Scientific work: Absolute system for measuring physical quantities. Abstract: Why do people need measurements?


Not only schoolchildren, but even adults sometimes wonder: why is physics needed? This topic is especially relevant for parents of students who at one time received an education that was far from physics and technology.

But how to help a student? In addition, teachers can assign an essay for homework in which they need to describe their thoughts about the need to study science. Of course, it is better to entrust this topic to eleventh graders who have a complete understanding of the subject.

What is physics

In simple terms, physics is Of course, nowadays physics is moving more and more away from it, going deeper into the technosphere. Nevertheless, the subject is closely connected not only with our planet, but also with space.

So why do we need physics? Its task is to understand how certain phenomena occur, why certain processes are formed. It is also advisable to strive to create special calculations that would help predict certain events. For example, how did Isaac Newton discover the law of universal gravitation? He studied an object falling from top to bottom and observed mechanical phenomena. Then he created formulas that really work.

What sections does physics have?

The subject has several sections that are studied generally or in depth at school:

  • Mechanics;
  • vibrations and waves;
  • thermodynamics;
  • optics;
  • electricity;
  • the quantum physics;
  • Molecular physics;
  • nuclear physics.

Each section has subsections that examine various processes in detail. If you don’t just study theory, paragraphs and lectures, but learn to imagine and experiment with what is being discussed, then science will seem very interesting, and you will understand why physics is needed. Complex sciences that cannot be applied in practice, for example, atomic and nuclear physics, can be considered differently: read interesting articles from popular science magazines, watch documentaries about this area.

How does the item help in everyday life?

In the essay “Why is physics needed” it is recommended to give examples if they are relevant. For example, if you are describing why you need to study mechanics, then you should mention cases from everyday life. An example would be an ordinary car trip: from a village to a city you need to travel along a free highway in 30 minutes. The distance is about 60 kilometers. Of course, we need to know at what speed it is best to move along the road, preferably with some time to spare.

You can also give an example of construction. Let's say when building a house you need to correctly calculate the strength. You can't choose flimsy material. A student can conduct another experiment to understand why physics is needed, for example, take a long board and place chairs at the ends. The board will be located on the backs of the furniture. Next, you should load the center of the board with bricks. The board will sag. As the distance between the chairs decreases, the deflection will be less. Accordingly, a person receives food for thought.

When preparing dinner or lunch, a housewife often encounters physical phenomena: heat, electricity, mechanical work. To understand how to do the right thing, you need to understand the laws of nature. Experience often teaches you a lot. And physics is the science of experience and observation.

Professions and specialties related to physics

But why does someone who graduates from school need to study physics? Of course, those who enter a university or college majoring in the humanities have virtually no need for the subject. But in many areas science is required. Let's look at which ones:

  • geology;
  • transport;
  • electricity supply;
  • electrical engineering and instruments;
  • medicine;
  • astronomy;
  • construction and architecture;
  • heat supply;
  • gas supply;
  • water supply and so on.

For example, even a train driver needs to know this science in order to understand how a locomotive works; a builder must be able to design strong and durable buildings.

Programmers and IT specialists must also know physics in order to understand how electronics and office equipment work. In addition, they need to create realistic objects for programs and applications.

It is used almost everywhere: radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, laser therapy.

What sciences is it related to?

Physics is very closely interconnected with mathematics, since when solving problems you need to be able to convert various formulas, carry out calculations and build graphs. You can add this idea to the essay “Why you need to study physics” if we are talking about calculations.

This science is also connected with geography in order to understand natural phenomena, be able to analyze future events, and the weather.

Biology and chemistry are also related to physics. For example, not a single living cell can exist without gravity and air. Also, living cells must move in space.

How to write an essay for a 7th grade student

Now let's talk about what a seventh grader who has partially studied some sections of physics can write. For example, you can write about the same gravity or give an example of measuring the distance he walked from one point to another in order to calculate the speed of his walking. A 7th grade student can supplement the essay “Why is physics needed” with various experiments that were carried out in class.

As you can see, creative work can be written quite interesting. In addition, it develops thinking, gives new ideas, and awakens curiosity about one of the most important sciences. Indeed, in the future, physics can help in any life circumstances: in everyday life, when choosing a profession, when getting a good job, during outdoor recreation.

Measurement in science means identifying the quantitative characteristics of the phenomena being studied. The purpose of measurement is always to obtain information about the quantitative characteristics of objects, organisms or events. It is not the object itself that is measured, but only the properties or distinctive features of the object. In a broad sense, measurement is a special procedure by which numbers (or ordinal values) are assigned to things according to certain rules. The rules themselves consist of establishing a correspondence between certain properties of numbers and certain properties of things. The possibility of this correspondence justifies the importance of measurement in pedagogy.

The measurement process assumes that everything that exists somehow manifests or acts upon something. The general task of measurement is to determine the so-called modality of one indicator compared to another by measuring its "weight".

The variety of mental, physiological and social phenomena is usually called variables, since they differ in individual values ​​in individual individuals or at different times in the same individual. From the position of measurement theory, two aspects should be distinguished: a) the quantitative side - the frequency of a certain manifestation (the more often it appears, the higher the value of the property); b) intensity (magnitude or strength of manifestation).

Measurements can be taken at four levels. Four levels will correspond to four scales.

Scale [< лат. scala – лестница] – инструмент для измерения непрерывных свойств объекта; представляет собой числовую систему, в которой отношения между различными свойствами объектов выражены свойствами числового ряда. Шкала есть способ упорядочивания объектов произвольной природы. В педагогике, психологии, социологии и других социальных науках различные шкалы используются для изучения различных характеристик педагогических и социально-психологических явлений.

Initially, four types of numerical systems were identified, which respectively define four levels (or scales) of measurement. More precisely, three levels, but the third level is divided into two more sublevels. Their division is feasible on the basis of those mathematical transformations that are allowed by each scale.

1) Name scale (nominal).

2) Order scale (rank, ordinal).

3) Metric scales: a) interval scale, b) proportion scale (proportional, ratio).

The metric scale can be relative (interval scale) or absolute (proportion scale). In metric scales, the scale carrier forms relations of a strict order, as, for example, in the scales of time, weights, temperature, etc.

With the absolute type of metric scale, a certain absolute mark is chosen as a reference point, for example, measuring length and distance in comparison with a standard (Petit’s height is 92 cm, the distance from one city to another is 100 km).

In relative scales, the reference point is tied to something else. For example, Petya is the size of a third-grader, the length of a boa constrictor is equal to thirty-two parrots, chronology in the West is tied to the Nativity of Christ, the zero point of Moscow time serves as a reference point for the entire territory of the Russian Federation, and Greenwich zero time for Moscow.

The ordinal scale does not allow you to change the distance between objects projected onto it. Fuzzy scales are associated with ordinal scales, for example, Petya is taller than Sasha. First there was this, and then that; as far as...; long ago, like... The list of students in the class register is also a type of ordinal scale. Such scales are widely used in modeling reasoning: if A more than IN, A WITH higher A, hence, WITH higher than IN.

The difference in levels of measurement of any quality can be illustrated by the following example. If we divide students into those who coped with and those who did not cope with the test, we will thereby obtain a nominal scale of those who completed the task. If it is possible to establish the degree of correctness of the test work, then an order scale (ordinal scale) is constructed. If you can measure how much and how many times the literacy of some is greater than the literacy of others, then you can get an interval and proportional scale of literacy in completing a test.

The scales differ not only in their mathematical properties, but also in their different ways of collecting information. Each scale uses strictly defined data analysis methods.

Depending on the type of problems solved using scaling, either a) rating scales or b) scales for measuring social attitudes are built.

A rating scale is a methodological technique that allows you to distribute the set of objects being studied according to the degree of expression of the property they have in common. The possibility of constructing a rating scale is based on the assumption that each expert is able to directly give quantitative assessments of the objects being studied. The simplest example of such a scale is the usual school point system. The rating scale has from five to eleven intervals, which can be indicated by numbers or formulated verbally. It is believed that a person’s psychological capabilities do not allow him to classify objects into more than 11-13 positions. The main scaling procedures using a rating scale include pairwise comparison of objects, assigning them to categories, etc.

Scales for measuring social attitudes. For example, students’ attitude towards completing a problem task can vary from negative to creatively active (Fig. 1). By placing all intermediate values ​​on the scale, we get:

Using the principle of scales, it is possible to construct polar profile scales that measure several indicators at once.

The scale itself accurately determines the intermediate values ​​of the measured variable:

7 – the sign always appears,

6 – very often, almost always,

5 – often,

4 – sometimes, neither often nor rarely,

3 – rarely,

2 – very rarely, almost never,

1 – never.

An invariant of this scale with the replacement of a one-sided scale by a two-sided one can look like this (see Fig. 2):

Scaling [< англ. scaling – определение масштаба, единицы измерения] – метод моделирования реальных процессов с помощью числовых систем. В социальных науках (педагогике, психологии, социологии и др.) шкалирование является одним из важнейших средств математического анализа изучаемого явления, а также способом организации эмпирических данных, получаемых с помощью наблюдения, изучения документов, анкетного опроса, экспериментов, тестирования. Большинство социальных объектов не могут быть строго фиксированы и не поддаются прямому измерению.

The general process of scaling consists of constructing the scale itself according to certain rules and includes two stages: a) at the stage of collecting information, the empirical system of the objects under study is studied and the type of relationship between them is recorded; b) at the stage of data analysis, a numerical system is constructed that models the relationships of the empirical system of objects.

There are two types of problems solved using the scaling method: a) numerical display of a set of objects using their average group estimate; b) numerical display of the internal characteristics of individuals by recording their attitude to any socio-pedagogical phenomenon. In the first case, the display is carried out using a rating scale, in the second - an attitude scale.

The development of a scale for measurement requires taking into account a number of conditions: compliance of the measured objects and phenomena with the measurement standard; identifying the possibility of measuring the interval between various manifestations of the measured quality or personality trait; determination of specific indicators of various manifestations of measured phenomena.

Depending on the level of the scale, it is necessary to calculate a value to indicate the main trend. On the nominal scale you can only indicate the modal value, i.e. the most common value. The ordinal scale allows you to calculate the median, that value on both sides of which there is an equal number of values. The interval scale and the ratio scale make it possible to calculate the arithmetic mean. The correlation values ​​also depend on the scale level.

“Units of measurement” - Every spring the Nile flooded and fertilized the earth with fertile silt. Measuring angles. How can a ten-kopeck piece be exchanged for altyns and pennies? Compare 1 acre and 1 hectare. Computer. By tradition, even today, old units are sometimes used. Old units of measurement. Knowledge was gradually accumulated and systematized.

“Measurements” - English YARD is a unit of length. Nowadays, they are also used: But constantly traveling to Paris to check the standard meter is very inconvenient. The length of a foot is 30.48 cm. Gram. Our ancestor had only his own height, the length of his arms and legs. Reference. Although there are some differences in details, the elements of the system are the same throughout the world.

“Units of area” - Units of area. Calculate the area of ​​quadrilateral ABCD. Calculate the area of ​​the quadrilateral MNPQ. Orally: Calculate the area of ​​the figure. Field areas are measured in hectares (ha). Area Units: Calculate the area of ​​a shape.

“Measuring angles” - You can apply the protractor differently. A protractor is used to measure angles. Sharp corner. A protractor is used to construct angles. Right angle. Measuring angles. Unfolded corner. Acute, straight, obtuse, straight angles. What angle does the hour and minute hands of a clock form? Obtuse angle.

“Measuring current strength” - School magnetic board. Set "USE-LABORATORY" in molecular physics. Composition of the miniset on mechanics, molecular physics and optics. Exam laboratory. To work with the mechanics kit you will need: Electrodynamics. Recommendations for the use of L-micro equipment in schools. Demonstration equipment L-micro.

“Angle and its measurement” - An angle larger than a right angle is called an obtuse angle. On checkered paper. The protractor comes from the Latin word transportare - to carry. Using a triangle. AOB=1800. Angle units. OMR - direct. Angle bisector. A right angle is 900. РМN=900. Unfolded corner. Let us draw two rays AB and AC on a sheet of paper with a common origin at point A.

Topic 1

« Subject and method of physics. Measurements. Physical quantities."

The first scientific ideas arose a long time ago - apparently, at the very early stages of human history, reflected in written sources. However, physics as a science in its modern form dates back to the times of Galileo Galilei (1Galilei and his follower Isaac Newton (1made a revolution in scientific knowledge. Galileo proposed the method of experimental knowledge as the main research method, and Newton formulated the first complete physical theories (classical mechanics , classical optics, theory of gravitation).

In its historical development, physics went through 3 stages (see diagram).

The revolutionary transition from one stage to the next is associated with the destruction of old basic ideas about the world around us in connection with the new experimental results obtained.

Word physics literally translated means nature, that is, the essence, the internal basic property of the phenomenon, some hidden pattern that determines the course, the course of the phenomenon.

Physics is the science of the simplest and at the same time most common properties of bodies and phenomena. Physics is the foundation of natural science.

The connection between physics and all other sciences is presented in the diagram.

Physics (like any natural science) is based on statements about the materiality of the world and the existence of objective, stable cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. Physics is objective, since it studies real natural phenomena, but at the same time it is subjective due to the essence of the cognition process, like reflections reality.

According to modern concepts, everything that surrounds us is a combination of a small number of so-called elementary particles, between which 4 different types of interactions are possible. Elementary particles are characterized by 4 numbers (quantum charges), the values ​​of which determine what type of interaction the elementary particle in question can enter into (Table 1.1).









This formulation has two important properties:

Adequately describes our modern ideas about the world around us;

It is quite streamlined and is unlikely to conflict with new experimental facts.

Let's give a brief explanation of the unfamiliar concepts used in these statements. Why are we talking about so-called elementary particles? Elementary particles in the precise meaning of this term are primary, further indecomposable particles, of which, by assumption, all matter consists. However, most known elementary particles do not satisfy the strict definition of elementarity, since they are composite systems. According to the Zweig and Gell-Mann model, the structural units of such particles are quarks. Quarks are not observed in a free state. The unusual name “quarks” was borrowed from James Joyce’s book “Finnigan’s Wake”, where the phrase “three quarks” appears, which the hero of the novel hears in a nightmare delirium. Currently, more than 350 elementary particles are known, mostly unstable, and their number is constantly growing.

You encountered three of these interactions when you studied the phenomenon of radioactive decay (see diagram below).

You have previously encountered such a manifestation of strong interaction as nuclear forces that hold protons and neutrons inside the atomic nucleus. Strong interaction causes processes that occur with the greatest intensity, compared to other processes, and leads to the strongest connection of elementary particles. Unlike gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, the strong interaction is short-range: its radius

Characteristic times of strong interaction

Brief chronology of the study of the strong interaction

1911 – atomic nucleus

1932 – proton-neutron structure

(, W. Heisenberg)

1935 – pi meson (Yukawa)

1964 – quarks (M. Gell-Mann, G. Zweig)

70s of the XX century - quantum chromodynamics

80s of the XX century - the theory of great unification" width="47 height=21" height="21">Weak interaction is responsible for the decays of elementary particles that are stable relative to strong and electromagnetic interactions. Effective the radius of the weak interaction does not exceed. Therefore, at large distances it is significantly weaker than the electromagnetic interaction, which in turn is weaker than the strong interaction at distances less than 1 Fermi. At distances smaller, weak and electromagnetic interactions form. unified electroweak interaction. The weak interaction causes very slowly occurring processes with elementary particles, including the decays of quasi-stable elementary particles, the lifetimes of which lie in the range. Despite its small value, the weak interaction plays a very important role in nature. In particular, the process of converting a proton into a neutron, as a result of which 4 protons turn into a helium nucleus (the main source of energy release inside the Sun), is due to weak interaction.

Could a fifth interaction be discovered? There is no clear answer. However, according to modern concepts, all four types of interaction are different manifestations of one unified interaction. This statement is the essence grand unified theory.

Now let's discuss how scientific knowledge about the world around us is formed.

Knowledge name the information based on which we can confidently plan our activities on the path to the goal, and this activity will certainly lead to success. The more complex the goal, the more knowledge is required to achieve it.

Scientific knowledge is formed as a result of the synthesis of two inherent human elements of activity: creativity and regular exploration of the surrounding space using the trial and error method (see diagram)." width="553" height="172 src=">

A physical law is a long-lived and “deserved” physical theory. Only such ones end up in textbooks and are studied in general education courses.

If experience does not confirm the prediction, then the whole process must be started over.

A “good” physical theory must satisfy the following requirements:

1) should be based on a small number of fundamental provisions;

2) must be sufficiently general;

3) must be accurate;

4) must allow for improvement.

The value of a physical theory is determined by how accurately one can establish the limit beyond which it is unfair. An experiment cannot confirm a theory, but only refute.

The process of cognition can only proceed through the construction models, which is associated with the subjective side of this process (incompleteness of information, diversity of any phenomenon, ease of development with the help of specific images).

Model in science, it is not an enlarged or reduced copy of an object, but a picture of a phenomenon, freed from details that are not essential for the task at hand.

Models are divided into mechanical and mathematical.

Examples: material point, atom, absolutely solid body.

As a rule, for most concepts the process of model development proceeds through gradual complication from mechanical to mathematical.

Let's consider this process using the concept of an atom as an example. Let's list the main models.

Sharik (atom of ancient and classical physics)

Ball with hook

Thomson atom

Planetary model (Rutherford)

Bohr model

Schrödinger equation" width="240" height="44">

The model of an atom in the form of a solid indivisible ball, for all its apparent absurdity from the point of view of today’s ideas, made it possible, for example, within the framework of the kinetic theory of gases to obtain all the basic gas laws.

The discovery of the electron in 1897 led to J. J. Thompson's creation of a model commonly called "raisin pudding" (see picture below)." width="204" height="246">

According to this model, negatively charged raisins – electrons – float in the positively charged “dough”. The model explained the electrical neutrality of the atom, the simultaneous appearance of a free electron and a positively charged ion. However, the results of Rutherford's experiment on the scattering of alpha particles fundamentally changed the understanding of the structure of the atom.

The picture below shows a diagram of the setup in Rutherford's experiment.

Within the framework of the Thompson model, it was impossible to explain the strong deviation of the trajectory of alpha particles and, therefore, the concept arose atomic nucleus. The calculations made it possible to determine the dimensions of the nucleus; they turned out to be of the order of one Fermi. Thus, the Thompson model was replaced by planetary model Rutherford (see picture below).

This is a typically mechanical model, since the atom is represented as an analogue of the solar system: around the core - the Sun - planets - electrons - move in circular trajectories. The famous Soviet poet Valery Bryusov spoke about this discovery:

Still, perhaps, every atom -

A universe with a hundred planets;

Everything that is here, in a compressed volume, is there

But also what is not here.

Since its inception, the planetary model has been subject to serious criticism due to its instability. An electron moving in a closed orbit must emit electromagnetic waves and, therefore, fall onto the nucleus. Accurate calculations show that the maximum lifetime of an atom in Rutherford's model is no more than 20 minutes. The great Danish physicist Niels Bohr, to save the idea of ​​the atomic nucleus, created a new model of the atom, which bears his name. It is based on two main provisions (Bohr's postulates):

Atoms can remain for a long time only in certain, so-called stationary states. The energies of stationary states form a discrete spectrum. In other words, only circular orbits with radii given by the relation are possible" width="144" height="49">

Where n– an integer.

During the transition from one initial quantum state to another, a quantum of light is emitted or absorbed (see figure)." width="240" height="238">

Differential" href="/text/category/differentcial/" rel="bookmark">partial differential equation with respect to the wave function. The physical meaning is not the wave function itself, but the square of its modulus, which is proportional to the probability of finding a particle (electron) in a given point in space. In other words, during its movement, the electron is, as it were, “smeared” throughout the entire volume, forming an electron cloud, the density of which characterizes the probability of finding the electron at various points in the volume of the atom (see pictures below)." width="379" height="205">

Unfortunately, the language we use in our everyday life is unsuitable for describing the processes occurring in the depths of matter (very abstract models are used). Physicists “talk” with Nature on language of mathematics using numbers, geometric shapes and lines, equations, tables, functions, etc. Such a language has amazing predictive power: using formulas, you can obtain consequences (as in mathematics), evaluate the result quantitatively and then test the validity of the prediction with experience. Physicists simply do not undertake the study of phenomena that cannot be described in the language of physics due to the uncertainty of concepts and the impossibility of defining the measurement process.

The history of the development of physics has shown that the reasonable use of mathematics has invariably led to powerful progress in the study of nature, and attempts to absolutize some mathematical apparatus as the only suitable one lead to stagnation.

Physics, like any science, can only answer the question “How?”, but not the question “Why?”.

Finally, let's look at the final part of topic No. 1 about physical quantities.

A physical concept that reflects some property of bodies and phenomena and expressed by number during the measurement process is called physical size.

Physical quantities, depending on the method of their representation, are divided into scalar, vector, tensor etc. (see Table 1.2).

Table 1.2




temperature, volume, pressure


speed, acceleration, tension


pressure in moving fluid" width="73" height="75 src=">

Vector called an ordered set of numbers (see illustration above). Tensor physical quantities are written using matrices.

Also, all physical quantities can be divided into basic And derivatives from them. The basic ones include units of mass, electric charge (the main characteristics of matter that determine gravitational and electromagnetic interaction), length and time (as they reflect the fundamental properties of matter and its attributes - space and time), as well as temperature, amount of matter and light intensity. To establish derived units, physical laws are used that connect them with basic units.

Currently required for use in scientific and educational literature International system of units (SI), where the basic units are kilogram, ampere, meter, second, Kelvin, mole and Candela. The reason for replacing the Coulomb (electric charge) with the Ampere (electric current strength) as the main unit is purely technical: the implementation of the standard in 1 Coulomb, as opposed to 1 Ampere, is practically impossible, and the units themselves are related by a simple relationship:

Generally speaking, all management and decision-making processes are highly dependent on information about the current state and its development over time. Measurement is the most important source of this information. When discussing business process improvement, measuring the level of process performance is an important and necessary element. It should provide information about how well the process is being implemented and how good the results are being produced. Having meaningful and relevant information about processes makes it possible to determine the starting point for starting the improvement process, which in turn allows you to: identify processes or areas that need improvement; to formulate ideas about the direction of development over time, i.e. about the trend of indicators; compare the level of your own indicators with the level of indicators of other organizations; assess whether the projects started (or already completed) are producing any result or whether the result is possible in the future? Based on this, evaluate which tools should be used in the future for improvement.

The meaning of the above lies in one phrase: “You cannot manage what you cannot measure.”
Here are the most important points about measurements. “What I measured is what I got.” This means that, as a rule, it is precisely those areas of work where monitoring and measurements were carried out that are primarily given attention and resources are sought for them; “Measurements determine behavior.” This means that taking measurements often leads to changes in the system, to its adaptation to new guidelines.
It was noted earlier that companies are usually divided into functional departments. The dominant direction of monitoring indicators is the assessment of financial parameters, which, as a rule, are taken directly from the financial statements. The problem is that such monitoring methods often come into direct conflict with the improvement process and interfere with the implementation of appropriate activities. The fact is that many improvement efforts can be very difficult to adequately evaluate using conventional investment analysis. As a rule, costs are needed both for training and for the actual implementation of the project. But the results of improvement are largely operational in nature. For example, this is a reduction in time, a reduction in the percentage of defects, etc. It can be very difficult to evaluate these indicators in financial terms, since the result of such improvements does not appear immediately, but after some time, i.e. in future. Therefore, it can be difficult to secure resources and time for improvement projects.
In recent years, developments have been aimed at creating more responsive performance measurement systems. However, general issues of measuring indicators and intensifying these processes are beyond the scope of this book. To support the improvement approach discussed in this book, you need to create a system with the following elements: Continuous measurement of relevant aspects of the performance of the main business processes, approximately 15-30 processes. What is meant by “relevant aspects” is discussed later in this chapter. All of these measurable indicators together should form a complete and cohesive dashboard that can be used for continuous monitoring of indicators. Unlike the antediluvian “switch” of the financial department, which with a long delay turns the red light on and off, warning of profits or losses, the new dashboard will contain a set of measuring instruments by which the real state of affairs can be assessed (see Fig. 4.1). This dashboard will highlight any emerging negative trends, show developments over time, and help identify the prerequisites for specific improvement efforts.
However, you need to be careful not to overdo the measurements.

Rice. 4.1. Various measuring systems

Xerox (USA) and Rank Xerox in Europe, each in its own country, were at the forefront of developing real-time performance measurement systems. However, their efforts were so great that these companies even had a joke: “If something moves, measure it!” This, of course, has led to a surplus of information that no one ever uses, not because it is uninteresting, but because there is no time to look through it. For this reason, any information began to be treated with disdain, even truly important information. All measures to measure indicators have lost their relevance.
To conclude this section, I would like to give a few “common amateur rules” for taking measurements: Measurement is not good for a long time, especially since the Taylor era, with his study of timing and movements, measurements were often aimed at monitoring employees. The measurement methods proposed in this book have a completely different focus. They are not conducted to look for a scapegoat, but to understand how well the processes work. It is very important to separate the measurement and the assessment that is made based on it. Measurement itself has never harmed anyone. This is only an interpretation of measurement results and its use could have negative consequences. The more precise the better1. Every possible increase in measurement accuracy may be relevant for technical systems or for accounting reporting, but not for measuring indicators. Often the purpose of performance measurement is to determine whether improvement has been achieved or not, rather than to determine the exact level of performance. Investing heavily in the development of overly accurate measurement systems can actually slow down and hinder the practical implementation of these systems. So a more practical approach is needed.
Everything is decided only by money1. The traditional consideration of the surrounding world through the prism of money, the assertion that only money is a reliable indicator of everything, turned out to be the main obstacle to the development of “softer” directions in measurement systems. Indicators such as the quality of the work situation, the ability of the product to satisfy the needs of the buyer, etc. also deliver valuable information. They should not be discarded just because there is no corresponding monetary equivalent for them. Everything must be strictly according to standards! Quite the opposite. Standards are often seen as the upper limit of performance. A good standard means that as long as you work with it, you have no need to improve.