Real name of Yuliana Karaulova. Yulianna Karaulova: interesting facts from her biography. Private life of Karaulova

Yulianna Karaulova is talented Russian singer, who managed to short time achieve unprecedented heights in musical career. Throughout her work in show business, the girl has changed many teams.

She was a member of the group “YES!”, in which two other girls sang besides her, and she also performed as part of the group “Netsuke”. But the singer gained real popularity as a soloist of the youth R&B group “5sta Family”.

Becoming a real star, Julianna decided to test her strength in solo career, which also created a real sensation.

Yulianna Karaulova's childhood

The talented singer was born on April 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Her parents have nothing to do with music business, but despite this, the girl began to show her creative abilities from childhood.

Yuliana's father worked in the capital of Bulgaria, so when the baby turned 4 years old, she and her mother moved there. There she was enrolled in a local school at the Russian Embassy.

From an early age, the young lady showed her parents her performances, and at the age of six she was already singing full-time on stage. IN school times she was a real activist, often performing at concerts and other events.

As a 10-year-old girl, Yulianna took part in the Bulgarian competition “Dobrich”, as a result of which she was awarded a diploma “For professionalism and artistry”. In general, the whole family lived in Bulgaria for 8 years, after which they returned back to Moscow. She did not stop her vocal training, but on the contrary, she took on learning new skills with even greater enthusiasm.

Musical career of Yulianna Karaulova

In 2003, the young singer participated in the “Face of the Year” competition, organized by the famous youth glossy “YES!” She failed to become the winner, but received second place of honor.

Two years later, the magazine again organized a competition, but this time the prize was participation in music group"YES!" Three singers were declared winners, the list of which also included Karaulova. The other two girls' names were Yulia and Anna. The team wrote four songs, the most popular of which was “Changed My Mind.”

In 2004, all three members of the group “YES!” decided to take part in the fifth season of the Star Factory project, but only Yulianna got on the show.

She later said that she did not immediately agree to come to the casting of this project, because she believed that everything was “bought” there. It was her parents who managed to persuade her to go to the competition.

Yulianna Karaulova in Netsuke’s group “I got caught in the net”

Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to win the show, but the producers approved her as a soloist in new group"Netsuke." The team consisted of three girls, in addition to Yulianna, Daria Klyushnikova and Aksinya Verzhak participated in it. Producer Max Fadeev tried his best to promote the group on television, recorded more than one song together with the soloists, and even shot a video, but “Netsuke” never received the long-awaited recognition from the audience. Therefore, it soon broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova's studies

After such failures, the girl began to think that she needed an alternative profession, so she decided to get a higher education. In addition to music, she also liked journalism, so she wanted to study at the journalism department at Moscow State University, but she never applied there.

Practically in last days admission, she changed her mind and applied for a new faculty pop-jazz vocals to Gnesinka. In parallel with her studies, she found time to work as an editor at YES! magazine.

Yulianna managed to graduate from the academy with honors, and a few months later she re-entered this institution to receive a second higher education majoring in producing.

Yulianna Karaulova and “5sta Family”

The girl met the guys from the group “5sta Family” while she was working as an editor for the glossy magazine “YES!” After a little time, some disagreements began to occur in the team with lead singer Olga Zasulskaya, who eventually left the group because of this.

Looking for new singer The participants, Vasily Kosinsky and Valery Efremov, organized a casting, and remembering the talented Yulianna, invited her to participate in the competition. Of course, thanks to her data, the girl easily got a place in the group in 2011.

In the team, Yulianna managed to truly become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. The group recorded new songs every year, which became real hits. They performed concerts and even toured neighboring countries.

Yulianna Karaulova about her departure from “5sta Family”

In 2012, the team presented a video for the song “Together We,” and after a while the album “Why?” was released. In 2014, “5sta Family” shot a video for the song “My Melody”.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova

While participating in the fifth season of the Star Factory show, the singer met with her project colleague Ruslan Masyukov. Whether this novel was true or just another PR stunt is not completely known, but at the end of the project there was no continuation of this story. After some time, there were rumors that Ruslan Masyukov was a homosexual.

The beauty's next relationship was more serious. This time her boyfriend was an ordinary guy Pasha. He saw the singer in the park when she was walking from the university, and immediately fell in love. For several days he learned everything about Julianna and decided that first he needed to meet her friends, after which he got to her.

Their relationship lasted two years and everything was heading towards the wedding, until Pasha began to dissuade the girl from a musical career. He didn't like the daily attention from other men. The singer left music for some time, but the promised registration of the relationship never came to fruition. The young people decided that it was better for them to remain just friends.

Singer Yulianna Karaulova has just received a “public” marriage proposal from her lover Andrei Cherny.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

Tonight, December 23, singer Yulianna Karaulova’s lover, music producer Andrei Cherny, proposed to her. The singer herself made this known - she posted a post with a photo on her Instagram. Everything happened at the main skating rink of the country - VDNKh: Andrey with everything honest people got down on one knee and presented the girl with a ring.

the site immediately contacted the singer’s representatives and received the following response:

“Yes, it’s all true. Julianna is now trying to comprehend what happened. Everything happened only an hour ago, comments will come later."

Yulianna and Andrey have known each other for many years, but at first they were connected simply by friendship. At some point they realized that the relationship had grown into something more. For the first time they spoke about their love to OK! in 2015.

“I didn’t want to spoil the years-tested friendships with some kind of affair,” Karaulova said then. “I was afraid that we might meet for a while, and then what? Usually people don't remain friends after this. And of course, at first it was difficult for me to take Andrei’s advances seriously...”

The singer says about how everything started to spin: “I just broke up with a young man, and Andrei with his girlfriend. In general, everything happened according to the classical scheme: first he supported me, and then I supported him. So they were further supported.”

“Yulia and I work in the same field, and there are quite a lot of advantages in this,” says Andrey, in turn. “Besides the fact that we always have something to talk about, we live on the same schedule and understand well specific features each other's work. Julia before late at night I’m at concerts, events, filming, and I also have a lot of work in my studio. I am actively involved in sound production and spend a lot of time in my production center.”

We are very happy for the bride and groom, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you great happiness!

Quite recently, a Russian singer whose name is now known to everyone - Yulianna Karaulova - gained incredible popularity. For the first time she appeared in public as a participant television project called "Star Factory-5". In addition, the girl was a soloist modern group"5sta Family" What secrets does the past and present of this star keep?

Childhood and biography

On April 24, 1988, Yulianna was born in Moscow. She grew up in a fairly wealthy and intelligent diplomatic family. However, when she was four years old, her family moved to Sofia, Bulgaria. The thing is that her dad held an honorary position there. The girl received her education in this country at the Russian Embassy.

More from early years She began to get interested in vocals, so she often organized concerts at home for her parents and guests. The family immediately noticed their daughter's talent and made a decision regarding her vocal training and music lessons. In addition, Julianna attended figure skating and dancing.

She first performed at the age of six on the stage of her school, after which almost all school concerts took place with her direct participation. When the girl was ten years old, she participated in a special vocal competition in Bulgaria called “Dobrich”. There she receives a certificate from the famous Bulgarian singer Lilia Ivanova for her artistry and professionalism.

Having lived in Bulgaria for eight years, the young singer decides to return to her homeland in Moscow in order to professional level continue to develop your vocal skills. She studied at school number 1106 and at the same time studied music, while taking direct participation in various competitive programs.

Creative path

2003 brings her second place in a direct competition called “Face of the Year.” She was fifteen years old then. After two years famous magazine announced the recruitment of girls as soloists in the group “YES!” After the selection, the jury chose three girls, one of which was Karaulova. Four songs were recorded in their composition, after which it broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova with the soloists of the group "5sta Famili"

After that, all three soloists tried their hand during the casting of “Star Factory-5”, but luck smiled only on Juliana. As a result, she ends up in the group of producer Max Fadeev “Netsuke”, which consisted of three girls. But still, it did not become popular and after a certain time it simply broke up, despite the fact that one video was even shot.

Yulianna Karaulova in the video "Houston"

The girl decides to go to get higher education in the direction of journalism, however, he changes his mind and enters the Gnesinka Faculty of Vocal Pop and Jazz. In addition to her studies, she works at YES magazine and holds the position of editor. She completes her studies with honors, where she later received a second education as a producer.

Yulianna Karaulova and DJ Pavlov in the video "Broken Love"

Yuliana Karaulova and ST in the video "Sea"

In 2011, she took the place of lead singer in a group called “5sta Family”, while working as an editor. In 2012, they released the album “Why,” after which over the next year they recorded the song “Together We,” which ultimately received the Golden Gramophone award.

Personal life

The first one has enough of it high-profile romance there was a relationship with Ruslan Masyukov, who, like her, took part in “Star Factory-5”. They lasted for two years. However, the couple broke up for the reason that the chosen one insisted on ending her musical career, but the girl was not ready for such a drastic step.

Andrey Cherny and Yulianna Karaulova

Today, Yulianna is dating Andrei Cherny, who is a sound producer. So far there is not even talk about starting a family, since now the main thing for the guys is their career.

Biographies famous musicians read

Getting busy solo career, Yulianna Karaulova plunged into a whirlpool of events: she tours a lot, records new singles and takes part in television projects not only as a participant, but also as a TV presenter.

Karaulova herself considers herself a very ambitious person who does not like to sit idle. Her creative biography full of different events, however, like many young performers, she dreams of giving a concert at the Olimpiysky.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in 1988 in Moscow. In 1992, the whole family moved to live in the capital of Bulgaria, where her father was engaged in diplomatic activities. In her childhood, Julianna was fond of dancing, singing, skating and mastering horse riding. She was an active participant in all school events and even tried my hand at the competition young talents. When the girl turned 11 years old, she and her parents returned to her hometown.

Yulianna Karaulova in childhood. Photo from Instagram of singer yulianna_karaulova.

In high school, Karaulova studied music and developed her vocals, which allowed her to take up prize place in the “Person of the Year” competition. Thanks to this victory, the girl became one of the soloists of the group “YES!” Soon, the 16-year-old girl passed the casting of the Star Factory-5 project, in which she became a finalist. This competition helped her reach the big stage and made friends with many project participants. Yulianna did not forget about her education: having entered the Gnessin Academy, she first studied at the pop-jazz vocal department, and then graduated from the production department.

Participation in “5sta Family” and solo career

In 2011, the singer joined the group “5sta Family”, where she stayed for four years. During this time, the team presented several compositions, many of which became hits. After the release of their debut album “Why,” they presented the song “Together We,” which won prestigious nominations and awards. Then the song “I’ll be with you” was recorded, and in 2014 - “My Melody”. In 2015, Karaulova left the group, intending to seriously engage in solo activities. Almost immediately, her debut video for the song “You’re Not Like That” was released, the lyrics and music of which were written by Bianca. This work turned out to be successful, thanks to which the young singer’s career took off. In 2016, she continued to work fruitfully, releasing videos for the songs “Out of Orbit” and “Broken Love.” Debut album“Feeling Yu” was released in the fall of 2016, evoking positive emotions among listeners.

In 2017, Julianna again delighted fans by appearing in a sensual video for the song “You Are Mine.” In the same year, she released a single and a video for the song “I Just Want It,” and also released the mini-album “Phenomena.” Since 2013, the singer has been collaborating with television: she hosted charts on the Muz-TV channel, the “Fashion and Style” section on Domashny, and was also a co-host in the show “Russian Ninja” on Channel One. In February 2018, Karaulova will take the judge's chair in the new children's season vocal competition“You are super!” on NTV.

Romantic relationships

The beauty is in no hurry to change her personal life, despite the fact that given time she has a relationship with sound producer Andrei Cherny. The young people met at a time when the singer was a member of the Star Factory. However, before becoming lovers, they were friends for several years. At the end of 2016, Yulianna received a marriage proposal from Andrey, which he made at the VDNH skating rink during the filming of a New Year's light for the TVC channel. The couple dreamed of having their wedding in April 2017, organizing a festive event in Georgia, however, due to their busy work schedule, they canceled this important event.

In the photo Yulianna Karaulova with Andrey Cherny.

The singer admitted that she currently has no plans to start a family, devoting a lot of time to developing her career. Future husband Karaulova understands her desire, since he himself works in this field. Despite this, the girl is already dreaming of children, planning to raise her unborn child herself, and not leave him in the care of grandmothers and nannies. The owner of a slender, athletic figure (height - 168 cm, weight - about 48 kg) does not accept an express diet. She practices yoga, runs, dances and snowboards.

It became known when and where Yulianna Karaulova will get married.

At the end of December, in front of the audience, Yulianna Karaulova received a marriage proposal from music producer Andrey Cherny. The girl took part in the filming of the New Year's “light” at the VDNH skating rink. Her chosen one picked the right moment and went out onto the ice, holding the treasured box with the ring in his hand.

According to the artist, she did not expect her lover to propose to her in such a public place. “At first I was very angry. My first thoughts were: no, not this, not this. I was angry because it always seemed to me that this should be a more intimate moment, and we were filmed by four cameras, there were about 200 extras around - and then Andrei got down on one knee, began to stammer and say something,” she remembered her impressions Karaulova.

Let us remember that Yulianna and Andrey have been dating for four years, and have known each other for much longer. The producer said that he first saw the girl when she was only 17 years old. At first the guys communicated as friends, but then Andrei realized that he had fallen in love with the performer. He looked after her beautifully, gave her flowers, and dedicated songs to her. As Karaulova said, Cherny was able to charm her friends, who immediately began advising the girl to pay attention to a guy she knew.

Despite their busy work schedule, Yulianna and Andrey have already chosen the place where they will officially legalize their relationship. The couple decided not to postpone the happy event indefinitely.

“We decided to have our wedding in April in Georgia. There is a soulful atmosphere, delicious food, fun, mountains around and the flight is very close. And the date has already been chosen – April 22,” admitted the artist.

As Andrei said in an interview with Hello! magazine, he was worried that the girl might refuse him. “She’s a creative person, and when she’s working, it’s better not to touch her, but here I am with a ring, in front of the cameras... I was ready for anything,” shared Andrey.

By the way, it was no coincidence that the man chose the skating rink to propose to his beloved. Last year, Karaulova did not part with her skates and learned how to make various elements from figure skating, since she participated in the show " Ice age"with Maxim Trankov.