The difference between a national park and a nature reserve. What is a national park


Security mode national park allows independent visiting of the territory for the purpose of recreation and tourism, with a pass and in places equipped for tourism and fishing. However, there are also prohibitions.

In the territories of national parks Any activity that can cause damage to natural complexes and objects of flora and fauna, cultural and historical objects and that contradicts the goals and objectives is prohibited national park, including:

1. Industrial logging;

2. Exploration and development of mineral resources;

3. Hunting;

4. Visit without a pass;

5. Organization of mass sports and spectacular events, organizing tourist camps, lighting fires in unauthorized places;

6. Being on the territory with a dog without a muzzle and a leash;

7. Traffic and parking Vehicle, not related to the functioning of national parks;

8. Wood rafting along watercourses and reservoirs;

9. Removal of items with historical cultural value;

10. Construction of facilities not related to the functioning of national parks and ensuring the functioning of settlements located within their boundaries.

Due to the fact that the main task of the reserve is keeping nature in its natural state, the territory is completely withdrawn from economic use. On the territory of the state nature reserve Any activity that contradicts the objectives of the state natural reserve and the regime of special protection of its territory established in the regulations is prohibited about this state nature reserve.

This means that it is prohibited:

1. Visit the territory independently;

2. Be on the territory without a pass;

3. Cut down trees (cut down anything at all);

4. Collect mushrooms, berries, wild plants (nuts, herbs, etc.);

5. Fish;

6. Hunt;

7. Build objects not related to the activities of the reserve.

There is no place left on earth where man has not visited. People live almost everywhere, which of course affects the world around us. Animals change their habitats, some disappear altogether, and there are fewer and fewer plants. And we would never have known what the fauna was like in a particular region before if we had not started to close them. For those who don't understand what we're talking about we're talking about, we will tell you why nature reserves are needed, why they are so protected and how they differ.

Protected natural areas: history

People began to solve problems related to nature conservation a long time ago. The first law on this topic was passed in the 3rd century BC. Then King Devanampiyatis organized the first reserve.

In the Middle Ages, European nobility protected their hunting estates. Barons and counts allocated areas where hunting was prohibited.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a whole network of special forest zones appeared near Moscow. It was forbidden for anyone except the king to hunt them and carry out any activities.

The first state-protected plot of land in Russia appeared in the northeastern Transbaikalia on the banks of the Barguzin River.

Thus, gradually the reserve (reserve) received official status - territory, permanently removed from economic use to preserve samples of typical or rare areas of nature. Hunting, fishing and the presence of unauthorized persons (tourists) are prohibited here, except for excursions at specially designated times. organized group

under the supervision of employees.

What is the difference between a nature reserve and a nature reserve? The reserve is also a specially protected area, but not the entire natural complex falls under its wing, but only objects. For example,.

only plants or animals located here

In addition, not all activities are prohibited in the reserve, only those that affect the lives of specific wards. For example, you can fish in local lakes, but you cannot hunt rare animals living on land. There are also National parks

. This is the most friendly type of protected areas towards visitors. The same laws apply here, but tourists are allowed to visit the park area and various types of farming are allowed on a controlled scale.

For example, in a national park you can walk with a stroller or ride a bicycle, but burning fires and hunting is prohibited.

Why are nature reserves and national parks important?

Considering all of the above, it is easy to understand that if we had not started creating reserves, we would have long ago lost a good part of many representatives of flora and fauna, since we ourselves are maliciously violating the natural order of their life.

  1. The importance of these unique parks can hardly be overestimated:
  2. They help save species diversity;
  3. Security mode ensures clean water and fresh air;
  4. Local nature serves as genetic material for future generations;
  5. Without them, the development of science is impossible;

Those who allow themselves to violate the laws of protected areas: conduct unauthorized hunting, fishing, deforestation - they commit a crime not only against nature, but first of all, against all people living now and future generations, their children.

What nature reserves are there in Russia?

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, as of 2014, there are 104 ecological zones in our country. It is impossible to talk about everything, we will list a few:

  • Azas- a reserve located in a huge depression between the mountains (Todzha Basin) in the northeast of Tuva. This is a unique water complex that feeds the sources of the mighty river - the Yenisei. It consists of two large rivers and over 130 lakes;
  • Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky was discovered in Astrakhan region near Lake Baskunchak, one of the earliest in our country. The need for it arose to preserve the whole complex: unique lake, a forest oasis and a mountain, which is the highest point of the area. And also rare representatives of the flora - Schrenk tulips, Taliev cornflowers;
  • Putorana located on the Putorana plateau, south of the peninsula Taimyr. Rare species of animals live here (wild reindeer, bighorn sheep), pristine rivers and lakes are spotted, and there is an ideal combination of subarctic and arctic systems.

This is only a small part of the unique territories of Russia. You can read about the rest separately:

  • Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve;
  • Bashkir;
  • Great Arctic;
  • Vishersky;
  • Zhigulevsky;
  • Ilmensky;

And many others. After the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, 6 more were added, now there are only 109, excluding national parks and reserves.

Is it possible to go on a tour?

Yes, you can get to almost any nature reserve on a guided tour. Most often, special ecological trails are organized on the territory along which tourists are led. On your own It is prohibited to cross the borders of a protected object. Information can always be found on the websites.

Eat general rules behavior in such places and it is necessary to observe them, because you are going to visit wild animals, visiting virgin places:

  1. Do not break or tear down plants;
  2. It is prohibited to collect mushrooms, berries, nuts and other edible fruits;
  3. You cannot catch insects and other small creatures;
  4. All rubbish must be taken with you;
  5. It is prohibited to turn off the path;
  6. When observing wild animals, do not linger for long and do not feed them.

In general, try to make your stay as inconspicuous as possible. You can’t even imagine what kind of discord you can bring with your close attention to the lives of local inhabitants.

For example, looking at the eggs of a bird, you risk leaving the babies without parents; they will easily abandon the clutch if they sense the presence of a person.

What is a biosphere reserve?

A biosphere reserve has the same privileges as a regular one, with only a small difference. It is created on the basis of an existing reserve or national park with the addition of other territories and objects.

Here they are divided into 3 zones aimed at performing three additional functions:

  • Zapovednaya- preservation and restoration of the gene pool of flora and fauna;
  • Buffer- surrounding the protected area, in order to prevent negative impact to the last one;
  • Transitional- uniting lands with the population and all types of use (land use, water use, etc.).

All biosphere reserves are organized under the auspices of UNESCO.

Their peculiarity is that specialists from all over the world can conduct their research and observations there.

There are 37 closed biosphere zones in Russia:

  • Altaic;
  • Baikalsky;
  • Volzhsko-Kama;
  • Laplandian;
  • Oksky;
  • Prioksko-Terassny;
  • Sikhote-Alinsky

And others, including national parks. According to UNESCO, there are 699 specially protected areas in the world.

So, we tried to do everything to make you understand what important work people do by creating natural reserves. We hope that now you will not have a question about why nature reserves are needed and what role they play in society. This is the future of our planet, which may not exist if we do not follow its rules

Video about the role of nature reserves in nature conservation

In this video, ecologist Artur Moiseev will tell you why nature reserves are needed in the world, what and how they help preserve:

What is a reserve? Is it significantly different from a national park? In both cases, these are protected areas created with the aim of preserving areas of nature in an unchanged form and preserving their flora, fauna, geological or other natural features, as well as the gene pool of animal and plant species. Such areas provide a unique opportunity for observation and scientific research of their natural environment and inhabitants. The main difference: in the reserves the admission of unauthorized persons is prohibited and any human activity, except for conservation and scientific ones, and tourism and limited economic activities are allowed in national parks.


Nature reserves (reserves) can be designated and supervised by government and research institutions, charitable organizations, in some cases by private landowners. Depending on their level of protection, nature reserves fall into different categories of the IUCN, that is, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, represented by local legislation. In case of unique global significance, the object falls under the protection of UNESCO. IN Russian Federation 100 nature reserves and 50 national parks are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology.

History of modern reserves

The world's first modern nature reserve was created in 1821 by naturalist explorer Charles Waterton around his family estate in West Yorkshire. He spent £9,000 (an incredible amount at the time) building a 3-mile, 9-foot-high wall to keep poachers out of his park. Then for the first time the concept was applied: what is a reserve. In this area, Waterton created favorable conditions primarily for life and reproduction wild birds, for which he made scientific observations.

The first state reserve was Drachenfels, established in Germany in 1836, when the Prussian government bought the site to protect it from mining.

Yellowstone in Wyoming, USA is the first largest national park reserve, established on an area of ​​8991 square meters. km in 1872. It was followed by: the Royal National Park near Sydney in Australia (1879) and the Barguzin Nature Reserve of Imperial Russia (1916), first created by the government entirely for the scientific study of nature.

Biosphere reserve

Natural Park or the reserve may belong to one of three types: biosphere, botanical and mineralogical, or be complex.

There are 669 biosphere reserves created on the planet, of which 564 reserves make up the World Network: a special international project developed and organized under the UNESCO program. Its main task is to preserve a stable ecosystem, plant and animal gene pool of various natural areas planet, as well as comprehensively study the natural environment and biological diversity of these and adjacent territories. Biosphere reserves are created on the basis of existing natural national parks and reserves. 120 countries took part in the program. There are 37 reserves of this kind in Russia.

What is a botanical reserve?

This is an area where it is important to preserve the unique flora: endangered, relict and endemic species listed in the national or international Red Book. For this purpose, the natural landscape and natural conditions for the propagation of these plants are preserved, for example, the Khomutovskaya Steppe Nature Reserve, where 1028 hectares of the steppe zone are preserved in pristine condition.

Mineralogical reserves

These are reserves where the natural state of special natural standards is preserved: valuable from a scientific point of view, geological and mineralogical formations. Such reserves are mainly created in places with karst caves, mineral springs, salt lakes, waterfalls, geyser and volcanic geolandscapes, caves, ore veins with a rich variety of minerals and other interesting geological objects and phenomena. The first specialized object of this kind in the world was Yellowstone, and in Russia - the Ilmensky Nature Reserve (1920) in the Urals.

Complex reserves

The term “museum-reserve” appeared in Soviet Russia, since 1922 it was first applied to the “Pushkin Corner”. And since the 50s, the state form of assigning the status of museum-reserves to some historical and cultural complexes, with their adjacent territories, has been established, which determined their preservation and financing.

Now in Russia there are about a hundred museum-reserves, which can be divided into several types, based on what objects are located on their sites. This can be a combination of objects and territories of historical, architectural, archaeological, artistic, military, and even scientific and technical origin. But what are complex reserves? Each of these museums, in addition to the main profile, combines several purposes: artistic-historical, architectural-historical, historical-archaeological, military-historical and others. Therefore, all museum-reserves can be considered complex.

Natural national parks and reserves are also complex, when a scientifically interesting landscape with geological and mineralogical formations forms a special environment for unique flora and habitats of rare species of animals. And such a combination is not often found on the planet.

There are many nature reserves and national parks in Russia. What are the specific features of the respective territories?

What is a reserve?

Reserve- a natural area, the visit of which by a person without the permission of competent organizations is prohibited due to the need to ensure the protection of objects environment located in this region. This measure is most often due to the fact that the relevant territory is inhabited by rare species of animals or rare plants grow.

The purpose of establishing a reserve, therefore, is to maintain biological diversity And natural development natural complexes, lands, water bodies. In the territories of the corresponding protected zones, the necessary scientific research, environmental monitoring, environmental assessment, and training of specialists in environmental protection may be allowed.

Nature reserves established in Russia are protected by federal legislation and have the official status of specially protected areas. In accordance with the rules of law regulating the status of nature reserves, land and water resources are assigned to such territories indefinitely.

In order to visit the reserve, in most cases it is necessary to obtain special permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation or directly from the management of the reserve.

The environmental protection zones in question are maintained at the expense of the Russian budget.

What is a national park?

National Park is a territory in which, in order to protect the environment, human activities related to the use of natural objects are prohibited or significantly limited. However, visiting national parks for tourism and walking purposes is generally permitted. On the territory of national parks can also be held Scientific research, training of environmental protection specialists.

National parks are generally established to protect sites of environmental, historical and cultural value. These can be unique natural landscapes, climatic zones, areas with the cleanest air and water. But since hunting and fruit collection in national parks are usually prohibited or permitted with restrictions, favorable conditions are also created for the development of plants and animals whose habitat coincides with the territory of the park.

Real estate located on the territory of national parks are assigned to them and acquire the status of resources that are under operational management. As a rule, a protected natural zone is formed around the territory of national parks, and control of visiting the area is established.

National parks of the Russian Federation, like nature reserves, are maintained at the expense of the state budget.


The main difference between a reserve and a national park is that human visits to the territory of the first natural zone are generally prohibited or severely limited. If we talk about a national park, visits by tourists and travelers to the corresponding territories, as a rule, are carried out freely. But conducting economic activity within both natural zones under consideration is unacceptable.

Basically, the establishment of a reserve is carried out in order to protect rare species of animals and plants, the habitat of which corresponds to its territory. A national park is usually established to protect particularly valuable ecological, historical and cultural sites states. But on its territory conditions are also created for the favorable development of flora and fauna, since hunting and fruit collection, considered as types of economic activity, are also, as a rule, prohibited or permitted by internal regulations in limited areas of the national park.

Having determined what the difference is between a reserve and a national park, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Reserve National Park
What do they have in common?
In the territories of the corresponding natural zones, most types of human economic activity are prohibited
The status of both types of natural areas is defined in federal legislation
The development of both types of natural areas is carried out at the expense of the state budget
What is the difference between them?
Generally closed to public (official permission required)As a rule, it is open to people, subject to the ban on hunting and fruit gathering (unless otherwise specified by park rules)
As a rule, it is established to protect rare species of animals and plantsAs a rule, it is established to protect the environmental, historical and cultural sites of the state

Many people believe that foreign national and natural parks- these are analogues of our domestic reserves. In fact this is different types protected areas that differ from each other in the level of ecosystem protection and visiting regime. So, let's see how they differ different kinds territories with environmental protection regimes that exist in Russia and other countries.

Natural monument

A natural monument is understood as a natural complex that is valuable from any point of view, as well as a separate object of natural or artificial origin. A natural monument can be a lake, a waterfall, a cave, a spring, some unique tree or an entire relict grove, as well as objects of high paleontological value. At the same time, different environmental regimes may operate on the territory of a natural monument - a wildlife sanctuary or a nature reserve, which is less common.

Natural monument Lake Seliger


Wildlife sanctuaries are created to protect certain species of animals or plants, or to preserve the entire landscape complex. Allowed in these territories economic activity, which does not harm protected species. Scientific research is conducted here, and people sometimes interfere in the lives of the inhabitants of the reserve, feeding ungulates in winter or regulating the numbers of certain animal species.

National Park

Human economic activity on the territory of the national park is also limited, but allowed. In addition, the territory of the national park is visited by tourists, for whom special routes have been developed and equipped observation decks. National parks often combine conservation activities with educational activities.

Natural Park

The environmental regime in natural parks is not as strict as in national parks, and the main purpose of their creation is to organize recreation. Of course, there is also an environmental component, but natural parks are known primarily as popular places for active rest and they are often visited by tourists.

Natural Park "Ergaki"

Nature reserve

Nature reserves include areas where any economic activity is completely prohibited. This includes not only hunting or deforestation, but also fishing, picking berries, mushrooms and other wild plants. Only allowed in nature reserves scientific activity and on rare occasions ecotourism is possible.

Biosphere Reserve

Nature reserves included in the international network of especially valuable natural areas, organized within the framework of the UNESCO program, have biosphere status. Monitoring their condition and scientific activities are carried out within the framework of international programs. At the same time, both a nature reserve and a national park can serve as the basis for organizing a biosphere reserve. In total, there are more than 650 biosphere reserves in the world, and in Russia there are 37 of these protected areas with international status.