List of diseases that exempt you from military service. Diseases for which they are not accepted into the army. Are people with Gilbert's syndrome allowed into the army or not? Can you join the army if you are diagnosed with brucellosis?


There are various reasons why people are not drafted into the army, but the most common reason for exemption from conscription is health problems. In this article, I will look at what diseases are not accepted into the army in 2019 and what non-conscription pathologies are most often found among young people.

What people won't be accepted into the army for in 2019: top 5 diseases

According to the Russian representative office of the World Health Organization, young people of military age are more often susceptible to diseases of the skeletal and circulatory systems, as well as the organs of vision and digestion. This statistics is easily tracked when analyzing calls from recruits to our company. Based on the practice of the Recruit Assistance Service, the most “popular” non-vocational diagnoses remain flat feet, scoliosis, myopia, hypertension and skin diseases.

Top 5 diseases that are not accepted into the army:

  1. Flat feet:
    • Foot pathology is common, but not every case leads to enrollment in the reserve. Only if you have the third or fourth degree can you avoid the combat agenda.
  2. Hypertension:
    • If you have never measured your blood pressure, I recommend checking your readings, because hypertension is not uncommon among conscripts. For a military ID, stage 1 is enough, but the diagnosis should sound like “hypertensive disease” and not “arterial hypertension”.
  3. Poor eyesight:
    • This group includes various pathologies of the visual organs: strabismus, myopia, farsightedness, impaired acuity. Conditions for setting category “B” will differ depending on.
  4. Scoliosis:
    • Fixed scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a curvature angle of 17 degrees or more or curvature of the spine of the 3rd stage will also help solve the problem with the call.
  5. Skin diseases:
    • These include eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and urticaria. The diagnosis must be chronic and confirmed by documents from a dermatologist. If rashes appear on your skin periodically, consult a doctor before receiving a summons. You may not be eligible for conscription.

Expert opinion

Conscripts who want to get a military ID due to their health either do not know whether it is possible not to serve with their illness, or do not understand how to be exempt from conscription due to their diagnosis. Read the real stories of conscripts who received a military ID in the “” section.

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

List of diseases exempting from the army

In addition to these five diseases, there are hundreds of others that exempt you from conscription for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I will briefly list the reasons for which people are not accepted into the army.

List of 50 diseases for which you can get exemption from the army:

  • tuberculosis,
  • malignant formations,
  • some benign formations,
  • A plastic and hemolytic anemia,
  • HIV, AIDS,
  • goiter (if it interferes with wearing a military uniform),
  • obesity stage 3-4,
  • diabetes,
  • thyroiditis,
  • drug addiction and alcoholism,
  • schizophrenia,
  • long-term psychoses, neurotic disorders,
  • personality disorders,
  • epilepsy,
  • essential tremor,
  • VSD - some manifestations,
  • prolonged and frequent migraines,
  • hydrocephalus,
  • eye injuries due to decreased vision,
  • strabismus,
  • myopia from 6 diopters,
  • farsightedness more than 8 diopters,
  • astigmatism more than 4 diopters,
  • chronic otitis media,
  • hypertension,
  • varicose veins,
  • varicocele,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • some sinusitis,
  • foul runny nose,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • malocclusion,
  • some manifestations of gastritis
  • hernias,
  • psoriasis,
  • chronic eczema,
  • chronic urticaria,
  • atopic dermatitis,
  • food allergy,
  • arthrosis,
  • curvature of the spine,
  • some forms of osteochondrosis,
  • flat feet 3rd degree,
  • nephroptosis,
  • enuresis,
  • bone fractures,
  • persistent hearing loss.

Diseases and the army: what is important to know?

Please note: this list of diseases in itself does not exempt you from the army. Even if a young man has some kind of illness, injury or developmental pathology, he may be called up to serve.

The only exceptions are such serious diagnoses as HIV, AIDS, and cancer. In this case, it is enough for the conscript to take tests and confirm the fact of the disease. A similar situation will occur with such anomalies as the absence of a limb or teeth. But for less dangerous or severe pathologies (nephroptosis, flat feet, etc.), doctors will look at the stage of the disease, the characteristics of its manifestation, the frequency of relapses, the difficulty of treatment and/or various functional disorders caused by the disease.

Therefore, if you see your diagnosis in the list above, be sure to find it in the Schedule of Diseases. This document indicates not only all the diseases with which you do not need to go into the army, but also a detailed description of the conditions under which category “B” is assigned.

Where can I find a complete list of diseases that are not allowed into the army in 2019?

A complete list of diseases that are not accepted into the army can be found in. This document consists of 16 chapters, each of which is devoted to one body system or one group of pathologies. Sections, in turn, are divided into articles with a narrower grouping. They describe the diseases and indicate the categories of fitness for military service in 2019, characteristic of each ailment.

To determine which fitness category the draft board will assign, you need to open the Schedule of Diseases, find the appropriate section and article with the desired diagnosis. Each article begins with the following tables:

The illustration shows that if myopia is more than 8 diopters, both category “B” and “B” are assigned. To avoid confusion, remember: For conscripts, fitness for service is always checked in the first column. The second and third columns refer to officers, persons performing contact service, etc.

Health problems to obtain a deferment from the army

Most often, doctors in the medical commissions of military registration and enlistment offices are faced with those who want to “refuse” to serve. However, there are also those who passionately want to repay their debt to their homeland, but due to health reasons they cannot be accepted into the troops. What diseases and conditions are grounds for exemption from military service?

In connection with the current situation in Ukraine, more and more citizens have become interested in questions about military service. One of the topics that worries people is the health status of conscripts and illnesses that prevent them from joining the army. It is noteworthy that this issue is of concern both to those who passionately want to repay their debt to the Motherland, and to those who want to “sacrifice.” Doctors from medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices note that they are sometimes contacted by volunteers who want to go to the front, but due to health reasons it is impossible to satisfy such a request. It is worth keeping in mind that the doctors themselves are not interested in sending everyone to the army, because if the conscript is returned, then the management will ask the doctors questions about how they were able to allow a sick person to serve in the army. But first things first.

In Finland, young people suffering from Internet addiction are not accepted into the army. It takes 3 years to get rid of this addiction!

It's not easy to deceive doctors

Doctors working on the medical commissions of military registration and enlistment offices have extensive experience in dealing with those who do not want to become recruits. During the passage, simply hinting at illness or complaining will not work. To confirm the presence of the disease, the conscript must present the appropriate certificates, and only from government medical institutions. Conclusions made in private medical institutions are not accepted at military registration and enlistment offices.

When recruiting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a conscript must undergo a military medical commission, which will determine the state of the young man’s physical and mental health. The medical examination is carried out directly at the military commissariat. Since doctors working in military registration and enlistment offices have extensive experience working with conscripts, they cannot be fooled so easily. Therefore, it is almost impossible to “refuse” to leave the army without a good reason.

After the commission, an expert decision regarding suitability for health reasons for military service in the relevant branch of the military, unit or unit is recorded in the conscript’s personal file. For example, some conscripts due to health reasons may be unfit for service in some branches of the military, but may be enlisted in others. The Regulations on Military Medical Examination contain a complete list of diseases due to which young people are exempt from military service. As a rule, these are very serious diseases accompanied by complications for human health.

Until 2011, people in China were not allowed into the army with piercings, even if the young man only had his ears pierced. Today, earlobe piercing is not an excuse for release from the Celestial Army. But as for piercing other parts of the body, the ban is still in effect.

Categories that are assigned to a conscript when passing a medical examination

After passing all the doctors in the medical commission, the conscript is assigned the appropriate category. The following categories are distinguished:

  • Category A. If a conscript is assigned category A, this means that he is absolutely healthy and can prepare for military service. These are the healthiest conscripts who are usually sent to serve in special forces units, where they will be able to fulfill the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, category A itself has several subcategories. Subcategory A1 indicates that the conscript’s health allows him to endure any type of physical activity. A conscript with subcategory A1 in the past did not have any diseases that could affect his stamina, physical and mental health. Subcategory A2 indicates that the conscript has suffered some kind of illness, as a result of which the loads to which he will be exposed should be limited.
  • Category B. A conscript who is awarded category B has minor health problems that allow him to serve in the army and are not an excuse for a deferment. A conscript with category B can be sent to serve in troops that correspond to this category. And some may be allowed to serve in special forces. As in the case of category A, category B has subcategories B1 and B2.
  • Category B. Category B conscripts are considered limitedly fit for military service. Such a conscript has serious health problems that do not allow him to perform military service. The young man is counted as a reserve. In wartime, such a person may be drafted.
  • Category G. This category means a deferment that can last six months or a year. After this period, the conscript must undergo a medical examination again. It is noteworthy that in category G a deferment can be given to a conscript for a maximum of twice for six months or once for a year. After this, the conscript is released from military service. According to statistics, most often those who want to “slope” act through category G.
  • Category D. If a conscript is classified as category D, this means that he will never be drafted into the army, even in wartime.

In South Korea, people with tattoos are exempt from military service. Evasion of military service in this country is punishable by imprisonment for 18 months.

Diseases for which they will not be accepted into the army

Today, in order not to be taken into the army, you need to be very sick. Only some serious illnesses that lead to serious complications are grounds for a young man’s complete exemption from military service.

Doctors note that the health of conscripts is deteriorating from year to year. Surprisingly, there are many young people with hypertension who are referred for further examination.

The situation is different with those who hide their illnesses. There are, of course, much fewer of them than those who want to “fix” it, but even here doctors must be able to identify the problem. The medical commission simply does not have the right to send such a person to serve in the army, even if he strongly desires it.

A medical examination of young men of pre-conscription age is carried out by a special commission formed by the military commissariat with the involvement of highly specialized doctors. During the work of the commission, the compliance of the conscript’s health with the requirements that apply to a military personnel is determined.

These requirements are regulated by a government decree that approves a list of diseases incompatible with military service. The ambiguity of the approach to the interpretation of this document leads to the fact that a number of questions constantly arise regarding each specific disease, because the clinical picture of its manifestation is individual for each organism.

Gilbert's syndrome: symptoms and clinic

A genetic disease associated with dysfunction of bilirubin metabolism haunts a person from birth. However, diagnosing it at an early age is not so easy because it is asymptomatic for a long time.

Gilbert's syndrome is a disease also called genetic jaundice. This happens because one of the symptoms that appears subsequently is skin pigmentation.

Most often, boys suffer from this disease. Genetic jaundice does not introduce any functional pathologies into the body’s activity, therefore it does not pose a mortal danger, however, closer to adolescence, certain symptoms that nevertheless begin to appear cause a lot of trouble in the normal everyday life of a teenager.

In addition to the characteristic yellowness of the skin, due to which Gilbert's syndrome is often confused, the patient may experience a sudden decrease in appetite, rapid fatigue when performing physical manipulations, and sleep disturbances. In some cases, a bitter taste may be felt while eating food. After a certain, often short time, all of the listed manifestations weaken, this means that the disease is periodic in nature, and the next exacerbation is completed.

There is no specific treatment for genetic jaundice. There is a set of measures that can reduce the symptoms. The most popular prescription is diet No. 5, developed by M.I. Pevzner. It involves a combination of dishes containing beef, vegetables, cereals, wheat bread, tea, and cottage cheese. Seasonings, fatty meat, lard, sorrel, spinach, and fatty fish are considered prohibited. The patient should completely abstain from alcohol and alcohol, it is recommended to temporarily stop playing sports and avoid heavy physical activity.

Will they be accepted into the army with genetic jaundice?

Gilbert's syndrome may not manifest itself in any way throughout childhood. Then, at a certain time, the young man develops known symptoms, and doctors diagnose this illness. But many parents remain perplexed after the draft board gives the green light and the child is expected to serve in the army.

Today, in the age of information technology, it is not difficult to get an answer to this or that question directly from home. Moreover, you can even consult a lawyer on the topic of conscription. Moreover, it will not be difficult to familiarize yourself with the text of the above resolution, in which you can see the presence or absence of the disease you are interested in. If this type of disease is not listed in the Schedule, then it is useless to spend money on various lawyers, since it will be impossible to challenge the commission’s decision.

Regarding the fact that your child was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, is he accepted into the army with such indications? – the answer is elementary and unequivocally positive. This is motivated by the fact that the disease is not on the list of the Schedule, it is not life-threatening for the conscript and is not transmitted to other military personnel. Therefore, with similar symptoms or even with an entry in the outpatient card, the young man will definitely be called up for service.

The nuance is that after conscription, the military unit, represented by the commander, takes responsibility for the soldier’s health. He should be provided with appropriate condition monitoring. As the illness begins to manifest itself, the service member may be removed from some physical activities. As for the diet, the army diet is considered to be quite adapted to this list of products.

Despite the fact that the army is not contraindicated for a patient with Gilbert's symptom, certain restrictions are still established. The conscription commission makes a corresponding note in the conscript's personal file, and then a decision will be made in which unit and in what position he will serve. Statistics indicate that the appropriate occupation is always selected for such children. A soldier can work with documentation, perform guard duty, and perform the duties of a secretary.

To console parents who are worried about their child, it should be noted that military service will not only not cause harm to a patient with genetic jaundice, but will also in a certain way affect the positive dynamics of the course of the disease. We have already mentioned the diet, and eating according to a schedule will never leave a soldier with a feeling of hunger, which is extremely contraindicated during exacerbations. Complications caused by poor health are not needed by the patient, the command, or the state as a whole. Therefore, the policy of settling a military personnel involves the implementation of all recommendations given by civilian doctors.

Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders
Mental illness
Diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy and epileptic seizures
Diseases of the nervous system (continued, articles 25-28)
Diseases of the eye and its auxiliary organs
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
Diseases of the circulatory system
Respiratory diseases
Digestive diseases
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (continued, articles 69-70)
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
Congenital anomalies, deformities and chromosomal disorders
Consequences of injuries, poisoning and other influences of external factors
Other diseases

Diseases for which they are not accepted into the army

Many conscripts and their parents want to know what types of diseases for which they are not accepted into the army where to find this list of diseases. On this page we have collected the entire list of diseases, the presence of which will not allow you to join the army.

Some diseases guarantee exemption from conscription, others only limit eligibility to certain branches of the military or provide deferment. Each conscript is required to be examined by a complex of specialists, which includes a dermatovenerologist, dentist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, therapist and surgeon. These experts are studying list of health requirements for conscripts for further determination of the suitability category at a meeting of the draft commission. Defined and approved by law list of diseases (list of diseases), and in accordance with it four suitability category. Schedule of illnesses contains more than a hundred names of major diseases and their varieties in order to determine the requirements for the health status of conscripts and distribute them by branch of the military, or to exempt a conscript from the army for health reasons. To quickly find the name of the disease, you can use the site search. Do you want to receive a guaranteed exemption from military service? Then you will need the knowledge of the specialists of the company.

After the client selects a package of services and concludes an agreement, doctors will select and thoroughly study illness schedule articles in accordance with the client’s health status, and also determined the range of necessary examinations to identify concomitant diseases that may exempt from conscription. A professional lawyer will provide legal support, explain the rights and responsibilities of a conscript, and help collect a package of documents proving the non-conscription category of suitability, submitted to the military registration and enlistment office. Legal assistance is provided until you receive a deferment or a military ID, depending on the selected package of services.

Diseases and the army

Schedule of illnesses military registration and enlistment office uses regardless of the region in which the recruiting station is located. It is freely available and can serve as a reason for deferment, restriction or exemption from conscription. Our service will allow the conscript not to hide from subpoenas, but to carefully examine his health status and use the services of lawyers without breaking the law. Schedule of illnesses for conscripts is an official document that our specialists rely on. They work in contact with members of the medical commission of the military commissariat and are aware of all changes. Thus, obtaining a military ID for health reasons With our help, it becomes a simple and understandable procedure, increases the legal literacy of conscripts and parents. Articles 1 to 86, which exempt a conscript from service, contain the following diseases:

Having studied all list of diseases, you will find out under what conditions they don't take you into the army for a particular disease, but to determine the final fitness category, one diagnosis is not enough. Despite the fact that in list of diseases for which a deferment from the army or a military ID is given your disease is present, you need to understand what dysfunctions this disease causes and what your current medical history is. A medical specialist from our company can advise you on this issue absolutely free of charge.

For most diseases, the absence of dysfunction or minor changes in an organ impose restrictions on suitability for service; significant impairment of organs makes a person unfit for service.