Tiger man. Horoscope man Tiger - characteristics of the year of birth


Years of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
02/17/1950 - 02/05/1951 (element metal, color white)
02/05/1962 - 01/24/1963 (element water, color black)
01/23/1974 - 02/10/1975 (element wood, color blue)
02/09/1986 - 01/28/1987 (element fire, color red)
01/28/1998 - 02/15/1999 (element earth, color yellow)
02/14/2010 - 02/02/2011 (element metal, color white)
02/01/2022 - 01/21/2023 (element water, color black)

The Tiger man is a perpetual motion machine, capable of knocking anyone off his feet with his desperate, violent energy! He is incredibly active, noble, passionate and endowed with an aura of charm that is difficult to resist. His charm is legendary, and his large gestures of love cannot be ignored. The Tiger man immediately attracts you with his thirst for adventure, undisguised ambition and excellent ability to get along with people. He is free from snobbery and is capable of achieving truly great goals. However, this is a dangerous opponent. He can become stubborn and furious, warlike and vindictive.
The Tiger man is very attractive to women who feel the sensuality and passion hidden in him. It's easy to get to know him and his company is almost always fun, but a loving relationship with him requires extreme emotional stamina. With his demands, the Tiger can drive anyone to exhaustion, while he will never give up any of his grandiose ideas and will fiercely defend his own personal space. It is as difficult to catch him at his word as it is to get him to understand. In addition, the Tiger Man loves change and the delight of new victories, and therefore will leave his girlfriend without regret, as soon as he notices a more or even equally attractive object.
Only a person as brave and enterprising as himself, ready to live by the “all or nothing” principle, can truly find a common language with the Tiger. Together they will be tormented by passions and make grandiose plans on how to make a million, conquer the world or change society.

Elements of the male Tiger.

The Tiger man of the Wood element literally sparkles with vital energy. He loves change, is always full of great ideas and strives with all his might to bring them to life. It is unlikely that you will ever get bored with him, but he seriously runs the risk of boring his companion.

The Tiger man of the Fire element is an ardent chauvinist. A sea of ​​sensuality is immediately felt in him, and his ideas are always ambitious and revolutionary. It is enough to mention Hugh Hefner, who changed the concept of love relationships for his entire generation.

The Tiger man of the Earth element loves and knows how to seduce. Having achieved victory, he leaves his “victim” without the slightest regret and goes in search of a new one. If he can be tamed, he will certainly turn out to be a loving and caring spouse, although he is unlikely to be faithful.

The Tiger man of the Metal element is not as energetic as his brothers, but much more attentive. He is characterized by conservatism and a sober view of things, which is very useful for the Tiger. The metal element makes him slightly pensive, which gives his appearance an almost unbearable charm!

Strong in spirit, he likes to manage more than to obey. He is always visible and is given the floor to express his opinion. They are always filled with interest in life, people are drawn to them for their cheerfulness. The tiger has a good sense of humor, so he is always a welcome guest. Positive qualities include: courage, generosity, strength, honesty. Disadvantages of his character: aggressiveness, rudeness, vanity. Sometimes you may get the impression that he is quiet and calm, but in reality he is harsh and aggressive. He loves elegant dressing and has a good eye for fashion. Such a man knows his place in society, is attentive to people and can help in difficult times. The Tiger has such a positive outlook on the world that sometimes this leads him to problems. If he is defeated, then at such moments it is better not to approach him.

Impulsive, if he is in a bad mood, do not disturb him. In a state of depression, he does not expect others to solve his problems, he just wants support. As a rule, he listens to his heart, and is confident that he can overcome all obstacles on his own. The tiger does not need sympathy, but wants to be listened to and understood. He does not try to hide his feelings, on the contrary, he demonstrates them. Fortunately, he quickly forgets his failures and plans new goals for the future. The tiger does not like being told what to do. In work or business, he clearly knows what he needs; in the process of work, you should not interfere, otherwise you can hear his growl in response. He does not like to be bored, changes often occur in his life, if something is done for him, for example, repairs, then he will control the process himself.

In love relationships, passionate and faithful, loves romance. He likes to pursue a woman because he loves the excitement. His novels do not last long, as he loses interest in the lady and always wants to get the best. Sometimes he is quick-tempered, but tries to calm down quickly. The first place in his life is occupied by friends and family; he also shares his love for animals, which is why there are animals in his house. Always protects his home, his borders from bad influence. In a relationship with him, strong nerves are needed, but behind his back the woman is like behind a stone fortress. It happens that a tiger perceives relationships as pleasure and does not always bring them to marriage. The second part of his life is suitable for marriage with them, when he emerges from adolescence, having matured, he calms down. You shouldn’t expect big gifts and flowers from such a man, but when he does something wrong, he can surprise the lady.

He does not like loneliness, in order to avoid conflicts, you will need to try not to find fault with him, although this will be very difficult not to do. He likes his wife to meet him from work with dinner and listen and understand him. When the tiger is resting, you should not burden him with tasks and questions; after resting, he will do everything. Sometimes he may look careless, for example, he has not ironed his pants, so you need to look after him and monitor the state of his things.

The Tiger man is generous, brave, honest, charming, strong, as well as sensitive, witty and always elegant. But at the same time, he is characterized by carelessness, adventurism, impudence, and vanity. This mixture can drive any woman crazy. How to win a Tiger man? Don't look for a simple answer to this question, a universal recipe or advice. The tiger, proud, capricious, is an individual. Each animal has its own preferences regarding the qualities of the chosen one.

For a modern woman, the question of how to conquer a Tiger man may become relevant for several reasons. One of the main ones is the desire to tame this elegant handsome man, to tame him, to curb the incorrigible adventurer.

How to attract a Tiger man?

Want to know how to attract a Tiger man? The stars will tell you the most favorable path to the heart of the chosen one. But you need to be able to listen to their advice. An astrologer can help every woman who wants to know how to attract a Tiger. A professional specialist will reveal to you the secrets of stellar compatibility and warn you against unforgivable mistakes in communicating with the Tiger.

The personality of such a man is extraordinary. She combines many features. How to conquer a Tiger? The most important thing is to get into his field of vision. Tigers are extremely sociable. It is very interesting to spend time with these men. They are cheerful and optimistic. Every Tiger is full of interest in life. There will never be a dull moment with such a man.

Don't know how to charm a Tiger? It might be worth trying to make acquaintances through his family or friends. Relatives and friendly company are sacred for such a man. He values ​​their opinion. This is very useful for a seductress.

How to interest a Tiger man?

What does a tiger pay attention to in nature? Of course, for potential production. How to interest a Tiger man? You can play the role of the desired prey. But this is not so easy to do. Successful acting requires work. The tiger will like a woman who is sensitive to his desires and mood. How to become like this? How to interest a Tiger? Seek help from an astrologer.

As for general recommendations, there are many of them. The Tiger man hates boredom. He craves change, he is interested in everything new. How to please a Tiger? Be original. But only without fanaticism. The sensitive nature of a cat immediately recognizes falsehood and pretense. Intentions must be sincere. Otherwise, the actions of the seductress will have the exact opposite of the desired effect.

How to conquer the Tiger?

A tiger in nature is a loner. The same cannot be said about a representative of the human race, born in the year of a huge striped cat. When asked how to conquer the Tiger, experts give very specific answers. The man is not prone to loneliness. He will look for a companion one way or another. Do you want to become one? A little effort, the right strategy, competent tactics - and he is yours.

How to make a Tiger man fall in love? It would seem that the easiest way is to become a holiday woman for him. But the multifaceted Tiger is not like other men. He can quickly get tired of the holiday. This is due to the fact that representatives of the feline family change their mood quickly. You can conquer men during one of the periods of such changes. How to make a Tiger fall in love? Become a caring guardian angel in his moment of melancholy. This strong man will appreciate much more the appearance of a la vamp and festive mascara.

How to understand a Tiger man?

So, it’s clear how to please a Tiger man. You need to be original, different, sensitive. Men also value the external characteristics of potential companions. But, as you know, everyone has different tastes.

We can talk for a long time about how to seduce a Tiger man. Representatives of this sign are affected by both standard techniques and unusual feminine tricks. An individual approach is preferable to a magazine-film approach. To understand how to seduce a Tiger, it is not enough to study women's novels and available books on astrology. Your Tiger may turn out to be a complete individualist. We'll have to act according to the circumstances.

How to seduce a Tiger with a long shot? Professional astrology can help with this. It is much more difficult to answer the question of how to understand a Tiger man. He is changeable. This is one of the features of the sign representative. Sometimes it can be very difficult to predict the Tiger's mood and behavior.

As for the requirements for a companion, there are also many nuances here. Thus, the Tiger perceives any relationship as pleasure, and not as obligation. If you want to quarrel with such a man forever, be jealous, create scenes, hysterics, interfere with the chosen one in the implementation of his plans, interfere in his work, criticize (the latter is especially important). Do you want a stable relationship? You already know the list of the strictest prohibitions.

The question is still relevant: how to understand the Tiger? Contact our astrologer for an individual consultation!

How to keep a Tiger man?

So, your relationship with your chosen one has begun and is developing. How to marry a Tiger? This is quite a difficult task. Persuasion and ultimatums are inappropriate here. The tiger makes decisions himself. What can a woman do? Just push the chosen one to a decision that is beneficial for her. At the same time, it is important to think through tactics to the smallest detail. Only the Tiger will feel pressure, manipulation, will go free - and remember his name. An astrologer's advice will help you avoid mistakes in communicating with a representative of a difficult and very strong sign.

How to keep a Tiger man? This is no less difficult than marrying him. The Tiger's chosen one should remain interesting to him. In addition, she should support his endeavors, not reproach him for his workaholism, and not interfere with managing the processes. Are you interested in learning how to keep a Tiger? General recommendations and advice do not work or do not always work?

You shouldn’t let things take their course, unless, of course, you’re afraid of losing your man. Enlist the help of an experienced astrologer. He will draw up a compatibility horoscope for you and help you understand the intricacies of relationships, taking into account the characteristics of your signs.

It’s so good when our beloved man is near us, from whom we don’t have to hide anything, and in a relationship there is complete mutual understanding and trust!

But, unfortunately, not always, when meeting our other half, each of us can boast of an ideal relationship. Why is this happening? It would seem that there is love and respect, but there is no common ground, and the relationship is constantly broken down by petty quarrels?

Someone might say that we need to get used to each other, get to know each other better. Yes, there is some truth in this. But at the same time, many are skeptical about the fact that the horoscope plays a significant role in relationships between people.

And in vain. After all, thanks to astrology, you can get to know your partner better and understand how to behave with him, taking into account the characteristics of your characters. Today in the article we will look at the behavioral features of Taurus-Tiger men and their characteristics.

General characteristics

The Tiger-Taurus man achieves whatever he wants in life. This happens thanks to a strong male core. Such men try to keep everything under their control at all times. And, as practice shows, they do it well.

Such men can only be strong and ambitious. In life, Tiger-Taurus men are favored by fortune, and they try to make the most of its opportunities.

Along with this, it is worth noting that their character is characterized by excessive hot temper and temperament. But they are also characterized by such traits as patience and generosity, which are harmoniously combined in true Tiger-Taurus. These men will always come to the aid of those who need it.

Due to the fact that they combine the incongruous, such Taurus manage to attract the attention of not only the fairer sex, but also most of the stronger half of all humanity. Most likely, this is why representatives of this sign are always surrounded by a large number of friends and admirers. But this happens not only due to the natural qualities of Taurus men. Their ability to smooth out conflicts and remain impartial in them plays a big role.

But there are also situations when the Tiger-Taurus man is not ready to give in and betray his principles. In such cases, the conflict can develop into a big quarrel, after which it will be very difficult to establish contact with him.

In most cases, the priority of such men is spirituality. When choosing between the material and the spiritual, they will always choose the second. And in some cases, they get so carried away with spiritual life that not only do they forget about friends, but family can also take a backseat. Because of this, family life often does not work out, and by the end of their years they remain lonely.

Compatibility in love

Men of this sign are very cautious about new relationships with the opposite sex, despite the fact that the character of Tigers is very dynamic and their lifestyle corresponds to this. In relationships, they prefer romance and gradual development. They have a negative attitude towards short-term novels that do not continue.

Very often, family takes first place in life. Not taking into account the fact that they can be consumed by spirituality, for women, a relationship with such a man can be a real test.

As for the compatibility of this sign with women, an active, dynamic partner who can share his hobbies is ideal for him. At the same time, she should be open in showing feelings for her man and sincere with him.

Such a Tiger-Taurus man and a woman will be ideal for each other only if they learn to give in to each other, which can become a real test of their relationship. And since the man in such a couple, having fallen in love with a girl, will try his best to do everything to start a family with her, representatives of many zodiac signs will be able to suit him.

What is a Tiger-Taurus man like in family and marriage?

Family is of great importance for representatives of this sign even in adulthood. In their youth, they try to achieve as much as possible in their professional activities. And also, due to age, they cannot always find a partner.

But if they decide and start a family, they become wonderful fathers and husbands. For a wife, they can become a real support. Since they manage to maintain absolute calm in many situations, not only their wife, but also most relatives turn to them for advice. In the family they always occupy a dominant role.

Career and financial development

As noted above, in their professional activities, Tiger men achieve their goals. This happens thanks to their subtle instincts and insight. They always try to grasp all the subtleties of the matter, even if others may not pay attention to them.

They have a very developed spirit of competition, so they always try to be first in everything. Active work is suitable for such a man. It is best for him to think about starting his own business. They are very sociable, so such men will be good at gathering people around them and managing them.


This sign is characterized by throat diseases. It is their weak point, according to astrologers.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the thyroid gland. Otherwise, a man risks becoming obese, which he will suffer throughout his life. In old age, he may be tormented by diseases of the cardiovascular system. All this can happen due to nervous tension, which is difficult for representatives of the sign to get rid of.

From the above we can conclude that Taurus-Tigers need to watch their throat and head so that they are always warm. And, of course, try not to get nervous over trifles, which will significantly save their nervous system.

The Tiger man resembles a perpetual motion machine. His vigorous activity, nobility and charm cannot but amaze. A man born in the year of the tiger is able to immediately conquer with his ability to find a common language with everyone and his incredible ambition. The Tiger is devoid of snobbery, but he often achieves great goals. However, it should be remembered that this charming personality can be a very dangerous opponent.

Characteristics of a Tiger man

A man who was born in the year of the tiger according to the Chinese traditional calendar can be a real treasure for any community. His impulsiveness and love of life quickly infect the people around him and make him an undisputed leader. He is considered wise and prudent, and these qualities cannot but command respect.

If you feel that the situation is heating up next to the Tiger man, it is better to move away in advance. He completely ignores the existing hierarchy; for him there are no authorities. He is most attracted to activities that involve risk and the opportunity to challenge or respond to the challenge of others.

Tigers by zodiac sign

The character and destiny of a person born in the year of the Tiger is influenced by the month of birth and the zodiac sign.


A man born in the year of the Tiger under the sign of Aries is very proactive and enterprising. His calling is to be a leader. Having a colossal number of plans and projects, he is not torn into pieces, but finds a middle ground that can bring him maximum benefit.

The positive traits of such a person include:

  1. Excellent intuition.
  2. Amazing logic.
  3. Calculation and analytical mind.

Such a person will never take on a job that he knows will fail. However, this Aries does not know how to properly manage the money he earns and can easily spend everything he has earned in an effort to amaze others with ostentatious luxury.

Sometimes he spends a colossal amount of energy just to prove to someone that he is right on a minor issue.

Aries is a person of moods that can change every minute. Of course, this complicates life not only for himself, but also for those around him.


Such people are generously gifted by nature, both intellectually and physically. However, they will never agree to do hard physical labor. This man will choose his own occupation and will definitely achieve success. However, it can be difficult for him to find himself due to the large number of interests and hobbies.

Gemini Tiger

Those born under this combination of stars have the brightest talents, coupled with high diplomacy and the ability to find an approach. This is a courageous and persistent person in the pursuit of his goals. His main task is to cope with natural laziness, then Gemini-Tiger is capable of a lot.

Such a man is accustomed to acting quickly and without hesitation, like a hunting predator. His talents will allow him to achieve a lot in stock trading, on stage or in military affairs. For this person, the main thing is the truth, regardless of the opinion of authorities.

Tiger - Cancer

This man is a real tangle of contradictions. This greatly complicates his life and makes the existence of his loved ones unbearable. However, it should be noted that everything is always fine with him in the financial sphere. He earns a lot easily and can give up brilliant career prospects to open his own business.

Tiger - Leo

Such a man combines strength and energy, many talents and determination. He is distinguished by authority and great ambitions.

Because of this, he does not always have good relationships with his work colleagues. However, he feels very comfortable in the circle of loved ones.

Leo feels like a leader always and everywhere and does not even allow the thought of submitting to someone. Such a person completely lacks diplomatic abilities; he is distinguished by rigidity and straightforwardness. At the same time, deep down he may feel insecure.


Those born under the constellation Virgo in the year of the Tiger outwardly look quite balanced. However, this mask may hide straightforwardness and intolerance. A clear logical mind allows him to quickly and clearly calculate all possible scenarios. He is distinguished by attention to detail and responsibility. Born under the sign of Virgo, this “predator” has the gift of diplomacy and a broad outlook. He never refuses help to anyone. Problems may arise due to his temper and reluctance to follow orders from management.

Tiger Libra

The Libra man, born in the year of the Tiger, represents the ideal of charm and charm. His friendliness and charisma make him extremely attractive in the eyes of women. This hero is great at convincing people of what he needs. His many talents are realized in various areas of life.

Peacefulness and diplomacy allow him to establish contacts with both management and the team. His subtle intuition allows him to achieve considerable heights in his career and become happy in his personal life. And a great sense of humor ensures success in any company and among the fair sex.


This combination gives birth to proud, confident and self-sufficient people. They don't ask for help and don't need anyone's advice. The main desire of such a Scorpio is power and the desire for big ambitious goals. The prospect of monotonous hired work is unbearable for him. Such a person will either open his own business or quickly take over the post of director of the company in which he works. Scorpio is passionate and loves to take risks; his enthusiasm only increases if obstacles arise along the way.

Such people are endowed with extraordinary energy and have a large supply of vitality, so they often achieve success in any profession. Most often they are engaged in intellectual activity, engaged in information processing, and psychology. They may be very interested in any esotericism. Many Tiger-Scorpios begin to engage in occult sciences quite professionally.


The Tiger-Sagittarius man is endowed with simply gigantic willpower. He is distinguished by his reliability, hard work and willingness to help at any time. Sagittarians have an excellent sense of humor and heightened intuition. Having their own view of the world around them, they can often change their point of view if this contributes to a comfortable existence. The thinking of such a person is striking in its breadth and versatility. For most people around him, such a man may forever remain an unsolvable mystery.

Sagittarians go through life confidently and joyfully and also joyfully achieve their goals. Their character allows them to succeed both in their personal lives and in their careers. Possessing high intelligence, such a man constantly learns new things. He has a large number of interests and hobbies, he strives to be everywhere at the same time. This whirlwind does not tire him at all, but only gives him even more strength and energy.


The main characteristic of the Capricorn-Tiger man is calmness and balance. Excitement and temper are not about him. By nature, he has high intelligence, the ability to analyze the situation, and observation. Such a Capricorn strives to do everything in life perfectly. At the same time, he is a terrible critic and never misses an opportunity to point out to others their mistakes. This person is very reserved, one of those people about whom they say “in their own mind.” For many representatives of the fair sex, the Tiger-Capricorn man remains an unsolved mystery. His personal life will never be made public.


Aquarius, born this year, is distinguished by a lot of talents, incredible charm and charm, and high intelligence. In addition, he has excellent memory and intuition.

His curiosity and determination help him achieve any goal. However, this person will easily go over other people’s heads in order to achieve his own goals.

These people combine the creativity and originality of Aquarius with the determination and assertiveness of “striped predators.” Thanks to this “cocktail”, they often become pioneers in many fields. An analytical mind and a deep study of any facts will help such a man achieve success in the exact sciences. If this person has found his business in life, success is guaranteed. However, to do this, he will have to try himself in different fields of activity and choose his own path.


These men are the embodiment of charm and attractiveness. They are smart and sociable, their outlook delights and amazes. However, often they simply do not know where to use their incredible talents. Pisces cannot constantly devote themselves to one thing and are constantly looking for themselves. If such a man acts by trusting his intuition, he will develop his talents and achieve success in any business.

Although feelings and emotions are very important for this person, he has prudence and a sober analytical mind, which helps to calculate the situation many moves ahead. Pisces ideally combine intelligence with daydreaming, without completely plunging into the world of the impossible. This property allows him to generate a large number of new and unusual ideas along different vectors, striking in their depth and uniqueness.

In their personal lives, such people can be greatly hampered by excessive ambition and ambition, which prevent them from sincerely expressing their feelings.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The explosiveness of this predator and warrior can be intimidating. However, you should know that he is capable of deep feelings and is very emotional.

  1. The best love and marriage compatibility for a Tiger man and a Horse woman. The latter is distinguished by an open, kind disposition and intelligence. Excessive jealousy of a man can overshadow this relationship. If the Horse recognizes the Tiger’s power over it, they will have a completely harmonious relationship.
  2. This predator has average compatibility with the frivolous and romantic Goat (Sheep). No one can predict how their relationship will turn out. They can live together for decades, or they can break up after a couple of months from the date they met. The compatibility of Goat and Tiger may depend on the year of birth of the latter. The Earth Goat has diverse interests and a contradictory character. She can be united with a “Predator” man by curiosity, a desire for the new and unknown, and a large number of hobbies. And the burning temperament of the metal Goat can become a serious obstacle to the formation of such a union.
  3. The least compatibility is between a man born in the year of the Tiger and a woman born in the year of the Monkey or Snake.. Such alliances, as a rule, are doomed to failure.

Unfortunately, his passionate nature makes him not very lucky in matters of the heart. Any new hobby can lead to the Tiger destroying existing relationships.

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