Ministers of the Russian Federation. How many ministers (ministries) are there in Russia: features and interesting facts. place. Maxim Topilin - Minister of Labor and Social Protection


Media rating of Russian ministers

Minister Job title MediaIndex
1. LAVROV Sergey Viktorovich Foreign Secretary 111 032,5
2. SHOIGU Sergey Kuzhugetovich Minister of Defense 51 375,1
3. SILUANOV Anton Germanovich Minister of Finance 25 974,6
4. NOVAK Alexander Valentinovich Minister of Energy 17 106,7+2
5. PUCHKOV Vladimir Andreevich Minister for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief 17 094,0+3
6. SKVORTSOVA Veronika Igorevna Minister of Health 16 958,8+8
7. SOKOLOV Maxim Yurievich Minister of Transport 12 706,5+3
8. VASILYEVA Olga Yurievna Minister of Education and Science (since 08/19/2016) 11,996.9New!
9. KOLOKOLTSEV Vladimir Alexandrovich Minister of Internal Affairs 10 268,8+2
10. MEDINSKY Vladimir Rostislavovich Minister of Culture 8 866,2-3
11. MANTUROV Denis Valentinovich Minister of Industry and Trade 7 854,0+2
12. TKACHEV Alexander Nikolaevich Minister of Agriculture 7 841,4-3
13. TOPILIN Maxim Anatolievich Minister of Labor and Social Protection 7 647,4+3
14. MEN Mikhail Alexandrovich Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services 7 484,2+4
15. DONSKOY Sergey Efimovich Minister of Natural Resources and Environment 6 592,7
16. NIKIFOROV Nikolay Anatolyevich Minister of Communications and Mass Communications 5 403,8+1
17. GALUSHKA Alexander Sergeevich Minister for Development of the Far East 3 761,2+3
18. ABYZOV Mikhail Anatolyevich Minister responsible for organizing the work of the Government Commission for Coordinating the Activities of the Open Government 3 709,2
19. ORESHKIN Maxim Stanislavovich Minister of Economic Development (from 30.11.2016) 3,385.8New!
20. KOLOBKOV Pavel Anatolievich Minister of Sports (since 10/19/2016) 1,484.2New!
21. KUZNETSOV Lev Vladimirovich Minister for North Caucasus Affairs 1 090,5+1
22. KONOVALOV Alexander Vladimirovich Minister of Justice 913,4-2

The media reported the following events involving the listed persons:

In March 2016, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov held talks with John Kerry in Moscow. Also in March, Sergei Lavrov took part in the Normandy Four meeting in Paris. In August, talks were held in Switzerland with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Russia and the United States have created a working group for a ceasefire in Syria. It will include diplomats and military personnel. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated this in Munich. Sergey Lavrov following the meeting of the International Syria Support Group.

The media also reported that an emergency meeting between Vladimir Putin and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was devoted to the murder of Andrei Karlov Sergei Lavrov, director of the foreign intelligence service Sergei Naryshkin and head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov.

Vladimir Putin gave an order to the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu begin the withdrawal of Russia's main forces from Syria on March 15.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu announced the start of a large-scale humanitarian operation in Aleppo, the second largest city in Syria, part of which remains under the control of opposition groups.

Russia has always advocated the preservation of a fair multipolar world. This was stated by the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, responding to harsh remarks from his American colleague. Besides, Sergei Shoigu took part in the military-technical forum "Army-2016".

Oil prices will continue to decline, the budget will have to be adjusted to the new situation, the Minister of Finance announced this at the VII Gaidar Forum “Russia and the World: A Look into the Future” Anton Siluanov.

The media also reported that in May Anton Siluanov took part in the meeting of the State Council.

Short link to the rating:

Most noticeable movement

  • The media reported that a 47-year-old passenger became ill on the Moscow-New York flight. First aid was provided to her by the head of the Ministry of Health, who was flying on the same plane. Veronica Skvortsova. Besides, Veronica Skvortsova

The monthly salary of the Minister of Energy was 1.16 million rubles, the head received 954 thousand rubles, and the Minister of Industry and Trade received a little less - 921 thousand rubles.

The ministers of justice, sports, foreign affairs, health and education had monthly salaries ranging from 497 to 634 thousand rubles.

The heads had the smallest salaries and received 443 thousand rubles in 2016, and 451 thousand rubles.

There is no data on salaries in , and SVR. Just as there is no information about the salary of the President of the Russian Federation in the open data of the Ministry of Finance.

In 2017, officials' salaries were not indexed. At the same time, departments were allowed to use the salary fund for vacant positions on a limited scale in order to provide additional payments to full-time employees.

The salary of the head of the Accounts Chamber (he has held this position since 2013), her deputy and all auditors averaged 668.8 thousand rubles. The Chairman of the Constitutional Court, his deputies and judges received an average of 615 thousand rubles per month.

The average salary of a State Duma deputy in 2016 was 420 thousand rubles, senators - 385 thousand rubles.

Top managers can have salaries of this level; salaries in the field of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs are also “overheated” on the market now, notes a representative of Superjob. This applies to “non-top” positions; in this area, demand sharply exceeds supply, and candidates are offered exorbitant numbers.

According to the data, the average monthly accrued wages of civil servants in federal government agencies amounted to 115.7 thousand rubles in 2016, which is 4% more than a year earlier.

The average salary was 219 thousand rubles, in the government apparatus - 228 thousand rubles, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 147 thousand rubles, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 137 thousand rubles, Rosstat notes.

At the same time, among federal departments, the smallest average salary was noted for employees of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (58 thousand rubles), the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (57 thousand rubles), and the Federal Agency for National Affairs (53 thousand rubles).

The average salary of employees, according to Rosstat, in 2016 was about 84 thousand rubles, - 57.6 thousand rubles.

In February 2015, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree reducing the salaries of himself and some other officials by 10%. This document was valid until the end of 2015, then was extended for 2016 and 2017. Two months ago, Putin extended his decree for another year.

Thus, in 2018, the salaries of the head of state and the chairman of the government, deputy prime ministers and ministers, as well as the prosecutor general, the head of the Investigative Committee and the head of the Central Election Commission will be paid with a “discount” of 10%.

The salaries of the president and prime minister are not officially published. According to the official declaration, Putin earned 8 million 858 thousand 432 rubles in 2016. The total income of the Prime Minister of Russia at the end of 2016 amounted to 8.587 million rubles.

Business trips of employees of the central government apparatus are the most expensive: on foreign trips their daily allowance amounts to 270 thousand rubles, another 700 thousand rubles are allocated for travel and accommodation.

Employees' expenses for these purposes are much more modest - diplomats receive 147 thousand rubles on foreign trips. per day, and 52 thousand rubles are allocated for their accommodation.

In mid-December of this year, the president signed a decree on increasing the monthly salaries of persons holding positions in the federal public civil service: from January 1, 2018, their salaries will increase by 4%. The salaries of officials employed in the federal civil service have not been indexed since 2013, when they were increased by 5.5%.

Note that according to Rosstat, the average salary in the country in 2016 was 36.7 thousand rubles.

State executive power in the Russian Federation, according to Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is exercised by the Russian government. Explaining the essence of this institution of power in our country in simple words, we can say that the government is engaged in “economic affairs,” that is, the development of the federal budget (which is subsequently approved by the Parliament of the Russian Federation), economic activity, owns the state federal budget and has many other functions, which are mentioned you will learn more by reading this article.

Government structure

Members of the Russian government are ministers who head the ministries under their jurisdiction, as well as civil servants who are members of various committees and commissions, federal agencies and departments.

If we look at it in a hierarchical context, the first positions here are made up of ministries. The chairman (head) is the Prime Minister of Russia. He directs the entire activity and serves as an intermediary between the executive branch of government and the president of the country. Today, the Prime Minister of the Russian government is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

List of ministries within the government of the Russian Federation

A ministry is a state government with a specific area of ​​activity. In the Russian Federation they are presented as follows:

  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - which includes the police. The member of the government heading it is Minister V. A. Kolokoltsev.
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - deals with civil defense matters, liquidation of consequences of natural disasters, etc.

  • The Russian Foreign Ministry is the body responsible for Russian foreign policy in international relations. Members of the government from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whom every Russian knows, are Maria Zakharova and Sergei Lavrov.
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - is responsible for the military defense of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • The Ministry of Health is the ministry responsible for providing mass healthcare and medicine.
  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - providing cultural leisure for the population.
  • Ministry of Education and Science - mass education and scientific activity.
  • Ministry of Ecology - implementation of environmental activities.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - regulating industrial activity and developing trade.
  • Ministry of Development of Territories of the Far East.
  • Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - implementation of activities for the development of communications and communications on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry for Caucasian Affairs.
  • The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the development of agriculture in Russia.
  • The Ministry of Sports is the Ministry of Sports Development.

  • The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is the body dealing with public utilities and construction.
  • Ministry of Labor - labor protection and social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Finance - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation - implementation of economic activities.
  • Ministry of Economic Development - Ministry of Development of Economic Development Programs of the Russian Federation.
  • Migenergo is the ministry of the energy sector of Russian industry.

Agencies, departments, services

The Government of the Russian Federation, as mentioned earlier, includes not only members of the government - ministers, but also other civil servants working in federal agencies and departments. There are more than a dozen of them in Russia. A few of them will be presented below:

  • FADN is a federal agency dealing with the affairs of nationalities (protection of the rights of national minorities, etc.).
  • FAS is an antimonopoly service that coordinates activities to counter the monopolization of existing markets.
  • FANO is an agency that also deals with the accreditation of existing scientific organizations.
  • GUSP is the management of special programs developed by the President of the Russian Federation.

Other structures in the Russian government

In addition, the Russian government has extra-budgetary funds created primarily for social security of the population. For example, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a pension fund that accumulates a pension reserve for Russian citizens. They also exist in certain “exotic” industries. For example, ROSATOM or ROSCOSMOS.

Government in persons

The list of members of the Government of the Russian Federation (deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation), presented below, is not exhaustive; in addition, within the structure of the executive branch itself, job transfers are not uncommon.

However, the current data is as follows:

  • I. I. Shuvalov. He is also a First Class State Councilor.
  • A. G. Khloponin. He is also the president of the North Caucasus District.
  • O. Yu. Golodets. In addition, he oversees higher and postgraduate education.
  • Yu. P. Trutnev. He is also the authorized representative of the president in the Far Eastern District.
  • A. V. Dvorkovich. Head of the automotive industry.
  • D. O. Rogozin. Supervises
  • D. N. Kozak. Supervises budget projects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • S. E. Prikhodko. Supervises state and municipal services provided to the population of the Russian Federation.
  • V. L. Mutko. Supervises the sports sector.