoes on the stove.
Agafon's wife lived along the road,
I baked rolls.
How are these rolls
Hot all day.

Listen guys
I’ll sing a little song:
A cow sits on the fence
Takes cranberries,
A hare sits on a birch tree,
Measures leaves by arshin,
Collects on a needle,
To avoid wrinkles.

Senka mowed, I mowed,
Two haystacks were mowed,
The hay was dried on the stove,
They stirred the floors,
There were stacks of stacks on the floor,
The vegetable gardens were fenced,
To prevent mice from walking;
Cockroaches have worn out -
All the cattle were allowed through.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
The chickens ate the rooster -
The dogs talk.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
Hay being cut on the stove
Hammer crayfish.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

There's nonsense on the fence
Fried jam
The chickens ate the rooster
One Sunday.

The devil smeared his nose
Pomaded my hands
And brought it from the cellar
Fried pants.

Between heaven and earth
The pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

I'll stab the director in a minute
You'll be kicking!

Chesa got her head up.

The braid is tongued out.

God, God,
Give me skin
I'll make myself a shoe.
Without boots
I don't care -
The knife might get frostbitten.