Natalya Varvina’s husband is Alexey Mikhailovsky. Natalya Varvina: biography, personal life, photo General producer of house 2 Alexey Mikhailovsky


For 13 years, one person remained at the head of the most scandalous and popular Russian reality show - Alexey Mikhailovsky. It was for him and his ex-wife Vasilina should be thanked by the loyal fans of the TV show, who have followed the stories of the project’s heroes for many years.
Thanks to Alexei Mikhailovsky and his ex-wife Vasilina, dozens of participants in “House-2” today made, although dubious, successful careers in show business. Their names are constantly heard - Olga Buzova, Alena Vodonaeva, Rustam Solntsev, Daria and Sergey Pynzari, Ksenia Borodina, Stepan Menshchikov, Elena Berkova and many others.

After Vasilina Mikhailovskaya left Dom-2 in 2014, many viewers noted a decline in the quality of the reality show. Trying to increase ratings, the project management opened new sites, increased the “degree” of scandal, and introduced new presenters.

Intrigue: who will become the mistress of “House-2”

It was in 2014 that businessman Alexander Karmanov began to supervise Dom-2 - ex-husband ex-“brilliant” Olga Orlova. And after two years former singer became one of the hosts of the scandalous project.

At first, the artist behaved tactfully and modestly, however Lately Orlova began to allow herself sharp attacks against the participants.

Today it became known that Alexey Mikhailovsky, the permanent producer of the television project for 13 years, has been fired. The reason why the creator of “House-2” lost his place has not been announced, but many suspect that this was the decision of Alexander Karmanov.

Ex-wife Mikhailovsky Vasilin shared her thoughts about latest news. A woman is sure that her favorite project will be destroyed:

To say that I loved “Dom2” is to say nothing... It was my life. This doesn't mean that I liked everything. The people quietly froze when we argued furiously in Mikhailovsky’s office. Infrequently. But it happened that feathers flew... We did one thing. And that House2 has been gone for a long time. I am sad that the Academy of Sciences screwed everything up... Today, very rich, but very unprofessional people are finishing off this project with a special, some kind of Bolshevik cynicism.

Now it becomes clear why the hosts of “Dom-2” are so actively looking for work on other TV channels. We have already told how Kurban Omarov tried to get Ksenia Borodina onto Channel One, where Olga Buzova had recently been invited. Internet users suggest that with the departure of the creator of “House-2”, the TV project will undergo dramatic changes. Viewers are wondering who will rule the TV set:

lilu2360 This is why Orlova already behaves this way. Allows himself to close his mouth to participants
12130202_ Now they'll definitely ask for a beard
fdrty3456 so they will kick Borodin... It’s not for nothing that Zinka is on Let them say he’s driving
olesaj________23 The producer of House 2 was Orlova’s ex-husband, Borodin and Orlova are friends, no one will remove Borodin! But let Bukhova be afraid, now everything will calm down, and she will be left alone with dogs and rats for half her ass years.
tolmachini it was removed due to low ratings. That he didn't do a damn thing. And now Orlova’s ex-husband is there. And since they are in wonderful relationship then the hostess copper mountain now she

Natalya is from Volgograd. Before getting to the Dom-2 project, she managed to get higher education at Volgograd State Technical University, majoring in finance and credit. But, despite such a serious education, she always strived for something else - she was more attracted to show business in all its forms. Varvina’s debut on television took place in her hometown, where she tried to work as a TV presenter.

In the photo - Natalya Varvina with her husband

Having got to the Dom-2 project in 2007, she was never able to build strong relationships with any of the project participants; if she had romances, they were all short-lived. In 2011, Natalya left the project, but not from the structure of the reality show. Serious relationships and changes in her personal life awaited her after leaving the show. Her chosen one was the producer of a scandalous TV show Alexey Mikhailovsky. Long time future husband of Natalia Varvina hid that he, a married man at that time, was having an affair with a former participant in his show.

They first appeared together at the birthday party of TV host Olga Buzova, and from that moment everyone learned that Natalya’s personal life was not so bad. As it turned out later, her affair with the producer began at a time when she was among the participants in “House-2”. Feeling such solid support behind her, Natalya Varvina began to behave defiantly, which is why her relationship with Ksenia Borodina completely deteriorated. It turns out it's been a long time Mikhailovsky began promote his young mistress to the lead of the project, but the management of the TNT channel decided that she was not suitable for this role.

In the photo is the husband of Natalia Varvina

After leaving the project, Natasha’s career took off - after some time she became a concert director, and her romance with Mikhailovsky, which led to their wedding, also gained momentum. Before meeting her closely, Natalya Varvina’s husband was married to Vaselina Mikhailovskaya, the director of the show “Dom-2”. Even the presence of a child with Alexei and Vaselina did not deter Natalya from having an affair with him and, in the end, taking him away from the family.

She is one of the brightest former participants in the TNT channel project, who won the hearts of TV viewers with her beauty and prudence. The whole country watched the girl’s life for almost four years. And even after leaving the TV set, they don’t stop discussing it. It is known that after the project, Natalya Varvina broke up the family of the famous producer of the TV show in which she participated.

short biography

Natalya was born on November 23, 1982 in Volgograd. After the death of her mother, the girl was raised by her father. Natalya has an older brother and younger sister. The girl from the very youth I was fond of dancing and active sports. After receiving her education at a technical university, she worked as a presenter on local television. Even then, the girl realized that she wanted to start a career as an actress, and went to castings in Moscow.

Life on the TV set

Natalya appeared on the reality show in 2007, trying her luck to build a relationship with the most popular participant at that time. But no matter how hard the girl tried to attract the man’s attention, she never succeeded. Natalya stayed on the project to look for her love. But many novels ended in tragic breakups.

Varvina was distinguished by some composure towards men, so she spent more than one year on the project as a single person until she decided to leave the television set at will. This came as a real shock to fans of the show. After the project, Natalya Varvina said that she did not regret her decision at all and “House 2” was an important step in her life.

Love affair at work

After the project, Natalya Varvina (photos of her could often be seen on the Internet) was not lonely for long. Fans noticed how much everything had changed in her life. Natalya Varvina has changed a lot after the project. Stylish hairstyle and makeup, as well as the girl’s noticeably slimmer body, indicated that Varvina was not at all alone. As it turned out, the girl left the project for a reason, but at the suggestion young man. It turned out to be the producer of the reality show himself. The lovers hid their relationship for a long time, this is not surprising, because the producer was married at that time.

The girl often mentioned in interviews that she had finally met the man of her dreams, but did not disclose his name or details. After the project, Natalya Varvina began working behind the scenes famous show. At work, she often crossed paths with the show's producer and colleagues began to notice that their communication was growing into something more every day. When the affair with Natalya was discovered, the man immediately divorced his wife. It should be noted that this novel caused a storm of indignation and condemnation from fans. TV viewers accused Natalya of the fact that the girl, knowing that the man was married, without a twinge of conscience, destroyed the family.


Friends and acquaintances famous couple even made bets on how long this whirlwind romance will exist. To everyone’s surprise, Mikhailovsky proposed marriage to the girl. Natalya happily agreed. The girl had long dreamed of her beloved man and strong family ties. Being religious, Natalya insisted on the wedding, to which her husband readily agreed. It is worth noting that with ex-wife Mikhailovsky did not take such a step.

After the wedding, the life of the young became closed to the prying eyes of fans, but they often appear together at various events and post photos on in social networks. The couple are not yet thinking about children, and rumors that Natalya Varvina gave birth after the project remain rumors.

Despite the fact that the girl is enjoying a happy family life, she doesn't stop there. The desire to make her dream come true and become an actress comes first for the girl. She is already actively participating in auditions for various roles. She starred in several films. After the project, Natalya Varvina is actively interested in the lives of the show participants. After all, now she is no longer a participant in the famous television production, but with the creator of the show.

This blond “thumbelina,” whose height is a little taller than one and a half meters, gained fame on the “Dom-2” project, where she tried to build love for 3.5 years.

Natalya Varvina was born in November 1982 in the city of Volgograd. Together with Natalya, two more children grew up in the family - a younger sister Olga and an older brother Sasha.

After the death of their mother, the Varvin family moved from noisy Volgograd to the small town of Volzhsky. From a young age, Natalia studied choreography. The girl started attending a dance club at the age of 12 and generally turned out to be an active teenager. The girl had an active holiday: rollerblading, skiing and skating.

After graduation secondary school Natalya Varvina went to Volgograd, where she entered the university. The girl chose the specialty “Finance and Credit”. But, having received a university diploma, she got a job on local television, where she was a TV presenter for some time.

"House 2"

The petite blonde (Natalia’s height is 153 cm, weight 48 kg) appeared on a popular youth show in early August 2007. The participant immediately announced peaceful plans, promising not to break up the existing couples. The girl looked closely at lonely guys and easily established friendly relations.

She immediately became her closest friend among the project participants. And although the girls often quarreled and even made loud statements that they had stopped communicating forever, they made up pretty quickly.

In relationships with the opposite sex, Natalya Varvina turned out to be quite straightforward. If the girl was not happy with something, Natalya immediately spoke about it. Maybe that’s why Natalya didn’t always succeed in “building love” at Dom-2.

The first young man Varvina liked on the project was handsome. But the guy did not reciprocate her feelings. The girl chose Andrei Tishko, the brother of the TV presenter of the TNT channel Vladimir Tishko, as her second chosen one. At first, there was a complete idyll between the lovers, until Natalya found out about Andrei’s wife and child. After the scandalous showdown, separation followed.

For quite a long time, the recognized womanizer of “House-2” was circling next to the blond Natalya. But as soon as the couple became close, Andrei’s behavior with the girl changed dramatically. Compliments and tenderness were replaced by rudeness and aggressiveness. Varvina, of course, didn’t like this, and the relationship ended.

The girl decided to try “building love” again with DJ Maxim Orlov. But nothing worked here either. At one time, one of the contenders for the girl’s hand and heart was also the administrator of the television set, but nothing worked out with this young man either.

Natalya Varvina has repeatedly become the heroine of scandals. In 2011, a provocative video entitled “Natalya Varvina and the shame of parents” appeared on the Internet. The participants of the TV project appeared in front of the camera in bikinis. But fans of the girls immediately recognized the deception - doubles were invited to create the video.

In May 2011, Natalya Varvina left the popular project. It seems that the girl is tired of life, every moment of which was closely covered by television cameras and discussed by fans of the show. But his time on the TV show was not in vain. In 2009, Natalya Varvina took 2nd place in the “Person of the Year” competition. And in 2010 she was awarded 1st place and a prize - a car.

After the project

It started outside the perimeter creative biography Natalia Varvina. For some time the girl toured with the group “Instrinsky Witches”. In addition to Natalya, Elena Bushina also sang in the group. Later Varvina decided to sing a duet. Among the songs performed by Natalya, the most popular were “Write a Dream”, “The Heart Knocks Calmly”, “Light Up”. After a while former member"Doma-2" tried its hand as solo singer. And the organizers of the TV show also entrusted Natalya with the position of concert director of the TV show.

Natalya Varvina considers her film debut to be the greatest achievement of her life after the project. The girl played main role in the dramatic film “Dot Doc. Ten last days" The aspiring actress remembered this work for her acquaintance with Maxim Maltsev, who were also involved in the film. Unfortunately, this film is the only one in Natalia’s filmography so far. But the young artist claims that she will definitely please her fans soon.

Personal life

Natalya Varvina still managed to find love on the project. But the girl was able to “build” it not with the participants of the show, but with the producer of the project. Natalya Varvina’s personal life settled down after the girl left the perimeter of “House-2”. With the beginning of the affair, Natalya's behavior changed. The girl began to demonstrate her relationship with the manager in every possible way, which caused dissatisfaction not only among the project participants, but also among the TV presenter.

For the sake of Natalya, Alexey divorced his first wife Vasilina, with whom he raised a child. The wife also helped Alexey in his work - she was a co-producer of the show.

Natalya and Alexey got married on February 7, 2013. In the summer of the same year, the couple got married, after which the newlyweds organized a real celebration for the guests. The celebration was magnificent and took place in the prestigious capital restaurant “Turandot”. Became a toastmaster at a wedding, too former member project.

After the wedding, Natalya Varvina applied for the role of TV presenter, but Mikhailovsky failed to convince his colleagues and took the vacant position. However, Varvina remained to work in the structure of the project, receiving the position of concert director.

Natalya and Alexey are in no hurry to have children. In 2014, the family welcomed a Labrador dog named Ronald.

Natalya Varvina is engaged in self-development. The girl travels a lot. Managed to visit America, Italy and other countries from where she brings colorful photos and shares them with followers. IN free time former participant of "House-2" is engaged Latin American dances and loves to walk the dog.

Natalya Varvina now

Now Natalya Varvina is hosting a column on Dom-2 acting and performs together with the show participants humorous skits. The girl supports her husband’s endeavors even in difficult moments for him. In 2016, after Mikhailovsky staged a drunken scandal on the set of the “Man of the Year” episode, Natalya sided with Alexey, justifying her husband’s behavior.

In the fall, Natasha celebrated her 35th birthday. The celebration took place in a Moscow restaurant; Natalya invited Ksenia Borodina and her husband, Elena Bushina, and Mitya Zheleznyak to the celebration.

In December 2017, due to falling ratings for the program, Alexey Mikhailovsky was removed from the post of producer, and this place was taken by. But Alexey did not leave the project. Together with his wife Natalya, the ex-producer continued to participate in productions of the School of Acting.

A former participant in a world-famous television show, Natalya Varvina, came to the show to meet her love, but received fame and popularity. The biography of Natalia Varvina, both within the perimeter of the show and beyond, remains filled with bright colors.

Childhood and youth

Official biography Natalia Varvina says that the blond miniature beauty is middle child in a large family with three children. Natasha has an older brother, Alexander, and a sister, Olga. Natasha was born on November 23 in one of the maternity hospitals in Volgograd, in 1982. Unfortunately, Natalia's mother died early. After the tragedy, the whole family moved from Volgograd to the Volga region, where Natasha spent her childhood and youth.

As a teenager, Natalia became seriously interested in dancing and sports. Visited regularly dance club, and devoted her free time to sports and active recreation.

Education and career

After graduating from school and receiving a certificate, the decision was made to return to hometown and go to college to major in finance and credit.

After graduating from Volgograd State Technical University, Natalya was in no hurry to work in her profession. To the surprise of her family, she got a job as a regional television presenter.

Participation in a television project

However, Natalya’s participation in the show “Dom-2” brought widespread popularity, where the Volgograd TV presenter came for the first time in 2007, on a hot summer day on August 2. The goal of the miniature girl was the heart of Stepan Menshchikov, but the young man did not reciprocate Natasha.

Natalya Varvina’s biography on the television project was marked by a short-lived and frivolous relationship. For a long time the girl was left alone. After a while, she began to accept signs of attention from Andrei Tishko, her younger brother famous TV presenter- Vladimir Tishko. But this did not last long, until it became known that the man was officially married and raising a child, outside the perimeter.

While Natalya remained single, the first womanizer of the project, Andrei Cherkasov, drew attention to her. The young officer looked after her beautifully and paid a lot of attention to the girl. As soon as the young people’s relationship began to develop, Andrei changed his mercy to anger. Frequent outbursts of aggression towards Natasha led to Andrei daring to raise his hand against the girl. Because of the incident, the couple broke up.

After a while, Natasha made more attempts to build relationships with Maxim Orlov and the project administrator - the person behind the scenes, but they also turned out to be unsuccessful.

In May 2011, having spent almost 4 years on the project, Natasha decided to finally leave the television set to start a completely new life.

This is what Natalya Varvina herself says about her departure from “House-2”:

It is difficult to name a specific reason. I was on the project for about four years. During my stay in "House-2" on TNT, I graduated from college and received a diploma in economic management, began acting in films and won the "Person of the Year" competition. It's time to look for new directions in life. I felt this way, so I decided to leave.

In 2010, while still a participant in the television production, she passed the casting and was approved for a role in the dramatic film "Dot Doc. Ten Last Days", where she played a journalist. Then the creative biography of Natalya Varvina began.

Life and career after the show

Natalya Varvina’s biography after the project turned out to be filled with creativity. Together with Alexandra Kharitonova and the project " Istra witches"Natalia began touring the country with concert program. When the group broke up, Natalya tried herself in a duet with Nelly Ermolaeva and a solo career. Natalya chose the job offer as a concert director from the organizers of “House-2”.

At the end of 2016, she returned to the television project as a dance coach.

Personal life

There have been changes in the biography of Natalya Varvina; Natasha still found her love, but already outside the perimeter. The producer of "House-2" became the chosen one. Magnificent wedding lovers took place in 2012. Soon after the wedding, the newlyweds held a wedding ceremony.

Currently, Natasha travels a lot around the world in the company of her husband. Dedicates enough time to his creative development and is actively involved in Latin American dancing.