Aquarius man: character, life principles, compatibility


Aquarius man horoscope

Aquarius man: appearance

Most Aquarians, regardless of age, are boys in their behavior and attitude to appearance. Their whole appearance reflects democracy, a desire for openness, and a dislike of subordination and officialdom. Aquarius men do not like to dress in strict business suits, preferring jeans of less formal models, T-shirts, loose jumpers, etc. They welcome various new products, including in perfume, which emphasizes their image of open, easy-going people.

Aquarius man - behavior characteristics

Being loners at heart, men born during this period are distinguished by great charm, a focus on fair and equal relationships with others, they are wonderful friends, ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. These people are extremely independent in all their manifestations; social norms and traditions are an empty phrase for them if they consider them wrong. People around them do not always fully understand Aquarius, which is why they are considered great originals.

Aquarius is open and friendly, but, nevertheless, his relationships with others often depend on his well-being - both mental and physical. Such men do not consider it necessary to smile and pretend that everything is fine when in fact it is not. Then they curtail communication, limit meetings, and trying to influence them is pointless.

Aquarius sign - a man in work and career

Aquarians are able to get to the very top career ladder, and they can thank natural talents and great charm for this, but not amazing efficiency and assertiveness. Aquarius men prefer to live in such a way as not to stress too much and not create unnecessary difficulties for themselves. People of this zodiac sign need to be encouraged to work periodically, but this should be done extremely delicately. Aquarians are not big spenders, spending money left and right. They are rarely rich - if only because they never make a cult out of money.

Aquarius man in love

A man of this sign is a very addicted person, new novels embrace his entire being, but usually they do not last long. Aquarians are “tamed,” paradoxically, by providing them with the maximum possible freedom. In a chosen one, a person born under such a constellation wants to see not so much a mistress as a friend. It is difficult for him to imagine that only one single woman will walk next to him all his life. He is attracted to everything new, unknown, including female representatives, and he wants to solve this riddle. For a long time life together Only the woman who can retain a certain mystery and intrigue can count on it. But even to her, as the horoscope warns, the Aquarius man will not belong completely, because he belongs to everyone at once.

Aquarius man in sex

Sex is not on Aquarius’s list of priorities; he develops vigorous activity in everything, but not in this area. A very temperamental woman is unlikely to get what she wants with him, and for Aquarius himself, there are a lot of components in intimacy, in addition to the purely physical. He needs to be intellectually interested, attracted aesthetically. If Aquarius is very sexually active, then this usually happens in his youth, and then he treats the behavior of that time condescendingly, preferring to do things that are more important, in his opinion.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man in marriage

Aquarians are difficult prey because they usually have no desire to get married. However, it is from them that a woman can receive an offer to get married at the most unexpected moment. Foundation marital relations for Aquarius it is friendship, common interests, a woman’s ability to be with her husband in periods of both brilliant victories and failures, and not being fixated on the material support of the family.

What there definitely won’t be in an Aquarius family is boredom and monotony; the husband will change something all the time, and if the wife resists this too much, he will change her too. The Aquarius man does not react to scandals, hysterics, tears, threats; he is not jealous or selfish, and does not understand when his wife begins to see him as her property. Nevertheless, this independent person really needs a partner - to satisfy the need for communication, care, and care. If the spouse does not attempt re-education and accepts her loved one with all his character traits, a completely new world will open up before her.

Aquarius zodiac sign - male owner

Aquarius cannot be classified as zealous owners, worrying day and night that the house will be cup full and all the family's financial needs were satisfied. This person spends a lot of time outside the home, for this reason he is not very actively involved in solving household issues, but loves to return to a well-groomed, clean, comfortable home. He is often very demanding in such requests, but he will not create scandals over an unprepared dinner.

Zodiac signs: Aquarius man - father

The character of an Aquarius man is such that he is not inclined to devote all of his time to his own children. free time and attention. But between him and his offspring, very good, friendly relationships based on mutual understanding are most often established. Children love such a father very much, trust him completely, tell him about all their affairs, finding in him an excellent listener and a good adviser. Aquarius instills in children open-mindedness, the ability to take life lightly, the desire to have wide circle interests.

An Aquarius man is naturally intelligent and loves the company of people. You are always looking for independence. Your popularity is great because you give a sense of importance to other people, and in turn gain their respect. When it comes to entering into relationships, you are cautious and it takes time to enter into an alliance. Once you get into a relationship, you remain committed to it.

You are faithful to your beloved. As a father, when you shower your child with your devotion and commitment. You will become a real soul mate for your baby. In matters of relationships, you are looking for a determined woman who will take care of all the problems of family life and who will be able to help you in times of difficulty. Aquarius father is very compatible with Leo daughter. She is attracted to his magnetism and open mind. On the other hand, the Leo daughter will charm her father with strength of character and phenomenal memory.

Father Aquarius - positive character traits

Aquarius dad is always joyful, reasonable and natural in his attitude towards life. You are fascinated by other people's ideas and aspirations, and at the same time you are concerned about their troubles and problems. You can truly help other people in times of difficulty. You will be excited to become a parent and will organize yourself well for the event. You will find your child's company enjoyable and will enjoy spending time with him.

Smart and a little mischievous child will attract you. The child of an Aquarius parent is impressed by such an advanced father and his liberal attitude. As a dad, the Aquarius man will be sincere and gentle with his child. You will make your baby feel independent and there will be harmony in your relationship with him. Too much freedom given to a child can be taken advantage of by him, and you should be wary of this. Your home can become a strange place that is full of various educational and sports facilities for your child.

You are unconventional and will allow your child to be eccentric with strange fashion styles. You want your child to be different and able to express himself freely. Yours social life is filled with a lot of people and you want your child to be free to interact with all kinds of people. Your child will be convinced to use his intellectual capabilities extensively and formulate new and innovative ideas. You will encourage him by your example to make wonderful plans for the days ahead instead of being trapped in the past.

Aquarius dad - negative character traits

Aquarius dad will have a problem with the child emotionally. By nature, you are more logical and do not express feelings openly. You should be more gentle and encourage your child when he gets depressed. He needs you most in times like these.

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Representatives of this zodiac sign are endowed with good developed intellect and love of knowledge. The Aquarius sign is a man whose characteristic is independence in his words and actions, but at the same time they are honest and hate any lies. Sometimes they act as rebels whose behavior leads to big changes. They love to surprise others with their actions, be it a stunningly brilliant reasoning or an outrageous act.

Representatives of this sign can become the greatest scientists and reformers if they fully realize the potential given to them by the stars.

The appearance of a representative of this sign directly reflects his interests and opinion about life; he gives the impression of a democratic and open person.


A typical characteristic of Aquarius is expressive, big eyes, depending on your mood, they can either pierce with cold or radiate with love and joy. The eyes are truly the mirror of the soul. The expression of the eyes will tell about the emotions that Aquarius experiences, changes in his mood or fatigue, even if all this is imperceptible to him.

Men of this sign are also distinguished by a clean, high forehead, straight thin eyebrows, and a straight nose. Lips are not often plump, they average size or thin, very clearly defined, the mouth is usually large.


Aquarius has clear, fair skin that is not prone to tanning. Most often they are tall, they do not stand out for their strong physique, but they are proportionally built, thin and fit. Typical representatives This sign leaves the impression of intellectuals and intelligentsia.

Their gait is swift and easy, because they have a lot to do in life. Oddly enough, Aquarius is not easy to remember, as he often has classic facial features. But he always tries to stand out with his clothes and demeanor.

Clothing style

These men do not like business formal suits; they prefer sportswear and comfortable jeans. When choosing clothes, they do not settle on any particular style or fashion manufacturer. Convenience and quality are also not the main selection criteria. Sometimes Aquarians cannot explain at all why they bought this particular item.

They do not like boring and monochromatic colors; they like everything variegated, bright, shiny and colorful. They are often attracted to ethnic style. Even respectable and mature Aquarians have the appearance of a cheerful boy. Appearance they hint at a light character and an active life.


Men of the Aquarius zodiac sign do not like banality in anything. They may suddenly start growing hair or get one ear pierced. They like long-lasting and fresh perfume.

Behavior and inner world of an Aquarius man

This one is interesting and strong man remains alone inside. He strives for justice and equality; it is on these principles that his communication with others is built. The interests of other people are more important to him than his own.

Aquarians are excellent friends, they have a lot of charm. But he can easily go against the opinions of others, and does not hesitate to challenge traditions, norms and foundations. In everything he is guided only by his own rules and principles.

Most representatives of this sign are rebels, idealists, bright individualists and rebels, original personalities. They are extremely self-confident.

At the same time, Aquarius is restrained and calm, does not often show his emotions, but a sensual fire can rage inside him. He is attracted by everything unknown, when faced with something incomprehensible, he will make every effort to solve the riddle and find the answer.

They usually treat everyone equally polite and friendly. But their mood can change depending on their psychological and physical well-being. In difficult moments, they isolate themselves from other people and cancel all planned meetings. Aquarius likes to be alone sometimes, they may suddenly leave fun company and go out of town or just sit on a bench in the park and admire the sunset.

This man thinks absolutely outside the box and unpredictably, and is intellectually developed. Praise and approval are not so important to him. He can be mischievous and not aggressive. Aquarius needs to force himself to obey the rules of the adult world, although at heart he will forever remain a cheerful boy.

Positive and negative traits

A distinctive feature of Aquarius is the ability to make friends. Representatives of this sign are endowed with charm, justice and a desire for equal relationships; these people are reliable, loyal and good friends. Friendship really means a lot to them. But only those people who share his opinion become true friends, although from the outside it may seem that he is open to everyone.

Aquarians dream of reaching high social status. But they lack consistency and diligence to achieve their goals. Having failed to achieve results, such a man switches from one idea to another. He is interested in sports and creativity, and loves traveling.

Work and career of an Aquarius man

As the professional horoscope says, the Aquarius man may well rise in

In order to achieve success, Aquarius needs to learn how to explain their ideas to others.

career ladder thanks to natural talents and enormous charm, but he does not have amazing efficiency and assertiveness. Representatives of this sign do not create unnecessary difficulties for themselves; they live in such a way as not to strain themselves too much. Sometimes they need to be encouraged to work, but this must be done very carefully. They do not often become rich because they do not put money first, treat it quite lightly, and choose a modest lifestyle for themselves.

Career guidance

Aquarius is suited to a job that allows free development thoughts. These do not necessarily have to be creative specialties. He can put forward brilliant ideas in any area that interests him.

He hates routine, boring monotonous work. Therefore, there is no need to entrust him with a monotonous task. He will shirk, and as a result the speed and quality of work will suffer.

Aquarius changes jobs repeatedly, as they are drawn to new sensations and experiences. He can search for his calling throughout his life, without being able to decide on his favorite job.

These men have a well-developed sense of collectivism and are successful in work that involves communication. Their thoughts are aimed at the future; contemporaries often do not understand their ideas. A person born under this sign may well invent something, become a good pioneering scientist. Their persuasiveness and sociability make them wonderful teachers, consultants, mentors or psychologists.

Aquarius Man's Attitude to Love, Sex, Marriage and Family

This person is an extremely addicted person, new novels captivate him, but, as a rule, they are not long-lasting. It is difficult for him to accept that one woman will be with him throughout his life. He is attracted to everything unknown and new, including women, and he wants to solve their riddles.

Advice: Only the woman who retains some mystery and intrigue in herself can hope for a long life together with an Aquarius and will be a book that arouses curiosity and can’t wait to read. The main thing is not to let it be done quickly and completely. By providing maximum freedom, surprisingly, Aquarians are “tamed.”

How do feelings manifest themselves?

  • In love, an Aquarius man dreams of finding a good friend. He is in no hurry to move on to close and strong relationships.
  • This person is not cold and closed, he just takes love seriously;
  • He is looking for a woman close to him, and not one who will just be a decoration or stand by the stove.
  • Aquarius needs support, sympathy and trust;
  • An active, original and capable of surprising woman is able to win his heart.

Sex life

Aquarius never makes sex the main condition for a relationship. For him, intimacy contains many other components besides physical satisfaction. He needs to be aesthetically attracted and intellectually interested.

Aquarius usually experiences high sexual activity at a young age; over time, he begins to be lenient about his behavior at that time, preferring to do more meaningful things.

As a partner, he can easily adapt to his partner, he behaves with a woman in the way that is most appropriate in each particular case. Aquarius does not accept courageous and rude women; he prefers tactful and soft representatives of the fairer sex.

In bed he tries to do everything to make the woman feel at the peak of bliss, he is not selfish. At the same time, he is not a fan of casual relationships - if he is passionate, he will not pay attention to other women.

Aquarius can easily withstand a forced pause in sex, which can be caused, for example, by temporary separation. This guarantees fidelity, sex is attractive not just as an act of physical intimacy, they enjoy the understanding that they have a beloved and beautiful woman.

Marriage and family

Aquarians usually do not show much eagerness to get married. At the same time, he can propose to the woman he loves at the most unexpected moment. basis family relations for them it is a commonality of interests, friendship, a woman’s ability to be close to a man not only in periods of bright victories, but also failures; she should not be fixated on financial well-being family.

There will definitely never be monotony and boredom in the family. He will constantly change something, he can even change his wife if she is too resistant to change. He may not pay any attention to hysterics, scandals, threats and tears, he is not a selfish or jealous person, he just sincerely does not understand when his wife makes him her property.

One way or another, despite all the independence of Aquarius, they need a partner to satisfy the need for care, communication and care. If a wife abandons futile attempts at re-education and accepts her husband with all his disadvantages, a world of true love will open up before her.

In this case, the head of the family can do absolutely everything. He will easily understand his wife, will adore her and take care of her. But the wife must also correspond to him in return. Aquarius needs sincere love, the spouse should not take advantage of his gentleness and gullibility, she should appreciate him masculine qualities, try to understand its complex essence.

Accepting your spouse for who he is will lead to him showing himself as an affectionate, gentle, attractive and charming man.

Aquarius is not a good owner, who takes care day and night to ensure that the house is fully equipped and all the financial needs of the household are fully satisfied. Representatives of this sign cannot be called thrifty people.

This man spends little time at home, which is why he is not too actively involved in finding solutions to everyday issues, but he likes to return to a cozy, clean and well-kept home. He is often very demanding in such matters, but he will not cause a scandal due to the lack of a delicious dinner.

Aquarius is not ready to devote all his attention and free time to children. But the relationship between him and the children is usually friendly and based on understanding. Children love such a father very much, trust him in everything, share the events of their lives, and find in him a good adviser and listener.

Their father teaches them to take life lightly and have a wide range of interests and hobbies. He comes up with it himself exciting games for children, easily gains their trust and enjoys authority.

Compatibility with other signs

The compatibility of an Aquarius man for successful relationships will develop with women who were born under the signs of Aries and Sagittarius; Gemini, as well as Libra women, are also suitable.

Gifts for an Aquarius man

  • He is an intellectual person, so you can give him a gift good book or a solid album of reproductions;
  • You can also give something crazy, something for extreme sports;
  • Everything related to water will also be a good gift: a small fountain or aquarium, a painting depicting a waterfall;
  • Aquarius will be happy with original, extraordinary gifts that match his hobbies.

The Aquarius man feels lonely almost always. He tends to feel sorry for himself, to grieve that no one understands him. At the same time, in public he is cheerful, easy-going, does not cause antipathy, and is not scandalous. It is difficult for an Aquarius man to tune in to achieving one goal, therefore in life his plans are changeable, the results are not always satisfactory. The nature of Aquarius is unpredictable, unexpected actions in love are possible, he is capable of getting involved in dangerous adventures.

January 21 - February 19

zodiac sign Aquarius

Men born under the constellation Aquarius are loners by nature. However, at the same time, they are extremely charming and are always ready to put their own on the line for the interests of loved ones. These people are reserved, fair towards others, modest, they good friends. As a rule, Aquarians are not rich, since money is not a subject of life aspirations for them. Nevertheless, they handle finances carefully; They can hardly be called spenders or simply generous people. And yet they are ready without hesitation to help financially if someone needs it.

Character of a man - zodiac sign Aquarius

Being loners at heart, men born during this period are distinguished by great charm, a focus on fair and equal relationships with others, they are wonderful friends, ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. These people are extremely independent in all their manifestations; social norms and traditions are an empty phrase for them if they consider them wrong. People around them do not always fully understand Aquarius, which is why they are considered great originals. Aquarius is open and friendly, but, nevertheless, his relationships with others often depend on his well-being - both mental and physical. Such men do not consider it necessary to smile and pretend that everything is fine when in fact it is not. Then they curtail communication, limit meetings, and trying to influence them is pointless.

Virtues of an Aquarius man

An Aquarius man will easily forgive you minor shortcomings, since he understands that it is easier to kill an adult than to change him. But in matters of principle, he will fight to the end, especially if he realizes that not only his own well-being, but also your fate depends on his actions and decisions. In addition, Aquarius is very multifaceted, and you will not get bored with him, as he will constantly begin to reveal more and more of his talents and advantages to you.

Weaknesses of the Aquarius man

An Aquarius man can only be lifted from the sofa with a jack. He prefers to wallow and daydream instead of going out and doing something worthwhile. Moreover, if he is offended by you, then you will rub your hands bloody and become hoarse before you beg his forgiveness. He is also very passionate, so don’t be surprised if, with an excellent salary, his finances flow away in an “unknown” direction, and he himself begins to regularly shoot you a couple of thousand (or tens of thousands) before payday.

Aquarius man in love

Men of this zodiac sign by nature romantic. Aquarius carries the memory of his first love throughout his life, and also sacredly honors the feelings that he felt for the first beloved in his life, and always compares others with her. Feeling a lack of spiritual harmony in the relationship with his partner, the representative of this sign initiates the termination of their union. The man of this sign is a very addicted person, new novels embrace his entire being, but usually they do not last long. In a chosen one, a person born under such a constellation wants to see not so much a mistress as a friend. It is difficult for him to imagine that only one single woman will walk next to him all his life. He is attracted to everything new, unknown, including female representatives, and he wants to solve this riddle. Only the woman who can retain a certain mystery and intrigue can count on a long life together. But even to her, as the horoscope warns, the Aquarius man will not belong completely, because he belongs to everyone at once. Nature has not endowed Aquarius themselves very generously with temperament and opportunities in the field of sexual relations.

Aquarius man in marriage and family

Aquarius men for the most part have a negative attitude towards marriage. Family life does not change Aquarius, and even after marriage, he always acts as he sees fit, without taking into account the interests of his wife. Tears, hysterics, attempts to start a scandal, cause jealousy will have no effect, they will only cause irritation or provoke an unpredictable reaction. If a woman comes to terms with his nature, realizes that she will not be able to re-educate her Aquarius, and accepts him for who he is, she will soon understand that this particular strategy is the most reasonable. An Aquarius man will show himself to be gentle, caring, sweet, interesting person, which will open up an unknown, fascinating world for his wife. Aquarius - good father, keenly and sincerely interested in the lives of his children. They answer him hot love and boundless trust. The feelings that Aquarius shows towards his loved ones directly depend on how well he feels - physically and psychologically.

Man - zodiac sign Aquarius

Don't be scared dear women: Aquarius does not need freedom in order to cheat on you. Aquarius is the sign of geniuses. And love does not occupy the main place in his life - he has many other interests. Let's take a closer look at Aquarius in marriage

Where to meet an Aquarius man?

Politics, business, scientific ideas can captivate Aquarius no less than love passion. But Aquarians are ready to love and are looking for love. There is something uniquely subtle and tender in an intimate relationship with him. Girls, if you don’t want your personal life to be reduced to the formula: kitchen, TV, children, bed - look for Aquarius. It won't be boring! And you can have a heart-to-heart talk and have fun together. The Aquarius guy loves life in all its manifestations and this fascinates him. You can recognize him by his interested look beautiful eyes, original hairstyle or clothes and non-standard thoughts in a conversation on any topic. Where to meet? Wherever life is in full swing!

How to interest an Aquarius man?

Don't miss Aquarius! Did he fix his gaze on you? Let him know that you like him too. Aquarius is somewhat unsure of himself, opens up difficultly and rarely asks anyone for anything. Take one step towards him and he will take two. Take a step back and he will take four steps away from you. But don't go ahead. Touches, glances, encouragement, omissions are the best methods of communication at the stage of acquaintance and first date. Don't try to make him jealous - he's not jealous. Don't say anything offensive to him: he remembers insults for a long time. Don't teach him how to live and don't advise him. He won’t listen - he goes his own way, lives by his own rules and is guided only by his own sharp mind. You can ask him for help. He is responsive, happy to provide support and will be flattered. Show that you can give him something in return. He appreciates business qualities and the ability to partner. And, of course, be attractive, sexy and mysterious. Don't trust completely and instantly. He often fluctuates between instinct and reason, he can fantasize and then be disappointed. Casual relationships in his youth were not uncommon.