Lincoln Memorial. RoadMovie - Film tourism without borders. Idea and preparatory work


The Lincoln Memorial is a memorial complex located on the National Mall in downtown Washington. Was built in honor of the sixteenth US President Abraham Lincoln

His presidency lasted for years Civil War(1861-1865). The memorial, erected from 1914 to 1922, symbolizes Lincoln's belief that all people should be free.


Demands to build a worthy monument to perpetuate the memory of the president have been expressed since his death. The first public memorial to Abraham Lincoln was dedicated three years after his assassination, in 1868, in Washington, D.C., in front of D.C. City Hall (currently home to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit).

In March 1867, Congress decided to create a national memorial. There were many delays in the implementation of the project, the decision to build was postponed several times (in 1901, 1902 and 1908), and only in 1913 did Congress approve the design and location of the memorial.

Initially, the construction commission's plan was questioned: the monument in the form of a Greek temple, proposed by the architect Henry Bacon, seemed too majestic to perpetuate the memory of such modest man, like Lincoln, in addition, the swampy area in West Potomac Park was not very suitable for the construction of such a large structure. And yet the plan was approved, and $300,000 was allocated for the project.

Workers position the cornerstone of the memorial building in 1914

The monument was unveiled on May 30, 1922, with the former president's only surviving son, Robert Todd Lincoln, attending the ceremony.

Poet Edwin Markham reads his poem "Lincoln, a Man of the People" at the official dedication of the Memorial. May 30, 1922

Limestone from Indiana and marble from Colorado were used for construction; the sculpture of the president was made from marble mined in Georgia.

The monument was initially controlled by the Department of Public Buildings and Grounds, but on August 10, 1933, the memorial was transferred to the National Park Service.

The swamp in front of the Lincoln Memorial, near the Potomac River, in 1917. Work is underway to transform the site into a 2,000-foot (609-meter) long reflecting pool.

On August 28, 1963, the monument witnessed one of the largest demonstrations in American history—March on Washington for jobs and freedom. Many speeches were then made from the steps of the memorial, including Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” address. In memory of this event, a memorial plaque was installed near the entrance.


Compositionally, the building symbolizes the Union. There are 36 columns along its perimeter—that’s how many states had united at the time of Lincoln’s death. The names of 48 states (that’s how many there were by 1922, when the memorial was completed) are carved along the outer wall of the building. A plaque with the names of the last two states to join, Alaska and Hawaii, is installed at the approaches to the memorial.

Lincoln statue inside the memorial

At the center of the memorial is a statue of Lincoln by Daniel Chester French, who used photographs by Matthew Brady to depict the president seated with a pensive face, looking toward the Washington Monument and the Capitol. The Lincoln statue is 19 feet (5.79 m) tall and weighs 175 tons. Right above it on the wall are the words:

“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved unity, the memory of Abraham Lincoln will live on forever.”


The memorial is open 24 hours a day. More than 6 million people visit it annually. In 2007, the monument was ranked seventh on the American Institute of Architects' list of the 150 most popular buildings and structures in the United States.

City's legends

Several popular urban legends are associated with the president's statue. According to one of them, the face of Robert Edward Lee is carved on the back of Lincoln's head, looking towards his Custis-Lee mansion in Arlington.

According to the second legend, using American Sign Language, the president demonstrates his initials: his left hand gestures the letter “A”, and his right hand “L”. The National Park Service denies this. However, historian Gerald Prokopovich believes that French could well have been familiar with sign language and such in an original way to thank Lincoln for the establishment of Gallaudet University; in addition, the publication of the National Geographic Society claims that one of the sons of the author of the sculpture was deaf, and the sculptor himself spoke sign language.

Images on banknotes

From 1959 to 2008, the Lincoln Memorial was featured on the reverse of the U.S. 1-cent coin, which was issued to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the president's birth. The image was created by an engraver who had never seen the memorial itself. And although the Minister of Finance liked it, numismatists were critical of it, “looking like a trolleybus,” calling it “an artistic disaster.” An image of the monument can also be seen on the back of the $5 bill.


I was never able to photograph the memorial itself without people present. No matter what time of day I came to this place, it was not deserted: someone was sitting on the steps and reading a newspaper, someone was warming up, someone was taking selfies, the cleaners were cleaning the memorial, as if the president himself would speak here today. But the main influx of visitors occurs in the evening, when there is nowhere to even put a tripod.

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Lincoln Memorial (USA) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Lincoln Memorial in central Washington is dedicated to the 16th President of the United States - A. Lincoln. This great American leader was head of state during the Civil War between North and South from 1861-65, he believed in democracy and freedom of citizens and supported the liberation struggle against slavery.

The memorial complex, located on the National Mall of the capital, is one of the 10 most visited buildings in the country, it is visited by more than 6 million people a year, and is featured on the 5 USD banknote. The mausoleum is built in the style of an ancient Greek temple with a colonnade, in the center of which stands the Lincoln monument. There is no exhibition at the memorial; people come here to pay tribute to one of the most revered political figures in the United States and feel the spirit of democracy and freedom.


Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by opponents of his policies, and in 1865, grateful citizens initiated the construction of a memorial in honor of their idol. The competition for the best project was won by one of the most famous sculptors of the 19th and 20th centuries, D.C. French, based on a photograph taken by G. Bacon. Construction of the complex took place in 1914-22, the long-awaited monument was opened in the presence of 50 thousand people.

What to see

The dimensions of the pantheon are impressive - width 56 m, height 57 m, appearance similar to the famous Athens Parthenon. It is surrounded along the perimeter by a white marble colonnade of 36 columns: such was the number of north American states during the construction of the memorial. The names of these and later annexed states are carved on the walls of the complex, and Hawaii and Alaska - at the approach to it.

In the center of the open-walled hall is a 6-meter monument, seated in the presidential chair facing the Washington Column and the Capitol building.

Visually, it seems that the statue is carved from a single block of marble; in fact, it is made up of several pieces of stone, perfectly fitted to each other.

Engraved on huge stone slabs inside the complex are two of the president's most famous speeches. One of them was addressed to the American people at the inauguration for a new presidential term in 1865. The other was delivered in 1963 at the opening of a military cemetery in Gettysburg: the battle that brought victory to the northerners in the Civil War against the Confederates from the south took place in this town. This two-minute speech on the principles of equal rights and the unity of the United States became one of the most significant addresses of the President. Engravings on the walls of the memorial illustrate symbols of people's freedom from slavery and justice, proclaimed by the great reformer.

After visiting the Lincoln House Museum, we go to the president's grave.

Abraham Lincoln's grave is located in Springfield's historic Oak Ridge City Cemetery, located within the city limits.

No tickets are needed here, entry to the cemetery territory is free, there was no security nearby, only a lawn mower trimming the already neatly trimmed lawns.

The cemetery is very well maintained, of course!

The burials mainly date back to the beginning of the last century.

Not far from the main entrance is the crypt of one of the former governors Springfield, it stands out noticeably against the background of other monuments.
Quite ancient, over a hundred years old.

I even looked behind the fence: I saw a bust of the governor himself and many coins of various denominations on the gravestone.

A squirrel was jumping nearby between the trees in the green, not yet withered grass.

An ensemble of four statues, representing officers from the infantry, artillery, cavalry and navy, is installed on the terrace where Lincoln's tomb is located, as a memorial to the soldiers of the American Civil War (1861-1865) and is visible from a distance, right from the entrance.

This monument is also the property of the State of Illinois and was named one of the first National Historical Monuments in 1960.

But before going inside, I examined the surroundings.

Lincoln's body was in this crypt after it was transported from Washington to Springfield.

Lincoln died without regaining consciousness on April 15, 1865.
Mine last way he performed in a railway saloon car that was built especially for him, but which he never used during his lifetime.
Together with the late Lincoln, the remains of his son Willie, who died at the age of 12 three years before the president’s death, also traveled to Illinois - the body was exhumed in order to be buried with his father.

Before finding its final rest, Lincoln's remains traveled by train to seven states, and in each big city a funeral procession was held.
The body was carried in an open coffin; the corpse was first embalmed.

The central place in the funeral procession was occupied by a gun carriage with a coffin covered with the US national flag, drawn by six horses.

Immediately behind the coffin was the president’s favorite horse, named Old Bob, covered in a mourning blanket, saddled and bridled; Lincoln's boots were inserted into the stirrups of the saddle, toes backwards.

Lincoln's tragic death contributed to the creation around his name of an aura of a martyr who gave his life for the reunification of the country and the liberation of slaves.

Millions of Americans, white and black, came to give last duty to his president during the two-and-a-half week journey of the funeral train from Washington to Springfield.

Passing through New York State, he followed the exact same route that Lincoln had taken from Illinois to the District of Columbia years earlier as president-elect but not yet inaugurated.

He stopped several times along the way so people could offer their condolences to Lincoln before arriving at his final destination in Springfield.
Some claimed that all the clocks in the area stopped every time the train stopped.

At the entrance to the memorial is a bronze bust of Lincoln by sculptor Gutzon Borglum, the same one who immortalized the president among three other presidents on Mount Rochemore.
People from all over the world come here to not only honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln, but also to touch the tip of his nose.

They say it brings good luck!
A rather unusual ritual in relation to the presidential monument, but it was not invented by us.
I wonder what the president himself would say about this tradition? Would he like her?

This plaque lists the president's descendants: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Only one of Abraham Lincoln's 4 sons lived to an old age.

This is the eldest son of Robert Todd Lincoln (1843-1926) - American lawyer and Secretary of War.
The same one that donated the Lincoln House to the state of Illinois.
Received an excellent education at Harvard and the University of Chicago, he was the US Ambassador to Great Britain and then the country's 35th Secretary of War.
He died at the age of 82 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
According to the guide, there are no living direct descendants of Lincoln.

And finally, we go inside the memorial itself, where a guide meets us at the entrance.
His job is rather sad: sitting at the grave in the twilight, waiting for visitors.
Although he is rarely here alone.

Following us, two buses with schoolchildren and several cars with unorganized tourists arrived.
But at the moment when we went inside, except for the guide and us, there was no one else alive there.

There is a sculpture of Lincoln right at the entrance, and the grave is located in the depths of the memorial; to get to it you need to walk a few meters along the corridor.

The Lincoln Ossuary is the resting place of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of their four sons: Edward, 4, William, 11, and Thomas, 18.

The memorial was built with additional crypts for Lincoln family members in addition to the four sites already in use.
However, since the remaining members of the Lincoln family have not expressed a desire to be buried here, the other crypts remain empty

The interior of the memorial, built of marble, contains a rotunda, a funeral room, as well as connecting corridors and is striking in its splendor and luxury.

The walls of the rotunda are decorated with 16 marble pilasters, which are separated by marble groups.
The pilasters symbolize Lincoln and the 15 presidents who preceded him.

There are also sculptures reflecting different stages of the president’s life.
The walls of the room where the president is buried are black and white marble, and the ceiling is made of palladium with gilding.

In the center stands the cenotaph: a 7-ton block of reddish marble with the name of President Lincoln and the years of his life, and behind it at a depth of 10 feet
there is a grave.
Nine flags are arranged in a semicircle around the cenotaph.
Seven of them are the flags of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois - the states where Lincoln and his ancestors lived.
The eighth and ninth are the US flag and the Presidential flag.
“Now he belongs to eternity,” is written on the wall above the American flag.

Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) - 16th President of the United States, one of the most outstanding people who have ever held this position.
He is considered the greatest of the Presidents of the United States of America.
His image can be seen on the national currency.
All subsequent presidents constantly compare themselves with him.
The first American Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, is a national hero who gave freedom to black slaves.
Lincoln went to the polls with the idea of ​​freeing the slaves and abolishing slavery throughout the United States.
“I can only hate slavery,” said Lincoln. “I hate him because of the monstrous injustice.”

Lincoln's saying became widely known: “If slavery is not considered evil, then there is no evil in the world at all.”
His election caused a division of the country, the secession of slave states and a civil war.
Leading the North, Lincoln brought matters to the complete surrender of the southerners and the introduction of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the country, prohibiting slavery and any forced labor.
In retaliation, the President was assassinated by Southern-sympathizing conspirators.
Lincoln went down in history as an original political thinker and a great orator.
His Gettysburg Address, delivered on November 19, 1863, became a model of American rhetoric for all time.

In many ways, his personal qualities made it possible to mobilize the forces of the state and reunite the country.
After Lincoln's assassination, the United States economy became the most dynamically developing economy in the world for a long time.
As a sign of the gratitude of the American people, a memorial was also erected in Washington to the sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln as one of the four presidents who determined historical development United States of America.
To this day, Abraham Lincoln is considered one of the most intellectual presidents of the United States.
Assessing Lincoln's merits, the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy said this: “He was what Beethoven was in music, Dante in poetry, Raphael in painting, Christ in the philosophy of life.”

The results of sociological surveys indicate that it is Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of America, who causes greatest love and respect from the inhabitants not only of their own country, but also of other states in the world. His reign, as is known from history, occurred during the Civil War. In honor of the great president, the majestic Lincoln Memorial was built in the very center of the American capital. This is a tribute to the memory of a great man who went down in history as a charismatic and strong-willed personality who initiated the proclamation of freedom in his country and the abolition of slavery.

Great President of a Great Country

Americans associate the name of Abraham Lincoln with such concepts as honesty, tolerance and perseverance. Years after his administration, the nation found it necessary to pay tribute to the memory of its beloved president and erect the Lincoln Memorial in the historical center of Washington, in the area of ​​​​the National Mall, which became a symbol of the fact that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender and education - equal! Unfortunately, the sixteenth President of the United States was assassinated. This was a big blow for everyone in the country.

Idea and preparatory work

After the tragic day, American citizens wanted to build a memorial. The year was 1865... After the government decided to create a monument, a competition was announced among architects and sculptors. The best projects were recognized as drawings submitted by Daniel Chester French and Henry Bacon - two famous sculptors USA. However, construction of the Lincoln Memorial began only in 1914. It lasted until 1922. The grand opening took place on the last day of spring 1922. About 50,000 people attended the event, including the president's son, Robert Todd Lincoln. Finally, the nation sighed calmly: from now on, the memory of a great man will be preserved for centuries!

Lincoln Memorial: description

This monument is one of the most majestic structures in the entire United States. It rises in the center of the American capital. He has a very impressive size. Its height is 57 meters and width is 36 meters. In general, the complex is similar to greek temple- the famous Parthenon. The memorial is surrounded by 36 snow-white marble columns. And this number is not accidental, since at the time of Lincoln’s assassination the country included exactly thirty-six states. In the center is a six-meter statue of Lincoln. He sits on a chair and thoughtfully looks at the monument to one of America's favorite presidents, George Washington, and the Capitol. There is information that the weight of the sculpture is about 150 tons. Despite the fact that the monument seems absolutely whole, as if made from a monolithic piece of marble, in fact it consists of many parts. However, you can never see the seams.

Interior decoration

The interior walls are decorated with paintings. They allegorize principles such as justice, brotherhood, unity and freedom. Despite the fact that at the time of the assassination of President Lincoln there were 36 states in the country (the same number of columns along the perimeter), along the outer wall there are already the names of 48 states, which by the time the construction of the complex was completed, were part of the United States. On the plaque adjacent to the wall are the names of two more states - Alaska and Hawaii, which joined the United States later.

Two stone slabs can be seen inside the Lincoln Memorial. They contain texts that are familiar to any American: the first is the President's Gettysburg Address, and the second is the inaugural address. About $300,000 was spent on construction of the memorial. From building materials Colorado marble and Indiana limestone were chosen.


Tourists coming to the American capital from different parts of the world are delighted not only appearance monument, but also the ideal form in which it is kept. Of course, tourists are immediately struck by a sign that says: “in this temple, as well as in the hearts of people to whom it gave Unity, the memory of US President Abraham Lincoln will be preserved forever.” Tourists can visit the monument at any time of the day. About 6 million people come to see it every year. In terms of its importance as a tourist site, the Lincoln Memorial is seventh on the list.

City's legends

There are several legends associated with the memorial, or rather the statue. Some argue that the face of the owner of the Custis Lee mansion, Robert Edward Lee, is carved into the back of the monument's head, and that it is directed towards Arlington, where his majestic residence is located. Another legend says that President Lincoln's gesture, or rather the position of his hands, American language gestures are demonstrated by his initials, that is, the letters A and L. But the US National Parks Directorate denies this, although the fact that the author of the sculpture knew sign language is confirmed, since his son was deaf, and his father had to communicate with him in this way.

Currency notes and image of the Lincoln Memorial

In 1959, for the 150th anniversary of the birth of the sixteenth President of the United States, one-cent coins were issued that featured the Lincoln Memorial. It is very interesting that this image was created by an engraver who had never seen with his own eyes before or even knew where the Lincoln Memorial was located. The Minister of Finance approved this drawing, but numismatists were critical of it, calling it similar to a trolleybus.

The image of the monument can be seen on the 5 US dollar bill.

Features of the Lincoln Memorial

As already noted, this majestic complex is open to the public 24 hours a day. Powerful spotlights highlight the grandeur of this architectural structure V dark time days. More than 6 million visitors from all over the world come here every year. And on February 12 - his birthday - residents from all states of America come here to honor the memory of their beloved president.

In 1963, it was especially crowded here - more than 250,000 fighters for freedom and their rights came here. It was here that Martin Luther King made his fiery speech. He shared with those gathered at the rally his vision of life in a free, democratic and equal country for all, where there is no place for racial discrimination. 40 years later, a memorial plaque was installed here with the first words from King’s speech “I have a dream!” (I have a dream!)

The Lincoln Memorial is one of the most popular landmarks in Washington, built in honor of. The monument stands in the middle of the National Mall. It is a snow-white antique building, made in the neoclassical style. The building resembles ancient Greek buildings. It is decorated with numerous Doric columns. Abraham Lincoln - noteworthy historical figure. Americans remember his services to the country to this day - he was an ardent fighter against the slave system. Thanks to him, most of the United States was freed from this unfortunate yoke. The president had to pay a terrible price for freedom from slavery. In 1865, he was shot and killed at the Ford Theater by Confederate sympathizer John Booth. Today the memorial is of great importance to Americans. Many come to him to pay tribute to the memory of the great politician and freedom fighter Abraham Lincoln.

A little history

After tragic death president local residents decided to build a memorial. At the end of 1865, the association responsible for the construction of the monument announced a competition for the best architectural design. After heated debate, the jury made a unanimous decision to admit best projects sculptor Henry Bacon and architect Daniel French. Construction of the memorial began in 1914 and lasted 8 years. The townspeople celebrated the grand opening in May 1922.

Excursion to the memorial


The Lincoln Memorial is a true masterpiece architectural art. It is located in the heart of Washington. The height of the building is 57 meters, width is 36 meters. It's like he stepped out of the pages of a magazine about Ancient Greece. The structure can only be compared with the great and mighty Parthenon. The decoration of the memorial is its numerous columns made of white marble. The facade of the building is covered in writing catchphrases Lincoln. The frescoes tell about life priorities great figure. Nearby is a picturesque pond in which this snow-white miracle is reflected, as if in a mirror. At the very entrance to the building there is a huge sculpture of Lincoln. With his head held high, he sits on a huge carved chair, as if on a throne. His thoughtful gaze is filled with anxiety and determination. It is directed towards the nearby Washington Monument. The total weight of the sculpture is 150 tons. A ceremonial staircase leads from the pond to the memorial.

Interior decoration

Having overcome several front steps, visitors find themselves in the holy of holies - in the memorial building. Tourists see a spacious, bright hall, the walls of which are decorated with original paintings. The names of all American states are carved on one of the walls. In the center of the hall there are two huge stone slabs. The first is Lincoln's memorable speech at Gettysburgs. On the other plate is an address to citizens after the president took office. The doors of the complex are open to visitors every day. At night, the memorial is especially beautiful, illuminated by powerful electric spotlights, it looks even more mysterious and charming. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world come to admire this snow-white architectural miracle. Every year on Lincoln's birthday, residents from all over America come here to pay tribute to the memory of the great man and politician. On this occasion, events are being held in the memorial building. holiday events. People remember the invaluable contribution this extraordinary man made to the history of the country.

Special maintenance personnel look after the memorial every day. Therefore, he looks amazing at any time of the day. Extraordinary legends have been circulating about the Lincoln Monument for several decades. Some claim that the face of American General Edward Lee is sculpted on the back of his head. Others say that the position of the president's hands represents his initials in sign language. In 1959, the US Bank issued one-cent coins featuring the Lincoln Memorial. Interestingly, the creator of the coins never actually saw this monument in person.

Address: 2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA

Telephone: +1 202-426-6841

Opening hours:open 24 hours a day