Master class "theater on spoons". Master class “Theater on spoons Step-by-step production of a theater on wooden spoons


Master class

"Theater on Spoons"

Target: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, developing imagination and creative abilities.


Introduce teachers to different types of theaters.

To encourage the widespread use of theatrical activities in kindergarten.

Teach teachers how to make some types of theatrical puppets.

Attract the attention of educators to the theatrical game.

Participants: educators.

Result: students master the techniques of using theatrical activities in kindergarten, develop the ability to make dolls.

Equipment: samples of spoons, wooden spoons, woolen threads, fabric, paper napkins, white cardboard, super glue, gouache, brush, jar of water, black pencil, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the meeting.

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Theater is a magical land in which a child enjoys playing, and in play he learns about the world! S. I. Merzlyakova

Theatrical play is universal - it can be used in joint activities with children, in any routine moments and in classes.

In my classes, I use theatrical play as a gaming technique and a form of teaching children. Characters are introduced into the lesson to help children acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The playful form of the lesson helps to emancipate the child and create an atmosphere of freedom and play. In the hands of adults, a doll is an assistant in solving many pedagogical problems. With the help of a doll, you can create playful motivation for the productive activities of children, give an adequate assessment of the product of the child’s activity on behalf of the doll, without the risk of causing offense or resistance.

Dear audience, you have listened to the theoretical part of my master class. Now we will move on to the practical.

In modern kindergarten, as you have seen, there are many types of dolls for theatrical activities. It is necessary to create and constantly update a developmental environment in the theater corners of the kindergarten. The “actors” and “actresses” in them should be bright, easy, and easy to manage. To organize a children's theater, we need puppets of various systems that develop in children certain skills and abilities that stimulate children's creativity. Many dolls are easy to make.

Dear colleagues!

I now invite you to learn how to create spoon dolls today. The Spoon Theater, being a simplified version of the performance with the participation of riding puppets, helps children master puppeteering techniques.

Making a spoon theater.

So, let's each take a spoon, a paper suit. Let's dress our spoon in clothes. We wrap the spoon in the suit and glue it around the edges. We will also need glue and small parts. You need to glue the costumes cut out of paper. We draw hair, a scarf, etc. Let's complement the image - you can do a certain hairstyle - braid pigtails and glue bows, make a mouth and nose.

Have you ever eavesdropped on children playing? If yes, then you know that children are amazingly artistic creatures. Mom’s and dad’s intonations are easily distinguishable, scenes from everyday life are recognizable... Transformation is a child’s second nature. He tries on different roles and plays them brilliantly. Inspire a young actor to experiment creatively and give him a puppet theater!

As always, we will use available materials, and the little artist himself will participate in the creation of his own theater.

Dolls made from... spoons

Bright and unusual theatrical dolls can be made from disposable spoons in half an hour. By the way, such toys are an ancient tradition; our ancestors painted and even decorated wooden spoons.

You can choose a fairy tale to make a doll set especially for. For example, the fairy tale “Turnip”.

You will need:

Disposable spoons (10-20 pieces);
hot gun and glue;
yarn of different colors;
accessories (buttons, beads, small parts).

First you need to think through the details for each doll.

For grandfather, for example, you can use gray yarn to make hair, eyebrows and mustaches, a large bead for the nose, dark fabric for clothes. You can simply draw the eyes with a marker or glue store-bought ones.

To make doll hair, wind the threads around two fingers, remove the skein and tie it in the middle with thread of the same color. Cut the loops, trim the ends. Apply hot glue to the back (in this case, concave) side of the spoon and glue on a bunch of threads. We also glue on the mustache and nose.

Grandfather has a double body - a second spoon is glued to the base spoon, masking the underside. To do this, drop glue onto the top of the cutting and connect the parts.

Wrap a piece of fabric around the handle of the spoon so that it sits loosely (to add volume to the body). Tie fabric clothes, disguise this place with decorative tape.

To make a hairstyle for your grandmother, you need to wind a thread around your palm, make two bunches, and glue them on the concave side of the spoon on the sides (attachment points are marked with black dots). After the glue has hardened, lift the strands up and tie them in the form of a bun. We wrap long strands around the bun and secure with thread of the same color. (Since the grandmother’s hairstyle is voluminous, the second spoon (the back part) may protrude and lie sloppily.)

A turnip can be made from a spoon and half a Kinder surprise box. First you need to cut an oval piece of fabric of such a size that it can easily decorate the front part, and still be enough to overlap the back part and secure it. The fabric is attached from the back (concave) side with hot glue. After all, the turnip head is attached to the spoon.

The turnip may have eyes, a mouth painted with red varnish, and on the top of the turnip’s head there may be a bun decorated with a ribbon.

You can give your granddaughter a more “free” hairstyle, and make the dog’s ears and tongue from the remains of a rubber glove or pieces of fabric.

Cone finger puppets

These dolls are relatively fragile - they cannot be crushed, and their strength is not the same. But cone dolls are very funny and dynamic, because wolves and bears sit right on the tips of children's fingers.

You will need:

Colored paper;
PVA glue;

You can also choose which fairy tale heroes to make. For example, “Teremka”: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a mischievous bear.

Cut a circle with a diameter of 13 cm into 4 equal parts. One of these quarters will be the template for the base of the toy. The rest is a different set of details for each character.

The workpiece must be rolled up and glued.

Glue the remaining parts - ears, eyes, whiskers, paws, tails, etc. to the finished body. You can curl your mustache using a pencil or using a scissor blade.

Unsinkable Theater

Finger puppets for playing in the bathroom, which will help not only unleash the creative potential of a toddler, but also develop hand motor skills, can be easily made from household rubber gloves.

You will need:

Medium size household rubber gloves (one pair);
new balloons of different colors (2-3 pieces);
super glue;
beads, buttons or something similar.

Cut off the fingers from the gloves, and to make it neat, make a curly cut, decorating it with teeth. First, make cuts in one direction, then use scissors to meet these cuts to create corners.

Even if you use a simple marker and just draw faces and muzzles on the dolls, it will turn out great. The marker does not wash off in water. If you have 2-3 colors, the dolls will be bright and expressive.

You can make the “artists” three-dimensional. For this you will need balloons and beads. And before gluing the parts, do not forget to degrease the surfaces.

By the way, in addition to the bathroom, finger puppets can ride with you in the car, visit the clinic, and go to the beach.

Serbina Anna

Target: Development of creative abilities of young children through the creation and implementation of a system of work in different types of children's activities.

Learn to make crafts from waste materials; introduce the properties, qualities of objects, and their purpose, methods of making crafts, develop imagination and thinking; cultivate diligence, perseverance, accuracy.

To successfully implement the assigned tasks, the model of interaction between teacher – parents – children is taken as a basis.

Tasks for parents:

Create favorable conditions in the family for the development of the child’s personality;

Create conditions for independent improvisation using puppet theater;

Involve children in the joint production of puppets for the puppet theater;

Support, develop and strengthen the child’s desire to independently participate in a puppet show;

Contribute to the overall development of the child through theatrical activities;

Tasks for children:

Develop gaming, cognitive, speech, sensory abilities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child;

Encourage the child to communicate with dolls;

To form in a child an emotional, aesthetic and caring attitude towards toys;


Plastic spoons, eyes, plasticine.

Progress of the event:

Hello dear parents. I am glad to see you at my master class. Today we will talk about theatrical activities with young children and learn how to make characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” together with children.

Say it in unison, friends,

Do you love children? No or yes?

We came to the meeting, I had no strength at all,

Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No.)

I understand you. What should I do, gentlemen?

Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes.)

Give me the answer then:

Would you refuse to help me? (No.)

I'll ask you one last thing:

Will we all be active? (Yes.)

A Japanese proverb says:

Tell me - I will hear

Show me - I'll remember

Let me do it myself - I’ll understand!”

By participating in theatrical play, children learn about the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and theatrical performance develops the child’s emotional sphere, makes him sympathize and empathize with the characters. This type of game has a great influence on the development of children’s literate, emotional and content-rich speech. Theatrical play promotes the development of such personality qualities as observation, independence, endurance, the development of fantasy, imagination, and allows the formation of the experience of social skills due to the fact that literary works for children have a moral orientation.

Dear parents, what fairy tales do you know?

What fairy tales do you read to your children at home?

What do you think a fairy tale gives to children?

A fairy tale helps a child evaluate the actions of the heroes: good, bad, sorry, happy for the heroes. For example, in the fairy tale “Teremok”.

What moral qualities are brought up in this fairy tale?

Fosters kindness, friendship, responsiveness.

What types of theater do you know?

Guys, look what a tower I have. Who lives in it? Let's take a look (children take turns taking out characters from different types of theater, parents get information about what types of theater there are)

Theatrical activities of young children are formed gradually. Our task is to create the conditions for its emergence and development in time.

In kindergarten we use theatricalization in different types of activities: in the pedagogical process (in classes, organizing game situations, outdoor games, in routine moments. For example, teaching cultural and hygienic skills - the doll shows how to wash your hands correctly, use a towel.

We use characters - toys during adaptation. For example, dolls distract children, help them relax, relieve tension, and evoke positive emotions in children. Telling Russian folk tales and showing puppet, table and finger theater began to distract children from the whims and memories of their mother not being around.

The most favorite theater for children is the tabletop theater. It is simple and accessible, does not require specific skills, children themselves act with toys - characters. However, children at this age cannot develop and play out the entire plot, since they do not have access to the experience of game actions. The children and I repeat all the phrases several times, try to play them up, convey the character of the fox, wolf, bear, mouse, etc.

Also, little children love to play with the finger theater. The child puts the characters on his fingers and acts as the character himself, he develops fine motor skills and imagination, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech is improved, he learns to convey the mood and character of the character.

Theatrical activity in young children is formed gradually. Our task is to create conditions for its manifestation and development.

Children's introduction to theater begins with puppets. Today we will make a theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok” from plastic spoons.

we will need plasticine, a modeling board, plastic spoons and ready-made eyes.


1. “color” the spoon with plasticine.

2. sculpt a muzzle

3. add ready-made eyes

After making the fairy tale characters, children and parents act out the fairy tale “Teremok”.

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