Spelling patterns for the rule being studied. Basic spelling patterns of the Russian language. Separating ь and ъ




Spelling- part of the science of language that studies the spelling of words. Russian orthography is based on phonemic and morphological principles, which are closely related. According to the phonemic principle, letters denote only sounds in strong positions (meaningful sounds, or phonemes). Letters denoting sounds in weak positions are spelling patterns and require control in writing. According to the morphological principle, morphemes have a constant letter composition corresponding to a constant phonemic composition, that is, the phonetic alternation of sounds is not reflected in the letter recording of morphemes. In addition to these principles, in particular cases the phonetic, grammatical and traditional principles of writing are used. (Kireeva, 2006)

Spelling is the correct spelling needed choose from several possible ones. If we choose to write a letter, then we have encountered an orthogram.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of spelling and the rules of Russian writing. In the Russian writing system there are the following sound-letter matching rules:

1. Indication of softness of consonants: The softness of consonant sounds is indicated by:

a) using paired vowels A-Ya, O-E, U-Yu, E-E, Y-I, if a consonant sound is followed by a vowel sound (ball, flax, hatch, forest, world);

This writing rule is the main focus in 1st grade. After the period of literacy training, in the section of the Russian language “Sounds and Letters”, several lessons are specifically dedicated to the designation of the softness of consonants. Particular emphasis is placed on distinguishing the letters A-Ya (mal-myal), U-Yu (luk-luk), O-Yo (Tyoma-Toma), since children at this age still poorly differentiate hard and soft consonant sounds and confuse letters. To develop spelling skills, you need a set of training exercises to develop phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis, various types of dictations, writing from memory, various types of cheating, and creative work.

b) using a letter at the end of a word or before another consonant (hor-hor, mel-mel; shelf-polka, bank-banka).

2. Designation of the sound Y.

The sound Y is indicated by:

a) using the vowels I, Yo, Yu, E at the beginning of a word or before a vowel (apple, lighthouse, Yura, cabin, spruce, blowing, hedgehog, sing);

b) using the letter Y at the end of a word or before a consonant (May, T-shirt);

c) using the dividing soft and hard sign and the letters YA, E, Yu, E between the consonant and vowel sounds (blizzard, edible). The spelling of the separating signs b and b is studied at the morphemic level after studying the topic “Composition of a word” in 2nd grade.

Thus, these writing rules are given more attention mainly in 1st grade. In subsequent grades, spelling is consolidated and improved.

In most cases, the Russian writing system provides one-to-one match between sounds and letters, however there is a few exceptions which are the cause of graphic spellings.

Graphic spellings are solved using certain rules. Let's consider spellings studied in grades 1-3.

    Graphic orthograms or ophograms denoting a phoneme in a strong position. 1-2 grade

The reason for graphic spellings is that the same sound, which does not require verification, can be indicated by two different letters. For example, after always solid F, W and after always soft the vowel sound can be indicated by any of the paired vowel letters. The letters E, Yu, I are practically not used after sibilants.

You should pay attention to the graphic spelling associated with the alternation of soft and hard consonants. The spelling belongs to the group of dental consonants and is solved according to the rule. In elementary school textbooks, there is practically no emphasis on this spelling, which leads to frequent errors.

The reason for the spelling: some sounds are always pronounced the same way (hard or soft): In this case, the first soft sound has an improper softness. The designation of soft consonants is also studied in 1st grade, 3rd and 4th quarters.


"dangerous place"

Soft sign is written

1) to indicate softness [L'], [T'], [P'], [P'],

in the case of one tooth [С‘], [З‘] in front of the hard

1. orange, steel, teach, mother, notebook, swamp, bittern, fight, dawn, elk, letter, carving, request

October (but: January!)

The soft sign is not written

1) to denote the soft consonants Ch and Shch,

in combination with sibilants: CHK-CHN-CHT-SHCHN, LF-NSCH-RSCH.

2) in combinations of two soft dental consonants T, D, Z, S, N (NT, ST, CH, ZD, ZN)

1.handle, urgent, mail, donut, powerful, drummer, lamplighter

2. umbrella, Nastya, Kostya, song,

Soft separator (does not indicate softness of consonants)

serves to designate the sound Y between a consonant and a vowel and is written before the vowels Ya, Yu, E, Yo, I.

1. written in original Russian words: trees, fox, wolf, pours, drinks, sews

2. in words of foreign origin:

play, monkey

3. in words starting with -н: medallion, postman, broth.

The soft sign (as noted above) is not always an orthogram and can be written by ear: horse, album. There is no choice of spelling here, since without a soft sign the word cannot be read. Only the option when both dental consonants are soft is considered a spelling.

    Letter spellings associated with phonetic alternation.

Weak position of the vowel phoneme.

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word are spellings, that is, they are not written by ear, but require preliminary verification. The reason for the spelling is the phonetic alternation of sounds designated by the letters A-O and E-Z-I when changing the stressed (strong) and unstressed (weak) position of the vowel. The strong position for vowels is the stressed position.

spelling name

name of the topic being studied

spelling examples

spelling introduction period

Unstressed vowels tested by stress.

Emphasis. Stressed and unstressed vowels. The test word is a form of the word.

observing a weak position and checking only in words-objects:

countries - country, house - houses

1st grade 4th quarter (propaedeutics topics)

Unstressed vowels of the root, verified by stress

Composition of the word. Root

field - field, darken - dark, lie - lying down

2nd grade 3rd quarter

Unstressed vowels of the root, unverified by stress (dictionary words)


Composition of the word. Root.

guys, duty officer, student

Spelling task

General solution to the spelling problem

Methods or ways to solve a spelling problem (grade 2)

Attention: danger: sounds [a], [i, uh] in a weak position!

1. In what part of the word?

2. If at the root, I’m looking for a test word:

    I will change the word “one-many”, “many-one”

    I’ll choose a single-root word with a diminutive suffix

    I’ll choose a cognate word for the questions (what? – which?, which – what?)

    I’ll choose a cognate word for the questions (what to do? - what? what is he doing? what will he do? what did he do? what did he do?)

    I'll look up the meaning of the word (gorchka-bitter)

Rhythmic rule for first graders:

If the vowel letter is in doubt,

Put it under stress immediately.

1. changing the form of a word:words-word

2 . "I'll say the word kindly»: starling

3. words-objects, words-signs and words - actions help each other look for the same root test word; Helping questions:

Who? What? - Which? old man- old, sea - sea

What? - what to do? n laska - dance

4. action words help each other look for the same root test word; Helping questions

What to do? - what does it do? pull - pulls

What did you do? what did you do? lucky - carried, carried out - brought

5.words with letterE at the root, which is checked by the letter Yo:sister-sisters

6 .words with two unstressed words vowels are checked with two test words: golden-gold-gilded

7. establishing the etymology of the word(for example, the origin of the word ink)

8. observation of homophone roots: reconcile, try on, licked, got off

Weak position of the consonant phoneme.

The spelling of consonants is associated with their phonetic alternation in strong and weak positions. Strong The position for most consonants is before the vowel (toothO To) or before a voiced consonant (toothn Ouch).

The reason for the spelling is the change in consonant sounds in weak positions

    voiced or deafened before a noisy consonant or at the end of a word (circles, request);

    when three or more consonants collide, some consonants are not pronounced (holiday)

Consonant sounds in weak positions are spellings and require preliminary control in writing. For paired voiced and voiceless and unpronounceable consonants, the spelling is solved by changing the weak position of the sound to a strong one.

spelling name

name of the topic being studied

spelling examples and solutions (check)

familiarization with spelling

Paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word (doubtful consonants).

Voiced and voiceless consonants. Designating them with letters.

1. tooth-teeth (one-to-many test method); jumping – jump (“many-one”)

2. spoon-spoon (the “say a word kindly” method);

3. friend – No friend (the “helper word” method)

1st grade 3-4 quarter

Paired (doubtful) consonants at the root of the word.

The root of the word.

1. sweet – sweet (method of checking “single root word – object”);

2. oak - oak (a method of checking “the same root word is a sign of an object”), timid – timid (“what”);

3. slippery – slide (single root word – action of an object);

2nd grade 2nd-3rd quarter

Unpronounceable consonants.

The root of the word.

1. dangerous combinations of consonants [sn] and [s`n`]

messenger - news, sad - sadness;

2. dangerous combinations of consonants [zn] [z`n`]

starry - stars, serious - serious

3.words where the unpronounceable got lost in the combinations [nc] [rts]. With part - wait T sunny, sunny l ntse, heart - gray d this

2nd grade 3rd quarter

Let's summarize the spellings and writing rules studied in 1st grade and fixed at subsequent levels. In accordance with the principles of traditional methods of the Russian language in elementary school, the logic of studying these spellings and rules is as follows:

1. Consonants and letters. Soft and hard consonant sounds of letters. Consonant sound and letter Y.

2. Hissing consonant sounds Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch. Words with combinations ZHI-SHI.

3. Words with combinations CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.

4. Words with combinations CHK-CHN-LF-SCHN, LF-NSCH-RSCH.

5.Designation of hardness and softness of consonants with the letters Ya, Yu, Yo (E, I)

6. Indication of the softness of consonants using a soft sign. Introducing the separating soft sign.

7.Emphasis. Stressed and unstressed vowels. Weak and strong position of sound. Test word.

8. Paired consonants are voiced and voiceless. Weak and strong position of sound. Test word.

When studying the spelling of unstressed vowels, attention is drawn to the spelling of words with the combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SHCHA, when the vowel is in a weak position, without stress: clock, belly

Spelling studied in 2nd grade, is based on the morphemic composition of the word. The methodological logic for studying spellings is as follows:

    Composition of the word.

    Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

    Spelling of paired consonants at the root of a word.

    Spelling unpronounceable consonants.

    Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

    Prefixes and prepositions.

    Dividing solid sign

Detailed material on the formation of these spelling skills is located in the Methodological collection section of the Pedagogical Workshop blog. (Russian language. Word composition. 2nd grade)

3. Spellings not related to the designation of phonemes

    Spelling "Capital letter".


start of familiarization

Beginning of a sentence.

N autumn has arrived. WITH It was melting cold.

literacy period

first name, last name, patronymic: Anna Ivanovna Petrova

1st grade 3-4 quarter

Spelling of proper names

animal names: horse Ryzhka, cow Zorka, cat Vaska

1st grade 3-4 quarter

Spelling of proper names

Place names: Tallinn city, Pirita river

1st grade 3-4 quarter

Spelling of proper names. In addition to the capital letter, quotation marks are added.

names of works: story “Bishka”, names of companies, products: store “Prizma”, candies “Rusalochka”

2. Spelling “Word Transfer”

transfer rule

introduction to the rule

1.Words are transferred into syllables

grass, bag, car-tire, car,

incorrect: thunder ( here– not a syllable, it does not have a vowel)

1st grade 3rd quarter

2.One letter cannot be moved or left on one line

incorrect: Yu-lia, Yuli-ya, u-ley

1st grade 3rd quarter

3.The letter Y is not hyphenated, remains on the line

line, build

1st grade 3rd quarter

4.The letter b and b are not transferred to another line

small, family, Ul-yana, streams, entrance

1st grade 3-4 quarter

5. In words with double consonants, one letter remains on the line and the other is moved

cool, Saturday, autumn

6. Morphemic transfer or transfer based on knowledge of the composition of the word

prefix and root: moved, warmed up

root and suffix: defector, Estonian

2 – 3 grade

The spelling “Word Transfer” is repeated and improved in every Russian lesson, as it is the most difficult to master. More often this is due to the problem of syllable separation. The transition to reading whole words often leads to the problem of forgetting to divide words into syllables, shortness of breath, and frequent mistakes: lucky, happy, a position where several consonants accumulate, but there is no syllable. Transfer errors are also associated with failure to distinguish between open and closed syllables (a typical error bag, red, hill). As an additional technique, it is recommended to use a vertical line to divide words by hyphenation: amazing This allows you to save lesson time and differentiate tasks for practicing the transfer skill. Each new topic of 1st grade involves an addition to the rules of word transfer, for example, separating b, b, or double consonants.

3. Spelling “Space”


start of familiarization

1.separate writing of words in a sentence

Late autumn has arrived.

1st grade literacy period

2. separate writing of prepositions with words

with _friend (proof: with good friend or insert a question: with (by whom?) friend)

2nd grade, 3rd quarter

3.separate writing of conjunctions A, I, BUT with words

Lena _ and _ Vera are friends, but_ they often quarrel.

1st, 3rd grade

4. Separate writing of the particle NOT with words

I don’t_like, I won’t_

4. Spelling “Punctuation marks”.

Acquaintance with spelling begins in 1st grade during the period of literacy. There is a period at the end of a declarative sentence, an exclamation mark at the end of an exclamation sentence, and a question mark at the end of an interrogative sentence. In 3rd grade, when studying homogeneous members of a sentence, familiarization with commas.


    http://window.edu.ru/window_catalog/pdf2txt?p_id=28027&p_page=2T Spelling tables for schoolchildren and applicants. – M.: 2006. Compiled by N.P. Kireeva.


Principles of Russian spelling

Spelling– this is 1) a system of rules for spelling words; 2) a branch of the science of language, which determines uniform ways of conveying words in writing using alphabetic and non-alphabetic graphic means.

One of the main concepts of spelling that is significant for teaching is spelling. However, scientists formulate the definitions of this term in different ways (see task 1 of this paragraph).

In linguistics and methodology, concepts are used type, group And view spellings. TO types of spellings According to the graphic appearance, it is customary to include the following:

· letter (vowel, consonant, uppercase, lowercase, ъ, ь);

· space (separate writing);

· contact (continuous spelling);

· dash (hyphenation sign).

Identification features of spelling patterns help to learn to identify error-prone places in a word; the main ones are given in the table.

Spelling type Identification marks
Vowels Unstressed Sibilants and C before vowels
Consonants End of a word Consequence of consonants H before ending and suffix
b and b Soft consonants at the end of a word and in a confluence of consonants Sound [th] after consonants and before vowels e, e, yu, i, and Hissing words at the end of words [tsъ] at the end of verbs
Uppercase Beginning of a sentence or text Presence of proper names and proper names
Hyphen Compound words Prefixes some; in-, on- in adverbs Suffixes -something, -either, -that Particles -that's it
Space/pin Particles and prefixes not, nor, particles would, same, whether Prepositions
Dash End of line

Spelling patterns are combined into groups based on certain common characteristics: by location in the word (spelling patterns in prefixes), proximity of the conditions for choosing spelling (suffixes -to, -or, -something, the prefix something - in adverbs and pronouns), identical identifying features (O – E after sibilants in different parts of speech), graphic coincidence (NOT prefix and particle).

Spelling rule– this is an instruction that specifies the conditions for choosing the correct spellings (spellings) in words.

Type of spelling– its name, which usually indicates the type of spelling ( vowels E – I), the main identifying feature ( in unstressed personal endings of verbs), sometimes – selection conditions or verification method ( 1st and 2nd conjugations). Such names of spellings are given in school textbooks and reference books, which facilitates the learning process and the search for rules ( unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress; b after sibilant verbs in the 2nd person singular).

Modern Russian orthography is based on several principles. The basic principle is phonemic, the essence of which is that phonemes are reflected in the letter, the letter that corresponds to the phoneme in a strong position is written. This principle is often called morphological, because the morpheme (root, prefix, suffix, ending) retains a single letter spelling, although during pronunciation the sounds included in this morpheme may change ( -water-: water[O], flood[Λ], water[b], etc.). Guided by this very principle, we check many spellings by selecting related words or changing the form of the word so that the phoneme is in a strong position (for unstressed vowels - under stress, for voiced / voiceless consonants - before sonorous ones, etc.), i.e. . e. would be clearly marked.

The following rules are based on the phonemic principle: unstressed vowels in the root, voiced and voiceless consonants in the root, unpronounceable consonants in the root; The writing of vowels and consonants in most prefixes, suffixes and endings is based on this principle.

Along with phonemic, it also works phonetic principle: the letter is selected in accordance with the pronunciation. There are few rules based on this principle: the letters z - s at the end of the prefixes ( wake up, schedule: phoneme<з>, sounds [z], [s]; in a word, the letter that denotes the pronounced sound is written), vowels a - o in the prefixes raz- (rose-), ras- (ros-); i - ыв root after prefixes on a consonant ( background, pre-July). The influence of this principle also explains the writing of vowels o - e after sibilants in suffixes and endings of different parts of speech, where the choice of the corresponding vowel depends on stress, cf.: scrap - knife, brocade - nomadic, candle - cloud etc.

Also valid in our spelling historical, or traditional, the principle by which words are written as they were written before, in the old days. For example, vowels and, a, after sibilants are a reflection of changes in the phonetic system of the Old Russian language. In accordance with the same principle, dictionary words are written, as well as borrowed words, the ending of masculine adjectives in the genitive case, singular, etc. Such spellings can only be explained using the historical laws of language development.

There is a principle in modern spelling differentiated,or differentiating spelling (semantic principle) according to which words are written depending on their lexical meaning, cf.: company(group of people) and campaign(any event) ball(dance evening) and point(unit of assessment). Sometimes spelling is influenced by grammatical meaning ( burnt– verb and burn– noun) and word-formation meaning (E – And in the prefixes pre- and pre-).


For parents

(short course of psychotherapy + explanation in human language -

what are spellings and is it really impossible to cancel them)

My dear, beloved parents, as well as grandparents - in general, all the adults who went to school this year in the first grade. Over many years of working at school, I have repeatedly seen that the whole family goes to school with the first grader. Moreover, each family member is very soon assigned some kind of honorable role. Someone draws well, someone remembers something in mathematics, someone in English, someone is trusted (also an honor) to print out projects in the evenings (because the child remembered this 10 minutes ago before bed, and they have to hand it in) tomorrow, and moreover, what was asked 2 weeks ago), someone (especially happy) is writing these projects!

This is my appeal - for those who do Russian lessons with a child (usually in a family this is either the unfortunate one who: a) either remembers something in Russian; b) or does all the homework with the child, and Russian at the same time).


Dear parents, as well as all those responsible representatives of the family, in which there is already such a miracle as a first-grader, and who have been entrusted with doing homework with him. By doing homework with your children for a year in all subjects, you, of course, understood and realized a lot. In particular, that in your time there was no Russian language lessons:

These stupid spellings and their underlining and highlighting with a pencil or green pen;

Phonetics and all this sound-letter analysis, which not only harms your child, but also eats up all your nerves.

The teachers taught well, and therefore you did your homework yourself, and no one sat with you, like you with your first-grader, emphasizing and highlighting these useless spellings, which your child’s teacher probably came up with, since she has nothing to do.

And the textbooks were also written in human language. And the rules there, in the textbooks, were also clear. Although you personally never learned the rules, you just wrote them competently (or illiterately, but still you definitely didn’t learn the rules).

I KNOW all these conclusions of yours, because I have heard this from you all hundreds of times in different expressions, but absolutely identical in essence! The next generation of parents will come after you. And they will discover this school world with their child in the same way.

BUT! My dear adults! You probably don't want:

1) do homework and assignments in Russian with your child until grade 11;

2) despite 5 hours of Russian a week - you will end up with your own illiterate child (the wrong teacher whom you scolded so much will remain in school, and you will still have to live with an illiterate family member);

3) on each of these 5 days (when the Russian language is on the schedule) expect a bad grade (and there are more than 30 school weeks in a year. Multiply by all years of study. Very stressful);

4) have big problems with the GIA (Russian exam, which is taken at the end of the ninth grade. And time flies, believe me, very quickly);

5) have big problems with the Unified State Exam (I won’t even explain about the Unified State Exam).


if your child


Spelling is a “mistaken” place in a word. For example, there are no spellings in the word MAMA. As we hear, we write. And in the word WATER, it is not clear how to spell WATER or WADA.

And don’t forget that if this is clear to you personally, then your child has yet to understand all this. And your usual explanations to the baby, like:

What is there that you don’t understand? The hedgehog (hare, ram, giraffe) understands!

Who did you look like?

Since you’re so stupid, I’ll take your tablet (I won’t let you watch a cartoon, I won’t let you go for a walk, you’ll stand in the corner)

And what do they teach you at school?

All your similar explanations (I gave a very incomplete list) will not help. What do they teach at school? They learn to highlight spellings. And this is necessary, first of all, for you and your child. The teacher herself is already quite literate, and she won’t be able to pass the State Examination with the Unified State Exam, as your child will soon be able to do.

Therefore, trust your teacher and make sure that your child never forgets to highlight spelling patterns in his homework.

And another very important thing. Those spelling tests that a child goes through starting from the first grade - ALL OF THEM ARE IN THE GIA and USE.

In the first grade, Russian lessons last a little over a couple of months. During this time, you will study at least 10 spellings in ANY RUSSIAN PROGRAM. Of course, they will be reinforced hundreds of times in second grade. But in second grade new spelling patterns will appear. And so on with each subsequent class. Therefore it cannot be launched. Not at all.

Especially advanced parents - “users” of the Russian language can read an appeal to teachers, which explains the method of finding spelling patterns.


For teachers

To achieve practically absolute literacy, the teacher needs, starting from the first grade, to plan Russian language lessons so that at EACH LESSON several sentences are pronounced by the CHILDREN IN A CHAIN ​​IN ALL SPELLING GRAMS.

If you don’t start pronouncing spellings from the VERY BEGINNING of 1st grade, then in 2nd, and even more so in 3rd and 4th grades, teaching children to SEE ALL SPELLINGS, which means it will be very difficult to AVOID MISTAKES, and children will just write at random.

Below is an example dictation for the end of first grade. There are 20 words in the dictation. Of these, only 2 words are WITHOUT SPELLING. In ALL other words, IT IS NECESSARY TO TEACH CHILDREN TO SEE AND SPEAK SPELLING GRAMS. And even such a small dictation is “enough” to work along the chain for at least 31 people in the class.

If there are more children (or there are fewer spellings in another dictation), then you can, for example, invite the children to return to words with the spelling “tested unstressed vowel at the root of the word” or “paired consonant in a weak position” and ask them to come up with other test words.

At first, it takes children even more time to pronounce all the spellings than to write a dictation. But by doing this type of work SYSTEMATICALLY in the classroom, children not only find spelling patterns faster (and therefore understand “mistaken” places), but also begin to write much more competently.

Each class has its own weak points. Therefore, the list of detailed recitation can be expanded. For the first grade, this is an indicator of the softness of a consonant with vowels, the spelling of Y, the transfer of words, and much more - at the discretion of the teacher.

At first, it is better to give the child a star, a sticker, etc. for finding EACH SPELLING, SPEAKING AND CHECKING IT. So that the very process of such an important finding of spellings turns into an exciting game.

List of required first grade spellings

to pronounce IN EVERY WORD

  1. Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
  2. Proper names.
  3. Combinations ZHI-SHI, CHA-SHA, CHU-SCHU.
  4. A soft sign is an indicator of softness.
  5. Separating soft sign*.
  6. Combinations CHK-CHN.
  7. Tested unstressed vowels at the root of the word.
  8. Unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root of a word (dictionary words).
  9. Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end of a word.
  10. Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word.*
  11. Proper names.
  12. Prepositions.

* The separating soft sign is not accepted in all first class programs.

* Paired consonants in a weak position (doubtful consonants) at the end and middle of a word are not covered in all first-grade programs.

A few words about writing a dictation

1. Children write down words in dictation in first grade, making sure to pronounce them syllable by syllable lips or whisper.

2. When writing, all spellings are highlighted with a green pen.

3. If you want to achieve one hundred percent literacy, then mini-dictations must be written in class every day. At least two sentences with three words each. But writing even such a microdictation every day.


Masha and I are going for a walk in the thicket. Lilies of the valley are blooming. Here is a prickly hedgehog running quickly. Fluffy mice squeak*. Birds are building* nests. (20 words)

Sample of oral debriefing in class

  1. Ms
  2. WITH
  3. Mours- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - a proper name is written with a capital letter.
  4. Let's go- there are no spellings.
  5. They're partying b- spelling - soft sign - an indicator of softness.
  6. IN- this is a pretext. This means that it is written separately from the word.
  7. ChaI feel- we write cha with A. Spelling - the combinations cha-sha are written with the letter A.
  8. Cha I feel- we write chu with U. Spelling - the combinations chu-shu are written with the letter U.
  9. .
  10. Cvetut- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  11. Color it's here- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word COLOR.
  12. Landes shi
  13. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  14. INfrom- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  15. Fast O- a dictionary word. Spelled FAST ABOUT.
  16. B e lives- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word RUN.
  17. Be life- we write zhi with I. Spelling - combinations zhi-shi are written with the letter I.
  18. TO oh darling- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word INJECTION.
  19. Yo and- spelling - paired consonant in weak position. Test word HEDGEHOG.
  20. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  21. Plooking for- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  22. P and chat- spelling - the unstressed vowel at the root of the word being checked. Test word SEEK.
  23. Pi now- now we write with A. Spelling - combinations of cha-sha are written with the letter A.
  24. Pu Shitty- we write shi with I. Spelling - combinations zhi-shi are written with the letter I.
  25. We sh ki- spelling paired consonant in weak position. Test word MOUSE.
  26. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.
  27. Pticks- we write with a capital letter. Spelling - the beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter.
  28. Petit chk and- spelling - combinations CHK-CHN are written without a soft sign.
  29. IN there- spelling - soft separating sign.
  30. Nests- there are no spellings.
  31. . - At the end of the sentence there is a period.

Today, the great and mighty Russian language has many different rules. Some of them may seem incomprehensible and even incorrect. But they all necessarily obey spelling patterns. What is this - spelling? The word itself comes from two Greek words:

Orphos - correct gramma - letter

A literary translation will look like this: “I’m writing correctly.”
This is where a whole science came from - spelling, which studies all spelling patterns and contains the entire set of rules of the Russian language.

What is the choice of spelling based on?

On special principles. Here they are:
- Phonetic.
The main requirement here is to write in accordance with the pronunciation. For example, ownerless, again, immediately.
- Morphological.
According to it, all morphemes in a word are written the same way. Example, mountain - mountain, water - aquatic.
- Traditional.
If the spelling is difficult to determine and cannot be explained by modern rules, then the old rules are used in such words, that is, they are written according to tradition. For example - Mirage, Heel, Dog.
- Differentiating.
One should not discount the fact that the Russian language has a lot of words borrowed from other languages ​​of the world. At the same time, the language already had a word with the same spelling and pronunciation. And this is where the differentiating principle comes into play. For example, a company - a campaign, a ball-ball.

How to highlight and mark the spelling?!

The spelling can be located in different parts of the word: prefix, root, suffix, ending.
To highlight a spelling found in a word, simply mark the part of the word in which the spelling is located. Next to it, also graphically explain the spelling.
For example, consider the spelling “Alternating unstressed vowels at the root of a word” on the word “Application”. The spelling in this case is the spelling of the letter “O” at the root - “lie”. We will denote it this way: we highlight the root, underline the letter O with one line, and the letter Z with two lines. In this case, the spelling of this alternating unstressed vowel completely depends on the subsequent consonant.
The second example is the word “steamed”. Here we are interested in the spelling of the prefix. To indicate the spelling in a word, you need to emphasize the letter C and the subsequent consonant letter P. In this case, the spelling depends on whether the consonant is voiced or voiceless after the prefix. Let’s underline the letter “C” with one line and the letter “P” with two lines.
One word can contain several spellings at once. If you label them correctly, you will also write words correctly.

Spelling- This is the spelling in a word that corresponds to the spelling rule. Simply put, this is the part of the word where you can easily make a mistake. Translated from Greek spelling means "correct letter", where the word orthos translated as “correct”, and gramma- “letter”.

An example is writing, the basis of which is the distinction between voiceless and voiced paired consonants located at the root of the word. To write it correctly, you need to change the form or choose a suitable root word.

Consider the word oak, highlighting its root (i.e. in this case, the whole word). Here you can make a mistake by writing instead of the letter b letter n. Therefore the letter b is in a weak position, which means it is a spelling. By underlining this letter, you highlight the spelling. This case refers to “Writing voiceless consonants at the root of a word.”

By changing the form of the word and selecting a cognate for it, we will see the following:

Oak – Oaks

Now the spelling began to match the pronunciation. Spellings in a word oaks No.

The spelling can be in different parts of the word, both in the prefix and root, and in the suffix and ending. If you need to highlight a spelling, then also indicate the part of the word in which it is located.

For example, if you come across a spelling that refers to “Alternating unstressed vowels at the root of a word,” highlight the root and underline the vowel at the root, which is the spelling.

In a word settled down often make fundamental mistakes lodge, here the spelling is the spelling of the letter O. It is necessary to highlight the root, underline the letter O one line and a letter and two, because after an alternating unstressed vowel O followed by a consonant and, on which the spelling of the spelling depends.

It happens that in a word settled down They also make mistakes when writing prefixes. The prefix should be highlighted, the letter should be underlined With and the following consonant n, since the spelling in this case depends on whether the consonant located after the prefix is ​​voiced or voiceless. Letter With one thing needs to be emphasized, n- two.

In the same word it is necessary to mark the spelling in the prefix By. To do this, select the prefix by underlining the letter O.

So it becomes clear that in the word settled down You should highlight not just one spelling, but several at once.

How to identify a spelling?

To be able to write correctly, you need to learn to detect spelling patterns. First of all, you should pay attention to:

unstressed vowel in the root, prefix, suffix and ending (it is important to know the composition of the word and have a good understanding of the principles of word formation);

the vowel following the sibilants and the letter ts;

a soft sign located after hissing words at the end;

spelling Not in different parts of speech.