Methodological development on the topic: Scenario for the holiday "Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs." Congratulations to all Slavs on the main holiday - the Day of Friendship and Slavic Unity! Day of Slavic Unity


Our friendship, our faith

Will be with us forever,

Our strength, our will

Will never die!

And while it's shining on white

The sun is shining after us,

We wish all the Slavs

To be united forever!

Every year, Slavs all over the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs on June 25. In total there are about 270 million Slavs in the world.

This date is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This holiday is truly national. It comes from common roots, cultural traditions and customs.

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it even if at the moment live in other countries. Slavs make up the majority in countries such as Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of largest states, in which Slavs make up the overwhelming majority of its inhabitants. Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. The activities of these organizations allow us to maintain the connection between times. They help pass on the original traditions, customs and rituals of the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples from generation to generation. At the same time, civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

Goals of creation and traditions for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

The Day of Slavic Unity was established to unite different branches of the Slavs and strengthen the connection between generations. It is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and culture of the Slavs.

On June 25, on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, heads of state traditionally congratulate the citizens not only of their country, but also of all Slavic brothers on this significant date. The holiday makes Slavs all over the world remember their origins and roots. The Slavs represent the largest linguistic and cultural community of peoples in the world.

As part of the holiday of the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, various events are held that are aimed at developing friendly relations between Slavic countries. According to written and archaeological sources, the Slavs already in the VI-VII centuries. lived in Central and Eastern Europe. Their lands extended from the Elbe and Oder rivers in the west to the upper reaches of the Dniester and the middle reaches of the Dnieper in the east.

Slavic peoples

Currently, the Slavs live over a vast territory of Southern and Eastern Europe and further east - up to Far East Russia. There is also a Slavic minority in the states Western Europe, America, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

It is customary to distinguish three branches of Slavic peoples. Western Slavs- these are: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians. TO South Slavs include: Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Herzegovinians, Macedonians, Slovenians and Montenegrins. Eastern Slavs: Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians.

The problem of origin and ancient history Slavs is one of the most difficult. The joint efforts of archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, ethnographers and historians are aimed at solving it. Modern Slavic peoples have quite heterogeneous genetic origins. This can explain the complexity of ethnogenetic processes in Eastern Europe. These processes began tens of thousands of years ago, intensified during the Great Migration of Peoples in the 5th century and are still ongoing.

Slavic languages ​​belong to the branch Indo-European family languages. They belong to the Indo-European languages ​​of the Satem group. The Baltic and Slavic languages, in terms of vocabulary, morphology and syntax, have many more similarities than any other groups Indo-European languages. The presence of a number of similar features in the Baltic and Slavic languages ​​may indicate that in ancient times there was a Baltic-Slavic linguistic unity. For a long time there were no independent Slavic states.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany. By the end of the 20th century, all Slavic peoples had already received state independence. The Slavic peoples owe the appearance of writing to Constantine and Methodius. It was they who streamlined the Slavic letter and completely adapted it for recording Slavic speech. A huge amount of work was done to create a written book Slavic language, which later received the name Old Slavonic.

The Slavs have a very rich and diverse culture. She should be proud and show it to other peoples. However long time she was not given of great importance, everything Western was implanted. As part of this holiday in different countries Cultural events are held aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

The Slavs represent the largest linguistic and cultural community of peoples in the world. Total number There are 300-350 million Slavs in the world. There are Western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians), Southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins) and Eastern Slavs (Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians).

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, and also live in all post-Soviet countries, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Austria, Italy, America and Australia.

Most Slavs are Christians, with the exception of the Bosnians, who converted to Islam during Ottoman rule over southern Europe. Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Russians - mostly Orthodox; Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians are Catholics, among Ukrainians and Belarusians there are many Orthodox, but there are also Catholics and Uniates.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany. By the end of the twentieth century, all Slavic peoples, except for Russians and Lusatians living in modern Germany, received state independence.

The idea of ​​unity of the Slavic peoples, to the creation of a common script by the saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, who are revered both in Russia and in a number of other Slavic states.

Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. Thanks to their activities, original traditions, the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples, customs and rituals are passed on from generation to generation, and civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

On the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, cultural events are held in different countries aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

The festival "Slavic Unity" is taking place on the border of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. It was first held in 1969 and began as an informal celebration of the peoples of three countries. In 1975, the Friendship Monument (also known under the symbolic name “Three Sisters”) was erected, standing at the junction of three borders, and in last decades The celebrations took place on a large field near the monument, and tens of thousands of people took part in the event every year.

Once every three years, one of the regions - Bryansk (Russia), Gomel (Belarus), Chernigov (Ukraine) - became the host party responsible for holding the festival.

Since 2014, Ukraine has refused to participate in the festival, and the event was also moved from the border for security reasons. That year, the main celebrations took place in the Bryansk village of Klimovo, and in 2015 - in the Belarusian city of Loev. In 2016, when the festival was supposed to be hosted by Ukraine, due to the refusal of the Ukrainian side, the festival was replaced by celebrations in honor of the Day of Partisans and Underground Workers, which took place in Bryansk. In 2017, the festival took place in the city of Klintsy, Bryansk region.

In 2018, the Slavic Unity festival will be hosted by the city of Vetka, Gomel region of Belarus.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Every second Russian has a relative in Ukraine, every third Ukrainian has relatives in Belarus, and every fourth Belarusian knows a Pole or Slovak. We are all Slavs, and we celebrate June 25 and the unity of the Slavs.

Who are the Slavs

Probably few people don’t know who the Slavs are. Let's broaden our horizons by talking about some of the features of this group of peoples.

There is no greater community in the world than the Slavs. We inhabit the entire European and part of the Asian continent. Our compatriots live in all corners of the world. If you collect everyone who can be considered Slavs, then there will be about 370 million people in the world.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is celebrated by those who remember their roots, and who, at least indirectly, honor the people. Having once settled throughout Europe, the people of one community were divided into three groups: which included residents of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia; southern - territories of the countries of the Mediterranean coast of Europe, with the exception of the Greeks; Eastern - congenial Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians.

History of the Russians

Now, wondering where the roots of friendship and unity of the Slavs come from, few can answer unequivocally how it happened that so many different nationalities emerged from one nation. Historians only speculate real reasons settlement and division of one people, although there is still no reliable data.

To modern world individual Slavic peoples lived very scatteredly and did not have their own territory. Until the 19th century, everything was collected within the boundaries of three largest empires. The only exceptions were the Montenegrins, who initially had an independent state, and the Lusatians, who occupied an autonomous region within Germany.

It was only after 1945 that many separate states were created that declared their intention to write their history within independent borders. Today, the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is an opportunity to remember what unites different countries, different languages and the belief that we have the same roots of great family tree, which will never bend under the onslaught of invaders.

History of the holiday

It is difficult to determine the period when all the Slavs lived on the same territory and had a common language, culture and traditions. Some historians believe that this time was partially captured by the formative period Kievan Rus. Be that as it may, Cyril and Methodius are considered the ancestors, and their activities became the reason for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. The history of the Equal-to-the-Apostles people begins with the fact that these two holy martyrs streamlined all the church writing that existed at that time, as a result of which one language arose, called Old Church Slavonic.

Such different peoples with the same roots

For a long time, truly Slavic values ​​changed under the influence Western cultures. This could not but affect traditions, beliefs and holidays. For example, almost all Slavs are Christians, but the Bosnians stand out among them all. They converted to Islam back in the days when they were captured by the Ottoman Empire.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs was created in order to revive what was lost hundreds of centuries ago, to remember those things in which our ancestors believed, and to finally begin to be proud of folk wisdom.

Where and how to celebrate

The tradition of celebrating the holiday began not so long ago. It was customary to celebrate June 25 as the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Every year the folk festival takes place in the place where the three borders of the most friendly Slavic states - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - meet.

Our countries have always been closely connected. And this is reflected not only in the economic or political component. The borders have been separated large families, separated brothers and sisters and grandparents. And it's a shame that lately There is an increase in tension in relations between two almost fraternal states - Ukraine and Russia. The hope was expressed that the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2015 would be able to reduce the flaring fire of hostility.

So, the festival “Slavic Unity” is celebrated every year. The location of the general holiday is the point where the borders of three friendly states meet closest. Alternating, one of them receives guests.

How it was in past years

In 2013, the festival celebrated its anniversary. The guests were going to celebrate the unity of souls for the 45th time. This year's holiday was dedicated to another significant date - 1025 years have passed since the baptism of Rus'. The event was held in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, by coincidence, the holiday was again held outside the city of Klimov, in the Bryansk region.

But the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2015 was held in the town of Loev, in the Gomel region of Belarus. Its holding coincided with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Festival 2016

It is not yet clear where Slavic Unity will be held this year. In theory, Ukraine should be the host in 2016, but due to the unstable situation on its territory, it is expected that Klimov will again be hosted in the Bryansk region. It is important for us to know the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Photos illustrating how the holiday takes place can be seen in our article.


We are all Slavs. And this is very rich in culture and traditions of the nation. So let's not forget what flows in our blood, but be proud that our ancestors founded such powerful and strong states, created writing and opened the first schools. We are Slavs, and we are united!

Scenario for the holiday “Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs” for a children’s health camp

Ilyina Olesya Viktorovna, teacher additional education, MBUDO "Palace" children's creativity" Kursk

Target: holding a thematic concert.
Tasks: introduce the history of the holiday, its customs and traditions; develop imaginative thinking, fantasy, creativity, to form aesthetic taste; to cultivate respect for one's homeland, careful attitude to your culture.
Equipment: microphones, computer, speakers for the stage, a poster with a birch tree trunk, three tablet folders, wreaths for presenters.
Task for squads: come up with a video for folk song, which they randomly selected from the lineup. If there are a lot of groups, then the songs can be cut to 2-2.5 minutes, so as not to drag out the concert.


The evening event is held in the form of a concert and lasts 50-60 minutes. Each squad goes on stage and, in front of their performance, attaches their leaves to a poster with a birch trunk on it. The poster hangs on the back of the stage.
Musical gifts- these are performances outside competition task, which is performed by talented guys from the squads. It could be a song or a dance, the main thing is that it corresponds to the theme of the day - it is in a folk style. They can be changed at will.

List of songs:
1. Kolyada “Ay, little bunny”
2.Buranovsky grandmothers “Party for Evribadi”,
3. Folk choir “Berezka”,
4. Syabry “Alesya”,
5.Lidiya Ruslanova “Valenki”,
6. Folk choir “Kalina”,
7. Nadezhda Kadysheva “I’ll go out into the street.”

Progress of the event

Sounds lyrical music, three presenters - three countries - take the stage.

Belarus: Brothers Slavs - the world is one for us,
All sorrows go away, let's keep our friendship.

Ukraine: Are you Ukrainian, Slovak or Czech?
Russian, Pole? Yes, we are all Slavs!

Russia: Peaceful skies over your land,
The dear sun and dashing dance,
Laughter from the heart, blessings from the soul -
So that the unity motive does not go out.

Belarus: Friends, our day today is dedicated to friendship and unity of Slavs around the world.

Ukraine: In total there are about 270 million Slavs in the world. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians.

Russia: This holiday was established in the 90s of the 20th century and was created so that the Slavic peoples remembered their historical roots, sought to preserve their culture and centuries-old connection with each other.

Belarus: The symbol of our friendship today will be the Birch - the most beloved and folk tree.

Ukraine: You can see its artistic embodiment in the background of our stage. Each squad, coming out with their musical gift, will attach to it the multi-colored leaves that you received during the route game.

Russia: Today the troops prepared their musical sketches To folk songs. And they will be assessed by a competent jury consisting of:
(Presented by the jury)
And the 4th squad is in a hurry to present us with its first musical gift.
(Performance - Kolyada “Ay, little bunny”)

Bel: And we don’t stop applauding and invite 1st squad to join us on stage,
(Speech - “Buranovsky grandmothers”)
Let the circle dance of great friendship swirl,
On the day of unity, let the Slavic people rejoice,
Let's hold each other's hands tightly,
So as not to break the shared circle.

Russia: The Day of Unity of the Slavs is, first of all, a day folk culture, the basis of which is dance.

Belarus: Let's send the artists off with thunderous applause.

Russia: Another significant element of folk culture is the song. Meet the 2nd squad, which will present their composition for the song “Berezka”
(Performance - “Birch”)

Russia: The songs of the three nations are very similar: they sing of love for their Motherland and its nature. Meet the singer with a musical gift.

Ukraine: Our festive concert continues the 3rd squad, which prepared us a musical gift for the song “Alesya”
(Performance - “Alesya”)

Belarus: And the 5th squad is ready to present their musical gift next. Let's greet them with thunderous applause.
(Performance - “Valenki”)

Russia: All Slavs have the same past,
Fate has given us a chance to unite,
Let the people hold hands tightly,
And organizes a circle dance for friendship.

Belarus: Let's raise our hands and greet the next musical gift with friendly applause.
(Musical gift - dance)

Ukraine: Our birch tree is gradually filled with colorful leaves. And as you might have learned during the route game, the Birch is a symbol of another national holiday. Who can name him? (Answer - Green Christmastide).

Russia: Green Christmastide is the holy week after the feast of the Holy Trinity, which fell on June 19 this year. On this week, it was customary to remember deceased ancestors, open the swimming season, tell fortunes and believe in omens.

Belarus: And we believe in the sign that without a good song there cannot be have a nice holiday. Therefore, let's applaud the artist with a song.
(Musical gift - song)

Belarus: And we don’t stop and meet the 6th squad with their video for the song “Kalina”.
(Performance - “Kalina”)

Russia: Our holiday will continue and the artist who will perform the song is in a hurry to give us the next gift.
(Musical gift - song)

Ukraine: And the 7th squad rushes onto the stage, with a composition for the song “I’ll go out into the street.”
(Speech - “I’ll go out”)

Russia: Our holiday today is coming to an end, all the units performed their musical numbers.

Belarus: And the birch tree was covered with a real multi-colored crown. Let us, like our colorful birch tree, live peacefully and together, despite the fact that we are all different.

Ukraine: We will live in peace
And cherish our friendship!
And the friendship will be strong, inseparable.
She will survive problems and crises.
There will be no wars, but only our friendship,
And in our countries there is harmony, peace, income.

Let's hold hands and look around,
After all, every person is a friend to another!

At the end, the presenters descend into the hall, the counselors come up and stand in a semicircle with their backs to the stage and sing the final song “Khokhloma” in chorus.

Holidays are constant companions folk life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. For recent years A lot has changed in our lives, but people’s craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

Every year, Slavs all over the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs on June 25. In total there are about 270 million Slavs in the world.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is most widely celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is truly national. It comes from common roots, cultural traditions and customs.

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday is celebrated by Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it even if they currently live in other countries. Slavs make up the majority in countries such as Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the vast majority of its inhabitants.

Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. The activities of these organizations allow us to maintain the connection between times. They help pass on the original traditions, customs and rituals of the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples from generation to generation. At the same time, civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

Goals of creation and traditions for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

The Day of Slavic Unity was established to unite different branches of the Slavs and strengthen the connection between generations. It is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and culture of the Slavs.

On June 25, on the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, heads of state traditionally congratulate the citizens of not only their country, but also all Slavic brothers on this significant date. The holiday makes Slavs all over the world remember their origins and roots. The Slavs represent the largest linguistic and cultural community of peoples in the world.

As part of the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, various events are held that are aimed at developing friendly relations between the Slavic countries.

According to written and archaeological sources, the Slavs already in the VI-VII centuries. lived in Central and Eastern Europe. Their lands extended from the Elbe and Oder rivers in the west to the upper reaches of the Dniester and the middle reaches of the Dnieper in the east.

Slavic peoples

Currently, the Slavs live across a vast territory of Southern and Eastern Europe and further east - all the way to the Russian Far East. There is also a Slavic minority in the countries of Western Europe, America, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

It is customary to distinguish three branches of Slavic peoples. Western Slavs are: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians. The South Slavs include: Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Herzegovinians, Macedonians, Slovenes and Montenegrins. Eastern Slavs: Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians.

The problem of the origin and ancient history of the Slavs is one of the most difficult. The joint efforts of archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, ethnographers and historians are aimed at solving it.

Modern Slavic peoples have quite heterogeneous genetic origins. This can explain the complexity of ethnogenetic processes in Eastern Europe. These processes began tens of thousands of years ago, intensified during the Great Migration of Peoples in the 5th century and are still ongoing.

Slavic languages ​​belong to a branch of the Indo-European family of languages. They belong to the Indo-European languages ​​of the Satem group. The Baltic and Slavic languages, in terms of vocabulary, morphology and syntax, have many more similarities than any other group of Indo-European languages. The presence of a number of similar features in the Baltic and Slavic languages ​​may indicate that in ancient times there was a Baltic-Slavic linguistic unity.

For a long time there were no independent Slavic states. In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany. By the end of the 20th century, all Slavic peoples had already received state independence. The exceptions were Russians and Lusatians.

The Slavic peoples owe the appearance of writing to Constantine and Methodius. It was they who streamlined the Slavic letter and completely adapted it for recording Slavic speech. A huge amount of work was done to create a book-written Slavic language, which later received the name Old Church Slavonic.

The Slavs have a very rich and diverse culture. She should be proud and show it to other peoples. However, for a long time it was not given much importance; everything Western was implanted. As part of this holiday, cultural events are held in different countries aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.