Draw a domestic cat. How to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step


In this material I want to tell you, how to draw a kitten. I found 20 step-by-step schemes, which depict cats and kittens of different breeds, ages and in different poses. All diagrams enlarge when you click on them! I have also prepared for you several video lessons on drawing a kitten! Watch and learn!

Cats are incredibly graceful, they are well oriented in space and often surprise us with amazing tricks. Therefore, in order to draw this animal correctly, good clarity of lines is required.

1 scheme:

To draw such a fluffy cat, you should determine the main figure that can be used to describe its body and begin to move from less accurate outlines to more accurate ones.

2 scheme:

The cat's skull has an incredibly complex anatomy. Large eyes and a small muzzle are difficult to depict. Therefore, it is important to convey the relief of the head so that further steps are clear.

3 scheme:

A cat lying on its back is a rather non-standard design. That is why you need to master it. Pay attention to the overlap of details. Try drawing this funny kitten.

4 scheme:

A little kitten is an incredibly gentle creature. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly convey his emotions: fear, interest, desire to learn. The kitten's paws should be massive.

5 scheme:

The schematic and semi-childish manner of drawing also requires effort and step-by-step work. So try to see end result- a cheerful and mischievous kitten.

6 scheme:

The graceful Siamese cat is an example of what all cats should be. With the help of this breed, you should study the anatomy of the animal. Emphasize the sharpness of the lines.

7 scheme:

To correctly convey the purposefulness of the cat’s gaze, you need to depict the eyes as voluminous. Therefore, add more highlights to your eyes and depict the pupil correctly. It's best to follow suit so you don't get disappointed if you don't get a different angle from the cat.

8 diagram:

When a cat washes itself, it treats itself very carefully. All muscles are relaxed, and the animal feels completely calm.

9 diagram:

If the drawing has few distinct lines, take advantage of this. Carefully draw the structure of the cat's fur and whiskers. Add some formlessness.

10 scheme:

A humorous depiction of a cat requires drawing certain elements. funny paws, long mustache and striped coloring make our cat a typical yard resident.

11 scheme:

Learn to draw not only correctly, but also quickly. Having selected several figures in the drawing, practice drawing a finished high-quality image at speed.

12 scheme:

The anime style kitten has typically large eyes and a very cute appearance. To evoke tenderness and joy, you should add contrast to the picture. Big head and the little muzzle convey this mood just right.

13 diagram:

This drawing is not standard, because its drawing begins not with ovals, but with rectangular shapes. By the way, this approach does not spoil the kitten at all. He's quite nice and not rude at all. Try drawing this fluffy kitten.

14 scheme:

The number of cat-themed cartoons is reaching record levels. Moreover, all these drawings are very easy to execute. As you can see, there is not such a big difference between the schematic image and the finished look.

15 diagram:

Not all cats are graceful and cute; moreover, there are quite large breeds of animals. Therefore, you should be able to portray such cats. Rib cage coarser, and the neck is shorter.

16 diagram:

By breaking the entire drawing into circles, you can train your hand and achieve softer lines in the drawing. By adding slight asymmetry to the paws, you can make the kitten more funny and naive. Try to draw such a kitten with a ball.

17 diagram:

A sedentary cat is a very curious phenomenon. Here is another comical image of a sitting cat. Several figures can perfectly depict a pet.

18 diagram:

A lying cat is not a simple drawing, because you need to correctly depict the posture of the animal and its body parts.

19 diagram:

The fluffy cat is looking straight at us. The drawing is quite easy. Just 8 steps.

20 scheme:

A cat's curiosity can be conveyed by long tail, mischievous ears and huge eyes. By correctly depicting these parts of the cat’s body, any drawing can be made attractive.

Probably any child of preschool and younger school age sooner or later he begins to ask his parents to buy him a pet. What they don’t promise and what methods they don’t use!

And they solemnly swear to bring from school only good grades, and with a pleading look in their eyes they assure that they will always wipe the dishes, set the table and take out the trash, and will sit down for their lessons without reminders... Then questions like: “But Sasha’s parents bought a dog, why can’t we? » - and promises to walk the puppy, clean up after him, train him and look after him in every possible way. If mom and dad still firmly stand their ground, blackmail comes into play: “If you don’t allow me to buy talking parrots, then I’ll go live with my grandmother, she allows me everything!” And so on ad infinitum.

The child watches programs about pets with tears, drags all the stray cats into the yard, and with a greedy gaze follows the happy owners of purebred dogs on the street... Don’t scold him for this. The baby wants to have a faithful one nearby, devoted friend, besides, in this way he will learn self-discipline and get used to being responsible for the one he has tamed. Don't make him resent you by constantly repeating a categorical "no" in response to all his requests. Better try to share his passion with him. If he wants a cat, let him tell you which one, what he will call it, where it will live, how they will play...

Ask your child to show you how to draw Promise your child that if he is obedient, before the New Year you will write a letter to Santa Claus together and perhaps your dream will come true and you will have a new tenant. Until this happens, buy him interesting books about how to care for a furry pet, coloring books that show how to draw a cat for children.

Making a mask

Let him be carried away by this, learn about the joys and difficulties encountered on the path of the owners of mustachioed and striped animals. Tell him how to draw. To do this, take a rectangular piece of thick colored paper, estimate the required dimensions so that the child’s face is covered and the mask does not stick out too much. Fold the paper in half along the line of the nose, then again at eye level.

Draw two ovals (eyes) and carefully cut them out from the inside, making the eye sockets larger than the baby's eyes. Along their line, at the level of the nose and on the forehead, approximately in the middle of the eyebrows, make cuts, like darts. They will give the mask volume. Just slightly overlap the cuts on the forehead and glue them together. Now the darts at the temples have diverged in different directions. You need to paste pieces of paper there. The layout is ready!

You just need to trim off the excess, rounding the mask and giving it the shape of a cat's face, and then glue on the ears. Draw mustaches, glue some string or an elastic band to the inside and play Puss in Boots with your baby, for example. He will be distracted, have fun, and at the same time, perhaps, you will get used to the idea that having a cat in the house is not bad at all!

Let's create

You can show the cat step by step with a pencil. Better yet, do this together - then he will understand that his mother is on his side. After reading our article, you will just figure out how to draw a cat.

There are many for beginners different options. Let's start with a cute cartoon kitten named Woof. Surely this is one of the most beloved children's characters. The child will get carried away and, perhaps, will stop asking you for a real four-legged friend for a while.

Kitten Woof

So, how to draw a cat step by step? A pencil would probably be best. And mistakes can be corrected if necessary, and then the paints can be given to the child, so that he can help you in your work.

How to draw a cat step by step?

With a pencil you need to draw a circle in the center of the sheet - the future head of the kitten. Then attach two small triangles to it on the sides - ears. Divide each ear triangle in half. From the circle downwards, draw a gracefully curved line - the back. At a short distance from it, draw another line, also slightly curved - the breast. Almost at the very bottom of the back line, draw a tail - long, sticking up, slightly bent at the tip.

Cats, so that they look like eyes First, draw two heads inside the circle isosceles triangle with smoothed corners. Then, inside each of them, slightly retreating from the base, we draw an arc crossing the eye from edge to edge. Then on the left side of the triangle-eye, just above the arc, draw a semicircle. And there is a point in it. The pupil itself then needs to be painted green, the semicircle will be black, and the dot should remain white, this will give a playful liveliness to the look.

Then between the eyes, but just below, draw a small triangle with the tip up - the nose. And under it there is again a triangle, but with the point down - a half-open mouth. Draw the antennae sticking out in both directions and move on to the paws. Our kitten sits semi-sideways, so only three legs will be visible - both front and one back. The front ones are in the form of slightly expanding upward columns.

The hind leg should be drawn in the form of an arc, with one end approaching almost the back. Then decorate the pads, fingers with claws, wipe off unnecessary lines with an elastic band. Pressing firmly on the pencil, outline the body, eyes, tail, mustache, paws, ears. The funny kitten is ready!

Drawing a purr

Now let's talk about how to draw Let it be an ordinary yard smooth-haired purr. Let's start with the head. Approximately in the middle of the sheet, draw a straight horizontal line - this is the future forehead of the cat.

From its middle down, draw another perpendicular line, which will be completed with an arc bent upward. Let these lines indicate the approximate size and location of the muzzle. From the ends of the horizontal line on both sides, make two arcs with the convex parts outward. They should end approximately where the vertical line is. Let's mark a place for the cat's eyes, nose, and mouth.

To do this, visually divide the vertical line into three parts and “cross out” it with two horizontal stripes. Let the top one be flat, and the edges of the bottom one slightly bent upward. Use one slightly curved line from the head down to outline the cat's chest. Then, on the other side of the head, draw another curved line, but longer than the previous one - this will be the back. From the end of it, draw a horizontal line towards the breast - the future cat's tail. Let its tip bend slightly upward.

Using a pencil, draw two “antennas” sticking out in different directions from your head - these will be your ears. Mark the hind leg with an arc from the center of the body to the tail. Use short lines to outline the eyes, nose, and cheeks. Then outline the front leg, let it connect to the chest, and let the base almost touch the tail. Decorate the ear sticks into pointed triangles. Give the tail “volume” - draw a second line next to the first line of the tail and connect them, rounding off the joining point.

The tail seems to overlap the hind leg, and its tip with pads and claws is not visible. But the front paw is completely visible - draw the fingers, give the paw the necessary bend. Then decorate the face - make almond-shaped eyes with round pupils and a nose shaped like a heart. Draw chubby cheeks on both sides of it. Use a light herringbone pattern to decorate the fur on the tail, on the cheeks, and at the base of the paws. Draw the tip of the second front leg - it seems to be peeking out from behind the first one so that only the toes are visible.

We design the drawing

Using thick lines, outline the main contours of all parts of the cat's body, erase the excess lines with an eraser. Since the cat will be black, start shading. Pressing the pencil harder or weaker, sketch out the ears, back, and tail. The strokes should be lighter than the color of the body contours. Let only the tip of the tail and paws, chest and muzzle remain white. Voila - you have a real homemade black purr!

Time to play

We hope that it is now clear how to draw a cat step by step with a pencil. If time allows, you can draw several purrs of different colors and sizes, and let the child color them himself. Then help him carefully cut them out, stick them on cardboard, and he will have his own friends. Ask your child to give them names. You can set up a house for such paper kittens, put them to sleep on a pillow, draw sausages and fish for them... You can make cardboard stands for them so that the cats can not only lie down, but also stand.

Let's use our imagination

“Appoint” the biggest one as Papa Cat, choose a mother, sister and brother; come up with something together with your child funny stories with their participation. In general, the main thing is to turn on your imagination. No doubt, your baby will be happy to spend time with new friends! Perhaps this company will be enough for him for a long time - until you finally decide to pamper him with a real, living furry pet!

Many people love cats. Therefore, sometimes I really want to depict one of these cute creatures on paper. Let the cat be funny, cartoonish or real-life. Not everyone has the talent of an artist, but it is within the capabilities of everyone who wants to master it. step-by-step technique drawing and depict the animal you like.

Is it difficult to draw a cat?

Drawing a cat on paper is not difficult. Any design is based on simple geometric shapes in the form of:

  • circle;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • triangle.

Therefore, before you draw a cat, you need to be able to correctly depict the named geometric shapes on paper. The main parts of a cat's body are:

  • head (slightly flattened circle);
  • body (oval);
  • ears (triangles with rounded ends);
  • paws and tail (elongated ovals).

All figures are connected to each other when drawing. This is done smoothly, as when sculpting plasticine figures. If the animal's muzzle is turned halfway, the outline of the far ear is made thinner to inner side the ear was almost invisible.

The image of convex parts and curves on the cat’s body will give credibility to the drawing. When drawing, focus on how the sizes of certain parts of the cat’s body relate to each other. For example, the size of the head should not be larger size torso. Start your work with the cat's head. The task can be made easier if you imagine a head devoid of hair and ears. At the same time, try to determine the ratio of the sizes of the main parts of the cat’s body.

What technique can you use to draw cats?

You can draw a cat, cat, kitten with oil, pencil, watercolor and with the help of others visual arts. There are also non-standard ways to depict this graceful animal. Keep in mind that with any technique chosen, the outcome will be determined by the individual artist's abilities.

Pencil drawing

Anyone who decides to engage in such creativity for the first time should start drawing by using the simplest object - a pencil. It can be easily erased if a mistake is made while drawing. The process of drawing a cat with a simple pencil is fascinating and educational. While working, you learn the basics of drawing this cute animal and acquire the necessary skills. By using simple tool you can learn to depict the fur of a cat, convey volume, light, shadow.

Over time, you can move on to more complex means fine arts. When will the technique be mastered? pencil drawing, it will be easier and faster to depict any representative of the cat family with watercolors, gouache, and other materials.

Drawing with a simple pencil - good way learn to display volume, shadow and light on a sheet of paper


Using watercolors you can get beautiful image cats in color. This is quite difficult, because in addition to the outlines of the cat, you need to correctly apply the shades and depict the iridescence of the fur. It is better to paint on watercolor paper. First you should do it with light hand movements pencil sketch. It should not protrude from under the layers of paint.

The main difficulty when painting with watercolors is to correctly apply shades and combine them


To create a gouache painting you will need some skill. You can first make a sketch with a simple pencil. And you also need to be careful to convey everything correctly. color shades animal.

Acrylic paints

These paints are a convenient painting material that many people enjoy. They are even used experienced artists. Acrylic is like oil, it has no odor, and dries quickly. Paintings created acrylic paints, bright and rich. Representatives of the mustachioed-striped animals appear cheerful and mischievous on them.

The image of a cat with acrylic paints turns out rich and bright


The technique of oil painting is one of the most ancient and universal in painting. It is simple and still popular today. The technique has great potential for conveying color, volume, surrounding atmosphere, and lighting effects.

Educational master classes on creating an oil painting of a cat will help turn such painting into a useful and exciting hobby. Typically, master classes use a technique that includes right-hemisphere drawing. It activates a holistic artistic vision and creative thinking.

Oil painting techniques are not as difficult as they seem

Unconventional technique

A cat can be depicted using the grattage technique, which when translated from the French word gratter means to scratch, scrape. In Russian, the technique can be called gratography, waxography, or, in a simplified way, the scratching technique, which is easier for children to remember. For it, pre-painted thick paper and cardboard are used. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Cover the sheet with different colors watercolor paint or wax crayons(in a thick layer). Do not use dark colors: black, gray, brown.
  2. Wait for the sheet to dry.
  3. Then rub it thoroughly with a candle or dip it in hot, melted paraffin. At the end of the process, a paper sheet with a thick paraffin layer is obtained.
  4. Then dilute the black mascara with liquid soap in a small amount. It allows you to lay down the paint layer evenly.
  5. Apply the resulting paint to the paraffin surface of a paper sheet and let it dry. It is possible that for a high-quality drawing you will need several layers of ink.
  6. Next, scratch the image of a cat on the sheet with a sharp object. It can be done reverse side tassels, knitting needle, toothpick. Follow the outlined contours carefully, as mascara can sometimes peel off.

You can use your imagination in terms of the resulting image. To do this, you should experiment in your drawing with light and shadow solutions. For example, make a light figure on dark background or leave a dark figure, and at the same time depict the background as light.

A beautiful cat can be drawn using the scratch technique

Other alternative methods

Your abilities in artistic creativity can be developed using other alternative methods when drawing. Among them:

  • Finger painting. It is suitable for small children. Original drawing can be obtained by dipping one or more fingers into the chosen paint, and then leaving a fingerprint in the desired place in the picture. If you draw a line with your finger, you can, for example, depict the face of a cat.
  • Drawing with palms. Dip your fist or palm completely into the paint and transfer the impression made to paper. You can apply paint to your palm different colors using a brush. All the details drawn on the palm will be printed on the sheet. Using this method, you can get an image of a cat in different versions.
  • Drawing with a hard brush. Using this method, you can depict the fluffy fur of a cat. This painting technique is as follows: a dry brush is dipped into paint. Next, holding the brush vertically, hit it on a sheet of paper. In this way, the drawing that is depicted on paper is painted. The main thing is that the entire surface of the drawing is painted evenly.
  • Using cotton swabs. This method is one of the easiest to draw. Cotton buds dip it in the desired paint and then leave an imprint on a sheet of paper.

In addition to the methods listed above, there are many others. They are also used to create the image of a cat. These methods include: drawing with wax crayons with watercolors, crumpled paper, using paint splashes and others.

What you need for work

Depending on the chosen drawing technique, certain materials are used. These include:

  • well-sharpened simple and colored pencils;
  • wax crayons;
  • felt-tip pens, they can be used to outline contours and emphasize certain parts of the body;
  • gouache;
  • watercolor, acrylic or oil paints;
  • soft eraser;
  • thick A4 paper (watercolor paper, sketchbook);
  • colored cardboard (for painting with gouache);
  • coal;
  • natural (synthetic) brushes;
  • paraffin (ready-made paraffin candle);
  • black mascara;
  • shading kit;
  • jar for washing brushes;
  • ruler, compass for drawing circles, pencil sharpener;
  • detergent (liquid soap, shampoo).

A drawing set with a variety of tools will be useful for a novice artist

Selecting Drawing Tools

Both the work on the image and the result obtained depend on the choice of materials for drawing. Follow these guidelines:

  • Do not buy necessary items at the lowest or highest cost. Cheap pencils and crayons can often break, draw poorly, and thin paper can be difficult to handle. All this will slow down the drawing process. As for expensive materials, the resulting cat drawing may turn out completely different from what you wanted. It would be a pity if it was purchased too much for this purpose. good paper, expensive pencils and paints were used.
  • Give preference to quality tools to make the drawing process enjoyable.
  • When choosing a particular item, consult the seller. He will tell you what is best to buy for each specific case.

Correct paper

The paper should be thick enough and match the chosen pencils and paints. To create realistic drawings, sheets with a satin (satin) surface are preferred. For beginning artists, large-format white sheets are suitable for creating three-dimensional figures.

You need to choose the right paper for drawing, as the final result depends on it

This is the main tool when drawing after paper. With its help, sketches are made and the basics of drawing are comprehended. When choosing them, consider the following:

  • Pencils can be regular or mechanical. The latter do not need to be sharpened. Spare leads are sold for them (12 pcs.).
  • Pencils are distinguished by their rigidity (hardness). Pencils with a hardness (H) from 2 to 4 are suitable for creating drawings done in light colors, sketches; HB pencils - in medium tones, 5B and 6B are used for dark parts of the drawing, shading, adding depth to the shade the drawing being created. There is no point in constantly changing pencils depending on their hardness. You can use an HB (medium hard) pencil and try applying more or less pressure as you work.
  • The resulting drawing depends on the quality of the pencil.
  • The selected tool should fit comfortably in your hand.

The hardness of pencils affects the quality of the drawing

Which brush to choose

Using a brush, large and small surfaces of the design are colored. It can also be used to draw a gentle or contrasting line. The brush serves as an extension of the hand to create your own masterpieces on the canvas. The convenience of this tool does not depend on the price, but on the artist himself. In this case it is important to do right choice. Each brush has its own rendering style, so you need to know what kind of cat you want to depict.

Tools differ from each other not only in price, but also in their thickness. The brush is selected according to the following criteria:

  • a wide tool is used for painting large area leaf;
  • use a flat brush to paint the background;
  • using a round brush with a sharp tip, you can accurately draw details;
  • A thin round brush is used to detail the smallest parts of the design.

For those who are taking their first steps in painting, it is better to have large, medium and small brushes. The most good material for the bristles of the brushes is the hair of the column, an animal that is a cross between a ferret, a marten and a mink. Such tools are strong, durable, and of high quality. The disadvantage is their high price. Squirrel brushes, brushes made from the bristles of other animals, and made from synthetic (nylon, polyester) materials are less expensive, but they can also be used to create high-quality drawings.

Depending on the type of paint chosen, the following brushes are used:

  • for oil paints:
    • made of bristles,
    • synthetics,
    • badger.
  • for gouache:
    • made of synthetics,
    • proteins,
    • stubble,
    • column.
  • for watercolor:
    • squirrel,
    • core,
    • synthetic,
    • imitating natural ones.
  • for acrylic:
    • made of synthetics,
    • column,
    • proteins.

A high-quality brush made of any material is distinguished by:

  • distinct form;
  • large capacity;
  • uniformity of application;
  • ability to retain liquid;
  • elasticity.

It is difficult to assess the quality of a brush by color, since the brush may be painted. A high-quality product has glossy, clean and healthy-looking hairs, without stains, damage or bends. The ends of the brushes may be slightly darker than the main part. The handle of the brush should not be too thin or thick; it should fit comfortably in the hand. To ensure that the brushes retain their elasticity and last longer, after finishing work they are washed and stored in an upright state.

Nylon brushes are widely used in painting

Charcoal for drawing

Charcoal pencils make the surface of the drawing blacker, unlike graphite pencils, but at the same time they are easier to lubricate and more abrasive. Sepia-colored pencils and white ones are used in two-tone techniques.

Charcoal paints bright black color

Shading tools

Using sticks made of durable cardboard with pointed ends, you can create halftones and gradations. Pointed sticks made from rolled paper are used to soften lines.

Shading is needed to create tones, halftones, and soften lines.

What kind of cat can you draw, choosing a plot

Using techniques step by step drawing Even without being an artist, you can depict a four-legged friend on paper. It’s better to start by creating your own simple image- a funny cartoon cat. Then you can depict an adult cat, a small kitten.

Next you should draw more intricate images and scenes, for example, depict a realistic cat sleeping, sitting or jumping. A cat can be playful or thoughtful, fluffy, smooth-haired or completely hairless. You can choose any subject for the drawing, depending on your imagination and practical skills.

How to draw a cat step by step

Draw a pet on paper, interesting hero Using a step-by-step drawing method will help you draw a cartoon. How to draw the image of a four-legged friend - with simple, colored pencils or watercolors, oil paints- a beginning artist must decide for himself, using his personal idea of ​​the future drawing and his skills. Even with the help a simple pencil can be created interesting image cat or cat. Coloring the drawing at the last stage of the work makes the picture lively and bright.

For those who want to draw, you can start your creativity with the simplest animated cat. His images are easy to create, since there is no need for the proportions of body parts to be precisely observed; the resemblance to the original is often superficial. These cartoon cats have few small details.

Drawing begins with drawing the main contours, to which simple details (ears, eyes) are added. After this, they begin to add the necessary touches, detailing the image. All lines on it should be smooth, with rounded corners. If you adhere to the successive stages of the image, then it is quite possible to master such a simple creative process.

How to draw a cat from circles

This method of drawing is perhaps one of the simplest. It is as follows:

Profile picture

It's easy to draw a sitting cat step by step. Animals are not in this position too often, since they prefer to lie down or sleep:

  1. Start drawing from the top of the muzzle and ear.
  2. Next, the back of the cat’s head is drawn. There should be a small curved line from it, representing the neck.
  3. This line is then continued downwards to form the back of the animal. It should end where the cat's tail begins.
  4. To complete the line of the head, you need to draw a curved outline from the muzzle down so that the cat has a chest. Below you can mark the paw with a line in the form of a half circle.
  5. To complete the drawing, the tail, second ear, and eyes are completed. To make the image look three-dimensional, add a shadow. The cat can be colored with pencils or paints.

With a simple pencil you can draw a cat in profile

Full face

To draw a sitting cat from the front, first of all, draw a circle. It will be the head of the animal. The shape of the torso will be displayed as an oval. When drawing, the following proportions and recommendations must be observed:

  • the size of the horizontal part of the body should be slightly more than twice the diameter of the cat’s head;
  • the vertical size is slightly less than twice the diameter of the head;
  • it is necessary to draw so that the circle representing the head overlaps the oval of the body;
  • at the next stage, ears and paws are drawn on the cat; to display them correctly, the vertical line of the oval serves as a guide;
  • The final step in drawing will be to display the mouth, nose, mustache, cat's eyes.

The cat turned its head

This scheme is somewhat more complicated, but a novice artist can draw an animal in such a pose.

  1. Drawing begins by drawing an oval for the head, and drawing the body in the shape of a circle.
  2. Draw additional lines (vertical and horizontal) in the middle of the oval, as well as horizontal lines in the center of the circle, and draw triangle ears.
  3. Following the proportions, they depict the eyes with black circles on the horizontal (auxiliary) line of the oval, and just below the center on the vertical line they draw a triangular nose with rounded corners, and from it a line for the mouth is drawn slightly down, rounding it in different directions.
  4. The ears are softened a little by applying curved line around the ear.
  5. They move on to the image of the animal’s fur and draw a broken curved line over the oval of the head.
  6. Draw the front left cat's paw, the line of the back, and the neck. In this case, they are guided by auxiliary lines.
  7. They finish drawing the cat’s front (right) and hind paws, and draw a tail.
  8. Draw the paw pads of the animal, erase the auxiliary contours, and trace the main contours of the image.

Color the drawing with paints or colored pencils.

It's harder to draw a cat with its head turned

A cat with short or fluffy hair

You can easily depict a smooth-haired or fluffy cat by drawing a portrait of it. To do this, draw a circle. The next steps will be:

  1. Draw auxiliary lines in it in the form of a diameter passing through the center from top to bottom, and two parallel lines symmetrical to the horizontal axis. The top one shows where the ears begin, the central line is for the eyes, and the nose is drawn on the bottom line.
  2. Next, paying attention to additional lines, the cat’s narrow pupils with highlights around them are drawn proportionally from the center.
  3. Hairs and vibrissae are depicted above the eyes, giving cat eyes charm.
  4. Draw a heart-shaped nose, focusing on the auxiliary lines.
  5. Small arcs represent the cheeks of the animal, on the sides of the circle, up and down from the center line. Under the cheeks you need to draw a mouth.
  6. Then the corners of the eyes are shaded. Outline the cat's head using rounded, triangular shapes.
  7. The cat's ears are shaded. The neck of the animal is outlined.
  8. Don't forget about the mustache. In reality, a cat has 12 hairs on each side of its cheeks. When drawing, their number can be reduced.

The cat's face can be made smooth or fluffy depending on the amount of fur added. The shape of the animal's head will depend on the amount of fur applied. The head without fur looks like a triangle. The addition of short hair softens the contours. Long hair makes a cat's head round, and with very long fur it becomes trapezoidal.

At the final step, the drawing can be made brighter and more colorful using colored pencils or paints. To add volume to the image, additional shadows are applied.

Animated cat

You can depict a sitting funny kitten with a huge head and an expressive look as follows:

  1. Determine the position of the created cat silhouette on the sheet. Draw two ovals with smooth thin lines: first the head, below it a smaller body.
  2. The oval at the top is divided through the center vertically and horizontally into 4 parts.
  3. Make a smooth shape of the head, draw ears and cheeks with sharp corners.
  4. To further shape the muzzle, contours are drawn in its lower part. big eyes, the mouth is depicted on the auxiliary horizontal line. You need to draw eyebrows above the eyes.
  5. Then work continues with the lower part of the body. Thin lines outline the contours of the front paws. The body is rounded and a tail is added to it.
  6. The kitten drawing is almost finished. You should erase the excess lines with an eraser, then you can proceed to toning and coloring the resulting image.

In a similar way, you can create images that differ from each other in appearance and character.

It’s easy to draw a kitten in anime style according to step-by-step instructions

Sleeping pussy

It's not at all difficult to depict sleeping cats. Step-by-step instructions will help you draw a shaggy friend:

  • They start drawing with the image of a circle.
  • Two lines are drawn perpendicularly inside it. A vertical line will divide the circle in half, a horizontal line will be drawn below the center, and the cat’s eyes will be on it.
  • Draw two pointed lines for the eyes of a dozing cat, then a button nose with barely noticeable nostrils. Draw a mouth similar to an inverted image of the number “3”.
  • Use the upper part of the drawn circle to depict the animal's head. First, the cat's ears and fluffy cheeks are displayed. Several strands of wool are drawn on the top of the head.
  • Depict the contours of the body and tail. Since in the chosen plot the animal is curled up, its muzzle should be covered with its tail. You need to define the paw, it will be noticeable in this position, add a few strands of fur.
  • Additional details are applied in the form of eyebrows.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to erase all unnecessary auxiliary lines of the circle to create more expressive image minor touches should be added. The result is a cute sleeping cat.

Even a beginner can create a drawing of a sleeping cat, made using the step-by-step drawing technique. It is very convenient to make such sketches on checkered paper.

You can draw a sleeping cat in 5 minutes on a checkered sheet of paper.

Features of children's drawings depending on age group

Children adore cats and love to draw them themselves or ask their parents to do so. Even if the baby or his mom and dad do not have artistic talent, master classes on step-by-step drawing of four-legged friends will come to their aid. Even a 5-year-old child can master sequential patterns. It is from this age that he should begin to teach him how to draw. At the age of 5, children can already create a believable image of an animal.

Before you start drawing, check with your child how well he knows the geometric shapes that represent a circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle, which he will need in his work. He must learn to display them correctly on paper.

The young artist should take a good look at the live cat. If this is not possible, a cat figurine made of ceramic will do. soft toy, similar to a real cat. The child’s attention should be paid to the proportionality of the body, the ratio of its size to the size of the head, the location of the eyes on the muzzle, nose, and ears.

Since children in preschool age If you don’t yet understand the proportions very well, you can first draw cartoon cats with bright colors, a very large head, a funny smiling face with a protruding tongue, and huge eyes.

Schoolchildren primary classes and older can depict more complex options, for example, realistic cats, cartoon characters. At this age, children already understand that cats cannot have a very large or too small head, and their tail is long, almost the entire height of the animal.

Adults and schoolchildren need to look through photographs in which four-legged animals take all sorts of poses: sleeping, sitting, jumping. You should pay attention to how the paws and tail fold and the back arches at this time. Images of cartoon cats should be made more emotional. Adults need to teach children to put the cat in a mood with a wide open mouth, sadness (drooping corners of the mouth), fear (wide eyes), thoughtfulness (displacement of the pupils to the side). You can come up with many similar options.

Video: how to draw a cat (lesson)

The problem of how to draw a cat, cat or kitten is very easy to solve. You just need to choose which technique to use to make the intended drawing, and step by step, using simple tools, bring your creative idea to life.

I was given a task to draw a cat over the weekend.))))

My selection of simple ones step-by-step options that even a child can handle. + video at the end.

This is how the cat turned out - this is children's drawing done step by step.

This drawing lesson will be more difficult - for schoolchildren!

Now we will look at how to draw a cat for a child or how to draw a cat for children.

Step 1. Draw the outline of the cat's head with ears.

Step 2. We draw a diamond-shaped nose, closed eyes and a smiling mouth on the cat, and also finish drawing the ears.

Step 3. Draw the cat's antennae and front paws.

Step 4. Draw the back, hind legs and tail of the cat.

Step 5. Look, this is what the cat should look like.

Drawing a cat is very simple. Even a child can cope with this task if you show him how it’s done.

1. First, draw a large oval - the body.

2. Then a circle, this will be the head, tail, two legs, since our cat is sitting.

3. Ears, eyes, nose, mouth and mustache.

4. Now you can show your imagination and color it.

Many people love cats, and of course children. Cats are perhaps one of the most popular pets in the world. Drawing these charming and unusually graceful creatures is extremely exciting. In order to depict a cat, you will need a set of colored pencils, an eraser, paper, a gel pen (black) and a mechanical pencil.

The most convenient way to draw a cat is in stages:

1. Draw a small circle at the top of a piece of paper;

2. Draw ears to the circle. Try to make the ears the same length;

3. Divide the circle vertical line into two approximately equal parts. Then mark the circle by drawing two horizontal lines. The top line indicates the location of the cat's eyes, and the bottom line indicates the location of his nose;

4. Draw two eyes, the distance between them is approximately equal to the size of one eye. Then draw the nose, which is shaped like an inverted triangle;

5. Draw the pupils and mouth of the cat. Draw the shape of his head;

6. Outline the cat’s body and draw a tail;

7. Draw the cat’s paws in more detail;

8. Using a pen, trace the drawing;

9. Use an eraser to erase the sketch;

10. Inner part Color the ears with light pink and nude pencils. Color the cat's eyes with light green and green tones, and the pupil with black. Shade the fur in places with pencils gray shades;

11. Paint over the lower part of the background green pencil, and shade the top one with pencils in lilac shades.

The cat drawing is completely ready. You can draw this animal using other materials. For example, pastel or gouache. It is especially interesting to draw a cat from life, because in this case you can display all the grace of this extraordinary creature in your work.