Nominations for employee awards. Fun nominations for rewarding employees. Mottos, chants, congratulations for kindergarten and school


They are an integral part of the working life of any team. They are timed to coincide with official holidays and celebrations dedicated to significant dates companies. During such events, bonuses are given to members of the work team. employees can be selected depending on the personal qualities of the workers and in accordance with the theme of the holiday. They can be in the form of titles (any noun, adjective, participle, verb; name famous hero, film character, work) or complex nominations (personal or business profile team member).

Title options

The awarding of various titles is the most common form of any award. An honorary title can be chosen in connection with the type of activity or character traits of the employee. Choosing a nomination in accordance with the employee’s profession is the most simple option. Adding the prefix "Mr" or "Miss" to any noun or adjective is also one of the most common forms of title. For example, nominations for awarding office employees could be as follows:

  • "Mr. Brain." This is the title most often awarded to the head of the company. It simply cannot be any other way, because in any organization the director is the most intelligent, talented and valuable employee! And this is not discussed! Well, if the manager is a woman, then it is better to use the nomination: “Miss Heart of the Company.”
  • "Mr. Magic Wand", "Miss Shadow", "Mr. Pulse", "Miss Echo". Such titles can be awarded to the deputy chief executive, depending on the tactics of his work.
  • “Mr. Comp” - this title can be worn by an employee who maintains computer equipment or a system administrator. If there are several such employees, then you can additionally use the prefixes: “super” or “mega,” thus indicating the level of professionalism of the employee.
  • "Miss Office Mood." This title is suitable for an office manager, since the boss’s mood very often depends on it. It is he who meets him in the morning, prepares coffee, brings documents and invites visitors. And not only the mood of the manager, but also the psychological climate of the office depends on the level of his professionalism.

  • "Mr. Bullet." This title can be awarded to a courier, hinting at the speed with which he must work. In addition, the information it carries can “kill” morally, but this happens extremely rarely. Or very often, it all depends on the company.
  • "Miss Clean" or "Mr. Order". All cleaners are required to wear such titles. If you add adjectives such as “ideal”, “impeccable”, etc., the title will become more resonant.
  • "Mr. Stop." This title is awarded to the security guard who controls access to the office.

Difficult nominations

For more detailed characteristics people working in one company can be defined in complex ways that reflect the degree of their intellectual or business investment in the work of the company. For example, nominations for awards could be as follows:

  • "Reliable Piggy Bank". This title must be awarded to a team member who has minimum quantity financial losses during your work.
  • "Charming Magnet." This is how they characterize an employee who knows how to find common language with clients.
  • "Best Innovation" In any team there is an employee who has achieved certain success through self-education. This usually applies to computer enthusiasts.
  • "People's Conscience". This nomination can be awarded to a collector who, using legal methods and personal charm, restores justice.
  • "Honored Triumph" This honorary title must be given to a crisis manager who managed to prevent the bankruptcy of a company.

Fun nominations for rewarding employees

Rewards for employees of a company or office can take the form of honoring famous cartoon characters. This type of cinema, domestic and foreign, is so large that it will easily allow you to find the appropriate image for each employee of the company. Funny nominations for rewarding employees are a great opportunity to create a festive and relaxed atmosphere at any corporate event.

  • "Turtle Tortilla" Such a title can be awarded to an employee who has been working in the company for a very long time and is its honorary member. The certificate certifying this nomination must be issued in the theme of this cartoon and depicted on it famous character(this recommendation applies to other heroes as well).
  • "Wise Owl" This title should be given to the smartest employee. Typically these are deputy directors.

  • “Ilya Muromets”, “Alyosha Popovich” and “Dobrynya Nikitich”. Such titles must be awarded to security guards of a company or office.
  • "Harry Potter." In every team there is a person who can get anything. And this is the head of the economic department.

Preparing for the ceremony

To organize such an important event, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation. It includes several stages:

  1. Organizational. It creates a team that will plan the event. It includes young and creative team members. At this stage, it is necessary to select those responsible for various elements of the event: script, room design, development of certificates and letters of thanks, purchasing memorable prizes, etc.
  2. Preparatory. During this period, there is active preparation for the holiday, during which necessary calculations according to the expenditure of funds, a script is written, rehearsals are held and accessories are purchased.
  3. Productive. At the appointed time, the planned celebration is held, during which the responsible persons realize their creative plans.
  4. Analytical. After the event creative group you need to get together and discuss the effectiveness of your work. Such a meeting will help identify strengths and weaknesses of the celebration and take them into account in the future.

Forms of conducting

Depending on the theme of the event, the ceremony honoring employees can be held in various forms:

  • Official. The most common form, requiring minimal preparation. It is enough to gather all employees in the assembly hall and present certificates and awards. The main thing is that the ceremony is conducted by an administrative worker, preferably the director of the company himself.
  • Creative. This form is best suited when creative nominations are provided for rewarding employees, for example, honoring cartoon characters. Here it would be appropriate to use colorful illustrations and posters for famous masterpieces cinematic art and bright costumes of the presenters.


The room where the celebration will take place, in which nominations for awarding employees are awarded, must be colorfully decorated: place banners with the theme of the event, install multimedia equipment, where you can show a video or presentation about the company. If possible, arrange for nominees to be able to celebrate their titles.

When holding events dedicated to significant dates for the company, nominations for rewarding employees must include special ones for retirees who have worked for the company for a long time. This will serve as positive motivation for current team members.


In any organization, to create a favorable psychological climate it is necessary individual approach to every employee. An event that includes nominations for rewarding employees will help. After all, every person wants his work to be noticed and appreciated.

Any corporate event is always an excellent reason to gather in one place with your entire work team. And, of course, in order for the evening to be a success, it is best to come up with fun competitions with incentive prizes and comic nominations. As a rule, nomination names are directly related to the theme of the event, for example, February 23. We will talk about what nomination names to come up with for men in this article.

What determine the names of the nominations?

As we have already said, the names of the comic nominations directly depend on the theme of the party. Also, the names of the awards may be influenced by the gender of the nominees nominated for the award. In our case, we agreed that all names would be compiled for men. So, what funny nominations can you come up with for a corporate party?

"Most late employee of the year"

This nomination, as the name suggests, should go to the employee who is constantly late for work. As a rule, such people constantly come up with new excuses for their unpunctuality. However, in order not to offend the nominee, such an award can be presented using the following verses:

The alarm clock will ring in the morning,

Get up, get up! It's time!

But he just can't get up

He really wants to sleep.

He's in no hurry to go to work

He basks and sleeps for a long time.

As soon as he sees that he overslept,

He runs to the taxi, but is late again.

Well, who doesn’t it happen to?

He deservedly receives his reward!

Such humorous nominations in verse will help to lift the mood and tell the employee in a playful manner that he is doing something wrong. As a reward for the nominee, in addition to a certificate, you can get a beautiful medal with the image of a sleeping person. You can also give him a large alarm clock.

"The sickest employee of the year"

An employee of an organization who is regularly sick and is on sick leave for any reason can win this nomination. In this case we're talking about not about those employees who have chronic diseases or real health problems that certainly shouldn’t be laughed at. Nominees nominated for this award are often described as “imaginary patients” or that they “suffer from the inflammation of cunning.”

He wakes up in the morning, that's the problem.

He had a headache!

Either your stomach or your back will hurt,

Either a sore throat, or the flu, or colitis.

He won't go to work

He will name a hundred reasons.

He'll call you at work

He coughs and wheezes into the phone.

And so every day he suffers,

For this he receives an award.

As a reward in this category for employees - comic prizes in the form of a large first aid kit with a red cross.

"The most thrifty employee of the company"

For example, a chief accountant can be nominated for this award. Such a person, as a rule, resolves many financial issues of the organization. He always knows where and in what amount certain funds are spent, and also has information regarding saving money. The nominee can be awarded with a large medal with the image of a chest with gold coins or a hand with a fan of green banknotes clutched in its fingers. You can also give him a calculator or an old wooden abacus (the second option is preferable - in order to save money).

Such humorous nominations will make your employee stand out from the team and will be an additional motivation for everyone else.

"The most important ladies' protector"

This nomination is ideal for men who like to be in the center women's team. As a rule, they are not deprived of the attention of the fair sex; they always know how and what to say to any lady. Such a colleague can be presented with a medal with the image of a pumped-up athlete or sports attributes, for example, sports dumbbells.

"Master of the Tea Ceremony"

It is interesting to include such things in comic nominations for awards: interesting titles, as “Master of the Tea Ceremony.” A candidate for this nomination could be the employee who was often spotted with a mug of tea. At the same time, he could be seen with this drink not only at lunchtime, but also at working hours. Such people, as a rule, are simply “playing for time.” During and after tea drinking, they can go for a smoke break and accompany the consumption of this drink with conversations with colleagues, etc.

You can come up with similar nominations on the same topic, for example in the rubric: “for record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for record frequency of visits to the smoking room”, and so on. In a word, come up with nominations for employees that are humorous and at the same time highlighting individual characteristics each of the employees nominated for the award.

"Talker Bird"

An excellent nomination in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk regardless of whether they are on their lunch break or doing something during work hours. As a prize, such employees can be given a megaphone or a poster in the “silence is golden” style.

"Chief psychotherapist of the company"

To select candidates suitable for this name awards must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should lift your spirits, not upset you. Therefore, it is better not to make a candidate a person who has trouble with humor.

For example, if your boss has no prejudices, you can award him this bonus. In this case, the presentation of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will bring the arrogant ones back to earth, he will bring sense to the dull, he will set the heads of departments on the right path, etc.” As a reward, he can be given a statuette reminiscent of an Oscar award.

"King of Social Media"

Such nominations for corporate events are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. “Speaking” names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination “King of Social Networks” may be a subtle hint at some employees who only imitate hectic work activity, while they themselves only “sit” on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

"The most important fashion critic"

Some humorous nominations for men need clarification. For example, “The Most Important Fashion Critic” is awarded to those male representatives who carefully monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. Moreover, in reality they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the slit.

"The best expert on privacy"

There is such a person in every company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who lives with whom, who he meets with, who he quarrels with, who his wife left and for what reason, who is cheating on her husband, and the like. If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make humorous nominations for rewarding employees in such a way as not to offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about.

"Biggest Partisan of the Month"

In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with pincers. They are usually laconic, but in most cases they are hardworking. Almost all representatives of the “silent people” behave like hermits. They hardly communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to noisy company.

Comic nominations for rewarding employees: “Genius of the Year”

This category is open to all employees who have distinguished themselves in some way in the workplace. For example, reward a middle manager who solved a 5th grade problem for the child of a chief engineer; for quickly and effectively finding a solution when working with a printer that has jammed paper and so on.

"IT maniac of the month"

All employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technologies can take part in this nomination. They are usually said to be “gadget nuts.”

Let us remind you that all nominations for corporate events are comic. Jokes should not be confused with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or subject to ridicule or snide remarks. Therefore, be very careful when selecting names for nominations.

Use tools such as medals and certificates with humorous content. In addition, all participants and winners can be called onto the stage, taking funny photos with them. Additionally, comic nominations for men can be accompanied by some funny accessories, for example, glasses with a nose and mustache, unusual hats, colored wigs, and so on.

None corporate party cannot do without special competitions. Scenarios for such events are usually drawn up by an initiative group of employees.

Depending on the occasion of the feast, comic prize drawings are invented. One of the popular entertainments at parties is rewarding employees with nominations. You can present such fun in an original form.

At every enterprise there is an employee who differs from others in his qualities. This can be said about any employee.

Nominations for titles are thought out in advance, and special awards in the form of non-standard items are also purchased.

Let's consider popular nomination options for rewarding employees:

With the latter award option, it’s a good idea to organize special attributes– buy a red carpet, buy Oscar toy figurines.

Original awards for different professions

Depending on the name of the nomination, it is also worth giving incentive prizes to employees. Such a move will help to significantly bring together and liberate colleagues, which is necessary for successful implementation events.

Please note! In the nominations it is worth mentioning only those professions that cannot actually exist in the team.

IN lately Outdoor parties are becoming increasingly popular. In this case, it is worth thinking in advance where to place the prizes so that no one notices them.

Let's look at the award options for different categories:

Nomination Reward
“A penny saves a ruble” - to reward accountants Present some cool ideas to your colleague chocolates in the form of cash coins
“The Headless Horseman” is for people who always forget their heads at home, according to the authorities Give your employee a notepad and pen for notes and memos.
“I will command the parade” - suitable for rewarding the chief In this case, it is worth giving a solid, but at the same time comic present - for example, an interesting figurine of a king from a cartoon
“Buffet specialist” - for an employee organizing banquets A magnet in the shape of a donut or other food is suitable for a present.
“Psychotherapist” - for an employee who is always ready to help with good advice An excellent gift option is an anti-stress keychain, because a psychotherapist also needs to control thoughts
“Firefighter” or “Rescuer of the Year” - a person who helps the entire company get out of a difficult situation Lighter in the form of a fire extinguisher – great idea for a gift
“He only dreams of peace” - to reward a hardworking employee A souvenir in the shape of a battery-powered bunny will delight a colleague
“Keeper of Traditions” - a nomination for a colleague who has worked in the company for a long time Give your employee a notepad with the inscription “for urgent thoughts”
“In chocolate” - for an employee who always succeeds The ideal option would be a tile of high-quality delicacy

Awarding nominations for various holidays at work

Humorous nominations can be invented not only on the occasion of the company’s anniversary, but also on such holidays as New Year, March 8, Men's Day and others.

It is then that the atmosphere especially calls for congratulations and the presentation of prizes.

Let's look at a few original options nominations for employees:

  1. February 23. On this day, all male colleagues at work expect congratulations.

    The lovely ladies can only organize a small party after working day, where to win nominations and awards.

    “Our shooter has ripened everywhere” is suitable for rewarding a person who does not go into his pocket for a word, and the option “The best cover fighter” is suitable for a colleague who perfectly performs his functions of negotiations with competitors.

    Men will be pleased if each of them receives such nominations.

  2. March 8. It is fashionable to associate this holiday with a fairy-tale incident, and since men are not always inventive, the nominations can be taken straight from children's cartoons.

    For example, “Elena the Beautiful” is a title for the most attractive lady in the office, and the option “Marya the Artisan” is suitable for a woman who loves to make gifts with her own hands.

    Women should be rewarded with champagne and a delicious cake.

  3. Professional holidays. If the company consists of builders, and the day before this holiday is celebrated, you can play with the names of the awards.

    The nomination “What should we build a house” will go to the architect, “I can see everything from above, you know that” - to the bosses, and “Putting it in paint” - to the painters.

Accompany the award presentation with poems or songs. You can also use the audio systems and play themed tunes for the occasion of the banquet.

Important! Don’t forget to say compliments and nice words when presenting prizes - this will significantly increase trust in the team.

The brightest and most colorful emotions remain after fun competitions and pranks. Try to spice up the upcoming party with original innovations and everyone will have the most unforgettable impressions.

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1. Nomination - For activity and initiative
You show activity in any matter,
you captivate everyone with new ideas,
You help the trash, you lead them!
always good, interesting with you!

2. Nomination - GIRLS' DREAM
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and during the day,
Serious passions are boiling in the group,
To spin in a waltz with him.

3. Nomination - For hard work
Both the group and the garden are proud of you, you love to learn,
And you love to work. Make us happy with new successes,
And you can achieve a lot in life!

4. Nomination - For exemplary behavior
The course you have chosen is correct - you are behaving exemplary,
respectful, obedient, doing everything you need to do!
Everyone admired you, looked up to you in everything!
Let patience and effort help you gain knowledge!

5. Nomination - Mr. neatness
He is always careful in everything,
All things are in order, nice to look at.
Dirt, disorder and untidiness -
This boy won't stand it.

6. Nomination - Mister Sweet Tooth
No cookies, no candy
They don't give me lunch...
I could use some creamy toffee
It would have jumped much better!
And from the strawberry waffle
I could run better!

7. nomination - Mr. Shyness
Smart and well-mannered, a hero in life,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life
Then there will be no trace of shyness left.

8. nomination - Mr. modesty
he is quiet, modest, charming,
and attentive in class.
If only I could speak louder,
but apparently there is no strength for it

9. nomination - Mr. sedateness
leisurely in his movements and smart,
He knows how to carry on a conversation.
is thoughtful, sees the future,
sometimes he gets so clever - you’re amazed!

10. Nominated - Mister Sportsman
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For composure, nerves of steel,
And for the desire to be first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, drive and inspiration

11. Nomination - Mister Artist
the guy likes to draw,
Loves to help adults.
He has many talents.
Let there be a bright road!

12. Nomination - Mister Justice
Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
all the guys respect
Everyone wishes him success.

This child knows everything around him
Learns the science of life INDEPENDENTLY,
He'll fry the eggs himself if necessary.
He will definitely wash his clothes!

14. Nomination - MISTER X
He is a mystery to everyone in the area,
He can achieve what he wants if he wants,
He always goes his own way.

Nothing can surprise him
He will always bring everyone up to speed,
Who brought what, where did they go?
He will tell you quickly and skillfully!

16. Nomination - A REAL GENTLEMAN
He is helpful, neat,
no doubt neat.
Many years without change -
a real gentleman!

17. Nomination - MISTER ARISTOCRAT
Slightly lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed neatly and handsome,
He, like a DANDY from a magazine, is also important.
Anyone can confirm this to you now!

18. Nomination - Miss Imagination
Oh guys, look -
These are raindrops
I want your strawberry,
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
A booming sound is heard;
Knock back,
Smile, say hello!

19. Nomination - Miss Curiosity
Apparently you were born inquisitive!
You were in a hurry to get on the road!
The world is limitless, you can find out everything in it!
And of course, tell us!

20. Nomination - Miss Smart
You can quickly
It is good to understand and judge,
That two plus two is always four,
And it can’t be any other way!

21. Nomination - Most attentive
Quiet, modest and charming,
And she is attentive in class.
You will help anyone, you will not let anyone down
You will tell me a poem, you will sing a song.

22. Nomination - Miss obedience
You're behaving like
You are always attention itself
And that's probably why.
You are an example to follow.

23. Nomination - Miss Fashionista
There's a fashionista in our group,
How difficult it is for her!
Loves fashionable glasses
And high heels!

24. Nomination - Miss Cutie
Sweet face, beautiful eyes,
She dresses like a princess from a fairy tale.
Beautiful, slender, like a daisy in a field
You can call her in one word – cutie!

25. Nomination - Miss whimsy
Like our nominee
There's a big pocket somewhere!
And there are no pictures there,
No scarves, no shoes,
No candy and no book,
And whims live there!

26. Nomination - exemplary behavior
You have chosen the right course -
you behave like
respectfully, obediently,
you do everything you need to do!

27. Nomination - best singer
You are a soloist in our choir,
After all, you barely open your mouth,
You can hear it even in the corridor,
Everyone knows who sings.

You love to sing from birth,
In karaoke you are a star.
You dream about Eurovision
Come out when you grow up.

28. Nomination - Most stylish
Every day with a new hairstyle
It's fun to go to school:
That one with a two-meter pigtail,
Then suddenly you’ll have curls.

The one with straight hair
Repaint them again...
In front of the mirror for hours
You're ready to stand.

29. Nomination - Most Responsive
Always responds to requests
And he will invite guests to his place;
From a joke he will immediately laugh,
He will tell you a lot of news.

30. Nomination - the kindest
You radiate like the sun
You are warm and kind.
you help everyone clean up,
Keeping it clean...

If the apple is in your pocket,
You will definitely treat me.
For those who did not have time themselves,
You will solve all the tasks.

More nominations can be viewed here

Person of the Year: nominations for congratulations


The title is solemnly awarded to:


For the smile - simply delightful, for the amazing gaiety, for the positivity that charges everyone, for the delightful and most ringing laughter.


For amazing charm and amazing charisma, for the ability to be an excellent leader, the ability to unite the team and lead them through thick and thin.


For the ability to be a brilliant and sophisticated interlocutor, for effectiveness, originality and inimitability.


For a wonderful sense of humor, for amazing jokes and delightful witticisms, for the ability to playfully lift the spirits of everyone around.


For the ability to surprise the team, for unexpected decisions and versatile abilities, for progressiveness, efficiency, effectiveness.

For the stunningness of a wide range of damage: tattooing, fashion makeup, the willingness to amaze others with a rich collection of fashionable clothes.


For the ability to find a way out of the most hopeless situation, inexhaustible optimism and cheerfulness, impeccable devotion and reliability.


For sensitivity, kindness and generosity of soul, knowledge of everything about everything, care and support.


For your willingness to always come to the rescue and give the right advice, for your professionalism and golden hands.


For conducting healthy image life (doesn't drink or smoke... almost), regular visits gym, compliance with high quality standards according to the ISO system.


He is talented, smart, brilliant, gifted, fair, a little strict, but will solve everything on time. Winner and hero, our most golden boss!


For brilliant successes and phenomenal achievements, for the desire to be first and the ability to leave opponents with their noses.


For the ability to enjoy heavenly life and fulfill all your desires with a snap of your fingers.


For the ability to find the correct answer even to the most difficult question, for loving your job and turning it into art.


Ready to help everyone! Charges with positivity! With him we are not afraid to go, even on reconnaissance, or even for beer!


Because you are an impeccable man: you are the embodiment of dignity and strength. Because you are a super flash among the stars, being the best is your specialty. Because you are all superstar in one bottle, you are the brightest in the Hollywood sky.


You press the pedals and fly like a bird into the distance. Ace in parking and skidding, a school of life on wheels.


For the ability to accomplish the impossible, such as: move mountains, get a star, shove in the impossible. For kindness, ease of communication and modesty.


For presence of mind always and everywhere, for the ability to get away with it, for having extensive connections and devilish charm to maintain and develop them

For kind heart, easy disposition, amazing charm, captivating at first sight. For the mischievous twinkle in the eyes that can brighten up a cloudy day.

Luxurious, stunning, captivating. Gorgeous and amazingly beautiful!!! Accept the treasured medal quickly as a sign of admiration from the assembled guests!

You sing karaoke the loudest - and your voice is heard by everyone around. You make toasts the loudest of all, spend your leisure time the loudest of all. You love to shout and make people laugh, make noise and surprise with a joke, and even trying to match your fiery eloquence is nothing! In recognition of all your talents, let me award you with a diploma. Always be as loud, bright, and continue to amuse your colleagues!


You are an example of beautiful, refined manners, a worthy example to follow in everything. You greet elegantly, say goodbye elegantly, and handle cutlery like a guru. You will find your own approach to everyone, you will smile clearly at everyone, even in the palace, even in the Kremlin - you will not get confused anywhere. Let me, with all the necessary ceremonies, honor you with a most beautiful diploma.


You, beauty, are friendly with a camera and love to be photographed. Pose, turn, sly look - you will be cooler than every top model! Oh, what a profile and full face! From any angle - just class! You are amazingly photogenic and look amazing in every photo! We present our diploma to the little star who is loved by the camera in admiration. Be always as beautiful and always in a great mood!


For the activity that you show in everything, for the ideas - you captivate everyone with them! And because you lead us with you, it’s interesting for all your friends to always be with you! We congratulate you on this title and wish you wonderful days!


Solemnly awarded the well-deserved title... For organizational talent and unsurpassed leadership skills, for professionalism and perseverance in achieving goals, for the willingness to move forward and only forward, for sincere concern for the success of the team.


For sincere love for your work, for responsibility and organization and a business approach to work, for the desire to always achieve your goals and objectives.


You are always collected and dressed to the nines - isn’t this the secret of your victories? A shirt under a suit, a tie to match - you’re a dress code champion! For elegant style in every detail, you deserve a well-deserved medal.


You excite the team with your beautiful gait - enchanting, captivating, graceful and light! For the beauty of your legs and the elegance of your stilettos, we gave you a medal of honor from the bottom of our hearts.

30. MRS.

All evening you whispered loudly and smiled quietly. We chatted and had fun talking! “Whispering” - the team decided that they deserve this special medal. Just make sure that loud laughs and whispers do not interfere with your work.


With inspiration, perseverance and diligence, you strive for new knowledge with pleasure! You want everything in the world to make your team proud of you.


Your legs are simply a miracle: both beautiful and slender! This is joy, this is pride, this is the heritage of the country! Long, chic and beautiful - how can you not love these legs! Let me congratulate you on them and hand you a certificate.

33. Mister Jock

For gorgeous, strong biceps, for excellent, powerful triceps, for sculpted, defined abs - just a miracle of miracles! For your beautiful figure, for your muscles, we present you with a certificate and reward you with admiration.


Storm women's hearts, ideal man! We award you the title of idol! You know how to look after beautifully and you conquer the ladies with a playful smile! You are an example of excellent manners, a worthy example for all men.


For the best mustache in the world of unprecedented, wondrous, wonderful beauty! You have a reason to be proud of your mustache: a mustache is a man’s pride and glory!


You are fast and bright, brave and courageous, rushing forward at super speed. Only victories await you ahead - know that success will definitely come to you!


For loyalty to the lady of the heart and exploits in her name, love and kindness to those who need his protection, knightly valor and loyalty to the code of knightly honor, beliefs and word of the knight.


Attention! Socialite, there is more gold stored on it than in the state reserve!