Grade standards in elementary school (ten-point scale). Ten-point system for assessing the results of educational activities What is a 10-point scale




Full name______________________________________________________________________________________________

AGE ________________________________________________________________________________

CONTACT TEL ________________________________________________________________________

EMAIL ___________________________________________________________________________________

EDUCATION ___________________________________________________________________________

PREVIOUS PLACES OF WORK ____________________________________________________________














SALARY AT PREVIOUS PLACES OF WORK _______________________________________________

How much do you want to earn?______________________________________________________________

How much do you want to earn in 6 months? _________________________________________

The amount you think you can start working with? __________________________________

DESCRIBE THE CRITERIA FOR A GOOD JOB FOR YOU ___________________________________________





DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE IN SALES? ________________________________________________

If yes, please answer the following questions:

How long have you been involved in sales (1-2-3 years)? ______________________________

What were you selling? _________________________________________________________________

Was it cold calling, active sales in the store, sales at a meeting, sales over the phone to regular customers ____________________________________________________________

Did you find clients yourself or take incoming calls? ____________________________

How did you find clients yourself? ___________________________________________

What was the cost of the product you were selling? _________________________________

HAVE YOU PLAYED ANY SPORTS, HAVE YOU WINNED COMPETITIONS (this also includes dancing) ___________________________________________________________________________________


SOCIABILITY. This point refers not just to the ability to communicate, but specifically the ability to quickly find a common language with the company’s clients, to persuade people, the ability to continue the conversation even if the client tells you “no”, “I don’t want”, “not interested”.
RESULT ORIENTED. This point means that in the group to which you belong, you take an active position, want to show results, distinguish yourself from others, do much more than others and not only want it, but ALWAYS achieve it, even if you have to cope with great difficulty.
CUSTOMER FOCUS. This point means how important it is for you, WHAT you sell and what quality it is, does this matter to you? 10 points here will be - yes, it is important to me what I sell and how useful it is to the person to whom I am selling it. 1 point or 0 points will be that you don’t care what to sell, the main thing is to sell and get your salary for it.
HONESTY. How honest are you with people? 10 points here will be the following - I always tell the truth and never give in to the temptation to lie to a client or manager in my work. 5 points here would be that yes, I give in to the temptation to lie to the client or manager in order to embellish my result (for the manager), the product that I sell (for the client).
EASY ATTITUDE TO LIFE. This refers to how quickly and easily you cope even with the difficult problems of everyday life. 10 points here will be - yes, there are problems and sometimes it’s not easy, but problems are life, they always exist and I can easily cope with them, they don’t upset me at all and when they appear, I get interested, because now I have there is something to deal with.
PRESENCE. Here, evaluate how much you can “break through walls with your forehead,” that is, no matter what, still achieve what you need.
PERSISTENCE. Here, evaluate how much you disagree with life. Here write how much you get in life exactly what you want, and not what you have. Example - you want to have a BMW car, but you can only buy a CHEVROLET - so - how much strength do you have in order to disagree with the fact that you can only buy a CHEVROLET and do everything so that you have a BMW as quickly as possible .
SMART. How quickly you think, that is, how quickly you react to an order, how quickly you pick up what you are told to do and how quickly, after you pick it up, you do it.
ABILITY TO TAKE AN IMPACT. Here, see how resilient you are to problems. Do you bend very quickly when something doesn’t work out for you or, on the contrary, push through problems head-on, don’t let anything confuse or upset you.


The five-point grading system is traditional not only for Russian schools

Natalia Nechaeva, "Evening Moscow"

According to Muzaev, this issue has been discussed in Russia for a long time, but to abolish the five-point rating system, a lot of work needs to be done.

According to the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor, in order to switch to another assessment system, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of teachers. At the moment, teachers do not know modern methods for assessing students' knowledge.

While there are many different assessment systems around the world. “Evening Moscow” decided to talk about some of them.

October 19, 2015 12:30 Children are creating at school No. 1449 - there is an Olympiad in fine arts

Five point system

This system is traditional not only for Russian schools. For example, it is used in Germany, only inverted - for German schoolchildren 1 means excellent, and 5 means unsatisfactory. The same system is used in the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia.

But the usual five points for us can be obtained in schools in Estonia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia.

Ten point system

This rating system is quite common throughout the world. In this system, 10 is an excellent result, and 1 is complete ignorance of the school course. Accepted in the Baltic countries, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, as well as Romania and Albania.

In 2002, Belarus switched to a ten-point system. Their system has five levels - low (from 1 to 2), satisfactory (from 3 to 4), average (from 5 to 6), sufficient (from 7 to 8) and high (from 9 to 10).

At the same time, Belarusian schoolchildren and graduates will not have any problems if they decide to continue their studies in Russia. Especially for this purpose, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published a letter in 2003 that establishes the ratio of grades of educational institutions in Russia and Belarus. Thus, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the Belarusian system are 3 in the Russian system, 6, 7 and 8 correspond to the “four”, and 9 and 10 correspond to the Russian assessment of “excellent”.

The ten-point rating system is quite common throughout the world.

PHOTO: Natalia Nechaeva "Evening Moscow"

100 point system

Alphabetic system

The cradle of such a system, which is also called Anglo-Saxon, is the USA. Here, students are graded on a five-point scale from A to F, where A is an analogue of our “five”, and F is “two”. As in Russia, pros and cons are also used, but they have no real weight in assessing the student’s knowledge.

With minor changes, this system has been adopted by many countries, including Canada, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, as well as Malaysia and Thailand.

Exception to the Rule

In Ukraine there is a 12-point system, which can be divided into levels. The first level (1-3 points) is the lowest, the average second level (4-6 points), the sufficient third (7-9) points and the high (10-12 points). In this case, a grade of 12 points is given only for very outstanding student achievements.

October 7, 2017 14:25 Schoolchildren at the festival’s technology stand examine a robot arm assembled from parts of a construction set by students and teachers of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

In France, Belgium, Venezuela, Lebanon, Tunisia, Peru and high schools in Portugal, a 20-point system is used, in which it is almost impossible to get excellent (18.5-20 points) and most students remain good.

There is a country in the world that has managed to distinguish itself from the rest. In Denmark, as a result of the education reform in 2007, the 13-point system turned into a 7-point system. Everything would be fine, but these are ratings of 12, 10, 7, 4, 02, 00 and -3.

By the way, at the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature named after Margarita Rudomino, on August 7, they will hold

1 point
The unattainable edge of horror. Universal evil. If you have a nightmare, you will have to visit a psychiatrist. Perhaps more than once.

2 points
Something thick and scary. It will be given to the first person you meet for a bottle of cheap beer, or it will be broken until your last breath. We do not consider them as “female”.

3 points
A gray, ugly, plump girl who has been very unlucky in life with her appearance. There are rumors that they have sex.
Usually such girls either give with great effort (due to their terrible complexes), or give to all the few comrades who need it from them.

4 points
An ordinary gray girl who is not popular with men. In this case, it can either be with a normal figure, but ugly in the face, or simply too fat. If you drink a lot of alcohol, it will do, but again, not for everyone. Seducing such a person is not a problem, but think about whether you need it.

5 points
Neither fish nor meat. There are millions of them. 7 out of 10 girls passing will fall into this category. There’s no shame in seducing someone like that, but there’s also nothing to boast about.
Standard. Such girls make “contact” most easily.

6 points
Either a very well-groomed 5, or just a pretty girl who can be seduced and this will be a good memory. Typically, such girls are suitable for long-term relationships due to their flexibility.
Seducing one is not a big problem, but you will have to work a little.

7 points
A naturally beautiful girl. With a good figure and a pretty face. It is popular among men and therefore there is a protective barrier against obviously unacceptable or unsuccessful men. This is the most controversial category among pickup artists. Here opinions fluctuate both down and up. In general, the seduction of 7 remains in my memory as very good memories.

8 points
Fashion model. Naturally gifted with good looks and a great figure. For the most part, these girls are wealthy and have the opportunity to take care of their appearance. The percentage of such girls is very small among all, but having seduced her, you can be proud of it and know that you are “one of the very best.” In most cases, to seduce such a girl, you will need more than one date.

9 points
This is your ideal. Moreover, for everyone it is no less than 8 points, but it sunk into your soul. This is exactly what you dream of. A very beautiful girl (7-8 points) with whom you have a long-term relationship and she is “the one” can also fall into this category.
The seduction of such a girl definitely goes beyond the standard, so here you will have to make every effort.

10 points
The unattainable limit of beauty and inner qualities of a girl. If you met her, then consider yourself one of a million. There is no need to seduce, you and her will understand everything right away.

I liked Leonid’s answer, I completely agree that rating on a 10-point scale is too much, there are too many values.

I myself have regularly been on Kinopoisk since 2012 and mark all the films I have watched. Friends who are also registered there usually give too high ratings if you look at the film objectively, and too low ratings if the film is complete crap. Something in between is rare, meaning the 2-5 range and the 6 score are almost never used, which is sad. People thoughtlessly rate films, but the authors view them like people's creations.

Personally, I figuratively divide the scale into 5 parts: 1-slag/garbage, something that should not exist if the film in some way offends the part or the film is so bad that its only purpose is to collect money on the title, this often happens with sequels, prequels, remakes...

Range 2-4: for me this is a bad film, which I rate accordingly, even though it is bad, but you shouldn’t underestimate the film too much, a film rarely comes without any highlights for which you can give a point; 2 is already the border, the film almost fell in my eyes.

Range 5-6: normal films or just mediocre films are located here. 5 - this is a film that did not impress, and I didn’t really like it, it’s almost a bad film, but it doesn’t go into the appropriate category, because I don’t rate it based on emotions alone, it’s just not my film. 6 is an almost good film, which just fell short of good films, something was missing and that’s all.

Range 7-9: These are already good films that should be recommended to people, after which there is no feeling of wasted time. 7 is just a good film, everything in it is standard, balance is maintained in everything, there are no requests for something more, more of an entertaining movie. 8 and 9 are almost the same thing, it’s just that in fact, if you liked the film and the next day after watching it, with a fresh head, you want to go back and rewatch it or discuss it with friends, recommend it, then 8. A if the film turned your life upside down, changed your way of thinking, made you reconsider your values, then it is obvious that the film deserves the highest rating.

You shouldn’t be carried away by the emotions of the film alone, you should pay attention not only to the plot and the picture as a whole, but also to the acting of the actors, don’t stupidly admire them, how handsome they are. Watching the props, there are very stylish films that are taken out because of this, because they create such a believable atmosphere that literally envelops you there. You also need to pay attention to sound, or rather music. These are the simplest things for ordinary movie lovers.

I hope my system will give something to someone.

Already this year, the country will begin an experiment on a new, more granular assessment of student performance - a 10-point scale.

This was recently stated by the Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko. But, as it turned out, there are already schools in Moscow that did this in the last century. The RG correspondent went to one of them - gymnasium No. 1587 in Maryino.

Seven in geometry

Gymnasium N1587 in Maryino has been working using a new method for ten years. I switched to a 10-point system when there was no trace of the Unified State Exam. An unusual experiment began here ten years ago. The school director accidentally attended a seminar at the regional pedagogical university and, having learned about a new method of assessing knowledge, decided to try it herself. The district authorities did not object, the parents also spoke in favor, but some teachers had to be persuaded. Senior school teachers resisted especially for a long time - they were afraid that they could ruin the certificates of the medalists. What if you have to change weak A's to solid B's? If a student does not receive the highest possible score during the year, how can he be given a medal? In the end they were convinced too.

We have developed a rating scale for each subject and type of assignment. For example, 10 points in the Russian language will be given to someone who not only demonstrates excellent knowledge, but also reaches a research level in creative work, “reads artistically, writes without a single mistake, cleanly and accurately.”

Let's take physics. A ten will be given only if the student’s knowledge goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum. This is an assessment of Olympiad-level knowledge. It's not easy to earn it. But no one here sheds tears about this. The certificate still gets an A, and it doesn’t matter how many points you have - 8, 9 or 10.

According to the director of the gymnasium, Nadezhda Timashkova, everything except the reverse transfer of points into the certificate suits them:

"The teacher has more opportunities to objectively evaluate knowledge, parents like that children are not given twos and ones, students have more incentives to study well - their achievements are more noticeable. Today you got four points, tomorrow - five, the day after tomorrow - six" ...

Proud Four

Russian language teacher Galina Anatolyevna Biryukova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. She defended her dissertation using the new ten-point system and assures that she doesn’t skimp on giving high grades to her students: “In the last lesson I gave 10 points, and I often give nines. School No. 893, next door to us, also uses a ten-point system, and in Surgut there is a lyceum where students are graded on a 12-point system. This is a more objective grading scale."

Opponents of the five-point system make an argument: fives, fours, threes can be very different. “There is a C with a minus and a B with two pluses,” Vadim Muranov, one of the winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition, noted in a conversation with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. “There are only three positive grades at school, and the Unified State Examination is awarded on a 100-point scale.”

Indeed, under the existing system, for example, both a gifted student - an Olympiad winner, and someone who simply learned a lesson - will receive an A for excellent knowledge. And in the gymnasium there is a choice of three marks - 8, 9, 10. An Olympian will be given a ten, and a diligent schoolboy will be given an 8.

It is also true that the 10-point system generally corresponds to the Unified State Exam scale. Therefore, the transition to the Unified State Exam in this gymnasium was easier than in other schools. Both students and teachers understood the principle of assessment: for each skill, skill, and correct answer - your own point. The Unified State Exam scale turned out to be very clear and transparent: I got 80 points - the same as 8 in the gymnasium. This means the result is excellent. Got 50 - that's 5 points, that is, a three. And not a single student from this gymnasium thought of proving that, having scored 50 points, he successfully passed the Unified State Exam.

But there is a danger that even in the ten-point system there will be unclaimed grades - for example, tens. After all, even in the gymnasium, where children enter through a competition, they rarely give ten points. What can we say about an ordinary school!?

Another nuance - a gold medal is given for outstanding academic achievements. If before - for fives, then under the new system, apparently, for tens. There will clearly be fewer medalists. Perhaps, when entering universities, the difficult question of converting the grades of those who have already received a five-point certificate into a ten-point system will arise.

Shall we go to chemistry class? - I propose finally to the director of the gymnasium.

A new topic is being explained in class. In a whisper I ask the schoolgirl at the first desk: “What was your last grade in chemistry?” "Four". Translated into the usual system - a weak C, a C with a minus. But what does “four” sound like?

How are they

All schools in Belarus switched to a ten-point system from September 1, 2002. Schools in Moldova use a scale of 10 points, Ukraine - 12 points, France - 20 points.

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What and for what (mathematics)

1 score (very weak) the student copied from the board, took dictation from the teacher, tried to understand the material

2 points (weak) can repeat some of the basic definitions, is not able to independently complete a single practical task with this theory

3 score (mediocre) remembered most of the material, but cannot explain it, gets confused in the answers

4 points (satisfactory) remembers everything, completes practical tasks with the help of the teacher

5 points (not good enough) can explain some theoretical questions, solves only those problems where the algorithm is known

6 points (good) answers most questions, shows awareness of theoretical knowledge, rarely makes computational errors

7 points (very good) clearly and logically presents theoretical material, applies theory in practice, extremely rarely makes computational errors

8 points (excellent) complete understanding of the essence of theory, application in practice, manages to complete practical tasks in the allotted time. Can he correct his mistake?

9 balls (excellent) easily completes practical tasks, solves non-standard problems

10 points (excellent) applies acquired knowledge in practice in a non-standard way, can independently obtain additional knowledge by working with literature and a computer.

Lyudmila Timchishina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, director of gymnasium N 11, Korolev, Moscow region:

The fact that the range of grades becomes wider is better for the school. You can’t give a student an A with a minus or a four with two pluses in a journal or certificate. Let's take excellent students, for example. A gold medal, of course, is gold, only the sample varies. Fives are also different. One is tense, the other is honest. Five with a minus turns into a five, four with a minus turns into a four. But, you see, there is a difference between these assessments.


Sergei Mendelevich, Honored Teacher of Russia, Director of School No. 57, Moscow:

The main disadvantage of the ten-point system is the laboriousness of assessment for the teacher. If now he has a choice of three limits - 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, then with a ten-point system the boundaries will stretch and clear uniform criteria will be needed for each subject and type of assignment, as well as for the lowest grades, say, for a two . We will have to look for the answer to the questions: where is the line between a satisfactory and an unsatisfactory grade, who can be promoted to the next grade and who cannot...