Stay positive and healthy. Setting up your body for a successful day. Positive attitude for every day - techniques, thoughts


To get things moving, you should start the morning with a positive attitude for the day. In the morning, as soon as you get up, go to the window and greet the beginning of the day. Smile. Look at the sun. Smile and think about pleasant and good things. Be surprised by the sky, leaves on the trees, wet asphalt, birds singing... Stand under the rays of the sun, recharge with its energy.

Spell for a good day

In the morning, looking out the window at the cloudy pagoda, you think: “Wow, what is the weather, what is the day.” Nothing of the kind. And you can’t even think like that, let alone say it out loud. Try to see only the positive sides in everything. As soon as you catch yourself having a depressing thought, immediately correct yourself and say something positive about the weather: “And I love the rain too!” always leads to happiness and prosperity.”

The morning plot for a successful day seems to be simple, everyday, but it helps you to slowly get things done and feel like a healthy and happy person.

Standing by the window and admiring the beginning of the day, say the following words out loud:

“The early morning came and gave people light and warmth. Every day he goes to the yard, he brought a useful case. Evening will come and put everyone on their sides. You have to sleep in the dark night, wait for morning, day and evening.”

This conspiracy needs to be repeated three times and tune in to the fact that all the undertakings of this day will be successful, will work out faster and better, and you will be much less tired during the day.

Visualizing Success

Visualization of success can be done every morning for the coming day. To do this, spend 15 minutes in the morning imagining how much you can do during the day. Close your eyes and draw pictures with your inner gaze one after another as if you had already made them. In the picture you should see yourself as in the movie, from the outside, and not in yourself.

Try to imagine everything in sufficient detail: you got behind the wheel of your car and calmly drove (without traffic jams) to your garden or dacha. In front of you in the garden lies huge amount carrots that you have already collected and folded. They are smooth, large, beautiful, one to one, like in a parade.

Or you need to get the necessary papers from some institution today, for which this is not the first time you have asked to take time off from work. Imagine them in your hands with a signature and seal. At the same time, there was no queue at all.

In 15 minutes, you can mentally accomplish feats and quickly outline all your current affairs for the day. Just don’t dream about too many things at once. Describe for yourself the three main main things to do. If you spin at work all day like a squirrel in a wheel, then you can draw for yourself a calm and productive environment.

Morning meditation on the number three

To be successful at work, promote your projects, be able to negotiate, maintain relationships, move forward and achieve your goals, you can use meditation on the number three in the morning. The number three in ancient numerology represents good luck.

You need to meditate for 10-15 minutes every day:

  • close your eyes and draw the number three in front of your eyes
  • it glows soft green
  • the background on which it is located can be anything you like. It can be just white
  • rays of soft green color emanate from the number, containing the energy of joy and success
  • the soft green color penetrates your body and you feel like a person who can easily and playfully achieve your goals

feel like a happy and joyful person every morning

Often there is absolutely no time in the morning. Especially when the family is large and everyone is in a hurry either to school or to work. A woman - a mother and a wife - needs to have time to send everyone away, and there is almost no time left for herself.

The morning audio mood invigorates, pumps up energy and instills confidence in yourself and in the success of the day.

Morning Persuasion Technique

Naturally, in the morning a person is still not himself. Therefore, it makes sense to convince yourself that life is good. The best way to do this is to look into your own eyes in front of a mirror. You can say whatever you want, but only positive and good things. And smile. A smile, even an artificial one in the first seconds, immediately changes your mood and, in the next seconds and minutes, you are smiling not because you have to, but because you feel light and happy.

A good morning mood for a successful day is very important not only for good mood during the day, but also for excellent well-being both during the day and in the evening after a hard day.

You have the power to change the world in an instant.
To do this, you just need to make a simple choice.
Do you choose a world illuminated by love...
or a world full of suffering, failure and squalor?
(Masaru Emoto. The Message of Water)

Popular wisdom says that how you start your day is how you will spend it.

And indeed, from own experience everyone knows that MOOD in the morning often determines the whole day.

Sometimes you get up on the wrong foot and it all goes down the drain. No matter what I undertake, not a single thing succeeds.

And sometimes it’s as if everything works out by itself. And the right people suddenly find themselves in the right place, and opportunities open up, and the work in hand goes well. And the mood is energetic and upbeat.

It turns out that the option " have a nice day“It’s quite possible to create for yourself consciously. To do this, it is enough to SET UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL DAY.

This is especially useful to do on days when there are important and significant events causing anxiety, fears, fears.

For example, on the day of exams, an important report or meeting, before public speaking, concluding an agreement for a large sum, meeting new people, a long trip to an unfamiliar place, before a date - and a thousand other reasons...

In this case, setting yourself up for a successful day turns anxiety and fear into pleasant excitement.

I like to tell my clients and training groups one simple thing. Man is a single integral system in which the body, emotions, thoughts and Soul are closely connected and mutually influence.

In order to set ourselves up for a successful day, it is important for us to engage all levels of our being, all levels of the system.

Just as we do (or don’t do) exercises for the body in the morning, we can do mental (mental) and emotional attunement, and also highlight the priorities of the day from the level of our Soul.

Let's try to learn this. The algorithm is quite simple.


  1. Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier the time when you need to get up. Allow your body to wake up in a natural rhythm, stretch, feel the muscles and breathing. Isn't it nice to lie in bed on a day off? Why not allow your body to wake up slowly and comfortably on other days too?
  2. Accompany your awakening with pleasant sensations- the aroma of coffee or freshly brewed tea, your favorite music, a pleasant shower. It is important to use as many modalities as possible - vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. It is also important to allow access to morning air. Open the window - let the freshness, cleanliness and coolness add vigor at the very beginning of the day.
  3. Give your body some movement. It could be like morning jog, and a couple of stretches from the yoga arsenal or a little exercise for 15 minutes. It is important for your body to feel that you are awake and ready for active action. And therefore energy is required for movement and action. As you know, energy is produced only by our body. It is precisely this “charging station” and “battery”. That's why physical exercise help him get ready to work vitality necessary for an active day. At trainings I am often asked: what to do if you are sick and don’t have the energy to exercise at all? Then you can do exercises for your feet or hands while lying down.
  4. Do an activating breath. You probably know that there is both relaxing (relaxing breathing) and activating (helping to recharge your batteries and feel a surge of energy).

Let me give you an example of such breathing.

Exhale vigorously.
Close your right nostril with your thumb, your index finger pressed to the point in the middle of your forehead.INHALE (for 4 heartbeats).
Hold your breath while inhaling (for 16 heart beats or until you feel comfortable).
Close your left nostril with your middle finger. EXHALE (for 8 heart beats).
Without holding your breath - a new INHALE (4 heart beats).
The cycle can be repeated from 3 to 12 times.
The rhythm of the cycle of such breathing can be different - depending on your goal and depending on your personal preparedness.

I draw your attention that learning to work with breathing practices is necessary under the guidance of a trainer (!). It is also important to take into account your personal health characteristics when selecting exercises. For example, it is necessary to use activating breathing practices with caution for people with hypertension, after strokes, or in a weakened state.


Any thought inevitably strives to become reality.

Thought constantly strives to take shape, gravitates towards external manifestation, trying to find its expression. The desire and ability to materialize in the form of its physical equivalent is inherent in its nature,
- John Kehoe wrote in his book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything.”

That’s why it’s so important to realize what your first thoughts are about in the morning.

  • What fills the consciousness in the first moments after waking up?
  • Is there anxiety, apprehension, irritation, disappointment?
  • Or - joy, smile and anticipation of a new day?

Your mental attitude will determine your entire day and will cause a corresponding emotional wave and shape your mood. Therefore, be attentive and aware of your thoughts in the first minutes of the morning.

I often bring to clients famous quote Shri Rajneesh:

Every morning I ask myself:
“What do you choose for yourself today: suffering or happiness?”
And every time I choose HAPPINESS for myself...

Mentally setting yourself up for a successful day is just such an internal choice. Our consciousness, from the million bits of information that we receive daily from the world around us, selects only what corresponds to the internal filter. And this selection is arranged very simply - consciousness attracts what is emotionally important and significant, what has the mental mark “I need it.”

Sometimes we place such marks unconsciously, and they do not always attract the best events and people... But when we make a conscious choice, it better meets our inner needs.

It is much easier to create a mental attitude for a successful day when the mind is already accustomed to positive attitudes. Robert Stone, in his book Heavenly 911, offers the following affirmation for developing a positive attitude towards life. It can also be used to set yourself up for a good day:

My attitude towards life is always positive.
I am one with the energy of life.
I allow good events and luck to fill my life.

Allow yourself to open up to a new day, as if you opened a window towards the sun, light, joy and grace.

The rays of the Sun will definitely illuminate your room, face, hands...
Your unmade bed and an overturned book...
In the end, they will light up your life!
If you open the window towards them...
(Pauline Ray)

3. SETTING EMOTIONS for a successful day.

Renowned psychology professor Carol Izard argues that “ is emotions that determine lifestyle and set programs for cognition and behavior.” And to set ourselves up for a successful day, we can use this property of them.

It often seems that emotions are like tidal waves - you can only observe them and cannot influence either their frequency, their strength, or their quality. In fact, this is not entirely true. During trainings on emotional competence, my groups and I go over the tools in detail, how you can turn one emotion into another, how to increase or decrease the intensity of the experience of emotions. In the context of setting yourself up for a successful day, you can use one very simple exercise.

Tell yourself how you want to FEEL today...
And your consciousness will be tuned precisely to this spectrum of feelings.

  • Today my day will bring me JOY...
  • Today my day will bring me COMFORT AND PEACE...
  • Today my day will be CALM AND PEACEFUL
  • Today my day will be filled with DRIVE AND PLEASURE

You can choose any palette of emotions.

I will give you an example of two settings options for the day.

Option 1. Let us express it with the famous lines of V. Vysotsky:

It's white daylight again outside the windows.
The day challenges me to battle.
I feel, closing my eyes, -
The whole world is going to war against me...

Option 2. And a completely different mood sounds in the lines of Vitaly Stepanenko.

I feel the pulsation of the universe
The light of billions of droplets of love.

IN different situations Different settings can be useful - both readiness for battle and readiness to radiate love. The most important thing is to always remember that each of us can CHOOSE what emotions we would like to experience.

In addition, emotional adjustment will be much more successful if you learn to smile with every cell of your body.

There is such a simple and very powerful inner smile technique.

All you have to do is smile, and then send a smile throughout your body and imagine how your lips, your eyes, your heart, your skin, your lungs - all the cells of your body - begin to smile. And such an inner smile turns you into a radiant being - after all, the energy of a smile literally makes your whole body glow.

Both techniques can be used simultaneously: smile with an inner smile and ask yourself emotional mood through the formula I FEEL... They complement each other perfectly.

4. IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR SOUL - create your new day.

When working with clients and groups in trainings, I turn to different levels consciousness. To set up for a successful day, we just need to use very simple model, in which we will conditionally distinguish two levels of consciousness.

The first level is everyday consciousness, which is busy solving pressing issues. It stores all the tasks and plans for the day. (“don’t forget to buy bread in the evening, throw out the trash in the morning, call a friend and not be late for work”).

The second level is consciousness from the level of the Soul. Here we can place our key meanings and values ​​that determine life in general. Who am I? Why do I live? What is the meaning of my life and every day? What lessons do I take on mine? life path? What is right for me and developing me right now?

And thensetting up the day from the level of the Soul will mean readiness:

  • live here and now, vividly and clearly perceive every moment of life, realizing its uniqueness and originality;
  • fill your day with truly significant, important and valuable events that the Soul will preserve;
  • live in accordance with your destiny, give place and time to all the best that is in your Soul.

We often forget about the most important things, plunging into the routine of small matters and familiar everyday life. And life resembles a wheel in which the days merge into a gray amorphous mass, indistinguishable from one another... The transition to the level of the Soul allows you to go beyond this wheel and create, day after day, your life - the one you deserve.

You can slow down the rotation of the grind wheel with a simple exercise.

Ask yourself:

  • What from today will I remember in 10 years?
  • What will I take into my memories 20 years later?
  • What will I remember with warmth and peace at the moment of my death?

I know this sounds a little harsh. But - dare to try. These simple questions help you prioritize what is important.
Perhaps you don’t have enough time to tell your loved ones and loved ones that you love them...
Perhaps you don't have enough time to spend with your children...
Or there is no time to call your old parents
Or you have again postponed your vacation indefinitely...
Or they decided that there was still enough time ahead to start a family, give birth to a child, build a house, realize their dream...

Sometimes we habitually put off the most important things,
naively believing that time is endless.
What if this is not the case?

What if we accept the idea that everything in this world - and you and I - is finite?
And one day death will come and cancel all postponed matters.

What undone, unsaid and put off will you regret?
Perhaps right now, at this moment or at the moment of morning setup for a successful day - the time has come for the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE. For what gives it meaning and value. Just do it.

Set your day for what matters most.

You are not here just to live life.
You are here to fill your life with abundance,
a vision of perspective, a spirit of hope and accomplishment.
You are here to enrich the world.
And you are robbing yourself if you neglect this.
Woodrow Wilson)

Live here and now! Enjoy every day!

After all, TOMORROW will be different than TODAY...

Why do optimists live longer and get sick less? The answer is obvious: a positive attitude, thoughts. Today we will talk about how to set yourself up for positivity every day and how women can do this.

How to be positive

The ability to have a positive attitude is a life-affirming attitude that helps you live your life in the most pleasant way.

Optimism – right choice, no matter how many difficulties had to be overcome. Sustainable positive mood– prevention of stress.

Positive attitude– a condition whose significance is difficult to overestimate. Using it, you can completely change your life. You just need to control your thinking. The main principle is replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

You can even cultivate a somewhat detached, philosophical attitude towards life. This is not at all a call to stop fulfilling the basic responsibilities required by age and status. Otherwise, you can end up in such trouble that no mood will help. You just need to calmly perceive what is happening around you, including the inevitable.

The main substances produced in the brain affect the sensations and emotions that are associated with the concept of happiness:

  • Endorphins. Helps you endure physical pain more easily. You can induce their production by doing physical exercise.
  • Serotonin. Produced while on sunlight. In addition, production from physical education increases and positive thinking.
  • Dopamine. Its dose is received when the goal is achieved. You can feel the same if you start treating people kindly.
  • Oxytocin. Produced in connection with pleasant touches. “Hugs” should definitely be present in our lives.

Positive attitude for every day - techniques, thoughts

It is very important to track the thoughts that arise in the morning: they should be positive. There are ways you can use to influence your mood, ensuring a positive outlook for the day.

A positive mood can be created by fulfilling just three conditions every day: firstly, smile, secondly, smile, and thirdly, smile. I think it will work out better for women.

In addition to thoughts, body position and facial muscles affect the physical state, giving rise to good thoughts.

And you need to constantly monitor the state of your body. The most important role straight posture plays a role. There should be no tension in the body.

Positivity can be created using some techniques:

  • Anticipation of something pleasant.
    When you wake up, you need to immediately imagine what pleasant things can happen today. It may well be a cup of coffee or a pleasant meeting.
  • Pleasant memories.
  • If something pleasant has already happened, there is no need to immediately jump to other things. Stop for a moment. Enjoy what happened again.
  • Listen to your favorite melody.
  • It’s better in the morning to let her tune ring in your head all day long.
  • Take a shower. Water “washes away” negative emotions.
  • Watch a funny movie. Read a good book
  • Take a walk. Just take a walk, and not make heavy purchases at the grocery store.
  • Exercise. Without overexertion, but with pleasure.
  • Dance. A great way to add a bright emotional color to life.

Positive thoughts require being aware. You need to learn to monitor your own thoughts. If they wear negative character, it is urgent to change or stop the process. Make a few breathing exercises. Switch to positive thoughts. It is necessary to bring this algorithm of actions to automation. Do something that has never been done before. The element of novelty will change your way of thinking and make things easier.

How to think positively

By choosing his reaction to current events, a person makes a choice: whether to be happy or suffer. The world is neutral, it all depends on how one prefers to see it. A positive thinker sees everything in warm colors.

By the way, deceiving your subconscious is not so difficult. It’s enough just to imagine a picture that pleases you. You can develop the ability to fundamentally avoid unpleasant situations and negative emotions.

A person must understand that he is the master of his own life. Don't react too strongly to other people's criticisms. Although for some reason it always seems that someone knows better from the outside. Sometimes people, under the guise of speaking the truth, simply pour out existing negativity or envy. You should listen to constructive criticism, again remaining calm.
It’s harder for people who are overly emotional. You'll have to work on yourself. Apply relaxation methods:

  • take a deep breath
  • sit with your eyes closed
  • look at yourself in the mirror and get scared

A good way is to look at something that has bothered you for years and ruined your mood with different eyes and say, “Well, okay?”

It is very important to learn to live in the present. There is no need to worry about what has already passed; nothing can be changed there. Don't worry about the future. As we know, most of our fears never come true.

Living in the present, celebrating every moment of your life is the most competent behavior.

You should not criticize others, much less yourself. A very destructive feeling is guilt.

Don't forget to get positive energy from other people.

Negative information should be avoided. Of course, you need to be aware of the events happening in the world, but you shouldn’t review stories many times that clearly don’t lift your spirits.

Another way to become depressed is perfectionism. Don't try to do everything perfectly. The essentials are enough.

Have a favorite hobby. Ideal if your hobby is your job.

Of great importance proper nutrition. Gastritis or excess weight obviously will not improve your mood. Be sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Giving and listening to compliments is a great way to put yourself in a good mood. Which is a kind of art.
Both women and men need compliments. Although men react to them with visible displeasure, praise of their virtues is vital. This gives confidence, confirmation of importance.

By the way, it is completely in vain that it is not considered necessary to compliment children. They should be praised for the slightest success and supported if something doesn’t work out yet. Such children will later become adult optimists.

How does a positive attitude affect health and thinking?

There are studies that trace the dependence of the influence of a person’s positive attitude on his health. Studies have shown that people who take their problems lightly and look at the world with optimism are several times less likely to get sick and recover faster than gloomy pessimists.

Moreover, studies have found that people who have a predominant good mood, even the pain is felt less. Great news, because... Positivity is a very “tasty” medicine.

The same studies showed that those who are not afraid of old age remain “young” longer and die later. There is purely physiological confirmation of this.

An emotion like anger causes muscles to contract. And leads to vasospasm and then increases blood pressure. The release of adrenaline increases the work of the heart and thickens the blood. But no one forces us to react violently to any manifestations of reality. An attitude to maintain peace is vitally important. It is this that will bring dividends in the form of good health.
Such an attitude should not be present from time to time, but be systematic.

Positive for every day - prerequisite. Our thoughts are directly connected to the body. A positive attitude “turns on” your “inner doctor.”

Our health directly depends on a person’s thinking. The direct connection that exists between the state of the psyche and physical health- an axiom that is recognized by all doctors.

Positive attitude

It is believed that to be happy, you need to experience at least 7 positive emotions every day. Moreover, there does not have to be very strong feelings.

Eat ice cream, talk with a nice person, take an interesting walk - the list is long, if not endless.

Those. we can say that the positive attitude for the day has already been calculated. Right today we are starting to live in a new way: we always think about the good, we hope for the best.

An excellent mood depends largely on how much a person has mastered various techniques, designed for this purpose.

  • Relaxation technique– a way to relax, relieve muscle tension. There are special techniques for this.
  • Meditation. Detachment from the bustle of the world around you. A rest for the brain, which usually carries on an endless internal dialogue.
  • Autotraining. It is recommended to train several times a day. The first one should be done as soon as you wake up, without getting out of bed. In the future, auto-training can be carried out in the environment that is more suitable.

Try to spend time among similarly positive people. Re-educating others is a thankless task.

To achieve a positive attitude, you need to pamper yourself every day. Be sure to set aside a few minutes a day that will be your own. Do what you like, and not what your friends, acquaintances, or books recommend. Consider your individuality.

The importance of getting enough sleep cannot be underestimated. Lack of sleep can lead to emotional problems. Sleeping too long is also harmful. In general, the motto of life should be the phrase “Moderation in everything.”

A positive mood depends on whether you have learned to enjoy even trifles and small successes. Major achievements are extremely rare, and focusing only on them would be a mistake. And small achievements can be tracked almost daily. That is, this way to find happiness is quite viable.

How the day goes depends on your morning mood. The mood of the week depends on the seven days. From four weeks to a month. So, brick by brick, you can build your whole life. That is, a positive morning mood will give an impetus to live happy life. Don't miss the opportunity to set yourself up for positivity in the morning.

It is equally important to end the day correctly. Before you fall asleep, you should remember everything pleasant that happened to you today and relive it in your mind. We should thank everyone who helped us experience positive feelings. In general, the feeling of gratitude is much more important for those who experience it.

Every day should be given a chance to become the best. And the first assistant on the way to this is a positive attitude.

The main thing is to enjoy everything a person does, be it study, work, sports, travel. And then it will be easy to set yourself up for positivity every day, especially for women. Then joy and health will be your companions in life.

Happens to all representatives of the fair half of humanity unpleasant situations, and if you add chronic fatigue to this, depression occurs, which can be protracted and last from several days to several months. Medicine offers all kinds of remedies, but you can cope with this without using chemicals, just the right attitude!

There is positive energy in every person, just let it come out and a real miracle will happen! The subconscious will begin to exchange this energy with the universe and every woman can become happier.

How to learn to think positively?

First of all, you shouldn’t remember the past, much less feel guilty for your actions; look at them from the other positive side - this is valuable experience and knowledge.

Meet all problems and adversity with a smile, do not exaggerate. Don't let small problems become global, then you can live in a new way. Don't worry or suffer over little things. Every problem opens up completely new opportunities for a person.

Try to dream and imagine, and a smile will appear on your face. It is positive thoughts and dreams that allow you to achieve success and wonderful events in life.

But these are just a few ways to become positive and cheerful. Have a beneficial effect on the body physical activity, they help keep the body and mental activity in good shape. Accordingly, your mood and well-being will be better, and your confidence in your abilities will increase significantly. Please note that dancing helps to recharge yourself with positivity for several days.

Positive attitude for every day for women?

Don’t be afraid to take risks and go towards new opportunities, this is the key to success! Often women who have a negative attitude are wary of anything new and do not judge prematurely. In life, such situations arise that tomorrow seemed like a disaster, today opens doors for you to new life and it's wonderful! If you still have no idea how to think positively in any difficult situation, accept everything with calm. Common sense will help you find a solution to this problem on your own. As soon as you can cope with your thoughts and fears, you will see how the world around you transforms, you will forget about stress and