She is moving towards her goal. Whatever happens - go! About goals in quotes and aphorisms. Sayings of great people about achievements in life


There are times in our lives when it seems like the world has turned its back on us: work isn’t going well, opportunities slip through our fingers, one trouble is replaced by another, and the desire to give up everything, move away and never return is brewing.

I have compiled a list of 20 reasons that I hope will give you the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward despite all the challenges. After all, it often happens that people stop fighting and give up, being just one step away from their cherished goal.

1. Remember: as long as you are alive, anything is possible.

There is only one good reason to stop fighting for your goals and dreams - death. As long as you are alive, healthy and free, you have every opportunity to continue. And do this until you achieve them.

2. Stay realistic

The chance of mastering something the first time is negligible. It takes time (sometimes a lot of time) to learn something, acquire the right skills and understand how to apply them correctly.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

3. Be persistent like Michael Jordan.

Michael is perhaps the best athlete in the history of basketball. He himself says that his path to the pinnacle of fame lay through constant failures. And his whole secret was that he never gave up and never gave up. He did not give up even when he realized that he had missed more than 300 shots, and many times he failed the last decisive shot that he was entrusted with making. Every time Michael fell, he found the strength to rise again.

4. Learn the will to live from Lance Armstrong

Doctors diagnosed cyclist Lance Armstrong, and the disease was gradually killing him. However, Lance found the strength and faith to defeat her. Moreover, after his recovery, he became the only athlete to finish first in the overall Tour de France six times in a row.

5. Remember the story of the person whose action inspired the idea of ​​the marathon

In ancient times, when the Persians landed on the shores of Greece, an envoy was sent to Sparta to ask for help in fighting the Persians. All hope was placed on this envoy, because there were simply no other ways of communication and help.

Legend has it that this man covered a distance of 240 kilometers on his own feet in just two days. And a little later he ran another 40 kilometers to announce the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. True, after that he died on the spot.

When your challenges seem too difficult and you feel like giving up, remember this story and think about the superhuman efforts that first marathon runner had to make to cover such a distance in such a short time. Don't try to repeat what he did, but use this story for inspiration.

6. Pull yourself out of rock bottom like Chris Gardner

Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”? It is based on true events in the life of Chris Gardner. This is a man who was able to pull himself out from the very bottom of a miserable life, when there was no work, no housing, no food. And yet, Chris found the strength not to give up where many other people would have given up, and to achieve his goal. He became .

If thoughts about quitting creep into your head, I recommend watching the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith.

7. Be resilient like Kanye West

Surely you have heard about this famous rap artist. Read his biography, I'm sure it will inspire you. This is the story of surviving with very little to survive and becoming one of the most famous and respected people in the world.

8. Stay true to your principles like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous human rights activists in South Africa. His life story is impressive in that he spent 27 years in prison for his political views, which he chose not to renounce even in exchange for freedom.

9. Know that you are strong

You are stronger than you think. One small obstacle cannot and should not stop you from achieving your goals, just like the next 10, 20 or even 100 obstacles.

10. Prove to yourself that you can

It is unlikely that you want to be remembered as a person who is weak and unable to realize himself. Go, prove to yourself and the whole world that you can, that you are worthy and will definitely achieve your goals, no matter what. The only way for you to lose is to give up yourself.

11. Have you done this before?

If someone has already done what you have in mind before you, then you can do it too. Even if there is only one person in the world who could do it, this is already strong evidence that you can do it too.

12. Believe in your dream

Don't sell yourself short! There will be many more people in life who will want to keep you where you are now. They will convince you that you have conceived the impossible and you need to face the truth. My advice to you: don't let anyone ruin yours.

13. Family and friends need you

Let the people you love and close to you become a source of inspiration and motivation to force yourself to move on. Try and don’t give up for them if you don’t find a reason to do it for yourself.

14. Don't give up because I ask you to.

15. There are people in worse situations

There are many people right now who are in a much more difficult situation than you. So, when you wake up thinking about canceling your morning run, remember how many people in the world cannot even walk and how much they are willing to give to be able to run every morning.

So take advantage of the amazing opportunity that you have to live life to the fullest.

16. "Get Rich or Die"

This phrase belongs to Curtis Jackson (50 Cent). 50 Cent is rich and self-made. And the fact that he was shot nine times did not stop him. Face your fears and don't take the easy route, which usually means giving up.

17. Let your enemies hate you

There will always be those who will. There will always be a lot of naysayers and people who will try to drag you down with them. Ignore them and don't take what they say to heart. Let the skeptics doubt, but continue to believe in yourself.

18. You deserve happiness

Never let anyone convince you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and successful. Stick to this position and never doubt it until you achieve your cherished goal.

19. Inspire others

Be an example for others as a person who never gives up under any circumstances. Who knows what someone else could achieve just by looking at you one day and also deciding to never give up.

20. You never know how close you are to success.

Many people gave up, not even suspecting that they were just one step away from success. No one knows for sure when success will come. Perhaps this will happen tomorrow, or maybe in a year or two. But if you stop, stop trying and give up, you will not achieve it in 10 years, or even by the end of your life.

The next time you want to give up everything, think, because it may very well be that success is waiting for you just around the next corner.

All that is required of you is not to give up!

Almost every adult had a dream in childhood. In the early years, she helped to survive difficult moments and set goals that were to be realized in adulthood. But did they all come true?

Let's find out why people betray their dreams, and whether you really need to dream in order to become a happy person.

What is a dream, and what is its role in a person’s life?

A dream is an intangible concept, but a figurative one, so it is impossible to say what it represents for each individual person.

Some people dream of a strong and friendly family, while others dream of a new car. Both are called dreams, which determine the degree of satisfaction with human life.

But I will still try to give the dream at least some general definition.

It seems to me that a dream is a visualization of what you want, a life goal that should bring happiness and bright colors to life.

A dream largely shapes a person’s purpose in life. After all, only by dreaming about something can you achieve what you really want.

Not dreaming means not striving for anything, not “burning” for anything. Perhaps this is true for some people, because they have everything that thousands of people dream of. But this does not mean that they do not have dreams. Most likely it exists, it’s just completely different from the others.

There are a large number of people living in the world who do not see much need to dream. Why strive for something unattainable? - they think.

But you need to strive. Because both those who have lost their dream and those who have never seen it are equally unhappy people. Of course, this definition is very conditional, but still.

Just remember your childhood. I’m sure you dreamed, and your dreams seemed much simpler than they are now. And all because in childhood we do not draw boundaries in our heads that do not allow us to move on. In childhood, we because we know that it will definitely come true if you really want it.

So why do you need a dream? To fill your life with meaning, emotions, make it purposeful and something you will be proud of.

In this case, the situation before and after achieving a dream has a significant difference.


A measured, rational life, often devoid of all colors, goals and desires.

A life full of hope and meaning, purposeful, striving for the best and what is desired.

What does a person need to achieve their dreams?

Although coming up with a dream is not too difficult, achieving it can be very difficult.

The thing is that a dream is, although the initial stage of a goal, it requires incredible effort and patience on the way to achieving it.

Dreaming does not mean drawing in your head the desired shape of your future life and believing that sooner or later it will be achieved.

Dreaming means working, and not just doing your usual work day after day. And every new day, look for ways to achieve your goal. There will be many obstacles on this path and you will have to work hard to achieve what you want. But only in this case will you be able to achieve what you want.

And that is why many dreams remain dreams. Many people betray their dreams, preferring the easy path.

9 main factors why people personally betray their dreams

In order to understand why many dreams remain unfulfilled, I will first tell you about the reasons that push a person to give up what he wants from within. Perhaps among them you will meet one that does not allow you to move on.
Opinion of others (disapproval, ridicule, envy)I am sure that once you spoke about your goal, you could face criticism from others. Someone said that the dream is too unattainable, and someone even assured you that your ideas are complete nonsense. But do you think the same as those around you? Remember, most people have insecurities and envy, so you may only have a couple of friends on your path to success. Be prepared for this, and do not be led by talk that another job is more prestigious, or that they teach better at another university. Trust yourself first.
DiffidenceNot all people are familiar with what praise and self-confidence are. Do you feel like you can't achieve what you want? There is a risk, of course. But does a person have to be a failure? And how can you talk about failure if you haven’t tried yet? The first skill on the path to achieving your dreams is self-confidence. Only you can believe in yourself enough to “bypass” all obstacles.
Bad experience in the pastHaving tried once and failed, it will be very difficult to start again. But it will be more reliable. You have already learned a certain lesson, you have learned from past mistakes. Bad experiences from the past are not a reason to leave everything behind.
Fear (of failure, success)Going towards your goal is always a little scary. You may not succeed, everything may “disappear” in the middle of the path. But those who don't take risks don't drink champagne, right?
LazinessLaziness is perhaps the worst enemy of dreams. I understand that dreaming and going towards a dream are opposite things, and stopping being lazy and taking the first step is sometimes harder than doing a job you don’t like every day. But laziness is a barrier that a person sets on his own. Therefore, you will also have to clean it yourself.
Lack of educationIf you have dreamed of building a business all your life, but you have, say, a pedagogical education, it will not be easy to learn everything. But the main thing is the desire to achieve something. Fortunately, we live in a time when it is not too late to study even after 50 years. So lack of education is also a boundary chosen by a person.
Lack of experienceTo succeed at anything, you need experience. I will even say this: sometimes it is much more necessary than specialized education. But what is experience? That's right, it's what you learn while doing an activity. Therefore, experience will never appear until you start moving in a certain direction.
Decreased interestMany people give up on their dreams, not because they were scared, but because they lost interest in the matter. Let’s say you started moving towards a goal, but you don’t like the ways to achieve it so much that the dream is no longer attractive. Well, it happens. A dream can change, this is a natural process.
Psychological exhaustionHave you been pursuing your dream for years, but still no results? It is likely that this situation has exhausted you, and you no longer have the strength to do anything. This, of course, is very sad, but sometimes a person cannot psychologically cope with the problem, and therefore betrays his dream.

What do all of these reasons have in common? That's right, they all come from the human subconscious. Both the fact that you are embarrassed by the opinions of others and the fact that you are unsure of yourself are all your imaginary boundaries.

So, why do people most often betray their dreams? Because they limit themselves without giving them a chance to succeed.

Is it possible to influence this? Of course you can. Gather your will, believe in yourself, and slowly begin to move towards your dream. The path ahead will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

But do all the reasons depend on the person? Unfortunately no.

TOP 3 circumstances “from outside”, why people betray their dreams

Since you are aimed at achieving your dream, you definitely need to know that you can betray it at the most unexpected moment, and not at all because you wanted it yourself.

There are reasons that force you to give up your dreams, and you should remember them.

So, the following factors can become an obstacle to your dream:

    Lack of resources.

    Let's say you want to build a large enterprise. To do this, you need material resources that you do not have. To find them, you approach investors by providing them with a rosy but objective business plan.

    It is likely that you will not find like-minded people, and you will have to abandon the idea. Here a lot depends on your own luck and on your ability to convince investors or other sponsors.

    State of health.

    Unfortunately, health often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to success, which is sometimes impossible to overcome.

    Let me give you this example: you spent half your life pursuing the dream of becoming a famous sports champion, but an accident in which you injured your leg put an end to your sports career. Here all that remains is to voluntarily leave the dream, or change it.

    Unfavorable economic situation.

    Let's say you started a business, but were unable to recoup your investment. Perhaps it’s not your fault, it’s all due to the crisis that just overtook the country.

    Of course, you can look for new ways and approaches to doing business, but be prepared for another fiasco.

As you can see, there are reasons why people are forced to give up their dreams, because at a certain stage it becomes impossible to rely on them.

Such reasons are a kind of risks that exist in any field of activity.

Note: The presence of risks is not a reason to give up everything. You need to know these reasons not in order not to deliberately not start the path to your dream, but to foresee obstacles on this path in advance and cope with them with dignity.

Betraying a dream and consciously abandoning it: is there a difference?

At first glance, it may seem that any refusal of a dream, regardless of the reason, is a betrayal of one’s desires.

But in reality, situations are different, and sometimes a person voluntarily gives up his dream so as not to reach a dead end or harm himself and his loved ones.

Sometimes a dream exhausts a person, and he lacks strength, patience, and perseverance. In such a situation, the dream becomes irrational, it begins to harm.

To prevent this from continuing, a person consciously abandons what he dreamed of in favor of what is more important or dear to him.

This is not betrayal, but reasonable behavior. And who said that there can only be one dream in life? If you give up on one, you can devote yourself and your energy to another dream. This will not mean that you chickened out or were weak-willed. This way you won’t betray your dream, but just change it a little.

An example from life when a person can voluntarily leave a former dream

One of my close friends was an extreme sports fan from childhood, so when she chose the profession of a stuntwoman, no one was surprised.

She confidently walked towards her dream, and was very happy about it. But a trivial incident changed everything - she met a young man, fell in love with him and got married. Soon she had a baby.

After that, she gave up her dream of working as a professional stuntwoman. But not because she betrayed her or was cowardly. It’s just that motherhood has become much more important to her than dangerous stunts. As a result, she changed her dream a little, becoming a professional trainer. So she protected her life and continued on her way in her favorite direction.

How to achieve what you want? Motivational video:

How to dream correctly so as not to betray your dream?

It cannot be said that some have the right dream, while others do not. But if you move towards it consistently, you have a much better chance of achieving what you want.

Step 1: Define your dream.If you already have spaces, be more specific. For example, if you dream of well-being, then explain to yourself what it should consist of: a house, a car or a successful business. If you don’t have a dream yet, then fantasize a little, and as an option, remember your childhood desires.
Step 2. Think about what you need to achieve your dream.Perhaps you need education or work experience, professional advice or specialist advice. Think about these points in advance so you know where to start.
Step 3. Assess the risks.In any business there are certain risks. To protect yourself from them, think about them prematurely and come up with a plan B - just in case.
Step 4. Draw a step-by-step action plan.If you are ready to start achieving what you want, describe your steps sequentially so as not to waste time on this as you progress.
Step 5. Start acting on your wishes.Once your dream is defined and the steps are outlined, start taking action. But remember, in the process of achieving your dreams, your desires may change slightly. Don’t be afraid to move away from your dream; perhaps your next idea will be even better than the previous one.

I hope now you can clearly see why people sometimes give up on their dreams. Very often this happens due to one’s own insecurity, although there are also frequent cases of influence from external factors.

Be that as it may, don't give up prematurely. A dream is long and hard work on yourself. I'm sure you will be able to achieve it!

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When a person dreams, when a person has a desire to fulfill his dreams of a wonderful future, he will achieve success and be able to make his dreams come true. In order to become a happy, successful person, you must, in addition to dreams and desires, persistently strive for your goals.

For all people, both rich and poor, there are 24 hours in a day. But everyone uses this time in their own way. Some people want to become even richer and happier, others, on the contrary, create even more problems for themselves. And, as you already know, many currently rich people began to create their wealth without having a penny to their name, and sometimes even without education.

They had a great desire to become happy, rich, successful and they realized their desires. They didn't give up on their dreams. They put them into practice. They had the tenacity and confidence to succeed. They were not broken by temporary setbacks and obstacles, they did not become despondent, they did not blame others, they persistently and purposefully pursued their goals. And they became happy. They achieved what they wanted. They made their dreams come true. Who is stopping you from doing this? Do you know the answer? It is simple to the point of banality. You yourself are preventing yourself from becoming a happy and successful person.

A person creates his own destiny with the help of thoughts, words, emotions, actions and attitude towards himself and the world around him. And if a person ridicules the methods of creating a new reality, if a person stubbornly claims that this is nonsense, if a person does not believe that he can become happy and successful, and that with the help of thoughts and reason one can change life, then so be it, because he is convinced that he is right. And this conviction of his is an impenetrable shield for the coming of happiness and good luck.

How can you get something you don’t believe exists? Faith and confidence work wonders. And a person makes another mistake when he says that as soon as the opportunity to change the situation arises, he will use it. But this is a mistaken opinion. It was at that moment when the desire to change the situation appeared and it was necessary to change it, because this is the most wonderful time for change. A necessary condition for obtaining the desired results is to direct your energy to the implementation of your plans, and not to doubts. Don't entertain doubts with your energy. Feed what you create with your energy.

My success is consistent with the deeper meaning of my life.
I find the definition of success in my own heart.
My abilities and talents are increasing, reaching maturity and perfection.

Sometimes a person begins to say that he has understood a lot, and now wants to change his life. When asked what actions he took, how he tried to change the situation, most people answer that they did nothing and did not undertake anything. They didn't even try to change anything about themselves and their lives. They again rely on someone, they are too lazy to take responsibility for their destiny, and they are also too lazy to work to create their new reality. So why do they dislike themselves so much? They don’t like the way they live, they dream of becoming happy, but they do nothing for it.

They are looking for excuses, there is no time, or what if it doesn’t work out. Try it first, if you sincerely want to change yourself and your life, it will work. To get where you want, you need to hit the road, take actions, and strive for your destination. So what's the deal? Happiness is not sold in a store, it is created through hard work and determination of a person. But again, a person must work himself, and create comfortable, prosperous living conditions for himself, and not entrust his fate to strangers. This is your life and you, only you can know specifically what you really want for yourself.

Every moment is a moment of creation that contains endless possibilities.
Every moment brings me new discoveries and new solutions.
My income is increasing every day.

Sometimes a person does not do what he likes, but what brings in at least some income. Doing something that is not what one would like, a person sometimes lives a different life in his dreams, imagining himself as a different person, there, in the transcendental distances of his desires, he is completely different, there he is doing well, he is doing what he loves, he is accompanied by luck and success. But, having dreamed, a person stubbornly sets a policy, a ban on the realization of his desires. He closes the doors leading to the realization of his dreams.

But why? What prevents him from making his dreams come true, from realizing what he dreams of, what he desires. And there is only one answer - he himself is an insurmountable obstacle to the desired changes in his life. He is afraid of change. After all, then you’ll have to quit the job that pays at least something.

What to live on?... And everything like that. Those. Having dreamed, he immediately says that these are just empty dreams and they are not destined to come true. And note that it is not someone who tells the person, not someone who interferes and makes efforts, creating unimaginable obstacles in achieving goals, but the person himself creates obstacles for himself, placing a ban on the fulfillment of what he wants. He didn’t even set a goal for himself, he just timidly thought about something, but he had already created images of fear for himself, he seemed to be afraid of his own desires.

Only a person who persistently pursues his goal and does not betray himself and his dreams can reach heights. And if you want to know the life stories of those who have already achieved success, fame, wealth, then you will find out that before becoming rich and famous, receiving an income of millions of dollars, the same Disney, Ford, went through poverty and bankruptcy. But, firmly believing in themselves and their strengths, in the fact that they could achieve what they were striving for, they were able to achieve what they wanted.

Before becoming a winner, a person many times finds himself in the role of a loser; doubts, and sometimes even attacks of despair, force a person to choose whether to continue or abandon goals that seemed to lead to success, but have so far produced nothing but disappointment and negative results. Someone turned out to be weak and, betraying himself and his dreams, abandoned what seemed desirable.

And someone persistently walked towards the goal, and this perseverance, devotion to their dreams and desires, to themselves, to their goals always lead a person to victory, make him a Winner. Which path will you choose? This is your life, and you decide what it, this life of yours, will be.

Back in 1990 (give or take), a girl was sitting in the Siberian town of Irkutsk. She was eight years old, and most of all she dreamed of seeing the world. She dreamed of going to Disneyland, which her mother could not afford. She dreamed of Italy, Holland, Paris. Without even understanding exactly what she wants to see there. She dreamed of touching an elephant and feeding a giraffe. She dreamed of swimming with a dolphin and seeing a whale. She wanted to see many new countries and cities. But.

She's eight years old. She lives in Irkutsk. Together with . At that time, my mother worked at the Computing Center - this is a scientific institute. They were recently given a destroyed two-room apartment, and my mother put it in order on her own. They have little money, so they usually buy two cucumbers for a week. And the girl loves cucumbers very much, and her favorite food is salad - like a dessert... The girl doesn’t have a lot of outfits; her mother most often alters her dresses for her. And they are the most beautiful and beloved! Mom does the best she can for her daughter.

She doesn't have many toys. But she has a bicycle, which her mother managed to buy by hook or by crook! But in the very first summer, some clever people twisted some piece of iron from the wheel, and the bicycle lived on the balcony for a long time. In winter they rented skates...

Her friends dream of real Barbies, of dresses not made in the Soviet Union, of princes. And she dreams of seeing the world with her own eyes. And leave this small town forever.

She very rarely leaves her city - to neighboring ones, to visit relatives. Mom works all the time. There is no money for travel. Even in the USSR. And my mother’s values ​​are completely different.

In general, the ordinary life of a small family is still in the USSR. And then it will be even more fun. Yes, a girl. And mom carries everything alone...

Well, tell me, what dreams can there be? That's why the girl was silent. She said a couple of times that she would marry a Dutchman, and everyone laughed. She didn't say anything else.

But is it possible to stop dreaming about what attracts you so much? Later in her life there will be hikes in the surrounding mountains and trips to nearby Baikal. But dreams will not disappear anywhere...

She will dream of a beautiful wedding, and of little wonderful children, and of a big noisy family where she will never be lonely... And about travel. Of course about travel! Is this real in the mind of a child who grew up behind the Iron Curtain?

In her reality of 1990, all this is unrealistic. Such a girl cannot have her dream of Disneyland come true, no matter how much she herself wants to give her the best. A real elephant cannot happen - only a tortured animal in a circus... What kind of large family can there be in such conditions and with such a scenario?

I should probably tell her to give up all these dreams and come back to reality. Study, work, achieve everything on your own...

And I want to approach her. Go to that girl at the window of the Khrushchev building, behind which is an ordinary Irkutsk courtyard, take her hand. And tell her:

"Never! Do you hear? Never!…. never give up your dreams!!!” - and hug her. This little Olya. Who so badly wanted something completely different from what others dreamed of.

Olenka, honey, all this will happen. And a real elephant, and a giraffe, and a penguin, and horses, cows, dolphins, whales, rhinoceroses, zebras... And you can feel it, touch it, and ride it. You will visit so many different countries! You will see with your own eyes the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and the statue of Christ in Rio... And there will be outfits and dolls.

AND . Where you, like your mother then, will try to give everything to each child, give the maximum, the best. And they will touch elephants and giraffes with you...

Don't give up your dreams! , do you hear? They are given to you for a reason, they show the way. This is how you can find yourself and your place in this world. It is travel that will reveal to you the depths of your own heart. They are the ones who will strengthen your family and help your special son come out of his shell. They will inspire you to be creative. You will definitely see the world!

Let the dream seem unrealistic now. Let it be “impossible”, “wrong” and “no one does that”. If there is a dream, it is not by chance.

Go towards your dreams. Don't run away from them. Be brave! It will not be easy, you will have to make an effort - and a lot. But it's worth it.

Don't give up on your dreams!

Olga Valyaeva

Hello my friend!

In this article you will find a list of the 100 best quotes from great people about success and achievements in life. To put them together, I spent more than one year of my life reading books and listening to speeches by outstanding minds of the past and present.

Let's get started.

The best quotes from great people about success

1. Start every morning by reading the list of the richest people. If you're not there, get to work. R. Orben

2. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population. Donald Trump

3. Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down. Ray Bradbury

4. I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence. Steve Jobs

5. Success is being on time. M. Tsvetaeva

6. To swim against the current, the fish must be strong; even a dead fish can swim with the current. John Crow Ransom

7. To achieve success, you need to do only 2 things: clearly define what you really want, and then pay the required amount for it all. Nelson Bunker Hunt

8. Dreams are like stars... you may never reach them, but if you strive for them, they will lead you to your destiny. Gail Deavers

9. If you want to be better than others, then get ready to do what others don’t want to do. Michael Phelps

10. The sleeper will get nothing but dreams.

11. If you are not ready to work, then you are ready to lose. Mark Spitz

12. If it’s hard for you, it means you’re climbing a mountain. If it's easy for you, then you're flying into the abyss. Henry Ford

13. Dream big: only great dreams have the power to touch human souls. Marcus Aurelius

14. I want this. So it will be. Henry Ford

15. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

16. There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Ray Goforth

17. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - don't be afraid to repeat mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt

18. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to get. Tibor Fischer

19. I never suffered defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison

20. It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to change. Charles Darwin

21. The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. Unknown author

22. All progress happens outside. Michael John Bobak

24. Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. However, you may have to work hard for this. Richard Bach

Sayings of great people about achievements in life

1. Celebrating victories is great, but learning from defeats is more important. Bill Gates

2. Don't be ashamed of failures, learn from them and start again. Richard Branson

3. Success is not the end, failure is not fatal if you have enough courage to move on. Winston Churchill

4. Fear of failure is the only thing that prevents your dreams from coming true. Paulo Coelho

5. Pain is temporary, but if you retreat, it will haunt you forever. Lance Armstrong

6. We are all losers - at least the best of us. J.M. Barry

7. The real mistake is the one that didn’t teach us anything. Henry Ford

8. The memory that I will die soon is the only thing that has always allowed me to make important life decisions. Because almost everything - expectations, pride, fear and shame - fades in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Steve Jobs

9. I can accept defeat, we all make mistakes at some point. But I can't stop trying. Michael Jordan

10. Failure should be your teacher, not your gravedigger. Failure is a delay, not a complete defeat. This is a bypass road, not a dead end. Failure can only be avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing. Denis Whately

11. Winners are not afraid to lose, but losers are. Failure is an integral part of the process. Those who avoid failure also avoid success. Robert Kiyosaki

12. Failures are very important. We talk about success all the time, but it is the ability to survive failure that usually leads to great achievements. I've met people who didn't do anything because they were afraid of failure. J. K. Rowling

13. Brilliant people don't make mistakes. They do everything consciously, trying to make a discovery. James Joyce

14. We must admit that we do not always make the right decisions - sometimes we screw up royally, not realizing that failure is not the other side of success, but an integral part of it. Arianna Huffington

15. Success is built not on success, but on failures, on dissatisfaction with oneself, sometimes even on disasters. Sumner Redstone

16. Failures happen every day. You become a better person if you respond to them correctly. Mia Hamm

17. When we allow ourselves to make a mistake, we thereby give ourselves opportunities for improvement. Eloise Rystad

18. Study while others sleep, work while others rest, be ready while others relax and dream while others cry. William Arthur Ward

19. Half of the people give up on the path to their goal because no one told them: “I believe in you, you will succeed!”

20. There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

21. The only brake on the path to our tomorrow's achievements is our doubts today. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

22. A bullet that whistles an inch from the target is as useless as one that did not leave the muzzle. James Fenimore Cooper

23. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning. Paulo Coelho

24. Give a person a purpose for which to live, and he will be able to survive in any situation. Johann Goethe

25. Do you know what our most common mistake is? We give up quickly. We quickly abandon the goal, justifying it with the banal “what can you do, it’s not fate.”

But sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to try one more time. Knock, come back, try a second time... And even if it doesn’t work out again, don’t waste time on self-torture.

You cannot dwell not only on what has been achieved, but also on what has not been achieved. To get to your goal, you must first walk. Elchin Safarli

26. Whatever the goal, it cannot be achieved until a person casts aside fear and takes off. Richard Branson

27. Everyone gets tired on the way to their goal. Even the strongest. Only they, unlike the others, continue to walk towards the goal in silence, gritting their teeth.

28. The longer you go towards your goal, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step for you.

29. Whatever happens - go! Every day you are closer and closer to your goal!

30. A person needs dreams no less than air. However, dreams do not need to be breathed - they need to be turned into reality. Small steps, great efforts, overcoming hundreds of difficulties. The main thing is not to stop. Elchin Safarli

31. By choosing erroneous definitions of a dream, we follow a phantom goal along a false road that has no final destination. Marina Matisse

32. is the first step towards turning dreams into reality. Tony Robbins

33. Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. Richard Bach

34. If you don’t have dreams and goals in life, then you will have to work for someone who does.

35. Dream. Imagine the goal, and most importantly, how you achieve it. Visualize your path to achieving your goal step by step. And at the end, when you have reached your goal, imagine these sensations. These emotions will give you hope.

36. Not a single ship leaves the port without a clear route. Dream and goal - your route!

37. It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.

38. A goal differs from a dream only in the amount of paper used.

39. Yesterday is a dream, today is a goal, tomorrow is reality.

40. A goal without a plan is just a dream. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

41. The strong make a dream a goal, the weak make a goal a dream.

42. Steps turn dreams into goals.

43. Any dreams come true when desires turn into goals.

44. Action distinguishes a goal from a dream. Make your dream a goal and start taking action!

45. Dreams are destined to come true. You just need to replace the words: “dream” with “goal”, “desire” with “task”, “aspiration” with “action”.

46. ​​Go to sleep with a dream, wake up with a goal!

47. In the life of every person there are two most important days: the first is when he was born, and the second is when he realized why. William Barclay

48. If the whole purpose of our life consisted in our personal happiness, and our personal happiness consisted only in love alone, then life would truly be a dark desert... But praise to eternal reason, praise to protective providence! There is also a great world of life for man, besides the inner world of the heart - the world of historical contemplation and social activity. Vissarion Belinsky

49. It is necessary to set yourself a definite goal in life... Of course, you must have enough common sense to set yourself tasks within your capabilities. Nikolay Ostrovsky

50. If only people knew that the goal of humanity is not material progress, that this progress is inevitable growth, and there is one goal - the good of all people. Lev Tolstoy

Quotes about goals

1. Striving forward is the goal of life. Let your whole life be an aspiration, and then there will be highly beautiful hours in it. Maksim Gorky

2. Our whole life is a desire for a goal. From beginning to end, it is presented in the form of a hierarchy of goals, some of which are subordinated to others as means. There are goals that are desirable not in themselves, but for the sake of something else: for example, you need to work in order to eat and drink. But there is also a goal that is desirable in itself. Each of us has something infinitely dear for which he lives. Everyone, consciously or unconsciously, presupposes a goal or value for which it is certainly worth living. This goal, or what is also the meaning of life, is an irremovable assumption, necessarily connected with life as such, and that is why no failures can stop humanity in the search for this meaning. Evgeny Trubetskoy

3. The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal. Maksim Gorky

4. To the extent that a man spends himself for a great purpose, to the same extent he finds the highest happiness in his work. Booker Washington T.

5. Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing more than a desire for good. Lev Tolstoy

6. Life is boring without a moral goal, it is not worth living just to eat, the worker knows this - therefore, a moral occupation is necessary for life. Fedor Dostoevsky

7. First, don't do anything without a reason or purpose. Secondly, don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit society. Marcus Aurelius

8. A mind that has no definite goal is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere. Michel de Montaigne

9. A person grows as his goals grow. Friedrich Schiller