Name of the children's group for the competition. What to name a vocal ensemble


Dancing is popular among people of all ages, genders and nationalities. After all, they make it possible to maintain oneself in excellent physical fitness, improve flexibility, relax, lift your mood and more. Those who have moved from amateurs to professionals or want to become professionals create dance classes.


Most of the already formed teams, sometimes training together for quite a long period, are faced with the problem of what name to come up with for the dance group. It would seem, what could be simpler? But in practice everything is more complicated. Let's figure out how to get out of this rather difficult situation. After all, be that as it may, each of them requires it - the name of the dance group.

First of all, the name needs to be invented not by one person, not even by the leader, but by involving the entire dance group in this venture. In other words, have a real brainstorming session. Write down and think about every idea that will be proposed during it. And even if at first it seems that they do not make sense, it later turns out that it was this idea that helped decide what to name the dance group. Therefore, it is worth writing down all the ideas that arose during the discussion.

The main thing to keep in mind is the fact that the name of the dance group should reflect its essence, style, mood, energy, personality, even age category. That is, the name of the group should reflect the very essence dance group. So it's careless to make a decision this issue cannot be treated. After all, as they say, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.

Basic rules for naming a dance group

Of course, naming a dance group is a purely creative process, but even this requires adherence to certain rules. These little tricks will allow you to create exactly the option that will be able to reflect the essence of the dance group:

  • When choosing a name, take into account the genre style of the group, for example, a modern dance ensemble is one style. Accordingly, the name should suit this genre. Hip-hop dance groups should have a completely different name to suit this style.
  • Also take into account the age category, because the name for a children's group requires more simple words and their combinations, more understandable and easy to remember, especially by its participants.
  • The name should be euphonious, easy to pronounce, no need to use tricky words, even if you really like how interesting they sound. Also avoid long words.
  • Based on the nationality of the dance the group is doing.
  • If you decide to come up with a name for a dance group that consists of several words, be sure to make sure that they fit well together and form a single whole. But don’t get carried away by the length of the name, otherwise it will be difficult to remember.
  • You should not choose names for your group that will overlap with existing ones, no matter how much you like them. The whole point is that, one way or another, people, having heard it, will draw analogies. And sometimes, without meaning to, they will compare your team with those who already have a similar name. And no one guarantees that this comparison will be in your favor.
  • Use familiar words that you understand, for example, some elements of dance, style, costume, country of origin dance direction, and so on.
  • Remember that the name is the first impression of the team. That is, the viewer, without even seeing the performance, after the announcement of the group of dancers, having heard its name, already draws a certain image for himself, and he has a certain impression in advance.
  • Don’t forget also about humor, because it often saves the most hopeless situation, including finding a name for a dance group. Of course, there is no need to step over the line; it is worth remembering moral standards. And a name with humor is not suitable for every team.
  • When looking for a name for a children's dance group, avoid difficult words and phrases, choose those that dance class participants can easily pronounce on their own and understand their essence.

Dance eras

An excellent solution for naming a dance group would be the time period. Especially if the dances are themed. Or the direction of dance, some of its basics, movements were invented in those days. For example, a group that practices ancient dances may be called “Baroque” or “Renaissance.” But be careful, a children's dance group does not go well with complex and tricky names. By the way, you can cut off some syllables from the names of eras, resulting in new words that will become sonorous name dance group.

For ballroom dance groups, the names " Belle Epoque", "Medival". Based on the names historical era or a temporary fragment, do not forget about the stylistic orientation of the team. After all, for example, for a group engaged in Latin American dances, the name "Decadence" is unlikely to be appropriate. But you shouldn’t be too zealous in historically linking the name of the group.

Dance group style

The genre direction of the dance group is another clue in the difficult task of choosing a name for it. For example, if you are engaged, it’s worth somehow incorporating this into the name of the group. The same applies to ballrooms: more sophisticated, slightly elevated, graceful names are suitable here. For hip-hop dance group and others modern dance there is room to turn around. By the way, if your repertoire contains some frequently performed numbers or a calling card dance, then you can use their name as the name of the group. Choose unusual names that have special meaning for your group and that can present you in the right key. Subsequently, the viewer will associate both the dance itself, regardless of its performer, and the word itself with your group.

Name and locality

It would be very interesting and original to use the names of rivers, lakes, mountains and other geographical objects as the name of a dance group. You can even call the group some architectural monuments, famous tourist places. For example, the group "Versailles" or "Foggy Albion", or "Pyramid of Cheops". Or “Volga Patterns” - the name speaks of the area and hints at the style, reflects it, that is, it immediately becomes clear that the dance group is engaged in a folk movement.

Elements of dance

A good idea for a group name could also be the names of some dance steps or elements, movements that are specific to your stylistic direction. As a rule, they are euphonious, bright, and, after hearing them, you can immediately guess what genre the group performs in.

The name of the style itself can also serve as the name of the group. But keep in mind that in this case it is easy to end up with the same name as other groups, because this technique is used by many. After all, it is quite simple.


Don’t forget that the name should be easy to pronounce, pleasant to the ear, and not jarring. Of course, some rely on originality and the fact that a harsh word will make a person remember the name faster. But, as practice shows, it is easier for people to remember what they liked. Try inserting the chosen name of the group into different phrases and sentences, inflecting it. Then you can understand how good it sounds.

Ease of perception

The age category of the groups is different, and even more so the audience. Therefore, the name must be selected taking into account that it is easily understandable both to young fans and to the parents and grandparents of the team members. Therefore, it is still worth avoiding ultra-modern expressions, the only exception being groups that choose the latest trends in dance. Many call dance groups in foreign words. This is a good move, but make sure the word you choose is easy to pronounce even for those who foreign languages does not know.

Of course, coming up with a name for a dance group is a troublesome task, but it’s worth it. After all, having picked correct name group, you will thereby create about it best experience and the necessary reputation.

On September 21 and 23, 2014, the Moscow State Conservatory will host international festival and the scientific conference “From Taverner to Tavener. Five Centuries of English Sacred Music" dedicated to memory outstanding British composer Sir John Tavener (1944–2013). The concerts will feature the world-famous vocal ensemble The Tallis Scholars, led by Peter Phillips, as well as the young Russian vocal ensemble Intrada, led by Ekaterina Antonenko. John...

I understand, I’m very “on time”, but rushing...) Do anyone’s children/children of acquaintances go to choreography dances? Where can we find a decent place for a five year old girl? From the closest I know - ballroom dancing at school 903 (I don’t want to for a number of reasons), dancing at the Zagorye cultural center (the time is not right), at the ZIL cultural center (where we go now, and where I don’t like it) and the recently opened sports acrobatics sports school (from 6 years old). Where to go??? I’m ready to carry it within reasonable limits, as long as it’s useful.

From January 4 to 8, 2016, the Annual International festival-competition“Christmas Stars”, which was organized by the “Life of Cities” Festival Committee. The competition took place on January 6 at Cultural center ZIL simultaneously on two stages: in Great hall choreographic and circus groups performed, and vocal and instrumental ensembles, soloists and theaters. Participants were judged by prominent artists, including...


Ragan (Leo) is the name of the lion who saved the leader's pet ( only son) from an alligator and saved him more than once human lives. At the same time, he was seriously wounded and died soon after. The leader gave the name to the lion “Ragan”, which meant “Brave” in their language. This was the only lion in the history of mankind that differed from the rest in the Bravery of a lion and the soul of a person.
SIGNS: Planet: Jupiter. Element: Air, warmth-dryness. Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio. Color: yellow, black, white, blue. Day: Friday. Metal: Tin, electrum. Mineral: Red Diamond, sapphire, beryl, hyacinth. Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus. Animals: Lion, tiger, horse, swallow, peacock, dolphin.
Character of the name RAGAN according to the seasons
“Winter” is less strong-willed and spends more effort on securing for himself the material level that he considers acceptable for himself. But he is more open, sociable, frank. “Spring” - Ragan is active and purposeful. Even a comet cannot turn it off its intended path. He is popular with the opposite sex, but rarely reciprocates. “Summer” is lucky. He is less rational, his approach to work has more creativity, extraordinary and non-trivial solutions. “Autumn”-Ragan is lazy, he lacks ease of communication, spontaneity and activity.

26.08.2016 12:39:11, 66666666666666

Upon completion of education, a state-issued certificate is issued. Rigidity Russian system music education
recognized by all teachers, not to mention boys from intelligent families who regularly try to lock the piano and throw away the key. “Overseas, the music teaching system is built on training musicians for group performance - playing in an orchestra, ensemble,” explains Serafima Sevostyanova. “With us, everything is much more severe: the student is focused on solo music performance, which requires very serious preparation. But ours can really perform solos on your instrument." However, even public schools today have to follow the lead of those parents who consider a child’s tears dripping on the keys to be excessive..., except, of course, the choir. Although who pays, he orders what music to teach his child. There are also simplified methods of learning to play without the ability to read notes - for example, when guitar chords are written using the so-called tablature method (the student sees a picture of guitar neck


, on which it is drawn which strings, on which fret and with which fingers you need to press).

“This is a simplified way of recording music, and it has big drawbacks,” says Sergei Smolyakov, a guitar teacher. “You can only play and select a familiar melody.”

However, quite...
I liked it, but I never found out where in Butovo they teach how to play the guitar 07/18/2008 21:12:16, Masha Universities for musicians and music specialties ...Even their methods of extracting sounds are different - not every voice is suitable for performing folk songs. At the departments of pop and jazz vocals in Gnesinka, State Academy of Arts named after. Maimonides, Institute contemporary art(ISI) many are already studying famous performers. And the names of teachers are well-known not only among specialists: at the State Academy of Arts named after. Maimonides jazz vocals are taught by the soloists of the Lyceum ensemble Anastasia Makarevich and Anna Syrova, and in Gnesinka - famous singers Irina Otieva and Valentina Tolkunova.


Graduate vocalists can work in opera,
folk ensembles
, variety groups,
church choir
, vocal teachers.

From piano to drums Specialties "Instrumental Performance" or "Variety Musical Art" The instruments...

28.12.2008 11:45:37, Hello,

I have an important question that may determine my future life.

The fact is that until a certain point in my life (10 years old) (now I’m 15 years old) I didn’t like music, in particular the sounds of the guitar. But at the age of 10 I had a desire to play the guitar. I went to music school, then to courses (a little bit everywhere) and actually learned to play the guitar (at least I think I know the basics), now I sometimes compose my own music

What do you advise me to do? - try to enroll somewhere in music and guitar (but I didn’t graduate from music school) or maybe not even try? Because probably (as I understand) it will be difficult for me to enroll somewhere - I don’t have a diploma about graduating from music school, I don’t know about salfeggio, because you have to take it too) - a disaster? Or is it still possible to learn everything in two years and then enroll? Let me repeat once again that I have been playing guitar since I was 10 years old. D. Kabalevsky. The same thing happens with song and dance. “The movement of musical thought,” writes the composer, “receiving food from environment
, will continue and will increasingly gain strength." We would call another important direction of D. Kabalevsky’s system the Socratic method. Children, according to Dmitry Borisovich, come to certain conclusions not as a result of lectures or stories that make them fall asleep, but by themselves Thinking and talking about music. With the help of leading questions from the teacher. Well, for example: - What is needed to make a song? - The child is thinking about something. famous... ...Shinichi Suzuki Method About his absolutely unique method of early musical education

(Dr. Suzuki began teaching children the violin at the age of two or three!) One can also speak of it as an established, time-tested method, because everything he did could be seen and seen. The world was amazed by his amazing ensembles of 4-5 year old violinists from 100-200 children, who performed the music of Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven cleanly and synchronously.

The wonderful teacher died in 1998, and so far there are no those who could fully repeat Suzuki’s feat. Apparently, the point here is not only the uniqueness of the method, but also the uniqueness of the teacher. What is the Suzuki method? Three points can be highlighted with confidence.

All children are musical. According to Japanese... Girls, name the groups in the kindergarten so that there is one common focus and so that they can be played up in the design Girls, good afternoon! Help out! It’s given that the child has a final exam in music literature today. A long time ago they prepared a report on Schnittke and downloaded one of his works onto disk. At the same time as the music, they downloaded a Trojan onto the computer, treated it for a long time... In short, it’s our own fault - they didn’t write the name of the work on the disk... The crux of the issue is that no one can remember the name of the music piece that we downloaded. Something like Reflections... reflections... Some kind of name. Wikipedia nothing... I heard from a teacher in a secondary school...


Thanks to everyone who responded! We will try to do everything in time :)

It seems to me that combining is quite possible, but you say that you have comprehensive school- This is a full-day school. In this case, you really have to knock out or music and regular school or your full day school. Our neighboring school is a full-day school. It is almost impossible to leave school early. :(

From November 7 to November 30, Moscow will host “Moscow Autumn” - an annual festival modern music, established and conducted by the Union of Moscow Composers since 1979. The main idea of ​​the festival is the premiere performance of new works by Moscow composers, including works contemporary composers from other cities of Russia, festival guests from near and far abroad. The Moscow Autumn programs cover all genres and areas of modern professional composing...

In our music school, dissatisfied teachers can scold the child, then scold the parents (as a rule, they have not received a musical education, but believe that this is the only way it should be).
I chose a teacher for my child very carefully; the instrument was secondary. The child wanted a different instrument (he is now the second), but loves the one I chose as the easiest one to start learning, taking into account the child’s character and the presence of an excellent teacher.
“Why learn to play an instrument if you won’t play in an orchestra?” - a question from my first-grader daughter. It would be good for parents to think about this.
My daughter studied at a music school for a year, she listens to music thoughtfully, she is interested in the instruments in the orchestra, she can share her impressions, you can talk to her about music, she knows how to listen to it. Her performances at home celebrations at home and in children's groups evoke admiration among adults and children. It is clear that she is a student, but those who do not know how to play at all perceive her enthusiastically and also want to learn like her. I was surprised by this reaction; I considered such performances to be commonplace.
Children have a pleasant and useful activity at home, and computer games are forgotten. Music classes develop character (this is very important for us), provide experience in communicating with children united by a common interest, with different teachers. A big test and preparation for life are exams and participation in concerts.


age, number


Full name of teacher/


Name of training center

Duet "Smile"

(Mikhail Fedin, Nadezhda Poloiko)

"Let's Dance, Jack"

Music Percy Mayfield

Sl. Maxim Fadeev

Volkova Natalya Vasilievna

Variety studio “Sing with me!”

Vocal group "Malinka"

A medley of songs for animated films.


Rachkova Alexandra Ivanovna


Course Vladimir, Soldatkina Emilia

Boy & Girl (A.Lartseva and A.Mamitov)

Manulik Irina Igorevna

Pop vocal ensembles 8-10 years old

Participant's name/team name,

age, number


Full name of teacher/


Name of training center

Golovchik Arseny and

Olesik Anastasia - 8-10 years old

"Hey DJ"

from L.Drozd district and

Levchuk Victoria Alexandrovna

Vocal studio

Vocal ensemble “PRIMARY SCHOOL” 7-8 years old

Blue-eyed cornflower", music. A. Kostyuk,

sl. M. Andreev

Melnik Tatyana Alexandrovna

Vocal studio "MELODIA", Minsk

Vocal group "Smiley"

Belarusian folk song“West-west of Belaga Kamushyk”

Rachkova Alexandra Ivanovna

Honored amateur group of the Republic of Belarus, children's variety studio "Veselye Notki"


Trio “Modern”: Saltukova Elizaveta, Zubovich Diana, Osipova Yana-9 years old

Music B. Stone, lyrics. M. Sapozhnikova “I wish I could sing and dance”

Antonova Oksana Nikolaevna

State educational institution "Children's art school in Krichev"

Group “Smileys” 7-9 years old

“No Barbie, no Ken” Alisa Sementina

Manulik Irina Igorevna

Studio pop vocals"Forte"

Atrashkevich Yana, Gudilina Maria-9 years old

Kirilchik Natalia Makarovna

Ensemble pop song"Star Light"

Gudilina Anna, Krechko Anna, Lazovskaya Alina, Kuchinskaya Yana

Kirilchik Natalia Makarovna

Pop song ensemble “Star Light”, Minsk, secondary school No. 202

Pop duet “Rollik Ksenia and Roller Diana” - 10 years

“The Whitest Rus'” lyrics. and music B. Asmalovskaga

Golovko Maria Vadimovna

State educational institution " high school No. 20 Borisov"

Vocal ensemble "Zvezdochki"

Cultural and sports center

music A. Ermolova, lyrics. A. Morozova

"Locomotive Bug"

Kolysko Natalya Antonovna

Cultural and sports center

Unitary Enterprise "Minsk Branch of the Belarusian Railway"

Studio EVI-NS

Draw your world

Skopicheva Natalya Mikhailovna

Pop vocal ensembles 11-13 years old

Participant's name/team name,

age, number


Full name of teacher/


Name of training center

Noikova Dorofeya and Novikova Daria 8-12 years old

"Little Boat"

From the “As-studio” solution

Levchuk Victoria Alexandrovna

Vocal studio

Vocal group "Constellation"

Belarusian folk song “Oh at the field”

Rachkova Alexandra Ivanovna

Honored amateur group of the Republic of Belarus, children's variety studio "Veselye Notki"


Vocal ensemble "SOPRANO"

Savochkina Daria,

Lozarenko Daria,

Stabrovskaya Daria,

Lapytko Angelina-13 years old


Russian folk song in pop adaptation

Frantsuzova Elena Kazimirovna

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1 of Dzerzhinsk"

Samokhina Yana

Slizh Alexandra

"Towards the Wind"

music T. Ognev, lyrics. O. Ogneva

Kornienko Elena Valentinovna

Vocal ensemble

Jam (Jam) 11-13 years old

Song "Buslik"

sl. U. Mazgo, music T. Mouchan

Sinitsa Yana Pavlovna

Vocal studio "Jem"


Lomako Angelina

Tsuprikov Maxim

Round Stefania

11, 12, 10 years

“Medley of Belarusian songs”

Marchuk Anastasia Olegovna

National Center musical art named after V. Mulyavin

Pop vocal ensembles 14-17 years old

Participant's name/team name,

age, number


Full name of teacher/


Name of training center

Quartet "April"

Medley of Belarusian songs “Belarusian Wreath”

Alekseeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Exemplary pop song studio “April” State Educational Institution “Shchuchin Palace of Children and Youth Creativity”

Show group “So-Ni-Ka”

4 people – Sofya Tarasova, Nicole Furgal, Katya Mazur, Katya Panteleeva

"By Grandma"

Ostapenko Svetlana Vladimirovna

State Educational Institution "Vitebsk City Center" additional education children and youth" city of Vitebsk,
director N.E. Bolshakova

Studio EVI-NS

Teacher: +375291852205

Your land

Skopicheva Natalya Mikhailovna

Children's Art School at the N.F. Sokolovsky College

Pop vocal ensembles 18 years and older

Participant's name/team name,

age, number


Full name of teacher/


Name of training center

Duet: Reshko Inga, Kotikova Alina 14-37 years old

"White Boat" music. Yu. Bogatkevich, lyrics. V. Neklyaeva

Reshko Inga Valentinovna

Vocal and choral studio “Constellation” State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 41 of Mogilev”

folk vocal group"Spring"

Center of Culture of Novopolotsk

18 and older

"Let it be" by P. McCartney

Devyatnikova Inna Bronislavovna

Cultural Center of Novopolotsk