Determining zodiac signs by date of birth. How to determine who you are according to your horoscope. How to determine the lunar zodiac sign


Every day we see the starry night sky, but few people know what exactly is from these mysterious bright celestial bodies Our destiny, character and intellect depend. We are born on a certain day and hour, and for the rest of our lives we follow our zodiac destiny. Find out which zodiac sign you were born under. You will need the day and month of your birth.

In the list of zodiac signs, select the time period in which you were born. The constellation that was in the heavens at that time will be your Zodiac Sign.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Aries March 21 - April 20

A friendly person with an energetic manner and a firm handshake. A person born under the constellation Aries is emotional, trusting, has a brilliant mind and quick wit. You can always rely on an Aries, and know that he does not know how to lie. Element – ​​fire, planet Mars.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Taurus April 21 - May 21

These are very reliable, calm and sensible people who are very lucky in the financial sector. Conservative and pragmatic, Taurus is always friendly, courteous and overly friendly. Having a Taurus friend is a real gift of fate. Element – ​​earth, planet Venus.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Gemini May 22 - June 21

The constellation Gemini rewards a person with wealth, success and incredible luck. The nature of twins is amazing high intelligence, charm and stunning energy. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign – Cancer June 22 – July 22

Emotional, overly sensitive and very caring. Has developed intuition and good memory. Cancers are generous, sensual and very talented people. They value stability, comfort and the warmth of home in life.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Leo July 23 - August 23

A generous and noble man, endowed by the stars with courage and a boundless desire for power. The sign has a strong developed intuition, hot temper and great determination. IN family relationships characterized by a faithful spouse and a loving, good family man. Element – ​​fire.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Virgo August 24 - September 23

Those born under the Virgo constellation are distinguished by rigor, rationality and precision in everything. Her intellectual and reasonable nature is capable of courageously confronting difficulties and producing truly brilliant ideas. Element – ​​earth.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Libra September 24 - October 23

Throughout life path Libra strives for complete idyll, harmony and tranquility. Representatives of this sign are considered true romantics, possessors of good aesthetic taste and lovers of luxury. It is difficult to rely on them in serious matters, but if they are required to help their family and friends, they will give everything they can and will spend as much energy and time as necessary. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Scorpio October 24 - November 22

Scorpio is ruled by the most powerful planets - Mars and Pluto. People of this sign are endowed with courage, courage, bravery and the ability to boldly face obstacles and dangers. They take a strong leadership position and lead active life, filled dramatic events and relationships. Element – ​​water.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

It differs from all signs in its excessive independence, self-reliance and tendency towards idealism. People of this constellation are almost always in good mood, have a magnetic charm, come up with brilliant ideas and are easy-going. Element – ​​fire, planet – Jupiter.

How to find out your zodiac sign – Capricorn December 22 – January 20

The stars rewarded Capricorn with hard work, perseverance and extreme seriousness. Many people are self-contained, quiet and extremely uncommunicative people. Only true and sincere love can reveal a Capricorn as a person. Element – ​​air.

How to find out your zodiac sign - Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Aquarians have absorbed the most best qualities all zodiac signs. He is a bright, truth-loving, honest, open, but at the same time very vulnerable person. You cannot offend him - he will remember him for a long time and will erase the offender from his life. In relationships, he is a monogamist and deeply values ​​loyalty and honesty. Element – ​​air.

How to find out the zodiac sign - Pisces February 20 - March 20

Silent fish have a soft, compliant nature and always want to love and be loved. Planet Neptune bestowed watermark rich creative imagination, dedication, devotion. People born under the constellation Pisces are honest, friendly and optimistic - you can always rely on them.

Often, getting into one or another unpleasant situations, we sigh: “Oh, if only we had known in advance, they would have laid out some straw...” Yes, not everyone can directly look into the future. However, there is science that allows us not only to thoroughly understand the vicissitudes of our destinies, but also to propose ways to solve emerging problems. This is astrology. By drawing up and correctly interpreting a horoscope, a specialist will show the “sharp corners” of your life and how they can be avoided or softened. The situation resembles, in fact, a plot from the Russian folk tales, when the hero stands in front of a combustible stone, and on it is engraved: “You will go to the right... You will go to the left...”, etc.

Zodiac circle

According to Western tradition, The Sun and the planets closest to it, including Mars, passing across the sky over a period of a year, linger for certain periods of time in the area of ​​​​different constellations. Knowing which ones and when, as well as comparing our own dates of birth, each of us can easily answer the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” Naturally, this applies specifically to Western astrology; in the East they adhere to a slightly different point of view. For example, Stepan’s birthday is December 15th. And we know that from November 23 to the Sun is in Sagittarius. Consequently, for Stepan the answer to “Who am I according to the horoscope?” is: Sagittarius. The same as for everyone who was born during this period. But Natasha saw this world on July 1st. Again we make inquiries about our main luminary. From June 22 to July 22, the Sun passes through So, what should she answer about the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” That's right, Rakinya.

Border areas

True, the picture in intermediate, so to speak, areas does not look so clear. That is, when the Sun approaches the end of one period and the beginning of a second. For example, leaving the region and entering the Virgo sphere, it seems to unite both celestial objects. And those who were born on such days combine the influence of both constellations in their characters and destinies. Which is more and which is smaller - this is influenced by many factors, and it is an astrologer who can identify them. But of course main principle divisions according to zodiac signs are still preserved. And if you ask yourself the question: “Who am I according to the horoscope?” - focus on star sectors.

Eastern wisdom

Western astrology differs significantly from Eastern astrology. In the latter, the starting point is not the ten days of the month, but the whole year. Astrological cycle According to Japanese, Chinese and other Asian calendars, it lasts 12 years. Every year is under the sign of a certain animal that plays in the mythology and philosophy of these peoples important role. In this regard, in order to find the answer for yourself to the question “Who am I? eastern horoscope?”, you need to know the list of the “little animals” themselves, as well as the order of their “reign”. Why is the 12-year cycle of interest to Eastern astrologers? Because they view everything that happens on Earth through the prism of the influence of Jupiter and other “slow” planets. And the choice of animals is justified a beautiful legend about Buddha and his subjects.

Sacred "zoo"

In order for each of us to understand for ourselves: “Who am I according to the animal horoscope?”, we should familiarize ourselves with what animals make up the heavenly zoo. The Rat was the first to come running at Buddha's call. This is where the cycle begins. Let’s assume that in our millennium, aka Mice, it began in 2008. Take it back 12 years at a time, and you will know whether this cute rodent is yours or someone else’s mascot. Yes, exactly darling! After all, Western and Eastern mentalities are extremely different, and in Japan and China rats represent caution, wisdom and many others positive qualities. Yes, you can also add 12 + 12 to the date “2008”... calculating when the Year of the Rat will come again.

From Buffalo to Pig

If you are curious to find out for yourself: “Who am I according to my horoscope?” - and further pushes you into esoteric research, then we will continue it. Following the Rat, the heavy worker Buffalo, also known as Ox, rushed. This is the year 2009. You already know how to calculate “before” and “after”. Then an energetic, revolutionary-minded Tiger galloped up - the year 2010. Next, the Cat (and in Japan the Rabbit, in China the Hare) - the personification of happiness, luck, profit and all sorts of positivity - cuddled up to Buddha. His time is 2011 +/- 12 years. Then, with sparkling scales and rustling wings, the Dragon - 2012 - flew up. It symbolizes health and longevity, abundance vitality, energy and many other things that “help us build and live.” And then the Snake came - Drakosha’s sister, the embodiment of will, insight, intelligence and calculation. We said goodbye to her quite recently, just last year, 2013! But this year noble animal, whose beauty and grace are sometimes compared to that of women - the year of the Horse, 2014. Next will come: the elegant, but capricious Goat (2015), eccentric, hectic, but so funny Monkey(2016), dreamer and poser Rooster (2017), restless, honest, fair Dog (2018), very scrupulous, principled Pig (or Boar, year 2019), closing the circle. So, we repeat: if you want to find out your year according to Eastern astrology, determine which of the listed animals corresponds to your date of birth.

Ancient Indian horoscopes

In addition to the horoscopes known and familiar to us, practiced from ancient times to this day, there are also those that left behind lost civilizations. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Who am I according to the Mayan horoscope?” Surely not. But in vain! Mayan astrology is a combination of philosophical symbols, various gods and totemic plants and animals, natural phenomena. It is quite difficult to calculate your parameters based on their horoscope, but it is possible. It is important to know that its cycle is 20 days, the same number of symbols. Calculations are based on the work of the human body, the activation of various life processes occurring during a given period. Therefore, each day of the cycle has its own characteristics, its own parameters and recommendations.

Mayan signs

What are symbolic signs horoscope Let's list some:

  • Crocodile, whose element is the sea;
  • Wind is perpetual motion;
  • Sleep - mysterious games of the subconscious;
  • Seed is a connection with the earth, roots;
  • The snake is a personification;
  • Wanderer - traveler through the astral world;
  • The moon is a sign of the occult, everything mysterious, otherworldly, etc.

Checking the Moon

Astrology can be lunar - esotericists know about this, specializing in an in-depth analysis of the influence of this planet on our lives. And it is important and significant! As a natural factor - this is in reservoirs, a social factor - unmotivated outbursts of aggression, a psychological factor, which affects nervous system - different condition sleep and moments of insomnia, mood swings, depression. And even the biological factor of the influence of the Moon on human body- it is associated with the conception of a child, the course of pregnancy. Being a feminine planet, it is especially strong in the horoscopes of this particular part of the Earth's population. If its position in relation to other planets is harmonious, then its fate will be successful and happy. Otherwise, it is Selena (the poetic name of our closest companion) who warns of possible dangers and troubles. This raises a completely logical question: who am I? lunar horoscope? It would be correct to answer this way: in which sign the Moon was at the time of a person’s birth, that sign he belongs to. And in the characteristics of different aspects of the personality this aspect will definitely be taken into account.

This is such a different and wise astrology!

Each of us has at least once wondered how to determine the zodiac sign by date of birth. IN lately astrology has become very popular. Increasingly, you can find a horoscope based on zodiac signs, dates of successful and unlucky days, recommendations for choosing a job for a specific sign, and much more. Why is knowledge of one's zodiac sign suddenly became so important for a person? Apparently, people are looking for answers to their questions and, by reading their horoscopes, they find them.

The four main elements of the zodiac circle

The classic zodiac calendar consists of 12 signs, each of which belongs to one of the main elements: Water, Earth, Air and Fire. These elements play a key role in shaping the character and understanding the actions of a person born under a certain sign. Each element has three signs. Under the rule of Fire are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the kingdom of Water is Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius belong to the element of Air. The signs of Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are subordinate to the earth.

Each of the elements is characterized by a very specific type of character and pattern of behavior. Thus, Fire makes a person impulsive, energetic, aggressive, but at the same time believing in himself, sincere and hard-working. The element of Air brings sociability to the character of a person born under one of the signs subject to it. intellectual development and a lively mind. Earth gives its signs hard work, practicality and sober look for life. The element of Water brings impulsiveness, intuitiveness and spirituality into people's actions.

However, let's return to the main question: "How to determine the zodiac sign by date of birth?" The whole year is divided into 12 zones of 30 days, each of which is dominated by its own zodiac sign. For a more specific consideration, we will divide all 12 signs according to the seasons into four groups: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Spring zodiac signs are distributed according to dates as follows:

  • Aries - from March 21 to April 20.
  • Taurus - from April 21 to May 20.
  • Gemini - from May 21 to June 21.

Aries are by nature courageous, strong-willed, assertive and ambitious. They are typical representatives the elements of Fire, because the main influence on them was mainly exerted by the warlike Mars. And only in the last ten days of his rule, namely from April 12 to 20, the belligerence and aggression of Mars is neutralized by the influence of calm and kind Venus.

Taurus are excellent intellectuals, have all the makings of a leader and become good administrators. They are seriously influenced by three planets - Saturn, Mercury, and our satellite the Moon. Because of this, the outlook on life is rather pessimistic.

Gemini is a whole bunch of different emotions and impressions. The soul of the party, an interesting conversationalist, an intellectual, what else could you look for? Geminis are very easy-going, very impressionable and can convince anyone that they are right. However, despite this positivity, the sign is ruled by Mars and the Sun, so Gemini can be an ulcer.


The summer signs include the following zodiac signs:

  • Cancer - from June 22 to July 22.
  • Leo - from July 23 to August 23.
  • Virgo - from August 24 to September 23.

Cancers are by nature inquisitive and executive. They certainly know how to determine the zodiac sign by date of birth. Cancers can become the greatest specialists in a narrow specialization, because they are able to solve clearly defined problems. The main planets for them are the Moon and Mercury.

Leo is the king! It says it all. Leos have an unyielding character, have excellent leadership characteristics and are determined to follow their chosen path. This is understandable, because the main influence on this sign is exerted by planets such as Saturn, Mars and Jupiter.

But the Virgos who follow are freed from the influence of militant Mars, and therefore have a softer and more flexible character. However, the fact is that the sign is influenced by Saturn and Jupiter, so Virgos are characterized by vindictiveness.


The next three signs are Libra (September 24 - October 23), Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21). Libra, belonging to the element of Air, is ruled by Jupiter and the mysterious Saturn. This cocktail produced amazing results - representatives of the sign are resourceful and enterprising, they are very interesting interlocutors and dangerous opponents.

But the most dangerous and aggressive sign is still Scorpio. Mars and Venus were never able to divide this sign, so its representatives have an unpredictable character and isolation. Scorpio may be offended over a trifle, and then do not expect leniency from him. Sagittarius, on the other hand, does not have the destructive power of Scorpio, but is distinguished by an excellent imagination and a gentle character.


Capricorns (12/22 - 01/20), Aquarius (01/21 - 02/20) and Pisces (02/21 - 03/20) are winter zodiac signs. Like the others, they are greatly influenced by the planets. Thus, Mars and Jupiter make Capricorns passionate and addicted natures, famous for their stubbornness. The Moon and Mercury have a very favorable effect on Aquarius, so they are distinguished by their delicacy and tenderness. Pisces, under the influence of Mars and Jupiter, have always been known as truth-tellers.

So all the zodiac signs have been identified. Dates “jump” a little over the years, but generally remain within one day. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. There is another sign...

Mysterious Ophiuchus

The Sun, making its annual circle, passes not 12 constellations, but 13. This, the thirteenth, is Ophiuchus. Many astrologers have already broken their spears about it, which is why this sign was not included in the classical zodiac calendar. However, it cannot be ignored.

The fact is that because of it, confusion may arise in how to determine the zodiac sign by date of birth. For some reason, classical astrology forgets the fact that the Sun has been moving through the constellation Ophiuchus for some time. Therefore, a new component should be introduced into the zodiac signs - Ophiuchus. The date of birth for people of this sign should be between November 27 and December 17. And representatives of this sign are characterized by a very complex, dual approach to the world. They are more sensitive to the astral world, but at the same time they stand very firmly on their feet.

What is a horoscope? This astrological forecast, by which you can find out how to determine who you are according to your horoscope, and also determine whether you are compatible in character with your husband or wife, and indicate the correct line of behavior in relation to them.

How to determine who you are by horoscope

It will help you find out all your character traits full map starry sky, which was at the time of your birth. They will also help you general descriptions, which correspond to each of the twelve existing horoscope zodiac signs. Experienced astrologers conducted multiple observations and mathematical calculations the location of the planets and the Sun, after which they determined what character traits are inherent in each sign.

Naturally, for more precise definition It is necessary that the location of all eight planets at the time of your birth is known. Therefore, you should know that the zodiac sign that belongs to you most accurately describes your character traits, with the exception of some inaccuracies.

Zodiac signs in the horoscope

To understand how to determine who you are according to your horoscope, you need to know your date of birth:

If you were born between March 21st and April 20th, then you are an Aries. You are characterized by activity, independence and impulsiveness. You are bold and energetic, but you do not know how to bring things to completion;

If you were born between April 21 and May 20, you are a Taurus. You do not like to rush, are very hardworking and love comfort;

If you were born between May 21 and June 20, then according to your horoscope you are a Gemini. You are inquisitive and witty. Your intellect is very developed and you easily learn everything new;

Those born between June 21 and July 20 belong to the sign of Cancer. This is a very insightful and sensitive sign, which seems easy to break, but in fact it is strong as steel;

If you were born between July 21 and August 21, you are a Leo according to your horoscope. You are bright, independent and courageous, and also love to be the center of attention;

If your birthday falls between August 22 and September 21, you are a Virgo. You are neat and practical, and also very adaptable to change;

Those born from September 22 to October 22 belong to the sign of Libra. This is a very harmonious and balanced sign that does not like to make decisions on its own;

Those born from October 23 to November 21 are Scorpios. Scorpio people are mysterious, secretive and reserved. They know how to manipulate people;

November 22 - December 20. Those born during this period belong to the sign of Sagittarius. People of this sign are freedom-loving, optimistic and versatile. They are extremely impulsive, but they know how to make the right decisions in difficult situations;

If you were born between December 21 and January 19, then you are a Capricorn according to your horoscope. You are patient, thoughtful and thorough. Able to achieve their goals;

Aquarius - born in the period January 20 - February 18. Aquarians are friendly, sociable and eccentric. They are visited by a lot of ideas that are not always realized;

And finally, according to the horoscope, Pisces are people born from February 19 to March 20. These are impressionable, changeable and dreamy people. They are usually completely impractical and go with the flow.

“Why have I considered myself a Leo all my life, and your service shows me as a Virgo?”, “The validity period of the sign Taurus is from April 21 to May 21, I was born on May 21, 1985, why does your service write that I am a Gemini?”, “1985 - Year of the Ox. I was born on February 1, 1985, and for some reason you have a Rat.”

Let's start with questions regarding Western astrology. At a time when astrologers conventionally divided the celestial sphere into twelve sectors (these are the signs of the zodiac), Gregorian calendar, according to which we live now, did not yet exist. Astrologers focused on the transitions of the Sun between sectors of the ecliptic; V different years these transitions may occur on different dates.

The advantage of the Gregorian calendar is that the length of the year is very close to the length of the tropical year, that is, the time between two spring equinoxes, which is approximately 365 days 5 48 minutes 46 seconds. To achieve such accuracy, the calendar was entered according to a certain rule leap years, in which February becomes one day longer. And this “extra” day, appearing once every four years (in fact, the rule here is more complicated, a year is considered a leap year if it is divisible by 400 or divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100), is the reason for the “shift” of the boundaries of the zodiac signs .

For example, on June 21, 2016, the Sun moved into the sign, and June 21, 2015 was in the sign of Gemini. Thus, people born on the same day, but in different years, will have different signs zodiac

Here it should be noted that when drawing up an individual forecast, not only the date, but also the time of birth of a person is taken into account, and this can also affect the determination sun sign, because the transitions of the Sun between sectors of the ecliptic in different years occur at different times.

Why do people sometimes identify their sign incorrectly?

Now even in popular astrological literature there are tables by which you can clarify your zodiac sign. But most people who read horoscopes for pleasure or out of curiosity do not go into such details, and magazines and newspapers, of course, do not provide tables with explanations, which is why such a simplified view has developed. Our service is structured differently. It works exactly the way astrologers once worked, and now professional programs for astrological calculations work, and determines the zodiac sign by the movement of the Sun.

On the main page of the Horoscopes project we provide translation dates for current year, but if you want to be sure that your zodiac sign is determined correctly, enter the year of your birth.

What should those who were born on the days of the Sun's transition from one sign to another and determine their sign incorrectly do?

There are several options depending on how passionate a person is about astrology.

Let us remind you that your birth sign is important, but not the only sign. To find out more about your character and destiny, you can create a personal horoscope and get answers to all your questions from an astrologer.