Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel: photo from a family album. Great love stories: Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci


One of the couples that causes admiration and light hand“star blood thirsty” will become overgrown with gossip and controversy, turning into another love story, was the union of the charming Italian Monica Bellucci and the charismatic Frenchman Vincent Cassel. If serious passions were constantly raging, it was with this French-Italian couple.

A banal acting truth...

Initially, the relationship between Vincent and Monica aroused great interest among the paparazzi - how they found each other. It was rumored that supposedly film set Monica stepped on Vincent's foot, and he saw her incredible beauty and was captivated from the first second. There was another version, according to which Monica stepped on Vincent’s foot on the set, but he, being in the role of a “bad guy,” reacted far from gallantly, which did not prevent them from starting a relationship. One way or another, they actually met on the set.


France, Paris and distant 1996. The first day of filming the film “Apartment”, where the actors played the main roles. According to Monica, she did not like Vincent at all at the first meeting. And there could not even be any talk of any sympathy between them, much less love at first sight. When Monica saw him, she thought: “My God, how arrogant and narcissistic he is.” Vincent, in turn, also had no sympathy for Monica. Considering her to be just another model who imagines herself to be an actress, he expressed his protest to the producer: “Foreigners have nothing to do in a French film.” But cinema is a great pimp. He knows how to ignite the fire of passion. In addition, both were single at that time, and nothing could stop this.

As the relationship between the film characters Monica and Vincent developed, their views on each other changed from open hostility to mutual love, but they were still far from completely conquering the heart of the Italian beauty. Everyone from the producer to the costume designer understood that the passion that flared up between the actors during filming was not inherent in the characters in the film, but in themselves. Vincent was literally drowning in the charms of the Italian woman, and he understood this perfectly. True, then he had no idea what an incredible woman “Mistress Fate” was giving him, and that this was not at all an ordinary romance that people forget about.

Loving and free...

Vincent, a favorite of women, never expected to hear from his beloved about the conditions of their relationship. Monica valued her personal space and made it clear from the very beginning that her boundaries would be respected. The son of bohemian parents and a lover of arthouse architecture was slightly shocked by the statement of the Italian provincial woman, who hinted to him between the lines that she did not want a serious relationship, not to mention marriage. Be that as it may, Vincent, head over heels in love, accepted Monica’s conditions...

Cassel continued to live and work in Paris, Monica - in her native Rome, and sometimes in rainy London. This suited her to some extent, but certainly not him. Vincent did everything to feel the presence of his beloved - he promoted her as best he could in French cinema, where they often appeared together. “I love working with Vincent. This way we manage to be close more often and feel like a full-fledged couple,” said Monica. But still there was no talk of marriage...

Guest marriage...

For three whole years, Vincent tried to persuade the lady of his heart to become his legal wife, to which she avoided answering in every possible way. And how long this epic would have continued is unknown, but fate again makes adjustments to their relationship. Vincent gets into a car accident, after which Monica decides that they should live together. This news became more surprising when, after the official wedding ceremony, the young couple went home as before. Having withstood another storm of rumors and gossip, I had to give an explanation of what was happening in the lives of the idols.

Again, only for a moment, having dispersed the fog over their relationship, Vincent Cassel gave short explanation to everything that is happening: “We live the same way we lived, we work the same way. The only thing that has changed is the stamp in the passport and the legality of our love.” Monica echoed her husband and replied that she was not attracted by the family routine, which only killed the passion between them, but distance, on the contrary, only inflamed it. And in every interview she only confirmed her life position, demonstrating a not very reverent attitude towards the institution of marriage.

But where could the French “bad guy” go, whom his devilishly beautiful Italian wife, leaving no other choice, tamed as a pet. Vincent Cassel was constantly haunted by the fear that, without having control over her, he could lose her.

Are rumors just rumors?

Journalists, paparazzi, fans... Absolutely everyone who was directly or indirectly interested in the personal lives of Cassel and Bellucci relished the news about the small affairs of their idols, which were easily refuted by them. Some simply raved about Monica's romance with George Clooney, Gerard Depardieu, Bruce Willis and Keanu Reeves. The latter talked about Vincent’s connections with the incredible Brazilian supermodel Roberta Soares, and then with Brad Pitt’s ex-wife, actress D. Aniston. But each time this information did not find real confirmation and disappeared like smoke.

In one of the interviews, when asked by journalists, Monica made it clear that if a man wants, he can cheat just for the sake of sport, and to be jealous means not to trust. Such statements instilled uncertainty about the strength of their relationship. Their French-Italian union reached a boiling point more than once, and when news of the “imminent” breakup reached its climax, the couple shocked everyone with the news of soon to be born firstborn.

The husband's long persuasion for a new addition to their family did not produce any results, but fate intervened again and gave the couple a chance to be happy. They had a daughter, who was named Deva. With the replenishment they turned into real family and changed beyond recognition. Especially the birth of her daughter changed Monica, who saw a different meaning to her life. Six years later, Bellucci gives Cassel a second daughter, Leoni. It seemed like there was no one in the world happier couple, but fate is in Once again decided to play cruel joke with star couple, checking the strength of their marriage.


Almost everyone considers the duet in the film by French director Gaspar Noe “Irreversible” to be the “point of no return” in the Cassel-Belucci relationship. Now they are even drawing parallels with the couple Cruise and Kidman, who, after starring in the film Eyes Wide Shut, soon broke up. Maybe the divorce was influenced by the brutal rape scene of Monica's character. But when asked by journalists, Vincent Cassel replied that he was absolutely confident in his wife’s professionalism and that she would be able to play this role. Be that as it may, the couple broke up, having behind them thousands of long-awaited meetings, the same thousands of separations, two charming children and eternal gratitude to each other.


Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel lived as a couple for about 17 years.

Monica Anna Maria Bellucci was born in 1964 in the small Italian town of Città di Castello in the family of an agricultural worker.

After graduation high school, Monica entered the university and, deciding to pay for her studies on her own, got a job in a modeling agency. Soon the girl was noticed by director Francis Ford, who invited Bellucci to play the role of one of the sexy vampire brides in the film “Dracula.” Four years later, Bellucci starred in the film “The Apartment,” which made the girl famous. During the filming of this film, Monica met her future husband, Vincent Cassel. The couple dated for five years before getting married. In 1999, the media trumpeted the wedding of an Italian beauty and a French “monster”. After the wedding, Monica and Vincent continued to act in films together and win the hearts of viewers.
On the birthday of the Italian beauty, we invite you to remember best movies with Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel.
1. Apartment (L "appartement, 1996, director - Gilles Mimouni)

In that feature film tells the story of a young successful businessman named Max (Vincent Cassel), who, after living in New York for two years, is about to get married and settle in Paris. Max was supposed to go to important negotiations in Tokyo, but before leaving he decided to go to a cafe, where he saw the girl Lisa Monica Bellucci), whom he passionately loved. Two years ago, she mysteriously disappeared from his life, leaving without saying a word. And now in the cafe Lisa saw Max and ran away. He jumped out after her, but didn’t have time because Lisa left in the car. When Max returned to the cafe, he found her powder compact and the keys to the apartment. From that moment on, he became obsessed with finding his past love, forgetting about the bride and the trip to Tokyo.
2. Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pacte des loups, 2001, director – Christophe Gans)
The plot of the film takes place in France in the second half of the 18th century. Scary creature, nicknamed the Beast, appears in the town of Gevaudan. The monster mercilessly kills women and children. The Gevaudan beast has escaped from numerous raids; not even bullets can stop it. Only a few are able to describe the appearance of a predator, because the monster disappears as suddenly as it appears. King Louis XV entrusts scientist Gregor de Fransac (Vincent Cassel) to investigate the brutal murders. This is how two heroes appear in Gevaudan: Gregor, who has a rare mind and incredible ingenuity, and the fearless Indian Mani, who once saved Fransac’s life. Blood brothers begin searching for a terrible creature, resorting to mysterious rituals. While searching for the Beast of Gevaudan, Gregor meets the mysterious Italian courtesan Sylvia (Monica Mellucci), who turns out to be somehow connected with the murders, and local hunter Jean-François de Morangia, who is eager to kill the Beast.
3. Irreversible (Irréversible, 2002, directed by Gaspar Noe)
The action of this crime thriller is reversed. The story is told from end to beginning. In order to convey to the audience a picture of a brutal murder, which is aggravated by rape, director Gaspar Noe chose an original and very natural filming style. The film tells the story of an ordinary lover, Marcus (Vincent Cassel), who wants to spend the rest of his life with his beloved Alex (Monica Bellucci). But pregnant Alex is brutally raped and killed by a maniac in a dark alley. Full of hatred and grief, Marcus sets himself the goal of killing the bastard who took away his most valuable possessions.

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Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel.

One of the couples that arouses admiration and with the light hand of “star blood thirsty” will become overgrown with gossip and disputes, turning into another love story, was the union of the charming Italian Monica Bellucci and the charismatic Frenchman Vincent Cassel. If serious passions were constantly raging, it was with this French-Italian couple.

A banal acting truth...


Initially, the relationship between Vincent and Monica aroused great interest among the paparazzi - how they found each other. It was rumored that Monica allegedly stepped on Vincent’s foot on the set, and when he saw her incredible beauty he was captivated from the first second. There was another version, according to which Monica stepped on Vincent’s foot on the set, but he, being in the role of a “bad guy,” reacted far from gallantly, which did not prevent them from starting a relationship. One way or another, they actually met on the set.


Monica Bellucci.

France, Paris and distant 1996. The first day of filming the film “Apartment”, where the actors played the main roles. According to Monica, she did not like Vincent at all at the first meeting. And there could not even be any talk of any sympathy between them, much less love at first sight. When Monica saw him, she thought: “My God, how arrogant and narcissistic he is.” Vincent, in turn, also had no sympathy for Monica. Considering her to be just another model who imagines herself to be an actress, he expressed his protest to the producer: “Foreigners have nothing to do in a French film.” But cinema is a great pimp. He knows how to ignite the fire of passion. In addition, both were single at that time, and nothing could stop this.


As the relationship between the film characters Monica and Vincent developed, their views on each other changed from open hostility to mutual love, but they were still far from completely conquering the heart of the Italian beauty. Everyone from the producer to the costume designer understood that the passion that flared up between the actors during filming was not inherent in the characters in the film, but in themselves. Vincent was literally drowning in the charms of the Italian woman, and he understood this perfectly. True, then he had no idea what an incredible woman “Mistress Fate” was giving him, and that this was not at all an ordinary romance that people forget about.

Loving and free...

Vincent Cassel.

Vincent, a favorite of women, never expected to hear from his beloved about the conditions of their relationship. Monica valued her personal space and made it clear from the very beginning that her boundaries would be respected. The son of bohemian parents and a lover of arthouse architecture was slightly shocked by the statement of the Italian provincial woman, who hinted to him between the lines that she did not want a serious relationship, not to mention marriage. Be that as it may, Vincent, head over heels in love, accepted Monica’s conditions...

Monica and Vincent.

Cassel continued to live and work in Paris, Monica - in her native Rome, and sometimes in rainy London. This suited her to some extent, but certainly not him. Vincent did everything to feel the presence of his beloved - he promoted her as best he could in French cinema, where they often appeared together. “I love working with Vincent. This way we manage to be close more often and feel like a full-fledged couple,” said Monica. But still there was no talk of marriage...

Guest marriage...

Actor Vincent Cassel.

For three whole years, Vincent tried to persuade the lady of his heart to become his legal wife, to which she avoided answering in every possible way. And how long this epic would have continued is unknown, but fate again makes adjustments to their relationship. Vincent gets into a car accident, after which Monica decides that they should live together. This news became more surprising when, after the official wedding ceremony, the young couple went home as before. Having withstood another storm of rumors and gossip, I had to give an explanation of what was happening in the lives of the idols.

Actress Monica Bellucci.

Again, only for a moment, having cleared away the fog over their relationship, Vincent Cassel gave a short explanation of everything that was happening: “We live as we lived, we work the same way. The only thing that has changed is the stamp in the passport and the legality of our love.” Monica echoed her husband and replied that she was not attracted by the family routine, which only killed the passion between them, but distance, on the contrary, only inflamed it. And in every interview, she only confirmed her position in life, demonstrating a not very reverent attitude towards the institution of marriage.

The artists are playing pranks.

But where could the French “bad guy” go, whom his devilishly beautiful Italian wife, leaving no other choice, tamed as a pet. Vincent Cassel was constantly haunted by the fear that, without having control over her, he could lose her.

Are rumors just rumors?


Journalists, paparazzi, fans... Absolutely everyone who was directly or indirectly interested in the personal lives of Cassel and Bellucci relished the news about the small affairs of their idols, which were easily refuted by them. Some simply raved about Monica's romance with George Clooney, Gerard Depardieu, Bruce Willis and Keanu Reeves. The latter talked about Vincent’s connections with the incredible Brazilian supermodel Roberta Soares, and then with Brad Pitt’s ex-wife, actress D. Aniston. But each time this information did not find real confirmation and disappeared like smoke.

A bit of officialdom.

In one of the interviews, when asked by journalists, Monica made it clear that if a man wants, he can cheat just for the sake of sport, and to be jealous means not to trust. Such statements instilled uncertainty about the strength of their relationship. Their French-Italian union reached boiling point more than once, and when news of the “imminent” breakup reached its climax, the couple shocked everyone with the news of the imminent birth of their first child.

Family on a walk.

The husband's long persuasion for a new addition to their family did not produce any results, but fate intervened again and gave the couple a chance to be happy. They had a daughter, who was named Deva. With the addition, they turned into a real family and changed beyond recognition. Especially the birth of her daughter changed Monica, who saw a different meaning to her life. Six years later, Bellucci gives Cassel a second daughter, Leoni. It seemed that there was no happier couple in the world, but fate once again decided to play a cruel joke on the star couple, testing the strength of their marriage.



Almost everyone considers the duet in the film by French director Gaspar Noe “Irreversible” to be the “point of no return” in the Cassel-Belucci relationship. Now they even draw parallels with the couple Cruise and Kidman, who, after starring in the film “Eyes Wide Shut,” soon broke up. Maybe the divorce was influenced by the brutal rape scene of Monica's character. But when asked by journalists, Vincent Cassel replied that he was absolutely confident in his wife’s professionalism and that she would be able to play this role. Be that as it may, the couple broke up, having behind them thousands of long-awaited meetings, the same thousands of separations, two charming children and eternal gratitude to each other.


Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel lived as a couple for about 17 years.

...everything is gone, all over again.

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Vincent Cassel: “Monica and I had
open marriage"

He walks on the edge - above morality and norms. He knows no boundaries - neither geographical nor moral. He is seductively dangerous and dangerously free. But he's finished ballet school and learned three foreign languages. He is a caring father and grateful son. Disciplined professional and capoeira master. Meeting Vincent Cassel - not at all what he seems.

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The plasticity of an aristocrat, delicacy, polite smile. A quiet, intelligible voice and an open look of a harmonious nature. He is elegant and courteous. There is no explosive passion of his characters, no insidious cynicism, no hidden rage. Nothing macho. Only gentleness, understanding, attention. He does not try to please his interlocutor. He prefers to be effective - to answer my journalistic questions, to satisfy, as far as he can, my human curiosity about him. He, almost completely gray, is dressed in all gray - a gray cashmere sweater, gray trousers - which emphasizes the clarity of his blue eyes.

Yes, clarity is perhaps the key characteristic of Vincent Cassel. There are no topics he would refuse to talk about. What worries him, what he has an opinion about, what seems truly important to him, will certainly be articulated. That is why you can ask him any question and not be afraid of either offense or insincerity. So I decide to start with a question that anyone else would react harshly: “I don’t talk about my personal life.” But Cassel... Cassel speaks.

“Sometimes marriages break up. But people don’t, they don’t break up. This is exactly the case with Monica and me. We will always be together"


You and Monica Bellucci were, without exaggeration, a “dream couple.” And you were together for a long time - almost 20 years, right? Your separation was a shock to the public, a kind of collapse of the ideal. What happened, why did you break up? After all, that official “by mutual consent” that we’ve all heard doesn’t really explain anything.

You know, this is the wrong word - “broke up”. Sometimes marriages break up. But people don’t, they don’t break up. This is exactly our case. We will always be together. And not at all because we have two children and our youngest daughter only six. You see, when we say “they broke up,” we mean that, having once united, people made a mistake and now realized it. But we didn’t get divorced because we once made a mistake. On the contrary, we did the very right thing then. But now it’s better to get a divorce. That's all. We have never absolutized so-called marital fidelity. It’s not that we had romantic episodes, so to speak, on the side... But psychologically we left the doors of our marriage open.

It was always a priority for both of us that, by and large, we were together, although we sometimes lived separately - Monica in Rome, me in Paris... But we knew that we would always find ourselves where we needed each other. As long as we are needed, we really need each other. And at some point it became clear: we have a lot in common, we are devoted to each other, but there is no longer any need to be together and be considered a couple. And then better in pairs no longer count. That is, in fact, no events preceded our separation. But the sensations are something indistinct...

You see, I - simply by nature - am characterized by some rage, some bitterness, obsession. It's a part of my character that I try to keep in check. ordinary life and if you splash it out, then only in roles. And Monica... She has many talents, but, in my opinion, the main one is her insight, she looks into the very depths of a person and knows how to create for him a feeling of complete comfort next to her. And as an actress she has a rare gift - she seems to expand reality, she creates the reality of dreams, you see this in her roles. The same is true in ordinary reality. For the first 20 years it’s enchanting... And then you want to go back - to the rough physical world where there is rage, obsession. Away from the ideal, if you want.

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Rage and bitterness often characterize your movie characters. Actually, your role in a film called “Hate” paved the way for you in great movie. And your real image - no matter what you say about yourself - contradicts the screen one. How do you get along with this on-screen person - a desperate criminal, a brutal gangster, a fatal seducer, an immoral type who denies ideals?


I don't get along. I have a lot in common with him. We all have a lot in common with him. IN English language There is this beautifully universal definition - nice. Everyone is trying to be nice - pleasant in every way, no matter what they mean by that. But in fact, human beings are made of contradictions. And everyone has dark side. When you are happy, the world sees your brighter side. In misfortune we turn dark. I don't know anyone for sure positive person and I don’t know a single complete villain. I only know happy and unhappy people.

Is that guy from "The Hate" a villain? No, he is a man who has been robbed of his present, his future, and his hope. Gelding, gangster, killer - for his daughter, who cried when she saw me in her father's makeup, a villain? No. I find unhappiness in the disgusting. And I play exactly him. Have you seen My King? There is an episode where the hero threatens ex-wife: like, you will arise when registering guardianship over common child, I will tell you in court that you were on tranquilizers. This is exactly it! When I read this episode in the script, I was horrified: damn, what a bastard! I would never say that... But I’m not him, I haven’t experienced such a breakup and the threat of such a loss. And how can I say that I would not have acted like him?

Something in me protests against your theory of relativity and even the humanism of evil and, probably, against the pleasure with which you “perform” evil - in “Hate”, in “Shaitan”, in “A Dangerous Method”...


I'm an old punk. Is it true. When my parents separated and my mother moved to New York, I spent a lot of time in this punk-rap city. The 80s, the birth of hip-hop and gangsta culture... My brother, by the way, became a hip-hop star. In my generation of Europeans there was a great charge of protest - not against anything specific, against the calm of the 70s. Because of this, I entered the circus school - so as not to be like my father, although I understood that I could not do anything else; after all, I grew up behind the scenes. But he categorically did not want to be pleasant to everyone, like his father, a refined dandy. I studied in four elite boarding schools, ran away from everyone (Catholic and completely made me an atheist forever), took a sip of New York and entered a circus school. Probably he was looking for sharp forms, the grotesque.

My classmates and I pretty soon began performing on the streets and in clubs, sometimes with the threat that they would beat us - for the uncompromising nature of our buffoonery. And then I finally met my own - Mathieu Kassovitz, Gaspar Noe, Jan Koonen, guys from cinema, young directors who didn’t care about the “national film heritage of France”, about all these sentiments - oh, “ new wave", ah, Godard and Truffaut... We were a generation, but we felt like a sect... These guys knew for sure that there is unromantic pain in the world, inelegant dramas, natural violence. Hence “Hate”, “Irreversibility”, “Doberman”. They were evil, just like me. There is also productive anger, I tell you. Youthful nihilism, perhaps. But even now I refuse to exclude evil from life. Evil is part of it. Violence and blood exist. But demonstrating them does not mean justifying them. This means simply not avoiding painful topics. Pain is part of life.

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Manifest Man

Vincent Cassel was born in Paris in 1966 in the family of journalist Sabine Litik and Jean-Pierre Cassel, a famous dancer and actor. His parents did not see acting talent in Vincent, and he entered a circus school, but soon played one of the main roles in “Hate” by Mathieu Kassovitz (1995), a kind of social manifesto for French youth of the 90s. And in 2002 - in the uncompromising “Irreversibility” by Gaspar Noe, which became an artistic manifesto. After playing a French gangster in Steven Soderbergh's "Ocean's 12" (2004), Cassel became the main foreigner of the American screen (from the animated "Shrek" to "Black Swan" and the upcoming "Jason Bourne"), the favorite actor of David Cronenberg ("Vice for Export") " And " Dangerous method") and, finally, the representative of all those European men who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown - in My King by Maiwenn Le Besco (2015).

You say you didn't want to be like your father. But they became an actor, just like him. And a star like him. And they even inherited his acting pseudonym...


Here's the story... At first I tried to change my appearance in films, but the more disguise I had, the more noticeable the resemblance became. And everyone in France knew my father, he was a super-superstar. And he truly was a delightful person. A genuine dandy, indeed. With all these Wildean qualities: “Keeping equanimity, striking with surprise” and the title of “French Fred Astaire”. But it was so natural for him. And I looked strikingly like him, but it all made me sick! I was ready to explode! And he actively denied the resemblance to him, changing his appearance as best he could. But at some point it became clear to me that disguise was comical. And that you are who you are.

With my father’s eye shape and my mother’s penchant for rebellion... And with its own characteristics. Only when our parents die do we stop fighting with them. I argued and defended. And he stopped only shortly before his father’s death. It would be nice to stop earlier. If you were to ask me now what conclusion I drew from all this, I would answer: do not fight with those who have to leave before you. Take care of them. At least out of selfishness - so as not to feel guilty later.

But now you have the experience of not only a son, but also a father. Do you have anything to say about your own parenting experience?


Parental experience... I wouldn't call it experience. Rather, it's... This is how to find new love. A love that I couldn't imagine before. I don’t know, maybe because I have girls... And between us there is a barrier of understanding the world from the perspective of our gender. I can’t look at life through a woman’s eyes, and they can’t look at it through a man’s. This is probably why I would not say that my relationship with them is based on the responsibilities of education. I just love. I never criticize. I always support. It is so important for a woman in our world to be confident!

My whole upbringing is that they can count on me under all circumstances. And that I try to be around as much as possible - if you send your child to the best boarding school, but he is not with you, what was the point of having children? In general, I think of myself as the rear for the girls, not the front line. And rather, they educate me. When our second daughter was born, I realized: wow, I normal person- I have a family, children, a house... Even several. We must comply.

“Only when parents die do we stop fighting with them. I argued and defended. And he stopped only shortly before his father’s death. It would be nice to stop sooner"

At some point, you had a house in Brazil, and even your family lived there with you. Why Brazil, why move?


I fell in love with Brazil a long time ago, about 30 years ago. And I kept going and going there until I decided to settle in Rio. During this time I mastered Portuguese, without false modesty - I speak quite well. You see, Brazil is one of the last places on earth where life has... a poetic dimension. Where an element of poetry is simply included in everyday existence. This no longer exists either in Europe or in the USA; even in Japan it remains at the level of the “sakura ritual”. And in Brazil, people in the evening, when driving home from work, choose a certain route - to see the sunset over the ocean. Both relationships and everyday contacts there are poetic in their own way.

And then, we only have the idea of ​​possession and achievement; the Brazilians, and maybe also the Italians, have the idea of ​​happiness as an indispensable part of life. Enjoyment of life as part of the lifestyle itself. Regardless of achievements and possessions. That’s why I’ve been doing capoeira for so many years. Capoeira for me is something between martial art and art itself, ballet... I moved when I realized that I had been unconsciously looking for poetry in my life. It’s still strange to me that it turned out that poetry is also a place. Not just passion and fortune. It turns out that I have finally found my place.

She has always been famous not only for her outspoken roles, but also for her statements. However, over the past few years, the actress has preferred to keep her personal life secret. The thing is that the divorce from Vincent Cassel in 2013 was not easy for her. And so, in his recent interview with a French magazine Paris Match For the first time, she spoke openly about what she had to endure.

“I made a choice. We can be with someone for a long time and suddenly realize that this can no longer continue - everyone must go their own way. The breakup was very painful for me, but necessary,” the actress shared.

She also added that earlier, realizing her beauty, she felt more protected: “When I was younger, I was more sensitive to beauty. I always went out with beautiful young people. Today it seems to me that men with wrinkles are more interesting: traces of time on the face and body help us not to be distracted from the main thing - this way we see the soul better.”

Monica shared that after 20 years of relationship with Cassel, it was not easy for her to start all over again, but now she is in love again: “Now there is a man in my life, but I can’t say more. I need some privacy. A new chapter of my life begins."

Bellucci added that they are expecting her soon big changes- she is preparing to move: “At the time of my divorce in 2013, Cassel remained in Brazil, and I decided to move to Paris. Last year I bought a house in Lisbon and I really want to move there. My children will like it there, because life there is more relaxed than in the French capital.”