Features of the plot of the story of the stationmaster. Analysis of the story "station master". Genre and direction


"The Stationmaster" is the beginning of a new streak in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. If in the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" he tries to hide his attitude to everyday issues under some humor and a sarcastic attitude to the problems around him. Yes, and Belkin himself in other stories tries to mask his sympathetic attitude to a simple and ordinary routine life, then in this story he describes it as it is, without humor and the desire to embellish the current situation.

The author feels deep pity, he is insanely sorry for the broken life of the station superintendent, he experienced a real storm and severe pain at the very end of his own existence, so he parted with her on a rather sad note.

For the first time in his work, Pushkin admits notes of serious condemnation in the direction of divine frivolity, which, despite all the contradictions, was quite close and dear to him.

The stationmaster lives a quiet and calm life, the meaning of which is the daughter of Dunya. But at one moment everything collapses, she dies, which completely destroys the usual way of life. He cannot get used to the fact that the center of his existence has disappeared, and now he will have to continue living alone. He meets a hussar who did not want to share his grief with him, he does not try to understand an elderly man who at that moment needed help and support.

Belkin's stories were the first realistic stories to receive widespread publicity. The author was able to accurately convey the realism of different life situations of that era, in each person at that time there was a small revolution, which the main author is observing from the outside. In the life of the Stationmaster, a real revolution takes place, which ends in tragedy.

He could not deal with his own contradiction, deal with what happened and break the situation. He lost his beloved and dear person, now he has no one to share sorrow and happiness with. Alexander Sergeevich accurately conveys all his inner experiences, suffering and loneliness that he experiences. Actually, therefore, the reader understands that a successful outcome will not work.

Analysis 2

For every creator, the existence of a common man looks rather strange and slightly alienated. Still, a creative person exists with slightly different experiences and concerns, completely different priorities live in his mind.

Nevertheless, if you look at the works of many Russian writers, then the theme of the so-called little man, that is, an ordinary person who practically does not think about high things, and lives by his simple interests, is actively discussed there.

This topic largely begins with the Stationmaster Pushkin, where the author almost for the first time begins to sympathize with ordinary people and sincerely sympathize with the difficult fate of such people. After all, if you look at the previous works, then the author still focuses on secular people, examines how the representatives of the high society of villages and cities differ and other topics that are not particularly close to the common people.

In the Station Keeper, Pushkin shifts the emphasis and we see confirmation of this fact in the description of the hussar Minsky, which is given only in small strokes and does not represent a person as such. This hero could become the main one if we looked at it from the other side and played out in the work a story similar to how Pechorin kidnaps Bella. Nevertheless, here a representative of a higher class, who is far from the needs of the common people, is given as a kind of destructive and disharmonious element.

The main character, in turn, is, as it were, the embodiment of simple everyday happiness. Samson Vyrin is not a stupid or narrow-minded person, yes, he does not and will not perform feats, he is accustomed to comfort, but in a sense it is he who is the salt of the earth, it is on such people that the world rests. At the same time, Minsky here is almost a complete antipode of happiness, he pursues only personal interests and, as a result, creates a tragedy not only for the caretaker, but also for Dunya.

Most likely, she will never again forgive herself for such a breakup with a man who lived only for her. Minsky feels a clear competitor in Vyrina, and that is why he drives him out of his house in this way, he understands how Dunya is attached to him. In essence, he is buying his own happiness, although happiness cannot be bought.

As a result, in fact, Minsky buys only unhappiness, he makes two people unhappy who were previously happy. Of course, he can give Duna well-being and a kind of family comfort, but will she be as calm as she was at the station, daily observing identical pictures on the walls, a colorful bed curtain and balsam pots? Will this heroine discover something new for herself besides the secular society, which in reality is deeply unhappy?

Pushkin in this work, though not openly, but rather clearly sympathizes with the protagonist and is sad about the broken fate. He sees the negative side of the willfulness of the hussar and his sensuality. He also sees a certain beauty and true happiness in the simple and uncomplicated life of a little person.

Essence, meaning and idea

The work belongs to the period of the poet's creativity, called the Boldinskaya autumn and, in terms of genre orientation, is a story written in the style of sentimentalism and realism, included in the author's prose collection entitled “The Stories of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”.

The main theme of the work is reflections on the problems of young people who find themselves in a disadvantaged position. In addition to this topic, the author considers in the story the issues of morality, human love, which are relevant in the modern world.

The compositional structure of the story consists of three constituent parts, the first of which is a lyrical digression by the author, the second part is presented in the form of conversations between the narrator and the main character, where the plot line develops and culminates, and in the third part it is described in the form of an epilogue.

The author introduces a fifty-year old man, Samson Vyrin, who is distinguished by his kindness and sociability, with boundless love for his only daughter, Dunyasha, as the key character of the story. A man is characterized by cordiality, responsiveness, meek and open soul.

The girl is the second main character of the work and is portrayed as a caring daughter who protects the old man from the claims of the guests, who, however, is carried away by a visiting military officer and leaves her father alone. As a result of the departure of his beloved daughter, Samson sinks down, sipping his grief with alcohol, and later dies without waiting for Dunyasha's return.

The semantic load of the work lies in the disclosure of the image of a little person who is unable to withstand life circumstances that have broken his weak, stupid, but kind and meek personality.

In this regard, the author reflects on the moral issues in the relationship between parents and children, emphasizing the need to remember the person who made it possible to feel the taste for life, as well as to experience the best human feelings in the form of love, motherhood, and personal happiness.

The finale of the story is presented by the author as sad and sad, but the narrative content is filled with hope for changes in the human heart, which are able to overcome selfishness and indifference in close people. This is demonstrated in the scene of the girl's awareness of the impossibility of returning to this life a loved one and a devoted person and of deep human repentance.

The work is one of the strongest stories in the writer's prose collection.

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  • This cycle includes several short stories, which are linked by one storyteller - Ivan Petrovich Belkin.

    This character is fictional, as Pushkin wrote, suffered a fever and died in 1828.

    In contact with

    The reader learns about the fate of the narrator when he is just beginning to get acquainted with the cycle of stories that can be read online. The author in his work acts as a publisher and in the "Preface" tells about the fate of the storyteller Belkin. This cycle of Pushkin's stories came out of print in 1831. It includes the following works:

    1. "Undertaker".

    The history of the creation of the story

    Alexander Pushkin worked on the work, being in Boldino in 1830... The story was written quickly, in just a few days, and on September 14 it was finished. It is known that he was brought to the Boldinskoe estate by some financial questions, but the cholera epidemic forced him to delay.

    During this time, many wonderful and wonderful works were written, among which the most outstanding is The Station Keeper, a brief retelling of which can be read in this article.

    The plot and composition of the story

    This is a story about ordinary people who experience both moments of happiness and tragedy in their lives. The plot of the story shows that happiness is different for each person and that it is sometimes hidden in the small and the ordinary.

    The whole life of the protagonist is connected with the philosophical thought of the whole cycle. In Samson Vyrin's room there are many pictures from the famous parable of the prodigal son, which help not only to understand the content of the whole story, but also its idea. He waited for his Dunya to return to him, but the girl did not return. The father understood perfectly well that his daughter was not needed by the one who took her away from the family.

    The story of the work comes from the perspective of a titular adviser who knew both Dunya and her father. In total, there are several main characters in the story:

    1. The narrator.
    2. Dunya.
    3. Samson Vyrin.
    4. Minsk.

    The narrator drove through these places several times and drank tea in the caretaker's house, admiring his daughter. According to him, Vyrin himself told him this whole tragic story. The beginning of the whole tragic story takes place at the moment when Dunya secretly escapes from the house with a hussar.

    The final scene of the work takes place in the cemetery, where Samson Vyrin is now buried. He asks for forgiveness from this grave and Dunya, who now deeply repents.

    The main idea of ​​the story

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin constantly emphasizes in his story: all parents dream about their children being happy... But Dunya is unhappy, and her sinful love brings torment and worries to her father.

    The behavior of Dunya and Minsky brings Vyrin to the grave.

    Samson Vyrin dies, as he, continuing to love his daughter, has lost faith that someday he will see her again.

    Dunya seemed to have deleted her father from her life, and this ingratitude and loss of the meaning of life, which was in her daughter, leads to such a sad end to the story.

    Brief retelling of the story

    Each person met with the caretakers on the road. Usually such people only cause anger and rudeness. Few of those on the road revere them, considering them to be either robbers or fiends. But if you think about what their life is like, delve into it, then you will begin to treat them more leniently. They have no rest for days on end, and some irritated passers-by can beat them up, ripping off their annoyance and anger that they have accumulated during the ride.

    The dwelling of such a caretaker is poor and squalid. There is never peace in it, as the guests spend time there, waiting for the horses. Only compassion can evoke such a caretaker who, regardless of the weather, looks for horses, trying to please everyone passing by. The narrator, who has been traveling for twenty years, often visits such dwellings and he knows very well how hard and ungrateful this hard work is.

    The narrator in 1816 rode on duty again... At that time he was young and hot and often quarreled with the station rangers. On one of the rainy days, he stopped at one of the station to rest from the road and change his clothes. The tea was served by a girl who was lovely. Duna was 14 years old at the time. The pictures that adorned the walls of the caretaker's poor dwelling also attracted the attention of the visitor. These were illustrations from the parable of the prodigal son.

    Samson Vyrin was fresh and cheerful, he was already fifty years old. He loved his daughter and raised her freely and freely. The three of them drank tea for a long time and talked merrily.

    A few years later, the narrator soon found himself in the same places again and decided to visit the stationmaster and his lovely daughter. But Samson Vyrin was impossible to recognize: he had grown old, deep wrinkles were on his unshaven face, hunched over.

    In the conversation, it turned out that three years ago, one of the passers-by, seeing Dunya, faked fainting and illness. Dunya looked after him for two days. And on Sunday he was going to leave , offering to bring the girl to the church mass... Dunya thought for a moment, but father himself persuaded to sit in the wagon with the young and slender hussar.

    Soon Samson got worried and went to mass, but it turned out that Dunya never appeared there. The girl did not return in the evening, and the drunk driver said that she had left with a young hussar. The caretaker immediately fell ill, and when he recovered, he immediately went to Petersburg to find Captain Minsky and return his daughter home. Soon he found himself at a reception with a hussar, but he simply decided to pay off him and demanded that he never again seek meetings with his daughter, and did not bother her.

    But Samson made another attempt and made his way into the house where Dunya lived. He saw her among luxury, happy... But as soon as the girl recognized her father, she immediately fainted. Minsky demanded to expose Vyrin and never let him into this house again. After that, returning home, the stationmaster grew old and never bothered Dunya and Minsky again. This story amazed the narrator and haunted for many years.

    When, after a while, he again found himself in these parts, he decided to find out how Samson Vyrin was doing. But it turned out that he died a year ago and was buried in the local cemetery. And in his house was the brewer's family. The brewer's son escorted the narrator to the grave. Vanka said that in the summer some lady came with three children and went to his grave. When she found out that Samson Vyrin had died, she immediately burst into tears. And then she herself went to the cemetery and lay for a long time on the grave of her father.

    Analysis of the story

    This is a work of Alexander Pushkin the most difficult and saddest of the whole cycle. The short story tells about the tragic fate of the stationmaster and the happy fate of his daughter. Samson Vyrin, having studied the biblical parable of the prodigal son from the pictures, constantly thinks that misfortune can happen to his daughter. He constantly remembers Dunya and thinks that she, too, will be deceived and one day she will be abandoned. And it worries his heart. These thoughts become disastrous for the stationmaster, who died, having lost the meaning of his life.

    The plot of the story "The Stationmaster" is based on a case from ordinary life. For the reader, the situation is simple and recognizable: a post station located in the wilderness, a monotonous, tiresome bustle, endless people passing by. Pushkin chooses as an epigraph a humorous verse statement of his friend, the poet Prince P.A. Vyazemsky:

    Collegiate Registrar,

    Post station dictator.

    However, this epigraph emphasizes the serious tone of the story, expressing deep sympathy for the fate of the station superintendent, an official of the lowest - the fourteenth - class Samson Vyrin. The plot intrigue of the story is that a passing hussar takes with him Vyrin's only daughter, the light and meaning of his whole bleak life - Dunya. This incident was very common, nothing distinguished from the number of the same countless misfortunes awaiting a person. However, the purpose of the story is different: not to capture one of them, but to show the fate of the father and daughter in a changing time.

    Pushkin called his story "The Stationmaster", wanting to emphasize that its main character is Samson Vyrin and that the idea of ​​the story is primarily associated with him. The image of Samson Vyrin opens in Russian classical literature the theme of the "little man", which was later developed by Pushkin himself in the poem "The Bronze Horseman" (1833) and continued by N.V. Gogol primarily in the story "The Overcoat" (1842). The theme of the "little man" was further developed in Russian literature in the prose of I.S. Turgenev and F.M. Dostoevsky, gradually replacing the literature of the nobility and creating the basis for works about the hero - the representative of the broad strata of the population, the "man of the majority." Therefore, the author, describing on the first pages of the story the low social status of the hero, calls on to pay close attention to him as a person. This has caused an ironic reasoning about “what would happen to us if instead of the generally convenient rule of chin chin read, another was introduced into use, for example: read the mind of the mind? What disputes would arise! .. ".

    The name of the hero - Samson Vyrin - was compiled by the author in order to express his attitude to the personality and character of this person. The combination of the heroic biblical name Samson, who performed outstanding deeds, and the ordinary, inexpressive surname Vyrin expresses the author's idea that, despite the hero's low origin, he is characterized by high, noble feelings. He selflessly loves his daughter, while caring only about her well-being. It also retains pride and dignity. Let us remember what his natural reaction was when the hussar shoved money into his sleeve cuff, as if paying off the old man.

    The events of Pushkin's story "The Stationmaster" do not take place in front of the reader, he learns them from the narrator, who acts both as a storyteller and as a hero of the work. The exposition, or prologue, of the work includes two parts: the narrator's reasoning about the fate of the station keepers, which allows the writer to use it both to characterize the time, state of roads, morals, and to represent a specific place of action. Three times the hero-narrator arrives at the station, which was on the "tract, now destroyed", as well as the memory of the people who once lived there. Thus, the story itself about the main events consists of three parts, like a triptych - a three-part pictorial picture. The first part is an acquaintance with the inhabitants of the post station, a picture of a peaceful, undisturbed life; the second - the sad story of the old man about the misfortune that befell him, and about the fate that befell Duna; the third part conveys a picture of a rural cemetery, serving as an epilogue. This composition gives the story a philosophical character.

    The seasons play an important role in the story "The Station Keeper". This is how the story begins: “In 1816, in the month of May, it happened to me to pass through the *** province ...” This is how the narration is introduced, as if the beginning of life is being depicted. The description of the weather corresponds to this, everything around is full of strength and energy: “It was a hot day. Three versts from the station *** began to drizzle, and in a minute the pouring rain soaked me to the last thread. " And here is the last visit of the hero-storyteller, the end of the story: “It happened in the fall. Gray clouds covered the sky; a cold wind blew from the reaped fields, carrying away red and yellow leaves from the oncoming trees. " This landscape sketch symbolizes the past life, dying. So the epilogue becomes a philosophical commentary on the story.

    The content of the story "The Stationmaster" correlates with the parable of the prodigal son. The narrator sees pictures depicting this plot on the walls of Vyrin's room. The story of the prodigal son from the Bible tells us about an eternal situation in the life of a person who, without a blessing, leaves the parental home, makes mistakes, pays for them and returns to his father’s home. Pushkin describes this story with light humor, but humor serves not to express a derisive attitude, but to draw attention to the right moments. For example, "... a respectable old man in a cap and dressing gown lets the restless young man go, who hastily accepts his blessing and a bag of money." In this scene, Pushkin draws the reader's eye to two circumstances: the young man “hastily” accepts everything from his father, because he is in a hurry to start an independent and cheerful life as soon as possible, and the young man accepts “blessings and a bag of money” with equal haste, as if they are equal to a person. Thus, the whole story is based on a wise and eternal story about human life, the irreversible flow of time and the inevitability of change.

    Alexander Pushkin's story "The Station Keeper" is one of the stories in a cycle told by a certain Ivan Petrovich Belkin under the title "Belkin's Tale". Dated to September 14, 1830. Its plot was allegedly heard and recorded by the author of the work. The story is simple and ordinary, but it is told with a special lyricism, which is what the author makes the reader sympathize with and empathize with the heroes of the story.

    The work raises the problem of the "little man", humiliated and unhappy. Samson Vyrin is the station superintendent, whose only joy is his daughter Dunya. The surname was not chosen by A.S. Pushkin by chance, it was formed from the name of the post station Vyra, which the author knew well.

    The center of the story is the life of an ordinary person, a station superintendent, whose work is hard and provides only means for food. The visiting hussar Minsky carries Dunya along with him, and she leaves the parental home without her father's consent. Samson cannot be comforted by grief, because his daughter was the whole meaning of life for him. One day Samson Vyrin decides to go to Minsky to explain himself to him and see his daughter. But the meeting turned out to be unpleasant. Dunya fainted, and Minsky kicks Vyrin out of the gate, stuffing money into his pocket. So the poor father left with nothing. The reader learns that a few years later Dunya came to her father, but already at his grave and cried for a long time ...

    This everyday story evokes pity in the reader for the unfortunate old caretaker who lost his daughter. Minsky's wealth did not allow Duna to communicate with his father. The caretaker was very worried about how his beloved daughter lived. And Dunya constantly thought about her father. “The little man” - Samson Vyrin - although of a low social class, is not devoid of rationality and sincere feelings, he does not believe in the happiness of his daughter and is trying to save her.

    A special subject in the story is the furnishings of the room where Vyrin lived. Its walls were hung with paintings depicting scenes of the return of the prodigal son. Samson waited for his daughter to change her mind and return, but the miracle did not happen.

    The reality of the picture emphasizes the accessible language of the story. The author, who is also the narrator, is also a feature of the work. The author's sincere sympathy can be seen between the lines. The narrator takes pity on Vyrin and inquires about his fate: "Is the old caretaker alive?"

    The plot of this story is sad, but still it has a happy ending - Dunya, despite her new position in society, remembers her father and loves him. She is happy in the family, it is a pity that her father found out this way.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of the most widely read authors. All our compatriots, young and old, know his name. His works are read everywhere. This is truly a great writer. And, perhaps, his books are worth studying deeper. For example, the same "The Tale of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" is simple only at first glance. Consider one of them, namely "The Station Keeper" - a story about how important it is to realize in time the importance of people dear to your heart.

    In 1830, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin went to Boldino to solve some financial problems. He was about to return, but in Russia at that time the deadly cholera had spread strongly, and the return had to be postponed for a long time. This period of development of his talent is called the Boldinskaya autumn. At this time, some of the best works were written, including a cycle of stories entitled “The Tale of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”, consisting of five works, one of which was “The Stationmaster”. Its author finished on September 14th.

    During his forced imprisonment, Pushkin suffered from separation from another lady of the heart, so his muse was sad and often set him up in a sad mood. Perhaps, the very atmosphere of autumn - the times of wilting and nostalgia - contributed to the creation of "The Station Keeper". The main character faded as quickly as a leaf thrown from a branch.

    Genre and direction

    Pushkin himself calls his work a "story", although in essence each of them is a small novel. Why did he call them that? Alexander Sergeevich replied: "Stories and novels are read by everyone and everywhere" - that is, he did not see much difference between them, and made a choice in favor of a smaller epic genre, as if indicating the modest volume of the work.

    In the separate story "The Stationmaster" the foundations of realism are laid. The hero is a very real hero who could have met at that time in reality. This is the first work in which the theme of the "little man" is raised. It is here that Pushkin first talks about how this unnoticed subject lives.


    The structure of the story "The Station Keeper" allows the reader to look at the world through the eyes of a storyteller, in whose words the personality of Pushkin is hidden.

    1. The story begins with the lyrical digression of the writer, where he speculates abstractedly about the ungrateful profession of a station attendant, who has already been humiliated by duty. In such positions, the characters of small people are formed.
    2. The main part consists of conversations between the author and the main character: he comes and finds out the latest news about his life. The first visit is an acquaintance. The second is the main plot twist and climax when he learns about Dunya's fate.
    3. Something like an epilogue is his last visit to the station, when Samson Vyrin was already dead. His daughter's remorse is reported there.

    About what?

    The story "Stationmaster" begins with a small digression, where the author discusses what a humiliating position this is. Nobody pays attention to these people, they are "spanked", sometimes even beaten. Nobody ever says elementary "thank you" to them, and in fact they are often very interesting interlocutors who can tell a lot.

    Then the author tells about Samson Vyrin. He holds the position of station superintendent. The narrator gets to his station by accident. There he meets the caretaker himself and his daughter Dunya (she is 14 years old). The guest notes that the girl is very pretty. A couple of years later, the hero again finds himself at the same station. During this visit, we will learn the essence of the "Station Keeper". He meets Vyrin again, but his daughter is not visible. Later, from the story of his father, it becomes clear that once a hussar came to the station, and due to illness he had to stay there for some time. Dunya constantly looked after him. Soon the guest recovered and began to get ready for the trip. In parting, he offered to bring his nurse to church, but she did not come back. Later, Samson Vyrin learns that the young man was not ill at all, he pretended to deceive the girl and take her with him to St. Petersburg. The caretaker goes on foot to the city and tries to find a deceiving hussar there. Having found him, he asks to return Dunya to him and not to dishonor him anymore, but he refuses him. Later, the unfortunate parent finds a house in which the kidnapper maintains his daughter. He sees her, richly dressed, admires her. When the heroine looks up and sees her father, she is frightened and falls on the carpet, and the hussar drives the poor old man away. After that, the caretaker never saw his daughter again.

    After a while, the author again finds himself at the station of the kind Samson Vyrin. He learns that the station has been disbanded, and the poor old man has died. Now a brewer and his wife live in his house, who sends her son to show where the former caretaker is buried. The narrator learns from the boy that some time ago a rich lady with children came to town. She also asked about Samson, and upon learning that he had died, she cried for a long time, lying on his grave. Dunya repented, but it was too late.

    main characters

    1. Samson Vyrin is a kind and sociable old man of about 50, who loves his daughter. She protects him from beatings and abuse of visitors. At the sight of her, they always behave calmly and benevolently. At the first meeting, Samson looks like a sympathetic and timid man who is content with little and lives only with love for his child. He does not need either riches or fame, as long as his dear Dunyasha is nearby. In the next meeting, he is an already flabby old man who seeks solace in a bottle. His daughter's escape broke his personality. The image of a station attendant is a textbook example of a small person who is unable to resist circumstances. He is not outstanding, not strong, not smart, he is just a man in the street with a kind heart and meek disposition - this is his characteristic. The merit of the author is that he was able to give an interesting description of the most ordinary type, to find drama and tragedy in his humble life.
    2. Dunya is a young girl. She leaves her father and leaves with the hussar not out of mercenary or unkind motives. The girl loves her parent, but naively trusts the man. Like any young woman, she is attracted by a great feeling. She follows him, forgetting about everything. At the end of the story, we see that she is worried about the death of her lonely father, she is ashamed. But what was done cannot be corrected, and now she, being already a mother, cries at the grave of her parent, regretting that she did this to him. Years later, Dunya remains the same sweet and caring beauty, whose appearance did not reflect the tragic story of the station warden's daughter. All the pain of separation was absorbed by her father, who never saw his grandchildren.
    3. Topic

    • In "Station Keeper" for the first time rises "little man" theme... This is a hero that no one notices, but who has a great soul. From the author's story, we see that he is often scolded just like that, sometimes even beaten. He is not considered a person, he is a lower link, service personnel. But in fact, this uncomplaining old man is infinitely kind. In spite of everything, he is always ready to offer travelers an overnight stay and dinner. Gusar, who wanted to beat him and who was stopped by Dunya, he allows him to stay for several days, calls his doctor, feeds him. Even when his daughter betrays him, he is still ready to forgive her everything and accept any of her back.
    • Love theme is also revealed in a peculiar way in the story. First of all, this is the feeling of a parent for a child, which even time, resentment and separation are powerless to shake. Samson recklessly loves Dunya, runs to save her on foot, searches and does not give up, although no one expected such courage from a timid and downtrodden servant. For her sake, he is ready to endure rudeness and beatings, and only after making sure that his daughter made a choice in favor of wealth, he dropped his hands and thought that she no longer needed her poor father. Another aspect is the passion of a young lady and a hussar. At first, the reader was worried about the fate of a provincial girl in the city: she really could have been deceived and dishonored. But in the finale, it turns out that an accidental relationship turned into a marriage union. Love is the main theme in "The Station Keeper", since it was this feeling that became both the cause of all troubles, and the antidote for them, which was not delivered in a timely manner.
    • Problematic

      Pushkin raises moral problems in his work. Yielding to a fleeting feeling, not supported by anything, Dunya leaves his father and goes after the hussar into the unknown. She allows herself to become his mistress, she knows what she is going for, and still does not stop. Here the ending turns out to be happy, the hussar still marries the girl, but even in those days this was a rarity. Nevertheless, even for the sake of the prospect of a marriage union, it was not worth it to renounce one family, building another. The girl's fiance behaved unacceptably rude, it was he who made her an orphan. They both easily stepped over the little man's grief.

      Against the background of Dunya's act, the problem of loneliness and the problem of fathers and children develop. From the moment the girl left her father's house, she never once visited her father, although she knew in what conditions he lived, she never wrote to him. In pursuit of personal happiness, she completely forgot about the person who loved her, raised her and was ready to forgive literally everything. This happens to this day. And in the modern world, children leave and forget their parents. Having escaped from the nest, they try to "break out into the people", achieve goals, pursue material success and do not remember those who gave them the most important thing - life. Many parents, abandoned and forgotten by their children, live by the fate of Samson Vyrin. Of course, after a while, young people remember the family, and it’s good if it’s not too late to meet her. Dunya did not have time for the meeting.

      the main idea

      The idea of ​​the "Station Keeper" is still vital and relevant: even a small person must be treated with respect. You cannot measure people by rank, class, or ability to offend others. The hussar, for example, judged those around him by strength and position, therefore he caused such grief to his own wife, his own children, depriving them of their father and grandfather. With his behavior, he repulsed and humiliated what could become his support in family life. Also, the main idea of ​​the work is a call for us to take care of our relatives and not postpone reconciliation until tomorrow. Time is fleeting and can rob us of the chance to correct our mistakes.

      If we look at the meaning of the story "The Stationmaster" more globally, then we can conclude that Pushkin opposes social inequality, which became the cornerstone of relations between people of that time.

      What makes you think?

      Pushkin also makes negligent children think about their old people, gives them instructions not to forget their parents, to be grateful to them. Family is the most valuable thing in every person's life. It is she who is ready to forgive us everything, accept us by anyone, console and calm us down in difficult times. Parents are the most devoted people. She gives us everything, and in return they ask for nothing, except for love and a small amount of attention and care on our part.

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