Oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy. Effective measures to prevent fetal hypoxia for expectant mothers


Oxygen starvation of the fetus is a common phenomenon observed in pregnant women. Represents an insufficient supply of oxygen to the intrauterine fetus. Many doctors make this diagnosis to their patients. Fortunately, this phenomenon is temporary and with proper adjustments to your lifestyle, nutrition or taking special medications or vitamins, everything returns to normal and the woman can easily give birth to a baby.

What is fetal oxygen deprivation?

A healthy person himself supplies his body with useful substances - from food, saturates his body and internal tissues with oxygen when walking. fresh air. The baby, being in his mother’s belly, cannot afford such actions. His body is just beginning to form, and it is fueled by the body of its mother. When this process chain is interrupted, the baby may experience a lack of oxygen. This is considered to be “hypoxia during pregnancy.”

Causes of oxygen starvation of the fetus

Oxygen starvation of the fetus can occur both during pregnancy and during childbirth. One of the most common causes is a lack of iron, or in another way this phenomenon is commonly called “anemia”. Anemia comes in several degrees:

  • light, insignificant;
  • moderate severity;
  • severe form.

The body receives a small amount of foods containing iron. This leads to a decrease in hemoglobin production and oxygen saturation of the blood and body tissues. A decrease in iron levels means consuming foods contained in small quantities. Drinking alcohol and smoking blocks the flow of oxygen to the fetus. The presence of such bad habits during pregnancy is generally fraught not only with the development of hypoxia, but also with other more serious consequences during the birth of the baby.

Frequent stress and anxiety is another reason for hypoxia. The less the expectant mother is nervous and worried during pregnancy, the healthier her baby will be. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, polyhydramnios, post-maturity, intrauterine infections - these are some of the direct threats to the unborn baby. That is why every pregnant woman should protect her baby from various infections in any way.

Main symptoms

Signs of oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy can be identified both independently and when visiting a doctor, who will certainly force the woman to take all the necessary tests and, first of all, a blood test for hemoglobin levels.

Signs of fetal oxygen starvation

  • frequent disturbing headache;
  • lack of normal sleep;
  • irritability, apathy;
  • chest pain;
  • tinnitus, blurred vision;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • acute reaction to all otherworldly odors in the air.

More rarely:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • disturbance and confusion of breathing.

How to determine fetal oxygen starvation

With modern medical technologies, it is possible to identify any abnormal formation in both the fetus and the mother herself. Doctors use techniques such as:

  • use of Doppler.

The CTG device allows you to detect the child’s heart rate and physical activity. An ultrasound shows exactly how the fetus is located - head or legs, along the back or front wall of the uterus. That is why pregnant women are prescribed the last ultrasound examination immediately before giving birth - at 34-36 weeks, in order to be prepared from the very beginning. The doplometry procedure allows you to track the strength and quality of the blood flow that supplies the fetus with oxygen. During childbirth, fetal hypoxia is detected by the nature of the amniotic fluid and its shade.

Transparent ones indicate that the baby is completely healthy and there were no problems during pregnancy. If the waters are green and more turbid, this means that the child is experiencing a lack of oxygen. In addition, each woman herself can identify strange features during the period of bearing a child and clarify her concerns with a doctor. If after 20 weeks the baby suddenly begins to show less of his motor activity, then an unscheduled ultrasound is necessary. It also happens the other way around, when movements become very intense and frequent. Many attribute this to the baby’s activity and are simply touched by this strong future baby. However, not everything is so simple and good - its activity indicates discomfort, anxiety and lack of incoming oxygen.

Treatment of oxygen starvation during pregnancy

Treatment of fetal hypoxia takes place both at home under the supervision of a doctor, and in severe forms - in a hospital setting.

For home treatment, vitamin complexes are prescribed, in particular ascorbic acid, as well as those containing iron - Sorbifer, Ferumllek. It is better to take the drugs in tablet form. The liquid composition negatively affects the teeth - the enamel begins to darken and the marks disappear very slowly. With iron injections, the skin also turns dark, bluish-black, and takes a very long time to fade. Often, a woman already has time to give birth, and the black circles from injections on the beautiful fifth point begin to fade only when her baby is three years old. Unfortunately this the real truth and therefore many refuse such a reception, but what can you do for the health of the unborn baby.


The most important prevention is management healthy image life.
And this means no bad habits, healthy sleep, walking in the fresh air more often, thereby stimulating yourself to give birth. Remember! The more a pregnant woman moves and walks during pregnancy, the easier and faster she will give birth to her baby.

You shouldn’t forget about nutrition either. If possible, no junk food or fast food. Well, only if you really want to! More vegetables and fruits - preferably in red shades. This raises blood hemoglobin. An excellent remedy is also eating pomegranate or freshly squeezed juice from it. 1 pomegranate per day is enough and an excellent level of hemoglobin is ensured.

In general, enjoy your condition to the fullest, because sleepless nights are just around the corner.

Every expectant mother is interested in ensuring that her pregnancy proceeds easily and without complications. And a diagnosis such as “intrauterine fetal hypoxia” made by the attending physician during one of the routine examinations sounds, to put it mildly, frightening. IN Lately this pathology is diagnosed much more often than a decade ago. It is worth paying tribute to new medical developments in the field of diagnostics. And you don’t need to be afraid of such a verdict, but rather learn how to avoid fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. After all, using only preventive measures, the occurrence of oxygen deficiency in the baby you carry under your heart can both be prevented and significantly improve the condition of the baby with an already developing pathological process. Each phenomenon has certain reasons. And why not try to neutralize them in advance? In any case, timely prevention is always more effective and cheaper than treatment.

Causes of fetal oxygen deficiency

Among the factors contributing to the development of fetal hypoxia, the most significant are the mother's chronic diseases, as well as complications of the pregnancy itself.

For the expectant mother, this may include kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, heart failure, lung pathologies, etc.

Among the pathologies of pregnancy, fetal hypoxia is most often caused by problems with the placenta, gestosis, multiple pregnancies, excess amniotic fluid, breech presentation of the child, postterm pregnancy, and disturbances in the uteroplacental blood flow.

With all this, at first glance, the most ordinary things can significantly improve the situation. Everything a pregnant woman should do without having any health problems.

  • Maintaining an appropriate lifestyle.
  • Maintaining a daily routine.
  • Long walks in the fresh air.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Breathing exercises, etc.


It is the way of life that both heals and cripples. Like to an ordinary person, a passive, sedentary style of daily existence is contraindicated for the expectant mother, unless it is prescribed by the attending physician. Moderate activity is the key to excellent health.

It is also worth recalling bad habits. Under no circumstances should you succumb to their harmful influence. Tobacco and alcohol are strictly not recommended for women while pregnant.

Daily regime

Healthy sleep and adherence to a daily routine have a particularly good effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman. Adequate rest doesn't just lie in bed and watch TV.

It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, and at work to leave the room as often as possible, because the amount of oxygen in your blood depends on the quality of the air entering your lungs.

Why is keeping a daily routine so important? Gradually, the body gets used to performing its functions at certain hours. Consequently, he no longer needs to tune in to ongoing processes. It functions stably and stably provides the fetus with everything necessary for its development. This is why individual regimen optimization is so important.

Balanced diet

Role proper nutrition is more decisive than ever. Junk food is harmful for both baby and mother. If a pregnant woman does not monitor her diet, then she becomes vulnerable to a whole series of diseases that only contribute to the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

The body of the expectant mother requires several more vitamins and microelements than before. Therefore, with a deficiency of nutrients coming from food, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases markedly, which provokes anemia.

To prevent anemia, you need to include in your diet foods such as red meat, liver, buckwheat porridge, grapes, pomegranate juice, and green vegetables.

So-called oxygen cocktails and foams will help saturate the blood with oxygen. They are tasty and healthy, and also affordable. You can buy them in specialized cafes, bars, centers healthy eating. And to save money, buy a device for making cocktails (foam) and prepare them at home every day.

Cooking device oxygen cocktail at home

Working conditions

Inadequate working conditions may well cause the development of fetal hypoxia. Even if a pregnant woman is exclusively engaged in working with office equipment in the office, she should under no circumstances stay in an unventilated area for a long time. You should go outside more often and breathe fresh air.

Any nervous tension also negatively affects the baby, because it provokes vasospasm and uterine contractions.

Long walks

Clean, fresh air intensively saturates the blood with oxygen, which is exactly what both the expectant mother and her baby need. Long walks have a colossal effect positive influence on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Oxygen entering the blood of a pregnant woman in greater quantities than usual enhances metabolic processes. At the same time, the fetus receives more nutrients, and harmful toxins are removed from the mother’s body.

At large quantities oxygen is all larger number red blood cells are able to attach it. Due to this, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. This means that anemia is one of the diseases that most often provokes oxygen starvation the fetus does not develop.

Doctors advise walking in the fresh air for at least two hours. This is the optimal duration of a walk. But if a pregnant woman feels unwell and experiences ailments during the day, then you can take several short walks with the same total duration.

Under no circumstances should you walk along highways. The most the best option There will be a park, a square, preferably with a lot of trees.

Moderate physical activity

If before pregnancy the expectant mother went in for sports and continues to maintain herself in good physical fitness in its course, this is a huge plus. But don't get too carried away if you haven't trained before.

Precisely moderate exercise stress will be useful for a pregnant woman. In order to improve blood circulation and microcirculation, as well as engage the baby’s circulatory system, you can engage in sports such as yoga and swimming.

Any fitness center has specialized programs for pregnant women. Go there only after consulting your doctor. If there are no contraindications, you can safely sign up for classes or study on your own.

A highly qualified instructor will help you choose a set of exercises taking into account individual characteristics and “ interesting situation” of the expectant mother, so classes under the supervision of a trainer should still be given preference.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

Why can breathing exercises during pregnancy prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia? The answer to this question lies solely in the physiological characteristics of the body.

The expectant mother's uterus is constantly growing and shifts everything in the vertical direction. internal organs up. Almost every pregnant woman in the second half of her term feels that breathing has become somewhat more difficult.

This is because the diaphragm, which is responsible for the breathing process, also moves. She can no longer make movements corresponding to the previous volumes of inhalation.

What could this mean? Smaller volumes of inhaled air simply cannot provide the blood with sufficient oxygen.

Because practice breathing exercises extremely necessary for pregnant women. It will be an excellent prevention of hypoxia in acute and chronic forms.

This is how hyperbaric oxygen therapy works

If during pregnancy signs of intrauterine hypoxia still appear or its prevention is necessary, the attending physician may prescribe a course of hyperbaric oxygenation in a pressure chamber.

Even if hypoxia is detected at the earliest stages, this procedure will be very effective. But don’t be scared by the name, because hyperbaric oxygen therapy doesn’t mean anything bad. Only, sadly, it is far from publicly available. But it is very useful for the child and the expectant mother.

The course consists of ten sessions. The principle of its operation is that the woman is placed in a pressure chamber, where the pressure is 1.5-3 times higher than usual. Therefore, oxygen binds much more easily to red blood cells and penetrates faster into all internal organs and soft tissues.

During the procedure, the concentration of oxygen in the body of the expectant mother is significantly higher than the usual average. But there are also a number of contraindications for its implementation, such as, for example, hypertension or respiratory diseases.

All of these methods for preventing intrauterine fetal hypoxia are especially effective in combination. And agree, you won’t have to do anything supernatural. So why not take care of prevention now, so that you don’t have to turn to treatment in the near future?..

Caring for the health of the expectant mother is directly related to caring for the health of the unborn child. During this period, the woman shares with her child all the vitamins and nutrients she receives. What can a lack of oxygen cause during pregnancy?

The importance of oxygen during pregnancy

For normal development, the fetus needs a large amount of nutrients. He gets them from his mother's blood. Therefore, the volume of circulating blood in the mother’s body increases and more oxygen is required to saturate it.

Consequences of lack of oxygen

The expectant mother must remember that during pregnancy she and the child are a single organism. Therefore, all the mother’s illnesses, poor nutrition, daily routine - all this immediately affects the baby’s health.

The lack of oxygen in the expectant mother limits the baby's nutrients. The fetus does not receive them in sufficient quantities.

The mother's body experiences quite a lot of stress during pregnancy, so you need to take care of your health, move more and be in the fresh air.

Insufficient mobility of the mother and lack of oxygen can lead to a disease such as lack of iron in the mother's body. Without iron, hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the blood, is not produced, as a result of which your baby also receives little oxygen and fetal hypoxia may develop. We can say that the child is suffocating in the womb.

Fetal hypoxia

Fetal hypoxia refers to a set of changes that the fetus undergoes as a result of a lack of oxygen. Oxygen starvation leads to disruption of body functions and metabolic processes of the fetus, which can cause very serious disorders.

Lack of oxygen early stages pregnancy can provoke disturbances in the development of the embryo, and in the later stages the central system suffers nervous system child.

Causes of hypoxia

There is acquired and hereditary hypoxia. Many doctors consider it a genetic problem. Very often the causes are diseases of the mother that she had before pregnancy:

  • lung pathologies;
  • kidney diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia.

Complications during pregnancy can also cause a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Such reasons include the following:

  • gestosis;
  • excessive amount of amniotic fluid;
  • problems with the placenta;
  • breech presentation of the baby;
  • if there are two or more babies at once;
  • disturbances in the uteroplacental blood flow
  • post-maturity.

Fetal diseases can also lead to hypoxia. These include anemia, birth defects, infections or blood incompatibility between the child and mother.

Causes of acute labor hypoxia:

  • placental abruption;
  • pain relief during childbirth;
  • rapid birth, etc.

Doctors try to prevent acute hypoxia in a baby. In this case, they perform a caesarean section if the problem occurs during the first stage of labor. If the uterus has already opened, then forceps are applied.

How to prevent fetal hypoxia

As trivial as it may sound, stick to a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Take walks in the fresh air every day and ventilate the room. Eat regularly and take more vitamins.

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