Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna storyline. Vyborg side. Pshenitsyna. The role of this love drama. Oblomov in the fate of Agafya Matveevna


Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was published in 1859, almost immediately exciting the writer’s contemporaries and interested critics in the complexity of the characters described and the ambiguity of the questions raised by the author. One of the leitmotifs of the novel is the theme of love, most clearly revealed through the image of the main character - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. The reader is introduced to the character at the very beginning of the work as a dreamy, apathetic, lazy person who does not want to do anything. And if it weren’t for the feeling that suddenly flared up for Olga Ilyinskaya, most likely nothing significant would have happened in the hero’s fate. Oblomov’s love for Olga in his life became the turning point when a person must choose: to move on or leave everything as it is. Ilya Ilyich was not ready to change, so their relationship ended in separation. But spontaneous feelings were replaced by a quiet, peaceful life in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna, which, nevertheless, led to early death Ilya Ilyich.

Oblomov's two loves in Goncharov's novel embodied two female images, two examples of the realization of feelings for to a loved one and two paths for the main character that had a tragic ending. Why was not a single woman able to pull Ilya Ilyich out of the swamp of “Oblomovism”? The answer lies in the characteristics of the characters of the heroines and life priorities Oblomov himself.

Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga and Oblomov’s feelings developed rapidly, almost from their first acquaintance the characters felt attracted to each other: Ilya Ilyich was fascinated by harmony, intelligence and inner beauty Ilyinskaya, and the girl was attracted by the kindness, complaisance and tenderness of the man. And it would seem strong feelings that flared up between the heroes could develop and become a help to a happy family life. However, differences in the characters' characters and different visions of the ideal life together led to the quick separation of Oblomov and Olga.

Ilya Ilyich saw in the girl the ideal of an “Oblomov” woman, capable of creating for him a calm home comfort, a life in which every day would be similar to the other, and that would be good - no shocks, misfortunes or worries. For Olga, this state of affairs was not only unacceptable, but also terrifying. The girl dreamed of changing Oblomov, eradicating all apathy and laziness in him, making him a bright, forward-striving, active person. For Olga, the feelings themselves gradually faded into the background, while the leading role in the relationship became duty and the “highest” goal - to make Oblomov some semblance of her ideal. But Ilya Ilyich, perhaps due to his sensitivity, and perhaps because he was much older than the girl, was the first to understand that he could become a burden for her, a ballast that would pull her towards the hated “Oblomovism” and would not be able to give her that happiness which she dreams of.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya was a spontaneous but fleeting feeling, as evidenced by the fact that they met in the spring and separated in late autumn. Their love was truly like a fragile lilac branch, which, having given the world its beauty, inevitably fades.

Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna

The relationship between Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna had a completely different character than the stormy, bright, memorable love between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. For the hero, the care of the soft, quiet, kind and thrifty Agafya acted as a healing balm, helping to restore mental strength after the tragic break with Ilyinskaya. Gradually, without noticing it, Oblomov fell in love with Pshenitsyna, and the woman fell in love with Ilya Ilyich. Unlike Olga, Agafya did not try to idealize her husband, she adored him for who he was, she was even ready to pawn her own jewelry so that he would not need anything, would always be well-fed and surrounded by warmth and comfort.

The love of Agafya and Oblomov became the very reflection of the hero’s illusions and dreams, to which he devoted many years, lying on the sofa in his apartment. Peace and tranquility, bordering on personality degradation, complete detachment from the outside world and gradual dying, were the main life goal hero, that same Oblomov “paradise” without which he felt unfulfilled and unhappy, but which ultimately destroyed him.

Oblomov, Agafya and Olga: the intersection of three destinies

Olga and Agafya in the novel “Oblomov” are two female characters contrasted by the author. Ilyinskaya is the image of a modern, future-oriented, feminized girl who has her own personal opinion on everything, while Pshenitsyna is the embodiment of a truly Russian woman, a homemaker who obeys her husband in everything. For Olga, love was closely connected with a sense of duty, the obligation to change Oblomov, while Agafya adored Ilya Ilyich, without even thinking that she might not like anything about him.
Oblomov’s love for two important women in his life was also different. The hero felt a really strong feeling for Olga, completely enveloping him, which forced him to even temporarily abandon his usual, lazy way of life and begin to act. For Agafya, he had a completely different love - similar to a feeling of gratitude and respect, calm and not disturbing the soul, like their whole life together.

Love for Olga was a challenge for Oblomov, a kind of test, having passed which, even if the lovers had separated anyway, perhaps he could have changed, freed from the shackles of “Oblomovism” and begun to live a full life, active life. The hero did not want to change, did not want to give up his dreams and illusions, and that is why he remains with Pshenitsyna, even when Stolz offers to take him with him.


The main reason for Ilya Ilyich’s wallowing in “Oblomovism” and the gradual disintegration of him as a person lie not in Agafya’s excessive concern, but in the hero himself. Already at the beginning of the work, he does not behave like a person interested in the world around him, his soul has long lived in the world of dreams, and he himself does not even try to return to real life. Love, as a reviving feeling, should have awakened the hero, freed him from Oblomov’s half-asleep, however, it was already too late (remember the words of Olga, who said that he had died a long time ago). Depicting Oblomov’s love for Olga, and then for Agafya, Goncharov provides the reader with a wide field for reflection on the nature and meaning of love in the life of every person, the importance of this feeling in the fate of the reader himself.

The presented material will be useful to 10th grade students before writing an essay on the topic “Love in the life of Oblomov.”

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Love in Oblomov's life. Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna

Relations between Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna were friendly. Oblomov saw that the hostess was involved in his affairs, and invited her to take care of all the worries about his food, thereby relieving the master of the hassle. Agafya agreed, she was even glad that Oblomov made such an offer to her. Therefore, they lived as one friendly family.

After Olga and Oblomov separated, Agafya became not herself, scolding Akulina and Anisya if they did something wrong. Then, the next day, she goes and checks whether the girls did anything right. When Oblomov left somewhere and did not return for a long time, she could not sleep a wink all night, “toss and turn from side to side” and cross herself. And when something knocked on the street, she could run to the window and see if it was him coming. When Oblomov was sick, she didn’t let anyone into his room, but she sat with him and treated him, even when the kids started making noise, she would scold and scold them.

Outwardly, Agafya changed when Oblomov’s attitude towards her changed. When he was silent and gloomy, she became different - thoughtful, sad, she was losing weight and turning pale. And when he is cheerful and kind, the hostess changes before her eyes, and her whole life becomes just as cheerful and measured.

Agafya Matveevna had almost never seen people like Oblomov before; most likely she liked him because he was not from her circle, and they had never met. She compares him with her late husband and with Tarantiev, but he, in her opinion, is a completely different person, he has different movements, poses, phrases, he seems to shine with calmness, beauty and kindness.

Agafya hid her feelings from everyone, could not flirt with Oblomov, an invisible hand kept all Pshenitsyna’s secrets in her soul.

But Oblomov treated her differently, she reminded him of a childhood picture, the village of Oblomovka. She inspired him with calm and tranquility; he could endlessly lie on the sofa and watch her white elbows as she embroidered something. He was grateful to her for everything: for the fact that she quilted all his pillows and blankets, for her warm welcome, for her care, for the fact that she reminded him of his childhood, for the fact that she guessed his desires. “Every day he became more and more friendly with the hostess: love did not even cross his mind,” or rather, the love he felt for Olga. Maybe he loved Agafya, but these feelings were friendly, she became his mother. He was also satisfied that she was caring for him, cherishing him; he saw such a life in his dreams.

Having married Agafya, Oblomov did not change his attitude towards her; he also thanked her with friendly gratitude, because she brought peace and tranquility into his soul, which he had been looking for for so long. It seemed that he had returned to Oblomovka again, where the inhabitants were separated from the outside world, where silence and eternal sleep reigned, which enveloped and left Oblomov in its arms.

I want to write about two women who played a huge role in one person's life. This man is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, main character novel by I. A. Goncharov and one of my favorites literary characters. Both of these women, completely different from each other, loved Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and each of them influenced his life in their own way.
Olga Ilyinskaya is a smart, proud, proud little girl. She has a passionate and active nature. She tried to awaken Oblomov to life, to useful activity, and did a lot to save him from laziness and apathy. Here’s how Goncharov writes about Olga: “Bringing the presence of a young, pretty, intelligent and partly mocking woman into Oblomov’s sleepy life is like bringing a lamp into a gloomy room, from which pink light, several degrees of heat, and the room will be more cheerful.”
Olga meets Oblomov at the age of twenty. Her life is meaningful and full. She loves music and sings beautifully. She wants to know everything, understand everything. Olga has a very wide range of interests. She reads books, newspapers, and follows literary news.
From the first days of meeting Oblomov, Olga actively invades his life. At first she was simply captivated by the idea of ​​​​saving Oblomov, but while saving, she fell in love with him. For Olga, love, life and a sense of duty are inseparable. She is sure that with her love she will bring Ilya Ilyich back to life and this will make him happy. Dobrolyubov said about Olga Ilyinskaya that she has “an amazing harmony of her heart and will.”
In the struggle for Oblomov, her naturalness, truthfulness in words and actions, lack of coquetry and ability to love were revealed. Olga knows how to sacrifice herself; in her actions she is guided not by the laws of etiquette, but by her inner voice - the voice of conscience and love. Oblomov, having fallen in love with Olga, was simply transformed under her influence. He began to get up early and dress carefully: “You can’t see the robe on him.” Together with Olga, he visits theaters, museums, and even climbs a hill after her. This friendship, which later grew into love, influenced not only Oblomov. She also accelerated spiritual growth Olga herself. Here’s what D.I. Pisarev said about this: “Olga grows along with her feelings; every scene that takes place between her and the person she loves adds new feature to her character, with each scene the graceful image of the girl becomes more familiar to the reader, is outlined brighter and stands out more strongly from the general background of the picture.”
Oblomov was shocked by Olga’s wonderful singing. His natural spirituality, the existence of which he had already forgotten, awakened in him. This was the beginning of a great feeling: “No, I feel... not music... but... love!” But if Oblomov wants love not to disturb the peaceful flow of his life, the peace to which he is accustomed, then Olga expects something completely different from love...
Olga demanded activity and determination from Oblomov. She was looking for an application for her powers and, having met Oblomov, she was fired up with the dream of resurrecting him, awakening him to life. But this turned out to be an impossible task even for her.
Another loving woman In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna became the widow of a minor official. Agafya Matveevna is an ideal hostess. She doesn't sit idle for a minute. Everything is in order with her, the house is clean and orderly. Agafya Matveevna has no spiritual needs. When Oblomov asked her: “Are you reading anything?”, she only “looked at him blankly” in response.
What attracted Oblomov to this simple, uncultured woman? I think because she turned out to be very close to Oblomov’s way of life. Ilya Ilyich liked her house on a quiet street on the Vyborg side. The owner of this house provided Oblomov with all the necessary conditions - peace, quiet, delicious food. Agafya Matveevna saved Oblomov from declarations of love and clarification of relationships that filled his life during his communication with Olga. Pshenitsyna became an attentive, caring nanny for him. The days passed steadily and quietly. Oblomov was calm and happy. Agafya Matveevna unselfishly and selflessly loved Oblomov. However, with her love and care, she again drowned out the human feelings that had awakened in him. Thus, she completed the process of Oblomov’s spiritual death, which began in Oblomovka.
It is surprising that Oblomov was loved by two women, completely different in intelligence, education and social status. However, Olga sought to save Oblomov, and Agafya Matveevna ruined him with her love. Which of them was more necessary and closer to Oblomov? Goncharov leaves this question open.

After some time, Oblomov meets another woman who loves him selflessly, sacrificial love, and the widow Agafya Matveevna takes upon herself all the worries about him. What role does she play in Oblomov’s life? Remembering her image, we can say with confidence that she is the living embodiment of his ideal. She attracts Oblomov with her continuous activity. She has some kind of Russian beauty. Agafya Matveevna, unlike Olga, does not shine with a special mind and does not know how to sing “Casta Diva” so wonderfully, but, having fallen in love

Oblomov once, she is ready to give him her whole life. Agafya Matveevna is much simpler than Olga, but only with this woman does Oblomov find his human happiness. In the house on the Vyborg side, Agafya Matveevna takes on all the household chores of Ilya Ilyich. For Ilya Ilyich, this was the fulfillment of his dream. He begins to live the way he likes: lying on the sofa, eating, drinking, sleeping has become much more pleasant and convenient than always “spinning” in the service, like Sudbinsky, than writing accusatory articles, like Penkin. His life flowed calmly, without external worries and worries.

“It’s as if an invisible hand planted it, like a precious plant, in the shade from the heat, under a shelter from the rain, and is caring for and nurturing it.”

In essence, we can say that the house on the Vyborg side is the same Oblomovka. And Agafya Matveevna is the same Zakhar.

“The trusty eye of the housewife looked after the fish so that, God forbid, it would not be overcooked; the greens in the salad were the freshest. The dust has been swept away from the mirror and chairs. The room was always clean with a fresh morning smell.”

What could make the master fall in love? a simple woman, the widow of a college assessor who knew nothing but how to make the life of her loved one very comfortable? It seems to me that after Ilya Ilyich broke up with Olga Ilyinskaya, Ilya Oblomov’s heart was broken. But it would be unfair to say that Oblomov died for all noble and great purposes, burying himself alive on the Vyborg side. Everything seemed to be overgrown, flooded, covered with the patina of time in it. Only one thing remained untouched in Ilya, pure and clear, as it had been for many years. This miracle was Oblomov’s soul, not dusty and transparent, like a crystal vessel, inside of which living water. Love in Oblomov’s life was both tragic and beautiful. The tragedy lies in his break with Olga Ilyinskaya, who led him to inner experiences. And she is beautiful because he finally found happiness with Agafya Matveevna, but his happiness lies in peace and humility. As a result of their love, little Andryushka is born, whom Stolz takes into his upbringing, and, probably, will make him the “future” Stolz, directing all his strength to mechanical labor, which Oblomov was so afraid of.

3. Oblomov and Stolz
4. Oblomov and Olga
5. Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna
6. Conclusion
7. List of references

Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna

After some time, Oblomov meets another woman who loves him with selfless, sacrificial love, and takes all care of him - this is the widow Agafya Matveevna.
What role does she play in Oblomov’s life? Remembering her image, you can
It is certain that she is the living embodiment of his ideal.

She attracts Oblomov with her continuous activity. She has some kind of Russian beauty. Agafya Matveevna, unlike Olga, does not shine with a special mind and does not know how to sing “Casta Diva” so wonderfully, but, having fallen in love

Oblomov once, she is ready to give him her whole life. Agafya Matveevna is much simpler than Olga, but only with this woman does Oblomov find his human happiness. In the house on the Vyborg side, Agafya Matveevna takes on all the household chores of Ilya Ilyich. For Ilya Ilyich, this was the fulfillment of his dream. He begins to live the way he likes: lying on the sofa, eating, drinking, sleeping has become much more pleasant and convenient than always “spinning” in the service, like Sudbinsky, than writing accusatory articles, like Penkin. His life flowed calmly, without external worries and worries.

“It’s as if an invisible hand planted it, like a precious plant, in the shade from the heat, under a shelter from the rain, and is caring for and nurturing it.”

What could make the master fall in love with a simple woman, the widow of a college assessor, who knew nothing but how to make the life of her loved one very comfortable? It seems to me that after Ilya Ilyich broke up with Olga Ilyinskaya, Ilya Oblomov’s heart was broken. But it would be unfair to say that Oblomov died for all noble and great purposes, burying himself alive on the Vyborg side. Everything seemed to be overgrown, flooded, covered with the patina of time in it. Only one thing remained untouched in Ilya, pure and clear, as it had been for many years. This miracle was Oblomov’s soul, not dusty and transparent, like a crystal vessel with living water inside.