Museum of amazing dolls. Museum of Unique Dolls


In 1996, the artist and collector Yulia Vishnevskaya made a wonderful gift to children and adults all over the country - she organized the Moscow Museum of Dolls.

puppet people

The beautiful building of the museum sets the feeling that something interesting is hidden inside. Its facade is made in the form of an arch covered with shaded glass. And expectations do not remain deceived - entering the hall, many cannot hold back an exclamation of admiration. Very beautiful! From the wonderful showcases, the motley puppet people, who arrived here from different eras and from all over the globe. The collection contains more than 6 thousand exhibits and represents several directions.

  • Interior dolls used to decorate living rooms. In the museum you can see old Russian dolls, which are extremely few in number - in the 30s they got rid of them as “too bourgeois”, because they looked luxurious, but then it was not fashionable and was not welcomed.
  • Wax dolls miraculously survived. They were made in the XVIII century by craftsmen in England.
  • There are unique examples. For example, a peg doll of the 17th century and a flower doll from Holland, as well as a doll with three faces (one laughs, the second cries, the third sleeps).
  • Hairpin dolls of the 19th century are presented - a gentleman in a bowler hat and a girl in a wedding dress.
  • The pride of the exposition was the toys produced at the Zhuravlev and Kocheshkov factories.
  • One magnificent Suok, owned by Tutsi's heir (according to fairy tale about three fat men), it is already worth it to come to the Museum unique dolls.
  • There are twin dolls that have a wonderful story.
  • It turns out that there are not only European baby dolls familiar to us, but also Japanese baby dolls, and Negro baby dolls.
  • Dancer dolls amaze with their grace and make you look at the mysterious objects that they hold in their hands.
  • Highly interesting collection dolls from the USSR. Each doll is dressed in a historically authentic national dress of each of the 15 republics.
  • You can meet in the museum among the porcelain young ladies and a rag old woman with an expressive face - you can’t even believe that it is made of fabric.
  • There are vintage animal dolls and modern characters such as brownie Kuzya.

All dolls appear to be alive. It is felt that they were played by children of other times. The details are especially touching. These are tiny real shoes on the feet of dolls in the fashion of those years when they were made (for example, on wooden soles and with tiny clasps). Remarkable miniature glasses and mittens the size of a child's little finger. All this is handmade. How different it is from the mass production of modern dolls with identical faces. The guide can tell a lot of interesting things about each doll, with the help of audio recordings and video material.

Doll's home

In addition to the dolls themselves, the museum presents unique doll houses. They have real small furniture and miniature dishes. Playing with such toys, in the old days, girls learned housekeeping and etiquette. Interesting fact- before, dishes for dolls were made by the same factories that made real dishes for people.

All decoration in detail repeats the life of the time when they were made. For example, in some houses you can see scrambled eggs in a pan, in others there are miniature sewing machines. There are houses here different countries. Japanese leaves a special impression Dollhouse, it has an authentic decoration. Children are allowed to open some houses themselves, which makes the tour interactive.

Fun for boys

Quite often, boys are not fond of dolls. And here is the toy Railway and they are very interested in mechanical dolls. The museum also has such mechanisms, and they are of a rather respectable age, but this does not prevent them from making a splash in the ranks of the spectators. Their capabilities are impressive. Among them stands out an old doll, which knits a sock, and a young lady, blowing soap bubbles. Tour guides offer viewers to guess the principle of the mechanism, here even respectable dads are actively involved in the discussion.

As a souvenir, you can buy sets of creative paper dolls and colorful notebooks with photographs of exhibits that are in the museum. Long after visiting the Museum of Unique Dolls, girls are happy to look at photos and try on outfits for paper ladies. Time in the museum flies by quickly and leaves the most pleasant memories of yourself. Moreover, the museum makes an impression at any age, everyone will discover something new there. And after the tour, you can take a walk in Chistoprudny Park, located nearby.

Address: Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 13/c2, the nearest metro stations are Kitay-Gorod, Chkalovskaya and Kurskaya stations.

Working hours:

  • Tue - Sun. – 10:00-18:00;
  • mon. - day off;
  • lunch break - 14:00-14:30.

Ticket price

  • 180 rub. - adult;
  • 90 rub. - preferential.

All the details can be found on the official website of the museum

The Moscow Museum of Unique Dolls is located on Pokrovka Street. Founder and head of the museum - collector and theater artist Julia Vishnevskaya. The museum contains unique dolls from the world's leading manufacturers from France, Germany, England, Japan, Russia from the end of the 17th to the middle of the 20th century.

Finding the museum is very easy. Getting to the subway Chistye Prudy. Then walk along Chistoprudny Boulevard, pass the pond and turn right at the crossroads (there will be Pokrovka Street). Pass one house and at the address of the street. Pokrovka, 13, building 2 and there will be a museum of unique dolls.

The museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00, a break from 14.00 to 14.30 daily, except Monday and Tuesday.
Ticket price:
adult - 200 rubles, children - 100 rubles, photography - 200 rubles

There is a souvenir shop at the entrance to the museum. dolls for sale self made, postcards, notebooks and other souvenirs. Also at the entrance there is a small wardrobe where you can hang your outerwear.

At the entrance, the museum curator will give you a brief guide to the dolls.

English wooden house (1850)

It must be said right away that the museum is small - it is just one room with showcases in which there are dolls.

On the right in the corner is an African boy. The doll was made in Germany in the late 1930s. On the foreground two Soviet celluloid dolls (1950-60s)

In this showcase there are dolls "played" in animated films 30s of XX century.

Modern original dolls (England, France, Germany of the XX century)

History of the museum: Talented theater artist Yulia Vishnevskaya once discovered an antique doll among old, forgotten things. This was the start interesting hobby, which soon turned into the main business of Yulia Vishnevskaya's life. She became a collector of rarities, antique dolls made no later than the beginning of the 20th century. So more than 15 years ago, the collection was formed, which today has become one of the most significant in the world. It was Yulia Vishnevskaya who stood at the origins of professional collecting doll antiques in Russia.
In 1996, Julia opened the country's first and only Museum of Unique Dolls. It immediately became a landmark and one of the centers cultural life capital, giving people the opportunity to see and appreciate the dolls, which are genuine works of art.

The dolls are carefully restored, dressed in clothes corresponding to the era of their birth, and then they find their place in the museum's exposition.

Dolls of French factories: "Bru", "Jumeau", "Gaultier". The doll in a boa with an umbrella in the center is a mechanical doll from the factory of J.N. Steiner, the first manufacturer of walking dolls. If such dolls are led by the hand, then they "themselves" will move their legs and turn their heads. Almost all modern mechanical dolls (including "Babri") use the mechanisms invented by Steiner.

The doll is dressed in military uniform Napoleonic era

In the right corner is a doll by the French master F. Gauthier (70-80s of the 19th century). A feature of the dolls of this master is the body made of thin skin - huskies and natural hair. This is a doll from the collection of the wife of the former People's Commissar of Education A. Lunacharsky.

Dolls factory "Kemmer and Reinhardt" (Germany, late XIX in)

Dolls of German factories of the late XIX - early XX centuries: "Ernst Heubach", "Baer and Proschild", "Schonau and Hofmeister", "Simon and Halbig"

Doll of Tutti's heir. Doll for the film "Three Fat Men" based on the novel by Y. Olesha, director: I. Shapiro, A. Batalov, Suok - Lina Braknite (1966). The Tutti doll was made by hereditary puppet master V.V. Malachieva in 1965.

Bru porcelain dolls (France, mid-19th century)

Dolls of the Russian factory "Schraer and Fingergut", late 19th century.

A plush bunny is located in an armchair :)

Dolls factory "Schraer and Fingergut". Russia, late XIX - early XX centuries.

Japanese dolls in national clothes(early 20th century). On the left is a Kewpie celluloid doll. In 1926, it was donated to the Soviet opera singer Irme Jaunzem.

Porcelain dolls by German masters M. and H. Handwerk, late 19th - early 20th centuries.

Cast wax dolls from English manufacturers of the 19th century. Wax was the first material from which mass production of dolls was established on an industrial basis. However, this is a very fragile and short-lived material, and over time, in mid-nineteenth in. it was supplanted by porcelain.

English Tudor House (Fima "Three-Ang" by the Lines Brothers, 1930s)

Dolls factory J.-D. Kestner, Germany

On the left in the background - two dolls made by the German master Kling at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. In front of them are two dolls - "Harlequin" and "Columbine". On the carriage there are dolls of German masters A. Schonau and K. Hoffmeister. In the omnibus - porcelain dolls of the German factory "Viola, Beck, Gottschalk"

Doll factory "Bru" - "Fashionable lady" (1872). Such dolls were made specifically to demonstrate fashionable outfits.

The porcelain doll was brought from Germany and presented to Valentina Yastrebilova just before the war by a friend of her father. The doll's name is "Martha"
The mohair bear was presented by Maya Kryzhanovskaya's parents for her birthday in 1935.
The porcelain doll was presented to the great-grandmother of Elena Debolskaya, Yanina Chakts, who served as a housekeeper in the Polish princely family in Mogilev

The museum will be of interest to lovers of dolls, as well as to all girls :)

It is small but very unusual museum— Museum of unique dolls. It opened in 1996 and today keeps over 7,000 exhibits in its collections. Here you can see dolls from different eras and countries of the world, most of which are real works of art. Among them are original dolls, famous for their participation in Russian films and animated films. In addition, doll accessories are widely represented here: crockery sets, houses, clothes and much more. A visit to this amazing museum will add new colors to a walk with a child in the center of Moscow.

Such different dolls

As is often the case, the collection took shape on its own. It all started with an old doll found among antiques. Gradually, in the 1990s, a whole museum grew out of the collection. It presents not only toys for girls - dolls from France, Germany, England, Russia, Japan - but also for boys (soldiers, guns, puppet commanders).

The exposition occupies one hall, along the perimeter of which glass showcases lined up in three tiers. This is not a very convenient solution, especially for young visitors who find it difficult to see the exhibits. upper tier- but the small area of ​​the premises did not allow organizing the exhibition space in a different way. But here there is an opportunity to touch some toys, listen to how they sound, and see dolls from a completely different world of our great-grandmothers. Videos that are shown in the hall tell about rare mechanical dolls from the museum's collection and show how they move.

AT big collection Soviet era Special attention attracts the famous brownie Kuzya from the same name, as well as dolls in national costumes USSR. Brief signs on the showcases tell about the time when the exhibits were created.

Everything is for real

There is hardly a girl whom a visit to the museum will leave indifferent. After all, in addition to wonderful dolls and rosy-cheeked baby dolls, miniature furniture, clothes and shoes, hats and umbrellas, household items, silverware and sets are presented here. In miniature copy english house you will not find anything from the Tudor era - a fully equipped kitchen, bedrooms, living rooms. There are also original dollhouses made by master Pyotr Lukoyanov. Some of them you can open and carefully study the design of the rooms.

The collection of doll clothes opens the world of fashion of the 19th-20th centuries to visitors: fine brocade, lace, hand-made beadwork.

Museum activities

At the museum There is a restoration workshop and a specialized atelier where collectors can help create worthy outfits for their dolls. In the souvenir kiosk, you can replenish your collection with a new rare item. The museum regularly participates in antique salons, holds exhibitions and charity events. To get the most out of your visit, it is recommended to use an audio guide.

The museum, created by Yulia Vishnevskaya, pleases with its warm atmosphere, interactivity and friendly attitude. Maybe that's why visitors often bring new exhibits themselves. One morning, museum staff found a unique German doll of the 19th century at the door.

Recently, there has been a surge of interest in collectibles and today you can buy such a thing or make it yourself after attending special courses. You can also see it in the museum. There is such a special museum with more than 6 thousand exhibits. Let's find out more about this place in case someone wants to visit it.


The most important thing is to know the address where the museum is located. It is located on Pokrovka street, house 13 (metro station "Kitai-gorod"). Working hours: Tuesday-Sunday.

History of creation

It is not surprising that the Museum of Unique Dolls in Moscow was created by a collector. His, or rather, her name is Yulia Vishnevskaya. It was she who opened the gallery in 1996 (it happened on December 22). It all started with a small

Today it is the only such museum in Moscow. There are many dolls, they are all different, characteristic and represent different countries.

Unique collection

Her exhibits are truly unique. Some of them are of real value to collectors, as they remain in single copies. In addition, many dolls are made using techniques that are no longer used today. There you can see exhibits of manual and factory work.

Moskovsky exhibits not only interiors, but also whole ones, along with a dowry: dishes, furniture, home textiles. They were made even before the revolution and were used in the system of raising children as visual material for housekeeping. Interestingly, the dishes for such houses were made at factories where they also made ordinary utensils for people.


The exhibition in the museum of dolls is represented by exhibits from the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. Among them there are English, Japanese, French and Russian masters. Some examples are made of porcelain (they are very expensive both financially and culturally).

There are wax, wooden dolls. There are species with several facial expressions (crying, laughing, sad), hairpin. There are many thematic works in the museum - Dutch flower girl dolls, dolls in wedding dresses, male dolls in smart bowlers.

A subject of special pride are the works of Russian factories "Zhuravlev and Kocheshkov", Dunaev, Fedoseev. Unfortunately, there are not so many of them, because many old Russian dolls were destroyed during and after the revolution.

The exhibits are located behind the room, quiet music plays, setting the guests of the exhibition to certain vibrations of the soul. No one leaves this puppet world indifferent.

What is behind beauty

Everyone who visited this museum is surprised and amazed by the beauty of ancient dolls.
After all, many of them are several centuries old. Of course, until our time they could not be preserved in perfect condition. This is what the exhibition workers give them: they restore the appearance of the doll, if possible, the outfits and accessories. If not, then a new wardrobe is sewn, corresponding to the era of the "birth" of the doll.

It should be noted that the collection of the exhibition is constantly updated. New "residents" are often given away as a gift. There was a case when a doll was simply thrown under the doors of the museum at night. Expert review showed that this is a rare example of German puppetry from the 19th century.

What does the museum offer to see in Moscow?

Dolls, as well as many accessories, toy vehicles, unique dollhouses. The museum occupies a rather small area. But a guide works in it, who talks about each exhibit - after all, the dolls presented here are unique, each with its own history.

In addition, visitors are introduced to the history of puppetry, its prominent representatives and how it has developed.

There, visitors can see musical creations (these are the joint works of the watchmaker Lambert and puppet master Jumeau), moving, singing and dancing dolls (mechanical). There are those who wink playfully with their eyes. They are also striking in their size: there is a human-sized exhibit, which quietly coexists with tiny items.

The exposition of doll accessories can be considered as a separate collection. Cause delight and tenderness lorgnettes, mirrors, handbags, jewelry, umbrellas, shoes, whole table sets and cutlery, miniature furniture. There are carriages, bicycles and toy bears here.

Visitors also admire the "housing" of the dolls - their houses, which are made in compliance with all architectural standards. In addition, the styles and traditions of planning, decoration and interior design are sustained in them. All doll houses are interesting, but the works of Pyotr Lukoyanov (Russian master) deserve special attention, as well as entire complexes - the “English Town House” (19th century), the “Tudor” building (30s of the last century).

Another pride of the exhibition is the Tootsie doll, which was filmed in the cult Soviet film Three Fat Men. Everyone who grew up on this film will be interested, so to speak, "live" to see it and touch this mysterious character.

Puppet Museum in Moscow: photos, excursions

Of course, the representatives of this exhibition are not play dolls. But it is the children who love them the most, so the exposition will be of interest to them, and, of course, adult lovers of dolls. The museum also hosts themed parties for children. The ticket price must be specified on the spot, but child ticket It's definitely cheaper than an adult.

Among other things, exhibition workers often organize charity events, inviting socially vulnerable children to tours. Holidays are organized for them, excursions are conducted.

Of course, it is better to see once than to read about this museum in Moscow a hundred times. There are so many dolls in it, and they are so different, that it is rightfully called unique.