Can menstruation last 10 days? Causes and treatment of prolonged periods. How long does a period last normally?


My period has been going on for 10 days, what should I do? A question that many women may ask when faced with the phenomenon of their periods taking longer than usual. Naturally, panic and various assumptions arise. It gets worse - my period has been going on for 15 days, what should I do? Indeed, if your periods take longer than usual, you should consult a gynecologist. Long periods may have a fairly serious pathological basis, which means it is necessary to undergo an examination. Only a doctor can determine why periods last longer than 7 days and whether special treatment is required. It is quite possible that it is sufficient to ensure that preventive measures are taken.

The normal menstrual cycle of any woman begins with menstruation, which is a discharge through which all reproductive elements that were not fertilized during the previous cycle are removed from the body. The body thus moves on to the next cycle of preparing eggs for conception. A healthy female body, as a rule, is characterized by a well-established menstrual cycle lasting 28 days with a deviation of 7 days. At the same time, menstruation opens the next cycle and lasts 3-5 days, but a duration of a week is considered the norm. The exact schedule depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, but the established regime is usually maintained.


Various external and internal reasons can disrupt the menstrual cycle, incl. cause a phenomenon when menstruation lasts 10 days or more. It is normal if, after the usual period, menstruation continues for a few more days, but in a meager amount - they just smear a little on the underwear. The question of what to do if your period is longer than expected really arises when it continues for 10 days with the same intensity.

Excessively long discharge, regardless of pathological reasons, is already dangerous in itself. When menstruation lasts for a long time, which is accompanied by noticeable blood loss, anemia may develop with irreversible complications. In addition, along with menstruation, iron is removed from the body, a hemoglobulin deficiency appears, which causes general weakening and shortness of breath. In general, the reasons for excessively prolonged bleeding may be associated with physiological processes, exposure to external factors and the influence of various diseases.

Causes of cycle disruption

An disrupted menstrual cycle or periods longer than normal can be explained by objective physiological processes. Such circumstances include the following cases: unsteady cycle in young girls; the period before or at the onset of menopause; when using hormonal drugs, especially contraceptives. So, in girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle, menstruation can last 13-15 days, and this should be considered normal. Such processes can be observed within 3-5 years after the start of menstrual flow.


Prolonged menstruation can occur as a result of using various methods of contraception. Menstruation lasts for a long time, and with high intensity, when the IUD is installed. Taking oral contraceptives of the hormonal type leads to a long period of spotting. In both cases, the duration of menstruation can reach 14-15 days, and, accordingly, the entire menstrual cycle lengthens.

When excessively long periods appear, causes not related to pathology can be caused by external factors: stress and psychological overload, poor nutrition and thoughtless starvation diets, physical exhaustion and heavy physical exertion, alcohol abuse, poisoning with toxic substances and poor ecology, sudden climate change , taking certain medications.

Pathological manifestations

Quite often the question of when menstruation lasts for a long time, what to do, is associated with the treatment of various diseases. The main reasons for this phenomenon are due to hormonal imbalance, inflammatory processes, deterioration of blood clotting, tumor formations, and changes in regulation in the brain.


Menstruation lasts a long time when pathologies of the endocrine system appear, since such changes lead to hormonal imbalance. First of all, it is necessary to note diseases of the thyroid gland. It is the dysfunction of this gland that often leads to menstruation lasting longer than usual, and this increase can be more than 13 days. The main causes of endocrine disruption are considered to be poor diet, abuse of alcohol and strong coffee, and smoking.

Another important reason for ongoing bleeding is deterioration of blood clotting under the influence of pathogenic factors. This parameter largely determines the bleeding time, and if it worsens, the duration of menstruation increases significantly. Coagulability is largely determined by genetic hereditary characteristics. Among hereditary pathologies, von Willebrand disease and hemophilia stand out. The following acquired factors are also named: lack of vitamin K, cancer, liver pathologies (including hepatitis), a sharp decrease in platelet levels, anemia, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, anticoagulants, angiogenesis inhibitors.

Prolonged menstrual bleeding is often provoked by gynecological diseases, both inflammatory and infectious. Quite severe complications can be observed with the following diseases: fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, benign and malignant uterine formations, the appearance of cysts, dysfunction of the ovaries. In addition, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus has a noticeable effect on the menstrual cycle as a whole and the duration of menstruation, which, accordingly, disrupts brain regulation.

First aid

Summarizing the above and the recommendations of specialists, we can draw certain conclusions about what should be done in case of excessively long periods. First of all, it should be taken into account that untimely painful periods, characterized by abundance and duration of more than 10 days, can be the result of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is the duration and profuseness of bleeding that are considered the main symptom.

In the case when menstruation lasts 15 days and does not intend to stop, pathological causes such as diseases of the genital organs, ovaries, hormonal imbalance due to endocrine diseases or hematogenous pathologies are possible. Of the non-pathological factors, the most common cause is the use of hormonal contraceptives.

All the reasons considered are extremely important in analyzing the etiology of prolonged bleeding, but they do not exhaust the entire list of possible provoking factors. If your period lasts more than 12 days, or if there is a significant amount of discharge, you should consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the pathology and prescribe treatment. Self-medication is not only not recommended, but prohibited without an accurate diagnosis of the type of pathology.

Self-treatment can only be aimed at implementing preventive measures and eliminating external causes. First of all, you need to organize proper nutrition, stop exhausting yourself with weight loss diets, and protect yourself as much as possible from stressful situations and physical overload.

It should also be taken into account that the menstrual cycle is significantly affected by sharp fluctuations in body weight - weight gain, then weight loss, and then all the way back.

Traditional medicine recipes

Menstrual irregularities are not treated on their own. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to eliminate the pathological causes of its occurrence, and therefore seriously engage in the treatment of the underlying disease. When the cause is eliminated, the menstrual cycle quickly stabilizes. The only exception is if there is excessive bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to take hemostatic drugs, but only as prescribed by a doctor. The most popular in this direction are Dicynon and Vikasol. In general, effective therapy is carried out to restore hormonal balance and normalize blood clotting.


To influence prolonged menstruation, traditional medicine methods are often used, but they must also be agreed upon with a gynecologist. The most common use of the following recipes:

  1. A decoction from the collection: birch leaves, peppermint, valerian root, yarrow (in equal proportions) are poured with boiling water (2 tablespoons of the mixture per 0.5 liters of water) and heated in a water bath for 12-16 minutes - drink in volume during the day 200 ml.
  2. Tincture: early birch leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 6.5-8 hours, consumed 75 ml 3 times a day.
  3. Alcohol tincture: birch buds are infused in vodka (100 g per 500 ml of vodka) for 25-30 days - drink a small sip 2 times a day.
  4. Infusion: shepherd's purse (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 25-30 minutes - drunk at a time.
  5. Infusion: nettle (30 g) is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 1 hour - consumed 3 times a day.

The stability of the menstrual cycle is a true indicator of women's health. If the duration of menstruation is violated, there is a real suspicion of the presence of pathologies. To check such suspicions, if menstruation is long (more than 10 days), you need to visit a gynecologist to find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


In their lives, almost every woman encounters such an unpleasant problem as brown spotting. What causes spotting? When might she appear? What are the causes of spotting? Should I be afraid of this and what should I do?

Let's try to figure it out.

The appearance of brown spotting most often should not give a woman cause for concern.

As a rule, this discharge in the form of a daub is result of aging of intrauterine tissues . This is explained by the fact that for some reason during your last menstrual cycle the regula did not pass on time and, as a result of this failure, the intrauterine tissues aged and began to come out with a brown color.

However, if there is repeated discharge, pay attention to the unusual color and go to a gynecologist for advice . In some cases, spotting may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Why can there be spotting instead of menstruation?

For women, it is considered acceptable that certain types of discharge appear from the vagina during menstruation, but it is necessary to distinguish between discharge that is quite positive and signs indicating a specific disease. Normal discharge from the female body includes small transparent clots that are released with menstrual blood and do not cause inconvenience.
However, the normal functioning of your body cannot be attributed to the presence brown discharge during the menstrual cycle . In this case it is necessary visit a gynecologist for check.

The cause of spotting may be endometritis. With this disease, brown discharge may appear at the very beginning and at the end of menstruation. It is also possible for them to appear, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and a sharp, unpleasant odor, in the middle of the cycle.

Another very common cause of brown discharge can be polyp in a woman's uterus , which is formed as a result of hormonal imbalances in the body.

The true causes of spotting before menstruation

Every woman who is attentive to her health will pay attention to the appearance of brown vaginal discharge before her monthly cycle. The truism is that daubing is not the norm. A few days before or immediately before menstruation, the appearance of spotting confuses female representatives. What is this? Are the characteristics of the body or some disease making itself felt?
Only examination by a gynecologist after laboratory and instrumental examinations.
Main factors that can cause premenstrual brown discharge are:

  • contraception. The spotting that occurs while taking oral contraceptives (Jess, Yarina, etc.) is a consequence of changes in hormonal levels and the adaptation of the woman’s body to these changes. In about 30-40 percent of women, brown discharge disappears in the first 3 months from the start of taking contraceptives, and in 5-10 percent of women who protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy in this way, the body’s adaptation can last up to six months. Due to the use of hormonal contraceptives, bloody discharge may occur not only before the regular periods, but also after them and in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • daub before regulations may be an undesirable consequence when using an intrauterine device as contraception;
  • a disease such as endometriosis, is one of the most common causes of brown discharge;
  • Possible reasons for the appearance of bloody premenstrual discharge may be benign neoplasm in the uterus - endometrial polyp. In addition to spotting, signs of the appearance of a polyp in the uterine cavity include pain in the pelvis, which is cramping in nature, and menstrual irregularities.

It is also possible other factors the appearance of premenstrual discharge and in some cases only timely medical intervention can prevent sad consequences.

My period has passed, the spotting has started - what could it be?

Brown discharge in the last days of menstruation is normal, if the menstruation lasts in total no more than 7 days . If the “daub” is longer, then it is quite possible that the causes of this are some very unpleasant and dangerous diseases, such as endometritis, endometriosis or endometrial hyperplasia. In healthy women, such discharge after regulation may occur due to taking oral hormonal contraceptives.
Another physiological reason for discharge after menstruation can be about a week or ten days after ovulation.
However, even in this case, a definite diagnosis can only be made after visiting a gynecological consultation .

What causes mid-cycle spotting?

Small brown discharge that can occur 3-7 days after menstruation is quite common. The appearance of daub in this case indicates that your the egg is ready for fertilization.

If the intensity of the discharge increases and its duration is more than three days, you need to waste no time visit a gynecologist . A in case of severe bleeding, call an ambulance immediately .

Why does spotting occur in early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, spotting may occur, which is very frightening for expectant mothers. It happens that they appear on days when regulations should have occurred.

If the discharge is not painful and short-lived, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Also not dangerous for the woman and the fetus are not abundant and short-term discharge, which are associated with attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. That is, if more than one week has passed since fertilization.

However, in any case, you should tell the doctor who is observing you about the appearance of brown or any other discharge; he will be able to determine the nature and cause of the discharge.

If right now you do not have a real opportunity to visit a gynecological office, tell your doctor at least by phone about your condition.

Can there be spotting when taking Utrozhestan or Duphaston?

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience spotting. If the conception period is no more than 7-10 days, then this may be the body’s adaptation to a new state, which was discussed earlier.

However, there may be a daub a sign of an incipient miscarriage or decrease in hormonal levels at the beginning of pregnancy. Don’t be lazy, seek help from an antenatal clinic.

After conducting the necessary examination, specialists may recommend taking the drugs duphaston or utrozhestan, which are necessary if low levels of progesterone hormones are detected in the body of the expectant mother or how prophylactic for maintaining pregnancy .

While taking these medications, slight brown spotting occurs, which should stop soon. Otherwise, you should again consult a doctor .

Is spotting after sex normal or not?

After sexual intercourse, a woman may experience slight spotting. The reasons for the appearance of such spotting or minor bleeding can be various factors: mechanical damage or microtrauma during sex; various types of erosion and polyps ; inflammatory diseases such as vaginitis, cervicitis; sexually transmitted diseases ; as well as various diseases that are not associated with sexual intercourse itself.

In addition, after sex, spotting may appear due to the presence of a small amount of blood in the partner’s sperm .

For any woman of reproductive age, menstruation is an absolutely normal occurrence. Their arrival with a certain frequency means that the female body is capable of conceiving and bearing offspring. During menstruation, the inner mucous layer is removed from the uterine cavity, which grew throughout the entire cycle and became unnecessary due to the fact that fertilization of the egg did not occur. Typically, periods last 3-7 days, but some women may experience prolonged bleeding that does not end for more than 10 days. Usually this condition is a sign of pathology, but there are periods in the life of every woman when long-term regulation can be a variant of the norm.

This article will talk about the main reasons why your period has been going on for 10 days and what to do in such cases.

Duration is normal

Normal menstruation first appears in a teenager at the age of 12-13 years, and then this process in the body of a healthy woman occurs monthly with constant frequency, until the onset of menopause after 45 years. During each cycle, the ovary produces an egg that awaits fertilization. If a sperm enters the body and reaches the female reproductive cell, then pregnancy occurs, otherwise menstrual flow should be expected. Along with the unfertilized egg, the endometrium that is not useful in this cycle is removed from the uterine cavity. When menstruation begins, a new epithelial layer in the uterus begins to grow, which indicates the arrival of a new cycle and the body’s preparation for the next possible conception. A normal cycle must meet the following characteristics:

  • the average cycle duration is 28 days, with a permissible error in both directions +/- 7 days. This means that a duration of 21 to 35 days is not a menstrual irregularity;
  • the duration of menstruation should range from 3 days to a week;
  • during the entire period of menstruation, more than 150 ml of blood should not be released, and it should not be less than 50 ml;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is allowed, but it should be tolerable and not acute.

Not every woman experiences menstruation without deviations from the norm; any problems in the body can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. If menstruation lasts more than ten days, this is a serious reason to visit a doctor. Let's consider the main physiological and pathological factors that can provoke prolonged menstrual flow.

Physiological factors

If your period lasts 10 days, this is not always a sign of pathology; physiological reasons can also cause this condition. With long periods, in this case, the woman’s condition does not worsen, and pain in the lower abdomen does not cause severe discomfort.

Menstruation can last more than 10 days in the absence of pathologies for the following reasons:

  • age characteristics. In girls during puberty, after the first menstruation, the reproductive system is adjusted for 1-2 years, as a result of which both an increase and a decrease in the duration of menstrual discharge can be observed. In women over 45 years of age, long-term regulation also provokes hormonal changes associated with the attenuation of reproductive function and the approach of menopause;
  • taking hormonal drugs. Hormonal medications can cause prolongation of menstrual flow and other changes in the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, so such medications, including oral contraceptives, can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor;
  • abortion and gynecological operations. After an artificial termination of pregnancy, the first menstruation may take a little longer than usual;
  • birth of a child. After the birth of a child, the female body begins to completely change hormonal levels and cleanse the uterus, so the first menstruation after the release of lochia may be more abundant than before pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition. It happens that all the close relatives of a girl have encountered long-term periods; it is quite natural that for her, a ten-day period of menstruation will be a variant of the norm. But this norm applies only to the female gender of a particular family.

There are external factors that can cause this condition:

  • stress;
  • excessive body weight;
  • avitaminosis;
  • sudden changes in climate and time zones;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco products.

If your periods are delayed due to external factors, eliminating them will help normalize the cycle.


If menstruation lasts more than 10 days in a sexually active woman, this may be a sign of ectopic development of the fetus or spontaneous abortion in the early stages, especially in cases where large clots resembling pieces of liver appear in the discharge. If you experience such symptoms, you should urgently consult a gynecologist for help.

There are other pathological reasons due to which menstruation may last 10 days or more:

  • Navy. This type of contraception is characterized by high protective properties, although it has a number of side effects. For some women, the intrauterine device can cause heavy bleeding during regulation, which is sometimes not very difficult to stop even with medical help;
  • hormonal imbalance, the cause of which may lie in previous surgical interventions, abortions, childbirth, etc. In a normal situation, the balance of hormones returns to normal after 1-2 months; if this does not happen, you should look for other pathologies that provoked long-term regulation;
  • endocrine pathologies. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland can cause an increase or decrease in female sex hormones in the body. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones and consult with an endocrinologist;
  • problems with blood clotting. If platelet production is insufficient, periods may be delayed for more than 10 days; additional symptoms of blood diseases may also include bleeding gums and prolonged bleeding from wounds;
  • internal endometriosis. The development of this disease is associated with excessive growth of the internal uterine layer beyond the cavity of the reproductive organ. An additional symptom of this serious disease is pronounced signs of PMS and very severe pain in the ovarian area, requiring painkillers;
  • polyp. This is a benign focal growth of the endometrium, which can be diagnosed using a hysteroscope;
  • fibroids are a benign tumor that can appear in any woman of reproductive age. Long-term regulation may be the only sign of pathology;
  • Cancer is the most dangerous cause of prolonged periods, which without timely treatment can lead to the death of the patient.

If your periods are very prolonged, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, because perhaps the cause of hypermenorrhea can be dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of a woman.

What could be the danger?

Prolonged periods, which last more than 10 days instead of the required 3-7 days, are fraught with heavy blood loss for the female body, and iron is washed out of the body. Such phenomena cause iron deficiency anemia, which is accompanied by general weakness and pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, heavy menstruation may be a sign of miscarriage. To confirm an existing pregnancy, you should undergo a series of procedures and tests.

What to do

Every woman of reproductive age should know what to do if her period lasts 10 days or more. Here are the basic recommendations and tips for normalizing the menstrual cycle during long-term periods. Using the following tips will help alleviate the condition of heavy blood loss:

  • lie down horizontally and place your legs above head level; if necessary, place a cushion under your legs;
  • apply a cold compress, this will eliminate pain and reduce bleeding;
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but not carbonated drinks.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a complex treatment that affects different systems in the body:

  • You can increase blood clotting with the help of hemostatic drugs such as Dicynone and Vikasol;
  • a number of drugs are prescribed to increase the tone of the uterus and to improve the functioning of blood vessels;
  • hormonal contraceptives will help normalize the balance of hormones;
  • vitamin therapy. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are most often prescribed; these components have a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and help quickly restore the body after prolonged blood loss. Among microelements, during prolonged menstruation, iron deficiency may occur, so iron supplements are prescribed that quickly replenish the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In some cases, the doctor may allow the use of traditional methods of treating hypermenorrhea. There are many recipes for traditional medicine; here are the most popular and effective:

  • mix valerian roots, birch leaves, peppermint and yarrow in equal proportions. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. After cooling and straining, drink a glass a day;
  • leaves from young birch branches are poured with boiling water and left for 6-8 hours. The infusion should be used three times a day, one-third of a glass;
  • 0.1 kg of birch buds is poured with 500 ml of vodka and infused in a glass container for at least a month. You need to take the tincture twice a day, one sip;
  • take 30 g of dry stinging nettle, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Drink the infusion three times a day;
  • A tablespoon of dry shepherd's purse raw material should be poured with a cup of boiling water, after 30 minutes the resulting infusion should be strained and drunk at a time.

If prolonged menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, drinking linden blossom tea on an empty stomach will help relieve the condition. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. But it should be remembered that any traditional methods should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Normally, the menstrual cycle is a slight bleeding from the genitals, which occurs at intervals of 21–35 days and lasts 3–6 days.

In this way, the uterus is cleansed of mucous, liquid and other substances that would be useful in case of pregnancy. But since conception has not occurred, the reproductive organ is cleansed and rejects bloody clots.

Each woman's cycle is individual, but when menstruation lasts more than 10 days, it always causes concern. Today we will talk about in what cases hypermenorrhea is normal and when you should be wary if the “critical days” are prolonged.

Physiological causes of long periods

When studying the causes of prolonged menstruation, which occurs for about 10 days or more, it is immediately necessary to pay attention to the natural factors that cause such a deviation. If a woman feels normal and the bleeding is not associated with an illness, treatment is not required.

Let's look at why menstruation lasts 10 days from the point of view of healthy physiology:

  • Age. sets up the reproductive system for procreation. In the first year after the first menstruation, the cycle is just establishing itself, so the regularity of bleeding will improve later. In adult women over 40 years of age, hypermenorrhea is also explained by hormonal changes in the body - menopause is coming soon.
  • Oral use of hormonal contraceptives. If the doctor does not associate menstruation for 10 days with pathology, it means that the body is reacting to the drug in this way and over time the cycle will be adjusted.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy. The first time after an abortion, periods may take a long time.
  • Childbirth. After the birth of a child, the hormonal system is rebuilt, the uterus is cleansed. As a result, mommy faces hypermenorrhea.
  • Heredity. If a girl with an established menstrual cycle has periods of 10 days, she needs to find out how things are with her close relatives - mother, sister, aunt. You can talk to grandma. If women of the same family are prone to prolonged regular bleeding, this will be the norm.

If menstruation lasts more than 10 days, and a woman does not see physiological reasons for it, she needs to consult a gynecologist. A conversation with a doctor will also be necessary if you plan to use hormonal contraceptives. Choosing the right drug by a specialist will help avoid uncomfortable bleeding.

Video on the topic:

Menstruation 10 days as a pathology

The causes of pathological hypermenorrhea are varied and are divided into several groups:

  1. Caused by improper functioning of the endocrine system.
  2. Associated with insufficient blood clotting function.
  3. Caused by weakness of the blood vessels in the genital area.
  4. Caused by the need to clean the uterine cavity from toxins, excess tissue and fluids.

Considering all of the above, if your period lasts 10 days, the doctor will look for reasons in diseases and pathological processes. These are anemia, cancer and hormonal diseases, stress, dysfunction of the gonads. It is imperative that a patient with hypermenorrhea be examined for inflammation and abnormal growth of the endometrium.

When menstruation constantly lasts 10 days or longer, a woman should pay attention to the smell of the discharge. Foul-smelling clots can signal inflammation of a fungal or bacterial nature. You must tell your doctor about this right away. The doctor will give directions for tests and ultrasound of the uterus, ovaries, and thyroid gland.


Myoma is a benign tumor of connective and muscle tissues that are located in the uterus. Menstruation lasts a long time with fibroids due to the fact that multiple nodules form in different areas and disrupt the contractile function of the organ. For this reason, endometrial separation takes longer. The cycle itself remains normal.

If the doctor has diagnosed fibroids, the woman will be offered surgery or laser therapy.


Polyps look like round growths. They are formed from endometrial cells and are benign formations.

Polyps are attached to the uterus using a stalk enriched with blood vessels. Improper contractility of the uterus creates pressure on the polyp, which causes bleeding in the middle of the cycle or a long period of regular menstruation. Polyposis is treated by curettage or burning. It is impossible to leave the elements, because they can degenerate into tumors.


This pathology occurs in women 25–40 years old. A period lasting 10 days and slight spotting in the middle of the cycle are symptoms of endometriosis. Ultrasound shows abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa and the presence of cavities.

In the early stages of development, endometriosis may be asymptomatic, but the progressive disease has a number of pronounced signs:

  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Smearing ones that don’t end for a long time.
  • Painful, heavy periods with the expiration of a large amount.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, which becomes permanent as the endometrium grows.

Endometriosis is treated with hormonal agents, ensuring the absence of ovulation with the release of an egg. Under such conditions, pathological lesions gradually disappear. The doctor calculates the course of drug therapy for six months and warns that hormonal drugs have serious side effects.

Laparoscopy is safer in the treatment of endometriosis. During the operation, the doctor removes only the problem areas, preserving the integrity of the uterus. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, it is enough to take birth control pills.

Video, doctor says:

What are the dangers of long periods?

There are many causes of hypermenorrhea, so this phenomenon cannot be neglected. Heavy periods carry certain health risks:

  1. Avitaminosis. The body loses trace elements, especially iron. Deficiency of the substance causes anemia and loss of red blood cells.
  2. The danger of infertility is brewing. If you do not eliminate the cause of long periods and start hypermenorrhea, you may lose the ability to conceive.
  3. Threat to life. If after 10 days the bleeding does not stop and brown discharge flows from the genital tract, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. It is possible that surgery will be needed.

Overweight women often experience menstrual irregularities. Their discharge is copious, prolonged and irregular. If examination by a gynecologist and interpretation does not reveal an anomaly, hypermenorrhea can be considered as an individual feature of the body.

What to do if your period has been going on for 10 days

Regulating the menstrual cycle is a serious undertaking. First, the gynecologist must establish the pathological causes of hypermenorrhea and eliminate it by treating the predisposing disease. With a responsible approach to therapy, periods quickly stabilize.

If the patient complains of prolonged and heavy bleeding, she is prescribed hemostatic drugs. The most effective for hypermenorrhea are Dicynon and Vikasol. Therapy is aimed at normalizing blood clotting and restoring hormonal status.

If your period has been going on for 10 days, what should you do? You should always ask your doctor. In consultation with a specialist, you can use folk remedies. We offer five recipes to choose from:

  1. Take valerian roots, birch leaves, yarrow and peppermint in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the collection at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. half a liter of water and simmer the mixture in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Strain the steam and drink throughout the day. Daily dose – 200 ml.
  2. Pour boiling water over young birch leaves and let the raw material brew for 6 – 8 hours. Take the herbal medicine 3 times a day in 75 ml portions.
  3. Combine half a liter of vodka and 100 g of birch buds in a glass container and infuse the drug for 25 - 30 days. Consume the finished medicinal product 2 times a day, taking a small sip.
  4. Infuse nettles in boiling water for an hour (200 ml per 30 g). Drink healthy liquid in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening.
  5. Pour boiling water over the shepherd's purse herb in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water with a volume of 200 ml. After half an hour, filter the mass and drink the entire liquid part at once.

For painful hypermenorrhea, you can drink tea from linden flowers. It is recommended to take the drink on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after some time.

To reduce the intensity of menstrual flow, a tincture of fireweed leaves is also used. The drug is taken 3-4 times a day shortly before meals. As menstruation normalizes, treatment is stopped.

To improve overall well-being, strengthen the immune system and restore the reproductive system, gynecologists recommend that women drink teas from lemon balm, raspberry, yarrow, mint, and sage. Doctors determine the frequency of use of medicinal herbs and the dosage of herbal tea on an individual basis.

If the problem is not solved with the help of folk remedies, and menstruation still lasts more than 10 days, the patient will be prescribed complex treatment for rehabilitation. The therapy will include drugs to improve blood clotting and strengthen blood vessels, hormonal agents, vitamins and drugs to contract the uterus. For a patient over 40 years old, flax seeds, plantain juice and water pepper infusion will be additionally recommended.

Long periods should only cause you concern if there are painful accompanying factors. The abundance and duration of the cycle is associated both with changes in hormonal levels and with pathological problems. In any of these cases, you need to adjust your lifestyle, but in the second, drug intervention is also required.

Natural causes of heavy and long periods

Each girl has her own normal cycle. On average, menstruation lasts about 4-6 days. The first day or two the discharge is spotting, the next 3-4 days there is the most profuse discharge, and then there is a subsequent convergence to “no” for another 1-2 days. Thus, even if your period lasts 7-8 days, three of which are considered the most active, you have a completely normal menstruation.

If your periods are delayed and last 10-14 days, then you need to look at the accompanying factors:

  • Perhaps you have this heredity . If women in your family have always had such long periods, but no one complains about anything, this is your individual norm for the duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • Periods may be prolonged due to poor diet , which is accompanied by activating products (coffee, alcohol, etc.). It is enough to change your diet in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits, as this will immediately affect the duration of your cycle. If this is your case, then the problem is solved very quickly.
  • Psycho-emotional stress , in which there can be either a delay in menstruation or absence for several months, or their prolonged course. If you are currently in a state of stress, then you need to resort to using mild sedatives so that your body returns to normal. As a rule, after stress, the cycle is restored without taking hormones or other serious medications.
  • Climax . When a woman's body prepares for a new stage of life, the cycle may well go wrong.
  • The first 6 months after the onset of menstruation in a teenage girl . This is a natural phenomenon, as young girls develop hormonal levels. This will take time, and it is not worth interfering with this process unless complications arise (unpleasant smell of discharge, increased temperature). Over time, the cycle will level out and return to normal. Unless you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and prevent hypothermia, be more stress-resistant, review and improve your diet. All this can further increase the duration of menstruation, but if you monitor your health, the cycle returns to normal in the first 6-12 months.

Why does my period take so long after childbirth?

Bleeding after childbirth is normal. It is usually due to the fact that a woman develops anemia, and remnants of blood clots may accumulate in the inner cavity of the uterus. Bleeding provokes the removal of such clots and small remnants of the placenta.

For the same reason, heavy and long periods are observed after an abortion or miscarriage, as well as the use of IUDs and hormonal contraceptives.

When the uterine cavity is cleared, bleeding gradually stops. This is a natural phenomenon, but under the supervision of a doctor you will be more comfortable going through this short period, and you will be able to make sure that there are no complications.

Diseases that cause heavy periods

If the above factors and reasons are not your case, then we may be talking about a potential disease that provokes a long cycle. Prolonged periods may occur due to:

  • poor blood clotting due to anemia;
  • weak and inelastic walls of the uterine vessels;
  • hormonal imbalance (including the presence of excess weight, sudden weight loss);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • the appearance of malignant or benign formations in the uterus;
  • inflammation of the appendages and/or uterus.

If menstruation lasts a long time and is abundant, but is a side factor in the development of another disease, for example, anemia, the gynecologist will prescribe tests and send you to a highly specialized doctor who will deal with the true cause of the disease.

Spotting periods without pathologies

What if there are no visible causes of pathology, but your periods are long? Most likely, we are talking about endocrine system disorders, hormonal imbalance or obesity. In such cases, menstruation lasts more than 10 days and is smeared.

In most cases, it is enough to adjust the flow of hormones into the body or lose excess weight, and the monthly cycle will return to normal. You can verify this by losing only a few kilograms - especially if your body is young, the cycle will quickly return to normal.

Brown discharge - pathology or not?

In order to determine whether you have a pathology or whether it is a completely natural process, you need to test yourself for a number of signs. Answer the following questions:

  • Does brown bloody discharge occur not only after menstruation and/or before it?
  • Does the amount of discharge not decrease over time and remain in the same volume?
  • Is the discharge accompanied by pain?
  • Do you feel feverish while you have brown discharge?
  • Does the discharge smell rotten?

If you answered “yes” to all or most of the questions, then you should contact a gynecologist.

Unpleasant odor and pain

In this case, any abnormalities such as an unpleasant odor or painful sensations should cause you concern. This is a reason to immediately consult a doctor for testing.

As for painful sensations, they appear in women at the beginning of the cycle and indicate excessive accumulation of blood. The muscles need to cope with such a volume, as a result of which nagging pain appears, but if they occur already at the stage of brown discharge, then an illness has clearly arisen - inflammation or pathology of the uterus.

Doctors point out that if brown discharge lasts a long time, is not tied to a specific cycle and does not have painful accompanying factors, then this indicates an incorrect selection of contraception. In any case, you need to see a doctor for course correction.

If you do not have pain, discharge with an unpleasant odor, fever, and the discharge itself lasts more than 2 days, but does not cause discomfort, watch yourself for a couple more days, while:

  • limit physical activity;
  • try to minimize emotional stress;
  • avoid hot baths;
  • make adjustments to the daily menu by removing strong drinks, spicy and fatty foods, and coffee.

This will be enough for the discharge to decrease and the body to return to normal.

Prolonged discharge

As for the duration of discharge, its duration should not exceed 8-9 days, and there should also be a progressive decrease in the volume of discharge to the limit of meager. On average, brown discharge after menstruation, lasting a couple of days without accompanying painful factors, is the norm. Large volumes of discharge lasting more than 8-9 days - pathology (cyst, fibroids, endometriosis).

If, judging by the above, brown discharge corresponds to the norm, then you should not be afraid of it. This is a completely natural manifestation of blood clotting.

In cases where you observe discharge for 7 days, but this is unusual for your body, pay attention to whether there were any accompanying factors that provoked excessive intensification of menstruation. Your period could well be delayed due to:

  • psychological stress and anxiety, prolonged stress;
  • the presence of a bacterial infection, the occurrence of which coincided with the course of menstruation;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • prolonged exposure to the hot sun during menstruation;
  • intimacy;
  • taking medications that negatively affect blood clotting.

It happens that brown discharge appears some time after menstruation and thus can be independent discharge or preceding the next cycle. Of course, such a phenomenon cannot be the norm and indicates some kind of pathology of varying severity. It is imperative to sound the alarm in cases where such prolonged discharge is accompanied by pain or an unpleasant odor.

Do not immediately resort to strong medications, especially if they were not prescribed to you by a doctor. Studies have shown that even tempalgin or aspirin to relieve pain during menstruation gradually increases the body's tolerance to taking medications, and with each new time the dose of the drug will be required more and more. And if at the same time you do not know the true cause of brown discharge, then you can only worsen the situation.

Video: Why do periods take so long?

A woman may mistake uterine bleeding for long and heavy periods. The video explains why dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs and how to cope with this condition.

In most cases, heavy menstruation is the cause of changes in the female body: be it childbirth, menopause, heredity, or the restructuring of the teenage body. But when accompanied by painful sensations, heavy periods indicate a developing disease that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Only a gynecologist can help you figure this out.