Muay Thai training techniques in Thailand. Thai boxing at home


Anyone who has seen Tony Jaa in action will see the benefits of Muay Thai. Explosive plyometric training, which is at the core of any Muay Thai fighter's training, allows you to achieve such physical fitness that the impossible becomes possible.

Muay Thai, also known as the “science of eight limbs,” is taught to military and police officers in Thailand due to its lethal potential in close combat. The fighters, using their feet, knees, fists and elbows, unleash a hail of blows on their opponents that can crush any adherent of good old English boxing - provided that the opponents do not differ much in weight and level of physical fitness.

“Muay Thai is considered one of the deadliest martial arts in the world,” says Kru Sean Boland, professional trainer and founder of the Chao Phraya Muay Thai Academy. “Our fighters are regularly tested for strength in battles within the famous K1 championships and often win them.” But Thai boxing is not only about winning in the ring. “Muay Thai is designed to develop agility, endurance and flexibility, and adherents of this martial art tend to be strong and lean,” confirms Boland.

Introducing the program Boland uses to train his students. With its help, you will completely rebuild your body and reach new heights in the gym in less than a month. And if you need inspiration for these activities, watch this video:

Cult film: "Thai Warrior"
Cult Hero: Tony Jaa as Tiang

Fighting pressure

Master the secrets of Muay Thai to gain explosive strength and maximize the power of your legs.

Your program for 4 weeks

Do these exercises 3 times a week. Always start with the warm-up described below. For classes in the first and second weeks, choose one exercise each from groups A and B and two exercises from group C, ending the session with interval training with a jump rope for 6 minutes. In the third and fourth weeks, do 2 exercises from group A at a time, one from group B, then work with a pear and finally 2 exercises from group B. Combine exercises in such a way that each session is different from the previous one. The order of execution can be any - starting with exercises from group A and ending with exercises from group B is not necessary. End each session by jogging for 20 minutes. for a cool down.


1. Run and hit Within 30 sec. Run in place, then add a combination of forward and upward punches to your run. You are also given 30 seconds for these movements. Rest for 20 seconds.

2. Block Stand in a standing position and, jumping in place, raise one or the other knee to your chest in turn for a minute. Rest for 20 seconds. and start training.

Group A. Increase your power

With your butt back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then straighten up, simultaneously sharply throwing your right knee forward and up.

Repeat with the other leg. This is 1 repetition, do 10 of these and rest for 1 minute.

Combine jumping jacks and push-ups, each time adding or subtracting 2 repetitions according to the following scheme: first do 2 jumps and 2 push-ups, then 4 jumps and 4 push-ups, then 6 jumps and 6 push-ups, then 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. This is one approach, do 2-3 of these, rest between approaches for 30 seconds, after - 1.5 minutes.

With your butt back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then jump up and simultaneously turn your whole body 180 degrees clockwise. This is 1 repetition. On your next rep, turn 180 degrees counterclockwise. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Rest between sets 30 seconds, after - 1.5 minutes.

Group B. Gain Deadly Power

Place your feet at double shoulder width. Bend over and place your hands on the floor. Move them forward without moving your legs until you reach a lying position. Push up and return to the starting position. Do 15–20 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds.

Get into a lying position and do one push-up. When you're in the top position, throw a forward punch with one arm, then push up and throw a hook with the other arm. This is two repetitions. Do 20-30 repetitions. Rest for 30 seconds.

"Don't wag your tongue until the fight is over"

Tony Jaa

Hit the bags

Perform these exercises as part of your workout in weeks three and four.

Monday and Thursday

100 beat session

  • 25 straight punches (jab/cross)
  • 25 straight kicks

Rest for 30 seconds.

Wednesday and Friday

200 beat session

At a fast pace and without rest, do:

  • 25 straight punches (jab/cross)
  • 25 straight kicks
  • 25 knee strikes (hold the bag with your hands)
  • 25 side kicks (each leg)

Rest 30 seconds. and repeat again.

Group B. Work your core muscles

Lie on the floor on your back and stretch your arms behind your head, touching them to the floor. At the same time, raise your arms and legs so that they meet above your stomach, return to the starting position. Repeat 15–20 times. Rest 1 minute. before the next exercise.

Sit facing your partner with your knees bent and your ankles touching him, as in the picture. Together, synchronously lift your torso to your knees, and in the upper position, one of you puts out your palms, and the other gently hits them and crosses. Hitting the head is prohibited. If you don't have a partner, use a bench to raise your torso to your knees while shadow boxing. Perform 2 sets of 15–20 repetitions. Rest between them for 30 seconds, after - 1 minute.

Stand straight with your feet together and hold a dumbbell (no more than 4 kg) with both arms straight above your head. Lean to the left and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side without haste, maintaining complete control. This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds between sets. and pause for 1 minute. after doing this exercise.

Take a plank position and hold it for 1 minute (body weight on your elbows and toes, back and legs straight). Now lift one leg and hold it for 5-10 seconds. suspended, then change legs. This is one repetition, do 4 of these, resting 30 seconds between them. Control your breathing while doing this exercise to better work your abdominal muscles. Finished? Rest 1 minute before the next exercise.

For many of our compatriots today, many years after all obstacles to practicing any sport have been removed, Thai boxing is a dangerous exotic activity that can only be practiced by extreme sports enthusiasts. Of course, in reality everything is far from being like that.

First of all, it should be noted that domestic “Europeanized” Thai boxing, and especially the training process, is fundamentally different from the classes conducted in specialized Muay Thai schools at home in Thailand. There the main emphasis is on developing endurance, strength and speed of impact. Typical classic Muay Thai training lasts at least two hours twice a day.

In the European version of Muay Thai, more attention is paid to safety and protection from opponents' blows.

You should also remember that Muay Thai, like any type of martial arts, involves two categories of athletes. Most of them train “for themselves,” and therefore train two to three times a week. A much smaller portion who regularly compete have a different training schedule.

The training schedule for Muay Thai at the Udarnik club can be found at LINK

As in most martial arts, for example, kickboxing or boxing, group training for amateurs in Thai boxing is divided into several stages: warm-up part, learning new material, practicing techniques on apparatus and in pairs, strength exercises, “cool-down”.

The main part of the warm-up is running. In most sections, athletes, honoring traditions, practice barefoot. But this is not a mandatory rule. After this, the warm-up continues with special exercises with rotation of the head, torso, shoulders, and stretching is a must.

To practice new blows or combinations, they begin by striking in the air, preferably in front of a mirror.

As soon as the trainer has determined that the technique has been mastered, work in pairs begins.

Athletes must wear gloves, a mouthguard, pads on the elbows, shins, and groins. At first the blow is delivered slowly, but gradually its strength and speed increases. Since the partners coordinately, alternately delivering strikes and practicing techniques to defend against it, and at the same time each of them is wearing protective equipment, the likelihood of injury is minimal. The training of the technique at “combat” speed ends.

Prices for subscriptions to the Udarnik club can be viewed.

Ends Muay Thai training the fact that athletes perform a set of exercises to relieve muscle tension. The duration of the training is one and a half to two hours.

Athletes who have sufficient training and a desire to compete engage in sparring.

The Udarnik club is recruiting for the Thai boxing section

Training takes place in halls equipped to the most modern standards, spacious rooms are equipped with professional equipment for practicing strikes, there is all the necessary protective equipment, the training process is monitored by experienced trainers, for comfort, showers with hot water are installed in each club hall.

It also happens that it is not possible to visit the gym, but there is a great desire and willpower to practice boxing. It’s unlikely that anyone can replace a real trainer, but boxing lessons for beginners at home can quite help. For full-fledged training, you will have to buy everything you need: a punching bag, gloves, dumbbells, a barbell. After this, you can begin to master the main rules.

Boxing classes without leaving home

A boxing lesson for a beginning athlete should begin with a warm-up. This will help avoid injury and prepare your muscles for stress. It’s very good if you have the opportunity to go for a run close to home. In winter, you can do without this by resorting to physical exercise.

Fist push-ups. It is better for a novice boxer to play it safe and put a mat under his hands. After several training sessions, your fists become harder and you can do without it. This type of push-up will help strengthen your triceps and wrist joints for a powerful punch. For greater efficiency, do 3-5 approaches of 20 times with breaks of five minutes. We must strive to ensure that this number of approaches is completed without much difficulty.

Jumping rope. Many boxers neglect jumping rope, and in vain. By performing this exercise for 20 minutes before each workout, the athlete becomes much faster and more dynamic than the opponent. In boxing, strong legs and calf muscles are important. You can and should jump in different ways: low, high, on one or two legs, move around the room back, forward, in a circle.

Squats. Perform five sets of 50 reps. You can also squat with a barbell, if you have one. To do this, you need to place it just below the neck to avoid injury and greater weight pull. Keeping your back straight, place your heels under your shoulders, turning your feet slightly. The main thing is to look in front of you, otherwise, if you lower your eyes, your neck will also droop.

Shadowboxing. It is necessary to learn how to practice strikes and defense with a non-existent opponent, as they say - to hit in the air. This is necessary so that your hands do not get tired during a real fight if there is a miss. You can practice both single and serial strikes to gain improvisation skills during an attack.

Basic punches in boxing

As in any sport, first you need to master the basic strikes and techniques. They will become the basis for learning more complex techniques. It is quite difficult to understand boxing for a beginner. Video lessons clearly help you understand the subtlety and correctness of the movements. At home, you can practice them on a pear.

  • Jab. Not the strongest blow, but very important. When striking, the arm is fully straightened, and the fist is held in a horizontal position, palm down.
  • Cross. A direct blow used by boxers to knock out an opponent. The weight of the body must be transferred to the left leg, turning the body and striking. To protect from the enemy, the face is covered with the right shoulder, the left fist covers the lower part of the face, and the left elbow is pressed to the body.

  • Hook. A powerful knockout blow that is delivered in a curved trajectory resembling a hook. Experienced boxers apply it with lightning speed, which unbalances the opponent.

The first Muay Thai lesson teaches the lead punch. It is applied during an enemy attack, with a direct blow with a deflection. Beginners do not succeed in such manipulations right away; first they need to bring all actions to automaticity.

So that all your work does not go to waste, you need to take care of protection. Even the strongest boxer, without knowing how to defend himself, will very soon be knocked out. Therefore, well-executed defensive blocks can bring victory in Muay Thai.

  1. Keep your eyes open when your opponent throws a punch. Although this is quite difficult for a beginner, it is the most important moment of the battle.
  2. Bend your neck slightly forward to protect your eyes with your eyebrow bones. Tilt will help control your opponent's movements.
  3. Maintain calm and composure. During a fight, professionals use a “mask of anger” - a grin. This gives a psychological advantage over the enemy.
  4. Don't do too many movements (boxing dance takes a lot of energy) and don't give up. Stepping back is also not the best approach to combat. Avoid this bad habit by fighting in the corner, when there is nowhere to go back.
  5. Return to the starting, fighting position after a strike. And also quickly move on to attack after defensive techniques.
  6. Reflect your opponent's blows, blocking with different hands to protect your head. And, of course, do not turn your back to the enemy, otherwise he can easily pierce the spine and neck.

At home, it is better to study all boxing lessons via video. Because only by watching a professional can you learn the correct technique. Hard work will do its job, even if it is not possible to attend training.

If you are studying martial arts, then no matter what style it is, it is always useful to have a partner to train with. Working with a partner helps to imitate real wrestling and practice martial arts techniques. In Muay Thai, for example, working with a partner allows you to experience in practice such nuances as time, distance, pace and rhythm of battle, as well as many others.

But unfortunately, it is not always possible to train in the gym with teammates. But don't worry as there are many ways to exercise on your own and benefit from it. For example, working alone on a bag allows you to discover new combinations and work out mistakes that you have in your strikes.

While working with a partner has clear benefits, independent learning should not be overlooked.

This article discusses a training plan that will be useful to you for self-study. All you need is a little space, a jump rope, a punching bag and good music for training.

Part 1: Warm up

Warm up and stretch - 10 min
Jump rope - 2 rounds (6 minutes total)
Shadowboxing - 3 rounds (total 9 minutes of work)

Shadowboxing requires concentration and perseverance. Otherwise, it is very easy to develop bad habits instead of the right skills. Imagine your opponent in front of you. Perform at 70% of your ability throughout all rounds. Walk correctly using the balls of your feet (on your toes). Focus on movements, do not forget to break the distance after attacks.

A good option for shadowboxing is tasks for each round.

Round 1: Movements with a sudden impact. Move and periodically throw out sharp kicks and punches. This exercise will help improve your movement technique and the speed of your strikes.

Round 2: Practicing kicks (knees, types, etc.). Continue to focus on your movements, but focus on kicking only.

Round 3: Full sparring. Combine the work with your arms and legs.

Part 2. Working with a heavy bag

1. 50 push kicks

Perform kicks with both feet. Use the movement of the bag to practice counter strikes when it “flies” at you. At the same time, don’t just stand still, but move around.

2. 50 side kicks on each leg.

Perform all kicks on one leg, then on the other. Concentrate on the coordinated work of your legs, body and head. Practice maximum amplitude and strength.

3. 5 free rounds.

Use all proven techniques. Work clearly and simply. Be realistic, you shouldn’t practice any combinations piled up with blows. Remember that what you practice on the bag will become your automaticity and will manifest itself in sparring.