Olga Romanovskaya is a boxing champion. Former member of the VIA Gra group Olga Koryagina: her biography, career and family


In April on the TV channel "Friday" starts new season program "Revizorro", where instead of Elena Letuchaya, she will travel around the cities of Russia and pass judgment on restaurants and hotels, checking them for compliance with sanitary norms and service standards, there will be a new presenter - Olga Romanovskaya. The filming of the first episodes took place the other day, and Olga shared her emotions from working on the show. According to Romanovskaya, these shooting days caused her mixed emotions: confusion, excitement and great excitement.

I still didn’t understand exactly how to behave correctly in this or that situation, but fortunately, producer Lena was always behind me, who directed me in the right direction. Now it’s much easier for me to adapt to any institution,” Olga said. - In past seasons, I saw how dirty, even ugly kitchens and hotels were inspected; there was no smell of compliance there even a hundred kilometers away, so I have something to compare with. As sad as it is to realize, I think the biggest shocks associated with the audit are still ahead of us...

At first, the new “auditor” of the project cannot avoid comparisons with Letuchaya. However, knowing the biography of Romanovskaya, who passed " baptism of fire"group" VIA Gra", and after leaving the team she spent several years in oblivion from the point of view of show business, you believe in her fighting character.

HELLO.RU has collected 10 facts about the host of “Revizorro” Olga Romanovskaya.

New presenter of "Revizorro" Olga Romanovskaya

1. Olga Koryagina ( maiden name future TV presenter) was born on January 22, 1986 in the south of Ukraine, in the city of Nikolaev. When Olga was 6 years old, her family moved to Odessa. Until she was thirteen, she lived in two cities and often changed schools.

I lived in two cities: in one I was more friends with girls and behaved like a real lady, and in the other there were more boys, so I turned into a real tomboy. And only at the age of 12 did I finally understand that I was still a girl. Thanks to memories like these, I think I had a very interesting childhood,

Olga spoke in the VKontakte LIVE program.

2 . Since childhood, Olga has been passionate about sewing. At the age of 15 she entered the sewing school, and two years later she entered the Nikolaev branch of the Kyiv National state university culture and art at the Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts, specializing in fabric processing. She managed to realize her design ideas a few years later, when she created her own clothing brand, Romanovska, and opened a boutique in Odessa.

At the age of 5, I was already pretty good at drawing Christmas trees and princesses, and at 6, I picked up a needle for the first time. I didn't sew for mine very well beautiful Barbie unimaginable outfits from everything that came to hand. When childhood passed and I wanted to move on to creating things large sizes, I switched, of course, to myself. Sometimes on my mother,

Olga said on her brand’s website.

3. At the age of 15, Olga won the Miss Black Sea Region 2001 beauty contest. In 2004 she became "Miss Koblevo". From the age of 16 she worked in her modeling agency hometown. At the age of 20, she starred in a cameo role in Valery Meladze’s video “Without Fuss.” the main role then it went to Oksana Lavrentieva.

4. Olga did not get into the VIA Gra group, which made her famous outside her native Ukraine. After Nadezhda Granovskaya left the team, Olga came to the casting in Kyiv, but lost in the fight for the place to Christina Kots-Gottlieb. A few months later, the producers realized that Christina did not fit into the team and invited Olga to re-casting. Already in April 2006, Olga performed on stage for the first time with Albina Dzhanabaeva and Vera Brezhneva - this happened at the group’s performances in television programs"What where When?" and "Star Factory-6". Olga stayed in the team for exactly a year, until April 2007. During this time, two videos were released with her participation - “L.M.L.” and "The Flower and the Knife."

Olga Romanovskaya with her colleagues in the VIA Gra group Vera Brezhneva and Albina Dzhanabaeva

After leaving the group, Olga did not part with music - in 2007 she released a solo song “Lullaby”, in 2015 two more - “ Beautiful words" and "Hold me tight." On December 2, 2015, the performer presented her debut album, dubbed "Hold Me Tight." The album included 14 compositions.

5. As a member of VIA Gra, Olga met her future husband, Odessa businessman Andrei Romanovsky. They say that Olga’s acquaintance with the chairman of the board of the Ukrainian oil company was facilitated by her colleague Vera Brezhneva, who was then married to oil tycoon Mikhail Kiperman.

In April 2007, the wedding of Olga and Andrey took place. The couple has two children - Oleg and Maxim.

Olga Romanovskaya with her husband and children

Recipe happy marriage quite simple... Be a friend to your other half. Don’t break it for yourself, don’t impose it own opinion and do not be indifferent to her (his) interests. You can teach, guide, advise... So to speak, make tuning (and I’m not talking about appearance now), improve. But you will never get another model. Just ruin this one. Let the one you care about develop, allowing him to step on at least a small rake himself. And always be there. Submit your shoulder, cover with your back - here true loyalty. All the rest does not matter...

Shares his secret family happiness on Instagram Romanovskaya.

Now Romanovskaya lives in three countries: the filming of “Revizorro” is taking place in Russia, the children remain living in Ukraine, and her husband works in Europe.

The husband acted selflessly. I had more doubts: I understood that the upcoming work schedule would leave less time for my solo career and family. Summer is coming, the sea, beaches... I want their holidays to be enjoyable. Andrey said that this is a big step forward for me, an opportunity to grow. He, of course, is worried like I am, for him and me and for our sons this is a difficult test of distance,

Olga told Andrey Malakhov’s StarHit magazine.

6. Olga spent the first few years after the wedding doing household chores. She devoted herself to raising her sons with full dedication. Like their mother, the boys play sports, and the eldest has already begun to show Creative skills. The singer admitted that, despite everything, she considers herself a strict mother.

I'm quite harsh, but I always try to find golden mean, so as not to deprive my sons of the joys of childhood and teach them everything I can. There are enough actions in our family simple rules for children: respect elders, don’t be rude, don’t cheat, study so that we don’t blush... Most of all, I monitor Oleg and Maxim’s nutrition - I allow them to eat everything, but according to a certain schedule. The main thing is not to mix incompatible things. Fruits are always on our table, but sweets are only with permission,

Olga revealed the secrets of raising her sons.

Olga never tires of talking about children in interviews:

At the age of 5, Maxim could multiply 58 by 42 in his head faster than my husband and I could do on a calculator. But the lazy guy is creepy! However, like the eldest. But still, Oleg is a little different: at school he is a complete goofball, but with those around him he is very attentive, generous, the life of the party. Of course, they’re both still naughty boys, but that’s why they’re boys!

7. According to Olga, after leaving the stage, seeing “VIA Gro” on TV, she cried and was bored. However, over time the feelings subsided. Olga assessed the decision of the producers to create a new “VIA Gro” in 2014 positively.

I was at the VIA Gra concert and, I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, this is a different group - in appearance, energy, choreography and presentation... But it is definitely no worse - just a new "VIA Gra". A lot of time has passed, people have changed, new songs have appeared... I no longer feel melancholy, nostalgia, or jealousy. I used to get teary-eyed at the mere mention of the band, but now I just enjoy it. have a good concert with beautiful artists and songs.

8. Olga devotes a lot of time to sports: boxing, fitness, learning to pole dance, and skiing.

With a height of 173 cm, I weigh 65 kg. I sincerely believe that 63 of them are muscle mass, my broad bones and a big heart. Well, the rest is there, liver, kidneys, etc... And the remaining 2 are toxins and water, which I will now leave in the steam room,

Olga regularly shows off her fit figure on social networks.

Olga Romanovskaya learns to dance on the pole
"With sports for life!" - Olga Romanovskaya proclaims on her Instagram

I love the dynamics, loads and variety in them. But with nutrition it’s a little more complicated... It took me a while to understand that these are two interconnected things. Until I was 25, I wasn’t worried about this at all: everything was going where it needed to be.

9. Despite the fact that Olga closely monitors her diet, she regularly spoils her children and husband with delicious food.

Twice a week I cook something global: cutlets, fish rolls... And I bake pies even more often!

10. The invitation to become the host of the show “Revizorro” came as a complete surprise to Olga. Comparisons with the host of the first seasons, Elena Letuchaya, are inevitable, and the hashtag #Bring Back Elena Letuchaya is already gaining popularity on social networks. However, this does not scare Olga. Romanovskaya proudly demolishes attacks from haters:

At one time I was compared to Nadya Granovskaya. Am I afraid of comparison with Lena? No. I have no problems with self-esteem!.

HELLO.RU wishes Olga Romanovskaya success in her new work.

Our heroine today is the smart and beautiful Olga Koryagina. She became famous thanks to her performances as part of the VIA Gra group. Do you want to know where she spent her childhood? Are you interested in the personal life of a sultry brunette? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Olga Koryagina: biography

She was born on January 22, 1986 in the city of Nikolaev (Ukraine). The father and mother of our heroine - simple people, not related to show business.

WITH early years Olya demonstrated her creative abilities. The girl organized home concerts, impersonating stars Ukrainian stage. At the age of 6, parents enrolled their daughter in vocal studio. The little girl enjoyed attending classes. Her teachers predicted a bright future for her.

At school, Olga got straight A's and B's. She had a good relationship both with classmates and teachers. She took an active part in the life of the school. Not a single concert was complete without a performance by Olga Koryagina.

At the age of 16, our heroine was invited to work in a modeling agency. And there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, Olga Koryagina was the owner of a chiseled figure and tall stature. And her facial features were always correct. The girl took part in fashion shows and photo shoots for glossy publications.


Olga's friends and relatives were confident that she would choose a music university. But the girl surprised everyone. Koryagina submitted documents to the State University of Culture and Arts, choosing the Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts. After 5 years, Olya received a diploma and became a fabric processing specialist. But the girl began working in her profession only in 2009.

"VIA Gra"

Olga Koryagina (photo above) dreamed of becoming famous singer. She was not interested in a solo career, but in performing as part of a group.

At the end of 2005, Nadezhda Granovskaya left the VIA-Gra group. A casting call was announced for the vacant position. Olya decided to try her luck. Among all the participants, Konstantin Meladze singled out her and Christina Kots-Gottlieb. Both girls were suitable in terms of appearance and vocals. In the end, the producer chose Christina. And Olga was offered a cameo role in the video of his brother Valery.

In April 2006, representatives of Meladze contacted Koryagina by phone. The girl was offered to become a member of VIA Gra. And Christina Kotz-Gottlieb was fired for an unknown reason.

Olga Koryagina quickly joined the team. In May of the same year, the updated composition of VIA Gra recorded the song “L.M.L,” which later became a hit. Together with the girls from the group, Olya toured many cities in Ukraine and Russia. But in April 2007, she left VIA Gro due to pregnancy.

Personal life

The tall and slender brunette has never had problems associated with a lack of male attention. Her first love came to her at the age of 15. The guy responded to Olya in return. Their relationship lasted several years. The couple made plans for a future together. But fate decreed differently. Each of them went their own way.

During her student years, Olga began to have whirlwind romances with young people. There was no talk of a serious relationship.

Olya met her future husband, businessman Andrei Romanovsky, at the end of 2006. The man was fascinated by the beauty and natural modesty of the girl. A few months later, our heroine became pregnant. Having learned about this, Andrei literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. As a decent man, he proposed marriage to his beloved. The girl agreed.

In the spring of 2007, the couple registered their relationship in the Solomensky registry office in Kyiv. The bride and groom were glowing with happiness. They went to one of the luxurious restaurants in the Ukrainian capital to celebrate their wedding. Among the guests were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, as well as successful businessmen- Andrey's colleagues.

On September 1, 2007, Olga gave birth to her first child, a son, Maxim. But that is not all. The girl accepted her son Andrei from her first marriage into the family. The boy's name is Oleg. Now the couple dreams of having a daughter.

Olga Koryagina, husband and two sons live in Odessa. Former soloist VIA Gra is not sitting idle. She recently opened a boutique in this city. Now Olya is trying herself as a designer fashionable clothes. And she does it well.


Now you know how Olga Koryagina gained fame. Details of her personal life were also voiced in the article. Let's wish this charming girl success in all your endeavors!

Singer and ex-TV presenter Olga Romanovskaya posted a photo on social networks that intrigued her fans. In the photo, the celebrity is walking with three children. The teenagers are the vocalist’s own sons. But the cute girl walking with Olga by the hand raised questions from followers.

Until now it was known that Romanovskaya and her husband Andrei have two children - common son Maxim and the child from Andrey’s first marriage – Oleg. But on the singer’s Instagram, photos with an unfamiliar girl periodically began to appear.

Thus, the last of the pictures collected an unprecedented number of comments from Olga’s fans. Many appreciated the singer’s luxurious form.

True, this was not the only reason for heated discussions. There was a little girl in the photo again. Some users have suggested that this is Romanovskaya’s niece. But the star refuted all the guesses and added that the baby’s name is Sonya and she is 6 years old. No further information was forthcoming.

Of course, new versions immediately arose. As a result, most users agreed that most likely the couple adopted the girl, or she is Olga’s goddaughter.

The ex-host of “Revizorro” did not give official confirmation to any of the followers’ assumptions. And for now, the status of 6-year-old Sonya remains a mystery.

Olga Romanovskaya (maiden name Koryagina) – Ukrainian singer, TV presenter, model and designer. Born on January 22, 1986 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev in simple and unknown family Sergei Koryagin.

The Koryagins moved to Odessa when Olga was 6 years old. As the singer herself says, she lived “in two cities,” because she often moved from school in one city to school in another. In one of them she communicated only with girls and behaved like a true lady, and in the other she was in the company of boys, in which not a trace remained of her image as a lady. Having discovered her ability to sing, Olga began to improve them, persistently practicing vocals. Her other hobby, which also determined her future career, was sewing.

At the age of 15, Olga became the winner of the Miss Black Sea Region 2001 beauty contest. At the same time, she entered the sewing school. At the age of 16, Olga began working in a modeling agency in the city of Nikolaev. And at the age of 17, she entered the Nikolaev branch of the Kyiv National State University of Culture and Art, where she studied to become a fashion designer.

It was difficult for Olga to get into the female pop group “VIA gra”, since according to the results of the casting, Christina Kots-Gottlieb was chosen for the group. But Christina was never able to become a member of the group, so the producers decided to accept Olga into the group. Her first performance as a member of VIA Gra took place in 2006. She participated in the creation of two videos - “L.M.L.” and “The Flower and the Knife.” But, according to Olga, friendship with other participants “ VIA games"Didn't work out. In March 2007, Olga announced that she was leaving the group, and on April 16 she performed as part of the group for the last time.

Full of ambition, Olga did not part with her stellar career, even leaving the group. She began her solo career under the name Olga Romanovskaya. In 2007, she released the song “Lullaby”, in 2013 – “Knockin’ on the Sky”, in 2015 – “Beautiful Words” and “Hold Me Tight”. In total, 14 songs (including those listed above) were included in her debut album, “Hold Me Tight.”

Except solo career Olga also began promoting herself in the design industry. In 2009, she opened a fashion boutique in Odessa under the Romanovska brand, where you can buy clothes she created. Moreover, she is the creator of outfits for the finalists of the Miss Ukraine South 2010 beauty contest.

The success of Olga Romanovskaya is noticeable not only in her career, but also in her personal life. Businessman Andrei Romanovsky (born in 1973), currently the chairman of the board of OJSC Eximnefteprodukt, noticed Olga Koryagina when she performed on stage as part of VIA Gra, and wanted to meet her. They met at Vera Brezhneva's birthday. After some time, Andrei and Olga became a couple, and Olga soon became pregnant. Andrei offered her his hand and heart, and then the singer decided to leave the pop group to start a family.

Andrey and Olga got married in April 2007, and on September 1, 2007, Olga gave birth to a son, who was named Maxim. The couple are also raising a son, Andrei, from his first marriage, Oleg (born in 2002). Despite all her busyness, family still comes first for Olga. And when the opportunity arises, the singer spends time with her family.

The Romanovsky family's favorite pastime is to go somewhere, watch TV and cook something to eat. Oleg and Maxim especially love to cook the “House” cake with their mother. According to Olga, she is happy in her marriage, since she is not only Andrey’s wife, but also his understanding friend. She does not impose her opinion on him, does not try to change him, but, on the contrary, treats him with respect, as a separate person. Olga dreams of a third child, and wants it to be a girl.

Olga periodically posts on social media Photos of yourself in sportswear or a bikini. Her figure is very toned, and this is not surprising, because Olga is involved in fitness, boxing, and skiing. In addition, she is learning to pole dance. With a height of 173 cm, the singer weighs 65 kg. The singer also hosts healthy eating. In addition, Olga Romanovskaya loves to travel.

Olga Romanovskaya can really be called a shocking singer, because she often appears to fans in bright and colorful clothes both in public and in her photographs. revealing outfits. And it’s hard to blame her for this - after all, her beautiful and fit figure allows her to do it! And sometimes it’s even hard to believe that she’s so daring, bright and sexy singer, which we see on cameras, in family life may be true loving wife and a caring mother.

But the greatest excitement among the public was caused by the teaser of the new season of the TV show “Revizorro”, in which Olga Romanovskaya was shown instead of Elena Letuchaya. Fans of the TV show reacted differently to this news: some were happy for the singer, while others demanded Letuchaya’s return to the TV project. Olga Romanovskaya herself said that she was invited to the casting for “Revizorro”, which she successfully passed, after which she was appointed presenter. She added that although she was “amazed by what she saw” (she probably means the horrors she saw in the kitchens of some restaurants and inappropriate behavior workers of some public institutions), but she is still “ready to attack.” In addition, Olga understands perfectly well that she will be compared with her predecessor, whom they have already fallen in love with. But she is not afraid of such comparisons and is ready to win the love of Revizorro fans. Elena Letuchaya herself stated that she was ready to support Olga Romanovskaya and give her advice. Olga also speaks favorably of Elena, calling her “an excellent professional, a beautiful woman.”

I would like to summarize the article with some interesting facts from the life of Olga Romanovskaya.

  • In the video for the song “Hold Me Tight,” Olga Romanovskaya performed acrobatic stunts underwater on her own.
  • Judging by Olga's stories about the times when she was a member of VIA Gra, we can say that this stage was not only joyful, but also difficult for her. After all, she often quarreled with the other two participants, especially with Vera Brezhneva, and Konstantin Meladze, the founder of VIA Gra, wrote her unpleasant SMS messages in which he could call her mediocrity.
  • Members of the Romanovsky family live in different countries: Olga is filming “Revizorro” in Russia, her children live with their grandparents in Ukraine, and her husband works in Europe.
  • After the birth of Maxim, Olga spent 7 years on maternity leave.
  • Olga was having a hard time leaving VIA Gra.