Attitude towards Russians. Why they love and don’t love Russians abroad. Russian attitude towards alcohol


The site's columnist talks about who is really “running from European Russophobia” back to Russia.

The Izvestia newspaper, citing unnamed sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, said that last year 150 thousand of our compatriots returned to Russia from abroad, including from EU countries, thanks to the state program to promote the voluntary resettlement of compatriots. The publication says that those who returned from Europe are tired of total hatred and Russophobia and cites a couple of victims in confirmation. Thus, Natalia, who lived in Prague for 19 years, claims that she was forced to return to “unfounded hatred of Russia.”

Izvestia is silent about whether anyone returned from the USA, Israel and other countries that are not members of the EU. As well as the fact that the program they mention, launched in 2006 and later declared indefinite, is designed only for those living in the CIS countries: on its forum there are no topics about “returning from the EU”, but life there is in full swing and moving to the Russian Federation, for example , from Tajikistan, there are a lot of people willing.

Personal experience of communicating with foreign compatriots suggests that the so-called “Russophobia” and other “that’s all” invariably overtakes only those who diligently look for it - for the rest it does not exist:

To be honest, I have never encountered anything that can be even roughly called that,” says Katerina, a young resident of Germany. - Sometimes, when people find out that I’m from Russia, they start asking about Putin, asking me to explain some of his actions, and I’m at a loss. I don’t understand politics, and when we left here, I was still very young. And in general, here you are judged by the kind of person you are, and not by your nationality. And one more thing: I heard that now in Russia you can be put in prison for participating in a rally. Recently in our city, several young people took to the street with posters and began shouting some slogans - it seems anarchist, I’m not an expert here. They were followed by a patrol car and even a police helicopter was picked up. But the police were just making sure they didn't start a riot. They didn’t bother anyone, they just walked with their chants. And in the end everything ended peacefully. I think it's great.

Now I’m already preparing to defend my dissertation, and I have no desire to go back. I haven’t lost contact with my friends, and the fact that they talk about what’s happening in my homeland somehow doesn’t inspire me to buy tickets. And here you are valued as a specialist, and not as a Russian or Chinese. At our university, by the way, people come from all over the world. There are, of course, nationalists here, all sorts of skinheads - but where aren’t there such?

On the contrary, I observe a certain “Europhobia” on the part of Russians,” notes Latvian resident Alexander. - For example, in online games I often see Russian players in chats writing various insults towards the “burgs” (European players - Author), and just like that, without any reason. And I don’t remember encountering anything like this when I play with them myself. It seems to me that this is happening under the influence - before the events in Ukraine, I almost never observed this.

Facebook users were also surprised by the news. “From 1993 to this day, I have never encountered “unfounded hatred of Russia.” With interest, with indifference, misunderstanding, apprehension - yes. Unless you behave like a cattle and an aggressor,” user Anna Kireeva commented on the news of the mass flight from foreign Russophobia.

“According to all my acquaintances without exception, there is no trace of “bullying.” Europeans simply don’t care about us; in principle, this is how it should be. But here it’s the other way around: “everyone” cares about what the Europeans have with the Americans, but the majority don’t care about their own people,” said user Vladimir Maksimovskikh.

Journalist Arkady Babchenko, who recently left for Prague, has not yet said anything on this topic, but

“It’s absurd, but Americans have an involuntary fear of Russian immigrants and at the same time reverence for Russian culture,” is how one woman described Americans’ opinions of Russians in the United States. Russian-speaking emigrants are treated differently everywhere, but in America they are treated more negatively than anywhere else. Why? This question was answered by Americans and those people who once came for the American dream. The rudeness and inhospitability of Russians is associated with the totalitarian regime in the USSR, Russian women are considered frivolous, and Russian people are, in principle, considered “pontorez”. There are, of course, positive reviews. They are mainly associated with the famous Russian soul, which needs to be understood and the rich cultural heritage.

What do you know about Russian-speaking residents of the USA?

Ethan, manager, 46 years old
Among the Russian-speaking population of the United States, there are very few law-abiding people. Of course, you do not create criminal groups, as representatives of the Latin American diaspora do, but you are directly related to the famous Russian mafia.
The Russians have their hands in all major government organizations. Their influence is growing every day.

Andy, student, African American
I can't stand Russians. Every year there are more and more of you. Soon all of America will speak Chinese, Spanish and Russian. You are ready to do anything to achieve your goal.
And your goal is to snatch more money. America is a country of civilized and cultured people, not beggars. You have neither conscience nor honor. Thieves, bandits and quitters, in a word... By the way, your president is not at all better than all of you. Same...

Heidi, a bank employee, is Puerto Rican-American.
Russians? Russian vodka, Russian mafia, bears, the Kremlin, communism. This is the first thing that comes to mind.
Russians are a very closed diaspora. You have little contact with people of other nationalities. You live like in the Soviet Union, cut off from the whole world. Russians also really don’t like it when people make comments to them; you won’t get an apology from them. Do you want to say that your behavior is influenced by the previous way of life in the USSR? Cubans also came to America from a totalitarian state, but they are completely different - more sociable, relaxed and friendly.

Ashraf, taxi driver, arrived from Egypt 7 years ago
Russian immigrants are a very noisy people. They love to have a lot of fun, sing songs, and have noisy feasts. They can be understood, because they all came from a country where vodka is the main national symbol.
Russian speakers are unpredictable. They can drive around in taxis all day and not leave a cent in tip. At the same time, they are absolutely sure that they are doing the right thing. Very strange people.

Joey, American, 36 years old
Russians can live in America for 20 years and not speak English. They sit in Brighton, drink tea, and get insurance. I can't even understand what they are doing in America. The Chinese have vegetable shops, restaurants, laundromats, the Arabs have small shops, the Italians focus on the restaurant business. But the Russians... You can’t be seen, you can’t be heard, and when you get into the metro, there’s no way through. Are you all on welfare? Or are you engaged in an underground business?

Kamal, a grocery salesman, came from Pakistan 11 years ago
What do I know about Russian-speaking residents of New York? Most of them are very rich people holding prestigious positions in large companies.
Russians are taciturn and do not like to be asked questions. In this they are very reminiscent of the Poles and Yugoslavs. I completely agree with the statement that Russian-speaking girls are some of the most beautiful in the world. But they prefer to meet exclusively with Russian men (laughs). I also know your Alla Pugacheva, a world-famous singer. I like her voice.

Said, a leather clothing seller, came from Turkey 4.5 years ago
The Russian diaspora is one of the largest in the United States. There are no areas left in New York for a long time that the Russians have not chosen. You can’t even imagine how many Russians now live in Istanbul. Soon there will be more of them than the Turks themselves.
By the way, Turks really love Russian girls. Don't believe me?! Come to Antalya (the largest Turkish resort - author's note) or go to any Turkish store in New York (laughs). I really like Russian cuisine, especially dumplings. Turkish beer is very reminiscent of Russian beer. In general, our peoples have a lot in common, despite the fact that we are Muslims and you are Christians.

Jamal, a landlord, came from Morocco 9 years ago
Russians almost never say hello and very rarely smile when interacting with other people. Based on these features, they can immediately be distinguished from the multinational crowd of immigrants. This is probably due to the fact that the Soviet Union had a very strict totalitarian regime. Lenin, Stalin, then Gorbachev... The Russians at one time suffered greatly from the communists. I also heard that among your immigrants there are many former KGB officers...

Kiki, a waitress in a Chinese restaurant, came from China 2 years ago
Don't be offended, but, in my opinion, Russian immigrants are very lazy. They will never work hard for a few dollars.
Russians are very arrogant and love everything that is expensive - from clothes to cars. Moreover, even a very rich person may not leave even a dollar tip in a restaurant. It is no secret that many Chinese consider Russians to be thieves and dishonest. You really like to stand out from the crowd and show your importance. In addition, Russians smoke and drink a lot. Little attention is paid to sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Luis, born in the USA, parents came from Puerto Rico, tattoo shop worker
It is very pleasant to work with Russians. Two years ago, a girl from Russia had an internship in our salon. I think she was from St. Petersburg. A very modest, charming and hardworking employee. With her manners she reminded me of the local Italians. They have something in common in temperament. I know that Russian culture goes back many centuries. The Russian people can confidently be called great. After all, in the end, it was you who were able to defeat Hitler. In their love of drinking, Russians are akin to the Irish - they are ready to drink anything until they fall off their feet.

Sonya, a manager at a supermarket, came from Korea 7 years ago
I associate Russian culture with Pushkin, vodka, tanks and your current president Putin. That's probably all I can say about Russian immigrants. In appearance, they are practically no different from Native Americans. Austrians, Irish, French, Italians are very similar to each other. After all, New York is a city where all kinds of cultures mix. I know that Russians are very fond of figure skating and skiing.

Johnny, the owner of a liquor supermarket, came from China 16 years ago
Russians drink a lot. Moreover, they can drink everything - vodka, whiskey, wine, tequila, without giving preference to any one drink. And if representatives of other diasporas drink alcohol only on holidays in small quantities, then Russians are ready to drink at least every day.
It seems that the passion for alcohol is inherent in them at the genetic level (laughs). Apparently this is how Russians relieve stress. I am surprised that there are so few chronic alcoholics among you. I would especially like to note that Russians are very grateful people. They will never regret a hefty tip if they see that the person serving them deserves it.

Marta, a housewife, came from Italy 16 years ago
Absurdly, Americans feel an involuntary fear of Russian immigrants and at the same time reverence for the Russian culture that is so widely represented in America. It is difficult to communicate with Russians, because they always expect some kind of trick or deception from you.
There is also a myth that Russian women are very frivolous and are ready to do anything to marry a rich American. Russian-speaking Brighton Beach also enjoys a bad reputation. A very dirty and cramped area, reminiscent of Manhattan's Harlem.

Greg, a Polish grocery store worker, came from Poland 7 years ago
Russians and Poles have a common Slavic basis, so our peoples can be called fraternal. The character of Poles and Russians has a lot in common. In addition, our national cuisines are largely identical. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that in America Russians are often ashamed of their nationality. A lot of young people, immigrants from the Soviet Union, try to pass themselves off as Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians, even Poles, carefully hiding their real roots. Perhaps Russian people are simply ashamed of their nationality.

Chris, a dry cleaner, came from Ghana 6 years ago.
I have been dating a Russian girl for two and a half years. I often visit her parents and talk with her friends. Every Russian is a mystery. To fully understand the mysterious Russian soul, you need to become half Russian yourself (laughs).
There are a lot of brilliant and gifted people in your community. At the same time, Russians love to fight and brawl. Especially when they drink.
I happened to witness several drunken showdowns in one of the Russian restaurants. The sight, I tell you, is not a pleasant one. The main thing that Russians lack is a sense of proportion.

John, 23, Chinese restaurant worker
Oh, you're from the newspaper! This is my first time communicating with a journalist in America. What do I think about the Russian-speaking diaspora? (speaks in pure English - author's note) Are you Russian yourself? Sorry, I don't understand English at all.

Talif, 11 years in America, came from Iran
Russians are good people. They just don't have enough patience. They are always in a hurry, nervous, and worried. I was in Russia once, in the mid-80s. But the people there were completely different. Not like here. I know that you love beer very much. It’s also quite common to see you driving drunk (laughs). At police stations, the majority of detained motorists are Russian. By the way, you don’t know how to drive at all (laughs again).

Mikhail, 47 years old, businessman
You can’t get into a person’s soul, although I am sure that many Americans are biased towards us, Russian-speaking immigrants. Want an example?
I'm hurrying home, it's 20.30. I'm waiting for the bus on my route. And he’s still not there. I guess I think the drivers are celebrating Memorial Day. But no, the buses on my route move in the other direction according to schedule. One, two, three, four. However, for some reason they don’t go in the opposite direction...
Finally, after 45 minutes of waiting, “my” bus arrives. It's understandable that people are annoyed. One middle-aged Russian-speaking lady decided to ask the African-American driver why he and his colleagues so blatantly violated the schedule. Where are the other buses? Maybe something happened on the highway?

The driver with a sarcastic smile: come into the salon, madam, don’t interfere with work. However, the passenger was persistent and tried to find out why there were no buses for so long.
The driver doesn’t seem to see her, but instead a young African-American woman “took the floor”: “Leave the driver alone, you Russian, shut your mouth.”
Rude remarks were accompanied by tirades like “these Russians have come here in large numbers to download rights, this is not your country and it is not for you to establish your own rules in it!” Most of the rude woman's fellow tribesmen supported her.
My attempts to calm the raging “native” resident of the United States only provoked her. True, I lost my temper and couldn’t restrain myself. The swearing squabble continued for about two minutes, and then the passions subsided.
However, this incident demonstrated that bias towards us, “Russians,” on the part of certain groups of the population is an obvious fact. Alas, and unfortunately...

Out of curiosity, we went through a bunch of foreign sites to get an answer to a rather interesting question: what do they really think about us, Russian people, abroad. Undoubtedly, this has already been written about more than once, but I still wanted to see it once with my own eyes. On other sites, similar material is presented in the form of raw statistics, but we offer only live examples. We tried to avoid topics/topics/forums where people’s opinions are molded from fresh Ukrainian-American plasticine shit, we also ignored boring answers in the style of “what difference does it make what nation a person is, there are good and bad everywhere”, and therefore we hope that the result was more or less less impartial.


“Russian people only care about themselves and try to judge others before they know anything about them. They consider their language to be the best language in the world. They love to talk about themselves. However, they are nice and friendly."


“I find Russians charming. At least their way of thinking is much more interesting than the American one.”


“Rivers of vodka flow in Russia.”


“I can’t help but resent Russia for the 1944 invasion. However, I cannot ignore the fact that there are many worthy scientists and writers there.”


“What do I think about the Russians? Hmm... Russians, you are very kind-hearted people. But please stop with vodka, it won’t lead to any good.”


“I have the best thoughts about the Russians. They have made a huge contribution to world peace."


“Russian people are unfriendly and indecent, not all of them, of course, but many. Yes, and St. Petersburg is much better than Moscow.”


“Most Finns have positive and neutral feelings towards their neighbor. However, we unanimously speak about our dislike for the majority of your previous rulers. It's a shame".


“How can someone not love Russia? We are on very good terms with her, we kindly call her “summer brother.” I consider Russians my friends. I don’t like the Japanese, the whole of Asia doesn’t like them, this is a known fact.”


“I was in Russia. Your girls are very sexy, there are none like them anywhere else. I admire the Russians, they are probably the only country that is not influenced by the United States. Great country".


“I know a little Russian. Once I was unlucky to vacation with Russian people. They push each other while walking, during lunch - at the buffet - they try to eat all the food, slurp, imitate each other, encourage their children to steal towels. Every Russian complains at the information desk at least once.”

Great Britain:

“I'm afraid of the Russians. I've heard a lot about your skinheads and racism. Of course, this is not an indicator for the entire nation, but travel to you does not seem safe.”


“I can only say what we are told in the media, what there are rumors about, what we read in books and see on television. There is no democracy in Russia, and freedom of speech is infringed at every step. Alcoholism, poverty, overcrowded orphanages, organized crime, food lines, intimidation of the population by the authorities, corruption are everywhere. This is how the majority sees Russia. There are also more informed people who know the real state of affairs in the country. However, we try not to judge other countries based on the meager information we are given.”
“We are a very patriotic people. And against the backdrop of all these cold wars and propaganda, many things lend themselves to imposed opinions. Honestly, the overwhelming majority do not like Russians. As an American soldier, I declare that I would not like to fight with you."


“I do not want to speak on behalf of all Thais, but will only express my opinion as a worker in the tourism industry. Wherever Russians appear, tourism dies. If the Russians end up at the same resort with you, then your vacation is doomed. The only way to return tourists to holiday destinations is to prohibit Russians from leaving their country.”

Of course, these fragmentary opinions cannot be used to judge the opinion of an entire nation, because, as they say, there are as many opinions as there are people.

So, let's summarize. We advise the Thais, whose tourism business owes a lot to Russian tourists, not to bury themselves, and the British - residents of the homeland of the skinhead movement - to pay attention to their subcultural scumbags. For residents of France, who are not far behind us in terms of ethanol consumption per capita, as well as for Israelis, we note that, unfortunately, there are no mythical vodka rivers along which bears on nuclear warheads swim in Russia. Let us remind the Bulgarians of the old proverb: “Whoever remembers the old is out of sight,” and for the Germans, just in case, we will remember this very old thing. Let’s just wink at Vietnam - guys, wait for the “Russian world” and in your area, we will be there soon. The Swiss are allowed to look at girls only on the conditions of joining Russia as the Swiss People's Republic. Well, the Pindos are just stupid, as always. This article is filled with spirituality and autocracy.

Bala Bolt, Zelig Shmutsik

Over the past year, the attitude towards Russia in the world has improved somewhat, while towards the United States, on the contrary, it has somewhat worsened. Although, in general, the number of people in the world who evaluate our country negatively is greater, and positively, less than the United States, changes for the better can be seen quite clearly. How are Russia and the United States assessed in different countries?

Recently, several publications have appeared ( Pew Research Global,Pew Research Center and some other well-known sociological companies), which analyze public opinion polls in relation to different countries. According to these studies, the overall attitude of people towards Russia in the world is not the most brilliant: 40% positive to 34% negative. But compared to 2014 and 2015, there is a clear improvement - then Russia was assessed negatively by 51% of all respondents. Young people under the age of 30 treat us best, and older age categories from 30 to 50 and 50+ have a much more negative attitude. The "future generation" favors us in most countries of the world and does not trust the negative information of traditional media in their countries.

The worst attitude towards Russia (excluding the countries of the former USSR) is :

1) Jordan - more than 80% of the population of this country has a negative attitude towards Russia, 2% have a positive attitude;

2) Poland - about 80% of the population have a negative attitude towards Russia and Russians, 5% have a positive attitude;

3) The Netherlands - only 12% of the total population assess our country positively;

4) France - 18% of the population of this country think positively about Russia and Russians,

5) Great Britain - only 19% of residents of this country trust Russia;

6) Canada - just over 19% of Canadians have a positive assessment of Russia;

7) Japan - only 25% of Japanese have a positive perception of Russia;

8) Germany - only 27% of Germans have a positive attitude towards Russia;

9) Argentina - about 28% of the population have a positive perception of our country;

10) USA - approximately 29% of Americans have a positive view of Russia.

Residents of the following countries have the worst attitude towards the United States :

1) Jordan - 83% of the population of this country do not like Americans even more than Russians;

2) Russia - 82% of Russians have a negative attitude towards the United States;

3) Palestine - 75% of Palestinians have a negative attitude towards the United States;

4) Belarus - 69% of Belarusians do not like the USA;

5) Lebanon - 66% of residents of this country have a negative attitude towards the United States;

6) Pakistan - 65% of Pakistanis have a negative attitude towards the United States;

7) Iran - 61% of the inhabitants of this country do not like the USA;

8) Egypt and China - about 60% of the population is opposed to the United States;

9) Austria, Greece and Tajikistan - about 55% of citizens have a negative perception of the United States;

10) Mexico, Slovenia, Serbia, Spain, Germany, Turkey - approximately 50% of the population of these countries have a negative attitude towards the activities of the United States and its president, the site reports.

The following countries treat the USA best :

1) Philippines - more than 90% of the inhabitants of this country have a positive attitude towards the USA and Americans;

2) Israel - 84% of citizens of this country have a positive attitude towards the United States;

3) South Korea - 82% of residents in this country have a good attitude towards the United States;

4) Kenya - 80% of the Kenyan population has a positive perception of the United States;

5) El Salvador - about 80% of El Salvadorans trust the Americans and the United States;

6) Ghana - approximately 75% of the inhabitants of this African country trust the United States;

7) Bangladesh - about 75% of Bangladeshis have a positive attitude towards the United States;

8) Tanzania - more than 70% of residents of this African country have a positive perception of the United States;

9) Vietnam - about 70% of Vietnamese have forgotten old grievances and have a good attitude towards the United States;

10) France and Italy - about 70% of the residents of these countries trust the United States.

They treat Russia best in the following countries (excluding countries of the former USSR) :

1) Vietnam - the vast majority of Vietnamese treat Russians very well;

2) China - more than 60% of the inhabitants of this country have a positive attitude towards Russia;

3) Ghana - almost 60% of the population of this country trusts Russia and Russians;

4) Greece and Serbia - approximately 55% of the residents of these countries have a good attitude towards Russia;

5) Thailand and Bangladesh - more than 50% of the population trust Russians and Russia;

6) Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua - approximately 50% of the inhabitants of this country have a good attitude towards Russia;

7) India - about 50% of Indian residents have a positive attitude towards Russia;

8) Mexico, Chile, Peru - from 40 to 50% of the residents of these countries trust Russia and Russians;

9) Kenya - at least 45% of Kenyans have a good attitude towards Russia;

10) Philippines, Lebanon - more than 40% of the residents of these countries have a good attitude towards Russia.

In general, there is a more positive than negative attitude towards Russia in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, South Korea, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Hungary and some other countries.

Are you wondering how Americans relate to Russians? Welcome, lovers of self-esteem! If you are tormented and tormented by the question of how they treat us overseas, so good, then you are at the right place! =)

How do Americans feel about Russians?

They will treat you the same way as they treat all Homo Sapiens (provided that you are Homo Sapiens, of course). When traveling or moving to another country, people usually try to adapt to the behavior of the locals. So here, if you are as nice as they are, then it makes no difference to them whether you are from Bilbao or Uryupinsk. Another thing is Americans coming to Russia, to our habitat, to our comfort zone! Here they see our culture in full glory - people are stern, no one smiles or speaks how are you doing? By the way, they use this expression as simply hello, that is, you don’t even have to answer it. They are not interested in knowing how you are doing, it is just politeness. In the article I wrote about this in more detail. 🙂

One could probably even write a whole article about the unsmiling nature of Russians. If you are friendly and smiling, then you have already “Americanized”, and if you have a gloomy expression on your face, then there are two options:

  1. you recently moved;
  2. you live in a Russian region.

Americans willingly hire Russians, and foreigners in general. Because Russians are distinguished by their hard work and intelligence! Americans throw away everything that breaks, and Russians fix it. It is so? Mexicans are like that too, by the way. I get the impression that they can do EVERYTHING. And repair roofs, and repair boots, and mow lawns, and cook.

Americans also believe that Russians are crazy and don’t care about anything. Aren't they afraid of anything?

They don't care about the rules, the opinions of others, or the markings on the roads. You can call it a mess, or you can call it the beautiful word FREEDOM. 🙂 My MC and his colleagues often laugh about what UPS drivers in Russia must be like - they drive around with a cigarette in their teeth and are in no hurry. He even somehow likes it. =) (I wrote about the impressions of my MCH after his visit to Russia. =))

Our fighters build a good image for us - most of the male population loves to watch fights, and we have a fighter named Fedor Emelianenko, whose spiritual organization they could not understand. Like, why is he always so calm, that these Russians eat in Russia, that they don’t seem to care about anything. Fedor Emelianenko was unbeatable for 9 years! Let's all be proud of him! 🙂

How do Americans feel about the Russian accent?

Here in Texas there isn't much of a Russian population and the locals won't be able to tell your accent apart from Polish or German. I have already been asked more than once whether I am from Germany.

It's stupid to worry about an accent. This is your highlight, your difference from other people. Remember, when some German or American tries to speak Russian, doesn’t it sound cute? In my opinion, very much so. My masseuse noticed that she was crazy about my accent. Well, maybe, of course, she wanted more tips. =)

The Russian accent, I'm told, sounds quite interesting and even sexy (I have no idea what's sexy about it). It sounds much nicer than French or, especially, Indian, which they often laugh at.

It is very difficult to get rid of an accent. Even if you think you sound completely native, the locals will still notice your accent. This comes with years of living in another country.

How do Americans treat Russian girls?

It's no secret that Americans like Russian girls.

According to Americans, the advantages of our girls are as follows:

  1. Russian girls are family-oriented - they cook, wash, clean, raise children;
  2. Russian girls, as a rule, are not spoiled and are content with little (they do not demand expensive restaurants and diamonds);
  3. Russian girls have a certain slavic look (Slavic appearance), which is attractive to Americans;
  4. Russian girls take good care of themselves and dress beautifully;
  5. Russian girls are generally slimmer. But in the United States, according to official statistics, every third person suffers from obesity.

I'm in shape. The circle is a shape!

For the same reasons, Russian girls are willingly entrusted with the work of babysitter (nanny).

Darling, I'm home!
- Why so late?
- On the way, the bear sprained his leg - I had to drink it with vodka.
-Where is our grandfather?
“He’s been standing in line for two weeks to get coupons.”
- It’s good that he drank vodka before that.
- Mom, I want to play with the bear!
- Okay, just drink some vodka first.
Now you can go, son, but don’t forget to write a report to the KGB later! And buy vodka along the way - it's running out.
- Honey, it’s kind of hot. Please turn off the nuclear reactor.
- Now I’ll finish the vodka and turn it off, while you play the balalaika.

How do Americans feel about Russia? They know that it is cold in Russia. They think that there is no freedom of speech in Russia, that everything is dictated “from above”, and any disobedient people are sent to prison. In general, everything is the same as under Stalin.

How do Americans feel about Russian politicians? Putin!

Americans think he is a despot and a tyrant. In general, I have heard the opinion that Vladimir Vladimirovich currently the most powerful person in the world. And why all? Because Russia has oil. And many countries will not spoil relations with Russia, because... may be left without oil. And Putin takes advantage of this.

When my MCH and I went to his father’s house to get acquainted, he made it clear to me in advance that it was better not to talk about politics. However, the attitude towards Putin in no way affected the attitude towards me.

So, how do Americans feel about Russians? Their attitude towards Russia is not influenced by politics or the head of state, because people are people!

Well, it's time to finish the article. I wanted to write a shorter article, but it turned out as always. I spoke out!

Oksana Bryant was with you, bye-bye! 😉

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