List of musical genres with examples. Musical styles. Types and genres of music


Continuing the series of articles on music theory, we would like to tell you about how genres in music were formed and developed. After this article, you will never confuse a musical genre with a musical style again.

So, first, let's look at how the concepts of “genre” and “style” differ. Genre- This is a type of work that has developed historically. It implies the form, content and purpose of music. Musical genres began their formation at an early stage in the development of music, in the structure of primitive communities. Then music accompanied every step human activity: everyday life, work, speech, and so on. Thus, the main genre principles were formed, which we will examine further.

Style also implies the sum of materials (harmony, melody, rhythm, polyphony), the way they were used in a musical work. Typically, a style is based on a particular era or is classified by composer. In other words, style is a set of means musical expressiveness, which defines the image and idea of ​​music. It may depend on the individuality of the composer, his worldview and tastes, and approach to music. Style also determines trends in music, such as jazz, pop, rock, folk styles and so on.

Now let's get back to music genres. There are five main genre principles, which, as we said, originated in primitive communities:

  • Motority
  • Declamation
  • Chanting
  • Signaling
  • Sound-imagery

They became the basis of all subsequent genres that appeared with the development of music.

Quite soon after the formation of the basic genre principles, genre and style began to be intertwined into a single system. Such genre-style systems were formed depending on the occasion for which the music was created. This is how genre-style systems appeared, which were used in certain ancient cults, for ancient rituals and in everyday life. The genre had a more applied nature, which shaped a certain image, style and compositional features of ancient music.

On the walls Egyptian pyramids and in the surviving ancient papyri, lines of ritual and religious hymns were found, which most often told about the ancient Egyptian gods.

It is believed that its highest point of development ancient music received it exactly at Ancient Greece. It was in ancient Greek music that certain patterns were discovered on which its structure was based.

As society developed, so did music. IN medieval culture new vocal and vocal skills have already formed instrumental genres. During this era, genres such as:

  • Organum is the most early form polyphonic music in Europe. This genre was used in churches, and flourished at the Notre Dame school in Paris.
  • Opera - musical dramatic work.
  • Chorale is liturgical Catholic or Protestant singing.
  • Motet – vocal genre, which was used both in the church and on social events. His style depended on the text.
  • Conduct is a medieval song, the text of which was most often spiritual and moralizing. They still cannot accurately decipher the medieval notes of the conductors, since they did not have a specific rhythm.
  • Mass - liturgical service in Catholic churches. Requiem also belongs to this genre.
  • Madrigal is a short work on lyrical and love themes. This genre originated in Italy
  • Chanson - this genre appeared in France, and initially choral peasant songs belonged to it.
  • Pavana - a smooth dance that opened holidays in Italy
  • Galliard - cheerful and rhythmic dance also originally from Italy
  • Allemande is a procession dance that originated in Germany.

IN XVII-XVIII centuries in North America Rural music – country – developed quite actively. The genre is heavily influenced by Irish and Scottish folk music. The lyrics of such songs often talked about love, rural life and cowboy life.

IN late XIX century and at the beginning of the twentieth century in Latin America and Africa, folklore developed quite actively. In the African American community, the blues originated, which was originally a “work song” that accompanied work in the fields. The blues is also based on ballads and religious chants. Blues formed the basis of a new genre - jazz, which is the result of a mixture of African and European cultures. Jazz has become quite widespread and universally recognized.

Based on jazz and blues, rhythm and blues (R'n'B), a song and dance genre, appeared in the late 40s. He was quite popular in youth environment. Subsequently, funk and soul appeared within this genre.

It is curious that along with these African-American genres, the genre of pop music appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century. The roots of this genre are in folk music, street romances and ballads. Pop music has always mixed with other genres to form some pretty interesting musical styles. In the 70s, within the framework of pop music, the “disco” style appeared, which became the most popular dance music at that time, pushing rock and roll into the background.

In the 50s, rock burst into the ranks of already existing genres, the origins of which were in blues, folk and country. It quickly gained wild popularity and grew into many different styles, mixing with other genres.

Ten years later, the reggae genre was formed in Jamaica, which became widespread in the 70s. Reggae is based on mento, a genre of Jamaican folk music.

In the 1970s, rap appeared, which was “exported” by Jamaican DJs to the Bronx. DJ Kool Herc is considered the founder of rap. Initially, rap was read for fun, to throw out one’s emotions. The basis of this genre is the beat, which sets the rhythm of the recitative.

In the second half of the 20th century, electronic music established itself as a genre. It is strange that it did not gain recognition at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the first electronic instruments appeared. This genre involves creating music using electronic musical instruments, technologies and computer programs.

Genres that emerged in the 20th century have many styles. For example:


  • New Orleans jazz
  • Dixieland
  • Swing
  • Western swing
  • Bop
  • Hard bop
  • Boogie-woogie
  • Cool or cool jazz
  • Modal or modal jazz
  • Avant-garde jazz
  • Soul jazz
  • Free jazz
  • Bossa Nova or Latin American Jazz
  • Symphonic jazz
  • Progressive
  • Fusion or jazz rock
  • Electric Jazz
  • Acid jazz
  • Crossover
  • Smooth jazz
  • Cabaret
  • Minstrel show
  • Music hall
  • Musical
  • Ragtime
  • Lounge
  • Classic crossover
  • Psychedelic pop
  • Italo disco
  • Eurodisco
  • High energy
  • Nu-disco
  • Space disco
  • Ye-ye
  • K-pop
  • Europop
  • Arabic pop music
  • Russian pop music
  • Rigsar
  • Laika
  • Latin pop music
  • J-pop
  • Rock and roll
  • Big Bit
  • Rockabilly
  • psychobilly
  • Neorocabilly
  • Skiffle
  • Doo-wop
  • Twist
  • Alternative rock (Indie rock/College rock)
  • Math rock
  • Madchester
  • Grunge
  • Shoegazing
  • Britpop
  • Noise rock
  • Noise pop
  • Post-grunge
  • lo-fi
  • Indie pop
  • Twi-pop
  • Art rock (Progressive rock)
  • Jazz rock
  • Krautrock
  • Garage rock
  • Freakbeat
  • Glam rock
  • Country rock
  • Merseybeat
  • Metal (Hard Rock)
  • Avant-garde metal
  • Alternative metal
  • Black metal
  • Melodic black metal
  • Symphonic black metal
  • True black metal
  • Viking metal
  • Gothic metal
  • Doom metal
  • Death metal
  • Melodic death metal
  • Metalcore
  • New metal
  • Power metal
  • Progressive metal
  • Speed ​​metal
  • Stoner rock
  • Thrash metal
  • Folk metal
  • Heavy metal
  • New wave
  • Russian rock
  • Pub rock
  • Punk rock
  • Ska-punk
  • Pop punk
  • Crust punk
  • Hardcore
  • Crossover
  • Riot folk
  • Pop rock
  • Postpunk
  • Gothic rock
  • No Wave
  • Post-line
  • Psychedelic rock
  • Soft rock
  • Folk rock
  • Techno rock

As you can see, there are many styles. For transfer full list It will take a lot of time, so we won’t do this. The main thing is that you now know how modern popular genres and you will definitely no longer confuse genre and style.

We immediately warn you that it is very difficult to answer in one article the question of what genres of music there are. Over the entire history of music, so many genres have accumulated that it is impossible to measure them with a yardstick: chorale, romance, cantata, waltz, symphony, ballet, opera, prelude, etc.

For decades, musicologists have been “breaking their spears”, trying to classify musical genres(by the nature of the content, by functions, for example). But before we dwell on the typology, let’s clarify the very concept of genre.

What is a musical genre?

Genre is a kind of model with which specific music is correlated. It has certain conditions of execution, purpose, form and nature of content. So, the purpose of a lullaby is to calm the baby, so “swaying” intonations and a characteristic rhythm are typical for it; in – everything means of expression music are adapted to a clear step.

What are the genres of music: classification

The simplest classification of genres is based on the method of execution. These are two large groups:

  • instrumental (march, waltz, etude, sonata, fugue, symphony)
  • vocal genres (aria, song, romance, cantata, opera, musical).

Another typology of genres is related to the performance environment. It belongs to A. Sokhor, a scientist who claims that there are genres of music:

  • ritual and cult (psalms, mass, requiem) - they are characterized by generalized images, the dominance of the choral principle and the same mood among the majority of listeners;
  • mass household (varieties of song, march and dance: polka, waltz, ragtime, ballad, anthem) - characterized by a simple form and familiar intonations;
  • concert genres (oratorio, sonata, quartet, symphony) – typically performed in concert hall, lyrical tone as the author’s self-expression;
  • theatrical genres (musical, opera, ballet) - require action, plot and scenery.

In addition, the genre itself can be divided into other genres. Thus, opera seria (“serious” opera) and opera buffa (comic) are also genres. At the same time, there are several more varieties that also form new genres (lyric opera, epic opera, operetta, etc.)

Genre names

You could write a whole book about what names music genres have and how they come about. Names can tell about the history of the genre: for example, the dance’s name “kryzhachok” is due to the fact that the dancers were positioned in a cross (from the Belarusian “kryzh” - cross). Nocturne (“night” - translated from French) was performed at night in the open air. Some names originate from the names of instruments (fanfare, musette), others from songs (Marseillaise, Camarina).

Often music is given a genre name when it is transferred to another medium: e.g. folk dance- to ballet. But it also happens the other way around: the composer takes the theme “Seasons” and writes a work, and then this theme becomes a genre with a certain form (4 seasons as 4 parts) and the nature of the content.

Instead of a conclusion

When talking about what genres of music there are, one cannot fail to mention a common mistake. There is confusion in concepts when classical, rock, jazz, hip-hop are called genres. It is important to remember here that genre is a scheme on the basis of which works are created, and style rather indicates features musical language creations.

Music is an integral part of most people's lives. Musical works are listened to in all corners of our planet, even in the most remote ones. Despite the enormous popularity and importance of this art direction, many people do not think about what types of art exist. styles and genres of music. This article examines the TOP 10 musical trends that have not lost their popularity to this day.

Due to the variety of different genres, many of you are wondering: What types of music are there? We tried to answer your question and organize the main styles of music into a separate list, which, according to experts, will always be popular despite many years.

1 Pop music

This style is modern direction of music. This genre is characterized by simplicity, interesting instrumental parts and a sense of rhythm, while the vocals are not the main focus. The main and practically the only form musical compositions is the song. "Pop" includes characteristic features Europop, Latin, synthpop, dance music, etc.

Music experts highlight the following features of pop music:

  • conservative song construction scheme “verses + choruses”;
  • simplicity and ease of perception of melodies;
  • the main instrument is the human voice, accompaniment plays a secondary role;
  • The rhythmic structure plays an important role: most of the compositions are written for dancing, so they are distinguished by a clear, unchanging beat;
  • on average, the length of songs is from 3 to 5 minutes, which fully corresponds to the format of modern radio stations;
  • lyrics are usually dedicated to personal emotions and experiences (love, sadness, joy, etc.);
  • The visual presentation of works is of great importance.

2 Rock

As the name suggests (rock – “to pump”), this genre of music characterized by rhythmic sensations that are associated with a certain movement. Some features of rock compositions (electric musical instruments, creative self-sufficiency, etc.) are secondary, which is why many music styles mistakenly attributed to rock. Various subcultures are associated with this musical direction: punks, hippies, metalheads, emo, goths, etc.

Rock is divided into several directions or styles, ranging from “light” works of dance rock and roll, pop rock and Britpop, to brutal and aggressive death metal and grindcore. This genre is characterized by “musical expression,” in particular, increased dynamics (loudness) of performance (some compositions are performed at 120-155 dB).

Rock bands typically consist of a vocalist, a guitarist (who plays the electric guitar), a bass player, and a drummer (sometimes a keyboard player). The rhythm section consists of bass guitar, drums and rhythm guitar (not always).

3 Hip-hop

This music direction consists of several genres: ranging from “light” styles (pop-rap) to aggressive ones (hardcore, horrorcore). The lyrics of the songs can also have different content - from light and casual (memories of childhood, youth, etc.) to complex social problems.

Hip-hop is based on styles such as funk, jazz, reggae, soul and rhythm and blues. Quite often, hip-hop is confused with rap, which is fundamentally wrong. RAP is a recitative performance of musical compositions, while hip-hop may have no recitative at all. In the USSR this music style appeared in the 1980s.

The following subgenres of hip-hop exist:

  • old school: relatively simplified recitative, lines of equal duration, constant direction of rhythm and beats;
  • new school: relatively short tracks, more soulful motives (in the direction of pop music);
  • gangsta rap: songs about hard life, hooliganism, crime, etc.;
  • political hip-hop: the lyrics call for anti-social activities, uniting society to resolve various internal and external threats;
  • alternative hip-hop: this direction based on the styles of funk, jazz, pop rock, soul, and the compositions are a combination of music with recitative;
  • g-funk: this style combines g-funk melodies and deep funk basses (synthesizer filling, subtle flute sound and recitative), diluted with male or female backing vocals;
  • horrorcore: this direction is distinguished by the greatest “rigidity” and brutality of tracks;
  • southern hip-hop: this style has southern motifs from African and Latin American countries;
  • Grime: characterized by the dark atmosphere of the track, booming bass and fast aggressive rapping.


RAP is a rhythmic recitative, which is usually read to the beat. The performers of such compositions are rappers or MCs. RAP is one of the main components of hip-hop. But this style is also used in other genres (drum and bass, pop music, rock, rapcore, nu metal, etc.).

The origin of the word “REP” is based on the English “rap” (beats, knocks) and “to rap” (speak).

RAP music is quite diverse. The compositions can be simple, but at the same time interesting and melodic. They are based on the beat - the rhythm of the songs. Often every beat there is a certain emphasis of clap (clap), snare (clear and short drum beat), percussion (whistles, chains, etc.) or bass drum.

Keyboards, wind instruments and computer sounds are usually used as musical instruments.

5 R&B

R&B (rhythm and blues) refers to song and dance genre of music. This style is based on blues and jazz trends of the first half of the twentieth century. Distinctive feature genre are dance motifs that encourage listeners to dance uncontrollably.

The R&B style is dominated by cheerful melodies that do not carry any special philosophical or thought themes.

Many music experts associate rhythm and blues with black people, since it is based on all “black” genres, with the exception of classical and religious motifs.


This musical direction arose at the end XIX century in the USA. This style of music combines African and European cultures.

The distinctive features of this direction are improvisation, sophisticated rhythm (syncopated figures) and unique techniques of rhythmic textures.

Jazz also refers to dance music. The compositions are cheerful, giving vivacity and a good mood. But unlike R&B, jazz melodies are calmer.

7 Instrumental music

Compositions of this music styles are performed with the help of musical instruments, and the human voice does not take any part in this. IM can be solo, ensemble and orchestral.

Instrumental music is one of the best styles"for the background." Melodies based on live instruments and modern hits are ideal for quiet radio stations, and listening to them brings harmony while working and relaxing.

8 Folk music

A fairly popular style is folk music related to musical folklore. The compositions are musical and poetic creative ideas people that are passed on from generation to generation. Traditional melodies are usually created rural population. This music direction a significant contrast to popular and academic singing.

The texts are based on various motives, ranging from warm love relationship, ending with terrible and terrible military events.

9 Electro

Electronic music is a fairly broad genre, the melodies of which are created using electronic musical instruments and computer technology. This style has various directions, ranging from experimental academic songs to popular electronic dance tracks.

Electronic music combines sounds generated by electronic technologies and electromechanical musical instruments (telharmonium, Hammond organ, electric guitar, theremin and synthesizer).

10 Trance music

Trance is a type electronic music, characteristic features which is artificial sound, emphasis special attention harmonic parts and timbres, as well as relatively fast pace(from 120 to 150 beats per minute). Trance is usually used for various dance events.

If you start to continue this list, then it will be endless since hundreds appear from year to year various styles and substyles. We also wanted to note that our list did not include such styles of music as:

  • disco
  • techno
  • country
  • lounge
  • trance

We will be glad if you leave your comments and add to the presented list!

We are surrounded by millions of sounds - the chirping of birds, the sound of water, the howling of the wind. Merging into a single tandem, they form a unique melody, irresistible and bewitching. That is why man, evolving and becoming more intelligent, began to imitate sounds - improvising and creating something unique and new. In this article we have collected into a single list styles of music, both existing since the formation of society, and those that emerged from oblivion in last decades.

1. Folk simplicity and wisdom

There are more than 1000 worldwide different nationalities, where each has its own culture, mentality and traditions. And if you consider each tribe or group of people separately, you will notice how they are all radically different in musical instruments, songs and dances.

Folk music First of all, it reflects the very essence and character of people. She talks about what cared about them, made them happy, and made them sad. Some people sing about the wind, a girl, the steppe and galloping horses, while others, on the contrary, talk about forests, swallows and hot bread. Folklore that is why it opens a list of music styles. The description of this branch proves that it is an integral part of our society. Folk music influenced the formation of new styles that are so popular these days.

2. Uplifting classic

Another style of music on the list is classical. The first compositions began to appear hundreds of years ago, but they are still loved. Unlike folklore classical music features thoughtful, spiritual and uplifting melodies.

There is no place for jokes and simple-minded melodies. The classics are much more important and valuable than the simple folklore of each tribe. This kind of music is truly masterpiece and unique.

Scientists have proven that classical music can calm the mind, tune in to work, and activate the areas of the brain responsible for learning and creativity. There's no need to be professional musician to find out " Moonlight Sonata"Beethoven or "Carmen" by Bizet. Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Chopin, Schubert - these are just a small part of the names that gave us magnificent works that are considered cultural heritage peace.

3. Spirituality

We included spiritual melody in the list of music styles because it has developed since ancient times and continues to exist to this day. For example, in Christianity this trend is accompanied by choral singing, and sometimes by the inclusion of wind and string instruments. The same can be found among Catholics who enjoy temple music created on the organ.

In the East, percussion and mouth instruments are used to create spiritual melody. As a rule, each nation has its own music. The list of styles can therefore be continued endlessly, but we will move on to the penetrating and soulful blues.

4. Deep blues

Essentially, blues is an offshoot that arose due to the popularity of jazz.

In our list of music styles with examples, we called the blues deep because they are more lyrical, melodic, touching and soulful compositions. With this kind of music you want to sit back, relax, dim the lights in the room and just think about the meaning of life.

As a rule, blues is an ideal tandem, formed as a result of the unity of such musical instruments as piano (piano, grand piano), guitar, drums, cello and saxophone.

5. Jazz energy

If you study more closely modern list styles of music, then we will find jazz in the general list.

Jazz really gives energy, because it often reflects a person’s state of mind. If you listen closely, you will notice that any melody contains an uneven, free rhythm. Sometimes jazz was created literally on the fly, and for this style of music we can thank African-American folklore, which also gave the world thoughtful blues.

Examples of jazz musicians: Frank Sinatra, Guy Buddy, James Brown and others.

6. Pop culture

Pop culture is famous for producing popular music. In other words, these are the compositions that everyone around them adore. They often have a simple motive and far from deep text.

A distinctive feature of pop music is the presence of several verses and the same chorus. This style does not have to be sad and lyrical. Often the resulting music is clubby, danceable, relaxing and energetic.

Pop music can be heard everywhere, from music TV channels to radio and ringtones for mobile phones.

7. Loud and extravagant rock

Let's take a look at the list of rock music styles. Today, several people who are called “rockers” may prefer completely different and dissimilar compositions:

  • Rock and roll. Many people won’t believe it, but people most often dance to this music. Moreover, the style itself will soon turn 70 years old! You are probably familiar with Elvis Presley or by The Beatles.
  • Metal. It's more hard rock, performed with electric guitars. In such compositions one can often find obscene words, harsh slogans and shouts, and a daring and defiant motif. Such music is born or was born by such groups as Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and others.
  • Rap rock. This style speaks for itself, since musicians most often simply read the lyrics to the song. This style is the most popular, as it unites fans of two directions at once. For example, songs in the style of rap rock can be found in Linkin Park. Hollywood Undead, Limp Bizkit.

8. Fearless hip-hop

Hip-hop can be a dance, a lifestyle, and a genre of music. As a rule, this branch originates in each culture and proceeds differently. While some are enjoying the light funk, singing together about love and wonderful world, others, on the contrary, rebel and call to stand up against the world system.

Wherever you go, you will be surrounded by hip-hop. If you look into the ghetto, or areas located on the periphery of the city, you will become familiar with gangsta rap. If you want to hear combined rock with hip-hop, then you will have to go to a concert where musicians like Insane Clown Posse sing gothic, mystical and terrifying horrorcore.

9. Robot Life

We present to your attention a list of electronic music styles that appeared almost half a century ago. But first, some facts:

Electronic music itself began to gain popularity closer to 2010. Now all the compositions are the most loved by fans from all over the world, they can be heard at concerts, parties, in cars and headphones.

The most popular styles of electronic music are dubstep, techno, trance, house and, as written above, drum and bass. Branches also began to appear - minimal, psychedelic, harddance, ambient. All styles have one thing in common - the process of creating a melody using the famous drum machine.

But each branch differs in beat speed, volume and dynamics, the use or absence of any words and phrases, the addition of instrumentals and the presence of structure, rhythm, tempo.

Great musicians use various musical genres and try not to limit their creations to any particular style. Moreover, as a rule, these frameworks are very blurred and uncertain. But still, for those who are professionally involved in music, it is advisable to understand its diversity modern species and directions.

Musical genres should begin to be considered by studying the concept of the word genre itself. Genre translated from French means genus or species, that is, musical genres are different types musical works. Everything has long been musical works were inextricably linked with the life of people. Various songs, for example, lullabies, rituals, round dances and others, accompanied human life everywhere. Even in ancient times, hunters skillfully imitated the voices of animals by playing pipes and horns. Martial music inspired warriors in military operations.

Vocal genres

Vocal genres are associated with the word, the human voice. Such musical genres are numerous and varied. The most common genre is song. Distinctive feature The song is a repeated repetition of the chorus. As a rule, the song is performed by a singer using musical instruments, but sometimes without accompaniment. In the 19th century, another vocal genre was popular - romance. The romance is performed by a soloist accompanied by an instrument.

The next vocal genre is the cycle. These are works linked together by a single artistic design. Select works for several performers, for example, vocal ensembles- duets, trios, quartets, etc., and choirs. A cantata is an expanded work. There are lyrical, solemn and narrative cantatas. An oratorio is a large dramatic work. It is somewhat similar to an opera, however, the oratorio is performed without scenery, stage costumes and actions. Opera is a work for the theater of a dramatic nature. This is a special musical genre, it completely lacks colloquial speech, or it is partially replaced by singing.


Instrumental genres

With development public life Musical genres are also developing, musical works that are deeper in content appear, and new instrumental genres are being created. Such genres are divided into two large groups: chamber and symphonic. Chamber music is typically performed in front of a small audience by a soloist or a small group of musicians. TO chamber music include sonatas, preludes, suites, variations, nocturnes and instrumental ensembles and others.


Unlike chamber music, symphonic music is performed in large rooms. Such works are multifaceted in content, deep in meaning and grandiose in scale. TO symphonic music includes symphony, concert, overture, symphonic fantasies and poems. Connoisseurs of such musical genres rightly attribute them to world culture, since classical composers and famous contemporaries with incredible artistic power reflect different aspects of existing reality.


New music genres

An unprecedented number of new musical genres appeared in the 20th century. This includes the genres of electronic music, jazz, rap, and, of course, the legendary rock and roll.


Over the centuries, musical genres have constantly changed and developed. New genres are being created, for example, film music or pioneer songs. Works that combine several musical genres are becoming increasingly common.
As you can see, musical genres amaze with their diversity. Both music lovers and simply lovers of good music have plenty to choose from.