Another quarrel between Timati and Kirkor. The scandal between Kirkorov and Timati is overgrown with dirty details. What happened between Timati and Kirkorov


The conflict between Timati and Philip Kirkorov continues: after everyone seemed to have forgotten about the video “Let's see you bye!” the famous rapper again publicly ridiculed his colleague. And the reason for this was Sergei Lazarev’s birthday greeting, which Philip Kirkorov posted on his Twitter.

The King of Pop wholeheartedly congratulated the young singer on the holiday and wrote that “unlike gray personalities,” he behaves very sincerely, honestly and openly. Kirkorov called Lazarev “an amazing artist, musician and just a great friend.” In a rather rude manner, he hinted that today national stage there are a lot of people without talent and voice who mistakenly consider themselves stars. It is likely that in his words Philip Kirkorov was hinting at Timati, and it is not surprising that the latter could not leave this insult without comment.

In turn, Timati just laughed in response and wrote that “Filka congratulated Seryozhka very touchingly.” There have long been many rumors about the relationship between these artists, as well as about sexual orientation each of them. Timati only confirmed these rumors, saying that they are an excellent example of true male love.

Philip Kirkorov and Sergey Lazarev have been friends for many years

The King of Pop very warmly congratulated the singer on his birthday

On April 1, singer Sergei Lazarev celebrated his 31st birthday, and this holiday former soloist group "Smash!" I preferred to spend it in the company of my closest people. Unlike his colleague, Philip Kirkorov is more open and public life. Not long ago, the king of the Russian pop scene became a father twice; both children were born to a surrogate mother in America. Now the singer is raising a 2-year-old daughter, Alla-Victoria, and a one-year-old son, Martin. Kirkorov does not hide the fact that after his marriage to Alla Pugacheva he no longer intends to get married, despite the fact that the press constantly attributes him to new relationships with girls.

Philip Kirkorov is raising two children from a surrogate mother

Unlike Philip Kirkorov and Sergei Lazarev, singer Timati was repeatedly seen in the company of girls. His last girlfriend Alena Shishkova even gave birth to a daughter for the rapper, whom the young and happy parents decided to call her Alice. The birth took place in the Dominican Republic, where the 21-year-old model spent her entire pregnancy. Especially for his friend and mother, who helped the girl during pregnancy, Timati rented a luxurious villa in Santa Domingo.

Timati and Alena Shishkova skillfully hid from strangers the fact that they would soon become parents. And when his daughter was born, the singer immediately informed his readers about it on Twitter. He was personally present at the birth and supported Alena.

After a little calm on the pop Olympus, the famous rapper Timati apparently decided to remind himself and quite recently, while relaxing in a karaoke bar in the capital, he took a rather mocking photograph, which he then published on his personal microblog.

In this photograph, the rapper flaunts himself against the background of a monitor on which Philip Bedrosovich was depicted and the lyrics from the song “the girls are standing, standing on the sidelines” are written. At the same time, Timati covered up the original part of the phrase, and in the photograph only the phrase “standing on the sidelines” was read, experts report in the “News” section of the Exchange Leader.”

From the satisfied expression on Timati’s face it is clear that he considers this a completely successful joke. Timati's admirers appreciated the subtle humor of their ideal and expressed support.

Experts remind about the conflict

The conflict between the two stars, which began last summer, has been going on for a long time and began quite loudly.

The King of Russian pop music and Timati had a fight as a result of the Muz-TV award. The beginning of the conflict between Timati and Phillip Bedrosovich Kirkorov was the rapper’s rather harsh statement on his personal Twitter, where he wrote about the injustice of the award music award. Philip Kirkorov decided to stand up for Muz-TV, as a result of which he ran into insults from the rapper.

In his personal microblog, rapper Timati wrote about how it was possible not to award performer Ivan Dorn for “Breakthrough of the Year”, and in the nominations “Group of the Year” and “Clip of the Year” the group “Silver” could not be awarded, because their video was shot for the song “Mama Lyuba” was able to get over 20,000,000 clicks on YouTube. In addition, Timati was outraged by other nominations. To which Philip Kirkorov could not resist answering and wrote that if there are any questions, then they should not be announced publicly, citing professional ethics. To which, accordingly, the rapper also did not remain silent and reminded Kirkorov of scandalous stories with journalist Aroyan Irina and television director Marina Yablokova, while Timati did not forget to hint at Philip Kirkorov’s unconventional orientation.

Almost all readers of star microblogs became eyewitnesses to these discords. The phrase “cock clip” has become quite popular on the World Wide Web and a fairly frequently quoted “joke.” The participants in this scandal are, in fact, behaving like fighting cocks.

The end of this scandal was Timati’s song, in which the main phrase was: who are you, goodbye. This song Timati performed together with his fellow rappers L’One, Nel, ST and Misha Krupin - he shot a video for the song “Goodbye,” while exposing the most pressing problems of show business, and quite unequivocally hinted at the sexual orientation of Philip Kirkorov.

At the same time, the songs contain the most unflattering and obscene expressions, which accuse the entire country of corruption and the dominance of indecency. They say that the famous “stars”, including Philip Kirkorov, have occupied the stage a long time ago and do not allow new names to emerge. “You are not worth the kokoshnik of the Buranovsky Babushki. Your music should have been registered in a cemetery a long time ago, say the lyrics of the song. — The smell of mothballs is quite irritating to the nostrils. Stars - your naked shockingness is your only trump card."

And now this scandal has been going on for more than six months between rapper Timati and pop star Philip Kirkorov. Nowadays, almost no one remembers that the popular song “Come on, goodbye!” had nothing to do with any of the participants in the scandal.

The authors of this song, brothers Ekhtiram and Intigam Rustamov, who are Azerbaijanis, very much regret that their work was the truest anthem of the conflict between two very talented people and are ready to act as peacemakers who will try to resolve the conflict and restore good-hearted relations between the stars. The Rustamov brothers consider themselves to a certain extent responsible for the quarrel, since their song was used, albeit a modified variation of it. In addition, the song “Come on, goodbye!” divided Russian show business into 2 irreconcilable camps. They really hope that the two talented performers will finally make peace, and the song will not be remembered in a negative way.

In 2012, a major quarrel occurred between rapper Timati and the king of the domestic pop scene, Philip Kirkorov - a graduate of the “Star Factory” published personal correspondence with the people’s artist. Some time later, at the ZHARA festival, Grigory Leps tried to reconcile the musicians.

On April 1, Philip Kirkorov and Timati starred in a comic video where they played out their conflict. Now Philip Kirkorov and Timati have finally established relations. As a result, they released a joint video, “The Last Spring.” According to the plot, the young singer loses his head from popularity, and therefore does not value his chosen one. As a result, the girl starts a family with another man. As a result, the hero Timati realizes his mistake too late, when it is no longer possible to correct anything.

Apparently, the rapper expected to receive perplexed comments from his fans, and therefore hastened to justify his duet with the king of the domestic pop scene.

“If someone had told me seven years ago that I would record a song with Philip Kirkorov, I most likely would have laughed in his face. Today I present to you a joint video and song “Last Spring”, and I won’t lie, I don’t know a single artist who, in fact, could sing this chorus better! The moral here is simple: two accomplished, adult people with a definitely not simple history of relationships considered the creative part to be a more important aspect today than expired grievances, claims and presentations,” the musician wrote.

Timati admitted that in modern show business it is quite difficult to maintain good relationship with colleagues. “Yesterday my mother told me: “As it turned out, this long haul- from the remnants of youthful maximalism to balanced, wise actions of a creative nature.” I couldn't agree more. In our musical and artistic environment, where a priori almost everyone hates each other, it is quite difficult to make precedents. So, today is the day,” the rapper continued.

Fans were delighted with new job famous musicians. They admired the plot of the video, as well as how this idea was realized. They liked the locations, the acting of the main characters and the shooting style. But most of all they were struck by such an unexpected duet.

“Wow, now I’ve seen everything,” “Wow, that’s a lot!” And unexpectedly!”, “Waiting for Timati feat Pugachev”, “Guys, why are you so angry? They made peace, we should be happy. I'm glad they made peace. People, forgive each other! I like it, I really liked the song,” “Well, after this, you can safely go into the sunset. Even the feature with Snoop Dogg was not as surprising as this collaboration,” “Another huge thank you to the director for his work! It was a great movie!” - wrote fans of the artists.

"Star Factory - 4". Young stars wish you a happy birthday people's artist Russia by Philip Kirkorov. 20-year-old "manufacturer" Timati has the most important task - taking out the birthday cake.

Guests, project participants, are treated with understandable respect. Could anyone then imagine that 8 years later the same Timati would not only publicly insult Philip Kirkorov, but also declare war on an entire generation of musicians?
Before the release of his video, Timati publishes a message on the Internet addressed personally to Kirkorov: “Who are you going to teach wisdom here, you scarecrow? Don’t confuse the two shores and come on, goodbye!”
Timati's behavior split Russian show business into two camps. Some were outraged by his performance, others sided with the rapper. But the majority agrees: this is a symptom of the disease of the entire Russian show business.
So what happened? Why did Timati publicly declare war on Kirkorov? And how will this scandal end?
It all started on the set of the video for new song Timati and Grigory Leps. According to the director's plan, Timati was supposed to take off. A fairly standard trick, he had done it more than once. And that day he refused the understudy. A few minutes later, Timati’s cable broke. Severe back injury, hospital, corset. As a result, the Muz-TV award ceremony for the first time in for many years passed without his participation.
Having looked at the ceremony from the outside, Timati expressed his opinion about the winners on Twitter: “How could you not give “Breakthrough of the Year” to Ivan Dorn, “Clip of the Year” and “Song of the Year” to the group “Silver”? “Mama Lyuba” - 20 million on YuoTube! I’m generally silent about radio. “Very biased!”
According to Timati, the Breakthrough of the Year award should have been received by Ivan Dorn, whose songs are heard on all radio stations in the country. Instead, the award went to the lesser-known Max Barskikh. Timati was sure that the prize was for best video will receive the video “Mama Lyuba” by the group “Serebro”, because it has received more than 20 million views on the Internet. However, the prize in this category went to Philip Kirkorov and his video “Snow”. Perhaps this is precisely what hurt Kirkorov. He writes back to Timati: “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn’t ask any questions last year. There is professional science, okay? Remember!” Actually, in response to this remark, Timati burst out with a harsh statement: “Professional ethics of mobile exhibition structures is when you humiliate journalists and kick women, and then call my elders and ask them to excuse me.” And the clip that followed.
So who is Timati? Where is he from? Who is behind him? Why did he decide to openly criticize the master Russian stage? And isn't he afraid of the consequences?
He calls himself Mr. Black Star. His videos certainly feature expensive cars and snow-white yachts. He celebrates his birthday in Saint-Tropez and generally does not deny himself anything. How does this video reflect his real life?
He really doesn't cheat. A Rolls Royce Phantom worth more than half a million dollars or, for example, a Ferrari worth 300 thousand euros from Timati’s personal garage flashes in the frame. People, looking at the millions in the frame, immediately established their source: it is known that the rapper’s father is a very wealthy businessman. For many people, this became a wonderful reason to say again: “In any case, dad will do everything for him.”
Surely dad would have done everything if not for his son’s dubious choice. His father was skeptical about show business, so Timati set out to conquer this vicious world without starting capital. At first he worked as a DJ for Decl. 17-year-old Timati's debut on television took place in the video "Party". Then Timati encountered real adult show business for the first time.
The first person to believe in him was producer Igor Krutoy. It was he who took Timati to Star Factory 4. And soon popularity came to the young rapper. According to the participants of that “Factory”, Philip Kirkorov was not a special authority for Timati even then.
But no matter how the “manufacturers” feel about Kirkorov, he, of course, remains one of our most popular artists, and his concerts are always sold out. At the same Muz-TV Award, because of which the scandal erupted, Philip Kirkorov was recognized best performer decades, for which he received an award in a special category. And here Timati, who was not even included in the list of this year’s nominees, calls the distribution of prizes inadequate.
Timati decided to challenge the authority of the king of the Russian pop scene. The word “ethics” especially struck him. He reminded Philip of the scandal in Rostov with journalist Irina Aroyan, better known among the people as the “pink blouse,” and of his forced stay in an Israeli clinic. That time, Kirkorov could not cope with his outburst of anger and beat up the director’s assistant, Marina Yablokova. In all cases, Philip Bedrosovich, as Timati writes, resolved conflicts with the help of his elders. What will happen this time?
Timati is ready for anything. However, his life changed little after the quarrel with Kirkorov. Except that I started giving interviews less often. The call "Come on, goodbye!" in a matter of days, it finally went to the masses and became a general trend. He now appears in a prominent place in the Black Star office - so that they remember who they are dealing with.
Timati is ready to answer for his words, as expected cool guy. Together with him, his guards are ready to answer for his words - guys of outstanding size. Maybe Timati is seriously afraid for his life?
Powerful security is an important part of the image of a real rapper. Just like tattoos. He made his first one at the age of 13. Today, more than 70 percent of the rapper's body is covered in tattoos. And in this he is also the first - the most tattooed star of domestic show business.
Personal life is also a component of the image. At the Star Factory, Timati had an affair with the 15-year-old daughter of a Ukrainian tycoon, Alexa. This love story, of course, became one of the most striking in the entire history of the project. Having matured a little, Timati moved from romance to business. Anyone could watch on the Internet the details of the bed scene with TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak.
Working on your image and occasional scandals are an important part of life. modern musician. But Timati doesn’t just sing today. He owns one of the largest rap music labels. He is engaged in the restaurant business, sews clothes and, it seems, only dreams of a vacation - there is too much work.
Timati himself says that he cannot sit idle. And here is the result: in a relatively calm, until recently Russian show business now there is confusion and confusion. So far no one can imagine how this fight will end. We can only hope that no spectators will suffer in the battle between two superstars.

Rapper Timati complained on Twitter about the bias in the selection of Muz-TV award winners. Kirkorov attacked him for his honesty, to which Timati expressed everything he thought about him.

Scandals at the Muz-TV awards occur not only. After the announcement of the award results, Timati wrote a long post on Twitter (and he can do such things) about the unfairness of the choice of the awardees.

A few days later, Philip Kirkorov reacts to him.

Timati posts a juicy selection of facts from the biography of Philip Bedrosovich.

After another tweet from Timati, the hashtag #Philippdavaidosdateniya rises to second place in global Twitter trends for some time.

Many take the rapper’s side, including master Vladimir Solovyov and Ashot Gabrelyanov, general director of LifeNews.

Producer Joseph Prigozhin joins. First he believes in Timati, then he retweets Oleg Gazmanov (the real one).

Kirkorov's press secretary Olga Alekseeva wakes up. Prigogine reminds her of the debt that she allegedly has not repaid for seven years.

Kirkorov tries to protect his press secretary, but Prigozhin blackmails him with a certain document.

Basque asks not to hit a man who is down, but Gabrelyanov points out that Kirkorov himself started it first.