Can godparents be related to each other? Which relative can be godfather? Godparents play a serious role in the life of their godson


Christening is a fateful event for every child and parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of spirit, God's reliable protection of a person. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The responsibilities of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not to superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in your heart and full responsibility. This could be a relative or friend, not necessarily married, but a believer and an exemplary one. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby and be sure to receive communion.

Responsibilities of a Godmother

You should not conduct an interview or casting for the role of second parents. You just need to draw a conclusion about the attitude of the applicants towards God, the people around them and all living things. If the baby’s mother thinks that godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in the church sacrament, and that’s where participation in the fate of the new person ends, then she is very mistaken. Spiritual education and development of a child is what a godmother should be able to do throughout her life. In this case we are talking about the following responsibilities of godparents:

  1. Be with the child all the time, help in difficult situations.
  2. Teach prayers and simply talk about God, his role in the life of every person, and attend church together.
  3. Every year, congratulate you on your birthday and give gifts on Angel’s Day.
  4. Take communion regularly, involve your godson/goddaughter in the ritual.

How many times can you be a godfather?

Every Orthodox person can take part in this church rite, an unlimited number of times, if the child’s parents request it. A truthful and informed decision is welcome. Another important question that worries us before the sacrament is who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can take on responsibilities, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • non-believers;
  • church ministers;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unstable people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The baptismal towel and clothes are made or purchased by the future godmother, and this is an obligatory stage of preparation for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first receive communion and confession; on the day of christening, she must have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the ritual.

Girl's christening - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first, after the child’s mother and father, to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, and spiritual mentor in life for a growing person. The responsibilities of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the sacrament begins, read by heart prayers for the child, including the “Creed.”
  2. Wear a modest long dress for the christening and tie a scarf around your head.
  3. Take your goddaughter in your arms after immersion in the font, dress her in white clothes.
  4. Hold your goddaughter in your arms while passing around the font behind the priests, while reading prayers, and the procession of anointing.

Boy's christening - rules for godmother

During the christening of a boy, an important role is played not only by the godmother, but also by the father, who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main responsibilities of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is this: after immersion in the font, the baby is picked up by the godfather; The priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder that the godparents should do: say out loud three times the prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Heavenly King”, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge and helps the child receive grace.

What do you give a girl at christening?

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present your godson or goddaughter with a memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable present. So what does the godmother give to a girl’s christening?

  • silver or gold cross;
  • icon of God;
  • personal icon of the Guardian Angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does the godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This one needs to know what is needed for a boy’s christening, so as not to be taken by surprise during the sacrament. Here's what a second mom should do:

  • buy a white vest, blanket, towel;
  • present a Bible, a personal icon as a gift;
  • make another memorable present.

What should a godmother do?

If a woman has her own children, nephews, younger brothers and sisters, she should not forget about her own godchildren. There are a number of beliefs and signs about why godparents are needed. This is what a godmother must do until the last day of her life:

  1. Pray for your godson every day, ask God for a bright path for him.
  2. Attend church with him, take communion, confess.
  3. Participate in spiritual formation, growth and development.
  4. Become a role model in his mind.
  5. Take full responsibility for the baby if the blood parents die.

Video: what godparents need to know before baptism

The child's mother and father do not have the right to be with him. It is worth noting that a husband and wife cannot be the adoptive parents of one child. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and other relatives are allowed to become godfathers or godmothers. It is recommended to take blood relatives as godparents. It is believed that the blood connection becomes stronger, since the adoptive parents are the second parents of the child.

Orthodox Christians

A person who is an Orthodox Christian and regularly receives communion can become a recipient. Atheists and representatives of other religious denominations cannot be godparents. At the same time, it is mandatory to know the Creed and read it during the process of baptism. The recipient will also be required to read a daily prayer for the godson, since he is now responsible for the spiritual in the future. Regular attendance at church and education in the Christian faith is an integral part of the responsibilities of a godfather.


People under the age of fourteen cannot become godparents, since they do not have the spiritual experience that would be required to instruct a newborn in the right faith.

Church servants

The restriction applies only to the father or mother of the child, who cannot be godparents to their own child. Also, spouses are not allowed to become spiritual parents of one child (if a couple is just planning to get married, they are also prohibited). Other relatives, including siblings of the child's parents, as well as their parents, may well take on the responsibilities of godparents. Also, you should not choose priests or monks or young children as godparents. In addition, adoptive parents also cannot become godparents to their stepdaughters and stepsons.

By the way, in relation to godmothers there is a ban on the participation of ladies in the sacrament of Baptism during the period of monthly impurity.

What should godparents give to a child during the sacrament of Baptism?

It is usually stated that godparents must purchase for the rite of Baptism. Naturally, if a person who has been chosen for such an honorable position does not want to make a mistake, it is better to consult with his parents in advance.

Also, godparents often purchase silver ones for their godchildren. Such a gift is especially relevant if the baby is baptized at the age when his first tooth emerges.

The godfather should establish contact with his godson as much as possible. After all, he becomes not only the spiritual mentor of the baptized person, but also a kind of backup for the biological parents. After all, one of the responsibilities of a godfather is to raise a child in the event that the natural parents die or are unable, due to certain circumstances, to fulfill their parental responsibilities.

Unless anyone is born of water and the Spirit,

cannot enter the Kingdom of God(John 3:5)

The birth of a child in an Orthodox family is followed by his baptism. Unfortunately, not all Orthodox Christians are churchgoers, so many questions arise: what is the time frame for a child’s baptism, how does the procedure itself work, who are the godparents, who can be spiritual teachers for boys and girls?

The Orthodox Church does not set the age of baptism for children. In each family, this issue is resolved independently, based on the characteristics of the way of life, the health of the child, and so on.

For centuries, a tradition has been established to baptize infants no earlier than 40 days from their birth. There is an explanation for this. His parents brought Jesus Christ to the Temple for dedication to God on the fortieth day, according to the custom of the ancient Jews.

During the same period, a woman after childbirth goes through a period of cleansing. After reading a special prayer, she can visit the temple and fully participate in the life of the Church and its Sacraments, including being present at the baptism of her child.

If the baby is weak and sick, you can wait until he grows up and gets stronger. The church prays for “mother and child,” so God’s help will not leave both of them, but the child’s full participation in church life will be possible only after baptism.

If the life of a newborn is in danger of death, then it is better to baptize him as early as possible in order to be able to pray for health or remember him during the Liturgy. Regular communion, which is possible only for a Christian, will strengthen the child’s physical and spiritual strength.

When the family decides to baptize their child, you still shouldn’t put off the most important event in his life for too long. There is another argument in favor of this decision: a baby at the age of 1-2 months is not yet attached to his mother and family, he is not frightened by strangers and extraneous sounds. Throughout the Sacrament, the godparents will hold the baby in their arms; an older child may resist this.

Features of christenings for boys and girls

The sacrament of Baptism can be performed on a person who consciously believes in Christian truths. An adult himself testifies to his readiness to unite with Christ and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to expect conscious faith from infants. During the Sacrament of Baptism, they must take a vow of fidelity to God and renounce the forces of evil and sin.

Is it possible to baptize them? “Yes, it’s possible,” answers the Orthodox Church. Receivers from the font or godparents are given to the baby at baptism in order to be responsible for him before the Lord not only during the sacrament itself, but also in subsequent earthly and eternal life. Infants are baptized according to their faith and the faith of the parents.

Godparents have a special role in the spiritual education of a child. They make a promise to God to lead the godson through life in a Christian way, to raise him in the spirit of the Orthodox faith. The life of the recipients themselves should be a worthy example of piety and love for God and for others. According to established tradition, a godfather and a godmother are chosen for the child, by analogy with the parents.

However, according to church canons, one thing is enough:

  • men - for a boy;
  • women - for girls.

There may even be gender mismatch. However, each such case is considered individually, and the decision is made by the priest. The main thing is that future godparents are full members of the Orthodox Church, know the basics of the Orthodox faith and are ready to raise the child spiritually.

Who cannot be among the godparents according to church rules?

For newborn boys and girls, before choosing adopters, it is necessary to know who can and cannot become them.

The priest will refuse to perform the Sacrament of Baptism if the following are chosen as recipients:

Can godparents be husband and wife or become one in the future? There are no canons prohibiting this in Orthodoxy. In 2017, the Council of Bishops updated the permission for marriages of successors with the blessing of the diocesan bishop. Such permission existed before, but a tradition has developed to prohibit such marriages.

Who can be a godparent for a boy or girl?

The main criterion when choosing recipients is their belonging to Orthodoxy, as well as their church membership - the desire to live in accordance with Christian truths, fight sin, and correct themselves.

The mission of the recipients is to testify before God for their ward about faith, renunciation of Satan, a promise to build their lives according to the commandments of God, and to help their godson or goddaughter fulfill all these promises in the future life.

Spiritual work continues throughout the life of godparents and their godchildren. Prayer for godchildren must be supported by real deeds: take the child to communion, read spiritual literature with him, learn a prayer, explain the foundations of the Orthodox faith.

The Church allows one of the godparents to be of a different Christian faith - Catholic or Protestant, if there is no possibility of finding an Orthodox Christian in the family environment.

A clergyman can become a godparent, but as a rule, they have many responsibilities and will have little free time for full communication with the godson.

Age of majority is an optional but desirable condition. The responsibility that godparents take on in the face of God involves understanding the importance of the role of the godparent and understanding what spiritual mentoring is.

Can godparents be relatives of the child?

The child's relatives, including the closest ones, can be chosen to play the role of recipient. Except for the parents.

Before you choose one of your relatives as your child's adoptive parent, you need to think about this: a few years will pass, and the child will grow up. Teenagers are not ready to discuss their problems with their closest relatives; this is the psychology of this age.

They are looking for an authoritative adult outside the family. A godfather could become such a person, help and guide the teenager in the right direction along the Christian path of development. Of course, provided that in all previous years he took an active part in raising his godson, and they developed a trusting relationship.

From this point of view, choosing close relatives for the role of adoptive parents is not always the best solution.

It is right to choose church-going Orthodox Christians who will raise the child in faith and love for God, respect for people.

You need to answer the following questions:

  • Who can you entrust the body and soul of a child to?
  • Who will help raise him in faith?
  • Who can you become spiritually related to?

Godparents are mentors in the Orthodox faith, and not rare guests with gifts at birthdays. True Christian love is the most valuable gift to godchildren from their godparents, and the most important role is to be an example in the organization of Christian life.

How to choose godparents for a child if the parents are non-believers?

Unbelieving parents can baptize their children. Strictly speaking, the presence of parents is not necessary. In some churches, the priest does not allow parents to attend the Sacrament at all.

Atheists can be godparents for boys and girls

In Soviet times, grandmothers brought their children to be baptized without the participation of atheist parents.

They preserved and remembered the Orthodox faith and hoped for the mercy of God. Having grown up, these children came to God consciously.

Godparents, who can be spiritual educators for boys and girls, take full responsibility for raising a child in the truths of the Gospel.

Their role increases many times over: only they can graft a branch onto the Tree of Life, cultivate the seeds of the Orthodox faith in the soul of the godson.

You can baptize a child even if the parents are of a different faith.

In such situations, first of all, you need to think about the benefits for the child: the parents must have consent to baptism in order to avoid conflicts.

Is it possible to baptize a child without godparents?

Sometimes life situations arise when a child needs to be baptized immediately, for example, if he is in danger of death. A priest can perform the Sacrament of baptism without recipients, so that he can help the child in the struggle for life with the help of the Holy Gifts and the common prayer of the entire Orthodox Church.

In the future, when the baby gets better, you can find people who will become godparents for the child and help the parents spiritually raise the boy or girl. Churched parents can do this on their own.

In emergency situations, lay people can baptize a baby by saying the Baptismal Prayer. At the first opportunity, the priest will complete what he started, since the process of Baptism consists of several stages and ends with the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Responsibilities of godparents

Godparents have serious responsibilities towards their godchildren in raising them in the traditions of the Orthodox Church:

Godparents renounce sin for the child and undertake obligations for the spiritual education of the godson before God. The Church teaches that at the last judgment He will ask for the upbringing of godchildren in the same way as for the upbringing of his own children.

Now it becomes clear why choosing godparents is a responsible and difficult decision. The connection with them can become stronger than with blood relatives, since it is sanctified by the Lord and based on Christian love.

How can godparents prepare for the Great Sacrament?

For a churchgoer there is nothing special in preparation. Prayer, fasting, confession, communion, reading the Gospel - the ordinary life of a Christian. Each parish may have its own traditions, so it is worth checking with the church where the baptism will take place whether there are any special requirements for recipients.

In many parishes, so-called public meetings are held for those future godparents who are still little familiar with the life of the Church. The priest explains in detail the main provisions of the Orthodox faith, talks about the Sacrament of Baptism, as well as those parish traditions that relate to baptism.

Godparents, who can be godparents for boys and girls from the font, so as not to approach holy duties formally, must prepare themselves to participate in the upcoming Sacrament:

  • read at least one Gospel;
  • carefully study the Creed - it is read out loud during baptism;
  • if possible, learn “Our Father” - one of the main Christian prayers;
  • confess and receive communion.

Even if the priest does not require it, it is advisable to take such steps. The duties of godparents require involvement in the Church. Therefore, from this moment the deliverance of the recipients themselves from sinful slavery can begin, the beginning of their new life in Christ and with Christ has been laid. Only then is it possible to fully fulfill the duties of a spiritual mentor.

In an Orthodox church, a woman must wear a skirt that covers her knees and cover her head. A man must wear trousers and no headdress.

What should godparents have during a christening?

To perform the Sacrament of Baptism, a priest only needs a cross and a shirt; everything else is a tribute to tradition.

Most often, godparents prepare:

These items are kept throughout life as a shrine. There is no need to wash the kryzhma: if a child gets sick, you can cover the baby with it so that it will help him recover faster.

There are no strict rules about who prepares what for baptism. Different localities and parishes have their own traditions, and they may differ from each other. You need to agree in advance who is responsible for what.

The child’s parents can prepare everything they need themselves. Things sewn or knitted will retain the warmth of the hands and love of the one who created them.

What else to consider before Baptism:

  1. An important question concerns the cost of baptism. The Sacrament of Baptism, like all other Sacraments and rites of the Church, is performed free of charge. As a sign of gratitude, you can donate a certain amount to the temple. You can find out its size at the arrival or determine it yourself.
  2. Usually the child is given a certificate of Baptism, the names of the child and his adoptive parents are written on it, so their documents may be needed.
  3. You need to find out whether it is possible to photograph the Baptism process; not all priests allow this.
  4. The sacrament lasts long enough, the baby will need ordinary care products.

Baptism procedure

Baptism takes place in the temple itself or in a special baptismal room, which can be a separate building. In fact, these are two separate Sacraments, following each other: Baptism and Confirmation.

The entire procedure lasts about 40 minutes. All this time the baby is in the arms of the recipients, they hand him over to the priest when the ritual requires it.

Godparents, who can be spiritual parents for boys or girls, can familiarize themselves with the Baptism scheme, to imagine how things will happen:

Stages of the Baptism procedure Actions taking place in the temple
Order of announcement:
  • Three prohibitions against unclean spirits

Special prayers of “prohibitions” are read over the person being baptized.

  • Renunciation of Satan
The recipient, on behalf of the baby, loudly renounces Satan three times.
  • Combination of Christ
One of the godparents reads the Creed for the baby.
Sacrament of Baptism:
  • Blessing of water and oil

The priest reads special prayers for consecration, first water, and then oil (oil)

  • Immersion in the font
The recipient receives the child after the font in Kryzhma. The priest puts a cross on the child.
  • Vestment of the newly baptized
The recipients put the baptismal shirt on the baby
Sacrament of Confirmation: Parts of the body are anointed with myrrh, thus giving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Procession around the font
Godparents with candles and a baby in their arms walk around the font three times.
  • Reading the Gospel
They listen to the Gospel with candles in their hands.
  • Washing away the Holy Peace
The priest washes away the remnants of the world.
  • Hair cutting
The priest cuts off some hair from the baby's head in a cross shape, which he wraps in wax and lowers into the font. This is the first sacrifice to God and a sign of submission to Him.
  • Churching
The priest walks around the temple with the baby in his arms, and the boys are still brought into the altar.

It is advisable to give the child communion for the first time the next day.

The sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament that a Christian receives. Without it, the beginning of a new life with Christ and in Christ is impossible, and, therefore, salvation is impossible. A newborn child has not yet done anything wrong, but he inherits the sinful nature of his first parents. He is already on his way to death.

During Baptism, in an incomprehensible way, a person is cleansed from sin, dies to it and is born again in purity, receiving hope for salvation and eternal life. This is possible only in connection with the Lord. The Body of Christ is called the Church.

According to its wise arrangement, the Sacrament of Confirmation follows immediately after Baptism. A person receives the mysterious gifts of the Holy Spirit, which will act invisibly in him and strengthen him in his desire to live according to Christ.

Godparents, who can guide boys and girls on the path to eternal life, take responsibility for whether they go forward or stay put. The sacrament of Baptism so far only places the child at the beginning of this road.

Is the magical, magical effect of Baptism possible without faith? The answer to this question is given by the Gospel: “According to your faith, be it done to you” (Matthew 9:29). Where there is true faith, there is no need for superstition.

What to give to a godson or goddaughter?

A christening gift should have a spiritual meaning, be useful for the further upbringing of the child in Orthodox traditions and remind of the day of spiritual birth.

These could be:

Many interesting gifts are sold in church shops. It's not about the cost, but about the spiritual value of the item.

Can a pregnant woman be a godmother?

There are no obstacles for a woman to become a godmother.

It is necessary to evaluate whether she has enough love, kindness and opportunities for two children: her unborn one and the adopted one. Not only spiritual and prayerful help is required from godparents, but also effective help, requiring strength and time.

Is it possible to refuse godparents?

A child cannot refuse such godparents. Godparents may change for the worse and stop fulfilling their responsibilities towards their godson or goddaughter. In such cases, you need to teach the child to pray for their correction. This will become for him a lesson in Christian love and mercy.

If parents still need help in the spiritual upbringing of their child, they can find a pious, church-going person and ask him to take on the responsibilities of a godparent, but he still will not be considered a godparent. For such an agreement it is necessary to obtain the blessing of a priest or confessor, if you have one.

Is it possible to baptize a child for normal upbringing in the faith?

There is no such thing as rebaptism in the Orthodox Church. A person is not born twice, either physically or spiritually, and Baptism is a spiritual birth in Christ.

In order for a child to be raised in the Orthodox faith, the adults around him must live according to the canons of this faith and be an example in a pious Christian life.

The responsibility that falls on godparents is great. Their mission goes beyond the time-bound nature of earthly life. Godparents are those who can be guides to the Kingdom of God for boys and girls.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about children's baptism

What you need to know before baptizing a child:

Christening is the second birth of a baby, but before God. Parents carefully prepare for this important event, scrupulously approaching the choice of godfather and mother. Often the right choice is made with great difficulty, because not everyone agrees to take on such responsibility. The Church says that anyone can baptize a child, but he must truly become a parent of the Holy Spirit throughout his life. Who should be chosen for such a responsible title, and can a woman and a man who are husband and wife become godparents?

Godparents husband and wife: the opinion of the Moscow Patriarch on the reasons for the ban

The main requirement of the Orthodox Church for those who baptize a child is that they must steadfastly believe, live a church life, and know at least the most basic prayers (“Gospel”, “Our Father”, for example). This is urgently necessary so that in the future they can fully fulfill the role of teachers for their godson. Church parents should provide basic knowledge about the Orthodox faith and the spiritual principles of human existence. If the recipients are people ignorant of such matters, then great doubts arise in their initial desire to become godparents.

The Church strictly monitors the fulfillment of every condition relating to the sacrament of baptism, and has a negative attitude towards cases when people deliberately do not comply with certain rules. There is an acute question about the possibility of becoming godparents of a man and woman who are married. The Orthodox religion has its own view on this matter, which is worth dwelling on in more detail.

According to Orthodox canons, a husband and wife cannot become spiritual parents of one child. It is believed that they are already one when they are married. And if both baptize the baby, this is wrong. This position is explained by the fact that during the sacrament of baptism, the recipients must gain integrity in relation to the child, and if they are already spiritually united, then the rite will not be recognized as valid.

Some priests are loyal to this issue and reason like this: if the marriage was not concluded in the church, this gives the husband and wife the right to baptize one child, since their relationship was not sealed in heaven. To make sure whether a husband and wife can be godparents, seek the strong opinion of the highest religious officials and listen to what the Moscow Patriarchate thinks about this. Watch the video below which discusses the topic in detail.

What does the Catholic Church say?

A newborn baby must appear before God immediately after birth, be cleansed of original sin, and unite with the church. This is how any religion argues and calls for baptisms to be carried out at an early age. The process of carrying out the ritual is the same almost everywhere: the baby is washed with water from the font in the temple, the liturgy is read, and at the end a cross is put on. The only difference is the requirements that allow or prohibit believers from taking certain steps. The Catholic Church differs from the Orthodox Church on many issues, and the rite of the sacrament of baptism was no exception.

It all starts with the parents coming to the church a couple of weeks in advance to discuss with the priest (priest of the Catholic Church) all the issues related to preparing for the ceremony, setting a date, and agreeing with who will baptize the child. Godparents in the Catholic faith are endowed with important powers in the child’s life, which include the responsibility to take him to Sunday school and prepare him for religious rites (community, confirmation). The approach to choosing godparents is doubly complex here and is an important task for any believer.

In addition to the awareness and high responsibility of godparents, the Catholic faith has its own rules for choosing a spiritual father and mother. According to the requirements of the church, only people who:

  • They believe and practice Catholicism.
  • They do not have any family ties with the baby.
  • Have reached your 16th birthday. If the reasons are compelling, the abbot may make an exception.
  • Catholics by religion who have undergone the sacrament of First Communion and confirmation (confirmation). This is a ritual of anointing, which is performed in adulthood. This is how Catholics confirm that they accepted the faith consciously.
  • They are not the child's parents.
  • They are husband and wife.

Married couple – godparents of one child: superstitions and traditions

According to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, a man and woman who baptize a baby enter into a spiritual relationship. It is valued so highly that no other union is more important than this (including marriage). There are several traditions in the Orthodox faith that call into question the possibility of baptizing other people's children for a married couple. Here are the main points when spouses are prohibited from being heirs:

  • A couple of people are prohibited from participating in the sacrament of infant baptism if they are spouses. If this happens, then their marriage will not be able to exist on a spiritual level: it will not have a sacred bond.
  • Similar to established spouses, a couple who intends to enter into a marriage does not have the right to baptize. Since at the time of baptism they will acquire a spiritual unity (kinship) that is exalted above the physical, they will have to abandon their relationship in favor of acquiring the status of godparents.
  • A couple who lives in a civil marriage also does not have the right to become godparents to a child, because initially such ties are condemned by the church and are considered fornication.

Despite these prohibitions, there are options when a husband and wife have the right to baptize children of the same family if they meet other requirements of the Orthodox Church. They must do this separately: the man baptizes one child, and the woman baptizes the other. That is, spouses can baptize their siblings (or blood brothers, sisters). If they do this separately, they will not lose the sanctity of their marital union.

If baptism with adopted spouses still occurs due to ignorance, then such a situation can only be resolved by the highest authority of the church (the ruling bishop). The spouses appeal to the ruling bishop to get out of this situation. The outcome can be in the following ways: the marriage will be declared invalid or the spouses will be called to repentance for a sin committed out of ignorance.

Who else should not be made godparents?

If you decide to baptize your child, then you must know all the requirements and customs of the church, which prohibit taking children as successors (except for husband and wife):

  • the baby's blood parents;
  • one who has not been baptized or does not believe in any religion (atheist);
  • a person who denies any truth of the Orthodox religion;
  • if the one who baptizes treats the sacrament of baptism as a magical rite and pursues his own goals (in the pagan sense);
  • people who do not want to become godparents for this child;
  • adoptive father or adoptive mother;
  • people who are members of other faiths;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • monks and representatives of the ecclesiastical order;
  • people whose views are not subject to morality;
  • persons with mental disabilities;
  • women who experience cleansing days with their periods.

Who can be taken as a receiver?

When parents think about choosing a foster child for their child, they should be guided not only by their own considerations. It is necessary to comply with all religious rules, according to which the following can become a godfather or mother:

  • His relatives are grandparents, aunts or uncles. Perhaps this will be an older sister or brother who has reached the age of fourteen.
  • Godmothers (those whose child you yourself are the adopter of).
  • Godmother of the first child. It happens that a person has already baptized a baby in one family, but they had a second child, and the same godparents who baptized the firstborn were taken as godparents.
  • If there are no recipients, then the priest who performs the ritual can become one.
  • Pregnant woman.
  • An unmarried girl who has no children.

Dear parents, you need to understand that you need to choose a person as a godparent who will not just take part in a church ceremony, but will truly love the baby and be able to become a spiritual mentor for him for life. Answering the question of who is allowed to take as a successor, the church implies a believer, responsible, conscious and loving person, so that the ritual acquires the correct meaning and ultimate purpose.

Being a godmother is a great honor, but also a great responsibility, because she will have to become the spiritual mentor of her godson or goddaughter. If your loved ones have given you such an honor, it means they express special trust in you and hope that you will fulfill this role with dignity.

However, keep in mind that in addition to performing the duties of a godmother at baptism, you will later have to instruct your godson in matters of the Christian faith, take him to communion, and set an example of behavior for him.

As for preparing for baptism, this stage takes the godmother several days. What does the godmother do during baptism? What does she need to know about the ritual of this sacrament? We will answer these and some other questions.

According to the church charter, the godmother cannot be the child’s mother, a nun, an unbeliever or an unbaptized woman. Not only the mother’s friend, but also one of the relatives, for example, the baby’s grandmother or aunt, can act as a godmother. However, the adoptive mother cannot serve as a godmother either during or after the baptism.

How to prepare a godmother for the baptism ceremony

Preparations for baptism for the godmother begin several days before this ceremony. She, like her godfather, needs to fast for three days, and then confess and receive communion.

It is also necessary to talk with the priest, who will tell you in detail what the godmother needs to know about this sacrament and what she will have to do during the baptismal ceremony.

As a rule, the duties of a godmother in preparation for baptism include knowing by heart some of the prayers that will need to be read during this ceremony: “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Heavenly King”, etc.

They express the essence of faith, help to cleanse oneself from sin and gain strength to overcome obstacles on the path of life. Although in some parishes knowledge of these prayers is not required: during the ceremony, the godparents will only need to repeat some phrases after the priest.

The godmother's preparation for the baptismal ceremony does not end there. She will need to purchase the things necessary for this ceremony and know what actions she will have to perform during the ceremony. However, let's talk about everything in order.

What else does a godmother need to know about the rules for baptizing a child? You should dress modestly for a christening. You cannot come to the temple in trousers, and the skirt must be below the knees. Women's heads in an Orthodox church must be covered with a scarf.

What should a godmother do during a baptism? The ritual consists of the rite of catechumen (reading special prayers over the child), his renunciation of Satan and union with Christ, as well as the confession of the Orthodox faith. The godparents say the appropriate words for the baby on his behalf, renouncing the unclean spirit and promising to remain faithful to the Lord.

If a girl is being baptized, then the godmother should hold her in her arms during the baptism ceremony; if the ceremony is being performed by a boy, then the godfather. Although this can also be done by one of the godparents who is better acquainted with the baby and next to whom the child feels more comfortable.

However, in any case, the godmother must be well acquainted with the child in order to maintain emotional contact with the baby and be able to calm him down if he cries.

After this, as a child is baptized, immersing him three times in water in a font and reading prayers at the same time, the godmother must take him in her arms. To do this you will need a kryzhma - a white towel. According to superstitions, drops from a baby’s face cannot be wiped off so that his life is happy.

Then the child is put on a cross (if it was not purchased in a church, it will need to be consecrated in advance) and a baptismal outfit - a shirt to the toes for a boy and a dress for a girl. The baby will also need a cap or scarf.

Even during preparation for baptism, the godmother is obliged to choose these things for the child. In the old days, women sewed them themselves, but nowadays baptismal attire and kryzhma can be bought in a store or church shop.

These things are not washed after christening and are not used for their intended purpose. It is recommended to keep them throughout a person’s life, as they serve as amulets, helping him avoid various troubles and diseases.

What else does a godmother need to do when baptizing a child? After initiation into the font, the godparents and the priest walk around it three times with the baby as a sign of spiritual joy from the union of a new member of the Church of Christ with the Savior for eternal life.

After the ritual of anointing, when parts of the child’s body are anointed with myrrh and prayers are read, the priest washes the myrrh with a special sponge moistened with holy water.

Then the priest lightly trims the child’s hair on four sides, which is folded onto a wax cake and lowered into the font, which symbolizes submission to God and sacrifice in gratitude for the beginning of spiritual life.

(The godmother will need a small bag in which to place the baby's cut hair, which can then also be stored with the towel and shirt.)

After this, the priest reads prayers for the child and his godparents, followed by churching. The priest carries the baby around the temple. If it is a boy, then he is brought into the altar. At the end of the ritual, the child is applied to one of the icons of the Savior and to the icon of the Mother of God, and then given to the parents.

In addition to the things necessary for the ceremony, the godmother can give the baby an icon with the image of his patron saint, a “measured icon”, a children’s Bible, a prayer book or items that do not have a church focus (clothes, shoes, toys, etc.), and also assist his parents in organizing a festive feast on the occasion of the christening.

We have already told you what the godmother has to know and do during the baptism ceremony of the child. But your mission doesn't end there. As already mentioned, you will need to be involved in the life of your godson and beyond.

You will attend church with your child if his parents are unable to do so due to illness or absence. You will need to promote the spiritual growth of your godson, give him advice in difficult life situations. In a word, take care of him along with his parents, because now you are responsible for the new member of the Christian church before God.