Correspondence from Olya Buzova’s phone. Hackers posted intimate videos and correspondence of Olga Buzova online. Tarasov: I guessed about the betrayal


Hackers hacked. Journalists fell into the hands of piquant and sometimes sensational information about the breakup of Olga and her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Apparently, the situation around family problems Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov got so hot that some craftsmen tried to hack the presenter’s smartphone in order to clarify the situation. As a result, reporters had personal correspondence, voice messages and even intimate video and photo of Buzova.

Next female voice changed the topic from work to personal. Turning to an interlocutor named Anton, the girl asks him for support and advice, talks about how she has lost self-confidence and scolds a certain man named Tarasov. “Anton, Anton, Anton, he is scum, he is not a person. Look at this scum. You can explain to me, like a man, what the fuck he’s doing. Record me a voicemail. Please. “Write down at least something, your thoughts in general,” asked the girl with a voice similar to Buzova’s.

In response, the man tries to reassure the woman: “He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is one hundred percent your merit. Lokomotiv fans you are loved, respected. I started this message with the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are the most fucking chick. ".

Then the girl calms down and mentions correspondence with “his mother” and reproaches herself for her incontinence. “In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Well, tell me, shouldn’t I have written to her? Well ***, I'm a woman. I can’t help but write to her, realizing that she knew that he was fucking another woman,” the girl complained.

Reporters published screenshots of the girl’s correspondence. The girl sent one of the recipients under the name “Olga Tarasova” a photograph of the model Anastasia Kostenko, the same Vice-Miss Russia 2014 with whom Dmitry Tarasov is credited with having an affair, accompanying the image with the words: “Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. To all of you. Mom, goodbye. We'll meet you in court."

There is also correspondence with the addressee “Husband”. He harshly asked “not to touch” his mother.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp, there are also messages sent from a number recorded as “Mommy WhatsApp.” In candid correspondence, the sender tries to convince “Olyushka” to save the marriage, reproaches herself for not teaching her daughters to be comfortable, raising them to be sloppy, and tries to impute that an unsettled life can cause tense relationships in the family.

Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and worries, reporters publish photographs and sensational videos of a personal nature, in which a girl, like two peas in a pod like Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - either lowering her T-shirt, or lifting up her dress, showing genital camera.

A shocking piece of incriminating evidence about the host of the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, has appeared online.
Correspondence, photographs and videos published by cybercriminals indicate that the 30-year-old blonde, after breaking up with her football player husband Tarasov, sought solace in the arms of the main sex symbol Russian TV screen- Dmitry Nagiyev.
If you believe the published data, Buzova asked Dmitry for a personal meeting in an intimate setting, recorded explicit videos for him, and the host of the “Voice” show himself gave her valuable advice about how to relieve stress, namely: “Sleep, walk, jerk off.” “Life” publishes a sensational correspondence between two stars of the Russian screen.

Nagiyev took care that correspondence with Olga was not leaked to the press

To relieve stress, Dmitry invites Buzova to masturbate

To Buzova’s offer to fly to her in Marbella, Dmitry replied that he had a lot of work

These are the pictures that the TV presenter asked Olya for.


Life contacted Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke about his relationship with Olga Buzova and confirmed that he had corresponded with the wife of Dmitry Tarasov.
“This is such a disgusting story that it really disgusts my soul,” Nagiyev shared with Life. - It’s disgusting that there are people who are interested in prying into their personal lives, it’s a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to her whole life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to this, then this is all the internal disgust of the person who is interested in it.
- Did Olga contact you after the correspondence was published?
- We are not so close friends with Olga that she would contact me. Olga and I have met five times in our lives, and we are not connected friendly relations, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would do the same, support the person. But as for the videos, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, she is an intelligent and frank person.


Footballer Dmitry Tarasov was shocked when he learned about Buzova’s sex correspondence with Nagiyev, but at the same time admitted that he suspected his wife of infidelity.
“I think I can now officially be considered a free man.” All my doubts were confirmed. We never managed to create real family: I want children, but, unfortunately, this requires the desire of two people. And from her video I’m about... (in deep shock), - the athlete admitted to Life.

Famous Russian TV presenter Olga Buzova got into unpleasant situation. It turned out that the girl was driving intimate correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev during his marriage.

It is known that Olga Buzova recently accepted final decision divorce her boyfriend Dmitry Tarasov. The young people quarreled three months ago, after which a series of unpleasant conversations and showdowns followed. Buzova’s fans considered Tarasov unworthy of the girl’s attention and advised her to quickly start a new relationship. Olga also took her breakup very hard. The girl constantly cried, threw hysterics and could not control her emotions.

Dmitry Tarasov behaved more casually. It seemed that upcoming divorce doesn't bother him at all. The man commented quite sharply on Olga’s behavior, and also did not believe in the girl’s sincere sadness and called her an alcoholic.

Recently, materials appeared on the Internet containing SMS correspondence between Olga Buzova and some famous personalities. Among them was Russian actor Dmitry Nagiev. Olga's fans saw a shocking correspondence in which they discovered intimate details. The girl sent Dmitry personal photographs, as well as indecent messages.

Dmitry Nagiyev commented on this situation. The actor said that he and Olga good friends and after she got into serious trouble life situation, he gave her support. Nagiyev also clarified that Olga needed to feel wanted and loved again. Therefore, the manner of communication between two people may seem quite strange.

Olga Buzova also mentioned the current situation. The girl noted that now she has absolutely no time to find out what happened, since she is filming her new project in Berlin. The host of the reality show "Dom-2" mentioned that hackers hacked her phone some time ago, which she warned subscribers about on her social network page, so the girl no longer bears responsibility for the information coming from it.

Excerpts of Olga’s conversations with her mother and sister were also leaked online. In particular, Buzova’s mother accused her of sloppiness.

“You have to try, you’re a girl. You have to understand that you and I are rubbish, and very messy. But for the sake of your loved one, you can become better. It's the little things like making the bed, putting away the trash, rinsing out the sink after yourself, closing the closet doors. Your men are neat, but I haven’t taught you to be tidy. Anya has corrected herself, but your place is always very dirty. If you don’t want to do this for the sake of your loved one, then at least for the sake of yourself and your children. Not a single man will live with a dirty woman,” Irina Aleksandrovna wrote in messages.

The woman also set Olga’s sister Anna as an example, which outraged Buzova.

Later, Olga’s mother also commented on the accusations of Olga’s intimate relationship with Nagiyev. The woman stated that she did not know about her daughter’s phone being hacked, but she was sure that Olga sincerely loved Dmitry Tarasov and could not even mentally cheat on him.

Details scandalous divorce famous TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov still excite fans. Remained a mystery for a long time the real reason couple breakup. But after hackers hacked the smartphone of the star of a popular TV show, correspondence that dotted all the “i’s” was leaked online.

As can be seen, in intimate life For Olga and Dmitry, things were not all rosy. But who would have thought that the problem was not in betrayal, not in the cooling of relationships, but solely in physiology! And specifically - in strained muscles vagina the fair half of the couple.

According to doctors, such problems usually occur in women after 50 years of age. But in rare cases (most often, if a girl has had too many different partners), this also happens to those who are no more than 30. Perhaps this is exactly what happened to the TV presenter. And the following correspondence posted online confirms this:

When at the end of last year fans noticed Buzova leaving the best gynecological center in Moscow, they put two and two together and realized that the TV presenter was looking for a way to cope with the problem of stretched intimate muscles. But, judging by the fact that Olga and Dmitry did divorce, this problem could not be solved. By at least, at that moment.

We managed to find a doctor who was once consulted by the star of the famous TV show. On conditions of complete confidentiality, he said that Olga really had problems with her vaginal muscles. It was for this reason that doctors forbade a woman to have children - as you know, this could make the sprain even stronger. First, the doctor prescribed his patient special exercises for the intimate muscles. But exercise takes too much time, which public people practically never happens. And then the gynecologist gave another piece of advice - use Virgin Star gel lubricant.

This gel lubricant, according to the specialist, is designed to solve the problems of millions of women who suffer from stretched vaginal muscles. The active ingredients of the product help strengthen and narrow the walls of the vagina, give elasticity to the muscle tissue and even relieve possible inflammation! The doctor told us that Virgin Star is used by many celebrities. Especially those women who have already given birth, because after childbirth, everyone (!) experiences stretching of the intimate muscles.

The divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov for two months remains one of the most popular topics show business in social networks. The public never tires of arguing about who is right and who is wrong.

Internet users remembered the boomerang boomerang effect, more than once reproaching the Dom-2 star for taking her husband away from the family where he was small child. And Olga herself understands all this. She recently frankly admitted that she too often exposed her personal life, revealing everything. latest news on my microblog.

Until recently, Olga Buzova’s Instagram was full of happy people family photos. The presenter of “House-2” regularly declared her love to her husband to the whole world. And so, the happy fairy tale in which Olga lived for 4 years unexpectedly ended, and not at all with a happy ending...

But the most unpleasant thing was yet to come...

Scandalous correspondence between Nagiyev and Buzova, what is it - friendly support or a secret romance?

A few hours ago, the scandalous Life portal published material stolen from Olga Buzova’s phone. Among other things, hackers leaked to journalists correspondence with the TV star’s mother, where she teaches her daughter how to make peace with her husband. The leaked material also contains audio recordings of a conversation with PR-director Buzova, an intimate video of a celebrity and frank correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev.

At the same time, Life reports that Olga Buzova’s phone contained an intimate video of the host of the popular TV project “Dom-2” in the “Nagiyev” folder.