Description of yolk. Literature lesson based on the story by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" "Great Power of Love". Other works on this work


“Garnet bracelet” Kuprin A.I.

Zheltkov G. S.- appears in the story only towards the end: “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; He must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.” Along with Princess Vera, he can be called the main character of the story. The beginning of the conflict is when Princess Vera received on September 17, her name day, a letter signed with the initials “G. S. Zh.”, and a garnet bracelet in a red case.

It was a gift from a then stranger to Vera Zh., who fell in love with her seven years ago, wrote letters, then, at her request, stopped bothering her, but now confessed his love again. In the letter, J. explained that the old silver bracelet once belonged to his grandmother, then all the stones were transferred to a new, gold bracelet. J. repents that he previously “dared to write stupid and impudent letters” and adds: “Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion remain in me.” One of the guests at the name day, for the sake of entertainment, presents the love story of the telegraph operator, P.P.Zh. (distorted G.S.Zh.), to Vera in a comic form, stylized as a pulp novel. Another guest, a person close to the family, old General Anosov, suggests: “Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow, a maniac.”<...>Maybe your path in life, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

Under the influence of his brother-in-law, Vera’s husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, decides to return the bracelet and stop the correspondence. J. amazed Shein at the meeting with his sincerity. Zh., having asked Shein for permission, speaks on the phone with Vera, but she also asks to stop “this story.” Shein felt that he was present “at some enormous tragedy of the soul.” When he reports this to Vera, she predicts that J. will kill himself. Later, from a newspaper, she accidentally learned about the suicide of Zh., who referred in his suicide note to the embezzlement of government money. In the evening of the same day, she receives a farewell letter from J. He calls his love for Vera “an enormous happiness” sent to him by God. He admits that he “is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people.” All life lies in love for Vera: “Even though I was ridiculous in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother<...>As I leave, I say in delight: Hallowed be Thy name.” Prince Shein admits: J. was not crazy and loved Vera very much and therefore was doomed to death. He allows Vera to say goodbye to J. Looking at the deceased, she “realized that the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.” In the face of the dead ^K. she noticed the “deep importance”, the “deep and sweet mystery”, the “peaceful expression” that “she saw on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.”

At home, Vera found a familiar pianist, Jenny Reiter, who played her exactly that passage from Beethoven’s second sonata that seemed to J. the most perfect - “Largo Appassionato”. And this music became an afterlife declaration of love addressed to Vera. Vera’s thoughts that “great love passed by” coincided with the music, each “verse” of which ended with the words: “Hallowed be Thy name.” At the very end of the story, Vera utters words that only she understands: “...he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine".

All the characters in the story, not excluding J., had real prototypes. Criticism pointed out, however, the connection between “The Garnet Bracelet” and the prose of the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun.

A.I. Kuprin wrote a beautiful and sad story about love that every person would like to experience. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is about just such a sublime and selfless feeling. And now readers continue to debate whether the main character did the right thing by refusing her admirer. Or perhaps an admirer would make her happy? To talk about this topic, you need to characterize Zheltkov from “Garnet Bracelet”.

Description of the appearance of a fan of Vera

What is remarkable about this gentleman and why did the author decide to make him the main character? Maybe there is something unusual in the characterization of Zheltkov in the story “The Garnet Bracelet”? For example, in many romantic stories, the main characters have beautiful or memorable appearance. It should be immediately noted that the name of the main character is not indicated in the story (perhaps his name is George). This can be explained by the writer’s attempts to show the insignificance of a person in the eyes of society.

Zheltkov was tall and had a thin build. His face looks more like a girl’s: soft features, blue eyes and a stubborn chin with a dimple. It is the last point that indicates that despite the apparent pliability of nature, this person is actually stubborn and does not like to back down from his decisions.

He looked to be 30-35 years old, i.e. he was already an adult man and a fully formed personality. There was a nervousness in all his movements: his fingers were constantly fiddling with the buttons, and he himself was pale, which indicates his strong mental agitation. If we rely on the external characteristics of Zheltkov from “The Garnet Bracelet,” we can conclude that he has a soft, receptive nature, is prone to experiences, but at the same time is not devoid of perseverance.

The situation in the main character's room

For the first time, Kuprin “brings” his character to the reader during the visit of the main character’s husband and brother. Before this, its existence was known only through letters. To the characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” we can add a description of his living conditions. The sparse decoration of the room emphasizes his social position. After all, the reason that he could not openly communicate with Vera was social inequality.

The room had low ceilings and round windows barely illuminated it. The only furniture was a narrow bed, an old sofa and a table covered with a tablecloth. The whole situation suggests that the apartment is occupied by a person who is not at all rich and does not strive for comfort. But Zheltkov didn’t need this: there was only one woman in his life with whom he could be happy, but she was already married. Therefore, the man did not even think about starting a family. That is, Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet” is complemented by an important quality - he is monogamous.

The fact that the house has small windows is indicative. The room is a reflection of the existence of the main character. He had few joys in his life, it was full of difficulties and the only bright ray for the unfortunate man was Vera.

Zheltkov's character

Despite the insignificance of his position, the main character had an exalted nature, otherwise he would not have been capable of such selfless love. The man served as an official in some chamber. The fact that he had money is informed to the reader from a letter in which Zheltkov writes that he could not give Vera a gift worthy of her due to limited funds.

Zheltkov was a well-mannered and modest person; he did not consider himself endowed with subtle taste. For the owner of the room he rented, Zheltkov became like his own son - his manner was so courteous and kind-hearted.

Vera's husband discerned in him a noble and honest nature that was incapable of deception. The main character immediately admits to him that he cannot stop loving Vera, because this feeling is stronger than him. But he will no longer bother her, because she asked for it, and the peace and happiness of his beloved is more important than anything else.

The story of Zheltkov’s love for Vera

Despite the fact that this is an unrequited romance in letters, the writer was able to show a sublime feeling. Therefore, an unusual love story has occupied the minds of readers for several decades. As for Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet,” it is precisely his willingness to be content with little, the ability for selfless love, that reveals the nobility of his soul.

He first saw Vera 8 years ago and immediately realized that she was the one, simply because there is no better woman in the world.

And all this time Zhelktov continued to love her, not expecting any reciprocity. He followed her, wrote letters, but not for the purpose of persecution, but simply because he sincerely loved her. Zheltkov did not want anything for himself - for him, the most important thing was Vera’s well-being. The man did not understand what he did to deserve such happiness - a bright feeling for her. Vera's tragedy is that she only realized at the very end that this was the very love that women dream of. She felt that Zheltkov forgave her because his love was selfless and sublime. In Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", Zheltkov's characterization is not a description of one person, but of a true, constant, precious feeling.

The "Garnet Bracelet" was created to prove the existence of true, pure love in the modern world. For this purpose, he created a story, some perceive it as an anecdote about a telegraph operator who fell in love, while others perceive it as a touching “Love Song” - touching, pure.

The hero of the story is G.S. Zheltkov. He was an official of the Control Chamber. The writer portrays him as a young man “about thirty-five years old”, of rather pleasant appearance: tall, rather thin, with long soft hair. Constantly pale, his face is so tender, as if a girl’s, with a child’s chin and blue eyes. Zheltkov is endowed with a sense of beauty, namely music.

Our hero is in love with Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, a woman of “aristocratic” appearance. Zheltkov believes that she is extraordinary and sophisticated. At first, Zheltkov wrote letters of a vulgar and, at the same time, wise nature. But after some time, he began to reveal his feelings in a more restrained, delicate manner. Every moment he sees the princess is dear to him like nothing else.

Zheltkov - he is the chosen one. That selflessness and selflessness of his love is truly as strong as death. She does not expect a reward; one can give one’s life for it. All women dream of such “eternal, holy” love.

Vera Nikolaevna can be considered the chosen one, since true, selfless love passed through her life. Unfortunately, unlike women, in the modern world men have become completely impoverished both in spirit and in body; But Zheltkov is far from being such. And the date scene proves this. Since he feels and understands people well, he immediately stopped paying attention to threats from Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Then, when this difficult conversation took place, Zheltkov was returned his own gift - an amazing garnet bracelet, a family heirloom, the hero showed a strong will. He decides that the only way out is to die, as he does not want to cause any inconvenience to his beloved. This was a farewell to life for him. His last words of gratitude to the princess for the fact that she is his only joy, his only consolation, were a wish for happiness for his beloved.

All this proves that Zheltkov is endowed with Kuprin’s nobility. This is not the image of a “small” man, poor in spirit, who was overcome by love. Saying goodbye to life, he turns out to be loving and strong selflessly.

Thus, an official, an “inconspicuous” man with a rather funny surname Zheltkov, for the sake of his beloved’s happiness, gave his life to God. Of course, the fact that he was possessed is true, but by what? High feeling! It cannot be considered a “disease”. This love is great, the one that fills life with meaning and preserves a person from the degeneration of morals. This is the love that only a select few deserve.

Yes, I foresee suffering, blood and death. And I think that it is difficult for the body to part with the soul, but, Beautiful One, praise to you, passionate praise and quiet love. "Hallowed be Thy name"...

In my sad dying hour, I pray only to you. Life could be wonderful for me too. Don't complain, poor heart, don't complain. In my soul I call upon death, but in my heart I am full of praise to you: “Hallowed be thy name”...

A. Kuprin

In the 20th century, in an era of cataclysms, during a period of political and social instability, when a new attitude towards universal human values ​​began to take shape, love often became the only moral category that survived in a collapsing and dying world. The theme of love became central in the works of many writers at the beginning of the century. It became one of the central themes in the work of A. I. Kuprin. Love in his works is always unselfish, selfless, it is not touched by “any of life’s conveniences, calculations and compromises.” But this love is always tragic, obviously doomed to suffering. Heroes pass away. But their feelings are stronger than death. Their feelings don't die. Is this why the images of “Olesya”, “The Duel”, “Shulamithi”, “Garnet Bracelet” remain in the memory for so long?

The story "Shulamith" (1908), written based on the biblical Song of Songs, presents Kuprin's ideal of love. He describes such “tender and fiery, devoted and beautiful love, which alone is more valuable than wealth, glory and wisdom, which is more valuable than life itself, because it does not even value life and is not afraid of death.” The story “The Garnet Bracelet” (1911) was intended to prove that such love exists in the modern world, and to refute the opinion expressed in the work by General Anosov, the grandfather of the main character: “... love among people has taken... vulgar forms and I simply descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment.” And men are to blame for this, “at twenty years old, jaded, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, of heroic deeds, of tenderness and adoration before love...”

Kuprin presented the story, which others perceive as an anecdote about a telegraph operator who fell in love, as a touching and sublime Song of Songs about true love.

The hero of the story is Zheltkov G.S. Pan Ezhiy is an official of the control chamber, a young man of pleasant appearance, “about thirty, thirty-five years old.” He is “tall, thin, with long fluffy, soft hair,” “very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle.” We learn that Zheltkov is musical and endowed with a sense of beauty. The spiritual appearance of the hero is revealed in his letters to Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, in a conversation with her husband on the eve of suicide, but he is most fully characterized by “seven years of hopeless and polite love.”

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, with whom the hero is in love, attracts with her “aristocratic” beauty, inherited from her mother, “with her tall flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen on ancient miniatures." Zheltkov considers her extraordinary, sophisticated and musical. He “began to pursue her with his love” two years before his marriage. When he first saw the princess in a box at the circus, he said to himself: “I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better, there is no animal, no plant, no star, no more beautiful... and more tender person.” ". He admits that since then he “has no interest in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people.” For Zheltkov, in Vera Nikolaevna “it’s as if all the beauty of the earth was embodied.” It is no coincidence that he constantly talks about God: “God was pleased to send me, as great happiness, love for you,” “love with which God was pleased to reward me for something.”

At first, Zheltkov’s letters to Princess Vera were of a “vulgar and curiously ardent” nature, “although they were quite chaste.” But over time, he began to reveal his feelings more restrainedly and delicately: “I blush at the memory of my audacity seven years ago, when I dared to write stupid and wild letters to you, young lady... Now only awe, eternal admiration remains in me and slavish devotion." “For me, my whole life lies only in you,” writes Zheltkov to Vera Nikolaevna. In this life, every moment is precious to him when he sees the princess or watches her with excitement at a ball or in the theater. When he leaves this life, he burns everything dear to his heart: Vera’s handkerchief, which she forgot at the ball in the Noble Assembly, her note asking “not to bother her anymore with your outpourings of love,” the program for the art exhibition that the princess held in her hand, and then I forgot it on the chair when leaving.

Knowing full well that his feelings are unrequited, Zheltkov hopes and is “even sure” that someday Vera Nikolaevna will remember him. She, without knowing it, hurts him painfully, pushes him to suicide, uttering the phrase in a telephone conversation: “Oh, if you only knew how tired I am of this whole story. Please stop it as soon as possible.” Nevertheless, in his farewell letter, the hero “from the depths of his soul” thanks Vera Nikolaevna for the fact that she was his “only joy in life, the only consolation.” He wishes her happiness and that “nothing temporary or worldly should disturb” her “beautiful soul.”

Zheltkov is the chosen one. His love is “selfless, selfless, not expecting reward...”. The one about which it is said “strong as death”... the kind of love “for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy...”. In his own words, this love was sent to him by God. He loves, and his feeling “contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe!” Every woman, in the depths of her heart, dreams of such love - “holy, pure, eternal... unearthly,” “united, all-forgiving, ready for anything.”

And Vera Nikolaevna is also the chosen one, because it was her life’s path that was “crossed” by real, “modest and selfless” true love. And if “almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love,” then men in the modern world, unfortunately, have become impoverished in spirit and body; But Zheltkov is not like that. The date scene reveals many aspects of this person's character. At first he is lost (“jumped up, ran to the window, fiddling with his hair”), admits that now “the most difficult moment has come” in his life, and his whole appearance testifies to indescribable mental anguish: he speaks with Shein and Tuganovsky “with only his jaws” , and his lips are “white... like a dead man’s.” But self-control quickly returns to him, Zheltkov again regains the gift of speech and the ability to reason sensibly. As a sensitive person who knows how to understand people, he immediately rebuffed Nikolai Nikolaevich, stopped paying attention to his stupid threats, but in Vasily Lvovich he recognized an intelligent, understanding person, capable of listening to his confession. During this meeting, when a difficult conversation took place with the husband and brother of his beloved and Zheltkov was returned his gift - a wonderful garnet bracelet, a family heirloom, which he calls a “modest loyal offering,” the hero demonstrated a strong will.

After calling Vera Nikolaevna, he decided that he had only one way out - to die, so as not to cause any more inconvenience to his beloved. This step was the only possible one, because his whole life was centered around his beloved, and now he is denied even the last little thing: to stay in the city, “so that he can see her at least occasionally, of course, without showing his face to her.” Zheltkov understands that life away from Vera Nikolaevna will not bring relief from “sweet delirium,” because wherever he is, his heart will remain at the feet of his beloved, “every moment of the day” will be filled with Her, the thought of Her, dreams of Her. Having made this difficult decision, Zheltkov finds the strength to explain himself. His excitement is revealed by his behavior (“he has ceased to act like a gentleman”) and his speech, which becomes businesslike, categorical and harsh. “That’s all,” said Zheltkov, smiling arrogantly. “You will never hear from me again and, of course, you will never see me again... It seems that I did everything I could?”

For the hero, farewell to Vera Nikolaevna is farewell to life. It is no coincidence that Princess Vera, bending over the deceased to place a rose, notices that “deep importance” is hidden in his closed eyes, and his lips smile “blissfully and serenely, as if he, before parting with life, had learned some deep and sweet secret that had resolved his entire human life." Zheltkov’s last words are words of gratitude for the fact that the princess was his “only joy in life, the only consolation, the only thought,” a wish for the happiness of his beloved and the hope that she will fulfill his last request: to perform the Sonata in D major No. 2, op. 2.

All of the above convinces us that the image of Zheltkov, painted by Kuprin with such nobility and enlightened love, is not the image of a “small”, pitiful, defeated by love, poor in spirit person. No, when he passes away, Zheltkov remains strong and selflessly loving. He reserves the right to choose and protects his human dignity. Even Vera Nikolaevna’s husband understood how deep this man’s feeling was and treated him with respect: “I will say that he loved you, and was not crazy at all,” Shein reports after meeting Zheltkov. “I didn’t take my eyes off him.” and saw every movement, every change of his face. And for him there was no life without you. It seemed to me that I was present at the enormous suffering from which people die."

An inconspicuous official, a “little man” with a funny surname Zheltkov, performed a feat of self-sacrifice in the name of the happiness and tranquility of his beloved woman. Yes, he was obsessed, but obsessed with a high feeling. It was “not a disease, not a manic idea.” It was love - great and poetic, filling life with meaning and content, saving man and humanity itself from moral degeneration. Love that only a select few are capable of. Love, “which every woman dreams of... love that repeats itself only once in a thousand years”...

The dramatic events that happened to the main characters will not leave anyone indifferent. Unrequited love took the life of a wonderful man who was unable to come to terms with the fact that he could never be with the woman he loved. The image and characterization of Zheltkov in the story “Garnet Bracelet” is key. From his example you can see that true love exists regardless of time and era.

Zheltkov- the main character of the work. Full name unknown. There is an assumption that his name was George. The man always signed documents with the three letters G.S.ZH. Works as an official. For many years he has been unrequitedly in love with Vera Sheina, a married lady.


A young man about 35 years old.

“...he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old...”

Thin, emaciated. Tall. Long, soft hair hung down over her shoulders. Zheltkov looks sick. Perhaps this is due to the overly pale complexion.

“very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle...”

The official wore a light mustache with a reddish tint. Thin, nervous fingers were in constant motion, which betrayed nervousness and imbalance.


Zheltkov was a wonderful person. Well-mannered, tactful, modest. Over the years that he rented an apartment, he became almost a son to the landlady.

The man did not have his own family. There is only a brother.

Not rich. He lived very modestly, not allowing himself any excesses. The salary of a minor official was not high, there was not much to go around.

Decent. Noble.

“I immediately recognized you as a noble person...”

Honest. Sincere. You can always rely on people like him. He won't let you down, he won't deceive you. Incapable of betrayal.

Loves music. Favorite composer Beethoven.

Love in Zheltkov's life

Several years ago, Zheltkov fell in love with Vera after seeing her at the opera. At that time she was not married. He didn't have the courage to verbally admit his feelings. He wrote letters to her, but Vera asked not to bother her anymore. She really didn't like his importunity. Instead of a reciprocal feeling, a wave of irritation rose in the woman. He fell silent for a while, not making any mention of himself, until the time came for Vera’s name day celebration. At the holiday, she receives an expensive gift, the sender of which was the hopelessly in love Zheltkov. With his gift, he showed that feelings had not cooled down. Only now did he understand everything and realize that the letters were stupid and impudent. He repented and asked for forgiveness. Faith became the meaning of life for him. He couldn't breathe without her. She is the only joy that brightens up gray everyday life. His letter was read by Vera’s husband and brother. At the family council, it was decided to stop his love impulses by returning the bracelet and asking him not to disturb their family anymore. Vera herself told him about this over the phone. This was a heavy blow for the poor guy. He could not bear it, deciding to die forever, choosing a terrible method for this - suicide.