Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan: why the actress did not give birth to her husband’s children. Roxana Babayan: biography, personal life Personal life and social activities


Yesterday, after a long illness, People's Artist Mikhail Derzhavin died at the age of 82. According to the artist's widow Roxana Babayan, he suffered from a complex of chronic ailments, the most serious of which were ischemia and hypertension. Mikhail Derzhavin also suffered from heart problems. Despite all the efforts of doctors, it was not possible to save the actor, who spent more than a month in one of the capital’s hospitals. Many film and cultural figures, political and public figures have already expressed their condolences to the artist’s loved ones.

Mikhail Derzhavin was married three times. For the first time, the actor tied the knot with the daughter of Arkady Raikin, Ekaterina, with whom he studied in the same course at theater school. True, this marriage did not last long, and the young couple divorced two years later. Derzhavin married for the second time a few months after the divorce. The actor fell in love with Nina Budyonny, the daughter of the famous Soviet marshal and commander of the First Cavalry Army Semyon Budyonny. This marriage lasted 16 years and gave Derzhavin and his wife a daughter Maria, and then grandchildren - Petra And Pavel.

Mikhail Derzhavin

Derzhavin entered into his third marriage with a popular pop singer Roxana Babayan. He lived with her until the end of his life. It is interesting that Derzhavin and Babayan got married only a few years ago, although up to that point they had lived together for more than three decades. The couple also had no heirs, although, as Babayan admitted, she always had a very positive attitude towards children.

Roxana Babayan noted that she married Derzhavin when the actor was not even 45 years old (the singer herself is ten years old younger than spouse). But the singer never managed to experience the happiness of motherhood. One of the reasons was a busy work schedule: Babayan lived in the capital and often traveled with concert programs around the country. She didn't want her children to exist in such a chaotic and haphazard schedule.

Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin

Nevertheless, Roxana Babayan noted that she does not condemn anyone for their parental choice. She herself believes that the mother should be with the child, not the nanny. It is the parent, according to the singer, who should be involved in raising the child.

Babayan admitted that she does not regret that she never gave birth to children from Mikhail Derzhavin. She is also not afraid of loneliness: Roxana has admitted more than once that she has reliable support and support - her family and friends. “I am surrounded by close people: the daughter of Mikhail Mikhailovich (from his second marriage. - Note ed.) Masha, her children, husband, my brother Yuri,” the portal Dni.ru quotes Roxana Babayan.

Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan

Roxana Babayan

Soviet and Russian singer and actress.
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (01/07/1988).
People's Artist of Russia (01/08/1999).

In 1975 she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering). She made her debut as a singer in the State Pop Orchestra of Armenia under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan in 1970.
Since the late 70s she has lived in Moscow, and since 1978 she has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In 1983, she graduated from the Faculty of Administrative Economics as an external student. State Institute theatrical arts(GITIS). She went through a good jazz vocal school, but her performance style gradually evolved from jazz to pop music. She took part in many festivals and competitions. At international competitions in Dresden “Shlager Festival” in 1978, at the “Bratislava Lyra” in 1979, at gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-1983, the singer won the “Grand Prix”. Composers and poets V. Matetsky, A. Levin, V. Dobrynin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky worked with Roxana Babayan. The singer's tours took place in many countries in all parts of the world. The Melodiya company produced 7 vinyl records singers. In the 80s she collaborated with the ensemble of soloists of the Melodiya company under the direction of Boris Frumkin.
In 1992-1995, there was a break in the singer’s work.
Roxana Babayan is a participant in many television and radio programs. In 1991, for the first time in Russia, an animated video clip was created for the song “The East is a Delicate Matter” (music by V. Matetsky, lyrics by V. Shatrov) (directed by animator Alexander Gorlenko). In addition, video clips “Ocean of Glass Tears” (1994), “Because of Love” (1996), “Sorry” (1997) and others were shot for Babayan’s songs.
In cinema since 1990 - she has established herself as a sharp character comedienne. Lately The singer performs on stage occasionally and works in the theater.

President of the Russian Animal Protection League.

The biography of Roxana Babayan begins in Tashkent, where she was born in May 1946. Roxana sang since childhood and dreamed of doing singing career. However, her father was against it, and the girl became a student at the construction department of the Tashkent Railway Institute.

And yet, the biography of Roxana Babayan did not become a biography of an engineer-architect - already in the first years her vocal talent was noted, and after studying she ran to study and perform in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan. So, the career of a railway worker was forgotten, and already in 1973 Roxana moved to Moscow: she was invited to the then famous VIA “Blue Guitars”. Working in this group, Roxana gains experience and improves her vocals, and three years later, in 1976, she receives first prize at the “Hit Festival” competition, which was held in Dresden.

Roxana Babayan, whose biography was replenished with such facts as participation in the Bratislava Lyre (1979) and Cuban pop festivals (1982-1983), begins to collaborate with a group of vocalists from the Melodiya company under the leadership of Boris Frumkin.

1977 - the singer’s debut in the “Song-77” competition and the beginning solo performances. Her repertoire includes “female” themes, pop music with jazz elements. Artistry, beauty and unique voice made Roxana popular. Poets also begin to write songs for her: V. Matetsky, L. Voropaeva, N. Levinovsky, V. Dobrynin, G. Garanyan, V. Dorokhin. The singer began to tour actively.

In 1983, Roxana Babayan’s biography was marked by receiving an external diploma of higher education- administrative and economic (GITIS). In 1987, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Personally, Roxana Babayan’s biography underwent changes in the 1980s - she met Mikhail Derzhavin. He invited her to his friend’s birthday, where the singer met all her friends famous actor: Eldar Ryazanov, Andrey Zakharov and many others. As Roxana later found out, these were a kind of “browse”. Friends said: “We have to take it.” Since then they have been together - Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan. Biography, children, success - they now have everything between them. It’s hard to imagine them without each other; they have been living together for more than 20 years. Derzhavin has a daughter, Masha, from a previous marriage; the spouses have no children together.

The Melodiya company released 11 records by the singer, including the giant discs:

  • "Roxana Babayan sings";
  • "When I am with you";
  • "Roxana";
  • "Another woman".

In 1991, an animated video was made for Roxana’s song “The East is a Delicate Matter” (for the first time in our country), directed by Alexander Gorlenko. 1996 was marked by the release of Babayan’s first CD, entitled “Witchcraft Spells.”

Roxana Babayan, whose biography includes not only a singing career, has also starred in such films as “My Sailor Girl”, “New Odeon”, “Groom from Miami”, “The Third is Not Extra” and others. She was a singer and TV presenter - in the 1990s she hosted the program “Breakfast with Roxanne.”

In the late 1990s, the singer decided to quietly complete creative career without spending farewell concerts. She is going to study again - now humanities and, having received her third diploma, defends her PhD on the topic of personality problems. Roxana also holds the post of chairman of the Animal Welfare League.

The wife of the famous Soviet actor Mikhail Derzhavin, Roxana Babayan, can barely stand on her feet after the death of her husband - she lived in marriage with the artist for 37 years, and therefore it is very difficult for her to survive the loss.

The day before, the singer talked to the press - it’s hard for her to talk, but she is practically forbidden to grieve for her husband, because Derzhavin was a positive person, warming with his jokes and eternal smile, and therefore many bitter tears and sadness would simply be an insult to his memory. The wife is holding out last bit of strength and claims that she will not be lonely - she is surrounded by close people who will help her survive.

The question of the loneliness of the elderly singer arose for a reason - for almost forty years life together She never became a mother with Derzhavin.

The singer openly talks about the fact that she did not become a mother for only one reason - because of constant employment. She has seen many times how artists take their children with them on tour and treats children very tenderly, but she would not wish her child a “nomadic” fate.

Due to her constant workload, she didn’t even want to think about having a child, because her career was more important to her up to a certain point, and later it was too late to give birth. Roxana Rubenovna is firmly convinced that the mother, and not the nanny, should be involved in raising a child, as is often the case nowadays with artists or business people, and therefore did not risk having a baby.

Note that Derzhavin had a daughter from his second marriage, Maria. The artist passed away on January 10; relatives say the cause of death was heart disease. Before latest artist he tried to enjoy life and work tirelessly, but since mid-2017 his health has noticeably deteriorated, Rosregistr reports. At the time of his death, Mikhail Derzhavin was 81 years old.

They will say goodbye to the artist on Monday, January 15, in the hall of the Satire Theater, to which the actor dedicated most of his life.

Oksana Babayan was born on May 30, 1946 in Tashkent in the family of engineer Ruben Mikhailovich Mukurdumov and singer and pianist Seda Grigorievna Babayan.

In 1970 she graduated from the Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering (PGS). While studying at the institute, she participated in amateur performances, occupying top places at singing competitions. In the year of graduation from the university, the head of the State pop orchestra Armenian People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan invited Roxana to join his orchestra in Yerevan, where she then became a professional singer. Since 1973 (according to other sources - since 1975) Roxana has become soloist of VIA"Blue Guitars"

A turning point in his career was participation in the international hit festival “Dresden 1976” (“Internationales Schlagerfestival Dresden”) on September 16-19, 1976 in the GDR. Despite the very strong composition of the competitors and the constant sympathy of the German jury for their performers from the GDR (in 9 out of 17 festivals they were given the victory), Roxana Babayan managed to win (due to the fact that the “Grand Prix” was not awarded in those years, a victory was considered 1st prize award) main international competition GDR thanks very much interesting song Igor Granov to the poems of Onegin Gadzhikasimov “Rain”, according to the terms of the competition, partially performed on German(translation by Hartmut Schulze-Gerlach) and the outstanding performance demonstrated by the singer vocal abilities. After the festival, the Amiga company released a giant disc, which included Roxana’s song.

Thanks to this victory, Roxana Babayan performed at the main Soviet festival “Song of the Year - 1977” with the song Polad Bul Bul ogly to the poems of Ilya Reznik “And again I will be surprised by the sun”, and, according to the hit parade “Soundtrack” of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” 1977 and 1978, at the end of the year entered the top six popular singers THE USSR.

In 1983 she graduated from the administrative and economic department of the State Institute of Theater Arts named after A.V. Lunacharsky (GITIS).

A new period of popularity came from the late 1980s, when Babayan annually reached the finals of the Song of the Year festival from 1988 to 1996.

Widow People's Artist RSFSR Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin (June 15, 1936 - January 10, 2018), with whom she has been married since 1980.

Member of the Russian political party "United Russia".

From January to October 2012 - member of the “People's Headquarters” (for the city of Moscow) of a candidate for the position of President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The widely famous singer and actress Roxana Babayan was born on May 30, 1946 in the capital of Uzbekistan - the city of Tashkent. The peak of its popularity came first in the 70s and then in the 90s. During this period, she was a regular guest at “Song of the Year” and “Blue Light”.

Roxana Babayan: biography, family, children

The singer was born into a very intelligent family. Parents did everything to ensure that their child grew up educated and cultured. My father was a civil engineer by profession, and my mother in Uzbekistan was quite famous composer and a pianist. Roxana owes her love for music and creativity to her mother. Woman with early years I taught my daughter to play the piano and the basics of vocal skills. From a young age school years Babayan dreamed of being a singer, but her father was categorically against this and did not even allow the thought of the girl linking her fate with the stage.

The father insisted that after receiving secondary education, her daughter should enter the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. However, no one could prohibit Roxana from taking part in amateur performances. Already in her first year, she became a winner at many city competitions and festivals. At one of them, Konstantin Orbelyan noticed a talented girl and offered to become a soloist of the Armenian pop orchestra. The girl had a very difficult time because she had to combine studies with performances. However, she did not give up and received a degree in civil engineering.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan in her youth

Roxana did not want to stop there and decided to continue her education. First, she graduated from GITIS, and ten years later from Moscow Pedagogical University, where she mastered the profession of a psychologist. Babayan defended her dissertation in this area.

Roxana's popularity began to increase sharply from the moment she began collaborating with the Blue Guitars VIA. Together with the team, she not only toured throughout the country, but also took part in international festivals. Since 1976, the singer decided to start solo career and changed her performance style, as well as her repertoire.

After the stunning success in Roxana's career, a period of calm began. At certain times, she did not appear on television screens and almost did not give concerts. But in 2013, the performer again pleased fans with a new track, recorded together with the lead singer of the group “NAIV” Alexander Ivanov.

Roxana Babayan: husband, personal life

Roxana Babayan’s personal life is connected with her creativity and work on stage. For the first time, she began a serious romance with a musician from the Armenian pop orchestra. The couple dated for some time, and then it was decided to legalize the relationship. The singer's first husband remained with her even after the divorce. good relations. Their marriage was short-lived, but friendly relations managed to save.

During a tour in Dzhezkazgan, Roxana met actor and TV presenter Mikhail Derzhavin. This happened in 1980. The romance had a rapid and rapid development and a few months later the lovers decided to legitimize their relationship. Roxana Babayan’s second husband had already been officially married twice before, but this union turned out to be the last. In January 2018, Mikhail passed away. He was 81 years old. Numerous chronic diseases took over and the body could no longer resist them. The artist suffered from coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as vascular disease. He was sent to a military hospital in Odintsovo, where he was supposed to undergo treatment. Nevertheless desired result this did not work and the man died right in the hospital. Roxana Rubenovna was left completely alone. Only work helps her cope with grief. Condolences were expressed to the family and friends not only by colleagues and acquaintances, but also by top officials of the state.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin

Fans are concerned about the question of how many children the singer has. Not everyone knows that she never managed to experience the joy of motherhood and give birth to a baby on her own. Unspent mother's love she gives to orphans, providing assistance to orphanages. Roxana is also involved in protecting homeless animals. She is the president of the League for the Protection of Homeless Animals and a member of the board of trustees of the Foundation for Premature Babies.

In the photo: Roxana Babayan with her second husband

Despite her age, Roxana continues to lead active image life and takes an active life position. The woman is still creative, performs, and takes part in concerts. She can be seen in television programs and talk shows. She does not lose her optimism in life and continues to delight fans with new songs. I would like to believe that this wonderful person it will still be long years give us joy and goodness.