New theory of the environment of the universe. Quantum world. Gravitational collapse of the Universe


We present to you a completely new view of the origin of the Universe, developed by a group of theoretical physicists from Indiana University and presented by Nikodim Poplavsky, an employee of this university.
Every black hole contains a new Universe, ours is no exception, it also exists inside a black hole. Such a statement may seem strange, but it is this assumption that best explains the birth of the Universe and the course of all the processes that we observe today.
The standard Big Bang theory is unable to answer many questions. It suggests that the Universe began as a “singularity” of an infinitesimal point containing an infinitely high concentration of matter expanding its size to the state we observe today. The theory of inflation, the super-rapid expansion of space, of course answers many questions, such as why exactly small pieces of concentrated matter at the early stage of the development of the Universe united into large celestial bodies: galaxies and clusters of galaxies. But many questions remain unanswered. For example: what began after the Big Bang? What caused the Big Bang? What is the source of the mysterious dark energy that comes from beyond the boundaries of the Universe?
The theory that our Universe is entirely inside a black hole provides answers to these and many other questions. It excludes the concept of physically impossible features of our Universe. And it relies on two central theories of physics.
Firstly, this is the general theory of relativity, the modern theory of gravity. It describes the Universe on a large scale. Any event in the Universe is considered as a point in space, time, and space-time. Massive objects such as the Sun distort or create spacetime "curves" comparable to a bowling ball lying on a suspended canvas. The gravitational dent from the Sun changes the motion of the Earth and other planets orbiting it. The attraction of the planets by the Sun appears to us as gravity.
The second law of quantum mechanics, on which the new theory is based, describes the Universe on the smallest scales, such as the atom and other elementary particles.
Currently, physicists are striving to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single theory of “quantum gravity” in order to adequately describe the most important natural phenomena, including the behavior of subatomic particles in black holes.
In the 1960s, an adaptation of general relativity, taking into account the effects of quantum mechanics, was called the Einstein–Carton–Sciama–Kibble theory of gravity. It not only provides a new step towards understanding quantum gravity, but also creates an alternative picture of the world. This change to general relativity involves an important quantum property of the mother known as SPIN.
Small particles such as atoms and electrons have SPIN, or internal angular momentum, similar to the spin of a skater on ice. In this picture, the SPIN of particles interacts with space-time and provides it with a property called “torsion”. To understand this kind of twisting, imagine space not as a two-dimensional canvas, but as a flexible one-dimensional rod. The bending of the rod corresponds to spatiotemporal twisting. If the rod is thin, you can twist it, but it is difficult to see whether it is twisted or not.
The twisting of space should be noticeable, or rather, quite significant, at the early stage of the origin of the Universe or in a black hole. In these extreme conditions, the twisting of space-time should manifest itself as a repulsive force or force of gravity for the objects closest to the curvature of space-time.
As in the standard version of general relativity, very massive stars end up falling into black holes: regions of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape.
Here is the role that the twisting process can play at the initial moment of the origin of the universe:
Initially, the gravitational pull of curved space will allow the twisting to become a repulsive force, leading to the disappearance of matter in smaller regions of space. But then the twisting process becomes very strong, turning into a point of infinite density, reaching a state of extremely high, but finite density. Because energy can be converted into mass, very high gravitational energy in this extremely dense state can cause intense particle creation, which greatly increases the mass inside the black hole.
An increasing number of SPIN particles will lead to higher levels of spatiotemporal twisting. The repulsive torque of twisting can stop the collapse of matter and create a “big bounce” effect, reminiscent of a previously sunken ball flying out of the water, which will lead to the process of an expanding Universe. As a result of this, we observe processes corresponding to this phenomenon in the distribution of mass, shape and geometry of the universe.
In turn, the torsion mechanism offers an amazing scenario, based on which, each black hole is capable of producing a new, young Universe within itself.
Thus, our own Universe may be located inside a black hole located in another Universe.
Just as we cannot see what is happening inside a black hole, any observers in the parent Universe are not able to see what is happening in our world.
The movement of matter across the boundary of a black hole is called the "event horizon" and occurs in only one direction, providing the direction of the time vector, which we perceive as forward motion.
The arrow of time in our Universe was inherited from our parent Universe through the process of twisting.
Twisting can also explain the observed imbalance between matter and antimatter in the Universe. Finally, the twisting process may be the source of dark energy, a mysterious form of energy that permeates all of our space, increasing the rate of expansion of the Universe. The geometry of twisting produces a "cosmological constant" that extends to external forces and is the simplest way to explain the existence of dark energy. Thus, the observed accelerating expansion of the Universe may be the strongest evidence of a twisting process.
Twisting therefore provides the theoretical basis for a scenario in which a new universe exists inside each black hole. This scenario also acts as a means of solving several major problems in modern gravity theory and cosmology, although physicists still need to combine Einstein-Carton-Sciama-Kibble quantum mechanics with quantum theory of gravity.
Meanwhile, a new understanding of cosmic processes raises other important questions. For example, what do we know about the parent Universe and the black hole within which our own Universe is located? How many layers of the parent Universe do we have? How can you verify that our Universe is in a black hole?
Potentially, the latter questions can be explored, since all stars and black holes rotate, our Universe should have inherited the rotation axis of the parent Universe as its “preferred direction.”
A recent survey of 15,000 galaxies in one hemisphere of the universe found that they are “left-handed,” meaning they rotate clockwise, while galaxies in the other hemisphere are “right-handed,” or spinning counterclockwise. But this discovery still requires comprehension. In any case, it is now clear: the process of twisting in the geometry of space - time is the right step towards a successful theory of cosmology.

It will no longer be possible to detect new elementary particles. Also, an alternative scenario allows us to solve the problem of mass hierarchy. The study was published on the website; talks about it in more detail.

The theory was called Nnaturalness. It is defined on energy scales of the order of the electroweak interaction, after separating the electromagnetic and weak interactions. This was about ten to minus thirty-two to ten to minus twelfth seconds after the Big Bang. Then, according to the authors of the new concept, there was a hypothetical elementary particle in the Universe - rechiton (or reheaton, from the English reheaton), the decay of which led to the formation of the physics observed today.

As the Universe became colder (the temperature of matter and radiation decreased) and flatter (the geometry of space approached Euclidean), rechiton broke up into many other particles. They formed groups of particles that almost did not interact with each other, almost identical in species, but differing in the mass of the Higgs boson, and therefore in their own masses.

The number of such groups of particles that, according to scientists, exist in the modern Universe reaches several thousand trillion. One of these families includes the physics described by the Standard Model (SM) and the particles and interactions observed in experiments at the LHC. The new theory makes it possible to abandon supersymmetry, which people are still trying to find without success, and solves the problem of the hierarchy of particles.

In particular, if the mass of the Higgs boson formed as a result of the decay of the rechiton is small, then the mass of the remaining particles will be large, and vice versa. This is what solves the problem of the electroweak hierarchy, associated with the large gap between the experimentally observed masses of elementary particles and the energy scales of the early Universe. For example, the question of why an electron with a mass of 0.5 megaelectronvolts is almost 200 times lighter than a muon with the same quantum numbers disappears by itself - in the Universe there are exactly the same sets of particles where this difference is not so pronounced.

According to the new theory, the Higgs boson observed in experiments at the LHC is the lightest particle of this type, formed as a result of the decay of rechiton. Associated with heavier bosons are other groups of as yet undiscovered particles - analogues of the currently discovered and well-studied leptons (not involved in the strong interaction) and hadrons (participating in the strong interaction).

The new theory does not cancel, but makes it less necessary, the introduction of supersymmetry, which assumes doubling (at least) the number of known elementary particles due to the presence of superpartners. For example, for a photon - photino, quark - squark, higgs - higgsino, and so on. The spin of the superpartners must differ by a half-integer from the spin of the original particle.

Mathematically, a particle and a superparticle are combined into one system (supermultiplet); all quantum parameters and masses of particles and their partners coincide in exact supersymmetry. It is believed that in nature supersymmetry is broken, and therefore the mass of superpartners significantly exceeds the mass of their particles. To detect supersymmetric particles, powerful accelerators like the LHC were needed.

If supersymmetry or any new particles or interactions exist, then, according to the authors of the new study, they can be discovered on scales of ten teraelectronvolts. This is almost at the limit of the LHC's capabilities, and if the proposed theory is correct, the discovery of new particles there is extremely unlikely.


A signal near 750 gigaelectronvolts, which could indicate the decay of a heavy particle into two gamma-ray photons, as scientists from the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) and ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) collaborations working at the LHC reported in 2015 and 2016, was recognized statistical noise. After 2012, when it became known about the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN, no new fundamental particles predicted by extensions of the SM have been identified.

Canadian and American scientist of Iranian origin Nima Arkani-Hamed, who proposed a new theory, received the Fundamental Physics Prize in 2012. The award was established that same year by Russian businessman Yuri Milner.

Therefore, the emergence of theories in which the need for supersymmetry disappears is expected. “There are many theorists, including myself, who believe that this is a very unique time in which we are addressing questions that are important and systemic, rather than about the details of any one elementary particle,” said the lead author of the new study, a physicist at Princeton University ( USA).

Not everyone shares his optimism. Thus, physicist Matt Strassler from Harvard University believes that the mathematical basis for the new theory is far-fetched. Meanwhile, Paddy Fox from the Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia (USA) believes that the new theory can be tested in the next ten years. In his opinion, particles formed in a group with any heavy Higgs boson should leave their traces in the cosmic microwave background radiation - ancient microwave radiation predicted by the Big Bang theory.

The Universe, according to theoretical physicists, was not born as a result of the Big Bang, but as a result of the transformation of a four-dimensional star into a black hole, which provoked the release of “garbage”. It was this garbage that became the basis of our universe.

A team of physicists - Razieh Pourhasan, Niayesh Afshordi and Robert B. Mann - have put forward a completely new theory of the birth of our Universe. For all its complexity, this theory explains many problematic issues in the modern understanding of the Universe.

The generally accepted theory of the emergence of the Universe speaks of the key role in this process of the Big Bang. This theory is consistent with the observed picture of the expansion of the Universe. However, it has some problem areas. So, it is not entirely clear, for example, how the singularity created the Universe with almost the same temperature in different corners. Considering the age of our Universe - approximately 13.8 billion years - achieving the observed temperature equilibrium is impossible.

Many cosmologists argue that the expansion of the Universe must have occurred faster than the speed of light, but Afshordi notes the chaotic nature of the Big Bang, so it is unclear how a region of a given size that was uniform in temperature could have formed.

A new model of the origin of the Universe explains this mystery. The three-dimensional Universe floats in the new model like a membrane in the four-dimensional Universe. In fact, the Universe is a multidimensional physical object with a dimension less than the dimension of space.

In the four-dimensional Universe, of course, there are four-dimensional stars capable of living the life cycle characteristic of three-dimensional stars in our Universe. Four-dimensional stars that are the most massive will explode into supernovae at the end of their lives and turn into a black hole.

A four-dimensional hole would in turn have the same event horizon as a three-dimensional black hole. The event horizon is the boundary between the inside and outside of a black hole. In a three-dimensional Universe, this event horizon is represented as a two-dimensional surface, while in a four-dimensional Universe it is represented as a three-dimensional hypersphere.

Thus, when a four-dimensional star explodes, a three-dimensional brane is formed from the remaining material on the event horizon, that is, a Universe similar to ours. A model so unusual for human imagination can answer the question of why the Universe has almost the same temperature: the four-dimensional Universe that gave birth to the three-dimensional Universe existed much longer than 13.8 billion years.

From the point of view of a person accustomed to imagining the Universe as a huge and infinite space, the new theory is not easy to perceive. It is difficult to realize that our universe is perhaps only a local disturbance, a “leaf on the pond” of an ancient four-dimensional hole of enormous size.

The grandeur and diversity of the surrounding world can amaze any imagination. All objects and objects surrounding humans, other people, various types of plants and animals, particles that can only be seen with a microscope, as well as incomprehensible star clusters: they are all united by the concept of “the Universe”.

Theories of the origin of the Universe have been developed by man for a long time. Despite the absence of even a basic concept of religion or science, in the inquisitive minds of ancient people questions arose about the principles of the world order and about the position of man in the space that surrounds him. It is difficult to count how many theories of the origin of the Universe exist today; some of them are studied by leading world-famous scientists, others are downright fantastic.

Cosmology and its subject

Modern cosmology - the science of the structure and development of the Universe - considers the question of its origin as one of the most interesting and still insufficiently studied mysteries. The nature of the processes that contributed to the emergence of stars, galaxies, solar systems and planets, their development, the source of the appearance of the Universe, as well as its size and boundaries: all this is just a short list of issues studied by modern scientists.

The search for answers to the fundamental riddle about the formation of the world has led to the fact that today there are various theories of the origin, existence, and development of the Universe. The excitement of specialists looking for answers, building and testing hypotheses is justified, because a reliable theory of the birth of the Universe will reveal to all humanity the probability of the existence of life in other systems and planets.

Theories of the origin of the Universe have the nature of scientific concepts, individual hypotheses, religious teachings, philosophical ideas and myths. They are all conditionally divided into two main categories:

  1. Theories according to which the Universe was created by a creator. In other words, their essence is that the process of creating the Universe was a conscious and spiritual action, a manifestation of will
  2. Theories of the origin of the Universe, built on the basis of scientific factors. Their postulates categorically reject both the existence of a creator and the possibility of conscious creation of the world. Such hypotheses are often based on what is called the mediocrity principle. They suggest the possibility of life not only on our planet, but also on others.

Creationism - the theory of the creation of the world by the Creator

As the name suggests, creationism (creation) is a religious theory of the origin of the universe. This worldview is based on the concept of the creation of the universe, planet and man by God or the Creator.

The idea was dominant for a long time, until the end of the 19th century, when the process of accumulating knowledge in various fields of science (biology, astronomy, physics) accelerated, and evolutionary theory became widespread. Creationism has become a peculiar reaction of Christians who hold conservative views on the discoveries being made. The dominant idea at that time only strengthened the contradictions that existed between religious and other theories.

What is the difference between scientific and religious theories?

The main differences between theories of various categories lie primarily in the terms used by their adherents. Thus, in scientific hypotheses, instead of a creator, there is nature, and instead of creation, there is origin. Along with this, there are issues that are covered in similar ways by different theories or even completely duplicated.

Theories of the origin of the Universe, belonging to opposite categories, date its very appearance differently. For example, according to the most common hypothesis (the big bang theory), the Universe was formed about 13 billion years ago.

In contrast, the religious theory of the origin of the Universe gives completely different figures:

  • According to Christian sources, the age of the Universe created by God at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ was 3483-6984 years.
  • Hinduism suggests that our world is approximately 155 trillion years old.

Kant and his cosmological model

Until the 20th century, most scientists were of the opinion that the Universe was infinite. With this quality they characterized time and space. In addition, in their opinion, the Universe was static and homogeneous.

The idea of ​​the boundlessness of the Universe in space was put forward by Isaac Newton. This assumption was developed by someone who developed a theory about the absence of time boundaries. Taking his theoretical assumptions further, Kant extended the infinity of the Universe to the number of possible biological products. This postulate meant that in the conditions of an ancient and vast world without end and beginning, there could be an innumerable number of possible options, as a result of which the appearance of any biological species could actually occur.

Based on the possible emergence of life forms, Darwin's theory was later developed. Observations of the starry sky and the results of calculations by astronomers confirmed Kant’s cosmological model.

Einstein's Reflections

At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert Einstein published his own model of the Universe. According to his theory of relativity, two opposite processes occur simultaneously in the Universe: expansion and contraction. However, he agreed with the opinion of most scientists about the stationary nature of the Universe, so he introduced the concept of cosmic repulsive force. Its effect is designed to balance the attraction of stars and stop the process of movement of all celestial bodies to maintain the static nature of the Universe.

The model of the Universe - according to Einstein - has a certain size, but there are no boundaries. This combination is feasible only when space is curved in the same way as it happens in a sphere.

The characteristics of the space of such a model are:

  • Three-dimensionality.
  • Closing yourself.
  • Homogeneity (absence of center and edge), in which galaxies are evenly distributed.

A. A. Friedman: The Universe is expanding

The creator of the revolutionary expanding model of the Universe, A. A. Friedman (USSR), built his theory on the basis of equations characterizing the general theory of relativity. True, the generally accepted opinion in the scientific world of that time was that our world was static, so due attention was not paid to his work.

A few years later, astronomer Edwin Hubble made a discovery that confirmed Friedman's ideas. The distance of galaxies from the nearby Milky Way was discovered. At the same time, the fact that the speed of their movement remains proportional to the distance between them and our galaxy has become irrefutable.

This discovery explains the constant “scattering” of stars and galaxies in relation to each other, which leads to the conclusion about the expansion of the universe.

Ultimately, Friedman's conclusions were recognized by Einstein, who subsequently mentioned the merits of the Soviet scientist as the founder of the hypothesis about the expansion of the Universe.

It cannot be said that there are contradictions between this theory and the general theory of relativity, but during the expansion of the Universe there must have been an initial impulse that provoked the retreat of stars. By analogy with an explosion, the idea was called the “Big Bang”.

Stephen Hawking and the Anthropic Principle

The result of Stephen Hawking's calculations and discoveries was the anthropocentric theory of the origin of the Universe. Its creator claims that the existence of a planet so well prepared for human life cannot be accidental.

Stephen Hawking's theory of the origin of the Universe also provides for the gradual evaporation of black holes, their loss of energy and the emission of Hawking radiation.

As a result of the search for evidence, more than 40 characteristics were identified and tested, the observance of which is necessary for the development of civilization. American astrophysicist Hugh Ross assessed the likelihood of such an unintentional coincidence. The result was the number 10 -53.

Our Universe contains a trillion galaxies, each with 100 billion stars. According to calculations made by scientists, the total number of planets should be 10 20. This figure is 33 orders of magnitude less than previously calculated. Consequently, none of the planets in all the galaxies can combine conditions that would be suitable for the spontaneous emergence of life.

The Big Bang Theory: The Origin of the Universe from a Tiny Particle

Scientists who support the big bang theory share the hypothesis that the universe is a consequence of a grand explosion. The main postulate of the theory is the statement that before this event, all the elements of the current Universe were contained in a particle that had microscopic dimensions. Being inside it, the elements were characterized by a singular state in which indicators such as temperature, density and pressure could not be measured. They are endless. Matter and energy in this state are not affected by the laws of physics.

What happened 15 billion years ago is called instability that arose inside the particle. The scattered tiny elements laid the foundation for the world we know today.

In the beginning, the Universe was a nebula formed by tiny particles (smaller than an atom). Then, combining, they formed atoms that served as the basis of stellar galaxies. Answering questions about what happened before the explosion, as well as what caused it, are the most important tasks of this theory of the origin of the Universe.

The table schematically depicts the stages of formation of the universe after the big bang.

State of the UniverseTime axisEstimated temperature
Expansion (inflation)From 10 -45 to 10 -37 secondsMore than 10 26 K
Quarks and electrons appear10 -6 sMore than 10 13 K
Protons and neutrons are produced10 -5 s10 12 K
Nuclei of helium, deuterium and lithium appearFrom 10 -4 s to 3 minFrom 10 11 to 10 9 K
Atoms formed400 thousand years4000 K
The gas cloud continues to expand15 Ma300 K
The first stars and galaxies are born1 billion years20 K
Star explosions trigger the formation of heavy nuclei3 billion years10 K
The process of star birth stops10-15 billion years3 K
The energy of all the stars is depleted10 14 years10 -2 K
Black holes are depleted and elementary particles are born10 40 years-20 K
The evaporation of all black holes ends10 100 yearsFrom 10 -60 to 10 -40 K

As follows from the above data, the Universe continues to expand and cool.

The constant increase in the distance between galaxies is the main postulate: what makes the big bang theory different. The emergence of the Universe in this way can be confirmed by the evidence found. There are also reasons to refute it.

Problems of theory

Given that the big bang theory has not been proven in practice, it is not surprising that there are several questions that it cannot answer:

  1. Singularity. This word denotes the state of the Universe, compressed to one point. The problem with the big bang theory is the impossibility of describing the processes occurring in matter and space in such a state. The general law of relativity does not apply here, so it is impossible to create a mathematical description and equations for modeling.
    The fundamental impossibility of obtaining an answer to the question about the initial state of the Universe discredits the theory from the very beginning. Its popular science expositions prefer to hush up or mention only in passing this complexity. However, for scientists working to provide a mathematical basis for the Big Bang theory, this difficulty is recognized as a major obstacle.
  2. Astronomy. In this area, the big bang theory faces the fact that it cannot describe the process of the origin of galaxies. Based on current versions of the theories, it is possible to predict how a homogeneous cloud of gas appears. Moreover, its density by now should be about one atom per cubic meter. To get something more, you cannot do without adjusting the initial state of the Universe. The lack of information and practical experience in this area become serious obstacles to further modeling.

There is also a discrepancy between the calculated mass of our galaxy and the data obtained by studying the speed of its attraction to. Apparently, the weight of our galaxy is ten times greater than previously thought.

Cosmology and quantum physics

Today there are no cosmological theories that are not based on quantum mechanics. After all, it deals with the description of the behavior of atomic and The difference between quantum physics and classical (explained by Newton) is that the second observes and describes material objects, and the first assumes an exclusively mathematical description of the observation and measurement itself. For quantum physics, material values ​​are not the subject of research; here the observer himself is part of the situation under study.

Based on these features, quantum mechanics has difficulty describing the Universe, because the observer is part of the Universe. However, speaking about the emergence of the universe, it is impossible to imagine outside observers. Attempts to develop a model without the participation of an outside observer were crowned with the quantum theory of the origin of the Universe by J. Wheeler.

Its essence is that at every moment of time the Universe is split and an infinite number of copies are formed. As a result, each of the parallel Universes can be observed, and observers can see all quantum alternatives. Moreover, the original and new worlds are real.

Inflation model

The main task that the theory of inflation is designed to solve is the search for answers to questions left unanswered by the big bang theory and expansion theory. Namely:

  1. For what reason is the Universe expanding?
  2. What is a big bang?

To this end, the inflationary theory of the origin of the Universe involves extrapolating the expansion to time zero, confining the entire mass of the Universe at one point and forming a cosmological singularity, which is often called the big bang.

The irrelevance of the general theory of relativity, which cannot be applied at this moment, becomes obvious. As a result, only theoretical methods, calculations and deductions can be applied to develop a more general theory (or "new physics") and solve the problem of cosmological singularity.

New alternative theories

Despite the success of the cosmic inflation model, there are scientists who oppose it, calling it untenable. Their main argument is criticism of the solutions proposed by the theory. Opponents argue that the solutions obtained leave some details missing, that is, instead of solving the problem of initial values, the theory only skillfully drapes them.

An alternative is several exotic theories, the idea of ​​which is based on the formation of initial values ​​before the big bang. New theories of the origin of the Universe can be briefly described as follows:

  • String theory. Its adherents propose, in addition to the usual four dimensions of space and time, to introduce additional dimensions. They could play a role in the early stages of the Universe, and at the moment be in a compactified state. Answering the question about the reason for their compactification, scientists offer an answer that says that the property of superstrings is T-duality. Therefore, the strings are “wound” into additional dimensions and their size is limited.
  • Brane theory. It is also called M-theory. In accordance with its postulates, at the beginning of the formation of the Universe there exists a cold, static five-dimensional space-time. Four of them (spatial) have restrictions, or walls - three-branes. Our space acts as one of the walls, and the second is hidden. The third three-brane is located in four-dimensional space and is bounded by two boundary branes. The theory envisions a third brane colliding with ours and releasing large amounts of energy. It is these conditions that become favorable for the appearance of a big bang.
  1. Cyclic theories deny the uniqueness of the big bang, arguing that the universe moves from one state to another. The problem with such theories is the increase in entropy, according to the second law of thermodynamics. Consequently, the duration of the previous cycles was shorter, and the temperature of the substance was significantly higher than during the big explosion. The likelihood of this happening is extremely low.

No matter how many theories there are about the origin of the universe, only two have stood the test of time and overcome the problem of ever-increasing entropy. They were developed by scientists Steinhardt-Turok and Baum-Frampton.

These relatively new theories of the origin of the Universe were put forward in the 80s of the last century. They have many followers who develop models based on it, search for evidence of reliability and work to eliminate contradictions.

String theory

One of the most popular among the theories of the origin of the Universe - Before moving on to a description of its idea, it is necessary to understand the concepts of one of its closest competitors, the standard model. It assumes that matter and interactions can be described as a certain set of particles, divided into several groups:

  • Quarks.
  • Leptons.
  • Bosons.

These particles are, in fact, the building blocks of the universe, since they are so small that they cannot be divided into components.

A distinctive feature of string theory is the assertion that such bricks are not particles, but ultramicroscopic strings that vibrate. At the same time, oscillating at different frequencies, the strings become analogues of various particles described in the standard model.

To understand the theory, you should realize that strings are not any matter, they are energy. Therefore, string theory concludes that all elements of the universe are made of energy.

A good analogy would be fire. When looking at it, one gets the impression of its materiality, but it cannot be touched.

Cosmology for schoolchildren

Theories of the origin of the Universe are briefly studied in schools during astronomy lessons. Students are described the basic theories about how our world was formed, what is happening to it now and how it will develop in the future.

The purpose of the lessons is to familiarize children with the nature of the formation of elementary particles, chemical elements and celestial bodies. Theories of the origin of the Universe for children are reduced to a presentation of the Big Bang theory. Teachers use visual material: slides, tables, posters, illustrations. Their main task is to awaken children's interest in the world that surrounds them.