NOD “This wonderful profession is an artist.” Conversation “Profession artist


The artist's profession is one of the oldest and most romantic.. The first artists painted people and animals on the walls of caves using natural colors.

Today the concept of “artist” has become a collective one. In a broad sense, this is the name of a creative person who transforms the world or discovers special qualities in it. In a professional sense, an artist is a person who practices fine art. The concept of “visual” denotes a very specific process: painting, graphics, sculpture as artistic actions - arts that depict the world. If desired, anyone can learn to draw, mix paints technically correctly, select a color palette, brushes, and even paint a picture, but not everyone can see the beauty of the world around them. And only true artists not only see beauty, but are also able to reflect it in their creations. To become a real artist, a person must have talent.

How to become an artist?

Children's artistic abilities develop relatively early. Caring and attentive parents, noticing a child’s tendency to draw, can enroll him in an art club or art school. In order to acquire the profession of an artist, you must go through the following stages of training: art school, college and university.

What qualities should an artist have?

He must be talented, it is important for him to have developed imagination and fantasy. He must be observant, able to grasp the essence for a certain artistic design, own various techniques letters. In addition, the artist must be able to distinguish color shades and have patience.

Where are artists in demand?

An artist can work in the most different directions, due to the fact that in our time the scope of human activity in this profession has expanded greatly.

Activity in the artistic and creative sphere allows you to express your feelings, emotions and impressions through artistic images.

In the field of restoration, the artist works on historical works. Restoration work is carried out according to established rules.

An artist can also prove himself in the teaching field, working in educational institutions different levels: from school to university.

Educational activities will allow him to shape the aesthetic taste of society.

Today, these specialists are in great demand in tattoo parlors.

An artist can find work in museums, periodicals, fashion salons, large companies, art schools.

In the professional community of artists there are many various types specialists depending on the method and technique of drawing and responsibilities:

  • - painters;
  • - designers;
  • - illustrators;
  • - animators;
  • - graphics;
  • - cartoonists;
  • - film artists;
  • - decorative artists;
  • - costume designers;
  • - photographers;
  • - restorers.


The artist’s creations are not only a cast of reality, but a symbiosis of the surrounding world and the master’s imagination. Thanks to painters, you can recreate a chain of events and look at familiar things with different eyes.

Graphic designer

Shop windows, buildings and almost everything that can be seen on the street are sometimes the embodiment of the imagination of a graphic designer. The designer must take into account many factors in his work: the choice of material, paint, and analyze decorative possibilities. This is a profession for a person with skilled hands and a penchant for creating tangible beauty.


A person of this profession works on literary images different works, designs publications. This includes developing the design of magazines, books, and creating a series of illustrations. An illustrator should not only be good artist, but also the reader. He draws the author's idea and is practically a co-author. Nowadays, an illustrator must be able to use computer programs.


Many people, even in childhood, tried to draw flowers and people in motion. This is called primitive phasing, which is the basis of any animation.

Phase artist

A phaser is essential in the animation industry. It creates intermediate character phases before composition. Here it is important to take into account the nature of the heroes’ movement in key phases.

Graphic artist

Graphics differs from other types of art in special ways. visual means, and is often compared to poetry.

Graphic works are very concise and modest in use artistic means. A graphic artist, as a rule, gives an assessment in his creation important events in society.

There are drawing graphics and printed graphics.


This person himself comes up with scripts for humorous works and designs them. He works in the genre of satire, irony, and humor. To create a comic effect, the cartoonist combines the real and the fantastic. Caricatures usually come with text, which should be accurate, short, and imaginative. Caricature is often done in black and white. The master performs work commissioned from magazines or newspapers on a specific, current topic.

Production designer

A production designer is a person with the skills of an artist and prop maker, who can do everything in short terms, look behind the scenes and remember where which object was lying and at what moment it should appear in the frame. In a word, if the director is responsible for everything living, then the production designer is responsible for everything inanimate.

Decorative artist

This is a person who, in his work, brings to life the ideas of the director with flat shapes for voluminous decorations. The workers of the decoration workshop are subordinate to him, and he performs the most complex work himself, accepts sketches and models, monitors decoration theater scenes.

He must have a good knowledge of the equipment and structure of the stage, the laws of combining light and perspective, be able to work correctly with primer, and be guided in his work by the rules of fire protection and safety precautions.

Costume designer

The costume designer must first study the script, make sketches, sketches for each image. It is known that all suits work for the common artistic concept. Clothing expresses a person’s belonging to a class of society, to a profession, reveals his individuality, and reveals his age. Therefore, the costume is part of the creation of the image. With the help of a costume, the actor embodies the director's vision.


A photographer must have all the knowledge that an artist has, master the ability to talk about things and understand the play of light. A specialist in artistic photography is called a photo artist. For photography to become an art, a photo artist needs to learn the basics of photography, show diligence and curiosity, and master this art high level, be able to “catch” the moment, the moment.

Restoration artist

A specialist in the preservation and restoration of objects of cultural and historical value is called a restorer. Its task is to preserve historical and artistic features subject.

Features of the profession

An artist is an interesting and public profession. The creator creates his paintings not according to a schedule, but according to his mood and inspiration. But it should be remembered that artists have an unstable income, which does not always depend on talent, but rather on the ability to promote their work.

At the beginning of his career in the profession, an artist works for a name, and only years later does the name begin to work for him.

Artists work a lot and learn to analyze their activities. On the one hand, this amazing people who are in continuous creative search, hard workers, and on the other hand, eternal dreamers who simply cannot help but create. These are people of art who fill our gray everyday life with beauty and passion.

Drawing is an art. While drawing, a person immerses himself in amazing world creativity. There are a great variety of professions related to the fine arts.

One of the most common professions that require drawing skills is called a designer. This is a profession that can be combined with a hobby and passion. Useful with pleasant - that's how you can call it. Interior design is in great demand nowadays. A person wants to live and work in a comfortable, beautiful environment. Color, light, interior details - this is where there are many different solutions.

The most popular specialties

The flight of fantasy is limitless. The list will continue with the following specializations:

  • – a specialty that is in demand at all times, because with the expansion of the construction industry, new vacancies appear in this area;
  • Fashion designer can imagine herself as a fairy from the fairy tale “Cinderella”. Of course, to work in the field of design, in addition to the ability to draw, you need knowledge of technology, study of production and new modern materials;
  • Visagiste is a person who knows various makeup techniques to create a certain image by applying decorative cosmetics.

List of professions related to artistic activity

The list of professions related to the fine arts is very extensive:

  1. Visagiste.
  2. Gallery owner.
  3. Graphic designer.
  4. Web designer.
  5. Artist.
  6. Architect.
  7. Furniture or interior designer.
  8. Stylist.
  9. Hairdresser.
  10. Landscape designer.
  11. Jeweler.
  12. Decorator.
  13. Schedule.
  14. Cartoonist.
  15. Painter.
  16. Copyist.
  17. Various artists ( miniature painting, painting on wood, metal, enamel, fabric).
  18. Costume designer.
  19. Illustrator.
  20. The artist is the director.
  21. Animator.
  22. Sculptor.
  23. Ceramist.
  24. Airbrush and cartography specialist.

And this is not the limit. This list can be continued. Where else can you work if you have the skills to draw and create artistic images?

Description of some specialties

Where can I work? creative person.

Well, for example, at work engineer- the designer requires not only engineering knowledge, but also artistic skill, and sometimes creativity. Knowledge of computer graphics is a plus. Specialists with this knowledge are in demand in any field, be it mechanical engineering or construction.

An artist who paints scenery based on sketches is called decorator. He develops art projects and designs interiors. A person in this profession must have accuracy and attentiveness, as well as a rich imagination. Creative thinking allows you to come up with interesting implementations of various ideas.

Interesting profession - restorer. Who, if not he, knows the methods for restoring damaged paintings or art objects of historical value? They must not only be able to draw, but also identify the style of a particular artist and be able to copy it, because if you make the wrong stroke, you can ruin a valuable painting. You also need the skill to assess the degree of damage and select the paints and materials needed for restoration.

Landscape designer specializes in creating compositions of landscape architecture. A person who masters drawing techniques, the basics of composition, drawing, and also knows the features of growing plants should work here.

If you are interested in fashion and style, as well as have taste and the ability to dress well, then perhaps you are on your way to fashion designers. A person in this profession is a specialist in making clothes. This is a very responsible job that requires a lot of patience. This is constant self-improvement and tracking fashion trends, studying demand, as well as knowing what materials the modern market has.

The ability to draw will also help you out when carrying out renovations in your apartment. Artistic vision and the ability to combine colors will be the best assistant in the selection of paints, wallpaper, and furniture. Interior designer- is in great demand at the moment. This type of activity creates comfort and harmony in the home.

Who do you think draws the maps? After all, humanity simply cannot exist without them. Of course it is cartographer. Previously, plans and maps were drawn by hand. These creations were admired by historians, collectors and simply connoisseurs of graphics. Modern maps are created with the participation of scientific achievements and modern technologies. The use of remote methods helps: aerial photography and satellite scanning earth's surface. Using these means modern maps and plans are more complete and accurate. Computer graphics makes it possible to create maps of any complexity.

If you combine pedagogical activity and knowledge of fine arts skills, then you can test yourself as teacher. The teaching profession is always in demand. After all, someone must pass on their experience to the younger generation.

Trending specialty - florist. This specialty is related to decoration with flowers. Florists create exclusive and original bouquets and participate in decorating the premises.

It should be noted that the history of floristry goes back to ancient times. In the fifth century BC. e. people have already started decorating their homes with flowers. This is proven archaeological finds: vases, pots, seed remains and historical records - here historical evidence.

Must be a bright and extraordinary personality. This is a person who knows how to convey the whole range of emotions in photographs, making people cry or laugh. The ability to see beauty in simple everyday things distinguishes people in this profession from other people.

The youngest form of art is photography. The first photograph was taken in 1822, but, unfortunately, it has not reached our time; the author was Joseph Niepce. A few years later he created another image: "View from the Window." Created in 1826, the picture is the first official photograph. Of course, almost two centuries have passed since then, and photography has come a long way. With the transition to the digital level, more opportunities have emerged. They have virtually no boundaries. People who devote their lives to this art are called photographers and amaze us with amazing photographs.

There are many professions related to art in the world. And it doesn’t matter whether a person creates beautiful costumes, draws maps, or makes a home cozy. The main thing in this work is the ability to feel the beautiful and always keep your finger on the pulse, to always be aware of what others like now. The use of modern materials and technical advances will help in creating any image or masterpiece.


Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Artist is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Artists have lost their relevance among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Description of activity


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Artist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Artist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Artist, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a high school diploma vocational education received at a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The main job responsibilities of an illustrator are to create illustrations for books, articles in magazines, and newspapers. A graphic artist designs books and illustrations for literary works, magazine and newspaper graphics, the creation of various drawings, engraving - the creation of printed works of art on metal, wood, cardboard, plastic, linoleum and lithography - stone engraving, as well as full-scale sketches, sketches for works of architecture, sculpture, painting, computer graphics. A cartoonist creates caricatures and comics on a specific topic using a specific color range. Copy artist creates professional copies famous paintings. A miniature painting artist works to create miniatures (paintings) on any material - for example, glass, porcelain, tile. An artist-fashion designer creates sketches and develops samples of new current clothing models. The responsibilities of a restoration artist include restoring works of art that have historical and cultural value.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Artist- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Artist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of an artist is not careerist; career growth depends on the creative potential of the specialist. In the future, the artist may take a management position creative group, director of an art agency.

Artist is a profession that appeared in the Stone Age. During the Late Paleolithic, people created images on stones and rocks. It was at this time that the first artists appeared. Ancient artists painted with charcoal. Among the images of that period, the most often depicted were moments of hunting wild animals. There is plenty of evidence of this rock paintings, which scientists found in various places on our planet. With the advent of civilizations, painters began to paint the houses and tombs of majestic rulers with their drawings.

The improvement of painting is closely related to the invention of paints. The first paints were created in ancient Egypt, around 3000 BC, based on mixing crystals of sodium, malachite, iron, copper and calcium. In this regard, the art of art received its greatest development in Egypt; artists there were trained in specialized educational institutions. During the reign of the pharaohs, each royal house had its own figures artistic arts. In ancient Egypt artistic images served as decoration in noble houses and tombs and were dedicated to religious themes, rulers and deities. Gradually, with the development of life, parallel development also occurred. fine arts. From the above material, we can conclude that artist is a very ancient profession, existing for many millennia. Nowadays this profession is one of the most attractive and fascinating.

Artist: description of the profession

An artist is someone who practices fine and non-fine art. The artists are talented people who know how to create something new or reincarnate something old. The main quality of an artist is the ability to draw on canvas or other objects. Now, in order to learn artistic skill, you must complete an art school or art course. An artist is a profession that is quite in demand, and many people would not refuse to learn such an amazing skill. There are many varieties of this profession, the most popular among them: costume designer.

Profession artist-designer

Artist-designer - engaged original design any objects. Designers literally make our lives interesting and colorful. The main meaning of this profession is to give new look already existing item. There are many types, some of them are: interior designer, clothing designer, web designer and landscape designer. The responsibilities of an artist-designer, depending on his field of activity, include: developing ideas and concepts in the form of visual graphic diagrams, posters and layouts and bringing projects to life.

In order to become a designer, a person must have the following qualities:

  • know painting and drawing perfectly;
  • know everything about the subject of design;
  • have original ideas;
  • have design skills.

Profession artist-fashion designer

A fashion designer is a person who creates models of clothing, shoes and accessories. The profession of "fashion designer" will be exciting and interesting to those people who are interested in the fashion industry. The main places of work of fashion designers are: ateliers, fashion houses, factories and sewing workshops. Fashion designers are developing new clothes taking into account demand and opportunities, they create special collections of clothing to demonstrate them at fashion exhibitions. Most often, an artist fashion designer performs the following work: creating graphic sketches of clothing models, turning sketches into reality, developing samples of new types of clothing, searching for models for a fashion show, organizing a fashion show and much more. The things created by the fashion designer combine elegance, beauty and functionality, and are based on manufacturing technology.

A fashion designer must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • have knowledge in the field of artistic culture;
  • have imagination;
  • be able to draw;
  • be diversified;
  • know all the latest fashion items.

Fashion designers create custom orders for athletes, actors and singers, and are also dictators of fashion and style in society.

Profession costume designer

A costume designer is a professional who has modern knowledge in clothing modeling and design depending on the characteristics of the models. A costume designer is one of the most widely used professions. Specialists in this field work in ateliers, fashion houses, various sewing enterprises, and also as private entrepreneurs. But it is known that costume designers most often work in theatrical institutions, television and cinematography. The costume designer is part of a group of participants in a play or film, led by the production designer.

The work of a costume designer begins from the moment of reading the script, when the specialist gets acquainted with the details surrounding the characters and develops their image. The approach to developing a costume requires paying attention to any smallest detail, since the hero’s costume expresses his social status, age and some personality traits. A costume designer works with the director, production designer, makeup artist and actors, whom he helps transform into characters.

An artist working in this field must:

  • be able to draw;
  • know sewing and various styles clothes;
  • keep up to date latest news fashion;
  • be able to work with costume creation technologies;
  • know the characteristics of fabrics and be able to work with artistic processing tools.

A true costume designer must have a broad horizons, knowledge of theatre, museums, costume history, modern cinema and the latest fashions for inspiration.

Costume designer performs next row works:

  • develops sketches of costumes taking into account the size of the model;
  • sketches graphic versions of models;
  • engaged in the manufacture of clothing and suits.

Therefore, being an artist is a profession for people with great creative potential.


For friends!


The work of a painter is a kind of historical document, thanks to which we recreate the chain of events of past decades and centuries, imagine the way of life of those years, get acquainted with the heroes who made history, and reveal great secrets. Thanks to painters, history always lives with us, teaches and excites us, inspires us to new exploits. The works of artists are not only an imprint of reality, similar to a photograph. Painting helps us look at the everyday world around us with completely different eyes. The artist does not simply copy reality; he passes everything he sees through his heart, his thoughts and feelings. As a result, the concepts of “Levitan autumn” and “Shishkinsky forest” have become familiar to us. The painter embodies all his ideas on canvas (or other surfaces) with paints. There are several directions for the activity of an artist-painter: monumental (architectural), church, decorative and theatrical and easel painting.

Description of activity

Easel painting involves the creation of a work that has independent meaning and is perceived independently of the surrounding world. Artists theatrical scenery are responsible for appearance performance. Church history specialists are carrying out restoration religious painting. A monumental painting- this is painting on architectural structures and other stationary bases (fresco, secco, mosaic, stained glass).

Job responsibilities

The work responsibilities of an artist-painter depend on the area where he works. Let's consider the activities of a decorative artist. The artist supervises the workers in the theater's decoration workshop. His responsibilities also include performing painting works based on the production designer’s sketches, supervising the work of decorators, and participating in the acceptance of models and sketches of the performance. The artistic state of the decoration of performances of the current repertoire, the restoration of all picturesque scenery, while maintaining the original color and style of painting and drawing - the duties of the decorative artist.

Features of career growth

For an artist-painter, administrative growth up to rank 15 is possible. Career growth depends on the qualifications, work experience, education, and talent of the specialist.

Employee characteristics

Teachers believe that artistic abilities they cannot be taught, they can only be polished through the learning process. Subtle intuition, self-criticism, striving for perfection, color discrimination and good visual perception, the ability to create an image according to verbal description, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands, sense of taste, harmony and symmetry, developed aesthetic and artistic taste - this is an incomplete list of personal professionally important qualities of a specialist in this profile.