Image of Saint Boniface. Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus: Life. Prayer for illness


The providential Orthodox Church on December 19, old style (January 1, according to the New Style) celebrates the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Boniface, the patron saint of all those who struggle with the disease of drunkenness. Of course, at the beginning of the civil New Year, one can and should see some kind of spiritual warning against wild celebrations and excesses, especially in the midst of the Nativity Fast.

Alexander Cabanel. Boniface and Aglaida. Ser. 19th century

Who was the holy martyr Boniface and why do they pray to him for deliverance from drunkenness? Let us try, with God's help, to answer this question.

It is worth remembering that the lives of saints are not some fairy tales. This is real life of real people. So, let’s try to run our hand over the rough, dusty stone slab of time and see through it the spark of life...

...Rome of the late 3rd - early 4th centuries after the Nativity of Christ was only the nominal capital of the empire. The huge state was divided into two parts, which were ruled by four people - two couples - the western Augustus and Caesar and the eastern Augustus and Caesar (actually, the reigning emperor and his co-ruler-heir). In the East, Diocletian was August. He chose Nicomedia in Asia Minor (modern Turkish Izmit) as his residence. The residence of Western August Maximian became Mediolan (modern Milan).

Rome turned out to be virtually a provincial city. He no longer felt his former power. On the contrary, a decline in morals reigned, and the words of the poet Horace, calling on his compatriots to “feast amidst the plague and live one day at a time” a couple of centuries before the events described:

“Cut off long hopes. While we speak, envious time is passing: seize the moment, trust the future as little as possible.”

This is, in principle, what the young aristocratic patrician Aglaida and her young slave Bonifatius did. They were in illegal cohabitation and spent time in pleasure feasts. But sadness reigned in their hearts.

The fact is that Aglaida and Bonifatius, according to Roman law, could not get married. The girl was in the patrician class - the highest privileged class of the Roman aristocracy. Boniface was a slave - a “speaking thing” or a “speaking instrument.” In Rome, a slave was completely without rights. He could have been punished, killed, sold without a twinge of conscience. The slaves were not even given names, only nicknames. “Boniface” (in Greek transcription “Boniface”) is one of them. Literally translated from Latin, it meant “good fate”, i.e. “lucky.

Therefore, young people who loved each other could not legitimize their cohabitation in marriage. They also could not become Christians, because according to Christian laws one must either marry or separate. They couldn’t get married, and obviously they couldn’t separate either...

Perhaps this is why the couple led a riotous lifestyle in order to somehow “fill in” the moral abyss that had formed in their hearts and overcome public censure. For the Roman community, the act of Aglaida and Bonifatius was unacceptable. In principle, it would be difficult to surprise corrupt Rome with anything, but such an open cohabitation of a patrician with a slave, for the hypocritical Roman society, whose representatives, far from prying eyes, could commit truly terrible debauchery, caused bewilderment and rejection. Despite the fact that both Boniface and Aglaya were not depraved people in their internal structure. No, they were looking for God and a way out of this situation. And Aglaida succeeded.

The fact is that paganism was already becoming obsolete. People were very interested in Christians and especially martyrs: the aura of heroism and feat, posthumous miracles and healings from relics. Christian martyrdom was perhaps the most interesting topic for the peoples of the Roman Empire. Aglaida learned that it is a very blessed thing to keep the relics of Christian martyrs in the house. It was believed that this called the grace of God to the house and those living in it, giving health and family happiness. Of course, the girl sought the help of the saints in resolving the difficult situation between her and Boniface.

At the same time (at the beginning of the 4th century) in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, one of the most brutal persecutions of Christians in the entire history of this state raged - the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. Thousands of Orthodox Christians accepted death for Christ. Among them are the great martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessaloniki and many other famous saints.

In the hope of finding the relics of one of the martyrs, Aglaya sends her beloved Boniface to the East to Asia Minor (the territory of modern Turkey) - to the Cilician city of Tarsus, which was the birthplace of the Apostle Paul. Before leaving, Boniface jokingly addresses his beloved: “What, madam, if I don’t find the relics, and I myself suffer for Christ, will you accept my body with honor?” Aglaida reproached him for the joke, but the words of the future saint turned out to be prophetic.

When Boniface arrived in Tarsus, he heard that Christians were being executed in the city square at that time. He leaves his companions and goes to look at this bloody spectacle. During the execution, something happens to him. The grace of God overshadows his heart, and the sinful soul, tormented by reproaches of conscience, responds to the Lord’s call. Boniface rushes straight to the place of execution to the martyrs, kisses their feet, and asks for holy prayers. And when the judge asks him: “Who is he?” - Boniface answers: “I am a Christian.”

Then, as the life tells, the future martyr is beaten until the meat is separated from the bones, needles are stuck under his nails, hot tin is poured into his throat, he is thrown into a cauldron with boiling resin, but the holy Angel helped him, and Bonifatius remained unharmed. Finally, tired of torturing the sufferer for the faith of Christ, the executioners beheaded his head with a sword. Blood and milk came out of the wound. Amazed by such a miracle and the martyr’s standing in the faith, 550 people believed in Christ.

The saint’s companions searched for him for two days, thinking that he had indulged in sinful amusements. Finally they found a witness to the feat of Bonifatius, and he told them about what had happened. Crying and asking forgiveness from the martyr, the friends bought the honest remains of Boniface for a lot of money and went back to Rome to Aglaida.

On the eve of their arrival, an Angel appeared to the girl in a dream and commanded that she, accompanied by priests, meet the honorable relics of the holy martyr Boniface.
Aglaida performed everything exactly. She built an Orthodox church at the burial site of the martyr. The relics of Boniface became famous for many miracles. Aglaida herself went to a monastery and spent eighteen years in penitential deeds. During her lifetime she acquired the gift of expelling unclean spirits. After her death, she was buried near the grave of the martyr Boniface. The Church also glorified Aglaida in the rank of righteous saints.

Using the example of the holy martyr Boniface and righteous Aglaida, we see that a person often indulges in drunkenness and debauchery not because he is bad, but because of a spiritual emptiness that he does not know how to fill.

But it is filled only with faith in God. Then a person finds harmony, peace and mental balance. A gracious heavenly peace reigns in his heart, for which he is not afraid to give his life. And confirmation of this is the life of the holy martyr Boniface and righteous Aglaida.
Holy martyr Boniface and righteous Aglaido, pray to God for us!

Priest Andrey Chizhenko

The great problem of modern humanity is alcoholism; almost every family suffers from this disease. Many people do not know how to combat the disease, but believers resort to prayer, regularly attend church and turn to God. For those people who sincerely believe in God's providence and honor moral and spiritual values, the path to Eternity is open. Their prayerful work, namely the prayer to the holy martyr Boniface from drunkenness, works miracles.

Prayer for illness

When the body is sick, the soul suffers at the same time. A person obsessed with alcoholism becomes dependent on dark forces that tempt people. Faith in God will help you resist this evil.

Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus

Troparion, tone 4

Thy martyr, Lord Boniface, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from You, our God, for having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence, save our souls with prayers.

Troparion, tone 4

Martyrs were sent to the class, you were a true martyr, having suffered for Christ most powerfully, most valiantly, but you returned with the might of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface, pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Kontakion, tone 4

You brought the immaculate sanctification to you of your own free will, even from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wanted to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.

Kontakion, tone 6

You appeared as a bright star, the charmless one of the world, proclaiming the Sun of Christ with your dawns, passion-bearing Boniface, and you extinguished all the charm, giving us light, praying unceasingly for all of us.

Glorification of the martyr

We magnify you, the passion-bearing Saint Boniface, and honor your honest suffering, who you endured for Christ.

O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending through suffering to the heavenly Jerusalem, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil with your prayers to God; I tried many times to escape the snares of his evil ones, but was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged from it, I could not get rid of it unless you stood before me, in a bitter situation to the one who endures, and I tried so many times to repent, but it was a lie before God. For this reason, I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils through your intercession, by the grace of Almighty God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servants (names) with the words of Your divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Your servants (names). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying this person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Other prayers for drunkenness:

  • Prayer before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Inexhaustible Chalice”

From the life of a martyr

A certain husband named Bonifatius led a riotous lifestyle. While in slavery to one of the noble Roman women, Aglaida, he cohabited with her, indulging in carnal love and often drinking wine.

One day the lovers came up with the idea of ​​the need to cleanse their souls from sins. Aglaida decided that the best method of getting rid of them would be to have a large number of icons and relics of holy martyrs in her home. She instructed Boniface to find the holy remains, to which he happily agreed. But as he set out on his journey, the man asked his friend that if he himself suffered for the faith of Christ and was given up to a painful death, would she accept his relics with honor? Having received a positive answer, the traveler set off on the road.

Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus (Roman)

Boniface was a kind-hearted person, he treated the poor with sympathy and helped them in every possible way. On the way, he observed strict fasting, and in churches along the way he asked the Almighty for forgiveness of sins, despite the fact that Christians everywhere suffered persecution for their faith.

Arriving in Tara, the sinner supported the believers and also declared himself a Christian, for which he suffered numerous sufferings and was beheaded. The comrades accompanying him bought the remains of the righteous man for the gold that Aglaida gave them on the way, and brought her the torn body.

Boniface of Tarsus

Soon she had a dream vision in which an angel ordered her to accept her former slave-lover as a heavenly patron. The woman accepted the holy relics with honor, interred them and at the burial site erected a temple in honor of the holy martyr Boniface. And she herself, having distributed all her property to poor people, took monastic vows and spent the rest of her earthly life in unceasing prayer and repentance.

Since then, Boniface has been the protector of drinkers, libertines and gluttons. Relatives of people dependent on sin, as well as the sick themselves, suffering from these serious illnesses, pray to him for intercession before the Heavenly Father.

Hagiographic literature may not be at all popular today among the broad masses of readers, however, this does not detract from the moral, regenerative power that the lives of the holy great martyrs, more often known to churchgoers, carry within them.

Life of the Hieromartyr

Boniface entered the history of Christianity partly thanks to a story connected with the noble Roman woman Aglaida, whose future life was also influenced by this holy martyr. For Christians, the path of Boniface is the path of insight, cleansing from sin and turning to Christ as the savior of one’s soul.

Martyr Boniface of Tarsus

Not much is known about the life of Boniface, only that he was once a slave of a certain Aglaida, who had no family and husband and therefore lived in sin with many men, including Boniface. Boniface, despite the fact that he lived according to the flesh, also had some virtues - he helped the poor, welcomed strangers and was always ready to help everyone who suffered misfortune.

Articles about other holy martyrs:

Even then, Boniface understood that his life was contrary to his ideas and turned to God with a prayer request to deliver him from sinful passion.

One day Aglaida learned that having the relics of the holy great martyrs in your home, you can not only protect your home (and in those days there were terrible persecutions of Christians), but also save your soul. Aglaida also intended to build a temple dedicated to the martyr whose relics would be brought to her by Boniface, however, she did not tell him about this idea. And so she decides to send her slave Boniface for the holy relics, providing him with gold and supplies for the journey.

On the threshold, Boniface told Aglaida that if he did not obtain the holy relics, but suffered for his faith in Christ and now his relics were brought to Aglaida, would she accept them? But Aglaida, like many others, saw in Boniface only a drunkard and a tax collector, and therefore she only laughed at him.

While on the road, Boniface prayed and fasted tirelessly, and when he arrived in the city of Tarsus, he went to the place where Christians were martyred. There, with tears and prayers, he hugged the bodies of the suffering and a desire appeared in his soul - to share suffering with these people for the sins of his life.

When the soldiers invited Boniface to offer sacrifice to their gods, he said three times that he was a Christian and would not offer sacrifices to idols. Then Boniface was hung upside down and subjected to terrible torture, but even then he was ready to share with the other great martyrs his suffering for Christ and not to renounce his faith. The next morning, Boniface's head was publicly cut off, but when strangers saw that blood and milk were oozing from his wound, many repented and immediately accepted faith in Christ.

The people whom Aglaida sent to help Bonifatius, without waiting for him, came to the place of execution and, realizing what had happened, were ashamed of calling him a sinner and a drunkard. Having bought his body, they went home.

Aglaida, having accepted the relics of Boniface, repented of her past life and gave away her property, left the world, devoting the rest of her life to prayers. And 18 years later, her body was buried next to the tomb of St. Boniface.

Note! Boniface of Tarsus is considered an early Christian martyr; he was born in the 3rd century after the Nativity of Christ and in the same century, in 290, he died as a martyr. Unfortunately, Boniface’s age at the time of his death has not been established.

Miracles and help of the saint

The life and death of Saint Boniface is illuminated by a miracle. His Christian feat reminds everyone that even if you are in a terrible situation, it is never too late to renounce your past life, “die” and be reborn as a completely different person.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Boniface of Tarsus

The power of Boniface’s faith is amazing, because by sacrificing himself in the name of Christ, by his death, according to historians, he instantly converted more than 500 people to faith, giving them the path to salvation.

Important! Today, the icon of St. Boniface, its copies, are in many rehabilitation centers, helping people burdened with the sin of drunkenness and drug addiction to come to the light.

Saint Boniface is prayed to by those who either themselves or whose relatives have become seriously dependent on alcohol or drugs. Obsession with these addictions is a serious mental illness, from which sincere prayer to the Saint, who has become an example of pure life and deliverance from sin, can save you.

Memorial Days

The Memorial Day of St. Boniface goes unnoticed for most people, because it falls at its peak - January 1 (December 19, old style).

How does the icon of St. Boniface help? The life of the holy martyr, as well as a strong Orthodox prayer against drunkenness and alcohol, which will save your loved ones from illness!

On the first day of the year, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyr Boniface, a saint who is prayed for deliverance from drunkenness. The day of remembrance of the martyr of the faith fell at the beginning of the year as a result of the transition to the Gregorian calendar in 1918.

Mothers of alcoholics often turn to the martyr for help.

To get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • support the repentant in every possible way,
  • visit the temple and listen to the speeches pronounced by the saint at the hour of the service,
  • do not despair and do not lose heart.

It often happens that a person’s independent struggle with an illness ends in failure. In this case, turning to the holy martyr helps to overcome indecision and uncertainty. A person gains faith in himself.

You need to pray to the martyr Boniface even after healing. The temptation is great and in order not to lose faith, you need to pray tirelessly. Only pure and heartfelt prayer can give a person strength and determination.

When a person repents and realizes the harmfulness of addiction to drinking for the soul and body, prayer is the best means of therapeutic action on the path to healing.

Life of Saint Boniface

Boniface lived in the third century and was a resident of Rome. He did not have a noble origin and therefore served the rich aristocrat Aglaida, and also was in lawless cohabitation with her. Slavery did not bother him. Left without parents, the hostess gave Bonifatius the powers of a manager. Boniface coped with this role superbly.

Prodigal cohabitation burdened both the slave and his mistress - both of them were Christians.

But this was not the only fall of Boniface. He was also fond of such uncharitable acts as:

  • wine drinking;
  • debauchery and carnal pleasures.

Soon Aglaida learned that if you keep the relics of saints in your home, this will allow you to quickly find salvation. She sincerely believed that their beneficial effects removed sins and increased virtues. The owner sent the slave to the East, where people were not tolerant of Christians. Boniface had to bring from there the relics of any martyr so that he would become a patron in her affairs.

After some time, Boniface and his companions arrived in the city of Tarsus.

After successfully searching for a place to stay for the night, Boniface rushed to the main square. At this time, the torture of martyrs took place there. These torments are described in detail in the life of Boniface himself.

It was what he saw that prompted the young and prosperous man to make a difficult decision. Evidence of what happened is recorded in church calendars and in the records of officials who were responsible for carrying out the executions.

After what he saw, Boniface walked through the cordon of soldiers and began to kiss the feet of the martyrs, asking them to pray for his soul. Security grabbed him. Standing before the judge, Boniface admitted that he was a Christian and refused to offer sacrifices to idols. After this, he was tortured and killed by beheading.

The companions, having learned that Bonifatius had been executed, bought the remains of the martyr from the soldiers and brought them to Rome.

The hostess accepted the relics of Boniface with great respect and trepidation. And after some time, she built a temple at the site of his burial. She freed her slaves and dedicated her life to monasticism.

The temple that Aglaida built is a monument to love for Boniface.

How to pray

Every prayer is a sacrament of communication with God. Monotonous and thoughtless repetition of memorized text will not help here.

Turning to Saint Boniface in prayer and repentance must come from the heart. The person praying should do the following:

  • Before starting prayer, a blessing from the clergy is required.
  • The one who prays and suffers must openly tell the holy martyr about his difficulties and adversities, and also admit his weakness. Only after sincere and pure repentance will the long-awaited healing come.
  • Every day should begin with conversion and gratitude to the Almighty.

You need to turn to a saint for deliverance from drunkenness correctly. If the son is dependent, then the mother should read the mother’s prayer. And also the mother should ask the clergyman to pray for her child before the Lord. If a person turns to God for the salvation of his soul, he should ask for blessings from the holy father.

Saint Boniface is the protector and mentor of those prone to alcoholism and gluttony. He is also the protector of lovers. Prayers addressed to him make it possible to admit mistakes and correct your life.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface

Prayer does not require special skills from a person; it is a conversation with God. During divine services, clergy use a special language. In personal prayer, when a believer remains alone with God, there is no need for a special language. You can pray to God in the language in which a person thinks and communicates with others.

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servants ( namename) by the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Thy servants ( namename). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Among the Orthodox, the prayer to Boniface for deliverance from drunkenness is one of the most effective.

To ask any family member or close relative for help from drunkenness, you need to follow certain rules:

  • You need to pray to Saint Boniface during periods of intense drinking and at a time when a person does not feel a craving for alcohol.
  • A person suffering from alcoholism (or his relatives) should pray to Boniface even at that moment, if for some reason even a small amount of alcohol was consumed. Many who have overcome the disease begin to drink again, believing that if the martyr helped once, he will help in the future. If a person feels weak and unable to resist an illness, then he should pray daily.
  • Correct reading of the prayer helps not only to strengthen faith in one’s own strength, but also gives an understanding that the believer is taking the right steps regarding alcohol.
  • Prayer to Saint Boniface for help in getting rid of addiction has a tremendous therapeutic effect for those believers who are just about to begin the treatment process. It complements the course of treatment prescribed to the patient by his attending physician.

The most sincere and powerful prayer is considered to be one that is said by a believer not for himself, but for someone else.

When a person prays for Boniface’s help, he must ask the martyr to also pray for forgiveness for him from the Lord.

In order for the martyr to be convinced that the intentions of the person praying are pure and sincere, while pronouncing the text of the prayer, one must adhere to the rules of fasting. The prayer must be read for forty days.

Icon of Saint Boniface

It depicts the martyr as a young and attractive youth with a red cape on his shoulders. The right hand holds a cross, and the left hand is concentrated in prayer.

The icon helps in the following cases:

  • relieves drunkenness and gluttony;
  • protects from debauchery;
  • helps you find and keep love.

Now the relics of Saint Boniface are located on the Aventine Hill in Italy in the local cathedral. Victory over any disease requires not only a lot of effort, but also time. Faith and patience will help you overcome all possible hardships that may arise on the path to the desired recovery.

Holy Martyr Boniface

Holy Martyr Boniface

(December 19/January 1)

The holy martyr Boniface was the slave of the rich young Roman woman Aglaida and was in lawless cohabitation with her. But both of them, indulging in uncleanness and drunkenness, felt remorse and wanted to somehow wash away their sin.

And the Lord took pity on them and gave them the opportunity to cleanse their sins with their blood and end their sinful life with repentance. Aglaida learned that if the relics of the holy martyrs are reverently kept in the house, then through their prayers it is easier to obtain salvation, for under their grace-filled influence sins are diminished and virtues reign. She sent Boniface to the East, where at that time there was a cruel persecution of Christians, and asked to bring the relics of a martyr so that he would become their leader and patron. At parting, Boniface, laughing, asked: “What, madam, if I don’t find the relics, and I myself suffer for Christ, will you accept my body with honor?” Aglaida took his words seriously and reproached him for taking liberties when going on a holy task. Boniface thought about her words and was focused the whole way.

Arriving in Cilicia, in the city of Tarsus, Boniface left his companions at the hotel and went to the city square, where Christians were tortured. Shocked by the spectacle of terrible torture, seeing the faces of the holy martyrs enlightened by the grace of the Lord, Boniface, at the beck and call of his compassionate heart, rushed to them, kissed their feet and asked for holy prayers, so that he too would be worthy to suffer with them. Then the judge asked Boniface who he was, Boniface replied: “I am a Christian,” and then refused to sacrifice to idols. He was immediately given over to torture: they beat him so hard that the meat fell off the bones, they stuck needles under his nails, and finally they poured molten tin into his throat, but by the power of the Lord he remained unharmed. The people surrounding the judgment seat became indignant, they began to throw stones at the judge, and then rushed to the pagan temple to overthrow the idols.

The next morning, when the unrest had calmed down somewhat, the judge ordered that the holy martyr be thrown into a cauldron with boiling tar, but this did not cause the sufferer any harm: an Angel descended from heaven sprinkled him, and the tar poured out of the cauldron, flared up and burned the tormentors themselves. Then Saint Boniface was sentenced to beheading by the sword. Blood and milk flowed from the wound; Seeing such a miracle, about half a thousand people believed in Christ. Meanwhile, the companions of Saint Boniface, having waited in vain for him for two days at the hotel, began to look for him, assuming that he had indulged in a frivolous pastime. At first the search was unsuccessful, but finally they met a man who was an eyewitness to the martyrdom of the saint. This witness led them to where the headless body still lay. The companions of Saint Boniface tearfully asked him for forgiveness for the inappropriate thoughts about him and, having bought the remains of the martyr for a lot of money, they brought them to Rome.

On the eve of their arrival, an Angel appeared to Aglaida in a dream and ordered her to prepare to receive her former slave, and now her master and patron, a co-servant of the Angels. Aglaida called the clergy, received the honorable relics with great honor, and then built a temple in the name of the holy martyr on the site of his burial and placed the relics there, famous for many miracles. Having distributed all her property to the poor, she retired to a monastery, where she spent her days in repentance and during her lifetime acquired the miraculous gift of casting out unclean spirits. The saint was buried near the grave of the martyr Boniface.


Kontakion 1

Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered by martyrdom from eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to the eternal light, accept our prayer in praise offered to you, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so we joyfully call to you:

Ikos 1

By a bright angel, the fire of your torment quenched by the dew of grace, you were protected, the sufferer of Christ, Boniface, so that
An unrepentant sinner, do not perish and appear before the Lord in bridal clothing, teach us to put on the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you:

Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ;
Rejoice, imitator of His suffering.
Rejoice, turning your eyes to God;
Rejoice, having strengthened your will with virtue.
Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ;
Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted.
Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance;
Rejoice, you lead to Christ, the True Path.
Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world.
Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent;
Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the great turmoil in this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the worldly, more suffering than Christ, ascended to the height of prudence, you confessed Christ God before everyone, and now you call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord , may they repent in humility and cry out to Him in tender tears: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface, you came from the west to the east from Rome, to sympathize with our Lord Jesus Christ, bearing a holy intention, so that grace abounds in you, and now you have drawn us into the temple of God, who speak to you :

Rejoice, teach to overcome passions;
Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate.
Rejoice, having known the vanity of earthly life;
Rejoice, you who predicted your own suffering.
Rejoice, consolation and encouragement to those who are sober;
Rejoice, strengthening the weak with will.
Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness;
Rejoice, for through you we turn to God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healings;
Rejoice, my endless treasure of miracles.
Rejoice, teaching us to always raise our minds to God;
Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 3

The power of God’s mercy is inexpressible revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him, so you too have pleased God and instead of bitter death you have received eternal life, teach And I will make God sing to us: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having now eternal joy in the Heavenly Villages, you do not forget us sinners on earth, Martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not leave us orphaned and sick, asking you for help, but bring our prayers to the Heavenly Altar, and we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, you who loved your neighbor as you loved yourself;
Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins.
Rejoice, you who served as a stranger and traveler with all diligence;
Rejoice, for for this reason you bypassed hailstorms at night.
Rejoice, you who teach mercy to the rich;
Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows.
Rejoice, kind representative of the needy and humiliated;
Rejoice, you who are always an intercessor for the offended and humiliated.
Rejoice, thou who are burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and cooled down by sobriety;
Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety.
Rejoice, comforter of weeping women;
Rejoice, you who bring their tears to the Lord.

Kontakion 4

You did not drown the storms of sin, you were covered below the waves of passions, martyr of Christ, you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life, like a fragrant sacrifice, to Him, our Sweetest Savior. Pray, then, and we, who exist in the sea of ​​life, to a quiet refuge, the Lord Savior, as a father, calling in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

We also hear the Gospel parable, how the prodigal son in a distant country, having spent his property, came from the hunger of his soul, came into the arms of his father, calling in repentance: “Father, those who have sinned in Heaven and before You.” So you, martyr Boniface, did not destroy yourself, but turned away from the birth of sin, and turned to Christ. We, rejoicing in your correction, sing to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced passion in your work and are strong in your work;
Rejoice, O Christ God, for you who hungered for living bread.
Rejoice, O Most Pure One of His Blood, for having partaken of the true drink;
Rejoice, as you have venerated the glorious martyrs.
Rejoice, you who fly to God on the wings of sobriety;
Rejoice, you who have sorrow in your heart.
Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross;
Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory.
Rejoice, imperishable treasure of our souls;
Rejoice, our Church is a valuable adornment.
Rejoice, flee from the beauty of this world;
Rejoice, you have taken off your sinful clothes.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing Blood of Christ for all of us unworthy and the martyr’s blood shed for Christ in memory, Aglaida tells you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins we have been defiled, and we are careless about the future of our life, even though we have heard from the divine man that the relics of the martyrs are granted salvation, like a martyr, as a guardian and intercessor before God! have." We say to you: “You are our guardian and intercessor before our God, for from the Angels you stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing: “Alleluia.”

Ikos 5

We now see and understand how these words of Aglaida awakened your soul, and you called for abstinence, Martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by being drowned, but we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, awakening from passions, as from a disastrous sleep;
Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin.
Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God;
Rejoice, endless joy affirmation.
Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence;
Rejoice, for with the sign of the Cross you stopped the outburst of passions.
Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions;
Rejoice, and encourage us to the work of salvation.
Rejoice, for you have despised the joy of wine;
Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds, as if you were incorporeal.
Rejoice, beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ;
Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of the veneration of the holy relics, Aglaida, your mistress, appeared, to suffer like Christ, when you sent to the east the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, to bring, in the image of good deeds flowing abundantly and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant that we too may receive consolation from the Lord, and to Him we offer the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone upon us, like a never-setting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the light and all-bearing yoke of Christ has been accepted and you have received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord. In the same way, with your prayers, bring us to the Upper Abode, praising you here:

Rejoice, God-written tablet of the law of Christ;
Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord.
Rejoice, true pillar of fire in Christ’s faith;
Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, like other stones.
Rejoice, heavenly ladder of sobriety;
Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds.
Rejoice, you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus Christ;
Rejoice, for the light of Christ has shone upon us.
Rejoice, teaching us to illuminate the holidays by abstinence from sins;
Rejoice, you protect us from mortal wine.
Rejoice, you who revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ;
Rejoice, you call to a new life.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 7

Although you left your home on a journey to the east, you predicted the end of your life, O most praiseworthy Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, which was tormented for Christ, when it is brought to you.” Having in your soul the thought of suffering for Christ, you sincerely prayed to Him, and strengthen our faith, so that we too may prepare it for the sake of suffering, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus answering: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing how to bear the relics of holy imashas. May the Lord send His Angel before you and guide your steps with His mercy.” We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Bonifatius, seeing, cry out to you:

Rejoice, admirer of holy relics;
Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us.
Rejoice, we are commanded to guard against atrocities;
Rejoice, all of you, for them the sons of this age rejoice, despised.
Rejoice, known helper to us;
Rejoice, treasurer of holy relics.
Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins;
Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God.
Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord leaves sins;
Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches.
Rejoice, you who created joy and wonder with your angelic face;
Rejoice, thou who hast brought the spirits of evil to shame.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 8

Pagan idolatry was strange to you, and you, holy martyr, came to Tarsus, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot as an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love for the Lord Christ, always singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king brought execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing your praises:

Rejoice, bold accuser of evil;
Rejoice, thou clothed in the truth of God as with armor.
Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare from their wounds for Christ;
Rejoice, for the purity of your soul was then revealed.
Rejoice, for you have inherited the heavenly villages;
Rejoice, for even now you reprove evil people’s blasphemy against Christ.
Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds;
Rejoice, unfading flower of the garden of Eden.
Rejoice, for you have purified gold from the furnace of plagues;
Rejoice, thou struck for Christ.
Rejoice, having pleased God with your death;
Rejoice, you who loved Him even to the death of martyrdom.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 9

Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, more passionately than Christ, when the wicked king commanded to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin, you raised your hand to heaven, praying: “Lord my God Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, remain with me now, my suffering.” make it easier and do not leave me overcome by being a wicked prince,” thus teaching us love for Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Let the superstitious spirits tell us that because the tin of kindled thy throat has not fallen, do no more harm to you, martyr Boniface, for you asked from the Lord for a sign of victory over the tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly, for this reason I cried out in wonder: “Great is, Jesus Christ, we believe, we believe in You, Lord,” but we glorify you, martyr, here:

Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened;
Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death.
Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone;
Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering.
Rejoice, for you did not overcome the torment;
Rejoice, for you have not overcome passion.
Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself;
Rejoice, for you were not scorched by fire.
Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer;
Rejoice, our gracious prayer book.
Rejoice, for through you the eyes blinded by sins are opened;
Rejoice, for with your help sorrows are turned into joy.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 10

Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to Him: “Lord, Lord my God, grant me Thy mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, which I have committed insanely, the enemy will not block my path.” to Heaven, accept my soul in peace, join me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and now cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ, when your head was cut off from your body, oh, a miracle! Abi, the blood and milk flowed from that wound, just like the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with us:

Rejoice, because your torment is visible, many people have turned to Christ;
Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed against the prince of malice.
Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds;
Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins.
Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners;
Rejoice, it is the will of the paralyzed that healing comes from wine.
Rejoice, in the night of ignorance there is admonition for those who wander;
Rejoice, golden soul drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins.
Rejoice, for you were heard from God in your prayers;
Rejoice, for you have reigned in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, thou clothed with purple from thy blood;
Rejoice, for you now see the indescribable light.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 11

Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces of the Most Holy Trinity, you gave yourself up for Nyuzhe, and we, too, like beautiful brides, present our souls to the incorruptible Bridegroom Christ with the sacred song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when your friends found your truncated head weeping bitterly: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and reckless abuse of ours,” then your face, like living rays, was enlightened, showing forgiveness to them, For this reason we call you with love:

Rejoice, you have a mouth of meekness speaking sweet words;
Rejoice, spacious container of love.
Rejoice, for the Church and her children rejoice in you;
Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City.
Rejoice, equal in death to the apostle;
Rejoice, glorified by your zeal for God.
Rejoice, you denounce the evil rumors of everyday life;
Rejoice, deliver us all from the enemy’s trappings.
Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted;
Rejoice, before the Throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp.
Rejoice, having loved your enemies even according to the commandment of Christ;
Rejoice, imputable to slander and slander.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 12

The grace of healing, sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: “Thou who was of old a servant, now accept our brother and fellow servant as a master, and rest in peace, that thy sins may be forgiven, for he is with us now in the Heavenly sings to the Most High God: Alleluia.”

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, a wondrous temple was created for you, warrior of Christ, Aglaida, in which you placed your relics, and you yourself, having distributed wealth to the poor, and having lived fifty years in labors of fasting and repentance, attained the ranks of the saints. Moreover, great are your miracles, let us glorify you:

Rejoice, you who created your soul as a beautiful temple to God;
Rejoice, clear book of the wonderful works of God.
Rejoice, thou who deliverest sudden death;
Rejoice, protect sorrowful wives from evil pianists.
Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins;
Rejoice, give them the light of purity.
Rejoice, for you tame the fire of passions;
Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin.
Rejoice, guarding little children from the temptations of the world;
Rejoice, you who teach the teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, herald of sobriety, glorified forever;
Rejoice, ever-honored servant of Christ.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 13

Oh, wonderful martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small praiseworthy offering, kneeling before your icon and stretching out our hands to you, we now ask you: grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially to those who perish from drunkenness, send healing and a good life grant us all the beginning, so that having gained salvation through your prayers, let us praise God forever, singing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st)


Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates ( names ). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be put in a winepress and to call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. O Saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking from the addiction to it ( names ), heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their spiritual addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, merited a shameless peaceful death, and in the eternal light of the endless Kingdom of Glory, they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession. Do not reject our prayers, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters (names) who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and see that for the sake of their Mother, the Church of Christ, they are falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr of Christ Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the fall of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity, may He help us with His right hand to maintain strong and saving God’s promise to the end, in watch for him day and night, and give a good answer about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives who weep for their husbands; children of orphans and wretched children abandoned by pianists; and all of us, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to everyone through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom of Heaven. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to overcome the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned love for our Fatherland and unshakable will before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever. Amen.


Oh, holy servant of Christ, passion-bearer and martyr Bonifatius, with your soul in Heaven standing before the Throne of God and enjoying the Trinitarian glory of God, abide with the holy icon on earth in Divine churches and with the grace given to you from above, flowing out various miracles, look with a merciful eye on the people ahead and be more honorable to your icon touchingly praying and asking you for healing help and intercession, and ask for the remission of sins for our souls, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call upon you, the merciful intercessor to the Lady and the prayer book for us sinners, for you have received from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions, for you We ask: do not despise us, unworthy, praying and demanding your help, be a comforter to us in sorrows, a doctor and healer of those suffering from drunkenness, a quick patron and ready intercessor for the glory of God of those who are sober, intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as if it were yours to the Lord Having received grace and mercy to God through our prayers, let us glorify All the Good Source, the One God in the Trinity of Saints, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Oh, holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil with your prayers to God; I tried a lot to escape the snares of his evil ones, but I was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged from it, I cannot get rid of it, unless you appear to me, in a bitter situation to the one who endures, and how many times I tried to repent, but I was a lie before God. For this reason, I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils by your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Troparion, tone 4

Martyrs were sent to the class; you were a true martyr, having suffered most for Christ, the most praiseworthy; You returned with the relics of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface; pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Another troparion, tone 4

Your martyr, Lord, Boniface, in his suffering received an incorruptible crown from You, our God; Have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence, save our souls with your prayers.

Kontakion, tone 4

You brought the immaculate sanctification to you of your own free will, even from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wanted to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.


(To the Holy Martyr Boniface)

Song 1

Irmos:Strong tristats, / Born of the Virgin, / dispassion in the depths of the soul, tripartite in the swamp, I pray, / let You, as in the tympanum, / in the mortification of the body, / sing victorious singing.

With zealous thought and feat, jealous of the good sufferers, / you suffered greatly and you killed the serpent through your life-giving sufferings, / the sufferer Boniface, the interlocutor of the holy Angels.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Seeing the enemy’s flattery poured out on the land, the virtuous sufferer, / inflaming his soul with the most Divine desire, / you entered the funeral feast unafraid, blessed, wise.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Enlightened by Divine wisdom, blessed one, / you have made fools of your unwise enemies, proclaiming Christ, / becoming likened to the stoutness of the flesh, / to whom you appeared at will, Bonifatius, the long-suffering martyr.

Theotokos:The Mountain of God, which Daniel foresaw, / the mental tabernacle, the pure Mary, the holy sanctuary of glory, / the table that contained the Divine bread, / the whole of faith, let us sing with one wisdom.

Song 3

Irmos:Because the Church has given birth to barren children, / and many of the weak children of the congregation, / let us cry out to our wonderful God: / Holy art thou, Lord,

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

As you, O glorious one, desired the Highest freedom, / freed yourself from the yoke of work, / became passionately jealous of honest things, O glorious one, / for the mercy of the former slave.

Holy Martyr Boniface pray to God for us.

The highest of the flesh appeared through the wisdom of the Divine change, / suddenly everyone who lay down endured the cruelties, rejoice, / martyr Boniface.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

You yourself, you rejected, / and you came out to the feat and struggle of the enemy, / strengthened by the weapon of the Cross, and, having become the winner, / you became famous, martyr Boniface.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos:Having exhausted Yourself, / Having not exhausted the depths of the Fathers in Your womb, the pre-existent God / and Your Son came, the All-Immaculate One, / saving humanity.

Kontakion, tone 4

Similar to: Ascended:

Coming forth to receive the passion-bearing relics and those who suffered legitimately for the sake of faith in vain, / you showed your courageous strength, / rushing to the passions by confessing to Christ, / who received the honor of the victory of your suffering, / Bonifatius, pray ever for us.

Sedalen, voice 4

Similar to: Ascended:

Martyrs were sent to the class, you were a true martyr, / having suffered for Christ the most, the most valiant, / but you blessedly surrendered the burden by faith / to the one who sent you, blessed Boniface. / But diligently pray for complete forgiveness of all sins.

Glory, even now. Theotokos:

O being a sinner, I pray to You, who gave birth to a sinless God, / who takes away the sins of the world, O Most Pure One, / to be generous to my sinful soul / and to cleanse my many sins: / for You are purification for sinners, and salvation for the faithful, and intercession.

Holy Cross:

From the Beginning Father born, / who finally gave birth to You in the flesh, hanging on the Cross, beholding, Christ / alas for Me, O most dear Jesus, crying out: / how is he glorified as God by the Angels, / from the lawless man now the Son, although you are crucified? I sing, Ty, Long-suffering.

Song 4

Irmos:For the sake of love, the Generous One, / you became on your Cross, / and the pagans melted away: / you are, O Lover of Mankind, / my strength and praise.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Blessing the patience of those who suffer, / with the likeness, O martyr, of honest suffering, / in this way you have become likened to you, the rich wisdom of God.

Holy and martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Going by faith to the martyrs of the Divine class, blessed one, / you yourself gave the most wonderful burden to you, the wise God.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Purified like gold, martyr, pierced by the crucible, / you appeared purest, / bearing the image of the Creator of Passions.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos:Virginity at Christmas is sealed, recognizing, O Young Lady, / the unspeakably born Word from Thy side, Thou didst truly magnify.

Song 5

Irmos:Thy enlightenment, O Lord, descend upon us, and resolve us from the darkness of sins, O Good One, / grant us Thy peace.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us. Like a luminous star, you rose from the west, / and you set, martyr, with suffering, patiently, / you shone towards the west, illuminating the ends.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

You labored as a martyr, / tearing nails with sharp, martyr, reeds, / and faithfully dulling the evil sting with grace.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

The enemy is exhausted, God-wise, against your treachery, / for with an unwavering gaze towards God / you endured fleshly wounds, as if / you were bodiless.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos:I have washed every defilement, O Virgin, my soul, I cry out to Thee, / and save me, O Pure One, / Who embodied the true God of the Savior on earth.

Song 6

Irmos:Cry out, prefiguring the three-day burial, / the prophet Jonah, praying in the whale: / deliver me from aphids, O Jesus, King of hosts.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Beaten by fleshly wounds, you wounded the godless, / those who were incurably ill with ignorance, / and you appeared to the sick as a doctor, the suffering Boniface.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

We are exalted to God, blessed one, by the pretext of exploits, / you have destroyed invisible enemies / and you have been a helper to the humble, the passion-bearing one.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Dragging along the earth, like a precious stone, a sufferer, / you have cast down the delights of affirmation, / but you have strengthened the hearts of the faithful, especially by faith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos: The bush is a prototype of You, the All-Immaculate One, / burning and in no way scorched, the Most Pure One, / for, like it, you were not scorched, having embodied God.

Kontakion, tone 4

Similar to: You appeared:

The immaculate sanctification was brought to you by your own free will, even as you wish to be born of the Virgin for your sake, / holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.

Song 7

Irmos:Abrahamstin sometimes in Babylon the youths / quelled the flames of the caves, / crying out in songs: / Blessed are you, God, of our fathers.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Without bending your knees to the idol, / you fell into the greatest temptation, truly, a martyr, into the cave, / watered therein, you gave thanks to Christ forever.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Eagerly destroy the fortress of your confession, / the flattering wise one mercilessly pours bubbling tin into your inner being, / but in reality you are put to shame.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Having zealously cut off your honorable head, you cut off your flattering enemy's many-witted head with a sword, / martyr of Christ, wise God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos:Let me sing with befitting voices to Thee, O Maiden, / deliver me from passions with Thy prayers, / troubles and sorrows and wicked people, / embitter those who seek me.

Song 8

Irmos:Savior of all, O All-Powerful One, / in the midst of the flame of the pious, / you descended, watered / - and taught you to sing: / all things, bless, sing to the Lord.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

By making your salvation useful, Christ, Bonifatius, / seeking the relics of the good-victorious martyrs, strengthens you, / who you yourself truly sought to be.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Thou hast given the blessed treasure to the blessed mistress, blessed one, / having become rich with it, girded with a cheerful heart: / all things, bless, sing to the Lord.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

With diligence, the glorious woman, having erected the most sacred temple, / place you in it, a true temple of the Divine Trinity, / the passion-bearing Boniface of Christ.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Having died for the love of the Creator, who mortifies the corrupting passions, / give life through your prayer to those who clearly cry out: / all things, bless, sing to the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos: To Thee, the Pure One, the Divine One, descended like a message, / and the people of God, singing songs, were incarnated, the Virgin: / all things, bless, sing to the Lord.

Song 9

Irmos: Eve, because of the illness of disobedience / instilled an oath; / But you, Virgin Mother of God, / through the vegetation of the womb of the world, you have blossomed with Blessing. / Thus we magnify you all.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Seeing you, the sacred burden, I rejoice, cry out, ever remembering: / the servant who sent you, blessed, the true master, I accept, / the work of delivering the evil with your favorable prayers.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Like a tree, in the abundance of your thoughts, you have blossomed, the martyrs, Bonifatius, / like a date, you have risen, / like a cedar, you have been known to be myrrh-breathed, / you have appeared chosen, like a cypress, / fragrant to our souls.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Today your memory rises up to us, more passion-bearing, / like the sun, with the radiance of Divine gifts, / enlightening the souls of those who sing to you, driving away the darkness of passions, / all-blessed martyr to the wise God.

Holy Martyr Boniface, pray to God for us.

Like the sun from the west, you shone / and you reached the eastern city, / where you suffered and died, you rose to life / and you reached bright Rome, / protecting it with your prayers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Theotokos:Illuminate me with Your light, All-Immaculate One, / in the darkness of the contents of sin, Mother of God, / and grant me to walk in the day of Divine commandments, Bride of God, / as I sing to You, the All-Singing One.