Nikolay Aseev: Poems. General lesson in the "epic" section IV. Mastering new material


Literary reading 4th grade, part 1, p. 89-93

Subject: Reading room. N. Aseev “At the heroic outpost”

Pedagogical goals:

Subject : Read expressively text,determine pace, intonation of reading.Define the main idea of ​​the work,highlight words that express it.Retell fragments

Personal: Evaluate actions of heroes.

Regulatory: Compare

Cognitive: Correlate

Communicative: Read by role work.

Educational Resources:

Routing lesson number 37

Teacher activities

Student activities

Vocabulary warm-up (find an explanation)

Outpost - Ataman-Esaul –

Vigilantes - Tsisarskaya Steppe -

Beat the forehead - Pay a fee -

    Setting a learning task.

    Reading about N.N. Aseev

    N.N. Aseeva"At the heroic outpost"

Where do the events take place?

Children talk aboutN.N. Aseev

Listen to the text.

They answer the question.

Events take place in Kievan Rus, which united Slavic peoples, before the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols.

    Primary consolidation.

1. Work on questions to the text.

A) -“Why did the heroes gather at the outpost?”, answer with words from the text.

We learn that at the outpost all those traveling to Rus' must “beat the ataman with their foreheads, pay taxes to the captain.”

B) - Tell us about individual qualities heroes standing at the outpost, explain why Ilya Muromets sent Dobrynya to battle.

C) - “What qualities of Ilya showed up during the battle?”

D) - How has the enemy’s attitude towards Ilya Muromets changed?

- “For three years the heroes have been standing at the outpost, not allowing anyone on foot or horse to enter Kyiv.”

His understanding of his comrades, courage, connection with native nature(land), generosity.

It all starts with contempt, a feeling of superiority, and ends, probably (since these states are not described in the epic), with surprise, admiration and gratitude.

    Work with text.

- Compare the heroes (Ilya - Chuzhenin) according to plan:

1.Behavior.2.Mood.3. Force.

They work (in pairs) with the text, marking the lines according to the plan.

How do folk storytellers see Ilya Muromets?


    What results did you get?

    What else needs to be done?

    What else needs to be worked on?


Select books in which the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin are printed, prepare a retelling of the content and read your favorite fragments by heart or from the text.

Literary reading grade 4, part 1, p. 88-89

Subject: Reading room. N. Aseev “Ilya”

Pedagogical goals:

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject : Read expressively text,determine pace, intonation of reading.Define the main idea of ​​the work,highlight words that express it.Retell fragments works using appropriate vocabulary.

Personal: Evaluate actions of heroes.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of UUD components):

Regulatory: Compare folklore and literary heroes.

Cognitive: Correlate literary text and a work of fine art.

Communicative: Read by role work.listen carefully to the interlocutor and evaluate his statement; perceive the text taking into account the task at hand, find in the text the information necessary to solve it.

Educational Resources:

Technological map of lesson No. 36

Main stages of organization educational activities

Content of pedagogical interaction

Teacher activities

Student activities

I Motivation for educational activities (organizational moment).

II Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial learning activity.

Vocabulary warm-up (find an explanation)

Savrasy – Stolny – Indulge -

Find lexical meaning words

III Setting a learning task.

On the board you see a portrait of the writer. This is Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev

Lesson topic: N.N. Aseeva “Ilya”.

Knowing the topic of the lesson, using reference words, set learning objectives for this lesson:

1) Get acquainted ... (with information from the biography of N.N. Aseev).

3) Analyze... (this work).

IV Discovery of new knowledge (construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty).

    Reading about N.N. Aseev

    Primary perception of the work N.N. Aseeva “Ilya”

How is Ilya Muromets, about whom N.N. Aseev wrote, similar to the epic hero?

Children talk aboutN.N. Aseev, highlighting the details that particularly interested them.

Listen to the text.

They answer the question.

V Primary consolidation.

    Work on questions to the text.

Explain the meaning of the expression: “So he traveled through time.”

Let's reflect on the sixth stanza of the poem (p. 88):

So he passed through time,

across the country to all ends;

at his steel stirrup

new fighters stood up.

They think and answer the question.

VI Independent work with self-test according to the sample (standard).

Work with text.

- Compare Ilya A.K. Tolstoy and N.N. Aseev

They work (in pairs) with the text, noting how the characters are similar and how they differ.

VII Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

What do you think the author wanted to show us readers with this work?

Aseev claims that the best features people's hero passed through time, remained close to the Russian people, united them in their readiness to defend the Motherland.

VIII Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result).

    What task was given in the lesson?

    Did you manage to solve the problem?


    What results did you get?

    What else needs to be done?

    Where can you apply new knowledge?

    What did you do well in the lesson?

    What else needs to be worked on?

IX d\z

P.82. exercise extracurricular reading. Read epics about Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Think about how these heroes are similar to Ilya Muromets and how they differ from him. Which of the heroes did you like and why?

Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev is a Russian Soviet poet. He was born on June 28 (July 10), 1889 in the city of Lgov (now Kursk region) in the family of an insurance agent from the nobility. The poet's mother, Elena Nikolaevna, died young, when the boy was not yet 8 years old. The father soon remarried. He spent his childhood years in the house of his grandfather, Nikolai Pavlovich Pinsky, an avid hunter and fisherman, amateur folk songs and fairy tales and a wonderful storyteller. Grandmother Varvara Stepanovna Pinskaya was a serf in her youth, redeemed from captivity by her grandfather, who fell in love with her during one of his hunting wanderings. She remembered a lot from the life of the old village.

The boy was sent to the Kursk Real School, from which he graduated in 1909. Then he studied at the economics department at the Moscow Commercial Institute (1909-1912) and at the philological faculties of Moscow and Kharkov universities. Published in the children's magazine "Protalinka" (1914-1915). In 1915 he was drafted into the army and went to the Austrian front. In September 1917, he was elected to the regimental Council of Soldiers' Deputies and, together with a train of wounded Siberians, was sent to Irkutsk. During Civil War ended up on Far East. He was in charge of the labor exchange, then worked for a local newspaper.

In 1922 he came to Moscow. Knew V.V. Mayakovsky and B.L. Pasternak well.

During the war, as a person not liable for military service due to his age, he was evacuated to Chistopol.

N. N. Aseev died on July 16, 1963. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev

Subject: General lesson in the section “Epics”

Basic tutorial: E.E. Kats “Literary reading” 4th grade

Lesson objectives:


  • Conduct comparative analysis works by N. Aseev “Ilya”, “How Ilya from Murom became a hero”, “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, A.K. Tolstoy “Ilya Muromets”.
  • Determine the pace and intonation of reading in accordance with the genre and content of the work.
  • To develop the ability to read text by role, determine the reasons for the actions performed by characters, compare folklore and literary heroes.


  • Promote students' awareness of the value and social significance educational material.
  • To ensure that schoolchildren develop the ability to compare the objects being studied.
  • Enrichment and complexity vocabulary, development of monologue and dialogic speech.
  • Student mastery artistic images, expressive means language.


  • Fostering love for the Motherland, pride in the heroic past of our country.
  • Enrich knowledge about the qualities of a national hero.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Setting the lesson goal.

Today in the lesson we will continue to work on the meaning of words, we will work with texts, learn to read expressively, and works about epic heroes will help us with this.

How do you understand the meaning of the words “epic”, “hero”.

III. Checking homework.

2) Who liked your neighbor’s expressive reading and are you ready to read this poem? Expressive reading one pair of students. Rate the reading.

Additional questions.

– Why does Ilya grumble:
“Well, Vladimir, what then?
I'll take a look, without Ilya
How will you live?
- “I don’t stick to feasts!”
“And the old man’s stern face brightened again” -
- Ilya is offended by disrespectful attitude Vladimir.
– Ilya cares not about feasts and amusements, but about freedom and freedom.

IV. Mastering new material.

Today in class we will get acquainted with another poem about Ilya Muromets and compare it with previously studied works.

1) Vocabulary work. Demonstration on interactive whiteboard phrases from a new work. Frontal work. Explanation of the meaning of phrases, verification.

2) Primary perception of the text by N. Aseev “Ilya”. Reading by the teacher of a new work. What did you notice, what did you like?

3) Independent work of students. Reading to yourself.

V. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

1) Work on the text of N. Aseev’s poem “Ilya”, comparative analysis with the works: “How Ilya from Murom became a hero”, “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, A.K. Tolstoy “Ilya Muromets”

Demonstration on the interactive board of slide illustrations for works about Ilya Muromets. (Appendix 1) Selection of title. Organization of selective reading.

Have you noticed that the content of this poem is similar to the content of the epics about Ilya Muromets? Let's prove this by reading passages that are identical in meaning, and illustrations will help us in this work.

Slide 1 . Ilya is free.
And Ilya grumbles angrily:
“Well, Vladimir, what then?
I'll take a look, without Ilya
How will you live?

Slide 2. Ilya's disease.
He sat out thirty-three goals,
He ate poorly and lived poorly;
For thirty years Ilya has been lying on the stove, not moving his arm or leg. Ilya rushed and jumped off the stove, stood on the floor and couldn’t believe his luck.

Slide 3. Kalikas are walking.
Three beggar wanderers approach his hut.
The wanderer poured water into the cats.
- Drink, Ilya. This bucket contains the water of all the rivers, all the lakes of Mother Rus'.

Slide 4 . Bogatyr.
Ilya steps quietly, and the floorboards break under him.
He rose in height - he dropped the roof,
It rang out wide - it knocked down the walls!

Slide 5. Help for parents and their blessing.
Ilya began to clear the forest - only chips flew. Old oaks are felled with one blow, young oaks are torn from the ground by their roots.
- Let me go, father and mother, to the capital Kyiv-grad to Prince Vladimir. I will serve Rus' with my native faith and truth, and protect the Russian land from enemy enemies.

Slide 6. The road to the capital Kyiv-grad.
From either the city of Murom, From that village of Karacharova
A remote, portly, kind fellow was leaving.
He stood at Matins in Murom,
And he wanted to be in time for mass in the capital city of Kyiv.

And he leaned towards the gloomy forest
For great things
From under the city of Murom,
I sat down with Karacharov.

Slide 7. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.
Like that one at Gryazi’s, or at Black’s, or at that birch tree’s,
Yes, at that river near Smorodina, at that cross at Levanidov
Nightingale the Robber sits on a damp oak tree,
The Nightingale the Robber of Odikhmantiev's son is sitting.
Otherwise the Nightingale whistles like a nightingale,
He screams, a villainous robber, like an animal.

Physical education minute.

The class raises its hands - this is “one”
The head turned - it’s “two”,
Hands down, look forward - that's "three"
Hands turned wider to the sides to “four”
Pressing them forcefully to your shoulders is a high five.
All the guys sit down quietly - this is “six”.

2) Work on expressive reading.

Listening to an audio excerpt from the work “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”

3) Control and self-test.

Individual student work on the teacher's PC.

Organizing a frontal check of completed work, taking into account the expressiveness of reading passages.

4) Problem situation: question - reasoning.

Slide 8. Monument in the city of Murom.

What do you think, Ilya Muromets fictional character or a real-life hero? In the epics that people retold with many exaggerations, they acquire the features of a fairy tale. Why do people ordinary person made it fabulous epic hero?

He was a real person who bravely defended his Motherland. He was very courageous, brave, and was ready to give his life for his people.

So he passed through time,
Across the country to all ends;
At his steel stirrup
New fighters stood up.

And, like the spring of fresh responses,
In honor of old Ilya
The exploits continue again
Our heroic ones.

The best features of the people's hero have passed through time, remained close to the Russian people, united them in their readiness to defend the Motherland.

5) Expressive reading of N. Aseev’s work.

In Aseev's poem the whole story is about Ilya Muromets. Let's read it in full. Reading in a chain in quatrains.

To consolidate knowledge of the events reflected in the epics about Ilya Muromets, revealing his “biography”.

VI. Lesson summary.

Which one do you think the main idea all the works that we read today in class.

Pride in your Motherland, in its epic defenders.

And the entire Russian people think the same, which is why we know many sayings about the defenders of the Motherland.

Frontal work with students, during which the main idea of ​​all works read in class is clarified. Organization of work in pairs with proverbs.

Work in pairs. Cards. Collect a proverb.

Those who fight hard for their homeland…………..are given double strength.

Feel free to go into battle…………………he is the hero.

If it is tailored in Russian……….The homeland is behind you.

Whoever fights for the Motherland……….is also one warrior in the field.

Reflection. Who is interested in epics, tales of heroes?

VII. Homework.

Who is interested in epics, tales of heroes? Tomorrow we will read your books that you have selected on this topic.

Nikolai Aseev, as a poet, left behind about 80 collections of poetry, some of which were burned by ill-wishers during the creator’s lifetime. But still, now we can enjoy his literature.

Main creative direction Nikolai Aseev was futurism with all its characteristic features and features. This in turn makes this poet a very interesting choice in the library of every reader.

The mood of the poems of Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev was revolution, and everything connected with it. Some of the works were written in the style of Mayakovsky, participation in various literary groups and associations entailed heated discussions of work and everything that was happening in the country. After all, this is exactly what Nikolai Aseev illuminated in his poems.

If until today you were not familiar with the poems of this poet, then we invite you to go to literature full of revolutionary sentiments in this section of our site. And from now on, the work of Nikolai Aseev will take a strong position in your own library.

Ilya Aseev - Yegoryevsky shooter

Ilya Aseev, a 28-year-old native and resident of Yegoryevsk near Moscow, shot five people because of a girl on the night of May 8, 2016. Someone else's girl, whom he met on that tragic evening, and tried to hook her up. But she met resistance from her biker friends. The murderer himself, already recognized as the “Yegoryevsky shooter,” does not consider himself guilty of the tragedy, although he admits that he killed. Last Wednesday, the jury unanimously found Aseev guilty of murdering five people and not deserving of leniency.

The trial of Ilya Aseev began in March and lasted eight months. On November 1 at 2:30 p.m., the jury retired to the room and returned 4.5 hours later. The foreman read out the unanimous verdict: Aseev is guilty of murdering five people and does not deserve leniency. This is where their role ends: on November 14, the judge, defense and prosecution will discuss the legal consequences of the verdict - and the state prosecution will announce the deadline that it deems necessary. The prosecutor will most likely ask for life imprisonment - this follows from the logic of the entire process. But let's start from afar...

Wild at heart

The Wild at Heart biker club has existed in Yegoryevsk near Moscow since the early 2000s. It is not formally registered anywhere, but enjoys a good reputation - its members organized holidays for young people, worked with children, and regularly took part in maintaining order at public events. Many people wanted to get into it, but not everyone was given the coveted stripes (which imposed serious obligations on the owner). As the locals say, the chevron could only be obtained a real man. Even if he’s been convicted (you never know what happens in life), but he’s worthy.

On the eve of Victory Day in 2016, they traditionally decided to organize a small concert for local residents- on a site near the village of Chelokhovo. Almost the entire biker club went there on May 7: it was necessary to prepare the site: set up a stage, for which the guys rented two KamAZ trucks, install equipment, put up a tent for the participants, clear the clearing of debris... Around 16:00 a familiar biker and his passenger drove up to them Ilya Aseev.

The company worked until 20:00, and then most of the bikers went home to return the next day. Seven Wild at Heart activists remained to guard the equipment: five men and two women: Nastya Kazmina, Sveta Yaroslavtseva, Sergei Rubin, Sergei Flyagin, Oleg Eremin, Alexey Eshmakov and Anatoly Medvedev. Ilya Aseev also stayed with them.

On May 7, 2016, Aseev found himself in the clearing almost by accident,” says Major of Justice Ekaterina Bulycheva, investigator for particularly important cases of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) for the Moscow Region. “He, together with his friend, who, although he was not an activist in the biker club, but sometimes I went there to see my friends, they were just scouting out the route of the motorcycle rally, they happened to be nearby and volunteered to help collect brushwood for the fire and organize a camp. When the time came to leave, Aseev (more out of politeness than out of sudden sympathy) was offered to stay.

Having prepared the pilaf, the company participants sat down near the brought tables not far from the tents set up for the night. No one was a teetotaler, although one of the bikers did not drink on a bet - if he won, his friends were ready to give him a motorcycle. Newlyweds from the nearby village of Chelokhovo approached the fire. It was an ordinary May evening on the eve of the holiday. The next time the survivors will meet is at the funeral and during investigative actions.

Terrible news

At about five o'clock in the morning, one of the activists of the biker club, Anton Samoilov, woke up from the persistent ringing of his mobile phone - it was Sveta who remained in the clearing. It was she who said that all the guys were shot, and the killer (she didn’t even really know him) forced her to take him to Yegoryevsk. Samoilov immediately went with her to the clearing and actually found the bodies of his close friends there, after which he called the police.

The identity of the suspect was established almost instantly: Svetlana Yaroslavtseva said that the shooter was the same Ilya, who was a stranger in their club. And that he then forced her to bring him in her own Hyundai Solaris car to the third district of Yegoryevsk - to where their mutual friend lived. She told the police that Ilya had a gun that looked like a machine gun and a pistol. We found a mutual friend - and he gave his name and address. He also clarified that Ilya works in private security and stores his weapons in an apartment on Sovetskaya Street.

The police arrived at the nine-story building where Aseev lived in an apartment belonging to his mother, along with special forces from the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. First they called other apartments - and then it turned out that at about three o’clock in the morning Ilya called the intercom because he had lost his keys, and even got into his apartment (on the seventh floor, by the way) through the balcony from his neighbors, breaking the window .

When the police, having prepared the assault and evacuated several neighbors, nevertheless rang Aseev’s doorbell, although he did not immediately, he opened the door without questions, since he was simply sleeping. And he immediately admitted that he had shot five people. Already in the second half of the same day, Ilya gave detailed testimony, very calmly and accurately describing how and what he did in the clearing near the village of Chelokhovo. The crime was solved in as soon as possible: from the moment of the execution to the receipt of a full confession with its recording on a video camera, less than eight hours passed. It remains to find out the ins and outs of the terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of five respected and beloved men.

Chilling coldness

When I asked investigator Bulycheva how she could characterize the behavior of the murderer himself during the investigation, she repeated one word five times in 32 seconds of response.

What struck me personally in the case was the calmness with which Aseev gave his testimony. Absolute peace of mind. And a fairly accurate account of events. I would even say monotonous. I investigated many cases, including murders of two or more persons. But there was no such calm as Aseev’s anywhere. The fact that everyone is to blame except him is almost always the case, we are, let’s say, accustomed to this, but this calmness is what is remembered most of all.

The circumstances of the murder were not in doubt, but the reasons for the shooting of five unarmed men had to be established. Aseev himself, remembered for his calmness, put forward the only version that was not confirmed. From the materials of the criminal case: testimony of the accused Aseev:

“On May 7, 2016, I and my friend Oleg Ognev (name changed) were riding a motorcycle that belonged to him. And on Oleg’s initiative, we drove into a clearing near the village of Chelokhovo, where Ognev was supposed to talk with his fellow motorcyclists. I knew some of those present in the clearing before - Medvedev, Eshmakov, Rubin and Kazmina. While Oleg was talking with Medvedev about celebrating Victory Day, I offered to help the others build a bonfire, and everyone agreed. After we brought the firewood, having made several walks, Eremin invited me to have a drink with him personally and with his friends, for which he dragged me by the hand to the table. I refused because I didn’t want alcohol at all, but Eremin began to insist and finally declared that I was offending him by my refusal. At the same time, he was already aggressive. When Oleg finished the conversation and began to get ready, Eremin began to demand that I stay with them. At first I refused, and then I asked everyone for consent, and everyone also said that they wanted me to stay in the clearing. When Oleg left, everyone sat down at the table and began to drink alcohol.

After some time, around midnight, they got very drunk, their behavior became aggressive, and I decided to leave, which I loudly announced. Then Eremin asked me to step aside with him, where he began to openly “bully.” Eshmakov approached us, and I took advantage of this to go collect my things. When I leaned towards the backpack, I suddenly received a blow from Medvedev who approached. I asked “why?”, but Flyagin immediately hit me, and then everyone else joined in. A few seconds later, all the men in the clearing began to beat me, calling me “bitch” and “goat.” After delivering about 20 punches and kicks, everyone went to the table to drink more and continue the beating. At the same time, Eshmakov, before leaving, unzipped his fly and urinated on me, and then they all decided together that they would abuse me (the wording of this sentence has been changed to literary). At the same time, someone filmed everything that happened on camera. mobile phone, but I can’t remember who exactly at the moment. I lost consciousness from the blows, they beat me hard, without mercy. At some point I tried to defend myself and took out something that belonged to me. legally Wasp R traumatic pistol, but it was snatched from me and thrown to the side.”

False excuses

During the investigation, all of Aseev’s testimony was not confirmed. None. A medical examination carried out immediately after the arrest of the “Yegoryevsky shooter” did not reveal any bodily injuries on him, with the exception of slight redness of the face. In any case, there were no abrasions, no bruises, much less fractures. The Wasp R pistol was indeed found at the scene - but not at all in the place where, according to Aseev, he was beaten. The phones of the victims did not have cameras, and experts did not find any such files on the killer’s smartphone, either among those stored or among those erased. All witnesses, including mutual friends of Aseev and the bikers, categorically did not allow such behavior by members of the “Wild at Heart” club. And the surviving girls described the nature of the conflict in a completely different way - it was their words that the examination confirmed, albeit indirectly.

Checking the testimony of the “Yegoryevsky shooter,” investigators from the Moscow region headquarters of the Investigative Committee conducted several dozen genetic examinations, trying to find genetics from those killed on his clothes and body. And they didn’t find it. If they had beaten him, or actually urinated on him, then marks would have remained. But on Aseev’s clothes, primarily on his trousers, experts found the blood of all those killed. This was further proof of his guilt.

Aseev himself further described in detail all his actions, not realizing that they contradict this version of his, says Ekaterina Bulycheva, an investigator at the Moscow region headquarters of the Investigative Committee. - Having escaped from the clearing, he took a passing car to his home, where he discovered that his keys and backpack were left in the clearing. He called his neighbor on the intercom, and she opened the entrance for him. Then Aseev went up to the eighth floor to his friend and asked for help to deal with the offenders, but, fortunately, he was refused - his friend was sick infant, and he could not go with him to the clearing. Then Aseev went down to his seventh floor, rang the doorbell of his neighbors, climbed over their balcony onto his own, broke a window and entered the apartment. A beaten man would hardly be able to do all these actions. In addition, his neighbors did not notice his behavior, gait and appearance Aseev was beaten - only his forehead was slightly red in one place, as if it had been combed.

From the rest of the case materials, a completely different story follows: Aseev, arriving at the clearing, immediately drew attention to Nastya Kazmina. They had known each other before, but that evening he showed her very special signs of attention, and showed noticeable aggression towards the others. Around midnight, Aseev sharply increased the pressure, although Kazmina arrived at the clearing with her common-law husband Oleg Eremin. And the bikers politely but persistently asked Aseev to moderate his ardor and not pester someone else’s girl. And literally a few minutes later, at midnight, Sergei Morozov turned 30 years old, and he offered to drink for his birthday. But to this Aseev loudly declared: “Who are you for me to drink to you?”

After these words, Oleg Eremin invited Aseev to talk. The two of them walked away a few meters, and suddenly, almost immediately, two shots were heard. Sveta Yaroslavtseva rushed to the men and forced them to return. At the same time, she did not see the pistol itself, but realized that Eremin had taken it away and thrown it into the darkness (it was in this place during the day that investigators found the Wasp R traumatic pistol). But after a few minutes Aseev disappeared somewhere. Where and when - no one noticed. Although, to be honest, no one was upset at that moment...

Midnight Atrocity

Having reached Yegoryevsk, Aseev took a self-loading “Vepr” and a traumatic pistol “Leader” from his apartment and went out into the yard, carrying the weapon in his hands. There he noticed a taxi and got into it. The driver could not refuse the armed man, even when he, having arrived at the clearing, refused to pay, since the money was taken from him.

From the materials of the criminal case - testimony of witness Svetlana Yaroslavtseva:

“At about half past four I was sitting at the table on a folding chair, Oleg Eremin was sitting opposite me, and a little further away was Seryozha Flyagin. At some point, I noticed that a red dot appeared on Oleg’s chest. I tried to ask what it was, but at that moment a shot sounded from behind me, and Oleg fell. Almost without a pause, the second shot rang out - and Sergei fell. Since he was either sitting on a chair or squatting, he just seemed to tip over backwards. Following this, Ilya, who had previously started a fight with the guys, approached the fire and asked me “where is Alexey?” At that moment, Eshmakov came out of the tent, and Ilya, seeing him, took a few steps forward and fired a shot at him. Alexey fell on his back at the tent and remained lying there.

After that, Ilya returned to the fire, made sure that Flyagin was dead, looked at Oleg, who was still wheezing, and said: “Tenacious, you bastard!” With these words, he took a kitchen knife from the table, which we used to prepare pilaf, and stuck it approximately in Oleg’s groin area. And then he took him by the right hand and dragged him to the fire. I began to beg him not to throw Oleg into the fire, and then he ordered me to go and find his pistol. And he himself approached Medvedev, who was sleeping near the fire, sitting on a chair, and kicked him. Medvedev woke up and apparently decided that he had fallen himself. He stood up - and then Ilya asked him: “Bear, are you feeling okay?”, after which he shot him in the back. He then ordered me to fetch his backpack, and when I did, he demanded that I take everything out of it. To check if anything is missing. Having made sure that all things were in place, including the keys to the apartment, car, as well as a wallet with documents and money, Ilya began throwing the guys’ things into the fire.

Then Ilya said that he would take my car and leave it in the city, but then he changed his mind and told me to take him. When we approached the car, Rubin came out of an Izh-Kombi car parked nearby - and Aseev shot at him from a very close range. And then he got into my car and told me to go. At the same time, he knew that Nastya was sleeping in the back seat in her sleeping bag. I was very afraid that he would kill me, since the barrel of the gun was pointed in my direction.”

But Aseev did not kill the witnesses - neither Svetlana nor Nastya. He got out of Yaroslavtseva’s car, put all the weapons in the trunk of his own Mitsubishi and went home to sleep.

Killed at point blank range

At the very first interrogation, Aseev stated that he fired from a distance of 15-30 meters and did not come closer, - recalls Justice Major Ekaterina Bulycheva - And the only thing he did not agree with during the investigation was the results of ballistic examinations. He claimed to be an expert in the field of weapons, and experts with 20 years of experience used an unscientific technique that produced an error. Because the experts’ conclusions showed: the shot distance was from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. But not 30, as Aseev himself said.