Musical journey. Music from different countries. Lesson summary on the topic “Journey through a musical country


Musical lesson with presentation

"Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments"

Description of material: I present to your attention a summary music lesson, using the presentation "Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments". This lesson intended for children 4-5 years old ( middle group). The material will be useful for music directors and kindergarten teachers.

Event duration: 20 minutes

Target: Form the foundations musical culture preschoolers. Draw children's attention to musical instruments.



  • Form basic ideas about wind instruments musical instruments;
  • Fix the names of the instruments.



  • Fostering interest and love for music;
  • Fostering interest in playing simple musical instruments.

Technical means:

  • Music Center;
  • Projector (for showing presentations and videos);
  • Computer.

Equipment and materials:

  • Table (for musical instruments)
  • Musical instruments
  • Cape

GCD move

In the middle of the hall there is a table with musical instruments on it, covered with a beautiful cape. The projector shows slide number 1.

To the march (I. Kishko) children enter music hall Marching, they walk in a circle and sit on chairs.

Music hands: Hello guys. Today we will take you on a journey through the country of musical instruments. We are already familiar with some tools, and we will get acquainted with some only today. Tell me guys, what instruments are you already familiar with?

Children: Answer

Music hands: Well done, you know a lot of instruments, I am very proud of you! Guys, it seems to me or you really want to find out what is hidden under the cape.

Children: Answer

Music hands: Then it's time to take your seats in our magical train and go on a journey.

The song “Locomotive Bug” is playing

(Music: Alexander Ermolov. Lyrics: Alexander Morozov).

Fields and forests float past the window.

We are going to where miracles await us.

And the sun is shining and the river is shining,

And our little train flies so fast!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go

Steam locomotive - Bug!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go (3 times)

Music hands: Well done! You sing and play very beautifully! And look how bright and colorful whistles are.

Slide No. 5 is broadcast on the projector

Music hands: Let us listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a tune played on a whistle

Music hands goes to the table where all the instruments are and takes the harmonica.

Music hands: And here we have a harmonica.

He gives the accordion to the children to examine, and slide No. 6 is shown on the projector.

When the children examined the accordion, the music. hands announces the contents of the slide to the children.

Music director: Now, let's listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a harmonica playing

Music director: Look, there's still one here interesting tool, let’s get to know him too, so... (music director announces the contents of the slide to the children).

Slide No. 7 is broadcast on the projector

Music director: Guys, you want to see how they play on this wind instrument?

Children: Answer

The video “Game on Triol” is broadcast on the projector

Music director: The artists gave a beautiful performance in the video recording. Now let's remember what tools we considered...

Target: formation musically - aesthetic culture students.


1. introduce musical instruments and their history; broaden the horizons of students.

2. develop aesthetic taste, musical memory.

3. cultivate a love of music and discipline.

Form: Lesson - travel


1. musical puzzles

2. pictures with musical instruments

3. phonograms of the songs “Ducklings”, “Happy Geese”, “We are little children”


1. Troitskaya N.B. Scenarios school holidays: Method. allowance / N.B. Troitskaya, G.A. Queen. - M.: Bustard, 2004.

2. Domrina E.N. Conversations about music. - Leningrad, 1982.

3. Tutubalina N.V. Educational quizzes for younger children school age./ N.V. Tutubalina. - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2006.


1. Organizational moment

2. Introductory conversation

3. Visiting Treble clef

4. Traveling through the city of musical instruments

5. Walk around the city of Songs.

6. Lesson summary

Lesson progress - travel

Hello guys! Today in the lesson you will learn how and where music and musical instruments came from.

Ancient people began to speak and sing at the same time. Then they learned to extract sounds from various objects. The first, very primitive musical instruments appeared.

People have long listened to the sounds of nature and heard music in them. Have you ever heard the music of bird voices, the music of rain, wind? Music lives everywhere, manifesting itself in different sounds.

V. Semernin “Music lives everywhere”

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass,

In the noise of the oak forests

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky -

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Your quiet tears

Willow drops at the ford...

The nightingales greet the night with a trill.

The sound of branches

Song of the rains

The world is filled with nature.

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is happy to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere, -

You just need to listen.

Guys, remember where else you heard the sounds of music? (children's answers)

Music- one of the types of art. Like painting, theater, poetry, it is an artistic reflection of life. Music serves to bring people together, awakens and maintains a sense of kinship in them, embodies social ideals, and helps everyone find the meaning of life.

Now I invite you to take a wonderful journey through the Musical Land. We will visit the City of Musical Instruments, visit the Treble Clef and take a walk through the City of Songs.

First we will go to visit the Treble Clef.

Two hooks - two squiggles,

Two tiny things

You can't open the door with them,

You can't even pick them up.

Not from the wardrobe,

Not from a clockwork bear,

And I'll tell you in advance:

Two keys to signs - notes.

Meet the treble clef (showing a picture of a treble clef)

Cheerful, cute,

Always on the second line,

He sits as if on a bench.

There is also a bass key. (showing a picture of a bass clef)

He is both kind and stern,

He's on the fourth line

Takes up space on the edge

The note "F" of the small octave

The bass key opens.

Guess the riddle:

“5 steps - ladder,

There is a song on the steps." (notes)

What notes do you know? (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si)

How are they located on stave? (on the board there is a musical staff, children draw notes)

How can one not think about the fact that Beethoven turns the same well-known sounds of the scale: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si into the “Appassionata” and “Lunar” sonatas, Tchaikovsky into 12 pieces “The Seasons” and the opera "Eugene Onegin", Khachaturian - in famous waltz to Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade”, and Dunaevsky - to one of the most heartfelt songs about the capital of our Motherland “My Moscow”.

Of course, you understand that individual sounds are not music. Sounds must be organized into coherent musical speech.

Guys, if you truly love music, then make friends with the notes very, very tightly. Then an unknown world will open up to you musical sounds, you will learn to understand music and hear it in the surrounding nature. You will understand what a variety of melodies can be made up of just seven notes - girlfriends. They are the ones who make the world around us even more beautiful and kinder.

Now I invite you to solve musical puzzles (see attached)

Next competition “Musical words”:

1. Name an animal whose name contains the note “D” (turtle)

2. Name a plant whose name contains the note “salt” and another note. (beans)

3. Name a bird and a flower whose names contain the note “B” (tit, lilac)

4. Name a bird and a plant whose names contain the note “C” (hoopoe, plantain)

Competition “One note at a time”: in one minute you need to remember words that have syllables - notes.

They play to music, they sing to music,

Guys all around are dancing to the music.

I invite you to perform the “Ducklings” dance.

And now on our way is the city of Musical Instruments.

Do you know the residents of this city? Name them.

Now guess what instrument we are talking about.

Louder than a flute, louder than a violin,

Our giant is louder than trumpets,

It's rhythmic, it's different,

Our cheerful... (drum)

Drum (showing a picture) - percussion instrument. This is the most ancient instrument in the world. More primitive beat out rhythms on mammoth bones, on wooden block, clay jugs. Drums thunder during military campaigns, ceremonies, folk festivals. Drums are used in all types of orchestras: symphonic, sacred, folk, pop, jazz. IN symphony orchestra the drums represent thunderclaps and cannon fire. Students march solemnly along Red Square with a drum military music school, opening the military parade.

I present to you another tool.

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,

The tune sounds from afar, singing about the lunar wind.

How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.

It sounds like a dreamy tune, I call it... (violin)

Look at this most delicate and beautiful of string instruments(showing a picture). Ancient ancestor The modern violin - a Slavic instrument - consisted of a dugout wooden trough covered with a flat plate, three strings, and a bow-shaped bow. It was truly a national instrument: traveling musicians, traveling from city to city, from country to country, they played such violins at fairs. The violin was not allowed into the palaces where the voice of the viola sounded. The first violins in their modern form appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century. The Italian masters Amati, Guarneri, and Stradivari are known all over the world. On instruments created by the hands of these Italian violin makers, played by outstanding violinists of the world.

Now listen to riddles about other instruments.

1. Stretch, not rubber;

With valves, not a machine;

Sings songs, not radio. (accordion)

2. He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints

Are you familiar... (accordion)

3. Wrinkled Tit

Amuses the whole village (harmonic)

Accordion, accordion and button accordion are wind keyboard instruments. With the help of bellows, air is pumped in, causing it to vibrate. metal plates- reeds. This is how sound arises. The first hand accordion was made in 1822. There are many varieties of Russian accordion - Livenka, Yeletskaya, Khromka, Saratov, Tula, etc. S. Yesenin, A. Tvardovsky, A. Prokofiev and other poets wrote poems about the accordion. Accordion and button accordion accompany all village holidays. Nowadays, the button accordion, a type of accordion, is widespread. The accordion got its name from the legendary ancient Russian singer - the storyteller Bayan.

What kind of tools are these?

1. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our glorious... (piano)

2. There is a cabinet: when you open the lid, your teeth stick out.

You press with your fingers and you get sounds. (piano)

At the end of the 18th century Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori created the new kind keyboard instrument. In its improved form, it became known as the piano. The piano is a keyboard and percussion instrument. When you press a key, the string is struck by a special wooden hammer covered with felt. The main quality of this instrument is its bright, melodious sound and the ability to play it very loudly and very quietly. Hence the name of the instrument - piano (loud - quiet). Modern varieties of pianos are the grand piano and upright piano. They differ in the shape and arrangement of the strings (a grand piano has strings stretched horizontally, while a piano has strings stretched vertically). The first composer who began to write specifically for piano was German composer Ludwig van Beethoven.

What tools are we talking about?

1. We’re happy to play a seven-string by the fire... (guitar)

2. Triangle, three strings

Come out dancers (balalaika)

The balalaika is a relative of the guitar, only it has only three strings. In the 18th-19th centuries. it was perhaps the most common musical instrument. People danced to it during holidays, sang songs, and told tales about it. More than a hundred years ago, music lovers paid attention to the balalaika and wanted to give a simple, “peasant” instrument new life so that it sounds in concert halls. First of all, the balalaika was improved, and in 1887. They created a “Circle of Balalaika Lovers” in St. Petersburg, which was later transformed into the Great Russian Orchestra. Now the balalaika is known all over the world. Many composers create works for her.

Competition "Find the extra word"

Words are written on the board, find the odd one out.

1. Violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika (trumpet, other strings)

2.Piano, accordion, drum, grand piano (drum, other keyboards)

3.Bow, strings, baton, keys (strings, since the rest are made of wood)

And now we are going to the city of Songs.

The song is the oldest and most widespread musical genre Nowadays. They say about the song that it was born with a person. IN ancient greek myths, which appeared thousands of years before our era, we find stories about the power of influence of songs. Singing of the muses, patroness of poetry and different types arts, accompanied by the sounds of the golden cithara played by the sun god Apollo, was so beautiful that silence reigned all around, and even Ares, the god of war, forgot about the noise of bloody battles.

The legendary singer Orpheus not only brought pleasure with his singing, but also pacified wild animals. The name Orpheus has become synonymous with a wonderful singer; his lyre, on which he accompanied himself, is an emblem of art, and the singing of the muses left us with a great word - music.

Since time immemorial, the song, which has become an expression of noble, high feelings, has acquired the ability among all nations to excite human hearts and help people in life.

Guys, do you like to sing?

What songs do you know? (children's answers)

Competition “Guess the song by description”

1. Song about daily activities children for 10-11 years. (“What they teach at school”)

2. A song about bad weather on your birthday. (“Song of the crocodile Gena”)

3. Song about tragic death small insect. ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

4. The song is about a piece of land where bananas and coconuts grow and a lot of fun is had. ("Chunga-Changa")

5. A song about people whose home is a forest and whose life is a road. ("Song of Friends")

6. Song about a lonely beauty (“There was a birch tree in the field”)

7. In which song can you learn about the verb and the dash? (“What they teach at school”)

8. In which song do they drink milk at a wedding? ("Golden Wedding")

The song can not only be sung, but also staged.

Let's try to dramatize the song “Jolly Geese”

At the end of our journey, I propose to sing the song “We are little children.”

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success!

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short.

I tell you: “Goodbye,

See you happy next time!”

“Means of musical expression” - What are we talking about? 7.This could be the tempo. 3.What is the volume of sound called? 1. One of the types of fret. 6. One of the forms of the work. 4. Discontinuous, coherent, distinct. Facilities musical expressiveness.

“Space in Music” - Mikalojus Konstantinos Ciurlionis. Group "Earthlings". First spaceship. Nature. Synthesizer. Sonorica. Planets. Unusuality. Image. Mosaic. Quiz. Mosaic of flowers. Russian people. Russian science fiction writer. Grass near the house. Eduard Nikolaevich Artemyev. Glare of otherworldly worlds. What work did you become familiar with?

“Music and Fine Arts” - Music + literature. Ballet. Lesson problem. Song. Lesson topic: “Music and art" A. Vasnetsov. G. Hesse. Musical. Bylina. Lesson summary. Oh, how I wanted to understand the basics of science! Developmental: develop interest in music through creative self-expression. Purpose of the lesson: learn to find similarities and differences between music and painting.

“Basic means of musical expression” - Dynamics. Timbre. Means of musical expression. Let's take the SMV as the core of the flower. Strokes. Lad. Any melody can be described. SMV. Rhythm. Melody. Pace.

“The language of music in mathematics” - Examples of composite meters. Rigorous mathematical construction methods musical modes. Mathematical rhythms. Identifying mathematical rhythms. Polyrhythm, polymetry. Arranging. Description. Tact, size. Laws. Oscillations. Rhythm. Rhythms in trig. functions. Rhythm in mathematics. Mathematics in sports and music.

“Music based on Pushkin’s fairy tales” - Flute. A spruce tree grows in front of the palace. Images of Pushkin's fairy tales. Princess. Opera. Good song. Pipe. Trombone. Fairy tales. Illustrations for a fairy tale. Stars. Violin. Ruslan. M.I. Glinka. Good fairy tales. Tools. Sea. Month. Celesta.

There are a total of 37 presentations in the topic

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten combined look No. 8 “Scarlet Flower”

Lermontov, Stavropol Territory

Cons pect of the lesson on the topic “ Journey through a musical country"

amounted to

musical director:

Orlova Olga Alexandrovna




    introducing children to musical creativity;

    creating conditions for the possibility of self-discovery in various types musical activity;

    evoke a desire in children to express themselves in various types of musical activities: singing, movement, playing non-traditional musical instruments.

Types of children's activities:

creative, communicative, perception musical works, performing .

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistically - aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

Planned results:

The child actively participates in all types of musical creativity, in case of difficulty, asks questions to an adult; some children are able to independently demonstrate elements of musical creativity (reproducing the answer to musical language, improvisation of movements during motor activity, on non-traditional musical instruments).

Age of children: senior group.


Book " Musical ABC book", a treble clef cut out of cardboard, sheet music, cards depicting “Major” and “Minor”, ​​a portrait of the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, cards depicting musical instruments.

GCD content

Children enter the music room.

The music director welcomes the children.

Hello guys!

Sings in steps of the tonic triad in a descending motion. Children respond to the greeting by also singing in steps of the tonic triad in a downward movement.

Musical director:

Today I invite you to go with me on a journey through the musical country. And this one will help us make this journey extraordinary book. It's magical music book, and it’s called “Musical ABC Book”

Let's see who lives in it!

Opens the book.

Guys, look, it's Mr. Treble Clef. He sleeps while no one is reading the book. But as soon as you open it, a miracle happens.

The music director carefully pulls the treble clef out of the book and opens his eyes.

A teacher works with a treble clef.

Musical director:

Hello, Mr. Treble Clef.

Treble clef:

Hello, let's meet in person. I am Treble Clef. What’s your name, feel free to sing here.

Children take turns singing their name.

Treble clef:

I live in a magical musical land. And the mistress of this country is Queen Music.

Musical director:

Mister Treble Clef. The guys and I would really like to travel through this magical musical country. Will you help us?

Treble clef:

I'll help. Turn the page of my book and you will see a map of the Great Musical Country.

Musical director:

He turns the page and, together with the children, examines the map, which depicts the inhabitants of the country - notes, musical instruments, etc.

Treble clef:

And music will accompany us on our journey. Oh, guys, I can’t find the word. Will you help me?

Tell me, who writes the music: a poet, a writer or a composer? Thanks guys, that's right, composer. Now you will hear the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Let's sit down, close our eyes and listen quietly to her.

Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky " Autumn song"followed by discussion.

Musical director:

Tell me, guys, what did you imagine?

Children speak about the music they listened to.

Musical director:

This work by P. I. Tchaikovsky is called “Autumn Song”. And in music we hear sad notes, we hear the falling ones circling autumn leaves as if they were dancing their farewell dance.

Guys, I have autumn leaves, let's take them and everyone will come up with their own dance.

Active listening. Improvisation.

Children move to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song”.

Musical director:

Well done guys, we got real leaf fall.

Our journey continues. Let's turn another page of our magic book. Look what's drawn here.

Shows an image of a musical staff.

Treble clef:

This is the treble clef, or staff. Notes are written on it. A song will tell you about them.

The musical director performs “The Song of the Scale”, music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovyov.

Then he conducts a conversation based on the lyrics of the song.

When repeating, invites children to sing along.

Musical director:

Yes, it is difficult to learn all the notes and remember where they are located on the staff. But we will gradually learn everything, and our hand will help us.

The music director shows how the arrangement of notes on a stave can be depicted using the hands.

"Song about scales" performed again with demonstration.

Treble clef:

Turn another page of my book.

The musical director takes out the Major and Minor figures, takes them and speaks for them.


When fun is knocking on the door,

Major may be useful to you.


When you want to be sad

Minor is ready to visit you.

Musical director:

Guys, you remember - Signor Major is the master of cheerful music, and Signor Minor is the master of sad music.

Removes the figures.

Treble clef:

Now we will check how the children remembered this:

Let's play the game "Sad - Fun."

A didactic game “Sad - Happy” is being held - to the music “Three Moods” by M. G. Levkodimov.

Treble clef:

Turn the last page of my book.

There are cards with pictures of musical instruments. The children call them.

Musical director:

Well done boys. And I have prepared other instruments for you: here are birds - whistles, here are rustlers, noisemakers, and here are rattlers and bells. These instruments were made by you and your parents at home.

Take them and let's play a cheerful melody for the Treble Clef.

Children play a Russian dance melody on non-traditional musical instruments - folk music.

Treble clef:

Thank you, you made wonderful music. Yes, music conveys a person’s mood, helps to understand nature, the world. Hope you guys will visit the Great one often musical country. Now it’s time for me to go home to the book.

The treble clef says goodbye to the children.

Musical director:

I really liked it in the musical country, and you?

Children share their impressions.

Then they go to their group.


    Gogoberidze A. G. Childhood with music. Modern educational technologies musical education and development of early and preschool age. Childhood - Press, 2013.

    Konkevich S. V. Mir musical images. Listening to music with your child. Advice for music directors. Childhood – Press, 2013.

    Vainfeld O. A. Music, movement, fantasy! Toolkit for music directors. Childhood - Press, 2002.

    Kostina E. P. Musically – didactic games. Phoenix, 2013.